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  • File: 1334746817.jpg-(37 KB, 300x225, dennis-walcott1.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:00 No.136466394  
    >The New York City Department of Education is seeking to have words they deem upsetting removed[...]
    >The word “dinosaur” made the hit list because dinosaurs suggest evolution which creationists might not like

    HAHAHA, oh god america. another day, another disaster.
    What do you call dinos now, "evil ancient pagan lizards"?

    oh boy
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:01 No.136466479
    >unites states of africa and mexico

    wait...lemme get mah popcorn

    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:02 No.136466515
    >“The Petersons take a vacation for five days in their Mercedes … so what? You think our kids are going to be offended because they don’t have a Mercedes? You think our kids are going to say ‘I’m offended; how could they ask me a question about a Mercedes? I don’t have a Mercedes!’” Fliegal said.

    i'm also jewish and would NOT like to see my children growing up surrounded by brand names like mercedes and other holocaust companies.

    haven't my people suffered enough? isn't this a free country where we all deserve to be equally protected from not only islamic terrorism, but also nazi stuff?

    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:03 No.136466552
    >Here is the complete list of words that could be banned:
    >Rap Music

    confirmed for anti black hate campaign
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:03 No.136466578
    oh my god im ashamed to be a citizen of this country
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:05 No.136466630
    This is getting out of hand. Get your shit together amibros.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:05 No.136466631
    >Computers in the home

    This is a parody site I'm assuming then?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:08 No.136466782
    >Homes with swimming pools
    >War and bloodshed
    >Running away

    jesus fucking christ, murrka banning "war and blodshed"? thats like canada banning "aboot" or france banning "frommage".

    fucking ridonculous
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:12 No.136466969
    Normal logic: Teach both sides of the story
    American logic: Teach neither side of the story
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:15 No.136467104
    lets ban these words, it makes all the bad go away
    >I don't hear you alalalalalalalala
    Murrica land of the free
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:15 No.136467128

    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:16 No.136467135
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:16 No.136467139
    >The New York City Department of Education is seeking to have words they deem upsetting removed[...]


    Fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:16 No.136467149
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:16 No.136467156
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    Why do people hate dinosaurs :(
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:17 No.136467170
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    sage'd and reported
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:18 No.136467205
    >no evolution
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:18 No.136467208
    Dinosaurs are a myth
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:18 No.136467236
    >Jehovah’s Witnesses
    >implying it's not a sect cult which rapes and tortures children and jews money from their herd.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:18 No.136467257
    America babby state status confirmed
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:19 No.136467264
    If I was still a kid I would wear an Evil Ancient Pagan Lizard costume to school everyday just in-spite of the fucking government.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:19 No.136467267
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:20 No.136467310

    its not a myth when you have solid evidence and science to back it up.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:20 No.136467315
         File: 1334748007.jpg-(87 KB, 445x463, 1329432771314.jpg)
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    I'm gonna buy some PORNOGRAPHY now, riding there with my PAGAN MERCEDES DINOSAUR, try to stop me you HOMELESS PEOPLE
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:20 No.136467319
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:20 No.136467320
    Is that the Fat Man?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:20 No.136467326
    They banned Vidya Games?

    Well, now we know that the government has /v/'s support anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:20 No.136467349
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    fuck i hate my country and every one of its smelly liberal conservative hipster black mexican redneck cracker obese hindu assholes
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:21 No.136467373
    lol, people hating on creationists then turn around and believe anything scientists say.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:21 No.136467392
    yeah, no. The bible doesn't state dinosaurs existed
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:21 No.136467407
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    >my soul when many still consider america as the greatest country in the world and a forerunner for the western world

    this needs to stop, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:22 No.136467413
    >Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting)

    Oh boy, dirty console peasants must be so envy for not being PC Master Race
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:22 No.136467432
         File: 1334748148.jpg-(29 KB, 545x500, israel.jpg)
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    And this is how the new tests will look like:

    A man drives in his vehicle to do something at 50 (units of speed)
    Luzagal: The way to what he will do is 200 (units of measurement) long.
    Luzagal: How many (units of time) willt it take him/her to reach the it?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:22 No.136467445
    Trust me, life is 10 times as shitty anywhere else, don't let this trivial bullshit annoy you.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:23 No.136467464

    >hurr de durr
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:23 No.136467475
    >implying it is
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:24 No.136467525
    >mfw Americunts clap after using an outdated and illogical measurement system
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:24 No.136467529
    >10 times as shitty
    Yeah right.
    I have free health care, I don't have to worry about getting sick.
    If I get sick I still get payed sick-leave.
    Food is cheap as fuck.
    Regular food is cheaper than fast food (everywhere except Murrika).

    Tell me, why is it 10 times as shitty anywhere else, when most of the shitty things other people have they got from you?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:24 No.136467530
    -4554/10, much too obvious
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:25 No.136467567
    Fun fact: christians don't have any evidence that proofs the bible is true.

    scientists do.

    now if you'd excuse me, i've got some dinosaurs to clone!
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:25 No.136467576
    oh you amerifats are so fucking dumb, do everyone a favor and nuke yourselves
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:25 No.136467581
    You are all a bunch of retards. Those words are only banned in standardized tests.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:26 No.136467607
    If modern america had been written about in the 40s it would be considered dystopian science fiction.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:26 No.136467615
    its sad, looking at america its like a former life of the party cousin whos lifestyle is now taking its toll and its not funny anymore, just sad and you want them to stop before they kill themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:26 No.136467638
    jew ruining murrca, nothing new here
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:27 No.136467678
    >Birthday celebrations
    Good luck having any math questions about the most common question, blowing out candles.
    >In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge
    That means there will never be a single sports quiz in school, that's nice.
    No more sex-ed for you guys.

    And so on. Besides, this is just the beginning. Soon the entire Internet will be censored and all banned words will be switched out to "pony".
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:27 No.136467680

    You know, if you acted like the mother fucker you happen to worship, you wouldn't be half bad.

    Jesus was a pretty chill dude. Why the fuck aren't Christians chill dudes?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:27 No.136467692
         File: 1334748467.png-(500 KB, 720x540, 1325217879101.png)
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    >government calls pizza a vegetable to please the corporations who can now sell pizza at schools to all the fat little kids
    >80% Christian
    >35% Obese
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:28 No.136467735
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:28 No.136467747
         File: 1334748536.gif-(2 KB, 200x200, 1332441002224.gif)
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    >In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge
    >Junk Food

    what the DICK?

    who gets offended by somebody else talking about baseball or pizza hut?

    god dammit
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:30 No.136467824
    Newspeak doubleplusgood.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:31 No.136467845
    the fat kids who cant play sports

    the poor kids who cant afford to eat

    so, the entirety of the murrican population
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:31 No.136467849
    FINALLY SOMEONE SEES HOW STUPID THIS IS! i hope the rest of the world wakes up to the truth and becomes more like america
    >> Jupiter-san !SHoV4JggQ2 04/18/12(Wed)07:31 No.136467852
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    Basically this I think.
    Through School. I've never really had to learn about Dinosaurs except in College. The only way I learned about Dinosaurs is self-taught like most of History I read about. (seriously, fuck the civil rights. Every god damn year)
    >birthday celebrations
    strawman but I get the gist of your post. A lot of these buzzwords are retarded. It's like they don't wanna offend anyone but in the process offend a lot.

    I remember recently Oklahoma banned the teaching of Evolution in class. How in the bloody hell can you ban something that's basically fact? They even banned Shariah law because fuck that one muslim.
    Texas education system has taken several parts of history out of the textbooks to "save" money. Yup, fuck Benjamin Franklin. Like that cunt did anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:31 No.136467865
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    >everyone blaming murrika
    >not the fucking Zionists who want to enslave you

    Get fucking educated people, these guys are the new Illuminati/Freemasons, whatever you wanna call it
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:32 No.136467870
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    >>government calls pizza a vegetable to please the corporations who can now sell pizza at schools to all the fat little kids

    i know that murricans on average are a bit retarded, but making stupid shit up isn't any better.

    still, banning dinosaurs... lol
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:32 No.136467904
         File: 1334748761.jpg-(37 KB, 1052x800, 1235834082001.jpg)
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    >censoring "dinosaur"

    This is the reason my Biology textbook has to have entire chapters devoted solely to defending evolution from creationists and trying to give reasons for why it's a legitimate theory.

    No other subject in Biology has to have chapters devoted to saying why we think it's right. Nobody gives a shit when we talk about cell theory, or about DNA. Nope.

    But here I am, wasting my time memorizing evolution apologetics instead of learning FUCKING EVOLUTION.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:33 No.136467952
    here's some words, and discussion of words that they deem 'upsetting'
    > catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes)
    >computers in the home
    >death and disease
    >expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes
    >homes with swimming pools
    >junk food
    >in-depth discussion of sports which requires prior knowledge
    >religious holidays and festivals
    >excessive use of television and video games
    >war and bloodshed
    >> Jupiter-san !SHoV4JggQ2 04/18/12(Wed)07:34 No.136467978
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    In Historical Geology, my professor taught us that if someone disbelieves evolution is like they disbelieve gravity or flight. The man was hard as hell on us but he taught us how to study and be prepared for results.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:34 No.136467989

    Biology isn't a theoretical field, libtard.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:35 No.136468004
    So they wont teach kids about wizards anymore? FUCK THIS SHIT
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:35 No.136468005
    >mfw it is illegal to say water can hydrate you in Europe
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:35 No.136468008
    pizza is considered a vegetable in america
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:35 No.136468026
    America is a great country but it has the dumbest population of any first world country, possibly even dumber than most third world countries. I'm American and I can attest to that.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:36 No.136468039
    Yeah, I wasn't really pointing out specific questions but like you said, I was merely trying to show that the buzzwords are retarded.
    And honestly, you didn't learn about dinosaurs in younger age?

    Where I live you are taught everything.
    We have evolution and we have religion, and religion incorporates all major religions, in depth as well.
    We are taught Christianity, Hindu, Buddhism, and it's kind of funny because Islam was the shortest period of time too.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:37 No.136468071
    Most scientists are theists anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:37 No.136468072
    >pizza is considered a vegetable in america

    yeah of course, and candy bars are considered fruit?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:38 No.136468120

    Religion is a legitimate course of study.

    In social studies.

    Evolution is a legitimate course of study.

    In science.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:38 No.136468125
         File: 1334749090.png-(2.18 MB, 1014x1278, fb.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:38 No.136468129
    It is vs creationists.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:38 No.136468131
    Nuts, actually.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:39 No.136468202
    Most scientists acknowledge that there is more to this world than they know, often some kind of higher power.

    They just don't believe an all-mighty God would give us a book that would become outdated after 2000 years. And don't start with that "interpret" bullshit, because if God was so fucking all-mighty he would've made it so it would be crystal-clear, ALWAYS, to understand.

    But no, according to creationists ~70% of the world will go to hell just because they were born in a different place with a different belief.

    Yeah, God is so awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:39 No.136468207

    Yes, they ARE this stupid.
    >> Jupiter-san !SHoV4JggQ2 04/18/12(Wed)07:39 No.136468209
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    Nope, the only time we learned about other religions is when I hit middle school. I learned about dinosaurs when I was young and watched Jurassic Park for the first time. It sparked everything for me to learn. To this day I still watch Mesozoic Era documentaries. Most of the shit I learned was through self taught. I always viewed school as day cares.
    Stop saying that like its what the population thinks.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:40 No.136468226
         File: 1334749201.png-(531 KB, 599x420, 4a43d80cbfe85b65a5b2b32b2c8334(...).png)
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    ITT Europeans who take a joke by congress as serious.
    No one listens to congress that is why they did something like this.
    But you may continue your cool teenage hate of america/cherry picking MS paint facts/youtube links
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:40 No.136468253
    Exactly. But the point was that we are taught all of it, and nobody ever told us "This is the right one".

    They gave us all the facts and let us choose for ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:41 No.136468265
    No one takes amerikkkans seriously either.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:41 No.136468272

    I bet you said this when they decided they were oging to make Pizza a vegetable "as a joke".
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:42 No.136468320
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    >My face when Americans clap after praying
    >My face when no face
    >> Jupiter-san !SHoV4JggQ2 04/18/12(Wed)07:42 No.136468351
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    Nitpick. Pick and choose to make your opinion right. I guess that's how you want to believe.
    Yeah, no one does. Stop being Angsty.
    Who are you quoting?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:43 No.136468359

    I bet you don't give a shit about math either. I bet everybody takes math classes without any fuss.

    Over here it's like "Oh no it's the dreaded MAAAAAATH~"

    "Hey guys, remember, guys, guys Math is important"

    "Don't skip Math"

    "Listen people try to put off Math but they need to take it"

    "If you want to succeed you have to DO THE MATH"

    Fucking posters everywhere at college because retarded rednecks are terrified of a little college algebra.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:43 No.136468398
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    >No one listens to congress
    So no one listens to your government?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:44 No.136468416
    >implying it wasn't a joke
    Confirmed for autistic or at least British tier humor
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:45 No.136468479
    That kind of bothers me, because it should be the norm to teach all kids, in young age, about all the different religions, beliefs and teachings so that they don't believe in a young age that there is a specific "truth".
    Sure, most people, like you seem to have, understand that there is more to the world and want to learn, and that's great. But sadly there's a lot of people that get taught in younger ages that <insert religion> is the right religion, and they never leave it, no matter what other teachings/religions are presented.

    And that goes both ways, it's as sad when they get taught evolution is the DEFINITE answer, since there's a lot of holes in that theory as well, but there's more proof to evolution than there is religion, but still.
    Just to clarify, I'm not a follower of any religion and I believe (almost) all of them to be nothing but scare-tactics to put people in line.

    However, I do believe there is SOMETHING more than us out there, I just don't want to call it God. To me it's more along the lines of what would happen if you could see the entire universe at once, like, see the entirety of existence as one thing. THAT would be God, but it wouldn't be sentient, judgeful or even aware of it's existence, it would just be.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:45 No.136468489
    Why don't you post the story where a week later they realized this was a retarded idea and called it off.

    Stay stupid, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:46 No.136468503
    murrika = lannisters
    russia = starks
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:46 No.136468515

    I'd wager that almost 100% of Americans are not satisfied with congress and the government right now.

    I've never seen so many staunch hardline Republicans moan about not liking any of the presidential candidates. Don't even ask liberals what they think about Obama NOW.

    Not to mention the whole AA+ credit rating thing, good job senators and representatives.

    We ought to hold a massive election to clear out every single seat in congress and the senate.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:46 No.136468526
    >My country wanting to ban words simply cause creationist might get butthurt

    Reported, closed window, cleaned history, closed browser, set drive on fire, got under bed, called the cops etc etc
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:46 No.136468532
    pick one
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:47 No.136468550
    Thread makes fun of America instead of Europe reported
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:47 No.136468552
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    >mfw imagining a world like this
    they would be such bros
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:48 No.136468625
    Baratheons = Yurop
    Greyjoys = Ausfalia
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:48 No.136468629

    >jewing money
    >even though every publication is free and commitments never require exchange of money

    Look, you have every right to be atheist, but you have no right to be uninformed, sir.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:49 No.136468661
    >if you acted like the mother fucker you happen to worship, you wouldn't be half bad

    Yeah, jahwe was pretty chill with slavery, murder and shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:49 No.136468671
    Well, to be fair Math is kind of a hated subject over here as well, mostly because it requires a bit more reading and studying than most other subjects.
    But yeah, there's not that big of a fuss about it, everybody has math since young age and nobody really is bothered about it, hell, most teachers manage to make it quite fun.
    Over here it's more like "Remember kids, math is useful in everyday life. Basic math that is, for instance when making a household budget, but you don't need x=yz for that"
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:49 No.136468675
    Is this real life...?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:50 No.136468689
    the only good thing that comes out of all of this political correctness are comedians making jokes about it.

    some of them slaughter political correctness
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:50 No.136468714
    Wait, there's people actually defending Jehovah’s witnesses ?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:50 No.136468715
         File: 1334749841.jpg-(365 KB, 1000x1409, jesus20vs_20jeezus.jpg)
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    There is a distinctive difference between Jesus and American Jesus.
    >> Jupiter-san !SHoV4JggQ2 04/18/12(Wed)07:50 No.136468721
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    Basically yes. The approval Rating for Congress is below 50 percent. We haven't got anything done since Republicans took control of the house and been relentlessly fighting Obama over everything. We have seen more stupid shit go down since this happened.
    Oh don't worry, teachers teach is to loosely and people believe what their parents and community teach them to be fact. My girlfriend doesn't believe in evolution and that can really butt heads with me. But don't confuse Evolution with theories, scientific "theories" are not the same as theories.
    You so happen to be an agnostic. I am Atheist, not because hurr durr Anti-christian, angsty teenager but because I don't need a reason to believe nor do I need to be told how to be morally right. I don't feel there is something that is like a maker or pantheon.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:52 No.136468783
    Not to be that guy, but there's A LOT of gaps in evolution where a species basically popped up in existence way to evolved compared to their "parent-species".
    For instance, how come apes didn't die out when we evolved? Survival of the fittest dictates that we should've killed them all.
    How come there's no ape/human hybrids around?

    Look, I'm not saying we didn't evolve because we did, I'm just saying Darwinism is just a theory on HOW we evolved, not a fact.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:52 No.136468791
         File: 1334749938.jpg-(104 KB, 613x533, 34534534.jpg)
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    No sir. This is strictly New York's bullshit. No other state has managed to pass such a blatant, feel-good law.
    It's basically the play-pen that we stick libtards and soccer moms in. It's the only state where someone can be fired for using the phrase "a chink in the armor."
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:52 No.136468827
    >Survival of the fittest dictates that we should've killed them all.

    Oh my god.

    The only "gap" is between your ears. Please don't talk about things you do not understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:55 No.136468958
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:55 No.136468963
    But even the Vatican has accepted evolution as fact.
    There is no reasn to teach creationism.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:55 No.136468964
    this is what americans think hahaha
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:56 No.136469012


    That's not even a thing.

    Christfags keep trying to make like scientists have their own 'god' and 'worship' people like Darwin, or 'worship' themselves in hedonistic idolatry because they have no morality.

    How fucking retarded is that?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:56 No.136469037
    Don't get me wrong, I don't believe there is a higher being telling me what is morally right or wrong, that is all in myself and I chose my own actions. I don't feel a reason to believe either, but I do realize that there is some sort of higher power holding every atom in the world together, be it "God" or the higgs-boson, there is something out there that the people who wrote the religions texts could easily misinterpret as "God".
    >My girlfriend doesn't believe in evolution
    I had a Christian girlfriend once, I know your pain.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:58 No.136469086
    You know, for a collective of states that enjoy calling themselves the greatest nation on earth there are surely many people who happen to be stuck in medieval ways of thinking.

    That's for one, to abhor everything going against the church.

    People nowadays should be more like ancient greek philosophers. Who held reason as the highest human trait. The ability to reason and to make reasonable decisions is what makes us different from animals. And if religion stands in the way of reason, then we should consider ourselves obligated to get rid of religion. In a reasonable matter of course.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:58 No.136469090
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    >people thinking 'higher power' is still a beautiful concept
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:58 No.136469094

    If by defending you mean "refuting stupid claims made because it's cool to hate on the popular subject" then yes, I am defending.
    >> Jupiter-san !SHoV4JggQ2 04/18/12(Wed)07:58 No.136469124
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    My friend defends Mormons just because his friend was a mormon. That's like defending fundamentalist muslims because Ted Muhammad is muslim.
    Darwinism has flaws but stop. You hurt my core. There are many branches of species and locations. Neanderthal died out due to competition with cro-magnon and some say that Europeans are descendants of Cro-magnon/Neanderthal cross breeding. Species don't pop up in existence, change over a great amount of time and differences make a new species.
    We have seperate beliefs and you continue to believe in what you think is best as long as you are doing it objectively and morally right.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:58 No.136469131
    Yeah but the Vatican is so far away from America.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)07:59 No.136469134
    Okay. Enjoy bleeding out.

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