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Why do you hate game review sites?

Now, let me tell you something. You say that they are biased and bought by game companies to do favourable reviews. And you're right! Yes, you're right. But you're also wrong, in the sense that you're not using them the way it should be used, because at the end of the day everything is an opinion.

I'm talking about the scores, scores are opinions. But you can't deny that they make points about the games, and they are almost always valid, with a few exceptions. What's wrong is the way they conclude it, for example:

one site can claim CoD multiplayer is good
+ Call of Duty 12 boasts an accessible multiplayer with frantic action using the mechanics we all grew to love

the same site could make the same point and claim it's bad
- Call of Duty 12's multiplayer doesn't bring anything new to the table, even tough it still boasts the same frantic action it doesnt improve on the mechanics and at the end of the day it's just more of the same

It's just a matter of wording, it's the conclusion that is biased not the points they make and I think they are still valid for the most part. I'm not trying to convince you to go to IGN and read their reviews, what I'm trying to say is that these reviews aren't wrong, at least what they say, the points they make. What IS wrong is the conclusion, like I said, the score, you shouldn't trust the score and that's it.

So, again, why do you hate review sites /v/? Can't you just read the points they make about the game and come with your own conclusion?
If you're not buying a game because some guy named jim gave it a rating based on his personal opinion you're an idiot

You didn't read right? What I said is that they make points about the game, they tell you how the game work and what's supposedly right or wrong with it. What I said is that you can still read it and come with your own conclusion rather than looking at the score he gave.
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i use the Dragon Age 2 counter as a fair scale of review sites as well

any reviewer that gave it a 10/10 MUST PLAY never touched the game as they were busy opening the care packages they recieved from EA/Bioware

Honestly op, /v/. We may hate everything, but if you look at the reasoning its usually something tangible whereas other sites will pass it off as a feature or call those who mention the criticisms as entitled

IGN doesnt play the shit they review
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Just because that's what you should be doing doesn't make there horrible reviews any better. Gaming media these days have completely ruined the whole purpose of a number based rating system. The best review sites out there now don't even use them, the only one I really pay attention too is Elder-Geek. They talk about the pro's and con's without bias and suggest either a Purchase/Rental/Forget about it altogether.

Some sites are just plain wrong in some reviews, namely IGN and Gametrailers. It'd be somewhat bearable if behind the shitty numbers they give some good reasoning, but most of the time they don't. Just look at any Bioware game reviewed on IGN/GT from the past two years and tell me they aren't full of shit.

Just play the demo/pirate it/do some research if you really want to know about these games. These sites are moot at this point aside from brainless children and manchildren who need a number to justify their purchases.
>>God damned Son!
they aren't wrong? Take mass effect 3 for example, they say that the game has a fitting ending, the overall gameplay has flaws like bugs, poor animations,and YET they do the bullshit of saying the good things overcome the bad, and say how narrative is an important thing to gaming.
In the diablo 3 review, they say that it has a POOR fucking story that is really cliche, and regardless of their previous statement, they say "b-but story doesn't matter! this games has a lot of flaws too but HERE 9,5 EDITOR'S CHOICE". the positive points for the game is " + amazing loot, + internet is easy", compared to the other negative that is "mediocre story", and yet they give a 9,5.

i don't know man, i know you are saying that the scores are what is wrong, but even the text isn't cohesive and it kinda falls flat to give his opinions like that. I mean, you still can use the reviews to know the general things of a game, but i don't think they are even important to today's industry when you have the opportunity to play and test almost any game with demos, renting, etc.

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