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Sup /v/,
I made a comic, eurotime /v/ was kinda split between calling me the new tim buckley and actually liking it and then a mod deleted the thread for being vidya related.
I'm kinda new to drawing comics so give me some feedback, before I go back to drawing rule 34s.
only one?
I like it.
Post the rule 34 or I'll hate you forever.
I usually draw just vidya related porn, but anonymously.
So now I got some free time and actualyl want to draw vidya related comics.
It's my first try.
who cares?

If you were doing it for fun you'd just post it anonymously and move on, but you're just doing it for attention and that's why even the prospect of OC is dead
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Some feedback? go back to drawing rule 34s. Start with pic related.
I am anonymous, I just need the trip so people wont get confused when I respond to feedback.
finish the comic

Your art and expressions are fuckin' A, man. Keep at it.
I see it reposted quite often on /v/. You probably fapped to it already.
/co/ told me to stop the comic at EN-TITLE-MENT for better effect.
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Careful. Don't make too many funny faces or it'll become the next new epic reddit theme or some shit.
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I drew this one is it fine too?
Hole shet
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Delta confirmed for shitposter.
And here I liked you.
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>The last thread you made, had some good advise on how to improve your comic
>Hours later - it's the same shit
Tripfag, meet my filter. I'll appreciate your "art" when an anon reposts this in a comic thread. Not when you spam it for attention.
>Only now confirming this
Did you used to go by tri-angled blue or something like that?
It looks similar, but I don't think it's Tri. I miss him.
I actually got a txt file open for all the advice.
I just need more.
In the next revision I'm going to drop a few panels, I already dropped the panel lines and I downloaded some spiffy comic fonts for the lettering.
No! I drew a few other pics before that get reposted quite often, but I never drew a comic before.
I liked it, quality style too. Though the first time reading it I read it I thought "ment" from en-titlement was part of the bottom right panel. Probably just me being thick though. Not sure if I'd prefer it with out without the last two panels, I say stick them somewhere in the next strip if this thing continues.
I miss lego-robot, I miss the guy who used to drew the /v/ vs. /b/, row-row-figh-tha-powa comic. I miss Electric Retard. I miss so much.

Let's see how you hold up up these grands of /v/ comics.
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i recommend you make the panel breaks more clear
with that said, good job OP fuck the haters
>I miss the guy who used to drew the /v/ vs. /b/, row-row-figh-tha-powa comic.

That was Tri-Angled-Blue
Your comic is stupid because it follows the usual formula of hyperbole /v/ is accustomed to. You're not even attempting to address the issue properly, but I'm quite sure that wasn't your intention, anyway.

Stop sucking /v/'s dick and start drawing more porn, faggot.
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You can have the EN TITLE MENT mouth too if you like, someone else in the old thread wanted it without the other panels.
love the artsyle
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Nice comic. Reminds me of the time Red Dead Redemption 2 came out with multiplayer as DLC. People were sucking Rockstar's dick, saying "oh thank you for giving us the rest of the game for free you are truly generous gods!" If anyone questioned why it had to be DLC or why there was no split-screen fans would become enraged.
I think it's very nice. Do feel free to craft more.
B...but porn bores me. I only drew porn for the last 5 years. I wanna make people laugh now, not fap. (Which is probably a lot harder as I realize now)
Fuck them man. I like your comics, do more.
I recognize this artstyle
this is going to be a fucking reaction image goldmine
>reaction image goldmine
Don't fucking say that.
Th...thanks guys.
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are you upset?

Can we see some Viday related porn from your direction?
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More like le cylindrical titty-eyes
Took some inspiration from 3-angledblue and eegra, huh?
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Try making some actual insightful points next time, OP.

Unless you'd prefer to call me a negative nancy and do exactly the same thing your opponent does when defending shit-tier business practice.
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I was told there was porn

Someone link me to his porn
You idiot, 9 gay is going to STEAL this because you didn't put the /v/ watermark.

And those 9gayers will think they created it.
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It's too tame and not original enough. Essentially you're just regurgitating that other comic with the two people in the restaurant. With your artistic skills, that's a huge waste. Combined with the fact that you posted it twice looking for advice and obviously attention, I'd say you're too insecure in your abilities. Loosen the fuck up, let your anger or whatever emotion flow and make a genuinely good fucking comic. If /v/ doesn't like it, fuck /v/. What matters is that you like your own work. Now get.
Ok, I'll see if I can dig something up.
Because you guys are really cool.
I like the art style but it's a pretty bad analogy.
Did you ever draw Banjo Bee fan art?
Thanks Bateman! I'll try to be more violent. My best buddy told me to tone it down a bit, because he thought I might alienate people if I go full over the top with the comic. I'll try to revise it and work some more untamed content into it.
At least you can draw, unlike fuckley.
You draw like that 3 angled blue guy. You know, the guy who made that /v/-guy comics.
>insecure in abilities
Never heard of that before.
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This is a compliment if I've ever read one. Your comic doesn't say anything new, but it's pretty. Proceed.
I liked. It doesn't look crappy. Would be nice with some OC that isn't a bunch of stickfigures for once.

Keep up the good work OP

I miss 3 angled blue

His art was so different and vivid

What ever happened to him?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that he got his inspiration there.
The "/v/ guy" has become the staple artistic representation of /v/.
He's dead.
No really, he's dead.
Art looks familiar aren't you the guy that did that last big /v/ comic during the summer /b/ was down? pretty funny stuff
>[citation needed]

As is everyone who is remotely known on the internet. How did he die then? bus? Truck? Rape?
It's been made a million times because it's a good analogy.

Of course, an underage tripfag like yourself wouldn't be able to comprehend it.

Hell, you even quoted someone and then disagreed with them inadvertently.
reeks of "I AM SILLY"
Car crash.
>to be continued
No. It ends in one page.
The fat guy shouldn't be puking.
The love to shove that shit down their throats, and never see anything bad about it.
>There will never be another 3 angled blue because anyone who tries will be shot down for trying to live up to him.

Feels bad
Make sure you copyright everything so you can sue everyone!
better be lying nigger, also it looks like OP definitely tried to copy (or call it inspiration lol) his style, OP are you 3-angled-blue? if not don't do that.
Just remember;
1. Less is more
2. Don't rely on overstated facial expressions in every panel
Ok here's some rule34 comming up for you guyse!
I just need to fix the inks, because they're a bit shitty (It's 3 years old already)
And might I add that is the most foul and rank burger I have eber laid eyes on. Bravo good sir, I liked it, though I hope it doesn't detract from your rule 34
Fuck you
Google it you dicksucker.

If you're talking about the staple image of /v/ being a bald guy then no. That is how /v/ is personified
That doesn't make sense
For it to make sense the car would come with no rims, which anyone would have a problem with.
But then you'd also have to be unable to make modifications to the car at all.
It just doesn't work.
You are a great artist and i think you should continue making /v/ comics.
He IS lying. 3 Angled Blue is still active on his Deviantart account.

Except that analogy is wrong. If you compare the modern video game industry Joe would be buying that new car and missing a carberator or sparkplug or something need to make the car actually run or the main reason people buy the car, likewise video games cut out a large usually important part of a game needed to make the game fun,challenging,balanced,etc. etc. but you have to pay for it.
The thing is im fine with DLC consisting of skins and things that are purely visual, just like the rims. Now when they start taking out actual parts of the game, or parts of the engine of the car people start getting mad
Don't argue with him, it's not even an analogy.
His sister runs that account, notice how there have been no new submissions since ever.
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Fixed for you, OP
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>Would you like to add a little extra style to your new car?


This doesn't happen. And if it did im sure most people would turn it down.

You have to get in your car and like it before you start upgrading it/modding it. It's the same deal with video games.
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>make sense in the real world
What? This isn't comparable, partly because the digital add-ons cost nothing, in that particular example they appear to literally just be changing a number. Car add-ons would cost for resources, shipping and-
Oh, wait.
Toady made that.
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>implying this is a good example
>doesnt understand what day 1 dlc is

I would pay money to witness someone drag you out into the street and shoot you in front of everyone. You're not even able to get on Quentin's level, just stop.
>all dose poiple
>all dose hamboigahs

>New yorker
>not new porker
Are you a professional because the drawings are phenomenal
Well he IS a brazillian

Maybe we could contract one of many gangs.
I was told there would be porn.
Am I in the right thread?
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Boy, I sure look forward to seeing those hot new memefaces being created by reddit in three years.

4/10, you ape the classic /v/ comic style well, but extreme strawmen can only be pulled off if the comic is funny, but right now it's completely un-funny, so your argument just comes off as obnoxious and entitled.
disregard that, i suck cocks

This is actually much better even if the art is worse than the OP.
You misspelled your image name. It's with an 'E,' not a 'U.'

Yet another thread ruined by Toady

maybe some other time Op
It's only funny when you figure out his exact trip.

Stop fucking replying to him and use the filter you fucksticks
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Usually I would say its haunting that one of the last few 3 angled blue things 3 angled blue submitted was this, but I'm more inclined to think it was a lazy thinking on the whole "how I died thing".

pay mind to number 7
That was his exact trip, he changed it when everyone started using it.
That's why It's more like buying a car with no brakes. The car runs fine, but it can never stop without disappointment or injury.
And Deus Ex would still be Deus Ex without the ability to do takedowns, but if they released a day one DLC instead of putting it on, so they could charge you extra money? Where is the line drawn? Why not purposely without content to get more money out of it, because that really seems like that precedent is being set.
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>that feel when blue predicted his own death
Poor guy. I guess he was a wizzard after all.
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>If we accept day one DLC the developers will start cutting more and more from the game until there's nothing left but DLC!
Classic slippery-slope argument, at lest try to be a little original in your fallacies so I can have a little fun while proving you wrong.
>something need to make the car actually run
Name a single game where paid day one DLC was absolutely necessary to play the game in its intended function.

I agree that day one DLC is a shitty business practice, but holy fuck, /v/, you guys go overboard with the accusations sometimes.

Every time until you learn what it means.
Here's a better analogy:

                                           Kill yourself, Nobody likes you Toady                                                
They're already doing it.
Clever girl.
Everything is good, but the comic itself is confusing, I mean, you just change the order of the panels in the middle of the comic
And that is some derpin right there
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I don't see an issue with this. It sets a model to let people know that they can get away with it.
You're a fucking idiot. They've made the game, it's all there, all they have to do is change, for example, a '0x01' to a '0x02'. It wouldn't cost them extra to make it that value in the first place.
>Toady at a restaurant
>Waiter comes with him with a "secret flavor" pie
>"Hello Toady! Would you like some pie sir?"
>"Why yes of course"
>Toady pays full price for his pie
>Toady opens his mouth about to taste his pie
>"Woah wait there Toady boy, how about buying EXTRA pie? huh? Fair deal?"
>Toady buys EXTRA pie of a flavor he hasn't tasted
>Toady takes his fist bite of pie
>It tastes like dicks
>Waiter laughs his ass back to his post
>Toady just paid full price and then some for a dick pie.

You still like day one dlc?
How the fuck does the filter on 4chanX work? I can't make this faggot go away.
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>responding to toady
He's a shitposter and by responding you validate his existence. Report and move along
“The other key thing is selling digital content on the day of launch…When we sold Mass Effect 3back in March,we saw a 40 percent attach rate that first week to DLC at GameStop in the United States. Not only are you selling a $60 game…you’re selling $20 DLC,so the sale becomes $80.”

-EA COO Peter Moore
>implying toady wouldn't love a dick pie
What this guy said.

Someone help me figure out how to work the filter on 4chanx.

I want to be able to filter posts by name, and by words or phrases used.

But everybody is so god damned tight lipped about it and the damn web page has NO faq, there is NO documentation whatsoever.
I'm going to start responding to him now, just to get at your jimmies.
Hello there Toady, you having a good day today?
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Something I made a month or two ago
it´s cool op, but try to make it shorter and with less words
A better analogy would be if the first pie was empty, only a tiny pasta.
My filter recently broke, so I've taken to simply ignoring the faggots,

It's been tough, I'll admit
>"I was having an okay day to begin with, but then God sold me some extra happiness for an additional $20 so now I'm having a great day, yes. Thank god for DLC!"

You drew porn?

Post it.
Hey OP

That's a good comic with a retarded presence.

Which is to say: I enjoy the art style and the way you broke up the panels. The argument, though, is the same tired strawman that we've seen a million times on this subject.

Video games are nothing like burgers, it's fucking dumb.
then start drawing gay porn
>dick pie
Oh lawdy.
Argh, I meant premise.

I called you retarded and went full retard myself. For that, I apologize.
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>It sets a model to let people know that they can get away with it.
The same way buying a game sets a model to let people know they can get away with it.
There's no problem with "getting away" with something that's not wrong.

Their game, their rules, if you don't think the price they're charging is fair all you can do is vote with your wallet and buy what you think is worth your money; they own the product they made, you can't have it if you don't follow the conditions set by them for you to get it.
You have no control over anything they do, and nothing they do can be considered wrong since it's their goddamn software, how many times will I have to repeat this to get it through your thick skull?
I did it, just add
/Toady The BRo/i
to the filter line and he's gone.
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You want a gold medal or something OP?
Give me a second, I only got sketches on my new laptop and it needs to be inked to be not totally shitty
Hmm yeah, I see your point.
That actually makes sense, I guess it's not inherently wrong, but if I don't feel that it's worth my money, I shouldn't buy it. Thanks man.
>Their game, their rules
>realises he's wrong
>changes his whole point

Your analogy was a bad one, and that is my point.

Either way, if I buy a car I should be allowed to add, remove or alter the parts however I want. It shouldn't cost extra to change a single bit of data that allows access to, or tweaks in some way, the information they sold me as part of the product.

Additional content is a whole other story.
If it's solid gold that I could sell on ebay, sure.
Otherwise feedback is fine too.
I don't know why, but I really enjoy the character design of the employee.

On to actual criticism, I'm personally not a fan of

>Arguing side is completely calm and rational.
>Arguing side is, "I am calm and have won this argument."

You could do a lot better than this, I know you can. If there's anything I can leave you with, I really do like your art style.
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Please go
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While I respect your opinions, I somewhat disagree with them.

It's hard to vote with your wallet when parts of the industry vote with a much larger wallet through advertisement and paid reviews.

Perhaps the best solution is to create a quality system similar to the USDA, defining that you much reach a set of standards in order to pay certain amounts on advertisement. Perhaps even independent games that reach high qualities could be subsidized as well.
Yeah, my filters aren't working either.
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I've got your feedback right here. For using that tired "rageface" thing that has turned /v/ into shit and further down the wrong path.
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Why not get your own style?
Hmm... I see your point.
I think I should focus on something that neither reddit or 9fag got their pawns on already, maybe that'd be better?
>oh great I'm drawn by an amateur.jpg
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I think you're right.
I just made up some original new character for my webcomics (pls do not steel) feedback pls.
His name is methan.
Just added that faggot toady to the filter, /v/ is better already!!!!
I like this, but it's a bit too silly and light. Maybe should add in a story arc where his girlfriend gets leukemia.
please tell me how.
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I'm interested in seeing the rest. Please finish it~

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