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  • File: 1334606831.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, scrn_residentEvil4-01.jpg)
    43 KB Details, man. Details Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:07 No.136276083  
    >Playing this for the first time with friends
    >Hear villager yell out some random shit
    >Mexican exchange student: "Yo turn around"
    >Turn, take an ax to the face
    Holy shit how did you know!?
    >The villager said watch out behind you in Spanish

    Vidya-details general
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:08 No.136276257
         File: 1334606921.png-(44 KB, 500x1047, metroid lava.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:09 No.136276320
         File: 1334606951.png-(111 KB, 251x700, metroid prime rain.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:09 No.136276360
         File: 1334606973.jpg-(29 KB, 450x281, HitmanBloodMoney 2009-08-11 19(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    >Going up and down stairs
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:10 No.136276495
    everything in Prime
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:10 No.136276538
    Why would the villagers, who are trying to kill you, warn you about other villagers who are also trying to kill you?

    Why didn't frito just, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:12 No.136276714
    >hold triangle in car
    >turns engine off
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:12 No.136276776
    >leave car regularly
    >hear radio fade as you walk away
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:13 No.136276898
         File: 1334607236.jpg-(26 KB, 500x500, Resident%20Evil%204%20Black%20(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:14 No.136276917
         File: 1334607245.png-(122 KB, 323x323, aika_homoa.png)
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    That feel when i just recently got the Pc version of the game, but all links to mods are dead. God damn it, atleast i could load one graphic mode.

    It sucks ass playing and not knowing what to press during a quick time event, due to having numbers instead of button icons.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:15 No.136277058
         File: 1334607309.png-(15 KB, 497x501, 1316453818935.png)
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    Every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:15 No.136277109
    There's still a pretty active RE4 modding community. I was just looking at some RE:ORC characters put into the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:16 No.136277193
    That game is technology incarnate.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:16 No.136277257

    I assume it's meant as a taunt, if what OP says is true.

    I know most of the shit they say is derogatory, like 'stupid bastard' and 'donkey asshole'.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:17 No.136277268
    >Steam from vents condensing on visor
    >the blinking
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:18 No.136277376
    >donkey asshole

    Ass asshole?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:18 No.136277387
    morir es vivir = to die is to live

    everything the ganados said in the game had actual spanish translations
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:18 No.136277392
    Yeah, Metroid Prime is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:18 No.136277429
         File: 1334607503.jpg-(23 KB, 300x316, 4.jpg)
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    >my native is spanish
    >mfw all the enemies warn me when they sneak behind me
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:18 No.136277454
    Here's some of the script anyway

    >the usual phrases are:
    Ahí está! (It means 'there it is'), Cójelo! (is like 'hold him', some like that
    ...), Te voy a matar! (is "I'll kill you'), Un forastero! (is 'a strenger'),
    Detrás de ti, imbécil (behind you, stupid idiot), puedes correr, pero no puedes
    esconderte ('you can rrun, but you can't to hide', sorry! I dont know speak
    english!), Está en la trampa (He is in the trap), Mierda (shit), cabrón (is an
    insult), Hijo de puta (son of the bitch), Te voy a cortar en pedazos! (I'll cut
    you in pieces), Te voy a hacer picadillo (is similar, literaly seya I will
    make you worn out meat), empieza a rezar (to begins to pray).
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:18 No.136277469
    anyone have the rest of these pics? there was a few
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:19 No.136277521

    they actually mock you because they can tell your american, they say "¡Detrás de tí, imbécil!" which means behind you imbicile.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:19 No.136277540
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:19 No.136277562
    I only got some tubes-stuff but that wouldn't fit into the thread.

    Create a Metroid-thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:19 No.136277595
    >Freeze an ennemy
    >His body falls down after some mementum effect, still frozen
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:20 No.136277667
    Dark Messiah did that too.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:21 No.136277762
    yeah nah, not interested in the tube shit. Only the ones where samus trips balls at the game effects.

    i know there's at least a steam one that hasnt been posted
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:21 No.136277819
         File: 1334607712.jpg-(143 KB, 3000x3000, 1331094833922.jpg)
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    >leave Ashley on a ledge above waiting to be caught
    >equip the rifle and try to look up her skirt
    >she closes her legs and calls me a pervert
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:22 No.136277827
    Okay, then

    >Diablo II
    >Freeze an ennemy
    >His body shatters in ice cubes
    >Shamans can't rez him anymore
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:22 No.136277865
         File: 1334607744.png-(350 KB, 1600x1200, 1294736340191.png)
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    Gotham City Impostors
    >Whatever they call the capture the flag
    >Enemy captures the demoralizing box thing
    >A voice actually starts to tell you that you suck at this game from your speakers
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:23 No.136277934
    >chinese soldiers shot at
    >they say both "duck" as in get down and "duck" as in the bird sometimes
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:23 No.136277942
    This thread need tuuuubes.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:23 No.136277962
    So the mexican guy knows how to speak mexican AND spanish? That's pretty cool, but kind of racist for you to mention his ethnicity for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:23 No.136277964
    >GTA 4
    >Shut off engine in car
    >Wait a bit
    >Niko puts on a seatbelt
    >I don't fly out of the windshield and take less damage when crashing

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:23 No.136277985
    Have to say, that's pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:23 No.136277998
    >Far Cry 2
    >What they say is actually some various African stuff for "Reloading!" "Gun Jam!" and other shit and if you know it well then you can easily outsmart enemies
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:23 No.136278009
    >Mario 64
    >Jump in torch in the basement
    >Land in water on his ass
    >Fire goes out, takes less damage

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:24 No.136278035
    >Deus Ex
    >Go into Women's bathroom
    >Get called out for it
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:24 No.136278081
    >Batman: Arkham City
    >Snowing because Mr. Freeze is sad
    >Stand still
    >Snow starts to gather on Batman's shoulders, then melt immediately because of body heat
    >Area where snow melted is wetter than before

    >all dem physx effects
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:24 No.136278109
         File: 1334607889.jpg-(26 KB, 525x481, 1323477644145.jpg)
    26 KB
    >Shut off engine
    >Put on a seatbelt

    Oh Niko. FOB's are adorable
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:25 No.136278189
    >Fallout 3
    >Shoot child
    >get gunned down by whole town
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:25 No.136278209
    I remember noticing that man, my mind was blown for a second.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:25 No.136278225
    >Dark Souls
    >throw a lightning spear in the water
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:26 No.136278245
    >speak mexican AND spanish?

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:26 No.136278275
    >steal fork
    >get gunned down by whole town
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:27 No.136278397
    >punch someone
    >they punch back
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:27 No.136278416
    Actually OP, you fucking retard, that is one big flaw of that shitty game, because even though it's set in Spain (althought no Spanish village looks anything like that since 1940 or uses pesetas) the villagers talk like fucking mexicans, an accent that is completely diferent from the spanish one.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:27 No.136278428
    Mexican is a more slurred and slang-like variant of Spanish.

    It's actually not called "Mexican," that's just a derogatory name for the language by people who actually speak Spanish(such as Spaniards or Guatemalans.), but it really isn't Spanish, the languages use some slightly different wordings and again use more slang and is more slurred.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:28 No.136278491

    >go to Megaton
    >punch some random passerby

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:28 No.136278508
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:28 No.136278512
    >Oblivion Xbox version
    >Press LB to move objects, not even take them
    >Stabbed for moving an apple back into a bowl I knocked off of a table

    I was trying to be nice...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:28 No.136278517

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:28 No.136278543
         File: 1334608124.jpg-(6 KB, 216x267, lemmy.jpg)
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    >Play Deus Ex
    >Explore the headquarters
    >"Damnit Adam hurry up and get over here or something bad is going to happen"
    >oh it's just the game reminding of where I'm supposed to be going.
    >keep exploring
    >"Way to fucking go Adam they killed the hostages because you were taking too long!"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:29 No.136278602

    Is muere retard. As in die.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:29 No.136278609
    That's actually hilarious that OP thinks that and that the devs did that. "Americans won't fucking notice."
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:29 No.136278612
    >suplex enemy
    >Ashley standing behind me
    >enemies skull explodes at her feet my face looking up her skirt
    >Ashley closes her legs and calls me a pervert
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:30 No.136278684

    oh fuck that is the worst. I've died on pretty much every QTE in silent hill homecoming. Nigga "yellow 1 with a circle around it" is not a fuckin button on any controller I have ever seen

    to reply to OP tho
    >throw urn at wall
    >cloud of ashes puff up along with broken porcelain

    >shoot ketchup bottle in MGS2
    >it explodes
    >guards freak out because their ketchup bottle fucking blew up

    >block automatic door with box
    >wooden boxes break, metal ones don't

    also this level of attention to detail instantly bumps a game up 10% in my review book
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:30 No.136278687

    More like "The Japanese won't fucking notice".
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:30 No.136278729
    >Watching friend play GTA 4 for the first time.
    >he gets in a car
    >he hits a lamp post
    >lamp post falls on his car
    >make a few scratches where it hit, in a line, which implies something skinny fell ontop of it
    >he was amazed
    >he spent the next half hour or so trying to create unique scratches/dents in the car
    >he's having a blast
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:30 No.136278768
    It's the same language, but different accent, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:31 No.136278787

    So I don't speak English, I speak American?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:31 No.136278797
    UNE PWAN-O STELLO! lolwtf.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:31 No.136278846

    This is dumb, you are dumb, stop saying dumb things.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:31 No.136278863
    is that game still active

    would you say it's p2w

    I fuckin love batman but refuse to support pay2win shit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:31 No.136278871
    >Half-life 2
    >See-saw in city 17
    >Put block on one side
    >Other side raises up

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:32 No.136278898

    Forastero - Foreigner.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:32 No.136278930
    What gaem?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:32 No.136278957
         File: 1334608364.png-(48 KB, 500x1397, 1278563876575.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:32 No.136278973
         File: 1334608378.jpg-(31 KB, 300x450, laughing tejano.jpg)
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    >he doesn't know the difference between mexican and spanish!
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:32 No.136278974
         File: 1334608378.gif-(147 KB, 294x291, Metal Slug big.gif)
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    The normal limit that only allows you to have two grenades on screen at a time is removed when you're inside of a Metal Slug.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:33 No.136278978
         File: 1334608380.jpg-(243 KB, 400x391, Brotag decides to browse 4chan(...).jpg)
    243 KB
    >Hind D fight
    >they tell you to listen for where it is
    >if you set the game to mono, they imply you're a bad person for not having a stereo TV
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:33 No.136278987
         File: 1334608387.jpg-(51 KB, 640x448, izzd8.jpg)
    51 KB
    >Get decapitated by a chainsaw
    >Head falls underneath Ashley
    >She closes her legs and calls me a pervert.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:33 No.136279007
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:33 No.136279057
    Europeans dont speak english ,they speak european because they use different wordings.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:33 No.136279068

    I'm surprised you don't know about Resident Evil 4.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:33 No.136279070
    >playing Human Revolution
    >at Sarif HQ, decide to break into offices and steal stuff
    >having a blast
    >go back later
    >check adam's messages
    >someone is complaining that their stuff is missing
    >soon other people go to adam to complain
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:34 No.136279089
    Not p2w at all, all the dlc bar the xp boost are either 'calling cards' or costumes that you can unlock anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:34 No.136279091
    >Fallout 2
    >shoot child
    >still cool with certain factions because shit they fuckin ENSLAVE children
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:34 No.136279142
    Wait, you mean if I go inside a Metal Slug, have it "crouch" down...
    I can throw as many grenades as I want?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:34 No.136279171
         File: 1334608491.jpg-(27 KB, 347x466, 1323478221727.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279190
    >Speaking Spanish from Spain

    Nigga, I am chilean. We slaughter spanish.
    I met these guatemalan bitches... couldn't understand shit, and I've travelled the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279196
    All the computer stories in Fallout 3
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279221

    hey man I still fire up GTA4 to try and cover my hood in the blood of pedestrians
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279226
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279243
    Yep, exactly.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279262
    Ask someone from Britain what they think about the English Northamericans speak.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279275
    It was probably localized for America which usually means new voice actors, you doofus.

    Although they probably kept in the Spanish audio...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:35 No.136279301
    >La campana
    >Tenemos que irnos.
    >> cheraya-sempai !.qlHL3DYm6 04/16/12(Mon)16:36 No.136279360

    >playing human revolution
    >in sarif hq
    >"Hurry up Adam, lives are at stake"
    >lol whatever faget.
    >people bring it up
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:36 No.136279374

    this is how I beat the one boss that goes up on its legs and uses the big cannon

    just drive underneath and unload every grenade I have

    this was like MS4 or something though, don't they have 6 out now
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:36 No.136279394
    I'm spanish.
    Sudaca de mierda.
    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 04/16/12(Mon)16:37 No.136279418

    >"Mr. Spencer.."
    >"Ugh! WILL YOU SHUT UP?!"

    This is why I can't deal with Bethesda's games and haven't bothered trying Skyrim yet... ESPECIALLY after I heard that horses and chickens can report crimes if they see you.
    That AI factioning is so transparent...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:37 No.136279421
    I don't even. Still, I like the way Mexicans speak Spanish compared to people from Spain.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:37 No.136279462
    I know this is way of a long shot but were you in Croatia this or last year?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:37 No.136279463
         File: 1334608655.jpg-(20 KB, 500x382, 1292746677290.jpg)
    20 KB
    >playing Red Dead Redemption
    >get shot in chest
    >blood stain on my shirt
    >walk into river
    >my clothes are darkened and soaking wet
    >clothes dry and the stain is gone
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:37 No.136279468
    Spaniard here laughing at you idiots needing a lot more spanish lessons
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:38 No.136279541
    Also, if she has her alternative costumes without a skirt on, she will not do this.

    Also there is ONE set of really long ladders at one part of the game, where with a scope rifle you can zoom into her panties without her noticing it.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:38 No.136279591

    The spanish audio is the main point. Why would they change the Spanish audio from the Japanese version and the US version? Like I said, when developing it, Capcom most likely thought "They won't notice" and that includes the Japanese too.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:38 No.136279593
    >mfw this game was a joke because I knew exactly what they were saying.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:39 No.136279637
    >everything about the magika magic system

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:39 No.136279686
    I've been to Spain and I've met lovely people.
    Had a couple of spanish girlfriends.
    Asked people about their feelings towards southamericans. They were fine about it.

    O eres un retardado, reprimido de mierda o no tienes puta idea de cómo socializar.

    0/10 not even mad, just wanted to upset you.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:39 No.136279698
         File: 1334608786.gif-(1.3 MB, 512x288, 1334197143601.gif)
    1.3 MB
    >playing Red Dead Redemption
    >walk into river
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:39 No.136279724
    That's not much different than point-blank grenade spamming outside of a Slug anyway though. The real point is you can spam grenades when you're far away from or above bosses, which is often. It's a really nice little touch.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:40 No.136279743
    Anyone knows what the enemies in RE5 speak?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:40 No.136279759

    I tried to play that game this week and couldnt. At first it was all realy awesome and cool till i got my first enemies to kill.

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:40 No.136279824
         File: 1334608852.jpg-(560 KB, 1920x1200, 1334229339512.jpg)
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    >TECHNOLOGY thread
    >People throwing shit at each other for an accent story

    Holy shit you fucking retards
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:40 No.136279831

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:41 No.136279863
         File: 1334608872.png-(61 KB, 174x184, aww maaan.png)
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    Oh fuck that mission.
    I never knew there were even hostages to be saved, I didn't even see them and thought that "lives are at stake" was just extra dialouge.

    >mfw I see the "FAILED: RESCUE TOE HOSTAGES" message
    >people keep saying I shouldn't have been reckless.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:41 No.136279872

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:41 No.136279873
    The original Metroid Prime on the Gamecube had water physics. Try walking in a puddle, or rolling into one with a morph ball.
    Some modern games STILL don't have that.
    Also, the Prime Trilogy on the Wii gets rid of that, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:41 No.136279918
    >english speaking retards trying to spell out spanish words

    why dont you at least TRY to understand our language you lazy fucks, your spanish is so garbage
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:41 No.136279936
    >GTA IV, English version
    >run into some random guy on the street
    >he yells at me in my native language

    >Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
    >wanna check out Farah
    >change into first person view
    >look at her
    >"What are you looking at?"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:41 No.136279947

    >playing Red Dead
    >Herbert Moon is the fucking Terminator
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:42 No.136279963
    yeah I'm having the same problem now. I just started playing last night and there's so much you have to do in so little time that it's rather stressful. And the enemies are relentless they just charge right at you giving you zero time to experiment with the spells.

    It's a neat concept by the single player experience has much to be desired.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:42 No.136279982

    >and then you find spell combinations that immediately destroy everything and ruin the fun
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:42 No.136279995

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:42 No.136280005

    Who cares? Everyone speaks English, get on our level.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:42 No.136280010
         File: 1334608952.gif-(907 KB, 150x113, 1325177594385.gif)
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    >o no tienes puta idea de cómo socializar.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:42 No.136280032
         File: 1334608964.jpg-(112 KB, 1280x1024, 1513641-bloodmoneyhitman.jpg)
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    Hitman - Bloodmoney
    In the Opera mission you can swap the actor's prop gun with a real one.
    If you hide in his room you'll see him practice his lines. If you swap the guns and hide, you'll hear him say (in Italian) that the gun almost feels real (or heavier or something).
    You can also dispose of him, take his outfit and the real gun and play his part on stage. If you do it right, nobody will know the difference.

    There were so many cool details in this game, like the panties-sniffing guard and the shark that got fatter as it ate people.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:43 No.136280079

    That fucking ring of exploding robs.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:43 No.136280086
         File: 1334608992.gif-(2 KB, 37x28, Fio's legs.gif)
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    Metal Slug is pretty much Attention to Detail: The Video Game anyway. Every house you can blow up in mission 5 blows up differently and has different stages of destruction; the dead people inside even get hurt worse as the destruction progresses. Also, while the one-player game has an ending with you viewing all the destruction the rebellion has caused, beating the game with two players gives a much happier ending with a different theme song.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:43 No.136280120
    >sonic heroes
    >playing team dark
    >look at rouge in first person mode
    >she fucking winks at me
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:43 No.136280121
    But spanish is a shit language
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:43 No.136280130
    >ready a flash bang
    >throw it right before chainsaw guy is about to cut my head off
    >start screaming as he begins to rip into my throat
    >bang goes off
    >be fine
    >shotgun that fucker in the face
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:43 No.136280136

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:43 No.136280138
    >the first time you use arcane ice rocks to decimate the entire screen
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:44 No.136280218
         File: 1334609063.jpg-(21 KB, 248x234, 1333142542669.jpg)
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    >mi cara cuando
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:44 No.136280232


    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:44 No.136280249
    >Panties sniffing-guard
    How I wished I could be that man
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:44 No.136280279
    >learn summon elemental
    >make enough elementals to fill up the entire screen
    >spritz them with a lightning

    game breaker
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:44 No.136280291
    I fucking love that game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:45 No.136280314
         File: 1334609110.gif-(1.09 MB, 300x169, 1334512383655.gif)
    1.09 MB
    >play Vice City
    >shoot the moon with a sniper rifle
    >it gets bigger
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:45 No.136280318
         File: 1334609110.jpg-(14 KB, 487x499, Donkey Kong smile.jpg)
    14 KB
    >Donkey Kong Country Returns
    >stand on the very edge of a ledge
    >do the ground pound
    >he starts slapping the side of the ledge
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:46 No.136280415

    If I only known, It would've made the sniping bit a lot easier
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:46 No.136280438
    >Suplex an enemy while she's behind me
    >Does the same
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:46 No.136280449
         File: 1334609187.gif-(155 KB, 145x157, Slug Gigant.gif)
    155 KB
    The first time I realized I could halt the giant robot during the fight with Allen in Metal Slug 7 by using one of those super punch shots it blew my mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:46 No.136280468

    I was playing it in co op with my little brother and it was even more chaotic because everything we did hurt each other and there is no option to turn off ff.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:46 No.136280482

    >Steven Heck is psychotic
    >Be Psychotic with him
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:46 No.136280492
    >Zelda Twilight Princess
    >go into water
    >come back out
    >clothes are actually wet
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:47 No.136280523
    >Play some old Terminator FPS
    >Shoot the moon
    >The text "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" appears next to it for every shot you take
    >After a few bursts it falls out of the sky
    I'm not even making this up.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:47 No.136280586
         File: 1334609276.jpg-(177 KB, 1024x640, da bears.jpg)
    177 KB
    >Get poisoned in MGS
    >Snake doesn't let out normal death cry because he's choking

    >Aim at villagers head in RE4
    >They duck

    >LA Noire
    >Walking up or down stairs

    >Dota 2
    >Characters have different animations when they have low health
    >They'll say something if you buy a specific item for them
    >Pudge will complain if he hooks a creep
    >Heroes have lines for specific heroes they kill
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:48 No.136280595

    you can also choose not to replace the gun and fire a sniper bullet at the exact moment the prop goes off

    you can also rig the lights to fall down on him

    you can poison that one guy's dog

    you can shoot out the bottom of that one hot tub

    fuck I love that game
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:48 No.136280641
    >Videogames with bathrooms let you use the toilets
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:48 No.136280659
    that's not what this thread is about
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:49 No.136280723
         File: 1334609376.gif-(203 KB, 420x236, Konata Izumi plays with two in(...).gif)
    203 KB
    >toilets are the save points
    Did any games besides Dead Rising and No More Heroes do this?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:50 No.136280765
    >characters slow/move differently going up stairs
    >dust ruses off carpets when you walk
    >different floor types make different sounds
    >limp when injured
    >stepping on bugs makes them squish and pop

    dat atmosphere! fuck i love that game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:50 No.136280772
         File: 1334609404.png-(11 KB, 543x378, faggot.png)
    11 KB

    In every Resident evil game, the voice acting has always been done in english, no matter what the region / language (even wapanese).

    The only thing that changes between localisations are the subtitles / text.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:50 No.136280806
    Not that TECHNOLOGY worthy, but:


    Shit, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:50 No.136280810
    >playing NBA 2003 on my xbox
    >It's St. Patrick's day
    >The commentator says "Hello and Happy St. Patrick's Day."
    >How did he know?

    ToI was playing as the Celtics, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:50 No.136280812
    >TimeSplitters Future Perfect
    >playable slot machine in one level
    >playable drums in another level
    >shooting an oil barrel makes it leak to the level of the bullet hole
    >that lab in the second zombie level where you can torture a scientist
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:50 No.136280839
    Super Mario Sunshine.
    Water physics
    Special effects like distant objects blurred
    Amazing looking water
    Ultra smooth animations
    Mario actually gets dirty if he rolls in mud, and the mud actually washes off where ever Mario gets wet, and only that spot.
    Evaporation and heat waves in the distance.
    Looks amazing to this day.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:51 No.136280908
    That slot machine really wasn't anything special though.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:51 No.136280920
    >Twilight Princess
    >First time I open a door in a dungeon dust falls off.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:51 No.136280947
         File: 1334609513.jpg-(18 KB, 344x326, 1333148409723.jpg)
    18 KB
    >First time playing Fallout 3
    >Oh sweet, I can use the toilets and it gives me health and rads! Sitting on a radioactive toilet must do that.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:52 No.136281005
    >Speak spanish as first language
    >Play RE4 for the first time
    >Laugh my ass off through the entire campaign.

    Dont get me wrong, the spanish was well done .. but I was not used to games cursing in my own language.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:52 No.136281007
    You forgot the most important part
    >wearing sunglasses actually makes the screen darker
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:52 No.136281013
         File: 1334609545.jpg-(21 KB, 479x359, 1322001292061.jpg)
    21 KB
    >Play MGS2 for the 50th time
    >Tanker mission
    >Deck 2, Port (The part where the announcer starts talking and it's just a long hallway)
    >See guard coming
    >Go to the left and stand up against the wall
    >Peek around the corner
    >It knocks over a pipe that I thought was part of the wall
    >Guard freaks out and turns my way
    >Stay where I am
    >Second guard comes by and the first guard aims his gun at him
    >They end up having an entire conversation
    >Mfw I find something new every single time I play this game

    How many fucking hidden things are even in this game? God damn.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 04/16/12(Mon)16:52 No.136281064
         File: 1334609571.png-(575 KB, 1280x720, she sees your wallet.png)
    575 KB
    >GTA IV
    >get in a taxi
    >don't skip
    >decide I want to listen to a different radio station
    >change the radio station
    >Niko says "Hey, you mind changing it to err... <name of radio station>?"
    >continue along journey
    >taxi driver opens his window, throws a plastic cup he'd just dank out of out the window, and it's still on the street as he continues driving
    This game is so fucking alive.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:52 No.136281075
    >Mother 3
    >forest fire
    >characters get covered in ash
    >walk into hot springs, only submerged to neck
    >emerge with clean clothes, faces still covered in ash

    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 04/16/12(Mon)16:53 No.136281084
         File: 1334609584.jpg-(73 KB, 275x388, HitmanAbsolutionPackArt.jpg)
    73 KB
    There's some pretty neat stuff like that in the new Hitman Absolution game as well.

    There's a mission taking place in a courtroom where you can do various things to change the outcome, lake take out the defendant and switch places with him while he's on the bathroom or become the judge and decide the outcome for yourself...

    There's a bunch of other things you can do as well, but don't tell anyone I told you about this.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:53 No.136281135
    Isn't RE6 going to be in China? If so, I wonder if there will be any regional dialects or if it will be in Mandarin or Cantonese?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:53 No.136281160
         File: 1334609634.png-(17 KB, 180x200, 3.png)
    17 KB
    Yes also just found that out when playing the HD version. Fucking love that game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:53 No.136281167
         File: 1334609636.gif-(2.04 MB, 265x282, 1334364006451.gif)
    2.04 MB
    >Balancing on a wire as inmates below taunt me
    >"I didn't know you were such a chicken", etc.
    >Throw a batarang out of frustration
    >Inmate dodges at the last second
    >They start mocking my aim and how slow I am
    >Jump down to fight them and get my shit slapped
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:53 No.136281171
    >shooting an oil barrel makes it leak to the level of the bullet hole

    you just know developers of a game always get caught up in this sort of thing and then realize 4 weeks of coding later they just blew all their budget on barrel physics.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:55 No.136281272

    I love when games do this. Adding full mini games. I wish more did it.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:55 No.136281275
         File: 1334609704.png-(110 KB, 640x512, our metroid is in another cast(...).png)
    110 KB
    Rescuing Dachora and the Etecoons results in a couple of pixels moving away from the nova after the planet explodes. Always thought that was nice.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:55 No.136281279
         File: 1334609705.jpg-(161 KB, 1387x789, death of a franchise.jpg)
    161 KB

    since when did you start advertising for eidos?

    cmon man, no/v/ believes that. pic very fucking related.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:56 No.136281403
         File: 1334609780.jpg-(27 KB, 300x292, hory-shet-300x292.jpg)
    27 KB
    >decide to drive properly for a change
    >stop at lights
    >rev the engine
    >car next to me revs back
    >light goes green and we drag race

    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281598
    I half-expect it to be Cantonese

    It's not advertising... Just stuff I've heard about the game from someone working on it...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281606
    >playing gta vice city
    >shoot someone in the head through their windshield
    >they get out of their car with no head and fall down

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281638
    dude wut
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281674
    Pardon my ignorance, but whats with descartes and give her the dick
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281685
    >playing Red Dead Redemption
    >having fun
    >realising I don't have any console

    >Dawn of War 1
    >some heroes have special duel animation with each other
    >units always finished off the last enemy unit in a stylish way

    >playing the first game with finishing move

    >realizing you can lit the oil puddles on the ground in Skyrim

    >dark messiah
    >dem oil jars
    >dem spikes on every corner
    >dem kick everything you see
    >dem blacksmithing minigame was not just click this to win, you had to manually melt the iron, cast it in form etc.

    >arkham asylum
    >batman grows a beard as you move further along the story

    >dem books in those elder scroll games

    >fable 1
    >arrive at the TLC area after a looong ship tour
    >grows a long beard
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281689
         File: 1334609925.png-(380 KB, 570x564, 1334515725508.png)
    380 KB
    >Chrono Trigger
    >those black boxes
    >if you open them in the past first, they'll be empty in the future
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281696
    That did not happen and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:58 No.136281708
    Fucking serious?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:59 No.136281745
    Holy fucking shit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:59 No.136281753
    >playing Black Ops online
    >in the house in villa, about 3 of our team upstairs
    >randomly hear characters shout shit in a different language occasionally, but pay it no mind
    >my mum hears it as she walks past, she's learning Spanish and gets intrigued whenever she hears anything she knows
    >says "hey, did somebody just say something about stairs in spanish?"
    >turn around
    >enemies coming up the stairs
    >blast them with a stakeout one by one
    >"nice one, mum"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:59 No.136281759
    sounds like total bullshit from the gameplay I've seen so far, so yea, I'll believe it when I see it. huge fan of the franchise and I'm not too enthused by the shit show so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:59 No.136281762

    Can you read what I am writing?

    Wow, I guess that you speak American too!
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)16:59 No.136281825

    Bro i think you were playing Tokyio Extreme Racer instead.
    >> Louise Françoise De La Baume Le Blanc de La Vallière !!WDRLKtz5nGT 04/16/12(Mon)16:59 No.136281827

    >>batman grows a beard as you move further along the story

    I thought that was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:00 No.136281832
    guy posts a bunch of comments to pornhub or youporn or something with a picture of descartes

    shit like "save some of that pussy mandingo"

    but mostly "give her the dick"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:00 No.136281842
    just some guy on a porn site with an avatar picture of descartes left a bunch of funny comments on videos. one of them being "give her the dick"

    it's not really that funny and /v/ blew it way out of proportion. (like always)
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:00 No.136281858
    FF13-2 did that too with treasure orbs.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:00 No.136281907
         File: 1334610047.png-(37 KB, 285x222, oh no.png)
    37 KB
    >play GTA4
    >walking though Ghetto
    >pull out a gun to shoot random nigga
    >blow his brains out
    >every Gangsta within 20 feet pulls out an Uzi and guns my down
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:00 No.136281913
         File: 1334610053.jpg-(164 KB, 1600x900, stevie.jpg)
    164 KB
    >Deus Ex: HR
    >steve jobs is still alive, going to conferences with Bill Gates
    >> Archer 04/16/12(Mon)17:00 No.136281920
    In MGS2, when you're in the tanker and you shoot the ice cube container and watch them melt. They specifically coded the melting speed of ice-cubes depending on where the ice lands. Like, closer to a heat-source causes them to melt fast while closer to other cubes slows the melting.

    A ton of code went into a piece of the game that most people miss.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:01 No.136281927
         File: 1334610061.jpg-(263 KB, 1920x1080, 2011-04-28_00004.jpg)
    263 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:01 No.136281991
    If I remember right, if you waited to open them until the future there would be better items in them too.
    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 04/16/12(Mon)17:01 No.136282010
    Grand Theft Auto 4 is an amazing game.
    Apart from all the things you mentioned, I still get blown away by the amount of detail in the city.
    Every block looks unique and there are tons of unique storefronts you drive by and probably never have noticed.
    Just the time they spend placing trashcans and benches and garbage bins and hotdog stands in realistic places...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:01 No.136282020
    Wat. Where does this happen?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:02 No.136282063
    No, what he means is even though two different cultures may speak a same base language, the way they speak it is usually very different.

    If you compare the way an average british person speaks, along with an average american, they will speak very differently.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:02 No.136282064
         File: 1334610128.jpg-(1.49 MB, 3848x1992, 1333574898636.jpg)
    1.49 MB

    Here you go.

    Try not to drink anything while reading this, you will spit it out all over your monitor
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:02 No.136282121
         File: 1334610165.jpg-(82 KB, 602x616, batman began at some point.jpg)
    82 KB
    Both modern batman games have the batsuit being ripped apart as you go.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:02 No.136282153
    >hove beach\
    >duck behind a parked car
    >shot gun into air
    >suddenly, huge russian gunfight breaks out
    >only fun for a minute or two, until the cops show up

    Let us end this like gentlemen, yes?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:03 No.136282202
    the GTA games, besides being fun gaming experiences, are incredible design feats.

    So many people under-appreciate just how much detail go into them.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:03 No.136282239
    >Use an action replay or whatever the fuck in Persona 3
    >Mitsuru or Fuuka will actually call you out for cheating
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:03 No.136282241
    But that's not TECHNOLOGY
    When you become hostile every npc with a gun will attack
    Would have been the same if you shoot an old white lady or a wall
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:04 No.136282335
    >playing prototype
    >absorb a military guy
    >grab another military guy and mix us up
    >point to the npc military guy
    >his squad mates shoot him dead
    >i'm no longer wanted

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:05 No.136282357
         File: 1334610300.png-(199 KB, 400x400, damn son that's a big fish.png)
    199 KB
    >Saints Row 2
    >kill a pimp
    >every other pimp in town wants to kill me
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:05 No.136282365
    >Visit the Black Omen in 2300 AD
    >Queen Zeal pops out and reminds you Lavos already wrecked everything's shit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:05 No.136282371
    What was impressive to me was that I was in the ghetto, and EVERYBODY pulled out a gun.

    If I did that in any other part of the city, there might be one guy at most that attacks me.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:05 No.136282442
    >Hold somebody up
    >Aim at their dick
    >They give in

    >Find some razer
    >Give it to Snake
    >Later his Beard is gone

    >Go to mens room
    >Stand in front of urinal
    >Call the Colonel
    >Dialog about how Raiden needs to go piss
    >Do the same for the toilet
    >Rose and the Colonel get disgusted.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:05 No.136282447
    They preserved Steve Jobs' head and put him into an augmented body. He's rich enough to afford the Neuropozyne.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:06 No.136282469
    fucking crysis

    >have to disable some UAV-jammer in a small korean outpost
    >check the place from a safe distance with my binocs
    >see one of the guards taking a piss
    >one is having a smoke
    >two are having a conversation
    >one i patrolling around the outpost looking tired as fuck
    >one is just sitting inside a hut


    >some house with like three koreans innit
    >throw a smoke grenade in from a window
    >shoot a few times in the window
    >the koreans start shooting blindly
    >sit quietly outside the house
    >wait for the shooting to stop
    >walk in the house
    >smoke fades out
    >the koreans managed to kill each other
    >feel kinda bad for them
    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 04/16/12(Mon)17:06 No.136282478
         File: 1334610372.png-(32 KB, 326x181, Screen shot 2012-04-16 at 11.0(...).png)
    32 KB
    It's easier to show off gunplay for the "wow factor". With last years demo they also had to present it very carefully, because it would break if the presenter looked the wrong way with the character.

    I think we'll see something a little more traditionally hitman-ish at this years E3, because a lot of gamers feels the same as you when they saw the demo.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:06 No.136282508
         File: 1334610394.jpg-(59 KB, 400x300, borat.jpg)
    59 KB
    > playing Just Cause 2
    > helicopter on top of me
    > be right next to a statue
    > shoot the hook at the heli and the the statue
    > heli backs away
    > rips the giant head of the statue, start losing control and spinning because its too heavy, crashes onto a second helicopter that just got to the place
    > mfw

    This fucking game, this god damn fucking game is the best sandbox game of this generation.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:06 No.136282510
    >2nd play through of the game
    >burn every body I find
    >go back to a part of the mansion I've already cleared
    >something starts banging on the door
    >I don't remember this happening last time
    >lol I'm not going in there
    >walk past door
    >zombie busts through

    I still have no idea what triggers this to happen
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:06 No.136282524

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:06 No.136282535


    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:07 No.136282636
    The only thing it needed was building destruction and airstrikes a la Mercenaries.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:07 No.136282647
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:07 No.136282650
    I think you mean GTA.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:08 No.136282661
    After you kill Plant 42 new enemies spawn in the mansion.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:08 No.136282683
         File: 1334610492.jpg-(56 KB, 346x341, 1330240318818.jpg)
    56 KB
    >Playing CS:GO beta
    >Pop some niggas
    >Stand over the bodies for a while
    >Blood starts to pool under them

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:08 No.136282692
    47 telling you to go to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:08 No.136282704
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:08 No.136282715
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:09 No.136282764
    Go to bed Paco.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:09 No.136282770
         File: 1334610546.jpg-(121 KB, 500x393, konata izumi is happy.jpg)
    121 KB
    >get captured on the Blackbird
    >weapons are taken
    >Ayla doesn't use weapons and just punches everyone's shit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:09 No.136282772
    >Spore Spawn's dried up corpse
    >do a wall jump off of it
    >it starts shaking
    That legitimately scared me as a kid, I thought he was coming back to life at first.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:09 No.136282819
    Nope, I mean Metal Gear
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:10 No.136282868
         File: 1334610612.jpg-(598 KB, 3547x4968, YaHa_6580-HR.jpg)
    598 KB
    >Recently picked up Red Dead Redemption
    >Just exploring the sights
    >Get to Thieve's landing
    >Encounter a campsite with no people around
    >John Marston says, "I wonder what happened here"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:10 No.136282871
    Funny way to spell Metroid Prim.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:10 No.136282916

    >Playing Dead Island
    >Smash a zombies head wide open
    >Stand around for a while
    >Blood starts to pool around the body
    >Wait a while longer
    >The blood is now climbing vertically up a rock and covering an area of like five square metres.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:10 No.136282925
         File: 1334610639.jpg-(67 KB, 509x607, Samus_3D_endings.jpg)
    67 KB
    Can you imagine Samus actually saying these things?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136282962
    >thinking there was something wrong with localization language in first cutscene
    >realize Im in spain
    >Zlaugh my ass of at all the ways they say stupid shit

    one of the few thousand things I love about this game
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136282980
    >Use the X-Ray Visor in Metroid Prime
    >Look at Samus' arm cannon hand
    >She actually changes her fingers to match the symbol of whatever beam you're using.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136282989
    > slang-like variant

    Just shut the fuck up, i was born in Spain and live in at least 6 latin american countrys, every country has his own words.

    Seriously, Eat Shit.
    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136283002
         File: 1334610681.jpg-(46 KB, 380x247, delayclose.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136283004

    > TECHNLO-wait this isnt right.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136283006
    >Metroid Prim
    Also a funny way to spell Metroid Prime.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136283024
    >Just Cause 2
    >Dude on a motorcycle coming in your direction
    >Hook road, hook dude when he's in range
    >Dude gets pulled of his bike
    >Bike keeps going for a while then falls on the floor

    >Hook dude to vehicule
    >Start driving
    >Dude yells as you teabag him around
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:11 No.136283032

    Well there's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:12 No.136283087
    Hah, that's pretty awesome too. That actually can happen with any frozen enemy as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:12 No.136283098

    If Adam gave her permission to talk, then yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:12 No.136283115
    Back in the day Samus was just an extension of the player.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:12 No.136283156
         File: 1334610769.jpg-(815 KB, 1920x1080, metroid.jpg)
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    Samus doesn't talk.....she never talked.....she never will talk.

    I'm going back to 2002.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:13 No.136283190
    Prime1 samus is the best
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:13 No.136283191
         File: 1334610787.png-(220 KB, 699x482, that's so ridley.png)
    220 KB
    >Metroid Prim

    Funny way to spell Metroid Prime
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:13 No.136283214
    When you know english and spanish, playing RE4 is way better.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:13 No.136283269
    He caught me with his wire thing!
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:13 No.136283280
    So many HP saved from turning around.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:14 No.136283305

    How come samus in Prime 1 is the best looking one?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:14 No.136283325
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    "Full authorization? Boss, I don't think that's a good idea."

    "Adaaaaam, it's good for the company!"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:14 No.136283328

    Samus has been a woman since the first game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:14 No.136283358
    WOAH I remember Push.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:14 No.136283395
         File: 1334610899.jpg-(257 KB, 1400x1050, 1332734921079.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:15 No.136283450
    I like hunters and Prime 3 the most
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:15 No.136283475
    because Metroid fusion featured her as a full-blonde.

    Zero suit samus worked better as a 2D sprite.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:16 No.136283502
    how does it feel to be the reason other m happened?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:16 No.136283508
    Switching out the fake gun with the real gun was supposed to be a secret? I've done that ever since I first played the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:16 No.136283545
    Because she looks like what a human woman would look like in the real world. The rest are dolled up animu characters.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:16 No.136283569

    >Playing GoW2
    >Watch the Great War cutscene
    >Notice that when Zeus uses the Blade of Olympus to send out a shockwave and kill the Titans, each of them is encased in a green hue at the last moment before being engulfed
    >"Hmm, that's strange."
    >Watch the ending where Kratos goes back in time to that same battle and encases each Titan in a green hue to send them to the present in order to fight Zeus
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:16 No.136283587
    Anyone got a pick of WW link standing on stairs and he actually stands on the steps?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:16 No.136283593

    I think what he meant was that back then, Samus didn't spout "ADAM ADAM THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY ADAM ADAM THE BABY" ceaselessly
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:17 No.136283641
    No, Prime is overrated by the numbers casual garbage. Technology though, sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:17 No.136283656
    Hahah, had to read it in their voices.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:18 No.136283694
    This thread isn't about secrets, but about details that many might overlook.
    The fact that he mentions that the gun is heavier in a language that most players don't understand is an example.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:18 No.136283758
    Deny it all you want, Prime is awesome.

    I can only think of the 2D purists manbabies who get sensitive every time Prime is mentioned.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:18 No.136283775
         File: 1334611128.gif-(938 KB, 500x280, 1333037136345.gif)
    938 KB
    >DE: HR
    >dicking around
    >Pritchard: "What happened, Adam? Got stuck inside a vent?"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:19 No.136283829

    >decide to stay
    >hostages die
    >do the mission
    >come right back to base
    >can explore it all now, nothing to do because you already explored it
    >no repercussions at all for letting the hostages die, other than the fact that you let the hostages die

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:19 No.136283838
         File: 1334611164.gif-(2 MB, 292x219, 1275169335646.gif)
    2 MB

    The villager says "detras de ti imbecil"
    this means "behind you asshole"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:19 No.136283842
    Well, there is Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. As far as I know, is more easy to a Portuguese understand a Brazilian than the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:20 No.136283898
         File: 1334611202.jpg-(256 KB, 704x469, Rockman X.jpg)
    256 KB
    In the original Mega Man X trilogy, your uncharged X-Buster shots do more damage when you shoot with dash momentum. They started toning it down in X2, and removed its effect on bosses entirely in X3, but I'm sure it was intentional from the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:20 No.136283975
    People will give you shit for it. Like it real life.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:20 No.136283978
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:21 No.136284072
    >Any metal gear solid game
    >a whole fucking bunch of shit goddamn
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:22 No.136284092
    Leave, BR.

    There is no TECHNOLOGY to be found where you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:22 No.136284117
    pretty sure you lose praxis points to, not 100 percent on that one though
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:22 No.136284118
    Goldeneye 007 was pretty impressive. Almost all props where destructible. Chairs would even explode if you shot them enough, and you could shoot guards hats off or shoot them in the groin and they'd actually react to that before dieing.
    Bullet decals everywhere, too.
    And all of this on the little console that could.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:23 No.136284241
    >Battlefield 3
    >repeatedly jump while sprinting
    >eventually run out of momentum and just hop on the spot

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:23 No.136284256
    You never know.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:23 No.136284262
    >Playing ME2
    >"Krogan are the only ones strong enough to use the Claymore as its kickback would break the arms of anyone else."
    >Mission where you're trying to save Orianna
    >The leader of the mercs is an Asari weilding a Claymore
    >She fires, there's barely any kickback
    >Grunt fires his Claymore, there's far more
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:23 No.136284286
         File: 1334611436.jpg-(70 KB, 650x440, 104382263_crop_650x440.jpg)
    70 KB
    >Every unit in the game says something about every unit in the game, sometimes even if a certain faction is on your side.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:24 No.136284305
    > battlefield 3
    > you can throw a nade inside a humvee through the roof and blow it up
    > you can prone under tanks and it wont kill you

    That shit blew my mind. I think there was an invisible wall on the humvee.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:24 No.136284326
    >Red Dead Redemption
    >have low honour
    >insult people instead of greeting them
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:24 No.136284390

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:25 No.136284431

    >be woefully incompetent to just keep walking around an office building youve been in like 100 times before in Jensens case while youre needed right away for a fucking serious hostage situation
    >let them get killed because you were too busy breaking into peoples offices on camera
    >get yelled at once in a agitated whiny ADDDDAAAAMMM tone once
    >never brought up again

    yeah nah you totally wouldnt be discharged for that just like real life
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:25 No.136284447

    Every Brazilian understands Portuguese and every Portuguese understands "Brazilian". They are the same language despite having huge differences, but if you speak Portuguese you will understand the Brazilian variation.

    There will be some unique words to each variation, but nothing critical
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:25 No.136284460
    >yfw DX:HR wouldn't be so yellow if Adam flicked in those shades
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:25 No.136284472
    >having contests with my friends
    >throwing mines into the air and then shooting them before they hit the ground
    I miss that so much
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:26 No.136284558
    Lonk did this in Oot as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:27 No.136284603
    Goddamn, this.

    I fucking love gambling.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:27 No.136284614
    >play goldeneye
    >unlimited ammo
    >hide in a room and stack proximity mines at every possible entrance
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:27 No.136284660
    >Get stuck on El Gigante
    >Don't know how the fuck to beat his ass
    >Actually buy the guide
    >Comes with a sweetass poster inside
    >Beat the whole game.
    >Suddenly feel like I'm cheating it after having all the good shit unlocked.

    This was around the year RE4 was barely just released, so I had no fucking clue and that's why I bought the guide.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:28 No.136284730

    > buying guides
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:28 No.136284732
         File: 1334611705.jpg-(30 KB, 676x707, 1311327656579.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:28 No.136284737
    >by the numbers casual garbage.

    Never breed.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:28 No.136284739

    >people liking her Prime 3 and Hunters design is the reason for the horrible writing in Other M

    I do believe that I am sensing Reddit kiddie logic here.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:28 No.136284760
    >play Perfect Dark
    >remote mines only
    >none of the AI controlled people know how to detonate them
    10/10 Rare
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:28 No.136284774
    >Get billions wasted to resurrect you and augment the shit out of you
    >Fire you right afterwords because you let some hostages die

    >Alright Adam, you let some people die. Hand over your arms and your keys, you're out of here.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:28 No.136284780
         File: 1334611736.jpg-(99 KB, 1280x850, impfa.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:29 No.136284805
         File: 1334611748.gif-(23 KB, 347x313, Metal Slug Hi-Do.gif)
    23 KB
    When you beat the final boss and General Morden goes flying out of the Hi-Do as it crashes, you can knife his body briefly for points for a couple seconds before the helicopter actually explodes. He even grunts and twitches as you do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:29 No.136284814
         File: 1334611753.gif-(295 KB, 360x270, 1332442041495.gif)
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    >DoW when it first came out
    >Every single unit has unique finishing moves for every single other unit
    >Dem hour-long kill animations for leaders/specials
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:29 No.136284823

    On a similar note, someone from Laos and someone from Thailand could talk to each other and basically understand each other just fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:29 No.136284826
    Your suggestions are awful. His name will be Lunk.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:29 No.136284832
    Congrats OP, this has been best thread on /v/ in a long time, language fags aside.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:29 No.136284878
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:30 No.136284928
    She also fires more than one shot without replacing the thermal clip.

    Quality Bioware Bullshit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:30 No.136284929
    > persona 3
    > make my female party members wear the bikini armor
    > read reaction from other party members

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:30 No.136284937
    >HL2 ep2
    >Under the Radar chapter
    >see zombies up ahead, stop the car so I can survey the situation
    >glance at Alyx
    >she winks
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:30 No.136284941
         File: 1334611826.jpg-(17 KB, 335x363, shirtmockup.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:30 No.136284981
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:31 No.136285042
    >HL2 ep1
    >in dark waiting for elevator
    >Alyx mimics a zombie
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:31 No.136285054
         File: 1334611901.jpg-(26 KB, 400x400, goddomot fronk.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:32 No.136285087
         File: 1334611925.jpg-(38 KB, 300x367, Vuelvo-de-Legans-decepcionado-(...).jpg)
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    Ha dicho que "destroza el español", no que "destroza a los españoles", retrasado de mierda. Aprende inglés o vete a forocanis.

    Y yo soy español también. Basura.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:32 No.136285098
    Do some people not know even basic spanish? I mean seriously, it's the first language of like 30% of americans.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:32 No.136285108
    >ESPECIALLY after I heard that horses and chickens can report crimes if they see you.

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:32 No.136285110

    sounds like fuck him in spanish

    i literally thought they said fuck him in Spanish
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:32 No.136285132
    But that's a scripted event.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:33 No.136285192
         File: 1334611988.jpg-(58 KB, 500x375, 2882014010_6660a44624.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:33 No.136285230
    >Be Canadian

    Jelly of my superior British spelling English and Québec french?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:34 No.136285275
    Don't know if this is old as shit.

    >When returning to the village after being captured
    >One of the villagers wears Leons leather jacket
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:34 No.136285347

    Really? i beat the game 6 times and never noticed it.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:34 No.136285351
    >Playing Alan Wake
    >Car crashes with Alan inside it during a cutscene
    >Start chapter with low life
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:35 No.136285376
    >that feel when I know quite a bit of Spanish but never knew they were speaking it.
    Tha fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:35 No.136285386
    That's not really technology, that's a way to prevent bunny hoppers online.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:35 No.136285441

    >joder tio ke me cago en la leche
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:36 No.136285476
    I don't think a lot of people realize this, but you can go back the way you came after the lake boss in Resident Evil 4 and it'll be full of enemies and items again.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:36 No.136285495
    >>136281913, it was referencing the past.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:36 No.136285510
         File: 1334612181.png-(20 KB, 241x285, Glee.png)
    20 KB
    >A sandstorm is raging over the area
    >Npcs, and yourself, shield their eyes with their arms.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:36 No.136285540
    >Half-Life 2
    >Tha part where you pick up things with the giant magnet crane
    >That feel when throwing your car at enemies and killing them

    >Dat feel when you get the upgraded Gravity Gun
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:36 No.136285567
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:37 No.136285623
         File: 1334612247.jpg-(26 KB, 256x256, 1333168424917.jpg)
    26 KB
    >ARMA II
    >Be tank driver
    >Take take an AT missle in the side of my tank
    >The tracks on the right side of my tank no longer work

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:37 No.136285645
         File: 1334612265.png-(158 KB, 400x200, 1334559456849.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:37 No.136285667
    Is this Dwarf Fortress?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:37 No.136285670

    That's only when playing Ada's Seperate Ways thing, and I'm pretty sure they call attention to it with a short cutscene.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:38 No.136285682
    >What did

    "did" is past tense my friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:38 No.136285704
    >Playing shadow of the colossus
    >standing on stairs or some uneven platform
    >Wanda's legs move to be placed correctly on the ground
    That was the first time I ever noticed that in a video game before.
    also, agro
    >make him run towards a cliff
    >whinnies and turns away from it
    >make him run towards a small ledge
    >he jumps
    >aim bow at him
    >runs away
    >stop at an area with a body of water
    >starts drinking the water

    Agro, i...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:39 No.136285759

    >tfw you speak Portuguese and you understand Spanish without even learning anything about it

    It's really useful for video games
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:39 No.136285806


    Somebody asked what Darrow and Sarif were talking about.
    The guys then replies with "Hell if I know, What did Steve Jobs and Bill Gates talk about?"

    He's not saying Gates and Jobs were just in a conference together you dumbshit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:39 No.136285826
         File: 1334612380.jpg-(53 KB, 576x419, bardem.jpg)
    53 KB
    >mfw I just went to the top floor, sneaked into the balcony, sniped both targets and snuck out in like 5 minutes
    Why am I such a boring person
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:40 No.136285905
    >Playing Xenoblade Chronicles
    >Main character is remembering something that happened previously in the game with a cutscene
    >Everyone is wearing the armor they had on at that point in the game
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:41 No.136285961
    ...yes? That's the point?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:41 No.136285972
    >shoot arrows into colossus
    >arrow stay in there
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:41 No.136285994
         File: 1334612492.gif-(470 KB, 301x300, FUCKSHITDAMN.gif)
    470 KB
    >Stand still in a stair in Wind Waker
    >Notice that my legs are positioned perfectly
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:41 No.136286006
    BR BR?
    me too
    people always think I'm catalan, I never have the heart to tell them otherwise
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:42 No.136286062
    >Walk up to someone while holding a pistol
    >47 hides it behind his back
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:43 No.136286148
    In gta IV
    You could call people after missions
    and they would have conversations about said mission

    I found this out after beating gta 4 3 times when I called roman by accident

    It blew my mind so hard
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:43 No.136286178
         File: 1334612615.png-(260 KB, 424x508, 1334181805057.png)
    260 KB
    >play RE4 for the first time
    >my little sister is watching me play
    >we speak Spanish as our native language
    >oh man, this is going to be scary!
    >use the binoculars
    >Villagers just walking in circles yelling MIERDA MIERDA
    >our faces the whole time

    shit sounded so ridiculously funny
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:44 No.136286274
    I think they spent too much money on him to just let him go after one bad incident.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:44 No.136286283
    >and they would have conversations about said mission

    Are you being fucking serious?!
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:44 No.136286342
    >Stand still in the first dungeon around the third room
    >Link looks at nearby objects that are used to progress (i.e: a stick needed to be lit in order to burn down a wooden gate)
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:45 No.136286356
    We still raging in Spain.

    The game is supposed to be localized in Spain and they use Mexican Spanish instead. It's fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:45 No.136286358
    >GTA IV
    >Bump on yellow and green car
    >Driver yells "Filho da Puta!'
    I only hope they're as accurate in Max Payne 3, MW2 was ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:45 No.136286432
    Yeah, sometimes during the mission too.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:45 No.136286441

    Same thing but i started laughing pretty hard in the beginning

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:46 No.136286453

    As it turns out, Niko had qualms after the museum mission as he recognized what'shisnuts from TBoGT and asked roman for his thoughts

    Haven't played the game in forever but basically, you missed out on half the story

    I've kept this a secret for well over a year now
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:46 No.136286528
    Doesn't happen with all of them, but yeah. You can call Roman after killing Playboy X or Dwayne, for example.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:46 No.136286540
    >DX HR
    >non lethal run
    >KO a guy, he lands face first in sewer water
    >pass by later, cursor passes over him
    >he's dead
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:47 No.136286585
         File: 1334612845.jpg-(67 KB, 748x695, 1328557824705.jpg)
    67 KB
    Prince of Persia Sands of time
    >Fara: "use the dagger to rewind time"
    >immediately fail miserably
    >Fara:"use the dagger to rewind time"
    >Prince: "uh, yes, you already told me"
    >Fara: "No, I didn't"

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:48 No.136286739
    >Rewind time
    >Fara: I feel I've experienced this before
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:49 No.136286786
    >just cause 2
    >do this but hook it onto the side of a building
    >the helicopter swings around and and swerves towards the pavement
    >as it hits it kills about 8 people and finally skids into a truck
    >the explosion starts destroying a fuck ton of traffic
    >people are running around everywhere screaming
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:49 No.136286839
         File: 1334612997.png-(39 KB, 632x549, 1330807833423.png)
    39 KB
    >Viewtiful Joe
    >Need to go to the bathroom
    >Pause game
    >"Is it number 1 or number 2?"
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:50 No.136286917
         File: 1334613040.jpg-(13 KB, 199x200, 1322403720900.jpg)
    13 KB

    >family doesn't know English
    >all the games are always in English, the never get anything
    >they see me playing RE4
    >"LÁRGATE CABRÓN!" out of nowhere
    >their faces when
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:50 No.136286936
         File: 1334613049.png-(199 KB, 783x900, 1323809104199.png)
    199 KB
    >PoP - WW
    >Get chased by that huge black monster that keeps growling at you
    >Rewind time
    >The growling is actually lines - they monster is speaking backwards.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:50 No.136286956
    And that's why clover/platinum is the best developer ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:51 No.136286972
    >not using your ears to help locate things

    i always watch my friends during tense moments just look around wildly for shit. Whenever something invisible is coming at me I just stop and listen for a second and usually I find it much faster.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:52 No.136287073
         File: 1334613131.gif-(257 KB, 741x1180, fuck yeah eternal darkness.gif)
    257 KB
    >now erasing save data
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:52 No.136287153
         File: 1334613175.png-(5 KB, 382x371, 1290233799546.png)
    5 KB
    >Playing Viewtiful Joe
    >Parents ask me to come help them out with some furniture in the living room.
    >"Tell 'em you're playing an awesome game."
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:53 No.136287212
    >FIFA 11
    >Manager Mode, transfer season
    >Commentators talk about some of the big in-game transfers, naming the player and team to team
    >Check in-game news
    >Didn't happen
    >Why the fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:53 No.136287213
         File: 1334613209.png-(258 KB, 529x359, 1316804665238.png)
    258 KB
    >F-Zero GX
    >Your character's head in the upper left also spins

    >Story mode chapter 3
    >Falcon is still wearing his "disguise"
    >> cancer.exe !!e4ykE8fPEjy 04/16/12(Mon)17:54 No.136287343
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:55 No.136287410
    What kinda wizardy is this?! I was scared there for a moment haha.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:56 No.136287568

    >do this
    >guy slumps forward on the horn
    >have to haul his ass out before getting in

    >Kill him while he's using the gas
    >car continues to accelerate in a straight line because his foot is on the pedal

    GTAis a great game it just needed a better handling file for cars (mods can fix this) and some more interesting missions
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:56 No.136287584
    Mexican spanish is one of the most neutral spanish, hell even the spainard spanish is more slang based than the mexican one.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:57 No.136287637
    >Playin RE: Revelations
    >I think I am in the middle of act 2
    >The part where they took all of my weapons
    >walking around the ship without any weapon
    >only can dodge
    >Zombies walking around the corridors
    >Hurry up, pass them
    >Enter a room
    >There is 2 zombies in the room
    >Go out
    >No Zombies in the corridor
    >Go back to room


    I don't know if this is the right thread to post this. But Gaming Logic man...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:57 No.136287647
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    >Nothing personal but, is it number one or two.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:57 No.136287695
         File: 1334613468.gif-(762 KB, 300x170, 1334516669636.gif)
    762 KB
    >Dissidia Final Fantasy
    >dress and wig equipment
    >can only be worn by females
    >and Cloud
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:58 No.136287717
    >Uncharted 2
    >That puzzle where you have to move the light with the mirrors
    >shine it in chloe's eyes
    >she giggles and yells stop
    >runs out of the light
    >damn im cute
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:58 No.136287747

    that picture is basically perfect
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)17:58 No.136287760
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    Oh hey look
    It's that kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:00 No.136287983
         File: 1334613643.png-(34 KB, 345x369, 1316212742874.png)
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    >play as the Skeleton King
    >he talks shit on everyone and everything

    Christ I love the skeleton king
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:02 No.136288205
    Thanks. I'm saving these.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:03 No.136288282
    You can do this on helicopters as they take off
    If you do it right they will tilt on the ground, with just enough power to keep them spinning at 300SANICS but not to take off

    Once did this to three planes at the ehli-tour pads
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:03 No.136288358
    >play New Vegas
    >leg gets damaged
    >character limps in 3rd person view
    >still don't have diagonal movement animations
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:03 No.136288362
    >best hero
    >not motherfucking Nature's Profit
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:04 No.136288418
    >Mafia 2
    >Come across a woman having car trouble
    >Can talk to her and fix the car
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:04 No.136288460
    Never much played the series,
    and all that.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:05 No.136288553
         File: 1334613929.jpg-(59 KB, 387x357, 1300236864627.jpg)
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    >Playing Tribes: Ascend
    >Look down
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:05 No.136288554
    >holding a torch in skyrim
    >block with it
    >enemies get lit on fire

    >alice: madness returns
    >dem hair physics
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:05 No.136288603
    > Play Mafia 2
    > go inside a gun shop
    > have to go to the bathroom
    > come back, buy a gun and go outside
    > my car is on bricks

    son of a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:05 No.136288608
    >plant part of the game
    >guy peeing over the ledge
    >walk under, first person view up into the urine stream
    >call colonel


    >up on one of the roofs of one of the shell buildings
    >killing birds left and right with the infinity wig
    >colonel says when you are done being a maniac, you still have a mission to do, and Rose calls you a monster

    Little tiny easter eggs were awesome in the MGS games.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:06 No.136288680
    >play Skyrim
    >no hit location detection
    >hitting someone in the ass with an arrow does as much damage as it would in the head
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:07 No.136288725
    Except it's from times when Capcom was brotier, you casual piece of shit.

    But way to try and "fit in" on an anonymous board.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:07 No.136288750
         File: 1334614032.png-(9 KB, 407x395, 1325078325190.png)
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    >Metro 2033
    >shoot and wreck an enemy's gas mask
    >watch as he suffocates
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:08 No.136288907
    asshole neighbor who had a ps4 when there wasn't even a ps2 yet general?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:09 No.136289002
    She used her biotic power to lessen the recoil.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:09 No.136289019
    You can also the the flag
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:12 No.136289328

    >I accidentally the whole flag
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:13 No.136289387
    Would you expect any less from Bioware?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:13 No.136289420
    >Mafia 1
    >that mission where those guys trash your taxi and you have to run from them
    >run past some guy
    >he is looking at his clock, muttering "where is she?"
    >continue running
    >see a woman waiting, saying "where is that man?"
    >you can stop and tell her that she is at the wrong place
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:14 No.136289529
         File: 1334614474.jpg-(35 KB, 340x482, shocked ritsu.jpg)
    35 KB
    >Arkham Asylum
    >doing The Riddler challenges
    >nearly done
    >he asks if I'm looking them up on the internet
    >I am
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:15 No.136289614
    This is what skyrim sidequests should have been like.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:15 No.136289637
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:16 No.136289774
    cuidado tou atirando uma granada
    lol para a merda do mw2
    no gta4 tem brasileiros e portugueses, mas so ouvi brasileiros
    sou portugues
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:16 No.136289795
    Not mine, but I saw this in a TECHNOLOGY thread a while back, thought I'd repeat it:
    >Mafia II
    >Rob store
    >Come back to store later
    >Store clerk is talking to police
    >She sees him
    >Grabs cops arm, points, and yells "That's him!"
    >Cops chase him
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:16 No.136289801
    Tell me this isn't scripted.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:18 No.136290032
    I want Retro to make F-Zero so fucking bad man.
    I heard they gave a hint about Starfox but I'd rather have F-Zero.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:19 No.136290128
    You couldn't get used to the handling?
    It took me maybe a day.
    And I hit number one on the racing leaderboards for awhile.
    I rented the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:20 No.136290248
    It's active. No, it really is only cosmetics. Mascots that don't do shit, costumes and calling cards.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:20 No.136290274

    It isnt. Shit happened to me too in the demo.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:21 No.136290287
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    The radio show in deus ex hr
    The hobo warning everyone about the grey death
    The reference to Insible war in missing link
    All the hints coming from in-game dialogue and emails
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:21 No.136290308
    Fuck Retro, I'm tired of them piggybacking on establishes franchises. Give F-Zero to Shin'en and let them make something original already..
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:21 No.136290338
         File: 1334614895.png-(14 KB, 191x234, 1252809215998.png)
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    >That mission at the airport with the cop shootout at the parking lot
    >If you turn back at a certain moment in the mission you'll see a guy call the police from a payphone
    >You can shoot him before he finishes the call and the police will not show up

    More games should have details like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:21 No.136290346
    brb downloading
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:21 No.136290395
    So it's a dialect.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:24 No.136290629
    Zelda: Link's Awakening
    >You can steal ONE item from the store
    >Next time you come back, the shopkeeper kills you
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:24 No.136290639
    The game's setting was hilarious, Spanish villagers speaking Mexican and using a dead currency.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:24 No.136290654
    And if you listen to a redneck and an Irishman, they're oddly similar.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:25 No.136290727
    Mexican dubbing is better, 100% true.
    Still the orginal game is alright, and funny to listen to.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:25 No.136290750

    corrupt cops taking bribes
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:26 No.136290910
         File: 1334615206.gif-(1.27 MB, 296x160, Robin.gif)
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    Old one from a game from the late 80's
    >Gates of Ishtar
    >Have the rogue in your party
    >Character bio describes him as a lousy thieve
    >Spend a night in an Inn
    >He left the party with your gold
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:26 No.136290926
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    >Halo 3 in spanish uses Spanish voice actors and the Castillian dialect
    >'mongrel hides' turns into 'pellejos mestizos'
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:27 No.136290998
    >Baunty Hunter in Dota 2
    >Tidehunter becomes the hunted
    >You cant hide in your web forever
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:27 No.136291000

    It's also possible to get black people arrested for crimes you committed.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:27 No.136291029
    cheira aqui meu bacalhau
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:27 No.136291038
         File: 1334615271.jpg-(15 KB, 262x288, 1304428258298.jpg)
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    >Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
    >first ps3 game I played
    >just playing around, admiring the graphics
    >climb on a rock
    >slowly walk right to the edge of the rock
    >instead of standing with his other foot in the air, drake starts balancing on one leg
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:29 No.136291174
    >Arkham City Predator Map
    >Take out thugs methodically and discreetly
    >Remaining thugs slowly get more paranoid as the game goes on, remain on normal patrols

    >Start the same map by smashing like two people's faces in right at the beginning
    >Thugs immediately freak out and never go anywhere alone for the rest of the map

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:29 No.136291219
    >Zone of the Enders 2

    >Can use L3/R3 to respond positively/negatively to radio chatter and ADA.

    >Can do timed encounter challenges by telling ADA enemies will be a piece of cake.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:30 No.136291352
         File: 1334615436.jpg-(2.84 MB, 2723x4053, soma.jpg)
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    >Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
    >enter a room with a demon maid
    >vortex opens up behind the maid to let out a larger demon
    >the vortex causes the maid to hold down her skirt

    Unique animations for goofy stuff like that? How awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:32 No.136291536

    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)18:32 No.136291576
         File: 1334615552.jpg-(123 KB, 569x768, 1311944899503.jpg)
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    >GTA IV
    >Different racial neighbourhoods
    >Walk through black neighbourhood
    >Hold someone up
    >Everyone starts to run away
    >Walk through polish neighbourhood
    >Hold someone up
    >Everyone pulls out AK-47s
    >Duck behind dustbin
    >Everyone starts to cap each other
    >Police come
    >Giant shootout
    >Arrests are made
    >Walk away a free man

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