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is like i am really in the bioware forums
The last one is a joke right?
all those hostile comments
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girl being hit: blizzdrones
girl slapping: Blizzard, PoE fans, torchlight fans, non-diablo fans
I lol'd at the last one.
blizzdrones are very defensive right now, the guy wasn't even saying the game is bad. He was only pointing a fact
Nuh uh, it's not a fact because you have to beat a game 10 times in a row with one hand on maximum difficulty to REALLY beat a game.

Why don't you go back to elementary school, kid?
every official forum of a hyped game becomes this stupid when the game is released.

You should avoid it OP is like reading youtube comments for more than 5 minutes, no good for your mental health.
Superdave is right.
You also gotta beat it on Easy to be Hardcore.
They seem more reasonable than most of /v/.
>Play through the game once
>"You haven't finished the game until you've replayed the same exact game, but slightly harder."
>"You haven't finished the game until you've done every single side-quest, collected every single item, and maxed out your level for no reason."
Jesus christ.
>this isnt really beating the game
>you have to play the same content over again 3 more times

I have no face for this.
well the one guy is right

if you beat it in 6 hours, you probably skimmed most of it
Good lord. diablo 3's internal testers must be terrible. these guys hitting the ending in 6 hours is actually considerably slower than other groups, some of which have managed to reach inferno even with the server problems. Hell he even says one of their players couldn't log in for hours.

How the fuck can a company like blizzard be so shit at vidya?
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What the hell is going on in that gif? The girl being slapped just doesn't give a fuck.
not really, because most of the story is voice overs that you're going to run into regardless. it's pretty much designed around "rushers", so I don't understand why people think you'd miss out on the story if you steamrolled. I guess you guys don't play with sound turned on?
Video games are just getting shorter and shorter. This isn't news, but it is disappointing. If this becomes the norm along with this shitty online singleplayer drm it'll pretty much be the end of video games for me.

Unless they get much, much cheaper.
shit fans

just look at what became of WoW

up until recently, their numbers were ever increasing while the quality ever decreased
Beats the shit with a stick out of Torchlight.
Activision happened and most people that made the good old games left the company. People forget that it's not the company that makes the game, it's the people. And people move around, quit their job, get fired, get hired, etc.
They probably didn't test 4-man speedruns. The game speeds up considerably with other players.

>blizzdrones assemble!
While I kinda' get what they mean, that for most people Diablo isn't just about getting from A to B and then never playing it again, it's still pretty weak.
The game is short. And they somehow act all fucking insulted when someone points that out.
>OP proves someone else beat the game in 6 hours
>Everyone calls OP a fag for skimming through the game and not enjoying it

How fucking stupid can you be?
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>You'll never beat Daggerfall...
Battle.net forums stupid.

Go there and look in any thread, 99.9% of the time something in it will make you angry, even if you enjoy SC2 or D3 or whatever.
Last response is pretty hilarious
That's what I don't understand. If you're going to make a game while not really giving a shit about a lengthy campaign, why get assenraged by comments about how short it is?

Makes about as much sense as how angry they were at people who said the game was cartoony. They chose to make the damn thing cartoony and then get bitter when people point it out.
Bioware Ork Edition
Because both are actually a symptom of an underlying laziness that they don't like when people bring up.
Yeah, it's pretty fucking dumb.
If he'd claimed the game was garbage or said that there never was any reason for him to play it again, then they could bitch about it.
He's simply stating the fact that he beat the game in 6 hours, and they freak out.
>you have to play the same content over again 3 more times
I swear this is sarcasm
Everything they said is true though.

Just because you poorfags are so mad right now doesn't mean there aren't millions of people enjoying the game right now. Millions of people who will be playing well past 60 hours because it's fucking Diablo, you don't just run through once.
It's a Diablo game. Making it longer just means adding extra procedurally generated levels to each of the dungeons.

While I do feel like the dungeons should have been a little longer, it's not like making the game longer increases the quality in a huge way.
im talking about skipping events, not exploring every cellar, running past enemies, and probably skipping dialogue that stops the game from progressing forward
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I don't really get these claims about beating D3 on normal in 6 hours... I'm just getting to act 4 and i'm about 11 hours in.
Nope, you should've seen that other thread where OP was asking for a refund because servers were shit, while saying that he hoped people who had more patience would have a good time playing D3.

Hundreds of posts about how OP was an entitled troll.
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Probably because they know the game has flaws and get incredibly defensive if anyone points any out - in this case it's even debatable if it's a flaw, but they still react like someone is hating their precious game.
I've never understood fans like that.
We don't really know the context of the post, the previous one had been deleted.

Maybe he had been freaking out claiming it was garbage and got deleted.
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>You haven't beaten the game until you've beaten the game more than once
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it's actually shorter than diablo 2 in story content. they could've "made it longer" by having more/deliberate quests instead of a bunch of beelines to dungeon bosses.
>you have to replay the game where the monsters have more health and you do more damage

Dear god, the stupidity.
I hope he's complaining about the general quality of the BNet forums, not that everyone is rightfully angry that they couldn't play a game they paid for for nearly 14 hours at best.
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But he isn't claiming that the game is rubbish.
He'd said that he beat the game in 6 hours, someone doesn't believe it, and he provides proof.
The only thing he's saying is that he beat it in 6 hours!
Maybe those were the best 6 hours of his life, who knows? But people still took it as an attack on D3.
There's a speed run of Diablo 2: LoD that's under a hour on youtube, so I guess D2 is even worse.
It's funny because they act like those stones are hand crafted, when they're fucking placed at random by the engine.
>Game last 4 to 6 hours
No fucking way
>watch this

This ain't Diablo, this is a world of warcraft mod, no blood, no atmosphere, Diablo is the little girl, fuck Diablo sounds anything but threatening. Even Shao Kahn sounded more threatening and one his quotes is "It's official, you suck"

They took 10 years for this shit, someone should edit the Banjo comic so instead Banjo it is Diablo puking on your face.
yes, of course, a speedrun done years later practicing and repeating the same routine over and over is the same as a bunch of dudes trying to play video games and lagging out most of the time.
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well no wonder
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True, but we can only act on what we see right now.
And he doesn't seem like a troll or someone who hates the game. He's merely stating facts.
>playing with pubs on D3
Jesus christ why would you subject yourself to that.
>Guild Wars
My coleslaw.
I was going to post a thread on this, but since Im on my phone it won't let me, but how come we aren't talking about Blizz's attack on The Pirate Bay? My father in law is a programmer and he and a couple of his friends noticed that everyone who has SC2 and D3 installed basically has a client that DDos's the Pirate bay website. Go there now, it's still down. And I think it's working it's way into the news as I write this. I think this surpasses any evil that EA or Capcom has done so far.

tl;dr Blizzard is using your game client to attack and shut down The Pirate Bay.
You can't argue that the business model isn't
You beat CoD in 6 hours? On Normal? Go do it again, on all difficulty settings, and using every single different gun. Then you've truly experienced CoD.
All official forums for all games are like this.

Shouting HEY LOOK AT YOU YOU HAVE DOWNS SYNDROME when you see downs people means jack shit really, pointing it out doesn't change the fact they always had it and always will.
Pretty sure people were speedrunning D2 within months. Difference is people had access to D3 beta so they know where everything is, what to do, etc. by launch.
Meh, Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind to name a few, all easily beatable in a very short time by following the mainquest and skipping conversations.
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>being on said games forum
>expecting ppl to be neutral
sadly even COD is better considering you could play higher difficulty settings immediately.
MW confirmed for GOTYAY
Don't forget to enjoy the detail and hand crafted rocks
I'm guessing they skipped a good amount of "content"

I am only on Act 2 with 4 hours in, and couldn't see myself playing much faster. Although, I did fuck around a bit with the features and such.
The beta was only up to Skeleton King right?

Which is like a quarter of the first Act.
The beta only went up to the skeleton king, genius.

Holy shit
Thats the reason why its down?
I mean i know its under a ddos but holy shit
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shit, so wat, first its biodrones and now its gun' be blizzdrones? oh lawdy
the hour long speed run isn't from a month in. current world record is from 2009.
>comparing guns to classes
>comparing shoot and cutscene to a dungeon crawler

580 hurcheck
Lots of hurr in here, that's for sure.
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At one time i thought all the good people who made Diablo had left. But they retained some people from Blizzard North, and the people who left have made terrible games ever since(except mabe torchlight). Remember that "blizzard north" wanted to make a turn based RPG with claymation graphics before the big wigs at blizzard had their way. Blizzard is the reason we fucking have diablo, they where heavily involved in the creation process of both games.
totes legit. his dad works for blizzard.
>I have never played Diablo 2 please rape my face
Summed up this thread.
The plot thickens...


Any relieable source on this">>information'<<"?
I don't think any big company would do that, too much to lose for them.
>Guy has a legitimate point about simply that it's possible to beat it in 6 hours on normal, without using any major exploits like most speedruns do
>insult his sex life, that'll work

Also, that last response is obviously trolling
>for a second I expect to be shocked by a stealth run in COD
>realize that he makes it through because the AI kills everything

that's some MLG quality level design.
I haven't even finished act 1 yet. I've been playing about 8-9 hours. I'm trying out every class though
Yeah I'm not 100 percent sure but him and his friends love taking apart games' source code and that's what they found. I was googling it and saw that reddit was talking about it.
But you have to know what you are doing, these guys did a blind run and they were not even rushing, some of them on the highest difficulties.

Diablo 3 has...no content.
>Blizzard is the reason we fucking have diablo, they where heavily involved in the creation process of both games.

No shit, they were made by Blizzard North, which doesn't exist anymore. Blizzard now has nothing to do with the Blizzard that made Diablo 1 and 2.
That's not why you overturn every stone... you overturn every stone because there might be loot under them.
Yeah, but at least with Morrowind you need some knowledge about the world and the rules of the game. Nobody could do that a few hours after it was released.

Anyway, those games are for creating your own adventure. The main quest is always short, but in those games it's not about the goal but the journey.
You have a ton of other quests available, stuff to explore, characters to meet and skills to grind.
You can't fairly compare two different genres like that.

I'm talking about the "core blizzard team", not "blizzard north" or former condor studios. The core blizzard team was involved with diablo and diablo 2 quite a bit. They're the fucking reason diablo is diablo. Condor would have made a turn based claymation RPG without blizzard
>they were not even rushing
You're not that stupid right? Right?

Yeah, I'm sure they read everything, explored, tested out combinations of skills and runes, all that stuff you generally do in an RPG.
Sure /v's behaviour over the game is over the top and generally silly. But at the heart of this is the fact that the game isn't that good, isn't that big, and the brutal DRM is a proper slap in the face to their paying customers.
>Blizzard is the reason
new Buzzword
Warcraft 2: Tides of darkness 1195

Let me guess it was also the first Pc game running on rock graphics using the best of the Roman Catholic church had to offer.

I know, I know, I still find funny that no one has ever fixed that error.
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>condescending Blood Elf Death Knight with weeaboo name
>*golf clap*
>getting hostile and saying you have to do all these arbitrary things to have truly beaten the game

Raged slightly.
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No, blizzard had hardly anything to do with the original diablo games. The only thing was Metzen co-writing, though nowadays he claims his old writing was shit and that his new hollywood action style is more to his liking, which means he was probably shitting everything up and being held back by other writers.

They still had decent staff up to WoW. Afterwards they may as well be a completely different company.
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>not seeing the different types of guns (assault rifles, sub machine guns, sniper rifles, ect.) all have different strengths and weaknesses in different situations... similar to a "class" in an RPG
>thinking Diablo 3 isn't just click-and-cutscene

CoD confirmed more tactical than Diablo 3
You realize that the claymation game is basically diablo? Diablo uses prerendered sprites, equivalent to claymation sprites or actor sprites like midway games.
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>you have to play the content over again 3 more times
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>No, blizzard had hardly anything to do with the original diablo games

The fuck are you talking about? They had EVERYTHING to do with the games. They would drive constantly to northern California to work on the game. They where the one who came up with the art and play style. I know you don't want to admit this, but blizzard had a VERY important role with the game.
They never said anything about there not being enough runes.

They said they could complete the main game in about six hours, or even less if the servers weren't shit.
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I will be honest /v/, all those SWTOR threads, all those biodrones images, sometimes I thought they were fake/trolling, I mean, there is no way somebody could be so fanboy-ish, so fucking blind, but yesterday I saw the thread of the guy who politely asked where could he get a refund and got ultimately bashed.

I don't know what to expect from human race anymore
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>You realize that the claymation game is basically diablo

No, it's not even close. We're talking about clay characters here.
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It's spreading. The Casual virus. There is no hope left.
the piratebay is down? but i can access it...
im also in the uk, wtf
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Looks like this needs an update. Blizzard has gone full Jewish since Activision came onto the scene.
Hey OP, I think SuperDuper is on our side. Sounds like he's being sarcastic saying you have to do the same thing three more times with bigger numbers to consider the game "beaten".
>very important role to the game
>has no facts based on the actual staff and just claim blizz drove there and told them what to do

sounds legit
not everywhere
How do you mean? The comments or Blizzard?
so lets get this straight

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What facts do you have to present that prove your case?
I conclude of this image that Blizzard must be some shitty place to work at looking at how people jump and go every time.

Holy shit I did not know starcraft devs worked on Fo2.

That's why you don't go on official forums. They're echo chambers for fanboyish opinions. Dissension is punished with a severity that would even make /v/ and its laughable opinions blush.
To be fair you could probably slam through Diablo II on normal in 6 hours if you were trying hard enough

The only thing I remember doing in diablo II were baal runs and Cow levels and shit

the story mode was mostly an after thought
Which is exactly what the original diablo renders were, clay-like animations. nothing but normals on there.
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It happens in every company.
The staff list. The only person not associated with condor was metzen. the designers were all from blizz north.
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>The game cannot be beaten in 6 hours
>Someone beats it in 6 hours
>T-the game cannot be b-beaten with all achivements on inferno mode in 6 hours..
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Apparently i was playing a game with clay characters the entire time and not even knowing it. Wow you're dense.
You think that is bad? dare to say you didn't like Halo 3 a lot on anywhere but /v/. Again, not hate or dislike just that you didn't like it that much, and prepare to unleash hell. Halo fanboys make Biodrones look smart.
That would have been fun to see. I can't hate on claymation.

What staff list? You went through the entire credits and found each person from condor and each person from blizzard? You do realize that the heads at blizzard wouldn't show in the credits, even if they fucking made every important decision regarding the game. You're asking for evidence that can't exist, other than testimony from the developers

>One of best selling PC games of all time
>not good
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oh yeah, this is definitely not clay like. I'm glad that they went with renders instead of blobs of clay.
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More like
>Game can't be beat in 6 hours
>Someone beats it under 6 hours
So you basically have no proof, and you're telling me the proof is that blizzard's staff wouldn't give themselves credit.

Sounds legit.
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Another glorious day for the Pirate master race


am not even gonna waste my bandwidth downloading this shit

captcha you so funny
Holy shit I never realized how terrible Blizzard fans are. What a bunch of faggots.
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I really didn't expect Blizzfags to be this retarded.

That's my point, even if the head honchos at blizzard made every fucking big decision, they wouldn't show up in the credits.
>SuperDuper's comment
>You have to play the same content over again 3 times

Ok, who among you did it?

>Lost Wikings.

I didn't know Tides of Darkness came out 100 years BEFORE the first iteration of Warcraft 2. Amazing information.
It says here you cannot beat Diablo 3 in 6 hours with all the achievements
Why is that?
Because you will beat it in 4

When is the penis of a premature man the same as Diablo 3? When you try to beat them off, they both finish real quick.
So does anyone want to play some Diablo 2?
1195 wasn't 100 years ago.
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OP you missed the part when a bunch of blizzdrones directly insult him with jewels such as (paraphrasing) "lol get a gf" "u hav no life" "i bet ur gf is a sad person bcause of u" and the like.
I baffles me how so many people worship companies so much that they take everything as a personal attack and feel the need to retaliate or go into denial.
No World PvP
No PvP
No Mods
Cash Shop
Online only single player

If you buy and support this you support the end of decent, fun, fair video games made for the players. You seal your own fate to a future of soulless pieces of software made with the shareholders more in mind.

Ive been playing the game by my self. I have played for maybe a little over 3 hours and I am still in act 1 of D3. I am taking my team and doing every quest and sub quest I can though.(playing wizard not sure if that makes the game take longer or what)

If you have a team rushing the game and are skipping a lot of content then yeah you are going to finish pretty quick.

This does not bother me in anyway. I find it funny if anything. Just goes to show you blizzard should of forced more quests on people or something.

"taking my time" goddamn korean keyboards.
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>That feel when people honestly feel the need to defend a company on an anonymous image board.
>That feel when you think that if the game was so good that there would be no need for these people to defend it.
Does anyone else find it hilarious that blizzfags were a big part of bashing TORtanic, and now with diablo 3.3 the blizzfags are using the EXACT same responses and defenses that biodrones used?

>Login errors? I'm not getting any login errors, it must just be because you are running the game on a calculator xD
>So what if it doesn't have proper PvP? Blizzard will PATCH IT!
>Plz ban all these haters, blizzard mod, they're just trolling!
>The game isn't short! I'm ten hours in and still in the tutorial section of the game, that means there's a lot of content and not just me being a mouth breather who can't figure out what to do or that I have to spell every word out aloud before I know what it is!
>I for one LIKE having to always be online even for single player! It keeps out the people who aren't dedicated to Blizzard!

It's just fantastic to see all this shit spouted off again by people who firmly believe it.

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