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  • File: 1334836452.jpg-(36 KB, 500x500, context.jpg)
    36 KB Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:54 No.136585715  
    stories add nothing to a game.

    if you need motivation for a character in order to play through a game, maybe you should rethink your hobby. there are much better mediums for engaging and thought-provoking stories.

    stories in games just serve to impede and obfuscate the creative process of actually making a game.

    a majority of people don't understand the point of playing games where the story doesn't matter. in turn, developers feel that it is necessary to devote a lot of their time to developing the story aspect in their games.

    if studios didn't have to worry about storylines, cinematic sequences, voice acting, or other narrative devices, they would be able to focus more resources on developing new and exciting gameplay ideas.

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:54 No.136585732
    this is exactly the opposite of what we see now-- we don't get developers who are pushing the boundaries of gameplay, we get developers who are rehashing the same mechanics with a different storyline, a different flavor, so the storygame loving masses will shit their collective pants every time a new one is being released.

    if you think a real game designer sits down and comes up with a story first and then tries to make a game to fit that story plot, you are extremely mistaken. if you think this and also consider yourself a gamer, you really only have 3 options:

    1. ignore me and keep being misinformed (opinions can be wrong when based on things that aren't true)

    2. show me something factual to the contrary of "games are supposed to be developed mechanically first, with storyline being an afterthought"

    3. start actually being a gamer and getting into your hobby. start reading about game design, about what games are, where they came from, and why they are played. stop being a little bitch on the sidelines who is ruining it for the actual gamers among you, since developers seem to be pandering to your uninformed ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:55 No.136585774
    What if the story and the gameplay go hand in hand?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:55 No.136585792
    they don't

    get over it
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:56 No.136585898
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    I agree
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:58 No.136585967
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:58 No.136585992
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    How does it feel knowing that this thread isn't going to change anyone's opinion no matter how hard you try?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:58 No.136585993
    >show me something factual to the contrary of "games are supposed to be developed mechanically first, with storyline being an afterthought"

    Why? I can just say I'm right and I'll have as much proof as you.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:59 No.136586038
    but you're not right, considering a game is an abstract set of rules

    i'm going from what a game actually is, not what you faggots want games to be
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)07:59 No.136586082
    Agreed. Valve have got this idea down pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:00 No.136586096
    >if you need motivation for a character in order to play through a game, maybe you should rethink your hobby. there are much better mediums for engaging and thought-provoking stories.

    I agree. I love games, but's lettuce be cereal: they're mindless fun. There hasn't been a single game in the history of the medium that can match up against classics like Citizen Kane.

    >stories in games just serve to impede and obfuscate the creative process of actually making a game.

    Again, agreed. When you try to add depth and thought-provoking story to what is at its heart a toy for grown-ups, you won't get good results.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:00 No.136586104
    I think you are mixing up stories with cinematic experience. Other than that, your argument is only true for some genres. What would an RPG do without at least some setting establishment? What would System Shock 2 be without SHODAN? Or Baldurs Gate 2 without Jon Irenicus?

    For platformers I agree with you though, and lots of other genres. What I think devs need to stop focusing on is graphics, voice acting, and cinematic experience, since those are probably the biggest money- and time sinks.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:00 No.136586147
    Ahh, the idiots of /v/, assemble!

    For fuck sake, is this a troll thread, or are you serious about this? Because I'd prefere it be a troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:00 No.136586149
    Story is the cancer killing video games.

    As soon as a video game has a cutscene, it's already lost. Taking interactivity away from the player is by definition bad game design.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:01 No.136586164
    Actually, it seems like your definition doesn't correspond with the current reality of video games. Wasn't that your problem in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:01 No.136586170
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    they are guilty of one of the biggest storygame fails in history. half-life is fucking atrocious as a game. it was a great tech demo, sure, but as far as the gameplay is considered? doom is magnitudes better in that department.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:01 No.136586201
    Well, thats just like your opinion, man.

    Nice paint skill btw
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:02 No.136586234
    While I agree with OP,
    are the stupidest things I've ever heard. Games are made with gameplay in mind, and then have a good story that makes it work. Without the story the game doesn't work. Why do you think all those mission select games suck so bad?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:02 No.136586260
    >What would an RPG do without at least some setting establishment?
    read the fucking op pic dickass

    there's nothing wrong with setting some context

    there's a difference between having a plot behind the thematics of the game, and completely focusing the entirety of the gameplay around unfolding a story

    do you understand?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:02 No.136586262

    But the story doesn't get in the way of the gameplay. If we compare Half Life to something like Mass Effect, half of what you do in Mass Effect is talk to people to further the story. In Half Life the story is basically dictated to you as you move through it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:02 No.136586271
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    I really fucking hope this is a troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:02 No.136586291
    The only game with a well-implimented story is Super Metroid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:03 No.136586303
    i play video games for the story. they are the best medium for allowing a person to experience a new world at their own pace and feel like they are in control.

    deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:03 No.136586338

    you're so fucking dumb it hurts

    i guarantee you're one of those high and mighty faggots who think you're all tough shit because you play SO HARDCOR crpgs

    you're fucking trash, idiot, you suck at games and you always will

    get fucking raped
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:04 No.136586365
    >read the fucking op pic dickass
    Oh yeah, I was wondering what the hell it was doing there, since it didn't seem to have anything to do with the content of his posts. So then, story in video games actually isn't all bad? It's only bad when it's done badly? Wow, look at that controversial opinion.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:04 No.136586374
    To be honest i fuckin loved HL2 when I first played it in 2005. Shit was amazing, learn to enjoy thing OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:04 No.136586419
    you are a fucking moron

    i'm not going to handle you with kid gloves anymore. figure shit out yourself
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:04 No.136586425

    This is very much true. If I wanted to follow a linear story with cinematics and voice acting and whatever, I'd go watch a movie (which is probably written by writers a thousand times more talented than the hacks that ended up writing for video games since they couldn't get a job anywhere else).

    Games should be about GAMEPLAY. Gameplay can be fun even in a neutral context (like a gaming board), but when you combine great gameplay with great context you get an excellent and unique experience that other forms of entertainment can't provide.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:05 No.136586450
    thats an awful lot of projecting you got going on there
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:05 No.136586482
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:06 No.136586535
    dat aggressivity
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:07 No.136586590

    Why is doom so great when all the story it has is background?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:07 No.136586607
    You mean dat troll.
    Why aren't people saging?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:08 No.136586663
    missed this post
    >But the story doesn't get in the way of the gameplay.
    so you either 1. have never played half-life or 2. don't understand what 'getting in the way of the gameplay is'

    because if there is anything the HL games are good at, it's interrupting the flow of the game with it's fucking terribly shitty story

    couple that with disgusting gunplay and piss-easy mechanics, and you've got one real fucking shitty game

    hl1dm gains some points, but that's neither here nor there
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:08 No.136586665
    Gameplay is more important than narrative, anyone who says otherwise is retarded.
    ...But storyline and gameplay intertwined pretty good in bioshock.
    Can we have a bioshock thread now?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:08 No.136586672
    Because ineffectual trolls are kinda funny. Come on.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:08 No.136586681
    It's because stories don't ever add to the actual wanting to play a game. It can either fit together perfectly or it can detract. Good gameplay can be ruined by awful story. But bad gameplay can never be saved by an amazing story.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:08 No.136586693
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    >Calling other people high and mighty
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:08 No.136586708
    both of you faggots WISH i was trolling
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:09 No.136586721
    Chrono Trigger had great game play and a great story.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:09 No.136586756
    Chrono Trigger was shit
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:09 No.136586771
    >But bad gameplay can never be saved by an amazing story.
    But that's wrong though. Look at RPGs.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:09 No.136586781
    it had cookie cutter gameplay and a good story that would have been better if i was watching it in a movie

    take your nostalgia off for just a second and compare it to other jrpgs

    it's the FUCKING SAME GAME
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:10 No.136586807
    Completely agree OP. eating cereal for the spoon.

    People who disagree are no better than Hamburger Hepler.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:10 No.136586823
    No, the alternative is even funnier, actually.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:10 No.136586826
    >it's interrupting the flow of the game with it's fucking terribly shitty story
    Tell me how a game with zero cinematics did it.
    inb4: hurp durp if you don't see it you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:10 No.136586830
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    >But bad gameplay can never be saved by an amazing story.
    >But that's wrong though.
    >game with bad gameplay still a good game
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:11 No.136586853
    A good game with a bad story is still good.
    A bad game with a good story is still bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:11 No.136586881
    >But bad gameplay can never be saved by an amazing story.
    >Ive never played Skyrim
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:11 No.136586902

    Hey OP I'm going to play MGS right now (and enjoy it), upset about my story telling game ?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:11 No.136586916
    it would be a difficult movie to make, thats why it works better as a game.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:12 No.136586937
    oh you mean oblivion lite
    oh wait you mean morrowind 3: baby edition

    oh wait
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:12 No.136586949
    >morrowind's gameplay was good!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:12 No.136586967
    I'd pick Morrowind before Skyrim, really. But RPGs in general work well to demonstrate this principle.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:13 No.136586975
    it would not have been difficult
    you are just an uncreative faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:13 No.136586978
    RPGs don't have bad gameplay. And there are many RPGs that do indeed play horribly that I can't play. Like Spectrobes for DS
    I've never played Skyrim
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:13 No.136587000


    AHAHAHAHAHAH, more like bedtime tale, every questline is so fucking short
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:13 No.136587017


    oh wait you mean daggerfall: fisher price my first RPG edition
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:13 No.136587019
    no, they don't
    because 9 times out of 10 RPGs are fucking garbage games to begin with. and the only ones that actually are good, are the ones with really good gameplay. it has nothing to do with their stories
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:13 No.136587023
    Do you legitimately think skyrim had good story?
    jesus fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:13 No.136587030
    No other game like it/first of its kind. Like a lot of older games it wouldn't hold against modern games beyond nostalgia reasons.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:15 No.136587104
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    >that whole post
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:15 No.136587117
    See Ace Attorney series, and Ghost trick.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:15 No.136587126
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    I enjoy well told stories in books, comic books, film and video games. I expect an engaging story in all fiction based artistic mediums. Please continue to be upset about this.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:15 No.136587136
    If all RPGs had going for them was their gameplay, I doubt they would be popular. What would RPGs even be without story? Killing a bunch of goblins for no reason? By clicking on them repeatedly?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:15 No.136587141
    I hate the fact that HL has no cutscenes. It's hard to get immersed when I'm being a faggot jumping around when someone's talking to me. Also those segments have as much gameplay as an actual cutscene.
    >Set your controller down and wait til theyre done dumping the story
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:15 No.136587147
    keep bitching op, meanwhile im gonna enjoy REAL games with good stories. go play ur shitty dull platformer and simulators, no-fun allowed faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:16 No.136587158
    Agree with OP. Thats why I play MW3 multiplayer, fuck sory, more killstreak amirightbitvches
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:16 No.136587159
    Good Games:
    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
    Super Metroid
    Street Fighter III

    Shit Games:
    Planescape: Torment
    VtM - Bloodlines
    Grim Fandango

    This will never stop being true.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:16 No.136587162
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    >I'm going to play MGS
    >play MGS

    well thats not right.

    pic related its you "playing MGS"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:16 No.136587164
    You cannot have single player without a story. So I guess OP just wants multiplayer arena shooters and nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:16 No.136587195
    Ugh, the trolling in this thread is so fucking obvious.

    Also JRPGs. You need a good story. Gameplay is not what motivates you in those games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:16 No.136587221
    first of al, it's a 15hr plot at least.
    second, there's what... 8 main characters and 20 supporting roles? Then there's the multiple, over-arching storylines that take place.

    Good luck trying to fit that into a 3hr clusterfuck of a film.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:16 No.136587230
    troll thread and samefagging. Lovely.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:17 No.136587243
    To add to that games like Doom are on the same level of movies like The Transporter and Cranked(?). You don't watch it for the story, you watch it for THE TITS AND THE ACTION AND THE KABOOMSPLOSION
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:17 No.136587247
    This thread is... actually frightening. Are you people seriously THIS FUCKING STUPID AND IMMATURE?

    Normally, I would actually join such a thread and explained why OP, and everyone who even remotely agrees with him wrong (even why and how did they came to such opinions), but seeing this... I don't know. There is so much stupidity and hostility here, I'm not sure there even any point.

    Geez, to think people like this actually have voting rights...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:17 No.136587257
    please show me where i said i don't want any story context at all

    i even said in the pic story should be context

    where are you pulling these shit ideas from? must be your ass

    >Gameplay is not what motivates you in those games.
    you don't know shit about games

    fuck off now
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:17 No.136587264
    Stop enjoying video games the way I enjoy videogames.

    Only the things that I think about videogames are true.

    If you enjoy a part of games that I don't think is important you should do something else.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:18 No.136587314
    harry potter
    your idea is shit, fuck off
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:18 No.136587338
    What about point and click adventure games? Those have been around a long time.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:18 No.136587350
    As I said before, a game with no story is complete ass. But a game with the story planned before the gameplay is, is even worse. Just look at all the new indie garbage "art" games.
    RPGs are good because they have great story. But it's because at least most of them add a new gimmick to the party each time.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:18 No.136587354
    >calling it nostalgia

    no sir, nostalgia made me play some games i later realized they were shit, but doom, idk, i can still play for hours, and I have finished that game a lot of times
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:19 No.136587359
    it's sad that people will think this is a troll post when it's 100% accurate
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:19 No.136587372

    JRPGs are not legitimately good games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:19 No.136587383
    Daggerfall was a buggy randomized empty game. It's a pretty nice looking desert, but that's it.
    >clear demarcation between japanese and western games
    Cmon guys, at least show some passion while trolling.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:19 No.136587395
    What the fuck am I reading
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:19 No.136587402
    >play a hentai game to fap
    >keep playing for the story
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:19 No.136587417
    I don't get it. Are you just unaware of the fact that the people who write the story aren't involved with the rest of the game?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:20 No.136587425
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    1000 hours of drag and drop
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:20 No.136587432
    >Ghost Trick
    >Bad gameplay
    >Ghost Trick
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:20 No.136587440
    How about I enjoy my games for whatever reason I like and you just deal with it, op
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:20 No.136587445
    >you don't know shit about games

    Neither do you CoD player.
    Seriously did you just not play a Mass Effect game in your life? Just stuck to your bland FPS games with no substance?

    You are trolling. I really hope you are because it's pathetic what you're saying.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:20 No.136587491
    Wow, what's impressive is that you can totally tell where OP is samefagging due to his poor grammar and overall syntax.

    Man, I can't believe actually believe shit like

    If I wanted a "cinematic experience", I'd go to a movie. If I wanted an orchestral soundtrack, I'd go listen to some classical music. Get fucked OP, you uncultured swine.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:21 No.136587502
    Made me smile. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:21 No.136587514
    mass effect lost all it's substance, terrible terrible example
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:21 No.136587561
    I'm going to say RPGs in general because the writing in 90% of JRPGs today are either rehashed or shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:22 No.136587584
    its better than other acclaimed RPGs like Morrowind

    and its definitely more playable too
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:22 No.136587616
    i am a quake player, first of all

    i played the first mass effect for like an hour before i realized how bad it was, haven't touched one since and i never will again

    >bland FPS games with no substance
    you've never dueled in a quake game
    you've never played in a ladder match in cs

    don't go around talking like you know ANYTHING, because you fucking don't you shitty fucking idiot
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:22 No.136587638
    You are completely correct. My opinion is now changed. Not even sarcastic one bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:23 No.136587642
    That was after Dragon Age 2. ME2's DLC Arrival was a sign ME3 was going to suck hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:23 No.136587653
    i haven't samefagged once
    i wish a mod was here to prove this to shut you fucking faggots up
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:23 No.136587672
    TL;DR - Don't bother, you'll probably fail.

    Fuck you OP. You're short sighted and you're on the wrong side of history.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:24 No.136587748
    > Wow, what's impressive is that you can totally tell where OP is samefagging due to his poor grammar and overall syntax.
    I'm pretty sure I have read that exact sentence in threads like this many times before. Is that ironic, or just coincidental?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:24 No.136587764
    Also read

    Jumped the gun posting it in the mindset of "ALWAYS STORY OR SUCKS". There are games out there built around action, made for action and just have background throwaway story. There's also those that use story to give context to your actions as a motivation. Others use changing the world as a motivator etc. There's also the grindan grindan grindan that doesn't need story.

    TL;DR: games are different in different genres made for different people in different target audiences and OP is genre blind.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:24 No.136587771
    >yfw a new Quake game released today would be shit
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:25 No.136587791
    If you enjoy games for the story you literally are enjoying them wrong. It is like enjoying a CD because you like the album art, you are basing your enjoyment on an objectively irrelevant criteria instead of that which defines quality in the medium. Yes, I am explicitly telling you that your opinion is faulty. You are fucking wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:25 No.136587834
    they're just newfag storygamer faggots from reddit

    i've posted this thread like 50 times now, over the past year or so

    always someone saying i'm samefagging when i'm not
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:26 No.136587867
    I wish I could find an image of a man blowing his brains out all over another man who than in turn blows his brains out. That is how you make me feel, OP, knowing people like you are out there.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:26 No.136587885
    no shit, moron, i realize this
    why do you think i'm so serious about this? why do you think i have posted this thread so many times?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:26 No.136587890
    Well then your followers are just as uneducated as you. I especially like the overuse of expressions such as "fucking faggots", "fuck off", etc.

    You're so edgy man. Fight the system, all that stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:27 No.136587909
    Gameplay is music. Story is lyrics. Come at me bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:27 No.136587916
    >4chan in a nutshell
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:27 No.136587925
    >shoot people until they're dead

    Why do you play games that have gameplay that hasn't changed in 20 years?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:27 No.136587928
    I think that you shouldn't spend too much time on the story of a game unless the gameplay complements the story in some way. Due to interactivity, games CAN potentially tell stories in ways other mediums can't hope to. If you're just going to make genericgame#490231 and append a chapter of that novel you've been working on to ever level, you're doing it fucking wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:27 No.136587940
    actual gamers? wow you're pathetic

    it isn't about fighting the system, it's about injecting some semblance of truth into this god damn shithole of a board and seeing all the retarded storyniggers go crazy
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:27 No.136587954
    Hey... I know you idiot. I once argued with you, the very same topic not more than a week ago. I refuted every single point you had and you eventually stopped posting. Seems like you really did not take the lesson, huh? That's sad.
    Sage - because this maybe you are not a troll, but you a completely fucking retard and there is no point in discussing anything with you if you aren't willing to learn from your mistakes.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:28 No.136587992
    why do you continue to prove that you have no idea what quake is or how it's played? you are just making yourself look stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:28 No.136588004
    >actually using "newfag"
    >"storygamer faggots"
    Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:28 No.136588019
    Dude, it's pretty obvious when it's you. You are oblivious to punctuation or capital letters. You double space every other line. You can't go one post without throwing insults. You generally come across as a raving lunatic.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:29 No.136588050
    you didn't refute shit, nobody has ever made a single coherent point in any of these threads which is why i continue to post them

    get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:29 No.136588068
    replace shoot with hit and you just described every game ever that isnt a puzzle game
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:29 No.136588089
    I agree with OP. You're entitled to your own opinions if you disagree, just know that your opinion is quite invalid if you do disagree.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:30 No.136588110
    and that proves what? show me where you think i replied to my own post. i haven't done it once. stop wasting my replies
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:30 No.136588123
    >nobody has ever made a single coherent point in any of these threads which is why i continue to post them
    Including you, right? Especially you.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:30 No.136588149

    >I'll just throw in a few cusswords and people won't notice I have no actual arguments

    Are you seriously so pissed off you can't argue your point AT ALL? Why?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:30 No.136588153
    I'm sorry, do you not shoot at people until they're dead in Quake? That's what I did last time I played it for the first time 15 years ago, and that's what you do in every Quake game. They just update the graphics.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:31 No.136588168
    no, not including me

    maybe one day you'll realize what i'm saying is true and there should actually be a clearly made distinction between a game and this interactive fiction shit that you faggots crave so much
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:31 No.136588219
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:32 No.136588226
    >nobody has ever made a single coherent point in any of these threads
    But that's wrong you asshole. You just choose to ignore them because they demolish your oversimplification of what video game stories are.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:32 No.136588239
    So why do you keep playing these games where developers are rehashing the same mechanics with a different storyline, a different flavor every time? Doesn't that get boring if all you're interested in is the gameplay?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:32 No.136588251
    A game should be enjoyed for every part of it. Both Gameplay AND story. It shouldn't just be only one or the other. There is such a thing as a good story that players can enjoy. In this day and age, story in a game is vital to moving the game along. We aren't living in the 8-bit age anymore and you're welcome to return to that age if you disagree. But there have been good games with good stories in them that have been unforgettable. This argument about "stories adding nothing to a game" is absurd and ignorant. The OP is obviously an underage faggot who hasn't played many games to change that attitude. Or an underage faggot who is doing a shit job at trolling.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:32 No.136588253
    You shoot people until they're dead in every fps.
    What point are you trying to make here?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:32 No.136588269
    This makes the most sense. When you listen to music, music is most important. When you play a game, gameplay is more important.
    Story telling and story telling come second but is still very important. Sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:33 No.136588293
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    Hostile, insults everyone who doesn't share his opinion, no good opinions are stated with logic by OP.
    Op is a child or a troll
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:33 No.136588334
    I feel OP got quite a few of his ideas from this video.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:33 No.136588337
    That once you've played one FPS you've played them all, since all that changes is the story, and story doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:33 No.136588360
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    It's not easy making a question mark out of an e
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:33 No.136588362

    To add some discussion to the thread:

    OP's picture has a point, his post rambling does not. The Irenicus example was a good one. What the fuck would BG2 be without a story? Or any RPG game for that matter?

    Forced, million-cutscenes, interactive movies are a bad idea - acceptable story in a videogame is not. This is not the point OP is bringing forward with his manic rambling.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:34 No.136588414
    You're right but you're also horribly horribly wrong.

    A game should be fun. Hell look at Doom and CoD. The story is just a back up to killing shit. ANd that is good and has it's place.
    However story and game can and should go hand in hand.
    When a story is told through the format of a video game and not just a story that happens to have a game with it get great things.

    Video games hold the very real potential to be a superior story medium. But many simply use stories as...backdrop for the game.

    Look at Devil May Cry. The game engine was supposed to be the new resident evil game engine. But guess what? They changed it and made something else out of it.
    And it had genre defining gameplay. However when people talk about it they don't just talk about the game play, they talk about the characters story and game in general.
    Face it.

    A good story will get the player to become more invested in the game. Period.
    HELL! If story wasn't important then why even skin anything. Why have different environments and charactermodels.
    Just have floating shapes that you interact with in certain ways and gain points and a YOU WIN sign.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:35 No.136588473
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    >op is an asspained simpleton and pleb

    What's the matter? Things getting too complicated for your tiny pleb brain?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:36 No.136588504
    It really depends on how the story is told. If you tell it like you would in a book or a movie, you are doing it wrong. In GTA IV, you have this whole virtual social network of friends and foes that you can interact with, who are always "there" whether you're in a mission or just fucking around. I thought that was brilliantly done, and it's something that can only be done in a video game. It's impossible recreate something like that in a movie or a book, which are bound to being straight forward narratives from beginning to end. The next step after GTA IV is to be able to create the stories yourself, build your own social networks of friends and foes by the choices you make throughout the games. There's definitely room for story in video games when you take advantage of the possibilities of the medium and don't just make an interactive novel.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:36 No.136588517
    I like stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:36 No.136588539
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    >A game should be fun
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:37 No.136588595
    >A game should be enjoyed for every part of it. Both Gameplay AND story.
    >It shouldn't just be only one or the other.
    nobody said this
    >There is such a thing as a good story that players can enjoy.
    >In this day and age, story in a game is vital to moving the game along.
    every competitive game ever disagrees
    >We aren't living in the 8-bit age anymore and you're welcome to return to that age if you disagree.
    nobody is asking for a return to the "8-bit age" what the fuck does that even mean you moron? i'll assume you meant ARCADE-LIKE and say, yes, games should definitely be more arcade-like. arcade games are almost completely focused on the gameplay because nobody goes to an arcade to sit and have a tv screen tell them a story. do you get the fucking point?
    >But there have been good games with good stories in them that have been unforgettable.
    >This argument about "stories adding nothing to a game" is absurd and ignorant.
    refute it. tell me how a story as content is better than a story as context
    >The OP is obviously an underage faggot who hasn't played many games to change that attitude.
    i guarantee the breadth and depth of your video game experience is so miniscule and incomparable to mine that it's not even funny. you are a joke, son. get the fuck out of my house
    >Or an underage faggot who is doing a shit job at trolling.
    22. go get HIV you nigger
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:38 No.136588637
    Devil May Cry is good for it's gameplay. I don't know how you can say the story is what defines it. Just because a game has good story doesn't mean it was made with story in mind.
    All OP's trying to say is that gameplay comes first, and story second. Not completely excluding a meaningful and good story. Hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:38 No.136588639

    >But story is needed for a good game
    >But his pic has nothing to do with his post, neither does it express a debatable opinion
    >What do you want?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:38 No.136588641

    Nope. They are entirely irrelevant.

    Street Fighter III is a masterpiece and all it has are 10 second cutscenes at the end of story mode. That is because story means nothing and adds nothing. There are great games with bad or nonexistent stories, but no great games with bad gameplay but good stories. It's not a balancing act, story is a factor completely outside of the criteria for what defines quality in video games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:38 No.136588642
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    >127 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:38 No.136588650
    Proof: SWTOR.
    WoW clone with a different story and despite having one of the largest fanbases ever, it went down the shitter in first 3 months.
    Nothing to argue about.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:39 No.136588734
    The real problem with stories in games is when they're completely disconnected from the game itself.

    Good: Half Life 3
    Bad: Final Fantasy XIII
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:40 No.136588760
    never watched purepwnage growing up, i've had these ideas for years. one day, not too long ago, someone showed me that video and i was as happy as i'd ever been, because even if purepwnage was supposed to be satire, there is so much truth in that video that it's almost stunning to watch
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:40 No.136588768
    If we only look at gameplay, every conceivable type of game ever was already made in the last ten to twenty years. The industry might as well pack their bags. We're done. We can just play Pac-Man and such for the rest of our lives.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:40 No.136588809
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    >a game should be fun
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:40 No.136588821
    Oh God you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:41 No.136588847
    >22. go get HIV you nigger
    That actually makes it worse. If you were 12 you'd at least have an excuse for acting the way you do. Now you just come across as retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:42 No.136588908
    except that the fact that most FPSs at least until recently had very different types of gameplay going for them

    Just because they share one very basic trait doesnt make them similar at all. Next you'll be saying that every game made is exactly the same because all you do is press buttons to win
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:42 No.136588926
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:42 No.136588951
    A good game with a bad story is bad if the story is important, e.g. RPGS.

    A bad game with a good story is a bad game with a good story, i.e. there's still a good story but there's no reason for it to be applied on the vidya medium.

    I think most people can agree to this. But there wouldn't be much of a discussion if the OP expressed himself like a gentleman, would there?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:43 No.136588984
    Story can ruin games. And they can't make a game. But having no story at all ruins alot of games. Not like that's even possible really.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:43 No.136589003
    >except that the fact that most FPSs at least until recently had very different types of gameplay going for them
    No they didn't. You had different types of guns with which you shot different types of enemies, and if they died and you didn't, you won.
    The guns and enemies may have had different names, but that's just story. They had the same function.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:44 No.136589048
    I know it wasn't made for the story.
    I'm saying what made it stick in peoples heads was not just the gameplay but the story itself.
    And some of the best games started with a story instead of a engine. Nowadays that's almost the norm.
    I'm not saying it's right but I am saying it's prevalent.
    Abd the OP is directly stating that story is not only not important for the game but it is a detriment to gaming in general.
    I guess he thinks games should be abstract nonsense.
    Maybe he should go back to playing Rez, oh wait. Rez has a story.

    Then why have different sprites and characters and boards?
    In your opinion there is no point to them and it's a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:44 No.136589054
    now read the second part of my post
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:44 No.136589085
    From what I've gathered, in my personal opinion, story's MOTIVATION is a great tool for a game. The more the player shares with the main character's motivation, the best.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:44 No.136589097
    OP is a typical narrowminded nerd who cannot fathom that the medium is very much capable of telling stories in its own way.
    Although it hasn't been done in a truly solid way, since it still barrows aspects from other medium, most notably, film, that doesn't mean it hasn't the capacity, and there are definitely signs/ hints that it could be achieved one day, that a game will combine the two elements 'flawlessly', setting up a new standard to follow and/or to expand upon.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:45 No.136589112

    >every competitive game ever disagrees
    You just proved you only ever play FPS and Fighting games.

    >nobody is asking for a return to the "8-bit age" what the fuck does that even mean you moron? i'll assume you meant ARCADE-LIKE and say, yes, games should definitely be more arcade-like. arcade games are almost completely focused on the gameplay because nobody goes to an arcade to sit and have a tv screen tell them a story. do you get the fucking point?
    Games evolve and multiply into different genres. Grow up.

    >refute it. tell me how a story as content is better than a story as context
    Go play Fallout sometime.

    >22. go get HIV you nigger
    Wow. That's actually pretty funny.

    Gameplay and Story should not be 1st or 2nd to each other but equal to get the most enjoyment out of a game. That is unless the gameplay or story is shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:45 No.136589116

    Story is never important. RPGs are an intrinsically flawed genre.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:45 No.136589123


    Is it even debatable? Like, is this anything but a fact? Why is there a thread still running?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:45 No.136589149
    i'm saying the focus that developers put on story is bad because it clearly detracts from what it means to make a game

    i never said games should have no story, i just said the story should not be the content

    learn to read fag
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:45 No.136589164

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:46 No.136589190
    >Story is never important. RPGs are an intrinsically flawed genre.

    your cowaddody is showing.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:46 No.136589223
    >implying we can't have both

    saged and reported for being an ignorant close minded baby.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:46 No.136589224
    Different games do different things. What's the problem?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:47 No.136589258
    because there are no games now, nor on the horizon, that are doing anything that i want

    thus, mad
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:47 No.136589293

    The Call of Duty games are better than any RPG you can mention. This is pretty much irrefutable. They also shit on any RPG-shooter hybrid out there, like Deus Ex or Bloodlines or System Shock.
    >> Gear !!8NwjRFpF6q1 04/19/12(Thu)08:48 No.136589318
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    The main fault of this argument is not realizing certain genres need story while others do not.

    In the case of fighting games, shooters, beat-em-ups and puzzle games a fleshed out story isn't needed as it is the gameplay that serves as the main draw. Adding stories to these kind of games is definitely derivative to the game's feel as evidenced by the clusterfuck stories in some fighting games, especially King of Fighters.

    In terms of adventure games, RPGs, and mystery/exploration games, a story is much more essential as the player is directly dropped into a set character with a name and backstory playing as them rather than simply with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:48 No.136589330
    Gameplay can ruin games. And they can't make a game. But having no gameplay at all ruins alot of games. Not like that's even possible really.

    See what I did there?
    Let me guess, text-based adventure games are dogshit because the gameplay is almost nothing?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:48 No.136589335
    >But having no story at all ruins alot of games.

    This has never happened at any point in history.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:48 No.136589346
    OK, aside from OP being ABSOLUTE FUCKING RETARD, is there anyone actually willing to discuss this problem? As in not throwing insults and claiming that every game that does not fall into your personal image of what games should be automatically "SHIT"?

    There are several reasons why I believe the role of narrative and story actually plays a VERY important role and frankly, I believe the whole industry is not at ALL focusing enough on it. It's obviously partially due to personal tastes - I any sort of competetive games simply bore me to death and feel like a waste of time, so I always focused more on narrative games from the beggining - but I understand different personal tastes.

    There is however more to the subject. We have all been - rightefully - comparing games to other media, such as literature, or cinema. The comparison is valid, however, it's mostly done wrong.
    I'm convinced that EVERY form of media is inherently narrative in it's core. It's why it's "medium", a carrier, something mediating some information. That goes for cinema, literature, even music, and I believe even games.

    A can continue the argumentation, but is there anyone actually interested in discussing this as a human being?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:49 No.136589368
    If a genre needs a story to be good, it's a bad genre.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:49 No.136589370
    There are games that stories add nothing to. It's called simulation games. And rarely do these games have an ending to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:49 No.136589395
    But that's circular reasoning, isn't it? Story has no place in video games. Video games where story does have a place don't count, because they are bad video games, because story doesn't have a place in video games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:49 No.136589423
    No you retard that is exactly what you are stating.

    Story and differing characters and the like are ways that people dress up and present the exact same gameplay styles from the same genres over and over again.
    Think I'm full of it you fucking moron?
    What seperates any 4 games from the same genre?
    By the way, characters, setting, music, and movement are all part of the "story" of the game as well.
    I'm waiting.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:50 No.136589432
    /v/ confirms that fun games are not fun and games focused on story are not actually games
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:50 No.136589439

    Troll confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:50 No.136589446
    There probably are alot of good games that came out of a story idea before gameplay. But whenever I think of that, I imagine all those indie "artsy" games focusing on story telling and trying to excuse the rancid gameplay. Making a story first often times limits what you can / want to do in your game.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:50 No.136589489
    Gameplay is not a very basic trait.
    When the gameplay of two games is the exact same, but the story is different, it's basically the same game. This means that virtually all FPS are the exact same game. They play the same. The only difference is sometimes you shoot terrorists, sometimes aliens, sometimes Nazis.

    If you are a true gamer, and truly value gameplay, then you stopped playing games fifteen years ago, because since then all we've gotten is rehashes.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:50 No.136589495
    >You just proved you only ever play FPS and Fighting games.
    no. that's not what just happened at all. i suggest youtubing "reading comprehension"

    >Games evolve and multiply into different genres. Grow up.
    games devolved into story-focused garbage because of shitties like you who don't understand gaming

    >Go play Fallout sometime.
    fallout is one of the worst "games" i've ever played. it might have been omg "mindblowing i can do so much!!!!!!!111" back in the 90s but today it's aged so badly that it's near unplayable. how anyone could have, even in those days, sit through so much meaningless fucking dialog is beyond me. i don't know what you faggots are, but you sure as shit are not gamers.

    >Gameplay and Story should not be 1st or 2nd to each other but equal to get the most enjoyment out of a game. That is unless the gameplay or story is shit.
    holy shit dude you are delusional as fuck. tell me, have you ever made a game? ever tried to make a game? if you did, how did you start?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:51 No.136589521

    also /v/ confirms that story doesn't actually enhance a games quality

    Call of Duty is ACTUALLY a better game than Deus Ex because the gameplay is much better whereas Deus Ex's gameplay is piss bad
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:52 No.136589597
    Tribes: Ascend have some background, but it isn't really anything game is focused on. Gameplay is what matters there.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:52 No.136589621
    Sorry, OP set the tone for this thread. I don't think many people would be interested in serious debate with a whooping retard in the background trying to shout over everyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:52 No.136589625
    exactly, and it's a shame that the gameplay isn't very good

    i was hoping it would be
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:52 No.136589651
    ok now you're just trying too hard.
    that last sentence gave it away. next time remember less is more
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:53 No.136589658








    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:53 No.136589672
    Well keep playing your mario or any similar game without story
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)08:53 No.136589693
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    relevant. OP is 100% correct.

    Videogames should give the players direct control over their characters, which restricts the players perspective of the symbolic trauma of events.

    If you're playing a game and a zombie starts breaking through your window, you're not going to be primarily thinking about your family/dog/children/possessions. you're going to get the fuck out of there.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:53 No.136589709
    But gameplay does make a game doesn't it? And I imagine having no gameplay ruins ALL games
    So I don't see what you did at all.
    Also yes, text based games are dogshit because the gameplay is almost nothing.

    I'm thinking of a tank game with no story and pretty good gameplay. But it got boring after a couple hours playing and I couldn't beat it because no reason to play.

    Also every game with a Quest Board style side quests instead of NPC based.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:54 No.136589729
    >No you retard that is exactly what you are stating.
    no, it's not

    having well-defined and artful thematic elements are appreciated, no doubt, but centering the focus of the game on unfolding a story plot is a bad idea <-- this is the gist of what i'm saying and i'm citing basically EVERY FUCKING GAME EVER FOR THE PAST 10 YEARS as my evidence
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:54 No.136589741
    Enjoy your storytime! I'll be playing actual games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:54 No.136589753
    My favourite magazine is MAD.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:54 No.136589771

    i love this jaffe so much


    i would fuckin put his balls in my mouth
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:54 No.136589780
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    >If a genre needs a story to be good, it's a bad genre.

    Text Adventure games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:54 No.136589781

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:55 No.136589808
    What about games like Dwarf Fortress where half the game is creating a history for your civilization?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:55 No.136589834
    >fallout is one of the worst "games" i've ever played. it might have been omg "mindblowing i can do so much!!!!!!!111" back in the 90s but today it's aged so badly that it's near unplayable. how anyone could have, even in those days, sit through so much meaningless fucking dialog is beyond me. i don't know what you faggots are, but you sure as shit are not gamers.

    Oh god what the hell. What the fuck am I reading, oh wow. Do people actually think this? Jesus Christ, this is just "if i wanted a story i'd go read a book" spread out over 3 sentences.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:55 No.136589848

    i didn't say this

    that's simply not true

    get trolled more faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:56 No.136589876

    >Call of Duty
    >Better than Deus Ex

    >Deus Ex
    >Piss poor gameplay

    I agree 100%
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:56 No.136589885
    You're not very good at getting your point across, to say the least. And your evidence isn't the video games, it's your opinion on those video games. So I guess my opinion on video games would be equally valid, then, wouldn't it?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:56 No.136589930
    Because aren't text based adventure games just a choose your own story book?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:57 No.136589942
    I think you guys don't actually understand what Jaffe was trying to say, but hey, if you think he actually said "stories in games == very very bad", then stay delusional.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:57 No.136589949
    >Sorry, no troll
    >procedes to post a troll score
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:57 No.136589961
    i just assume that people understand that i am a god gamer and my opinions on the matter are fact
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:57 No.136589978
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:58 No.136590008
    Omg... You cannot be this stupid. You just can't be.
    This is truly a trolling attempt gone far too long now.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:58 No.136590019
    >0 score
    >lack of score

    kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:58 No.136590050
    Have you guys been ignoring my posts? Tho I'm not really arguing against story. Just saying that it needs to be put second. As in; making a game with story in mind leads to a bad game because it limits what you're willing to do with gameplay.
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)08:58 No.136590052
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    are you fucking stupid? I never said stories in games were bad, of course they're fucking not.

    The point is stories should never take precedent over gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:59 No.136590059

    Doom's level designs are fucking retarded and the graphics are shit and so are the guns and physics and everything
    Half Life 1 is way better and more interesting
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:59 No.136590061
    >a choose your own story book

    No. Try actually playing a text based game one day, son
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:59 No.136590065
    this is every storyfaggot's first response to my words

    start learning negro, your deconversion is waiting
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)08:59 No.136590125
    being wrong only hurts you
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:00 No.136590135
    Yeah, I can see that. Oh well, maybe in some other thread that isn't overtaken by fucking idiots. I kinda hopped we could just filter OP out (since he is a PAINFULLY) obvious troll and actually talk about the topic, which IS actually fairly interesting and I do believe most of people are still getting it wrong, but... I don't really want to jump into this cesspool of shite. I'd need more than one post to formulate my arguments and by that time, I'd be burried in OP saying I AM THE ONLY JUDGE OF WHAT ARE GAMES IN THE FIRST PLACE and 50 people dignifiying it with a responce.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:00 No.136590142
    Deus Ex is a shit RPG and a shit shooter combined together into a big package of mediocrity.

    The story is also nothing worth talking about and you can't really influence anything, just what happens to your brother and the ending which is based purely on a decision 5 minutes before the very end.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:00 No.136590143
    >This is every storyfaggot's first response to my words

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:00 No.136590149
    B-but I have fun playing games like fallout that are driven by story
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:01 No.136590208
    Story is often an anchor to keep the player interested in your game.

    If AAA games didn't have stories - why would you play more than 5-6 games ever?

    I think you need story but It's complicated.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:01 No.136590228
    >It's because stories don't ever add to the actual wanting to play a game.

    Of course, bro! I totally played Planescape: Torment for its gameplay, and any story was just shit getting in the way!

    ...No. Fuck you, and fuck OP. This viewpoint is fucking moronic and it needs to be stopped.

    I'll explain it slowly for you:


    Yes, games which focus on gameplay and use the story as a context for this are great. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT EVERY GAME HAS TO BE LIKE THAT. It's perfectly acceptable for you to personally prefer games like that - but trying to insist that EVERY game should be like that, just because YOU don't like the alternative, is pathetically short sighted.

    People like stories. People read books, watch movies, and enjoy games with good stories. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:01 No.136590237
    this is a direct reply to the OP, and I haven't read any other argument for- or against his point of view other than the original post in this thread:
    Yeah it would be all well and good what you're talking about, if the game company actually went ahead and tried to make innovations. But let's face it; you take out the story aspect of a game and you lose 1/3 of your market for consolefags and you lose 1/6 of your market for PCfags. Why? Some people care about story. Would you rather a game which isn't innovative but has a story, or would you rather CoD spitting out another game every 5 months because they no longer have to bother about story? Game companies aren't going to try innovating because it's too hard and the "risk" isn't worth the "reward".
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:01 No.136590245
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    I'm not gonna bother reading the thread becaus eI have to go, but the OP is wrong, video games have xcome a long way and is why some many consider them art now, even if the art can be made through gampley, in one side you got games like serious sam or tetris where there is mindless fun and if you removed the story complretely they would still be great.

    And then you have games like heavy rain or uncharted that are so based aroud the story, that removing it would simply make no game, and in fact changing the gameplay wiuld pribably result in the same exp4erience, because that's not the important part of the game, stop acting like every video game should use the same formula every time.

    Different video games have different priorities, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:02 No.136590261
    because they are brainwashed corporate sluts who have been told what to like

    this is why games are now shitty, because the people who buy games are not gamers and thus don't understand gaming

    the people like me who you don't hear are the ones who have submitted to this system and try to feel some kind of worth out of the time and money they spend on this trash, but i know deep down they feel exactly the same as me

    robbed, raped, left in the fucking gutter. the industry left us behind and trained its little cocksucking whores to spit on us when they hear us talking
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:02 No.136590265
    Dwarf Fortress is good for it's gameplay. Though I don't like it's gameplay, I'm sure it's played for it's uniqueness in a very tycoon like fashion. Because I don't even think there is a story for that game. Or at least a backstory...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:02 No.136590310
    yes, it does. problem with that? call it something else, because it's not a game
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:02 No.136590325
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    >1. ignore me and keep being misinformed (opinions can be wrong when based on things that aren't true)

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:02 No.136590328
    no you're just a retard
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:03 No.136590341
    My bad. I've only played Thy Dungeonman.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:04 No.136590395
    You didn't need 4 lines to say "games were better when i was a kid, whaa whaa whaa I'm a tourneyfag"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:04 No.136590409
    >the people like me who you don't hear
    If only.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:04 No.136590435
    yeah man, like that picasso shit, lol that's not a paining IT DOESNT EVEN FORM A REAL THING, totally not a painting we shoudl find another name for that crap
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:05 No.136590470
    So you want me to invent and popularize an entirely different word for 'interactive work in which the gameplay serves primarily to support the story and allow the user to interact with the world and its characters'?

    Why can't we just use 'gameplay focused game' and 'story focused game' and leave it at that?
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)09:05 No.136590485
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    >all these storyfag tears

    seriously /v/ is filled with fangirls
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:05 No.136590512
    >the most important part of music is the melody
    >harmony has no place in music
    >if it has harmony, it isn't music
    >don't get me started on drums

    Story should be used to complement the gameplay. But since everyone arguing against story in a video game has the mental capacity of an eggplant, sage.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:06 No.136590538
    the worst part of these threads are the people who make it out like i'm trying to abolish storygames completely.

    i'm not.

    i realize the value in a story where you can control the actor or actors.

    that's not a game, though. it's interactive fiction. it's something that we don't really have a word for. we currently use game engines to make them though because it's the easiest way for developers to make them.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:06 No.136590554
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    OP is a fag. If you want games without story content go play games without story content. No reason why SOME games can't have both.

    Variety is important to stop the medium from becoming stale thing abiding to a single rule set for creating video games is moronic.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:06 No.136590593
    How about the story for Torment just fit perfectly for the game? I didn't say story was bad. I just said it couldn't add. Unless of course, you're saying the gameplay was ass and you only played becaues the story was so immersive you coudln't stop.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:07 No.136590608
    >because they are brainwashed corporate sluts who have been told what to like

    So now not only did you admit you are stupid and fail at trolling, you also admitted you're anti-social. You can't even understand obvious sarcasm.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:07 No.136590636
    because they're not games

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:07 No.136590660
    f/games design student from RMIT here

    You know what sucks about 4chan these days?
    This shit

    The topic raised at the start of this thread is something pretty interesting, but everyone appears to just be fighting rather than discussing it.
    I'm not blaming YOU, but 4chan is a bad forum for the discussion... Not for the question or point raising.
    I don't know. Upvoting seems to be a pretty fucking rad idea. I haven't been on 4chan for months now, so I'm going to guess that it's cool to hate reddit around here but whatever, I enjoy it.

    There are some pretty cool articles out there about this sort of thing:

    Also read this:
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:07 No.136590673
    This has been discussed a million time. You're wrong.

    If that were the case, games like Baldur's Gate II and Planescape Torment wouldn't be rated incredibly highly on the list of best games ever made. There gameplay fucking sucks, people only play them for the story and the adventure. It's the same with The Witcher and The Witcher 2, more games people on /v/ like to suck off on a regular basis. And Fallout 1,2, and NV.

    You're wrong, get over it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:07 No.136590674
    I fucking hate pre-school /v/.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:08 No.136590691
    You're seriously siding with this ranting madman? Think about that with a moment. Even if you agree with his viewpoints on some level, do you want to associate yourself with him by openly agreeing with him in this thread? And you're a tripfag, no less. Now you can never have a civilised discussion on the subject again, because your name is forever associated with this idiocy.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:08 No.136590714
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    People are still arguing about this after Mass Effect?

    Face it storydoesn'tmatterbros. You lost.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:08 No.136590727
    >every game uses the same formula


    Audiosurf = Music>GAmeplay>everything else>Story

    Heavy Rain= story>atmosphere>gameplay>music>everything else

    >Team fortress 2= Gameplay>sounds>grafics>everything else>story
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:09 No.136590785
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    Personally, I don't really care if people enjoy cinematics or story in their games or not, but really? You can't handle 30 seconds or so of a cut scene to develop more of a connection to the story? I mean, look at inFAMOUS, cutscenes only when you did the STORY quest, and it was never uncomfortably long, I felt like it made some pretty good, quick, clean explanations of what I should do next and some insight on what the main character is feeling.

    Some people actually like story in games, because, who fucking wants to read a book? Story is in movies, why isn't that looked down upon saying "IF I WANTED STORY I SHOULDA READ A BOOK, ACTION HANK ONLY EXPLOSIONS MASTER RACE#!!!#@", I feel it's the same thing. Story in games is good, as long as it's kept to a tasteful minimum. Never ONCE have I seen a cutscene and gone "Wow, this is bullshit, I can't even play the game!", just about every game I played I got plenty of actual playing done before a new cutscene which I felt like was well worked up to.

    I agree, long, intrusive, constant cutscenes would kind of dissolve me out of the game story wise, but what's wrong with some, like Bioshock? or inFAMOUS? I really just want to play vidya without someone saying that my opinion is wrong just because he is too impatient to sit for 5 seconds while not hitting X to kill 100000 mortals, it's not hard really. Patience is a virtue I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:09 No.136590789

    Melody, harmony and instruments are all fundamental parts of music. Story in video games is more comparable to say, the physical appearance of the musician in your analogy. "This musician is attractive, therefore it adds to the music" is what storyfags actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:10 No.136590856
    >I didn't say story was bad. I just said it couldn't add. Unless of course, you're saying the gameplay was ass and you only played becaues the story was so immersive you coudln't stop.

    Alright, firstly: if you are genuinely trying to claim that if Planescape: Torment had no story or context at all and was just a load of boxes on a white background, that it would be just as good, you are objectively wrong.

    Secondly: why are you so unable to comprehend the idea that the gameplay of a game could be good but the story still be the primary draw? That in a game with competent gameplay but a fantastic story, the story would likely be the main reason that people would play it?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:10 No.136590889
    >"This musician is attractive, therefore it adds to the music" is what storyfags actually believe.
    No, that's what graphicsfags actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:10 No.136590913
    I can understand shit like visual novels being shit on by people like you, because let's face it, "click next to win" is not really gameplay.

    But telling people games like Fallout have "too much dialog" and can't be classified as games is complete bullshit and you're an idiot if you believe that. Go play in some fucking championship if you want to play to make your e-peen grow. You obviously wouldn't recognize fun if it smacked you in the face
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:11 No.136590926
    Aw man, I loved Balder's Gate. I never realized the gameplay was bad and that I was playing it for story... But now that you say it, and I think about it, you're actually right.. =(
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:11 No.136590945
    He's wrong, just ignore this thread if you don't agree with it. It's not as if somebody ranting on /v/ is ever going to change the gaming industry.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:11 No.136590952

    >"This musician is attractive, therefore it adds to the music"

    That would be more akin to "This game developer is attractive, therefore it adds to the game"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:11 No.136590973
    Planescape: Torment is an objectively bad game. You can enjoy it and that's fine, but please understand that your enjoyment is based on faulty standards and criteria and that from a critical standpoint irrespective of your opinion it is a low quality title.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:11 No.136590984
    so what's the line anyway faggot

    is donkey kong country not a videogame? it has cutscense

    is half life not a video game?

    how about Metal gear solid? I thought it was my favorite video game WELP guess I was wrong
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:12 No.136591000
    Being wrong is like losing for stubborn children. They refuse to accept it and will keep continuing.

    I grow tired of arguing with these idiots. Can we just have a mod remove this thread and samefagging OP banned for a couple of hours to think about what he's done?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:12 No.136591006
    it's not about cutscenes you shallow cunt

    they are a part of it, but that's not the point. the point is that games today are being made by people who just want to make stories. mechanics seem to be an afterthought, considering all we see are the same mechanics rehashed over and over with different stories.

    nobody cares to try and make an actually decent game that you have to learn to play and master anymore, because that isn't profitable, and this thread is filled with the retarded cunts who support that very behavior.

    it's fucking disgusting, outraging, and you're dumb if you consider yourself a gamer and can't see this.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:12 No.136591032
    >the worst part of these threads are the people who make it out like i'm trying to abolish storygames completely.
    People are only going off of what you're saying. It may not be what you actually want to communicate, but, well, you're not very good at communicating your points.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:12 No.136591049

    Graphics can actually add something to a video game. Story does not. It never has and it has no potential to do so in the future.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:13 No.136591106
    Stop playing such shit games, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:13 No.136591113
    If I wanted a story, I'd go listen to the village elder. Books are only for letters and other characters.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:13 No.136591119
    >People are only going off of what you're saying.


    what about that wasn't clear?

    maybe if people weren't trying to twist what i'm saying or just blatantly making shit up there wouldn't be such fucking confusion. just because you disagree with me doesn't mean you have to come to my thread and be a fucking retarded shithead
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591131


    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591142
    You do realise that what you are defining as a game - is not a game? It's a braiteaser, or a skill test. Narrative element IS inherent part of a computer games since the very first game is. Games use text, sound and visuals to communicate - that is what makes them different from brainteasers and skill tests. The main difference is the interface - interface of games is build so it can accomodate narrative elements. That is actually the reason why they exist as a self-standing platform, and that is why CoD outsells japanes stick mazes. Sole reason.
    So narrative is just as vital to games as harmony is to music.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591170
    I would love to know what are some of your or any retard defending OP's favorite games
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591173
    >Graphics can actually add something to a video game.
    Only GAMEplay can add anything to a video GAME. Graphics aren't gameplay, so they can't add anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591176

    Is that why people like Final Fantasy 13?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591195
    As much as I hate to say it, and I hate pointing it out, I think we may legitimately have an Underageb& here.

    Are schools currently on holiday somewhere in the US?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591198
    I disagree, the story is completely irrelevant. Both as context and content.

    What is relevant is that all games must use Kinect. Controllers and keyboards add nothing to games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:14 No.136591202
    My bad, I withdraw my previous statements. I've been convinced. Mainly by your Planetscape and the Ace Attorney games. As long as gameplay isn't garbage then story can easier make it fantastic. Like the Suikoden series.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:15 No.136591203

    >Story cannot add anything to a video game ever

    That's it. I'm out. 10/10 would get rustled again. That was so retarded I can't see straight.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:15 No.136591213

    No. You're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:16 No.136591306

    man, you really just don't get games dude. go learn something, holy shit
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:16 No.136591315
    Lol it must to be as stupid as you OP. Since when has story not been part of the gameplay?

    Fucking newbie. Story does not equal combat mechanics and never has. Planescape torment has fucking horrible combat, but the gameplay is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:16 No.136591331
    If it was about gameplay we would not need to play anything but pacman, pong, tetris and missle command.

    Fuck off kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:16 No.136591348
    Nope, I'm pretty sure you're the cause of all the confusion here. It's very unclear what you're trying to say. And sure, you've said "context, not content," but most of your rants seem to contradict that. So don't act like you're infallible and it's everyone else's fault for not understanding you.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:17 No.136591382
    >ITT: thread samefags pretend to be retarded and /v/ falls for it

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:17 No.136591386
    please point to anything i've said that contradicts it
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:17 No.136591418
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    >Graphics can actually add something to a video game. Story does not.

    >Graphics can actually add something

    >Story doesn't

    This is how you kill the vidya
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:17 No.136591426
    What is there to discuss?
    Story isn't just that littler blurb in the booklet at teh beginning cutscens and what happens at the end. It's the entire damned game itself.
    Even arcade games told a little story. Nonsensicle of course but still as story.
    What he's suggesting is abstract gaming.
    That's it.
    Abstract shapes that you interact with in some way get some points or some reward.
    But it still won't work because people will STILL fill in the gaps by creating little narratives.
    It's who we are as human beings.

    So I'm wrong because I'm right but I didn't say it in that exact way. you're saying it.
    Okay sure.
    You like mindless gameplay.
    Some people like indepth stories.
    Both are valid ways of enjoying games.
    Claiming superiority because your style of gameplay isn't other styles of gameplay is bullshit.

    Care to name a few games that are story independent?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:17 No.136591427
    Think about it. Controllers and keyboards only detract from the realism and immersion that Kinect can add to games.

    And real life doesn't have a story either. So why should games have those?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:18 No.136591432
    Actually, gameplay should be context, story the content. Gameplay is a form, not a substance of the game.
    There is absolutely NO rational reason why there should not be games about stories. If we accepted cinema, literature, theatre, even music as narrative media and were rewarded by briliant works and beautiful culture, why the FUCK should we allow the same to develop in gaming? OP aside - for those siding with him:
    Why do you actually find this problematic? Where is the problem? How the fuck is this even an issue with you?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:18 No.136591445
    First, please point out all posts in this thread which are yours.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:18 No.136591450
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:18 No.136591469

    But where do you draw the line between context and content?

    I agree with you that games could do with more interesting mechanics. But I don't see why that means that games shouldn't have stories other than stuff that exists in the background.

    If you just want a game with no story whatsoever, play a board game. Or a sport. Leave the video games to people who aren't morons incapable of getting any enjoyment when they're not blowing something up.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:18 No.136591482
    just hope that this isn't an EA employee, tasked to get a feel for this idea off of the internet
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:19 No.136591504
    >real life doesn't have a story
    >not being the main character
    Start being at hero, you.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:19 No.136591515



    They're better than any of your favourite games because I have great taste while you enjoy shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:19 No.136591546
    >stories add nothing to a game

    Stopped reading there.

    If you honestly believe that any single element to a game adds nothing to a game, you must be fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:19 No.136591548
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    There should be more games where the story is experienced mostly through gameplay, the way Super Metroid and Mega Man X did it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:19 No.136591558
    He's definitely a bored semi-troll right now. Nobody believes that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:20 No.136591583
    Your entire two-part OP, disregarding the picture. It just looks like you picked a picture that was remotely related but you actually wanted to say something different. Your entire OP is a rant about how any kind of story is bad and and games should only have gameplay.
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)09:20 No.136591620
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    Okay, the debate about whether 'vidyagaems are art/not art' is fundamentally absurd.

    Videogames are a medium (like painting, movies, novels), where art may emerge. It's not a very good medium however (for the immediacy of events and the direct control of your character) and often it's at the expense of the game's actual gameplay.

    Another ruinous aspect of this debate which exposes another glaring hypocrisy of /v/'s logic is that it perpetuates the idea that people who buy games are not empowered consumers but are passive spectators who do not deserve to feel entitled to quality.

    Another part is that /v/ and the rest of the industry (including reviewers) don't understand fucking anything about aesthetics; be it frameworks, values or perspectives you guys just have no fucking clue what you're talking about and often fall back on literally preschool definitions of crucial philosophical concepts of subjective/objective opinion/fact etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:20 No.136591626
    >they are a part of it, but that's not the point. the point is that games today are being made by people who just want to make stories. mechanics seem to be an afterthought, considering all we see are the same mechanics rehashed over and over with different stories.

    Well, seeing as how just about EVERY SINGLE MECHANIC has been done already, i.e. CoD, Battlefield, just about all RTS games, it's kind of hard to NOT rehash something. Sure, there are a few gems that revolutionize gaming altogether, like HL2 changed how a very large amount of shooters played and source engine and what not.

    Besides that, aside from rehashing and how overly done it is, which is true, all people really CAN do is make a different story to pull people in. Can you blame them either? It's impossible NOT to rehash something. Everything has been done, and you expect the near impossible so quickly?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:21 No.136591652
    Good thing you do not decide what is a game OP.

    You could always found a company and become rich by making the best non story games on the planet.

    Or if you are not creative enough, publish them.

    You are full of shit and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:21 No.136591667
    Guys. I'll be honest with you. I'm autistic. I know how they act and quite frankly, >>136591049 and >>136590261 is definitely one. It makes sense I mean one of them if not the same guy are 22 years old and acting like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:21 No.136591703
    You are part of /v/
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:22 No.136591712

    >Another part is that /v/ and the rest of the industry (including reviewers) don't understand fucking anything about aesthetics; be it frameworks, values or perspectives you guys just have no fucking clue what you're talking about and often fall back on literally preschool definitions of crucial philosophical concepts of subjective/objective opinion/fact etc.

    Finally someone fucking said it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:22 No.136591726

    The advanced lighting techniques which made the stealth elements possible in Splinter Cell and Thief contributed more to the medium of video games than any story ever has.

    Graphics > story. This is the opinion of educated, intelligent gamers who actually care about game design. Story is for casual plebians who want to warp a medium they don't even like to match their fucked up standards.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:22 No.136591734
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    Jesus Christ, it's been a while since /v/ got this up in arms over the opinion of one kid samefagging. This is fucking hilarious.
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)09:23 No.136591795
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    Of course i'm talking about the majority opinion your fat nasty trash.

    And i'm not from /v/, i'm from /lit/ so watch your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:23 No.136591820
    This guy is right.

    OP, imagine your favourite game with every single object replaced with a box. Every weapon animation is removed and replaced with the most boring thing possible which still conveys the same information. Every piece of text is removed unless it relates to the progression of the gameplay, in which case it's replaced by the most basic sentence which can still convey the same information.

    Now, tell me - does that sound just as fun? The answer is 'no', by the way. If you were going to say yes, you are lying. To me, to the rest of /v/ and possibly to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:23 No.136591827
    Looking forward to Avatar 2 I see?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:23 No.136591834
    Thread is dead now, stop posting in it. Also I'm taking credit for being one of the 4 reasonable people here actually discussing discussions.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:24 No.136591859
    What makes videogames really unique is that it's essentially an amalgamation of every other medium we have. Elements on their own can be great, but it is true that they are more suited to other genres. Video to film, soundtracks to music, writing to books, art to paintings. However, without these other elements games have their values severely lessened.

    A game needs one thing - gameplay. For it to be considered in some shape or form a game it needs gameplay. That we can all agree on. Something else I think we would agree on is that graphics greatly improve a game experience - as does music.

    With these elements you have a game. With these elements you can have a fun game, too. Super Mario Bros or Solomon's Key, or what have you. They're fine, with only contextual story and a goal to reach.

    However, when a medium which can be developed to incorporate the best of every other medium why not do so? It was considerably more difficult in the NES era to create a realistic and enjoyable world, leaving us with games like the two mentioned above. This isn't a bad thing, not by a long shot. We all know games like this are still being churned out and are a lot of fun today.

    I would argue that videogames are the medium of escapism. The one place where you can interact with the environment around you and see it evolve - cause it to evolve, even. That is the appeal of videogames. I don't think you would care to argue otherwise. Realistically, what else does gaming offer that no other medium can?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:24 No.136591892
    >>136591432 Why do you actually find this problematic? Where is the problem? How the fuck is this even an issue with you?

    severe mental problems. or holidays from school.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:25 No.136591921
    What's /reddit/?
    >And i'm not from /v/, i'm from /lit/ so watch your mouth.
    Then why are you here talking about video games? We don't come into your board to talk about books, do we?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:25 No.136591947


    part 1
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:25 No.136591951
    It's this combination of every element which leaves us with immerive worlds, and in such rich worlds what are you to do but go on a quest? Certainly it's true that gameplay, graphics and music alone without story can make a beautiful enjoyable world which is a lot of fun; Flower comes to mind. Buy why should we not expant upon this? Give every being in this world reason and hope. Give them personality, and give your character a goal. This is what story is - character and a goal.

    Solomon's Key for just a moment again - you solve puzzles, you progress to the end of the game. You have a goal, and progressively get closer. Visuals and audio create a distinct world for you to explore. However, you lack character development. You are just the good guy. This is story as context.

    Games are no longer a linear series of puzzles. They have much needed variety in a living 3D world so why is the addition of a story not only the next logical step but the only logical step forward? Puzzles are fun, for a while. Puzzles eventually become tiring, to repeat the same solution or process of elimination over and over again becomes boring. But to play a game with an overall goal, to complete sections of your quest bit by bit and to understand your goal is where games thrive.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:26 No.136591970
    Op must love Bethesda games.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:26 No.136591980
    part 2

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:26 No.136592005
    What qualifies you to tell me what is right and what is wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:26 No.136592009
    >And i'm not from /v/, i'm from /lit/ so watch your mouth.
    >Then why are you here talking about video games? We don't come into your board to talk about books, do we?
    Funniest shit. Thanks, bro. Made my day.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:27 No.136592019

    Should Portal have been simply a Puzzle game, or Bastion simply a beat-em-up they would have been OK. But what really sets them apart is their dedication and progression to an ending. Making their character more likeable and vulnerable, it makes them more human than "3 lives remaining" ever could. It gives an attatchment to the game, and a reason to continue through each fight. In Bastion you aren't just squishing bugs and fighting monsters, but you are doing it for a reward, and to save the characters around you, the ones that make the world rich. Ones that could have been in movies or books, sure. But in movies and books they're just a character. In Bastion you help them personally, they're friends. It's the reason to carry on, and this is true for a lot of games, be it Half Life 2 or Planescape: Torment. Story is the glue that holds the blocks together when building the tower.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:27 No.136592040
    >man, you really just don't get games dude. go learn something, holy shit
    Dude... That responce was so desperate it actually confirmed to me I was right in that post and you could not even find a place to start refuting it.
    Also... let me ask you something. Why, exactly, do you do this? I mean shitposting and trolling. Begging for attention. What exactly is your point - your gain here? Is it sheer misantropy - feeling that you are making someone else unpleasant is satisfying to you?
    Or is it about power? Do you feel like you are manipulating those "weakminded", into what you want?
    Or is it really just about attention? Feeling that you aren't as insignificant, that those people listent to you - even if it's negative attention?

    And ultimately, have you ever, even for a second, considered your dignity? You know - as a human being? Does it not bother you - the realisation that YOU actually did say all that shit? Or does the "I was trolling" label really wear off all your responciblity for things you say?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:27 No.136592078
    i am a quake player, you fucking idiot. what about that do you not understand?

    you've probably never even played competitive multiplayer quake so why are you even posting?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:28 No.136592113
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    This nigga right here. This nigga, guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:29 No.136592182
    i could start from the first thing you said, i'm not about to sit here and give you a lesson on game design though
    your post made it extremely clear that you have absolutely no understanding of anything to do with gaming, so tell me why i should bother?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:30 No.136592195
    Look at this. Look at what you've been doing with the past two hours of your life.
    Look at what you've become.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:30 No.136592237
    i don't even care, i'm just posting now to make myself tired so i can get up and go work my shit job just like every other day
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:31 No.136592261
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    Mother 3 had no voice-acting.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:31 No.136592290
    story and plot in vidya its content and most of the time adds to the game

    the problem with actual vidyas is the story is constantly interrupting gameplay with cutscenes all over the place
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:31 No.136592298
    I see this becoming an argument about whether it is worth the effort to argue. You're just wasting each other's time in the meantime. And everyone elses for that matter
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:31 No.136592303
    >I can't understand the concept of "opinions" and that other people enjoy different things
    >everything I enjoy is GOOD, everything anyone else enjoys and I do not is BAD
    All in all you sound like a huge moron with ADHD.

    And I bet you actually thought you sounded intelligent and sophisticated with you posts, didn't you?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:32 No.136592364
    Now that's a fucking dedicated troll
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:32 No.136592372
    it's over your head bro, let it alone

    come back when you figure out what a game is
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:32 No.136592382
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:33 No.136592409

    because you disagree?

    fuck off cunt
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:33 No.136592423
    someone said: a game with good story will be remembered for ten years

    a game with good gameplay will be played for ten years
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:33 No.136592425
    Games that separate and cordon off gameplay from story like that are shitty games. A real game delivers the two inextricably; otherwise, you could just play the actual game parts and read a book during cutscenes.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:34 No.136592463
    maybe different people like different things
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:34 No.136592464
    I actually think he's retarded and really believes what he says.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:34 No.136592487
    Graphics mean nothing without context and context is told through story. And telling a story isn't just about something read or heard it's about seeing and experiencing. THE GAME ITSELF IS A STORY!
    A game can have no written story once so ever no narrator at all and still tell a fucking real story.
    Don't you get that?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:34 No.136592489
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:34 No.136592493
    It's not trollling if he genuinely believes everything he says. Then he's just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:34 No.136592502
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    So defensive.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:34 No.136592513
    and you have my pity
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:35 No.136592531
    He's just a dedicated moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:35 No.136592548
    Advantage: Games with good story.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:36 No.136592602
    >stories add nothing to a game.

    lol no
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:36 No.136592639
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    This game has a good story AND good gameplay, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:36 No.136592652
    Aaaahhhhh, you're a British kid! Secondary school holidays up north started 3 weeks ago and ended last week. Where are you from? Because you're most definitely a child.

    Perhaps a spot of Cowadoody will help ease your butthurt? I hear you put it in a special bowl, add hot water, and the steam then rises up and help ease the pain.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:37 No.136592661
    MGS3 has better gameplay than most other games in existence and is all about unfolding dat plot.
    Your move OP
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:37 No.136592698
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    you're using narrative in a different context, you fucking retard

    if you play a game and let's say you did something really awesome, you dictating that action to someone else is you expressing a narrative created by the player actually performing the act of playing the game

    that's ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from exploring your way through a preset developer-created narrative in some faggot storygame
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)09:37 No.136592709

    you're trying to sound smart mate but you just sound like a fucking creep.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:38 No.136592725
    MGS4 was here, ura faget
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:38 No.136592728
    I still think it's because you fail to communicate your point. You may think you've expressed yourself clearly, but you actually just come across as a raving lunatic most of the time, and when your rants inevitably confuse people, you just call them idiots for not understanding what you think you're saying.

    If you were trying to troll, it's a great tactic, but if you actually wanted to make a point you're not going about it the right way.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:38 No.136592747
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    Oh look, /v/ devolving into a clusterfuck because it can't possibly wrap it's minds around the clearly non-euclidean idea that not every video game is tangibly comparable to each other, and that maybe different games have different purposes.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:39 No.136592791
    >that's ENTIRELY DIFFERENT from exploring your way through a preset developer-created narrative

    Everything you can do in a game has been crafted by the developer, dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:39 No.136592814
    I've always felt that the fact that MGS3 does both things so damn well is what makes it so amazing. Not just great, but...beyond great. Like SUPER GREAT

    It doesn't sacrifice either aspect for the other.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:39 No.136592816
    Actually, no. The exact process I described is used to help cure haemorrhoids. Don't see how that makes me creepy. Just trying to help ease the butthurt. I'm on your side!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:39 No.136592837
    this is what i'm talking about

    you people simply cannot even comprehend very clear posts because you have NO UNDERSTANDING of what a game is or how they are made

    get the fuck out of this thread and don't come back
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:40 No.136592892
    The developer set it up so that you can shoot people, but he may not have explicitly made it so that you would shoot someone with your last bullet from 500 yards away just as he was about to round a corner. That's not the developer's narrative, that emerged as you played it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:41 No.136592982
    Alright you got me. MGS3 is SUPER GREAT with no flaws. While MGS4 has one major flaw that ruined the whole game's replay value. And we all know what that is.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:42 No.136593019
    Are you agreeing with me, or disagreeing?

    If the latter, then no, you clearly have no understanding of how games are made. I've made multiple games myself, and I can guarantee you that there is very little, if anything, you can do in a game that has not been anticipated by the developers. Anything that hasn't is nine times out of ten a bug.

    You act as if there's some sort of noble difference between shooting someone from 500 yards away and shooting them from 300.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:42 No.136593027
    Actually, he is using it entirely correcty. Ludology is an aproach of narratology, specially focusing on games and playing, not a different field of studies. Plus ludology really isn't in place when speaking about computer games, as those heavily relly on traditional forms of narrative.
    Ludology is more suited to analying child plays or sports.

    He is right that every game (computer game) is narrative by definition. It must be - it's a medium, a form of narrative.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:42 No.136593062
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:43 No.136593117
    The awesome 45 minute end cutscene that had me bawwing like a little bitch? No THAT'S art!

    The only people who complained about that cutscene are the ones who hadn't waited ten years for it. You know; the kiddiefags.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:44 No.136593191
    hey, The Thousand Year Door had some neat narrative elements.

    Each little area had it's own story. It was really fun
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:45 No.136593205
    Again with the whole "you are stupid and I'm not gonna explain why". You already said that. Frankly, I'm more interested in the answers to the second half of my post, but whatever.
    Go ahead. Amuse me. Explain it to me. Start from the beggining.
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)09:45 No.136593213
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    how innocent you are mate.

    ever nintendo game has a raging furnace of 'canon' debate surrounding it.

    Last one I remember seeing concerned the identity of Mario's parents.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:45 No.136593237
    It is the exact same thing you fucking idiot.
    What? You think it's all about cinematics reading blurbs and listening to VA?

    The game itself is a story to experience as you play it. That some games hand hold you through the above mentioned means doesn't change that.

    Right now were simply discussing the level/the amount of story that we want in a game. How much do we want to experience of the prewritten narrative before/as/while we interact with the world itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:46 No.136593281
    I was thinking more the long ass installs after each chapter. But to each his own, I guess
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)09:46 No.136593324
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    I have no fucking idea how buddy holly managed to get into that post
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:47 No.136593338
    >You act as if there's some sort of noble difference between shooting someone from 500 yards away and shooting them from 300.
    Well, what I mean is, there's a distinction between the specific story that the player forms in his head while playing the game, and the story that the developer explicitly put into the game. Sure, the developer provided all the tools for things to happen that way, but it's not something he explicitly wanted to get across. To the developer, there might not be a difference between shooting someone from 300 or 500 yards, but to the player, it could be the greatest kill he ever made.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:47 No.136593363
    So, OP, you're a huge faggot

    do you like Dark souls?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:47 No.136593382
    It was made worse with only being able to install 1 chapter at a time. Quite a pain when there's 2 of us playing through the game at different paces.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:48 No.136593408
    God I hated those thing...

    In fairness, it was the first game to fully utilise the 50GB disc, so I guess some things were going to go wrong. Some developers STILL can't develop properly for the PS3. The only one's I've seen doing it right are Naughty Dog, and that was primarily on UC2 only.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:48 No.136593419
    Just because people go looking for meaning doesn't mean it was intended to be there.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:49 No.136593481
    >they dont

    >looks at Silent Hill 2

    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:49 No.136593514
    Doesn't every game begin with a thought? Take the arcade hit Donkey Kong for example. You're a guy trying to rescue his girlfriend (story! Plot!) from an evil monkey. This monkey has to stop you some way...lets think...He'll throw an infinite number of barrels at you! can Mario get to his girlfriend...THE PRINCESS! Well, here are our limitations. And that is where you start focusing on the design of the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:51 No.136593615
    >there is very little, if anything, you can do in a game that has not been anticipated by the developers
    how am i supposed to take you seriously when you post wildly inaccurate things like this? honestly

    >It is the exact same thing you fucking idiot.
    no, it's not, you fucking moron

    fucking google it

    >He is right that every game (computer game) is narrative by definition.
    everything is narrative by definition then, because reality is a medium in which physicality emerges

    you are fucking dumb, go learn SOMETHING about narratology vs. ludology in respect to video games, then come back and talk to me
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:51 No.136593636
    That's exactly it. If you could just install all of them at once, then it wouldn't be a problem at all. Which is why I only said it effects the replay value. Becaues you can deal with it the first time. It's not THAT long.
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 04/19/12(Thu)09:51 No.136593640
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    yeah but then you get into the whole argument about authorial intent/newcriticism/Barthes which for some reason i think is philosophically and intellectually beyond the scope of mario and sonic canon.

    it's still hilarious to read, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:51 No.136593641
    This. gtfo with your canon fan made shit
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:51 No.136593657
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:51 No.136593660
    never played it
    don't have a ps3
    will probably play it for pc
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:51 No.136593664
    OP, I think you're just confused here.

    What exactly do you define as 'gameplay'? And what as 'story'?

    Let's take Amnesia: The Dark Descent as an example. What part of that game is the 'gameplay'? The walking around, turning on lights and rummaging through drawers? You can't honestly believe that the setting of the game, the aesthetics, the atmosphere, the darkness, everything that comes together to make the game unnerving - that all that stuff is irrelevant, can you?

    Or is it just context, then? Or graphics? Or would you say that the gameplay of Amnesia actually does include the darkness and the sounds and stuff? In which case - what is the story? The reason you're there, which you find out through the notes scattered throughout the game? How is that stuff separate from the rest of the game? Where -really- does 'gameplay' end and story begin?

    Look, OP, I'll be honest. I think what you really mean to say isn't "no games should have a story". What you mean is "games should have more interesting mechanics". Which is something I would totally agree with. But by aiming your hate cannon at every single game with a story, you really are shooting the messenger here.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:52 No.136593702
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:52 No.136593715
    Okay then
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:53 No.136593784
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    I feel like games' potential to tell good stories benefit from the ability to really be as long as they have to be. This allows for more time spent in the world/with characters, therefore establishing more emotional investment from the player

    Also, story progression becomes a sort of reward for doing well and making progress. The story unfolds due to the player's action (whether or not the story unfolds differently depending on the player's choices, it still will only unfold as long as they are an active participant).

    I feel like media can be divided into two categories: active and passive. Where TV and movies would be active, I think books and video games require more of an active participation by the audience in order to "consume," as the story will only unfold as long as the audience is engaging the media (whether it means reading it or playing it)

    Not that active is BETTER than passive, but I think it has the potential to strengthen the connection between narrative and audience since they are, in a sense, a participant

    I'm blabbering
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:54 No.136593807
    amnesia isn't a game

    >But by aiming your hate cannon at every single game with a story
    not at all what i'm doing. i'm against games that push a storyline as the content of the experience, as opposed to games that immerse me in gameplay mechanics

    the latter can be good, the former can NEVER be good "games"

    they can be good pieces of interactive fiction, though, not games
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:54 No.136593823
    That's a weird Suikoden 2 picture. I'm just joshing your chain, SH2 is great
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:54 No.136593841
    New exciting gameplay ideas such as kill streaks, kill cameras, collateral, kinect, wiimote, move, wii fit board, dance mat, plastic guitars, plastic DJ kits, equipment for allies(OH MY GOD), colour tinting, dialogue wheel, button-awesome-button-awesome, and everything else that companies have put into games.

    Face it, game design was perfected and outdone a long time ago. Now there is nothing good.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:55 No.136593860
    >amnesia isn't a game
    Ah, you're one of those retarded faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:55 No.136593876
    Do feel free to post examples of things in which you can do something in a game when nothing's been programmed into the game to allow that action.

    Or continue to post useless shit that doesn't even pretend to contain arguments and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, that works too.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:56 No.136593928
    sage for idiocy
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:56 No.136593946

    Half-Life wasn't atrocious, it was just extremely mediocre.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:56 No.136593974
    >they can be good pieces of interactive fiction, though, not games

    So it's just a semantics thing, then?

    Look, I can understand your frustration. But I don't think the discrepancy between games which focus on story and games which focus on gameplay is big enough for the two to be given entirely different names. And neither, apparently, does the rest of the world.

    So... Really, what you're asking is for more games which cater to your preferences, rather than for everyone else to stop enjoying interactive fiction? Finally, you're making some sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:56 No.136593979
    You know what I like? When a very specific gameplay element is blended into the story presentation

    Like how in MGS3 you had to press the shoot button to kill the boss It was sort of like a quick-time event done right
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:57 No.136593987
    >amnesia isn't a game
    You can't be serious. It may not be a very good game, but you can't seriously think it's doesn't qualify. Might as well say no horror games are games. RE doesn't count because it's a shooter.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:57 No.136594008
    As a girl I have to say that vg stories are good sometimes
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:57 No.136594049
    Will you marry me?

    Pls Respnd.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:58 No.136594054
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:59 No.136594159
    Story is important when its designed to be, when it is an actual part of the interactive experience. Even shallow story like whats in Streets of Rage is appreciated because it gives a shell of context for what you're doing and your interaction and mind fill in the rest. W\hen the story tell you that you're a villain then you play like one. When you're a hero then you play like one. Its very basic but its works.

    Story's relevence in a game depends on the game. Godhand wouldn't have been as amusing without its loose non-sensical story. Neither would No More Heroes. Then there are times when the interactive elements of the game itself is the story, where the narration comes from your very own actions, like Planetside. Even then, Planetside had just enough actual story to establish a setting.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)09:59 No.136594164
    >they can be good pieces of interactive fiction, though, not games
    Why are you complaining about story in games, then, if that is inherently contradictory? What you want isn't less story in games, since that's impossible anyway according to your definition, you want more games to be made and less interactive fiction.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:00 No.136594185
    >everything is narrative by definition then, because reality is a medium in which physicality emerges
    Buahahahahahahahaahahaha - our mister idiot is actually going into elementary school philosophy!
    Kidding aside, we mainly think in narrative paradigm, so yeah, a lot of things can be percieved as narrative. Not all of course. But typically those things which were created to DIRECTLY COMUNICATE something. Like computer games.
    >you are fucking dumb, go learn SOMETHING about narratology vs. ludology in respect to video games, then come back and talk to me
    First of all, insulting isn't hepling anyone. I actually studied ludology for a good while, and being it my field of interest, I applied all I've learned in games. I think you must have read some REALLY misleading one article or something, otherwise if you actually know the term, I would expect you not to be so completely ignorant of the field.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:00 No.136594219
    Get the fuck out with your fan made shit. Happy now?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:01 No.136594307
    Well now, was it so hard to actually write those four words? It wasn't, right?
    Now your post doesn't look like some retarded 15 year old wrote it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:01 No.136594308
    Although, really, "less interactive fiction" sounds really petty. Like you want less movies to be made so people involved in their production might write books for you to read, or something, simply because you prefer those. No, let people who prefer interactive fiction have their medium. All you really want is more games to be made.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:01 No.136594317
    >amnesia isn't a game
    This is the core of the entire problem. OP has a personal, absurd definition of a game that does not reflect the reality, and he is claiming that the reality is wrong and he is right.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:02 No.136594397
    You know what, I think I posted something like that near the beginning of this thread. My, how time flies.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:03 No.136594467
    well what about metroid: other m?

    that game had the shittiest fucking story but amazing gameplay, yet everyone still hated it
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:04 No.136594486
    >Do feel free to post examples of things in which you can do something in a game when nothing's been programmed into the game to allow that action.

    you haven't got an actual response because you're implying i said something that i didn't

    there is a difference between a player's narrative and a plot. this is something you don't seem to be able to grasp
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:04 No.136594521
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    THIS HAS GONE ON FOR LONG ENOUGH. Let's just sage bomb this abomination of a discussion.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:04 No.136594532
    >amazing gameplay
    did you even play it?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:04 No.136594561
    But games with good stories are more fun, I don't know why OP is so butthurt about it. Perhaps we should also remove graphic and music because they leach budget from game mechanics.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:05 No.136594631
    This thread keeps going in circles.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:05 No.136594636
    it's not even about budget

    it's the entire philosophy behind game design today, it's completely market driven and the market is filled with retarded people who think stories are games

    that's it
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:05 No.136594641
    I agree, with RPGs being the exception.

    A game needs to have a good wealth of story content for the player to build his/her own story around.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:07 No.136594749
    I don't know if you're trolling OP but I totally agree with you. Minecraft is a good example of this, I think. Why the fuck do I want to sit there watching cinematics and shit, how is that "playing a game"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:08 No.136594821
    Do you listen to music when you jog?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:08 No.136594857
    Alright, but explain this to me. You seem to have no problem with interactive fiction. You just view them separate from games, which have no stories. So then why do you keep complaining about stories in games, when the presence of a story means it's not a game in the first place, but rather interactive fiction, which isn't a problem in itself?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:09 No.136594881
    for me, yes, it's a semantics thing

    but only because the semantics of calling this story shit "games" has had a HUGE EFFECT on overall design philosophy over the past decade

    for others it's not a semantics thing, because these people are somewhere between never having played a game where they had to understand the mechanics to succeed and not having a sound definition of the word 'game' to begin with. these are the type of fuckstains you see calling me a troll because they can't actually rationalize someone having feelings like this.. they simply can't grasp the concept
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:09 No.136594882
    >it's the entire philosophy behind game design today

    You're sticking your head in the sand, bro. Have you ever heard of a gam- uh, piece of interactive fiction, called Zork?

    Story focused games have always been around. This isn't some sort of modern conspiracy.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:09 No.136594890
    Extra credit is not the entire market. And nobody thinks that "stories are game". People wan't good game in all regards story+mechanics+music+graphics. Baldurs Gate 2, Vampire: Bloodlines, Deus Ex and many other games had all of that so other games can too.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:09 No.136594909
    But that doesn't make sense. Minecraft doesn't have a story or anything else to detract from it's gameplay. So it's an example of what OP wants. But the gameplay is total ass so it's not a good example anyways.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:10 No.136594968
    >Story focused games have always been around. This isn't some sort of modern conspiracy.
    i didn't say it was. i just said it has become a problem that has now infected basically every single genre of games
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:10 No.136594995
    The problem is your argumentation skills suck.
    The way you try to bring your points across is incredibly vague. There's no wonder half the thread doesn't really understand what you're even trying to say.
    Yet when someone asks you to explain your point in detail you rebut them by saying they're dumb and the fault in them not understanding you is entirely their fault, and not yours.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:13 No.136595142
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    >New Objective: Survive
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:13 No.136595146
    Once again you have failed to say anything meaningful. You're pretty bad at this arguing thing, you know that, right, VC?
    Sadly, you probably don't.

    How the player experiences the game through its gameplay is at its fundamental basis no different from how they experience it through its story. Both were designed from the ground up by developers; both are consistent across all the different people who play the game, to an extent. You're placing far too much of an artificial separation between the two.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:13 No.136595152
    Minecraft is a good example of that. There are plenty of good examples of it. That's the thing the OP is ignoring. Unfortunately I am not the target audience of all entertainment. Though it would be grand it just isn't the case. OP's only just now realising that and is throwing a tantrum about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:14 No.136595210
    Has it really, though? What is the difference between a game in which the story exists as a context for the gameplay, and one in which the gameplay is there to push the story? I don't think it is or ever was a strong distinction, but you're making it out to be one.

    And apart from anything else, what's wrong with interactive fiction having some challenge? Why shouldn't people playing Psychonauts have to overcome platforming challenges, even if the main reason they're there is for the story? How does that do anything other than add to the experience?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:14 No.136595250
    minecraft is a good example of something that lets the player create his own experience, rather than eat up some predetermined story shit made up by terrible devs who think they are revolutionizing games with their garbage. some people love this, some people don't. i personally like the concept but i don't like the game because it's so fucking tedious and the things that you can do in it can be done better in other, more specialize games.

    >Yet when someone asks you to explain your point in detail
    nobody has done this. they just twist my words, completely misconstrue what i'm saying, or say i'm trolling
    it's sad
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:16 No.136595358
    >How the player experiences the game through its gameplay is at its fundamental basis no different from how they experience it through its story. Both were designed from the ground up by developers; both are consistent across all the different people who play the game, to an extent. You're placing far too much of an artificial separation between the two.
    you're basically just wrong here, i don't even care to explain why because it won't change anything. have fun being wrong
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:16 No.136595367
    That's entirely down to there being nothing to break it up, right? Like SHMUP segments or a story.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:16 No.136595416
    >you're basically just wrong here, i don't even care to explain why because it won't change anything. have fun being wrong
    you're basically just wrong here, i don't even care to explain why because it won't change anything. have fun being wrong
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:17 No.136595475
    no, it's because the actual mechanics are fucking bad. the only good shit that comes out of minecraft is emergent stuff that notch could never have imagined with his small faggoty brain
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:18 No.136595504
    Hey look, that's the fourth time in a row that you've provided no counterargument to my assertions!
    In fact, you never have!

    Boy howdy, you are just about the worst person at arguing ever. Why do you even bother to make a thread asserting a point if you don't have the intellectual capacity to support that point?
    Go back to playing shitty DDP hacks.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:18 No.136595580
    why do you continue to reply and try to say something i never said, then when i clarify you go off on a different tangent, completely forgetting my clarification which completely answered your question?

    get the fuck out retard
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:19 No.136595636

    Answer this, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:19 No.136595646
    >it's the entire philosophy behind game design today, it's completely market driven and the market is filled with retarded people who think stories are games
    You know what is really, REALLY sad about you, aside from the fact that you are flailing shit around because you don't like semiotics of this world and you can't handle reality?

    The fact that your are completely, utterly, and deeply wrong. You think games today are story-oriented? No. They are not. They are more gameplay oriented than EVER before. I know you won't understand that now, but one day, it will come to you.

    This - this right now. The shit gaming is in. It's not caused by games orienting on story. It's exactly the opposite - THIS is the true result, true face of gameplay oriented market.

    Or do you think people mad CoD the most popular gaming franchise in history because of it's story?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:20 No.136595667
    So, OP, you'd ba as happy playing BioShock, for example, as you would be playing as a colourless blob, moving through grey corridors, shooting other colourless blobs with different coloured beams of light that have different effects?

    No? Well Plasmids are part of the story. Characters are part of the story. Hell, the enemies being human is part of the story.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:20 No.136595682
    I think games benefit entirely from a reward system. For some that involves the feeling of getting to watch a story unfold, for others, it's the reward of getting to play the game itself, be it an upgrade system, points, competitive gameplay against others, etc.

    I believe plot is truly relevant in games, providing that it warrants that the gamer does eventually invest emotionally in the game itself. Some games merge plot and gameplay rewards in order to provide the payer with an overall solid experience. An example of this is Zelda: immensely popular for both gameplay mechanics and plot, as a player can both enjoy the story unfold in between advancement of the gameplay (item systems, accessing new areas, upgrading equipment, etc.), and often use the gameplay aspects to advance the story itself (for example, unlocking a new area to advance both plot and gameplay). This is why games like this are normally quite successful: they merge plot AND gameplay rewards to enrich the player's overall experience.

    Just my 2 cents, feel free to call me troll/stupid/etc. now!!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:21 No.136595768
    Minecraft is the best game ever... once it's actually completed. Mainly just add the MoCreatures, IndustrialCraft, and Aether mods
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:21 No.136595772
    Summer's coming fast this year
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:21 No.136595791
    That's interface and peripherals.

    I mostly agree with you, but a story is fine in a game. A lot of games have an issue on storytelling, and some stories can only be effectively told in the way the creator imagined with something interactive.

    >stories in games just serve to impede and obfuscate the creative process of actually making a game
    Stories would take up time in creating a game, but it depends on if it the way it's told actually interferes with playing the game (mid-mission cutscenes).

    If it's shit like Azura's Wrath w/ cutscenes every 5 minutes then there's some problems. Even in Devil May Cry (gameplay compensates for the ridiculous amount of cutscenes though) there's frequent cutscenes, the story related one after a mission, and some cutscenes mid-mission that point out where to go next even if you completed the game. Honestly, DMC would be a lot more enjoyable if those weren't in there.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:25 No.136596024
    in a sec

    do you see me hating on cod? no, you don't, because it's actually a fucking game. (inb4 people talking about the singleplayer. lol.) tons of people play it because it's probably the best representative that we have of actual gameplay today. i don't even play cod and i never would, but at least i can admit that because it's true. and the people that play it are mostly actual gamers even if they don't realize it.

    it's not even my market and i don't care because it's a shitty easy game for idiots with thumbs.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:26 No.136596096
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    I directly addressed your clarification in >>136595146, to which you replied "NUH-UH".

    So, nope.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:27 No.136596195
    New to the conversation here, but what you're saying is that all games should basically just be multiplayer?

    Why is it that I'm not allowed to enjoy adventure games, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:28 No.136596325
    Play more fighting games. Tekken in particular. Best fighting game experience you'll get this gen. Aside from maybe SSF4.
    Those are real games. Story plays a background role where it adds to the characters, but if you don't care, you don't have to.
    Also superior limp based combat, what does COD have on that? Stiff immovable arms, universal leg stick, and a trigger button that pulls the trigger on the gun. The sense is totally made.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:30 No.136596448
    >do you see me hating on cod? no, you don't, because it's actually a fucking game. (inb4 people talking about the singleplayer. lol.) tons of people play it because it's probably the best representative that we have of actual gameplay today.
    First of all, no. It's a shit game. Objectively. It's a bad game. Shit. Complete and utter.
    Second of all - WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT THEN? The things that are dictating the face of gaming: CoD, Starcraft 2, MMORPGs, Gears of War and all it's derivates, including many so called "RPG". All, nearly without a single exception, gameplay oriented games.
    We are living in the era of the biggest competetive gaming boom in history of gaming. Multiplayer is 80% of current gaming. You should be FUCKING REJOICING right now.
    Beside the RPG market, stories oriented games a niche. We have never been as gameplay oriented as we are today. This is the dawn of narrative games, not gameplay-oriented.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:30 No.136596470
    Visual and auditory cues are intrinsic to the entire gaming experience if the game is designed like that, so are the textual elements and what's most important is how they tie into the mechanics to create a complete experience. Games are an amalgam of several mediums and they must be judged as that. A game in which each visual element is represented by a white square wouldn't be as satisfactory or playble as a game with visuals created to facilitate, improve and enrich the gaming experience, this is a fact.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:31 No.136596540
    >Has it really, though? What is the difference between a game in which the story exists as a context for the gameplay, and one in which the gameplay is there to push the story? I don't think it is or ever was a strong distinction, but you're making it out to be one.
    one focuses on presenting a plot and one focuses on presenting a game. you basically made the distinction in your question

    >And apart from anything else, what's wrong with interactive fiction having some challenge?
    nothing, i never said there was, i just don't think they should be called games because the point is obviously not the mechanics

    >Why shouldn't people playing Psychonauts have to overcome platforming challenges, even if the main reason they're there is for the story?
    i think a better question is why would they WANT to? if they were truly just there for the story, then why do they even play games at all? this is what i mean when i said they don't understand what games are. they are fundamentally confused when it comes to gaming. i'm not here to educate people, i'm just here to start a fire to get people aware of the difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:32 No.136596595
    Ey, yo. Starcraft 2 is amazing. Don't make me get all eSports in that ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:34 No.136596742
    So what is your problem, really? You don't have a problem with interactive fiction. You just have a problem with stories in games. But according to you, if they have a story, they aren't games anyway, they are interactive fiction. So your only objection here is that people use the wrong words?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:37 No.136596989
    >Ey, yo. Starcraft 2 is amazing. Don't make me get all eSports in that ass.
    I find it utter shite and waste of time, but I do look for diffetent things in games than some other people do. That's beside the point - my point was that OP's rambling was utterly pointless and nonsense from the very start. He has a problem, his taste differes from todays norm, plus he has a fascinating ability to absolutely disregard reality, and so desperately searches for a scapegoat, something he can use to justify his frustration.
    Shame he picked up this thing in particular, because he is really wrong here, and his opinions... they are only wrong, the can be actually seriously hurtful to the media.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:37 No.136597021
    I honestly believe this person is fucking retarded and simply does not want to admit that games can and oft should have stories in it. It's like they're scared shitless of it.

    Yes it is. The fact that you want me to "google" it means that you don't really understand what you're saying and can't even use that concept very well.

    The famous scene in Bioshock\
    Eternal Darkness
    Super Metroid
    Shadow of the Colosus
    Silent Hill series.

    That moment where...ANY moment where the intended narrative alters your gameplay is an example of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:38 No.136597030
    i have a problem with shitty devs pushing their horrible storygames off as GAMES when they clearly are not games. i don't have a problem with stories in games, i have a problem with games AS stories. if a game has a story, that does not automatically make it not a game. if a game focuses on telling a story in any way, i don't think it's a game. my objection is 1. devs use the wrong words when they should know better, 2. people don't understand the difference between a player's own narrative that he creates by playing the game and a predefined plot that is inherent in the game itself
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:40 No.136597267
    this is my last post

    i'm done here, faggots

    have fun being nongamers
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:41 No.136597280
    Visual novels are the only times stories are sold as games. So don't play visual novels like every other person on the goddamn face of the earth.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:41 No.136597330
    Wow all of those games are my favorite games. Except Bioshock. Never played it. Looks lame as hell. But I never noticed those were story over gameplay games. Whole new outlook. And here I was agreeing with OP at first.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:42 No.136597368
    >one focuses on presenting a plot and one focuses on presenting a game. you basically made the distinction in your question

    But where does the distinction lie? Say you have a game where you fight off some enemies in a castle, and then the king comes in and tells you to go to a cave at the far side of the field and kill the creatures in there. Is that a story focused game? A gameplay focused game? What would make it one or the other? Are you saying that a gameplay focused game has to exist as separate levels chosen from a selection menu rather than a consistent overworld? Seriously, can you give me a detailed explanation on where you would draw the distinction?

    >nothing, i never said there was, i just don't think they should be called games because the point is obviously not the mechanics
    But again, where do you draw the line? And apart from anything else, when we have what you are considering as two different mediums which are obviously just different sections on the same axis, do we really need an entirely different word for one than for the other?

    >i think a better question is why would they WANT to? if they were truly just there for the story, then why do they even play games at all?
    But they're not just there for the story. That's the important thing. There is a large group of people who enjoy interactive fiction which also poses a challenge. You might not be part of that group, but you have to accept that they exist. These people aren't spending the whole time they're playing a game thinking, "damn, I wish I didn't have to play this, I wish I could just watch it all as a movie". They're enjoying the interactivity and challenge of it, even if the main thing driving them to play is the story. I don't see why they should have to stop liking what you don't like, or why they're somehow confused for liking a player-driven story which also poses some challenge.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:42 No.136597371
    We will. That's why we're confused as to why you've wasted nearly 3 hours of your life. You could have ignored the story segments in 10 games already.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:44 No.136597564
    Right, since you've established that being a nongamer isn't inherently a bad thing, I'll just think of myself as a connoisseur of interactive fiction. Sounds a lot fancier that way, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:44 No.136597601
    We do. You simply do not fucking want to admit that both are valid ways to tell a story.

    Story as told and story as experienced. Both happen in gaming at fluctuating levels.
    I honestly don't know what your problem is.

    If you were bitching about games like LA Noir or that game where you simply walked through that cult story.
    If not then...what the fuck are you saying?
    That you don't like cutscenes?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:46 No.136597708
    >i have a problem with shitty devs pushing their horrible storygames off as GAMES when they clearly are not games.
    Again and again and again... Here are some news for you:
    They are games. There is no such thing as "interactive fiction". It's called A. Game. Or if you want to be more specific, "a computer game" or a "video game". That is a fact and you WILL have to learn to live with it. You can throw tantrums all you want - unless you start a MASSIVE initiative to change the dictionary meaning of the words, you'll have to deal with it. It does not matter anyway, because it does not matter how we call the things. In my country, we call games "hra", which also means, among other, a theatrical play. In the end it's completely arbitrary. Why not calling "interactive fiction" a game and rename the things you call games, like "interactive competetive event". What about that?

    Finally, why do you have a problem with stories being games, or games being stories? It's completely just a questio of your taste, nothing else. Stories are good - and we have been searching for new possible ways to tell them for our entire history - developing literature, epic poetry, theatre, cinema, comix... all of which was rewarded and lead to fantastic works of culture. And all of them, every single one of them, is ultimately, about a story.
    Why did you decided that the same thing must not happen to games? What the hell is wrong with that? Give me one rational reason. And no, throwing around dictionary meaning the word "game" from fifty years ago won't do.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:47 No.136597768
    This thread is shit

    And from what i gathered yes the OP is a MASSIVE faggot who simply doesnt like cutscenes

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:47 No.136597779
    Connoisseur of interactive fiction. I like it. Has a nice ring to it. And since I'm currently marathoning the Ace Attorney series of interactive fiction, it seems fitting.
    >> Why the fuck am I even posting this, no one is going to bother replying anyway. Atrus' Homeboy !RiVEN4j6Fw 04/19/12(Thu)10:48 No.136597830
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    While story, sound, aesthetics, etc. do not affect the functionality of a game's underlying mechanics, they have an unquestionably significant role alongside mechanics in shaping the experience had playing the game. This is why games with average or unassuming game mechanics can still provide a phenomenal playing experience (Ex: Myst & Riven, Secret of Monkey Island, Phoenix Wright, Silent Hill series)

    However, if a game's mechanics are so flawed that they result in overly cumbersome controls,bugginess, palpably repetitive play, or otherwise cripple the core gameplay, no amount of plot or polish can save it from the depths of mediocrity (Ex: SWTOR, Angry Birds). The reverse is also equally valid: A game with great mechanics and core gameplay can still be ruined by awful story, grating music, horrible voice acting, bland visuals, etc. (Ex: Other M).
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:48 No.136597858
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    465 replies, /v/.

    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:52 No.136598141
    You are right, op. People will need 50 years until they understand this simple concept, anyway.

    The most offender: story driven games in which the only gameplay mechanic is quick time events.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/12(Thu)10:53 No.136598187
    >Why the fuck am I even posting this, no one is going to bother replying anyway
    I'm replying for that alone.

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