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>down to 72,000 active players
>lost 97% of its total player base
>200+ servers all low pop or empty
>200+ biwoware staff canned
>incruding stanry woo
>his rine here is ogre
>dev team replaced with dragon age one.
>next patch that ads no content up for ptr testing in a few weeks.
>game forecasted to get one more content patch in 2012
>banning players for swearing to freinds in whispers
>which means they monitor whispers.
>banning for killing other players on pvp servers
>leaving only one complaining thread open at a time to quarantine whilst payed biotic marketers post about how "TOR IS BETTER THAN EVER!"
>merging servers but selling it to rubes as "SUPA SERVAS"
>even biodoctrinates starting to notice the stink.
>some still lurk the 4chains to take it down by turning them on tera and gw2, thus saving swtor and be biowares super best freind forever.

This is delicious karma at its best.

>down to 72,000 active players
>lost 97% of its total player base

I don't think you understand what active means
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Both of them were shit
I paid for those games. I owe them nothing.

>Implying not samefag

Try harder faggot
bought 6 month sub or are locked in for free month and not in game playing at all.
keep on dronin
>owe them

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Not until they learn their lesson.
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Did Stanley Woo really get fired?
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Pandering: The Star Wars Experience and Boring Age: Rise of the Bland, yeah, no. Both were pieces of shit, they can go and fucking die along with Bethesda, maybe then we can finally have decent RPGs again.
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I will not sleep til Bioware takes itself and EA down

>norps are actually retarded enough to think people don't just hide and report shitposts

haha, oh wow
God damn I hate drones. Fuck.
*citation needed*
Dont get me wrong, I hope its all true, but still.
Where are the facts eggman ? You said there would be facts.
>down to 72,000 active players
>taking EA down

they still have dice and ea sports.

no way EA is going down
>DICE went full COD
>Sports being sued by NCAA player's association

Don't be so sure.


Fucked up with BF3.

>ea sports

They are being sued over the monopoly or some licensing shit.
that was posted with a source at some point earlier this week, so i took it to be legit. by the rule-of-10%, they probably have about 800k active subs. maybe a little more.
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I wonder how the /v/irgins that were defending this are feeling.
You know the ones, "huuurr /v/ hates video games, always do the opposite of what /v/ says hurrr"

>doesnt think DICE went full retard with bc2

DICE fucked up the moment its owners sold themselves to EA in 2006. Their failure was predicted to happen years ago. EA ruins everything it lays its shitty hands on. Every game that was developed fully after the merger (bc2, p4f, bf3) has been complete and utter shit, both in terms of gameplay and peripherals.
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>paying for patches

>always do the opposite of what /v/ says hurr
That's funny, I discovered VTMB thanks to /v/.


Considering none have yet to open their whore mouths I'd say they have learned their place for now.
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Assmad biodrone detected
Wasn't BF2 made after they sold themselves to EA?
they are too busy making tera and gw2 hate threads attempting asch paradigm hater redirection. far easier to move the herd slightly that stand your ground and defend against it.
No, people are just waking up to tera being just another shitty korean mmo. Take a look at the generals on /vg/ sometime, you'll see once avid players now hate it
>banning for killing other players on pvp servers

Whaaaat? What is the story behind this? lol
Well, that's torible
That doesn't even stir shit anymore.
Look, we all hate TOR here but most of this is horseshit. Namely:
>dev team replaced with dragon age one.
>banning players for swearing to freinds in whispers
>which means they monitor whispers.
>banning for killing other players on pvp servers
This game is shitty enough that we don't have to make shit up to be mad about.
>by the rule of 10%, they probably have about 800k active subs
That math was retarded, and won't even come close to approximating the actual number of subs. It will grossly overestimate them. We don't have enough information to approximate subs by peak population.
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>tfw your former best friend became a swtor addict, gained weight and doesn't talk to you anymore because you refuse to play swtor with him
You're not fooling anyone
people are waking up to gw2 being just another p2w game made by NCSoft.
>banning players for swearing to freinds in whispers
did actually happen.
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He works for them, don't fall for it.

EA bought them in 2006. 2142 and BC1 were already in development at that point. Nobody cared about how casual 1943 was because it was trying to be and ended up being a very fun experience. The only issue with BF3 is that it's trying to be something and failing at it miserably. Nobody cares if the game goes full COD. The problem is when it stops halfway and says please don't leave us veterans, I swear I'm a real Battlefield game!

DICEA should just kill BF3 off quickly and painlessly. It doesn't deserve to suffer after all those years of quality games.
all proven correct actually.
crymore biotrinated fool
How can they when the game isn't even out and beta weekends done until next month possibly
He's already indoctrinated, there is no saving your friend.
>Rumored SUPERSERVERS to accommodate for the current trend in servers.

"Attention passengers, we have noticed that your rooms are far too spacious so we're demolishing them and having you all stay in the boiler room. Enjoy your stay."
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mfw he's not lying
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Oh god, I just tried it

The funny thing with this isnt them asking people to pay for patches.
Its that they are giving away 90 days game time for 9.99, thats much cheaper than normal subscription.
The are doing anything they can to get a little bit of money through the door.
Bioware are in full on desperation mode right now.
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Well, I'd call that a victory.
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>G4TV gave a review of 5/5 and praised the game for "Top notch music and voice acting" and "hundreds of hours of content."[61]
>PC Gamer gave a 93/100, praising the story, voice acting, and the amount of content available.[68]

Which is why you should ignore anyone that uses gaming sites as an argument to say a game is good.
What the fuck
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if only they had paid their employees instead of every gaming site known in existence.

>new conflict threatening the future of the galaxy
>threatening the future of the galaxy

How can this be true if

1) TOR takes place in the early star wars universe and cannot impact what happens later

2) It's optional DLC

3) "Failing" the DLC doesn't make a difference, you can just try again
Yes, they want the pad the active subscriber numbers as much as they can so they can continue to hide the truth from investors

Meanwhile they are shitting out a MP DLC for Mass Effect 3. Their business sense is uncanny.

At this point a drunken hobo off the street could do a better job.
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>Last post
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These snide remarks from you trolls have gone on long enough.

End of line.
But Stan, you can no longer end lines
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Actually, i think he's a volunteer moderator now. Not sure
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And this guy who is responsible for the whole mess and have cost all these people their jobs will probably end up with a golden parachute.
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I almost feel pity

>The Ghost of Hamburger Helper
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>the line that ended

That is the saddest thing I have hear all month.
The rine ending never ends.
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I am sure a lot of these are just trolls
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Is there really any difference between the two at this point?

G4 giving something a 5 out of 5 is pretty much a guarantee of mediocre bullshit. They're the gaming industries biggest cheerleaders. If EA actually did introduce paying for clips in games you could damn well be sure someone on that site would not only defend it but spout some stupid shit about how they were "excited" for it and couldn't wait to see what new and exciting shit EA is going to shovel down our throats next. Gaming journalism is a fucking joke dude.
He wouldn't be the first CEO who ran a company into the ground and walk away with millions
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i wonder where this guy is today
>>banning players for swearing to freinds in whispers
How hard is it to google?
Took me 5 seconds and I see tons of threads on forums about it.


Was Hamburger Helper fired? Please god tell me she was.
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Hopefully he woke up.

Let her keep the bloody job, or do you want her sweaty lardsacks to poison another developer?
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some drones, just want to watch the ship sink
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>gets hired by atlus....

>EA does shitty things
>even norps realize how shitty they are
>nobody buys
>suddenly the shit is gone

was that so hard?
>tfw i bought a second wow account with cataclysm so friends of mine could play with me
>tfw noone wants to play with me world of warcraft
>tfw everyone of them is "playing" tor and they say "wow sux"
Nor the last.

I-Il play with you!!
>Oh, demi-fiend, uour eyes are so beautiful
Says the daemon Mara
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these drones man, these fucking drones.
Faggots deserve their dead game.
I would play with you
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>>incruding stanry woo

no! stanry roo is gone?

the rine has ended
Between this and no farming and other bullshit, why even bother making a game where you interact with others? They should have just made KOTOR 3
Because they thought they could charge a subscription fee on a game with 2 weeks worth of content.
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Dedicated to the memory of everyones favorite moderator.
>>down to 72,000 active players
>>lost 97% of its total player base

haven't played TOR, don't really give a shit about the game or bioware.

but I've read the article and you're blatantly misrepresenting information

the 72,000 figure is the average amount of people logged on at any given time, not the total number of people left playing the game.

biodrones in a nutshell
I.. um, what?
my god there is no way thats serious
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I believe the phrase "selective ignorance" could be applied
So that's why Australians are paying 500 dollars a month
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>"Ready my lifeboat, but don't alert everyone"
http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor OH GOD AHAHAHAAHAHA
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My favorite TORtanic image
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Oh god my sides are moving on their own.
Hey fuck you man, I agree with you, but Mirror's Edge was pretty damn good.
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Is it that time again?
That's right it's time for some delusion...
>incruding stanry woo

let the stocks hit the floor ?
I dont even feel anything anymore. The sheer stupidity of Biodrones no longer surprises me.
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even electronic brain pancakes can crystallize the elderly
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except it is a bore
Link to video?

seems legit
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>EA has lost over $2 billion over the last 3 years
>only posted a small $76 million profit for the fiscal year ending 3/31/2012 due to accounting gimmicks
>revised their earnings for the next year to post more losses
>agreed to pay $400 million to Activision over a lawsuit when they stole their CoD executives
>facing a $1 BILLION lawsuit from the NCAA
>no major game releases slated through 2013
>all major franchises burned to the ground

Why the fuck hasn't the CEO been fired?
>forever darthcarl
They can still milk ME3 for DLC for about a year or so more.
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you'll feel bad after laughing
>bandwagon circlejerk hate thread #2957

coming from someone who hasn't played a bioware game since NWN2, jesus christ, we get it.

you don't like bioware.

can we stop having these 40 threads a day about it?
Link to thread?
Nwn2 isn't a bioware game you clueless moron.
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To be totally honest, I'm a faggot who bought the CE of ME3 because I was stupid and didn't listen to /v/.

I would have bought DLC for ME3, but after the ending, it's dead to me unless they fix it.
We get it. The ship is sinking/sunk. This joke was funny the first week but got it's old news. It's like spouting $599 or riiiidge racer
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I thought NWN2 was Obsidian?

fuck off, the threads are better than the game
No, just the expansion Mask of the Betrayer
because their shareholders are complete fucking morons. During the most resent conference call one of them asked how TOR would hold up against GW2 and MoP and Ravioli told them that they weren't competitors because they weren't star wars and the idiots bought it. Nobody decided to follow up on what he said. If you thought Ravioloi was a moron then these guys make him look like Albert Eisenstein
All these screen caps are trolls.
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Are you me? I did the exact same thing - only I thought "Heh it can't possibly be that bad, and there is probably a better hidden ending",

I was actually planning on marathoning the trilogy in all classes.

Now I can't even bear to see the cover.
It was.

Bioware had nothing to do with it.

>The Community team has kept my position as a volunteer Moderator open, and it was something I did enjoy doing, so that'll give me my daily recommended dose of Vitamin RI


yeah your fired but don't worry you can still do your job for free
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The joke became fucking treats worthy during the E3 shareholders conference call a few weeks back..

>yfw my heart will go on started up on the stream.
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Oops, posted them out of order
oh stanry

also interesting:


>Haha, indeed, but I never go to Reddit. I do occasionally go to 4chan.
Not like he cares, he'll receive millions the moment he's fired.
I will never forgive EA for ruining one of my favorite game companies.
NWN2 wasn't even made by Bioware you nigger
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I love the Mass Effect series. I bought the books, comics, figurines, etc.

But after the ending...I can't bare to play them anymore.

Good God, it's like I can READ the lensless monocle and rinky-dink top hat on his greasy little head.

Oh right, the FBE.
But you wouldn't know him.

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