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File: 1338128612811.jpg-(65 KB, 1600x900, lord help us.jpg)
65 KB
You guys we need to prepare this kid means business I mean he knows the creator of memes!!

You're the sixth person to post this today. pls go.

Get the fuck out!
Watch out he has a piece of paper with our names on it!
>not knowing ralp pootawn
ralph pls go
File: 1338128887476.jpg-(4 KB, 184x184, e6002606312fb111caafa4e9873b07(...).jpg)
4 KB
>doesn't know pls go

pls go
this kid could not be making himself any more obvious and dumb shits like OP fall for it
This kid is serving as the embodiment of everything we hate and he knows what he is doing. He's the hero 4chan deserves, but not the one we need right now. So we'll hate him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
File: 1338129141624.png-(44 KB, 170x170, 1337484194858.png)
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This is an obvious fake/troll, if your getting mad at this you deserve it
1. This is >>>/b/ shit.

2. Ten years from now he's still going to feel like a massive idiot every time he remembers this.
Quit reposting this, it's very obvious a troll video.

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