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Original article: http://pastebin.com/UwuNQVqG

I don't know what to feel here. These morons have invented the acronym "SWM" to refer to Straight White Males because they bitch about them so much. Despite being an article tangentially related to video games, they aren't mentioned once on Reddit.
And who the fuck here cares about reddit or Kotaku?
No one, so fuck off.
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>women, gays, and minorities general

who cares, straight white male master race here, deal with it plebs
straight white males are the least privileged in society. More scholarships and jobs to minorities and women.
>I'm too young to die
Fucking casuals.
>Elder protocols

>If you go out of your way to see the world only in terms of gender and sex, if you buy into the unproven and unprovable conspiracy theories and circular logic of feminism, if you twist reality to the point that your prejudices and facts become indistinguishable, then you'll see that The Patriarchy(tm) is EVERYWHERE!
I hate this bullshit so much.
Privlege is the biggest fucking buzzword ever, it's just shit social justice warriors on tumblr say to attempt to disregard any good points you make.
Polite sage for barely vidya
If you're born into a First World Nation and you still can't get your shit together you're a fucking failure. Enough said.

Maybe these people should stop whining on Tumblr and do something productive.
Why straight white males should choose the lowest difficulty setting?
Because gay males are more used to pain?
>The game is easier to play, automatically, and when you need help, by default it's easier to get.

cept when you're trying to get a fucking scholarship.
One of Reddit's most popular subreddits is about the liberal conspiracy against men. Like it or not this is a place where you agree, /v/.

Bullshit, reddit is one big liberal athiest circle jerk,
The fact that they even imply that it's a choice that someone is born a straight, white, cis male is fucking retarded.
If people could choose, trans* people wouldn't fucking choose the wrong gender.
What a load of shit. Straight white males don't get anything handed to them, we fly under the radar. We have to pay for college, EARN a good job, compete with others for a girl.

Minorities get jobs handed to them no matter how dumb they are because of this stupid initiative to have a token member of every race in every job.

The also get hundreds more scholarship choices just for being not-white. Double if they're female.

Women can fuck their way to the top of a company, remove people they don't like with "OMG HE SEXUALLY HARASSED ME" and get their entire lives paid for by a beta man. Then if they decide they don't like him, they can just fuck off and take 70% of his life with them.
They also can't help but pile on stories about how blacks have parenting issues, more crime, etc.

They're less honest with themselves about it, but a lot of the sentiment is the same.
Why the fuck are you even browsering Kotaku? Don't give it views, you fucktard.
This is the weakest extended metaphor I have ever read. It doesn't even describe how it works other than "Being a straight white male is easy"

its not even about games

Isn't it ironic that feminism campaigns for more equality when it comes to women CEOs and women Presidents, but says nothing about the fact that the vast majority of homeless and people working on the lower end of the social ladder (trashmen, manual laborers, etc.) are men. They don't want equality and androgyny, they want to be pushed to the top.
my class congratulates [black male] and [black female] for being black teenagers.jpg
This, Jesus fuck man, they can never shut the fuck up about Atheism. And there is always love for Minorities, even though there are hundreds of articles saying that Whites will be the minority soon, and in some places they already are.

Also, Straight White Males has and is still dealing with much bullshit, such as Feminists, Liberals, Multiculturalism, Jobs, Competition, Scholarships and so on.
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>white males
> privileged
Isn't Kotaku supposed to be a gaming website?
You forgot Cultural Marxism
>constant articles berating men
>men basically tell them to fuck off and they do what they want
>articles like


>start popping up every other month.

It's safe to say the media can now be completely ignored.
Straight white males are the least-discriminated against.

This is no secret; I don't know why you're taking issue with it.
Class conflict is the problem.

Wealthy privileged asswipes like Scalzi try to distract people from that.

And it's Kotaku, if you know someone that reads that shit punch them in the dick.
they never wanted equality. they wanted a bigger piece of the pie the men worked for.
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>actually believing this.

Son, there are things you need to learn before you can comment on things like this.
I'm not going to dignify the article with a read, but you know what pisses me off? PEOPLE GET PAID TO COMPLAIN ABOUT STUPID BULLSHIT ON THE INTERNET.

This isn't some kind of activism. White males don't "owe" the rest of the world anything. This is just whiny fuckers complaining loudly. And because of the Internet, they make enough fucking money to live off of, for COMPLAINING.

There was a time in human history when if someone started whining loudly about bullshit in the middle of a crowd, you just told them to shut the fuck up and threw a rock at their head.

What happened?
I agree, we are privileged. But that is not because of some world wide conspiracy but because our ancestors, the SWMs, worked hard to build a functioning society instead of being lazy nignogs.

I like to go on Reddit and browse the liberal subreddits. It's an untapped source of OC rage material, it never fails to get my jimmies rustled. I noticed a thread about this article (I'd seen threads on /v/ about it before). I provided a link to pastebin so you don't have to give them ad revenue.


It's textbook conspiracy theory and propaganda stuff. The whole US vs a faceless, uniform (and yet invisible) THEM. Feminism is a business.
>easy mode
>white male

Are you a white male being born in the white side of Johannesburg?
Yes you're privileged.

Are you a polish fucker immigrating in germany?
Not so much.
Black people get longer sentences for the same crimes.

Women make less money in the same jobs.

This isn't rocket science.
>Reddit is X
You people are retarded. Reddit, just like 4chan, is a huge site with people with very different beliefs and lifestyles,

I mean, yeah, sure, majority of Reddit are liberal whiny little politically correct faggots, but that doesn't mean there are some pretty un-PC subreddits out there. Saying all Reddit is the same because of shit like r/atheism, r/SRS and r/politics is like saying all 4chan is the same because of /b/ and /v/. Or hell, just compare the difference in posters in, say, /v/ and /soc/.
>Women make less money in the same jobs.

Why do people say that anymore? It's clear that they are not the minority anymore.

Which means we don't need to treat them special anymore.
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>implying i feel bad about being a straight white male
>implying it isn't fuckawesome

dealwithit every other race and gender
>Women make less money in the same jobs.

No, they don't.
Correction: Being born RICH white male is the easiest difficult setting. Here's the rundown in America in terms of difficulty from easiest to hardest:

Rich White Male
Rich White Female
Rich Minority
Middle Class Minority (Either Gender)
Middle Class White Male
Middle Class White Female
Lower Class Minority Male
Lower Class Minority Female
Lower Class White Female
Lower Class White Male

Poor white males are absolutely fucked. You have no upward mobility, no government programs to assist you AND you're still considered part of the "privileged" class, allowing everyone else to discriminate against you with reckless abandon.
Women make less money than men in the same jobs because there are more men in those jobs than women.
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There needs to be two categories of straight white men.

>straight white males that were born into a rich family
>straight white males that were born in a poor/middle class family that didn't have everything handed to them and has to work for it like everyone else, except with almost 0 assistance these days.

Guess which one gets more attention as being privileged?
See >>140889504

God you scum all think alike.
>Women make less money in the same jobs.

If you control for education, intelligence, age, hours worked, marital status, family status, etc. women out-earn men by 8%. Women also receive far more advanced degrees than men. Stop repeating these idiotic memes.
aw shit, son, are you?
tell me a bit of the life of a polish immigrant.
Nice sources, pal.
>If you control for education, intelligence, age, hours worked, marital status, family status, etc. women out-earn men by 8%. Women also receive far more advanced degrees than men
Is this what they're saying on stormfront these days?
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>first paragraph is about how people will point out the incorrect use of the word privilege
>still uses privilege incorrectly

>Total disregard for facts and reality

Go back to reddit, you'll fit right in there.
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>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a racist/sexist nazi
>Be straight. On /v/, of all places.
>Be white.
>Be male.
>Can't get any jobs because Muslims get priority.
>Don't get things given to me on a platter because I don't have tits.
>Can't complain about bullying of my gender because I'm straight.

Easy mode.
I don't quite get what is white in these discussions as well.

are russians white?
are roma white?
are jews white?

All this sex and race talk is just distraction from the real issue of class.

A friend of mine is sone of polish immigrants.
He's fine, even if some still call him slav rat or shit like that.
But his parents?

Oh boy did they get treaten like shit.

>he can't do his own research

In this day and age, a woman can point a finger and you'll be in jail for 20 years because of her word.

Women get hired more at entry level jobs because they have tits too.
>have years of experience in computer engineering and programming
>ask for an entry level position at a tech company
>they give it to an illiterate Pakistani

Don't even get me started on university.
This was truth but apparently as it is showing this is ceasing to be the case.
>All this sex and race talk is just distraction from the real issue of class.
What is really fucked up is that minorities get money for college in the US, when I'm pretty sure whites are becoming less populated.

It discriminates against whites (always expects them to be financially well off) and the minorities (expects them to not have enough money)
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Fucking this

My parents split up and the ones I threw my lot in with gamble all their money away.

I tried to get a scholarship to have any hope of getting in to a good uni and what do you know, I was denied because I'm "White and a male".

Whereas miss nigress across the street who's dad sells drugs to pay for their flatscreen and mum sits on her ass all day collecting welfare cheques gets to go to a nice college because she's "disadvantaged".

When will people learn that race, gender and all that shit really don't matter.
Its down to individual people and fringe cases.

Fucking priveleged.
Have you ever gone without food for a few days? Its not good

Here's another one (from today actually). Ironically (or not), the newspaper is one of Reddit's favorites.


>Objectifying women is always wrong, men create problems like anorexia and drug abuse!
>Which is why we need to objectify men more, give them a taste of their own medicine.
>Look at this faggot, he totally deserved it, no way he's telling the truth, he just needs to grow a thicker skin and man up, what a pussy. It's his own fault.
>I hope his album gets scrapped too by the way. And remember that objectifying women is pure evil, but objectifying men is OK.

The author usually writes for the Jewish Chronicle.

More irony? The same newspaper published this yesterday: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/may/27/barbara-ellen-women-pestered-in-public

Bonus rage: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/apr/15/barbara-ellen-postnatally-depressed-fathers
>Men can't be depressed, they're just sexists with womb-jealousy
Whites are the minority in the world. The non-whites who whine are just jealous whiners.
Only americans are straight white males.

At least thats what everybody who writes this shit means.
Black/White halfcast here.

None of you pure whiteys can even say that you don't have a social edge over people of other ethnic origin or skin colour.
Just Anglos it seems
Russians are white because they have a land that should be culturally enriched according to far leftists.
Roma are an "oppressed minority" thus they obviously can't be white.
Jews are white but are an "opressed minority" when it suits the left but Israel must stay Jewish at all costs, cultural enrichment is a no-go there.

Yes, it's all bullshit. Like most of the pro-globalist tripe.
>went out for dinner with a couple women last night, first social outing in years
>got a few drinks in me
>they start talking about a topic they know nothing about
>I correct them at every turn with actual knowledge, not holding back power level
>they go "why do you even know this stuff?"
>even though they were perfectly willing to talk a subject into the ground, they consider it strange to LEARN anything about said subject

Not really on topic but at that point I realized that the opinions of women are STILL not worth my time, and I'm going back to being a recluse for 5 more years in hopes that shit will improve.
Don't suppose anyone has a pastebin of the follow up article?
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Fun Fact:
Most people who say they are gay, aren't.
>we need to objectify men more

have you seen Gears of War characters? how about any male character on TV? theyre ALL sex objects, men just dont complain
Interesting how all this was writen about in the protocols of zion over a hundred or so years ago.

Of course its apparently fake because the top links on google are watermarked saying its fake.
There is no such thing as class, it's just an abstraction used by populists to drum up hate. There are no secret "class" clubs where people decide to screw other "classes". Individuals in classes don't have identical interests. Class analysis is completely useless for both political and economic predictions and depends 100% on the arbitrary definition of whatever class is useful to make a point.

You people need to read up on public choice theory for an actually useful approach to these matters.
The best part is that the lower class white male listens to Rush Limbaugh and actually believes that capitalism will let them become rich one day.

You have better chances of getting rich by winning the lottery
That's the response you get from people who can't argue back with you. The same thing goes on, on /pol/. You beat someone in an arguement, they get all pissy and play the race card, "Go b4ck to stormfront". It's the same way blacks get when you tell them anything "Oh because am black right". Yes because you are black bitch, nobody can touch you today, nobody can do harm to black people today, black people can do no harm. If anything, they are the ones getting a free fucking pass.

You want equality? You want want multiculturalism? Where is the Chinese guy with the white girl? Where is the black girl with an Indian guy? Where is the Korean with the Latino guy? You never see this shit on T.V or in any of the advertisements.

Instead you get the white fat guy, who everyone treats as a loser and nerd, and then you have the strong black guy that everyone respect. You see this everywhere and even on the movies.
Act like actual men? What is that even supposed to mean? Hit women?

I loathe those feminist lesbians but this makes no sense. You are just trying to justify your inability to react and playing games all day.
>There is no such thing as class
Oh, so rich people become poor on a regular basis, and poor people become rich just as often?
Middle-class suburban mixed male here.

And I must say, I probably have it better than white males in the same class as me and black males in the classes below me. Sure, I have to deal with intolerance through life but in terms of financial aid when it comes to education? I just had much more opportunity than my white friends did.

It's not fair, and I think it is because the government looks at us like pieces on a game board, or just numbers and statistics than human beings with aspirations and dreams like anyone else. Also, white guilt is very uncomfortable to watch....
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There's that word again, have you ever been on Stormfront at all?

Implying people are from Stormfront because they actually have a realistic view on the world instead of being brainwashed by the media.

And this is comming from a gay tripfag.

That's not because of skin color, that's because you know your rights and he doesn't, he also will probably be paid less and have a laughable job contract.

Why is EA support all indian based if not for this?
what's worst is that this whole "ecks dee nerds are cool geek is chic" thing going around. any "nerd" girl that i've told i like to program just stares at me blankly
>Women make less money in the same jobs.
Actually they make less doing different jobs.
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>There is no such thing as class
>Gee, I sure am glad gaming journalism has decided to grow the fuck up after sucking EA's dick
>Oh wait, no, no they didn't.
Right, if you were rich enough, you already would have had connections through family for a career making an actual interview meaningless.

Yep, if you're not rich enough to have parents pay your college for you, you're SOL. Enjoy your debt.
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>By John Scalzi

Fucking race traitor
>Like most of the pro-globalist tripe.


You know all the reddit-types are anti-globalists right? Mainly because they hate the idea of free trade and are secretly racists and thus anti-immigration, but still.
Black people are moer likely to be repeat offenders

Women take longer holidays and get far more paid time off.



Since when do things like "the truth" or "reality" do anything to stop conspiracy theories?

The abuse of statistics and history by feminists is fueled by a hatred of men. Rather than change their views to suit the world around them, they prefer to "interpret", "extrapolate", "manipulate" or outright lie and change the world around them in order to suit their views. They don't look at statistics and think "hmmm, what's the bigger picture here?", they think "I know what's really going on, I just need to find some statistics to back it up, truth be damned".
1. [citation needed]

2. Economical myth
Why an article like that is on kotaku? How is that any of that even related to vidya?
That's it, I don't think I'll ever open a kotaku link ever again.

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