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I...don't think I'm worthy of browsing /v/ anymore...
Yes, you clearly play videogames
>aN faq
how does this compute?
What's this from?
>Playing vidya

Well of fucking course not.
No that's okay, Ys games are pretty tough and since you actually kept trying for so long proves you're not a quitter.
Theirs a worthiness test for this cesspit?
Oath in Felgana

>an eff-AQ

It's right you spoon.
>an FAQ

It should be "a FAQ".

Sloppy developers.
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Someone doesn't know how english works.
That person is you.
>mfw Americans call a hero "an hero"
a fake-you? is that how you pronounce it?


an Eff-A-Q
No one says effaykyu.
No on but FAGGOTS.

It's Fak.
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>Pronouncing "FAQ" as an abbreviation and not "fack"
>people actually say and think "eff ay que" instead of "fack"
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>Dying over 10 times on a boss is considered an achievement today
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Actually, you're wrong, retard. I bet you think it's "an unicorn" too.
FAX and EFF-A-Cue are both correct.
come on

look at the website

do you say GAME-FACKS


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>pronouncing q as k
>mfw americans clap after raping the english language
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Gamefags :DDD
It's pronounced Faq.

Like Shaq. You know, the baseball player.
I say gamefags, but that's a different thing since it's stuck together as one word, which is also incorrect in the English language.
But a Q does make a k sound, it's just always followed by a u to make a different sound
Q produces a hard K sound.
>pronouncing Q
>Implying Q has a distinctive sound
>implying that eye with u afterwards it's not just 'kw'
"An eff-ay-kew"
"A yuunicorn"
Are you replying to the wrong person or something? You're basically helping my argument while calling me wrong and a retard using the same argument.

>implying it wans't onsentual and in the missionary position for the sole purpose of pro-creation
No, he's actually right. The use of "an" is solely with words that begin with a vowel SOUND, not necessarily a vowel. When saying man consonants as a single letter (as in FAQ) you use the word "an" because the first letter begins with a vowel sound, in this case F (Eff).
i thought he was a race car driver
Shaq plays football you idort. OP is an faggot.
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>dying in Ys: Oath in Felghana

No, that's perfectly normal.

Also, keep trying and never quit.
Consult an eff-ay-kyoo

It's not a fucking fack
Or a fay-kyoo

People who don't know this should just stop playing vidya.

And then you are worthy of being on /v/

Come on, step it up
an goes b4 a vowel sound, hence "an *e*ff-AQ" and "a *y*oo-nicorn".
Which boss was it OP? For me I believe it was either the Fire Dragon or the Crystal Worm.

Boss rush made me feel pretty great though. 40 minutes, mainly because I got sloppy on Mecha-Centaur and Chester 2
>on /v/

You're not helping brah
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>not pronouncing it as Fack
But who the hell pronounces it like that?

I thought everyone just said faq.
whoever wrote that achievement text is an fag
Ice Dragon
I would laugh so hard if someone told me they "consulted a fack"

Like what the hell does that even mean bro
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>Not pronouncing it "fawk-ooo"
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>thread about video games
>derailed by second post by meaningless discussion about the arbitrary pronunciation of an acronym

If it's in GameFAQs or something, yeah.
But if it's just three letters, FAQ, capitalized, it's more reasonable to say eff-ay-kew
Got me hard. More.
>But who the hell pronounces it like that?

The mystical committee of people who pronounce things correctly, that's who.
I guess that guy was an FAG
Uhh, wow. Ice Dragon really isn't that hard, they gave you the parry tackle for a reason. Stick to the corners when he takes flight, and when he's at about 1000 HP get ready to either double jump at the right time or l2parry since his grab is a bitch.
guys, guys

i pronounce meme as "may may"
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Shit like that is why I love this place. We don't take ourselves seriously. As soon as we start acting all VIDYA IS SRS BSNS we'd turn into Reddit or IGN or Gamefacks or some other godawful traditional forum.

So DDR is "Duh-durr" to you people?
No, it's Dee-Dee-Arr
But it would be awkward to pronounce DDR as a word.

But Faq is easy. Just like nes, or wow.
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I can deal with most of his shit, it's just the grab that fucks me up. I somehow managed to dodge it the first time and got him to 500hp but now I can't do it anymore.
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Well shit, I got all excited for a Ys thread.
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>not pronouncing DRM as "derm"
>not pronouncing EA as "yeah"
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Do you pronounce GIF as Gee-Eye-Eff or as jiff
if you pronounce it "fak" you'd say a.

but if you pronounce it "F-A-Q", the "Eff" sound at the start begins with a vowel sound, so you'd say an.

like how british people say "an halibut" because to them the H is silent.
not him but geef

but those aren't usually capitalized

I pronounce it the way it was intended to be. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.gif#Pronunciation
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>pronouncing jpeg as both an acronym and an actual word
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English is my third language and even I'm not as retarded as you at it.
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Eff-Eh-Cue master race, haters to the left.
>jay peg
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Those are all of acronyms I don't just say the actual name for.
The grab really is the hardest part, especially considering you don't have max gear right now. I'd estimate the time to be about 4-5 seconds from when the dragon takes flight to when he makes his actual first sweep, then 2 seconds after he'll make a second one. If you do get grabbed, make an attempt to parry the ledges since it's far more reliable than trying to predict their path.

If all else fails, head back to town and upgrade your armor/weapon. I thought the stats were negligible until I made short work of the final boss by upgrading my sword once.
>purposely pronouncing it in the most slow and complicated way
Ys Origin when
The English language is beyond saving.
This month sometime.
>mfw Americans are too lazy to say an acronym correctly.
Since I can not upload any images it's this face right here.
FAQ is pronounced fuck you.
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it's an GNU/FAQ
Here is the rule of acronyms. Learn it well.

If there is a vowel in the middle of of the acronym, pronounce it as a word.
Otherwise, pronounce the letters.

You man now spread this knowledge far and wide across the internet.
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utility > formality
Also, 'FAQ' can be said as a word without sounding weird, that's why you say DDR as an acronym because attempting to say it like a word would sound stupid
Jee-Ai-Eff is incorrect.

Steve fucking Wilhite pronounces it like jiff.
No videogames here, boss
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Already had all the best armor I could buy and upgraded it to Max. Level 33 and playing it on Hard.

Well, explains a lot.

Grats though. If I remember right, a new world of misery awaits you in the Whirling Assassin.
Assassin guy is a fucking bulldyke. Real talk.
>not Eff-Ai-Cue
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Dogi is a bro.

Welp. Gonna grit my teeth and do it all again.
I take it you also spell out the words laser and sonar? That must take a while.

North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes
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>getting achievements for doing bad
>Not understanding parody achievements

Truly we live in dark times when people don't understand subtle humor.
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>Die several times
>Achievement get!
Why not good subtle humor such as "die in a funny way" or "do something very specific or funny in a certain mission"
Also if the description is hidden it will be funny when you do some random shit and you get an achievement for it
Die several times as an achievement is not funny

They are not achievements if you're not achieving anything now are they?
They're just useless little messages that pop up for no reason, except maybe to annoy you at best.
derails within derails
What a terrible night to be on /v/
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>XSEED included reddit faces in their achievements

>Die several times as an achievement is not funny

Yes it is. Stop taking achievements so seriously.
That isn't an achievement for doing badly. It's a "give me" achievement because they already know the vast majority of people playing the game are going to die repeatedly on the boss fights.

The achievement is nothing more than a reminder that the game isn't a casual shitfest that most people are used to playing.
And the dull blade finally gets the point.

(Spoiler alert: This isn't an achievement by any means. The game devs are just assholes.)

>They are not achievements if you're not achieving anything now are they?

You're playing video games. You aren't achieving shit anyway.
I suppose you pronounce it "A frequently asked questions" when you read it right?
It is as stupid as chore achievements
If you're going to make an achievement about dying, make it so the way you die matters, not how many times you die
It means you are a laughingstock and everyone who even gives a shit about achievements will point and laugh at you.

There's your humor, casual.
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>3 in the afternoon
That's humor for other people, where is humor for me?

>It is as stupid as chore achievements

Not really. It's the dev's way of saying, "you fucking suck"

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