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pick one


nah fuck off cunt
What video game is this?
>That feel when english
>That feel when I cant wait to move to glorious america
>That feel when I can troll all day without 50 police raiding my home
>toletant toward other religions

pick one
I'm glad that old bugger got arrested, the only way we can have a bloody progressive society is by hankering it up to those racist wankers.
-a grateful Brit
In Britain you can petrol bomb a house and kill several children and get away with it.

But god fucking help you if you say something bad about somebody online! You are worse than Hitler!

Brit here. It's a nice place to live, all told.
>tfw the gov takes the internet seriously
>attempts to stop piracy
>attempts to police the web

shits fucking hilarious
and im a britfag, though couldnt give a fuck
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>That feel when english
>That feel when I cant wait to move to glorious america
Nice try.

Nobody but Mexicans want to make to America. And that's because Mexico is the only place worse than America.
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>land of inbreeding faggots acting dumb as fuck

I'm not surprised. It's to be expected.

>Implying America has freedom

What's it like to only have 2 parties that can run for the white house?
Then how come everyone from Europe is moving here and working at Penn station here
>What's it like to only have 2 parties that can run for the white house?
Hold on there. Are you saying Britain has 3 different political parties?

Because the last time I voted, they were all run by posh elitists.

>Not having facebook blocked in the hosts file

C'mon guys get with the times facebook is full of retards.
Filthy jews
>everyone from Europe
Everyone? Or just those from former Soviet states?

Because we get our fair share in Britain too.

The French actually put them on the train to us, the cunts. That'd be like Mexico air dropping them onto America.
Facebook became social circlejerk simulator that everyone uses in 2010.
I can;t believe you guys, you smart /v/irgins would even use it.
it's time we move to something else.
>850 million people
>everyone from Europe
I dont think the USA could even support that many people at this point in time.

Okay, I have to come clean. I have no idea from the political situation in Britain. Maybe it sucks just as much.

I'm Dutch. We have around 15 different parties all scattered on the spectrum that goes from extreme left to extreme right. Some parties may have the same goals, but different ways of reaching those goals.

All these parties get a place in our parliamentary system. The amount of places they get is based on the amounts of votes they get.

The irony, of course, is that Britain has a hugely diverse genepool deriving from dozens of different Northern European backgrounds (Gaelic-Celtic, Brythonic-Celtic, several stripes of Scandinavian, Saxon, Jute, Angle, many other types of Germanic, Franco-Norman, Celtiberian, etc) making it one of the most genetically diverse white nations on the planet. It also is not a tiny island but a very large island which, historically, has solved any overpopulation problem by colonising foreign lands rather than by inbreeding.

An even greater irony, of course, is that the only society on earth which is mocked for inbreeding is American society. We all have our jokes about three-nippled Appalachian cousin-fuckers. We all have jokes about Cletus from West Virginia who lives in the trailer park with his wife, mother and sister and there was only one woman. Hell, the meme of American inbreeding is so all-pervasive that even Americans make jokes about their country's propensity for inbreeding. 
In general, students of Humour Theory will observe that most English-language jokes about inbreeding originate with jokes about Americans. And, indeed, genetically and culturally the United States has a long tradition of heavy inbreeding - probably as a result of much of the country being sparsely inhabited for long periods and many people and communities living in relative isolation which led to practices like incest and inbreeding becoming established without the application of any social stigma from external sources.
have you been to Penn station?
it's big it smells like man sweat and tears
no it's just cool to hate americans. I can take a stab and say many other countries have worse inbreeding problems than america for even longer amount of time.

When ever America does anything, it's blown out of proportion and floated around the media.
Holy fuck who gives a shit?
Go tell someone else, faggot.
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so knowing the laws you're better off killing the theives outright, then hiding the bodies
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But OP, racial abuse is illegal, even in your shitty country.


You have got to be fucking with me. I'm glad we have castle doctrine in some places here in America.
>All these parties get a place in our parliamentary system. The amount of places they get is based on the amounts of votes they get.
That's how it's meant o work in Britain too. In practice we have 3 large parties (Conservatives - Toff and Posh Boys working for the Rich; Labour - Up and coming Toffs who work for the rich, and still convince backwards working class folk that they're the party to represent them; and Liberal Democrats - Idiots who would rather keep everything the same, just in case they fuck up.), and a bunch of smaller parties that get maybe 1 or 2 seats in parliament.

>I can take a stab and say many other countries have worse inbreeding problems than america for even longer amount of time.
>Doesn't name any.

I'd wager newer countries like Australia might have a similar problem... maybe.
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Its bad on both sides op, the worse thing is America claims its the land of the free
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They actually fixed those laws in I believe 2010 or 2011. You can now defend your property and not be a criminal for it.
It's Glasgow, they probably deserve it.
They are there for drug and safety enforcement. Plus it's a fucking public school, the police can patrol it if needed.

Not the same as being unable to defend yourself in your own home.

Least in Texas you can shoot people who trespass.
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>The British government is studying the American experience in dealing with gangs, unruly young people and juvenile justice in the wake of the riots in England. The UK's justice minister, Crispin Blunt, visited Texas last September to study juvenile courts and prisons, youth gangs and police outreach in schools, among other things. But his trip came at a time when Texas is reassessing its own reaction to fears of feral youth that critics say has created a "school-to-prison pipeline". The Texas supreme court chief justice, Wallace Jefferson, has warned that "charging kids with criminal offences for low-level behavioural issues" is helping to drive many of them to a life in jail.

America is so free Britain has to study how to become as police state
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>safety enforcement
What the fuck is "racial abuse"? I don't even know what that asinine term is supposed to mean.

Hate speech is not, and never will be, illegal in America.
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Welcome to Texas.
They Don't fucking play around. It's almost like a different country. But I guess after over 150 years of fighting gun toting outlaws, being surrounded by hostile Territory for so long would make any state like that.

Pic related this is a standard shopping mall guard
>Armed Police in Schools
>They are there for drug and safety enforcement
Wow... must be nice to be brainwashed.

Hey guys, let's not address the complex socio-political issued that makes a child carry a gun into school, lets just post police there in case some child points a finger at a class mate, yells "BANG!", then we can arrest them under terror legislation.

The land of the free is free from thought.
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if Britain did that

>OMG 1984! police state orwell was right

when america actually does it

>Its drug and safety enforcement
You know what the best part of being a Starcraft player above Bronze League is?


You can go to any other game genre and fucking wipe the floor with people.

But then you'll get bored and come back to Starcraft.
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you really believe that don't you.
Cops are not there to protect kids from school shootings or kidnappers or there to help render emergency services.
They are just there for thought police
>the complex socio-political issued that makes a child carry a gun into school

Being Mexican is a complex socio-political issue now?

Let's address the elephant in the room: The schools with armed police aren't middle class white schools in the suburbs. They're schools with disgusting Mexicans in disgusting barrios.

Minorities like crime. That's the issue.
You're implying they aren't addressing that issue.

Plus this is in Texas, the craziest fucking state in the USA barring California.

Good fucking gosh my high school only had the police come in once a month for drug searches.

No one was ever charged with shit.

police show up to a scene of a guy just trying to stab some guys who were in his house. you think they're just going to take his word for it without making sure he doesn't run off?
>never will be
>implying the US Government hasn't been wiping their ass with the Constitution for decades
If they can solved the pesky gun problem all rights will vanish.

For your safety of course.
>But I guess after over 150 years of fighting gun toting outlaws, being surrounded by hostile Territory for so long would make any state like that.
>150 years
Wut? The rest of the world has been fighting wars a lot longer than that. It doesn't turn them into inbred idiots.
>being surrounded by hostile Territory
Yeah, Arkansas will think twice before messing with Texas.

The only state I can actually think of that has a reason for being as big an asshole as you make Texas sound is Israel.
If you say so. Go wipe the floor on CS with a server full of longtime players, or perhaps go win an EVO tournament.
I would just like to remind everyone that crime prevention legislation is an oxymoron that can't exist because if nothing wrong has been done, then there is no crime.
It exists only to control you and is often used against political dissent groups who are not happy with the way things are run.
You are a fucking child. You think they indoctrinate every fucking police officer to be a HURR DURR OPPRESSOR? If you've got a high school diploma you can become a cop in a couple months. They aren't a separate fucking sect of society. And there's a middle ground between thought police and benevolence, it's called keeping order.

The real fucking problem is globalist-capitalism which lets fuckhuge companies make all the decisions, and free market democracies only perpetuate this. They want you to think that fascism is around every corner, democracy lets the rich make all the decisions instead of the state.
>Glaswegian Jews

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> safety enforcement
>ransacking you for no reason, at school
Thank god I live in a FREE country. Or maybe I should say I am grateful I never went to a poor mans school.
pick one

>implying Britain had freedom of speech to begin with

I hate this Web-Camron cunthole State.
>Being Mexican is a complex socio-political issue now?
Being a Mexican in an American school is.

See, you just sweep the issues under the carpet, and despite being a part of the most violent race on earth, you just blame it on the wetbacks.

I can totally understand why games like Call of Duty are so popular in America, you guy actually have only a 45 degree viewing angle in all aspects of life.
>Bragging about their freedom


Enjoy your SOPA, PIPA and National Defense Authorization Act

I hope you like being detained without trial if someone suspects that you're a "Terrorist"
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>hundreds of miles of hostile Indian Territory, Mexican army invading.
It' just a hostile area, its fucking dry, full of dangerous insects.Kind of like AUS lite.
The rest of the world didn't have 4 or 5 armies knocking on their door, and if they did they were already wiped out or stopped fighting after a few dozen years.
Don't get me wrong, I hate texas, they are the only white niggers around. But they did have it rough for a while.
>Non-Hispanic white births the minority in US

And Americans claim Britain has too many muslims.
You forgot CISPA and the Patriot Act
Yes, you're using public equipment. If you hide drugs in your locker you can be searched at any time. You're backpack can't however without just cause.

But anything public can be inspected by police. Which kinda makes sense.
I actually agree with you in a roundabout way.

Arming Texan schools isn't the answer. Eliminating birthright citizenship and shipping the Mexicans back to Mexico is the answer.
To be fair; people recently sued about that part of the NDAA involving indefinite detention by the military and it can no longer be enforced.

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>some psycho that lives near me
>breaks into friends house and steals literally everything worth anything
>his prints are all over the place
>doesn't get convicted due to "not enough evidence"

>same person boasts about stealing cars
>breaks another friend of mine's hand with a baseball bat for no reason
>walks up a street at night breaking shop windows and stealing things
>police do nothing

>mfw pigs are useless unless you're smoking weed, or have your fog lights on in town, then you're public enemy #1
Actually America is run by Corporatism, not Capitalism.

They call it Capitalism, because it gives the impression it's still fair. Like the "American Dream"
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>The real fucking problem is globalist-capitalism
AHAHAAHA Oh wow. 10/10 trolling. no parents would let their kid THAT autistic live.
You are really really retarded if you think that. Go back to 9/11 conspiracy youtube videos or back to your pseudo internet intellectual blog and complain about how big companies are enslaving humanity on your Mac.
You know what the best part of being a Starcraft player above Silver League is?


You can go to any other game genre and fucking wipe the floor with people.

But then you'll get bored and come back to Starcraft.
>another of my friends, a bunch of neds start to threaten to give him a beatdown
>come to his house en masse, smash windows
>he goes out with tube from hoover telling them to fuck off
>THE NEDS go to the police
>police come and tell friend that they'll take action if he threatens people like that again

Not even joking. Fuck the police here.
>But anything public can be inspected by police. Which kinda makes sense.
Only with reason.

Reason is usually the first casualty when somebody says "For your safety"

Rather than addressing the issue of drugs, guns, the poor, it's just business as usual. And I do mean business. Corporations rake in the cash from all the government funding for the "War on [crime|drugs|terrorism|guns]"
Exactly. If they were for capitalism they would be all for pirating and removing IP. But that aint so profitable for the big boys.

Doesn't really matter.

What matter is what this says about the attitude of the politicians, that YOU elected, towards you and your freedoms.


Hahaha, oh fucking WOW!

You really think that being able to shoot a burglar is more important than your kids being able to play and, you know, BE KIDS, without being constantly scrutinized and threaten with arrest by police?

You really are a sick society.
The fuck is a ned?

That slang for a Zerg?
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Some one stole our flatscreen tv

someone seen a kid walking down the road with it , phoned the police

The police came down and asked local road workers if they seen where a kid come out a house

The police had a look round my house seen the back door was broke

Had a quick look inside seen no tv in the front room

spent the next 2 hours finding the kid

He already fenced the tv but he was arrested, Insurance covered the tv

police are bros in the uk
chav scum
The fuck is a chav?

>Corporations rake in the cash from all the government funding for the "War on [crime|drugs|terrorism|guns]"

It's a fucking joke

And the punchline is the best, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!
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These things.

They're violent, cheeky scum. Like ghetto niggers of the US.
You guys call Russians chavs?
I had some psycho harass my dad for months. My dad knows a cop. Cop knows who the dirty cops are. Dirty cops find the psycho.

psycho is no longer psycho.
They're pretty much the equivalent to wiggers, except they go around with knives and bicycles because that's the best they can get.
Basically a European wigger.
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>russia in charge of having the worst incest problem in history
>move to England
>they are still fucking sisters and cousins
The fuck is he speaking? Is he speaking English?
But that's fucking great!

guys, those died out.

They're now Lads. Basically grown up chavs who dress a little better, love banter but are still cunts.
>except they go around with knives and bicycles because that's the best they can get.
Dogs now.

Knives will get you jail time.

Walking around with an animal with a mouth like a shark ate another shark is totally cool.

Though this is also being handled by legislation. That's the problem with legislation, they say knives are you, they switch to dogs. Dogs are out? They switch to hammers. Hammers are out? They switch to screwdrivers.
Read the other day about a 15 year old that stabbed a guy to death just for telling him and his friends to stop throwing conkers at things. The little cunt even tried lying and saying it wasn't him. Creatures like that should be sent to live in the deepest part of the ocean.

Fucking hate scum like that ruining the country.
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>Kikes bitching and moaning

And this is news how?
I clapped after reading this article.
>fire a gun into the air
>get 20 years

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The fuck is a conker?
>not voting ukip
>picking a shit hole over the other

It's a squirrel
I live nearby to Wythenshawe which is proper rough but basically all he's saying is David Cameron does nothing for the community and he's part of the group The Soldiers. He also said in 5 years time he'll be dead because a lot of people will shoot him or he'll take too many drugs.

Bare = lots
Then why not just call them squirrels?

>Moving to America
>Not moving to a country that is actually free.

Try a Scandinavian country mate.

Sure the taxes are high, but at least you won't be in dept for the rest of your life if you ever need surgery.
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I don't think it actually a squirrel, I just made that up for what should be obvious reasons

I don't know what a conker is.

Pass the Smibbly Bibbly it's time to watch the telly and see our candidate for Eurovision
It's the seed from a tree. A big spiky thing the size of a plum.

Why would they be throwing squirrels at things?
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Enjoy being brutally raped by Somalians.
Don't worry it's not really rape, they are just ''forcefully enriching your culture''
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Well, atleast leftists can have their police state that arrests people over thought crimes now. Speak out against anyone who isn't White and you're in big trouble. I look forward to the day it all burns.
Gee, maybe those poor blameless texans were under attack from the mexican army because they had recently taken the land from mexico, I wonder if that could be the reason...
the netherlands was involved in a 80 year lasting war with spain, and a number of proxy wars with Portugal, France, England and Germany, aswell as a naval war with Sweden.
The actual country is 60% below sea level and is under constant threat of flooding, and the country cant actually produce enough food to support its population since before the 1500's. It has to import food from Germany.

It didn't turn them into fiercly hostile gun-slinging vigilantes.
And don't get me started on Germany, France of England's military history.

Sure thing broski.

It's not like we have less than a 5th as many sandniggers (Per Capita) here In Denmark than the US has actual niggers.

Oh wait, yes it is.

Also, I can actually walk down a street in Copenhagen without 9/10 of the people I see being sand niggers. That isn't something I can say for London.
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Fucking hilarious how criminals in the UK try to act like American gangster niggers,
It's even funnier when you realise there's no real criminal activity for these "gangs" to take part in. There are no guns in the UK and no big drug rings.
All of them are just a bunch of tryhard kids with knives from their mum's kitchen.
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In Manchester we're filled with Chinese and Indians.

We're the fucking takeaway capital of the world.
I'm surprised we don't have our hands and feet removed from birth because they could be deemed as violent weapons.
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Those countries were also rich.
Remember those poor Lawmen who gave their lives fighting off Indians,Mexicans,Yanks, and Outlaws
>inb4 I don't get the reference.
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>born in eastern yurop
>went to australia on a holiday
>decided to stay
>working on a farm for 20 aud an hour
>free food and living also
>ameripoors face when
>murkan justice


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