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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333113358.png-(334 KB, 765x765, joshua.png)
    334 KB Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:15 No.134338687  
    >name myself Joshua
    >go on servers with highest player count
    >whip out my binds
    >"Hi there fellas, my name is Joshua."
    >"I just got this game 3 days ago."
    "lol whatever scrub duel me"
    >"Please go easy on me."
    >utterly destroy them
    >"Thanks for going easy on me."
    >mad ensues
    >pro players who fall for it get extremely butthurt when they get destroyed
    >this goes on for years (since 2003)
    >people still fall for it

    ITT: awesome you/other people did in vidya

    I'm not Joshua, but I was lucky enough to be able to watch his countless vintage trolling.
    If you're out there Josh, I love you.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:19 No.134338924
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:24 No.134339186
    Everyone knows one of the biggest problems with WoW was that dungeons were slow, dissective affairs, carefully pulling monsters to kill them one by one, etc.

    I solved this problem by biting off more than I/we could chew consistently. If it wasn't a near-death experience, it wasn't fun. Eventually, I would get the rest of my party to agree with me. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:24 No.134339201
    no stories /v/?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:26 No.134339295
    This is pretty much how I rolled in Guild Wars. Would frequently run out and aggro 3-4 groups at a time in elite areas on my elementalist just to get things done faster and give the monks something to do. Had a lot of tanks rage at me for ruining aggro though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:28 No.134339405
    shit-tier thing to do online.

    that leads to stabbings outside of games.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:30 No.134339527
         File: 1333114212.jpg-(151 KB, 500x375, 1332106743808.jpg)
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    Remember Burst Limit?

    well whenever it was played online the only character anyone would play was Vegeta, he was over powered as fuck

    so I would always play as Ginyu. I'd put up a tiny bit of a fight and then when they thought they had won

    CHANGE NOW!!I would body swap hit them once and then claim victory

    and anal pain was had by all
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:30 No.134339529
    I love the game but guild wars doesn't have aggro.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:30 No.134339554
    My name is Joe, I just got this game :DDD

    >destroy their shit
    >they get mad as hell

    Sounds like fun OP, but it's not gonna work because they will know that you are lying based on how good you are.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:32 No.134339671

    I suppose those enemies just didn't attack me all those years then
    thanks for clearing that up
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:33 No.134339739
    Huh... You're actually right about that.

    I remember that I would occasionally do that with a few friends I was playing with, and they'd flip their shit at me. But hey, at least it broke up the monotony and it wasn't ever anything we couldn't handle.

    Of course, they didn't see it this way. I don't know how they could handle the monotony of playing nonstop. Every 2 or so dungeons, I'd stop and take a 5-20 minute break. Sometimes, I'd find that they ran another dungeon without me during that time. They'd throw the biggest bitchfits at me too for trying to do things here and there to make the game a bit more interesting.

    I stopped playing with them after a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:33 No.134339764
         File: 1333114409.jpg-(48 KB, 834x451, untitled.jpg)
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    I bought MW2 for the PC. After playing through one prestige I came to conclusion that the game was pretty much worthless.
    I decided to go all out with cheats and hacks, and hosted a server where people joined, then messed with the rules. Things like gravity, scores, game speed, exploding bullets.
    The result was that the game was suddenly fun. I kid you not, giving everyone infinite ammo causes grenade lauchers to become semi automatic. The game took completely different kind of turn when suddenly everyone was running and jumping while firing the launchers. Also, the RPG went crazy. It lagged the server so much that I crashed at least thrice.

    Another hilarious side result was the mad of the thousand 14-year olds raging about hacking, reporting etc. Trolling went auto mode.

    This is pretty much how shit went down.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:34 No.134339814

    Of course they knew Josh was lying, but there was a constant stream of new players coming in and different servers he went on, so it really never got old.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:34 No.134339818
    One of the biggest problems in online games in general: People are too full of themselves and think they are the "Best"

    There will always be someone better than you, I learned this when I was 12 and played Warcraft 3 online when it came out
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:37 No.134340015
    bump for more stories
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:42 No.134340293
         File: 1333114925.jpg-(20 KB, 265x271, 1303043669311.jpg)
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    >years ago
    >friend and I playing Gears of War 1 over XBL at my house, doing stuff like Warzone
    >we're really kicking ass together
    >couple of kids on other team get mad at us and challenge us to 2v2
    >friend and I: "okay"
    >make private game, 2v2, invite those guys
    >have to wait 20 minutes because one of them was getting his brother to play instead
    >finally start to play
    >friend and I are fucking steamrolling them for at least 1 full map rotation, only ever lost a single round due to us fucking around
    >afterwards, those kids started sending us friend requests and begging us to be their friends

    Strange how they changed their attitude as soon as we proved we could mop the floor with them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:42 No.134340329
         File: 1333114963.gif-(48 KB, 208x417, HAADOGEI.gif)
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    >Playing Ye Olde Space Cowboy Online/Flysis/ACE
    >female char model
    >litter my chat with emoticons, emotes, and generally act like a vapid gurrrrlgaymur in town
    >troupe of sexually-starved male players constantly following me around and giving me top-tier items and WP armors (dat I-Gear WP armor)
    >Roflstomp my way to 80 before getting bored of the ridiculous grind
    >mfw I told all those retards I was a dude before logging off with all the shit they gave me and uninstalling.

    good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:44 No.134340447
    In LOTRO, you can make livem usic ingame, via your keyboard. There was a group notorious for jumping out of the bushing and composing a song and lyrics, on the spot, based on whatever you were doing at that moment.

    They were awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:48 No.134340710
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:49 No.134340778
    There had better be a video of this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:55 No.134341153
    A friend of mine was playing TF2 earlier in the week and lacking anything better to do I joined him. I play for a little while and out of nowhere this guy pops into the server on the other team and sends me a trade request.

    I refuse because honestly, I'm not interested in trading stuff unless it's just with my regular buddies when we each have something the other wants which is rare because I rarely play.

    Anyway, this guy starts asking for my vintage bill's hat. I'm one of those lucky fucks who had a Bill's Hat turn vintage back in the day.

    This guy is offering me earbuds for the Bill's Hat. I'm mostly ignoring him because I tend to not read the chat when I'm playing because it's usually just people prick-waving. I tell him I'm not interested and my buddy is apparently taunting him for being so poor he cause he doesn't have a vintage bill's hat.

    So I put on my hat and keep playing.

    Next thing you know this guy joins our team and he's on his mic ranting about how fucking "rich" he is. He sends me more trade requests and I decline them, all the while laughing back and saying I don't want to get something that's been devalued because a poor person touched it.


    I say back "How many are vintage?"

    Then he ragequits.

    Fuckin' TF2 I swear to god.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:55 No.134341167
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:56 No.134341208
    Well damn.
    I thought we were gonna have a jedi knight general.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)09:57 No.134341307
    >quit WoW
    >start up Rift, decide to play the game casually to see if I will enjoy myself more
    >tell people I'm new to MMOs
    >people are shocked and disturbed at how good I am at everything
    >get more achievement points than guild leader in a couple days
    >get bored, spend 5 minutes on an application
    >tell my guild that I am leaving the server to join the world #1 raiding guild
    >they're like, "What?"
    >I join the #1 world raiding guild 5 minutes later and kill Akylios within a week
    >no one understands what the fuck just happened
    >mfw I was World 1 Shaman DPS, and in a top 10 raiding guild, for 5 years in WoW

    I do admit, I miss WoW like the dickens, but the current WoW just.. isn't good. It's not a matter of me having to stick it out and try to resist temptation--it's a matter of the game just being so damn bad that I have zero interest in ever going back. The pandas expansion was the nail in the coffin for me. What a shame. I absolutely wish the fun WoW would come back, but I don't think it ever will, and I don't think any of these new MMOs (including Guild Wars 2) are going to measure up. Rift was fun for the month (yeah, raiding position in the world 1 guild after less than a month of play) I played it for, but only a month.

    I'm not gonna lie, I love being humble/lying about my gaming experience. I feel like people have forgotten how to have fun. Sometimes it's something you have to figure out for yourself, but when you do, it's worth it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:04 No.134341681

    There's never a Jedi Knight general, why start now?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:05 No.134341732
    >turn a shitty rehash shooter into a fun more skill based game simply by tweaking console commands

    If there was a way to increase movespeed itself it'd be even better
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:08 No.134341867

    This was years ago, but have a video of a concert in LOTRO:
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:10 No.134341992
         File: 1333116608.jpg-(183 KB, 611x720, bam.jpg)
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    That game man.

    I have two self made weapons and retards think they're tradable. The price tag they attach to them is ridiculous, when TF2TP bugged out I put them up as a joke and a guy offered 3 of those 400 dollar octopus hats for one.

    I also happen to like sam & max and had my buddy log into my account on a mac so people are always bugging me for my max head and buds and all of them think I traded for them instead of getting them the way that was intended.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:10 No.134342035
    >Gears of War 1 multiplayer

    Fuck I miss that. The lobbies were the best format for games like that, and trash talking between rounds was glorious
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:14 No.134342265
    There is. There is console commands for anything you can ever do with Quake 3 engine.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:19 No.134342568
         File: 1333117159.jpg-(50 KB, 600x450, Halo FUCK THE POLICE.jpg)
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    You want a fucking story?

    >Halo Reach
    >Invasion mode with a bunch of randoms
    >Playing on Spire
    >Defense first
    >Other team pushes our shit hard, but we stop them at the Core with some good playing
    >Our turn at offense
    >Running and gunning, grab the Falcon and am getting Wheelmans like a motherfucker
    >Get shot down eventually and start pushing for the Core
    >Battling like a fucking madman
    >10 SECONDS
    >pick up the Core with 3 on the clock
    >Hanging around at top of Spire with no way off
    >Teammate grabs Falcon and flies to top of spire with gunners
    >Hovers at edge of platform
    >Jump on top of Falcon with teammate while holding core
    >Slowly hover down towards landing zone
    >Other team flips their shit and starts barraging us with fire
    >Plasma pistols everywhere; pilot swerves to dodge
    >Teammates shooting back from top of Falcon; they fall off
    >I'm still on top, metres away from target zone

    Fell an inch outside the zone and died, we lost the game. But fuck me I lost my shit
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:22 No.134342713
         File: 1333117323.png-(136 KB, 320x240, 1272068525108.png)
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    >Neverwinter Nights
    >Online Roleplaying servers
    >Know all the darkest weird ass exploits
    >Pick server
    >Find quest I can exploit, level wizard to 20 and epic levels if available
    >Focus on enchantment spells
    >Find good armor, dupe it through crafting exploit, ???, profit.
    >Get all items I can to boost my intelligence/spell DCs
    >OP character in a couple hours on legit server
    >Go to low level areas
    >Find lowbie female characters
    >Cast extended hold monster. Paralyze them.
    >Do shit like strip them, grope tits, slap ass, finger them
    >Run just as spell ends
    >Hide for a while
    >Repeat for some time
    >Eventually get hated server-wide and make it to most wanted in-game as they try to solve the problem ingame. I always RP properly.
    >Know exploit to stay invisible to all methods of detection.
    >Eventually get to do my thing to some of the high level female "server stars"
    >Eventually banned by butthurt community
    >Find other server, repeat

    Ah, those were the days. I will never find another game like you, Neverwinter Nights.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:25 No.134342918
         File: 1333117544.gif-(542 KB, 640x360, 1330127958849.gif)
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    Thank you for sharing this tale.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:26 No.134342980
    late one night, i was playing a nice game of search and destroyon MW2

    The server i connected to had low gravity on it

    It suddenly became a hilarious case of jumping round the map trying to get a snipe off on people's heads
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:31 No.134343281
         File: 1333117904.png-(117 KB, 292x274, Jokerwhoa.png)
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    If any of that is true, respect.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:41 No.134343851
         File: 1333118474.jpg-(341 KB, 867x682, 1333093320339.jpg)
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    did similar things in ultima online.
    >teleport people to random small islands
    >summon monsters outside of town to kill everyone
    >steal shit from houses
    this game was heaven for dicking around
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:45 No.134344117

    Shit, that's what I miss in MMOs. It's hard to dick around in most of them or there are hard limitations and little impact. Sigh.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:52 No.134344606
    Bump for interest. Surely there are more stories
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:54 No.134344710
    its a shame most mmos have all these boring limitations which prevent you from fucking around like the people described here. A real damn shame.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:55 No.134344763
         File: 1333119304.jpg-(20 KB, 234x234, 1328738106704.jpg)
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    >Tribs assend
    >Bro is master cycle driver
    >Dynamic duo all day every day
    >Crashing into walls trying to roadkill the fucking camping sentinelan
    >One day
    >Everything going pretty much the same as normal
    >Suddenly a shrike's on our ass
    >Tries to crash into us
    >I manage to hit it in time and he pulls away and flies off to repair
    >Bro turns around
    >"Dude what are you doing it's going to fucking kill us get out of here"
    >"I got this"
    >Boosts max speed up a hill
    >We go flying
    >Everything goes fucking slow motion as I see the damaged shrike right in our path, flying away
    >We land right on top of it
    >Both the bike and the shrike explode into bits
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:55 No.134344806
    >play GTA:IV on xbox live
    >join a GTA:RACE game
    >dont race, instead get the rocket launcher and lots of smg ammo
    >camp at a checkpoint and kill whoever comes past
    >spawn kill those said people at the checkpoint
    >make way more money than the race winner does
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:56 No.134344854

    >you'll never hear "we want the griefing experience back" from a MMO developer
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)10:58 No.134344968
    >Join Bad Company 2 server
    >Arica Harbor
    >Use only the smoke grenade launcher

    I used to clear buildings with that thing, it was a one-hit kill up close and had no blowback. You run in and kill one guy, and then yell "NINJA STRIKE" and shoot the ground at your feet and run away.

    It's also fun to chase enemy/friendly tanks around and keep them blinded by smoke, you get so much whining that way. No matter how "leet" players get, they always get fucked by the smoke grenades.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:00 No.134345107
    >Hey, this is my first time trying this game online
    >please be nice to me
    >its king of the hill
    >wreck everyones shit consecutively, eventually losing after 14 straight wins
    >one of the guys check my stats
    >"woah, he has less than 3 hours played"

    I still suck, they were just even worse.
    With over 100 hours put into SC5, I wonder how they still suck so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:00 No.134345110
    Well, there's EVE Online who made a few trailers on the basis of scamming, revenge and destruction of years-long empire-building for shits and giggles.

    It's kinda sad how most of the community wise'd up concerning grieffing and scamming.

    Good pulls are getting hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:01 No.134345158
    You sir, are my hero.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:01 No.134345172
    >Diablo 2 with bros
    >Normal mode
    >Name my new character the same as my pimped out motherfucker
    >We beat act 1, having a grand old time, myself doing pretty badly because babbysitting the newbies
    >I join in with my maxed out character for act 2, but with all the visible armor off
    >"I've had enough of being treated like shit. If you think my build sucks, duel me, motherfuckers."
    >Slap their shit brutally
    >Switch back to my low level character
    >They never know what happened and stop being pricks
    >I have to do this every playthrough
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:04 No.134345349
         File: 1333119874.jpg-(241 KB, 292x1311, 1333092565115.jpg)
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    I have some hope for World of Darkness, since it seams to encourage players to do shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:19 No.134346406
         File: 1333120754.gif-(250 KB, 277x197, tnK07.gif)
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    dis nigga
    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:42 No.134347902
    >vanilla wow
    >there's this lvl 60 undead warrior who fucking LIVES in red ridge
    >trash talks on the server forums constantly
    >logs out whenever other 60's come
    >always spits on the lowbies he kills
    >has a fuckload of trinkets, potions, items, and engineering stuff all built around escaping
    >he fucking never gets killed because he always escapes when 60's ride up then logs out
    >best horde guild on the server think its fucking hilarious
    >brings him along to raids and gears him the fuck out
    >he still just sits in red ridge all day every day and logs out when 60's come

    the buttanguish was glorious because he seriously never got killed. people could cope with gankers if they eventually got ganked themselves but this guy almost never died.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:53 No.134348636
         File: 1333122794.jpg-(53 KB, 367x550, 1315268137645.jpg)
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    Bump for intense interest.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:55 No.134348801
    As a tauren warrior decked out in pvp gear I loved camping red ridge/lakeshire.

    That was one of the main leveling zones for alliance 16-24 and you could easily stop them from progressing.

    I like to think I was serving the horde, stopping the alliance scum from ever reaching their potential.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:57 No.134348960
    Did you actually do this, OP? If you did, I like your style.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:05 No.134349447
    >vanilla wow
    >hunter named supernatural or something
    >like second batch of servers so it was very early
    >rushed 60
    >roamed Ashenvale for weeks ganking hordes
    >5 years later
    >server pop, 85% Alliance 15% Horde
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:05 No.134349501
    >Play that one semi futuristic MMO with that one robot race (the name escapes me)
    >Get some quests done, preparing to venture from the newbie city
    >There's only one exit
    >A player named Black Knight or somesuch, extremely high leveled withranged weapons sits at the entrance and is slaughtering anyone trying to leave
    >Everyone is completely powerless to do aythong to this PKer
    >Watch for a few moments as he laughs in chat after every kill.
    >Take a set out and address him, kneeling as asking his permission to leave
    >He stands aside and lets me pass
    >Continues to murder people and telling them no when they try the same thing

    More games need this freedom, even if it can be frustrating.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:05 No.134349512
         File: 1333123557.jpg-(5 KB, 199x251, 1332520926220.jpg)
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    Sounds fun, only times i ganked on wow was when i was helping someone alt. I remember when i met a 60 dorf rogue in stv and i kited him to death with my 36 orc aff warlock, i loved every second, i swear the alliance were full of spastics.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:07 No.134349621
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    >mission accomplished
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:10 No.134349847
    Team member is being american. Stop him running away to heal with my body, teabag him myself when he is killed. Take all his kills.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:11 No.134349917
    >horde ever visiting ashenvale
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:16 No.134350234
         File: 1333124170.png-(59 KB, 304x246, what the fuck.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:17 No.134350305
    >I didn't play vanilla
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:17 No.134350374
    Here's something that probably needs some explaining to most people around here. Dystopia is a HL2 multiplayer mod. What's important for my story is the fact it has this implant load out thing that's pretty important element of the game. The number of implants one player can have at a time is pretty limited.

    >A lot of people use stealth (near complete invisibility) implant
    >Nearly everybody relies on thermal vision for spotting
    >Thermal vision makes your eyes glow, therefore making you more visible
    >Don't use thermal vision because fuck the police
    >Develop ability to spot invisible people by the sound and noticing the subtle rippling effect
    >People get mad

    It's incredible. Nobody expects to be spotted without thermal vision. I've someone above average skill tell me to not shoot invisible people without thermal vision. Not just once, but several times.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:24 No.134350824
         File: 1333124649.jpg-(141 KB, 563x528, 1330061596840.jpg)
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    Good man OP, good man.

    I do this all the time OP. It's fun. Some of the reactions are priceless.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:25 No.134350949
         File: 1333124754.png-(19 KB, 679x427, 1303243828689.png)
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    >Do shit like strip them, grope tits, slap ass, finger them

    Holy shit you can actually do that in NN?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:27 No.134351053

    I had someone like that on my server when I played during WoTLK, he was a ret paladin who said he could kill anyone in a duel and would pay out 1,000g to any winners.

    I dueled him as elemental shaman during the grounding totem glitch that absorbed every spell and never left, had him at 1k before he vanished.

    "Sorry, Arena popped."

    I told him I'd be right here when he's ready to rematch, 5 minutes he runs by me on his mount as fast as possible into Org and logs out.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:28 No.134351136
    Killzone 3
    Stay at their base and kill everyone that comes out.

    Killzone 3 doesn't let you create spawn points so as soon as you trap someone in a base a tactician with boost can't run out and create a spawn or throw a spawn somewhere relatvely safe.

    Feels bad doing it but if you don't they do it to you.

    Killzone 2 had that, but it wasn't as bad, it wasn't the whole match. After it happens in KZ3 everyone on that team leaves.
    >> Truman Capote !!cO9KVBDtkqQ 03/30/12(Fri)12:28 No.134351169
    why is deceiving people awesome
    >> Planck !DAFT/saST. 03/30/12(Fri)12:30 No.134351294
    Every jedi-game
    >Go on Server
    >Give myself a random name
    >Don't talk to anyone
    >Destroy everybody
    >Dont walk, just jump
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:31 No.134351332
    It makes you feel superior
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:32 No.134351424
         File: 1333125141.png-(73 KB, 330x277, 8lrrr.png)
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    Pretty sure he just emoted it.

    Still fucking hot though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:32 No.134351437
    If you ever do lose when you try to deceive someone you can always fall back on "I am new".
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:32 No.134351474
    >average game of tribes
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:33 No.134351531
         File: 1333125227.jpg-(44 KB, 640x640, 1331849517532.jpg)
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    uh, I used to play NWN online all the time. If you were able to do that it would have been improvised with text and whatever animations were present in the game (unless the server was running some mod)

    If you are going to get NWN for the reason of fapping, you'd probably be disappointed. Just sayin.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:35 No.134351615
    >play comp tf2
    >really good DM with scout
    >Every free weekend I pub
    >say I'm just trying the game out
    >rekt everyone's shit as scout
    >loadsa mad
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:35 No.134351653
    You taught them a valuable lesson about life.
    Losing some shit then would make them think twice before losing it all again later to someone who would NEVER tell them they were actually a dude and thus have them keep believing when the next bitch came around.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:36 No.134351710
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    What about the a Dance with Rogues module?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:38 No.134351901
    >vanilla wow
    >new server
    >3rd to 60
    >say im a girl
    >troll worldchat all day erryday
    >everyone hates me
    >best premade on the server/act like a cunt
    >people start to leave horde side due to my persistent spam

    80% A 20% H

    loved that server alliance had gold rewards for ss of myself being ganked
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:39 No.134351964
    >start playing TvC
    >use Frank all the time
    >land a couple weak hits, spam taunt
    >repeat for the whole match
    Would've been more fun if there was some way for them to express their butthurt to me, and if 90% of matches weren't dc'ers playing Zero.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:41 No.134352074
    Doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:42 No.134352159
    > be warlock at WOW
    > burning crusade expansion
    > go to nagrand, on top of that flying rocks that are everywhere
    > my friend would call people to the group, so we could do that world PVP event that happened in nagrand
    > as soon as they got out of the summoning portal, they would fall to their deaths

    > be mage
    > niggers ask for teleport after the raid
    > Opened up teleport to theramore
    > Half the raid would take it
    > butthurt everywhere

    > be hunter
    > miss direct on a guy
    > shoots that bombs right before mirmiron on ulduar
    > he tries to run away
    > kills the raid leader
    > I pretend I had nothing to do with it

    Wow is an amazing game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:42 No.134352208
    Back in Asheron's Call, my brother and I would gank people and sell their gear back to them, that's about it, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:43 No.134352217
    My name is Joshua, I love you too.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:43 No.134352221
    My thoughts exactly.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:44 No.134352326
    People who play MMOs religiously don't do it for fun, they do it to get stuff. It's all about showing off your shit basically, and just achieving that. No fun, all work. Brace for Spreadsheets and working overtime.

    I'd rather have a group of buddies willing to shit around in an MMO and get into wacky adventures that end up being good bar stories, but I doubt there are any designed like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:45 No.134352414
    i know how to have fun.

    its just games these days are designed specifically to prevent me from doing so.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:46 No.134352481
    Only acceptable if you play yoda.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:47 No.134352576

    Good god I miss that game.
    I miss flying deep into enemy territory just to see how long you could before someone caught on.
    Hell, I was part of one of the better clans/platoons/whatever on the... uh.. non ANI side. The Covenant, a small 7 man team, our flag was a simple black box with a thin white cross. We were key players in defenses and raids, even if the ANI had the entire backing of the Goons on their side.

    Fuck... I miss those days terribly. I used to be a pretty dainty good I-Gear pilot, even if most of the time my internet connection was terrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:47 No.134352613
    i had fun either way
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:49 No.134352710
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    Please just take anything you want and leave
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:50 No.134352803
    Fuck me, that is my dream. Player controlled wars. No shitty NPC's defending.
    If someone know a mmo up to date, please inform me. I seriously want to PK players and become hated.
    Had fun times playing Tibia.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:51 No.134352872
         File: 1333126277.jpg-(68 KB, 555x545, 1327071531757.jpg)
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    What the fuck is wrong with these people

    They're just some fucking cosmetic items for a fucking FPS game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:51 No.134352880
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    >Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Online
    >Hacked, overpowered characters
    >Circle-strafing shotgun

    So much buttmad.

    But they deserved to suffer for playing that game's shitty online.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:52 No.134352964
    Planetside 2 had NPC only wars, if that helps at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:52 No.134353000
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:01 No.134353604
    Man, I wish I'd played Ultima back in the day. It always looks so awesome in the screens.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:02 No.134353760
    >Played Tibia many years ago, when PVP was fun and everyone got mad.
    >My friends had this guild/clan or something and recommended that I should join their server as a fucking druid, and I would become their runemaker. Druids didn't have shit for spells except one at 120.
    >Never level that character, instead level up to 60 easily with my Paladin at the same sever.
    >They never knew.
    >One day they reject me from the group for not playing Tibia. I really would, but they would force that druid shit on me.
    >Decide it is time to unleash hell.
    >Sold everything that I didn't need, fuck paying for houses which I was saving up for due to e-peen.
    >Stack massive amounts of bolts and healing runes.
    >No need for mana except for walking faster.
    >For my first friend, I contacted him and told him to meet up to train, after smooth talking for 10 minutes to make him trust my char.
    >We walked up to 5 cyclops that were in the mountains through a small path. I promise I would defend but instead I tell him to back away as fast as he could and he did. The cyclops came running. I threw some kind of expensive wand in front of the cyclops and that idiot thought he could grab it. Now he was stuck between me and all those cyclops in a intersection and they kept coming, and he died after taking 10 blows.
    >He pleaded with me but I just let my character stand there.
    >I picked up his things after killing the cyclops and then visited him in Thais where I apologized to him stating that I was "AFK". I gave him his things and then my other friends said that they would go hunting. I was allowed to come and we were in the pyramids which had many mazes. One by one got lost and I killed them off by quickly locating the others through a spell
    Faggots deserved this. I kept killing them for weeks until they all quit and then we played another MMO, which was WOW
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:03 No.134353840
    >Chat in /2 all day erry day
    >Everybody knows me, bro's with fellow /2 spammers.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:04 No.134353917
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:05 No.134353937
    Roleplaying games, please.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:05 No.134353989
    I think you'll enjoy Pirates of the Burning sea. Mostly pvp focused, and one of the factions(pirates) is basically designed to be an annoying disgrace to other players.
    It also has a 100% player made economy, which means you can do shit like raid a player ship filled with ship making materials, and then take the ship for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:06 No.134354027
    I got called a faggot innumerable times for merely having a Strange Black Box. it's silly.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:07 No.134354139
         File: 1333127268.gif-(593 KB, 320x240, jack-nicholson-nodding.gif)
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    >always start new MMO unguilded with bros
    >level up together etc
    >still unguilded
    >keep waiting
    >at max level group with anybody and everybody for everything
    >eventually come across players from top guild
    >people from best guilds see how we play and that we're unguilded
    >join best guild after they invite us

    Works everytime; we've been doing this for almost a decade now. And everyone knows you're there because you're a fucking monster at the game, and not because you're old friends with someone already in the guild/dating an officer.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:10 No.134354314
    >the one thing i have always kept doing is pretending I am talking to someone sometimes. I call him phillip and hes my imaginary 6 year old brother.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:10 No.134354358

    What division?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:10 No.134354368
    >In college
    >guy that lives down the hall is a WoW addict
    >he doesn't know that my friend and I play
    >discovered he was on the same server as me, and my roommate was on another server at the time
    >my roommate joins our server, joins alliance and levels up and joins his guild
    >gives me all the information of where this guy is, basically spying on him all the time
    >I tell my guild and we have 5 or 6 people constantly ganking him whenever he was on
    >he couldnt do shit and and no idea why 5 level 60's were camping his body for hours, raging so hard in guild chat
    >he made an alt just so he could have some fun
    >we did the same thing to him
    >we could hear him screaming down the hall
    >he joined another server he got so mad

    Oh boy!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:11 No.134354409
    Okay, can someone explain this to me.
    Back in the day (OLD MMOs) it was all about the player escaping from the main story and just go out and have fun.
    That would mean, killing, stealing or exploring.
    But today we got this WoW shit all day long. All players are restricted, no one can do the fuck they want. Penalties. PENALTIES EVERYWHERE.
    I miss betraying idiots and running around killing people to build famous guilds and clans.
    Today it is like,
    >WAKE UP
    Well fuck, I though MMOs were about wars, not fucking X hating villain Y and then expansion Z comes out with more X and Y buttrage
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:14 No.134354614
    Sorry but this is a nice thread, and I don't want the children of /v/ to shit it up. On a side note, harbleu was posting in the current tf2 thread on /vg/
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:16 No.134354787
    >used to play WoW
    >randoms with my hunter
    >misdirect and feign
    >refused to roll on any loot so the votekick would take longer

    Fuck that game and fuck that community.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:17 No.134354863
         File: 1333127841.png-(284 KB, 600x558, 1310381409816.png)
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    This is also the way I rolled.

    Heroic Shadow Laberynth before the first boss? Two necromancers still alive.

    Fuck you. Decapitated. Haha, you want some mana? Fuck you. Charge.

    Live on the edge. It made heroics so much fun. I even made a bunch of friends that always sent me invites so we could zerg instances like that.

    Oh 3.0, how you fucked it all up.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:17 No.134354897
    Does TERA feature full on PVP or is it a GRINDING GAME!?
    I need a PVP game now.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:18 No.134354902
    You could try dekaron. It's horribly grindy so I suggest a private server. Small community, and you can kill people basically anywhere that isnt major towns. There's a few people on the server who have reputations for being assholes already, so you could surpass them all.

    Then if you want to be king asshole you can do siege and win to get a crown by your name.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:19 No.134355006
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:20 No.134355054
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    There was this one mage that joined our guild while we running Tempest Keep. A bunch of us disliked him so we set up a misdirect rotation and some other clever ways of getting him murdered all night. It took them hours to find out what was happening.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:21 No.134355121

    I just wanted an MGE.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:23 No.134355254
    Nexon only recently got a hold of it.
    The main game was owned by gamehi for about 6 years, and was published by acclaim in america. It only got transfered to nexon about 2 months ago, and they havent added anything... yet.

    Like I said, go for a private server though, the main game will take you ages to reach a level where you wont get stomped by kids who spend like $5000 on gear.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:23 No.134355257
    ha! what a nerd! go get a gf fgt
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:24 No.134355342
    Nope. It looks bad. Sorry. I doesn't seem fun at all.
    >> GTA 4 Story Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:24 No.134355371
         File: 1333128287.gif-(2.95 MB, 267x199, 1332644741539.gif)
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    >playing GTA 4 online with friend
    >its that race mode with no rules
    >me and friend are even, till he shoots my shit and kills me
    >respawn somewhere, across street is a fire truck
    >the fuck am I gonna win with that?
    >look at map
    >see that hes gotta get on a bridge to win the race
    >take firetruck
    >park it in front of the bridge
    >wait in corner with an I found smg
    >he stops, sees fire truck completely blocking him
    >"wtf ? Why is there a- "
    >shoot him in head through the front window
    >move fire trucka bit
    >steal his car
    >turn on radio,
    >busta rhymes - where my money
    >he yells "blasphemy" the rest of the game
    >I win the race
    >his face when
    I don't normally get revenge, but when I do, its awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:25 No.134355396
    I don't play comp anymore, and I don't even have tf2 installed. There's some tryhards in the /vg/ tf2 threads I think. If you wanna play against some people from /v/
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:26 No.134355491
    >Used to play a certain FPS only when drunk.
    >Would put girlfriend on headset
    >Fake valley girl accent
    >"LOL how do you do this?!"
    >"I like totally shot you!"
    >"OMG that little boy just said I was a faggot!"

    Constantly top player as dumb valley girl. She would alternately pretend to be a Southern Baptist Minister, talking about how wimminz only need to make babbies and sammiches and shit. She's pretty funny when she's improv-ing.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:30 No.134355732
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    >fucking around in a random online room for Saints Row 2
    >follow this one guy around, killing him in progressively funnier ways
    >he and his buddy are in a gunfight
    >drop a helicopter on them
    >mfw the rage
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:33 No.134355989

    It's a pvp game. Open world, player-controlled territory, and all that jazz.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:34 No.134356034
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    Shortly before Modern Warfare 3 was scheduled to come out and all the CoD kiddies were getting into a frenzy, the Black Ops servers were far more populated than usual. I dusted off my copy of Black Ops on a whim when I went to see a friend. Neither of us were particularly big fans of Call of Duty, but we decided to see if we could still out-play 90% of the children on the servers in the most retarded ways possible, so we both signed into our Xbox accounts and did some split screen. This is basically how it would go down:

    >Search and Destroy
    >Maximum aim sensitivity
    >Flamethrower attachments and explosive crossbows only
    >No camping
    >Super Pro 360 No-scope Flamethrower kills are preferable.
    >If either of us gets hate mail, the other person replies to it via their own account to add further confusion
    >The main goal is to either be the last two people left alive on our team (forcing them to spectate us) or to get the final kill. It doesn't hurt to get both.

    The number of messages we got was hilarious, and the best thing was that despite our incredibly impractical set-ups we would still win each game. The slow-mo on one of the game-winning kill cams revealed that between the initial hit with my flamethrower and the moment at which the other guy died, I had successfully made three full rotations.

    I swear, getting fun out of Call of Duty can be like getting blood from a rock or Episode 3 from a Gaben, but that day was a special exception.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:37 No.134356193
    TERA has that. It's more Guild PVP focused with guilds declaring war on other guilds, while PVPs declare themselves outlaws and kill other players.

    The only problem is, the moment you go outlaw solo, you will get ganged up on by all of the non outlaws.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:38 No.134356276
    >playing Battlefield 3
    >Conquest Large on Operation Firestorm
    >I just got the game so my Recon rifles are low-tier
    >using an SV98 with an 8x
    >guy in the hills with a Ballistic Scope hella far away
    >get in a little shooting contest with him
    >"what the fuck my shots are landing right on him"
    >he kills me after around 5 shots
    >he's using an M98B
    >he says "lol sup"
    >I call him bad for thinking he's good for using a superior rifle and more powerful scope
    >I spawn in a jet
    >zoom across the map, eject
    >I crawl prone along the map boundary line for a minute
    >see his dot on the radar because you just know that faggot is taking so many shots
    >three seconds until the microchip in my brain explodes
    >knife the fuck out of that guy
    >lol sup nigger thanks for the tags
    >banned for racism
    >felt so good

    I also think that I was beyond the effective range of my SV98.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:39 No.134356369
    >Playing Tribes
    >Gets his shit raped literally every single game I had the misfortune to play with him
    >Is very quiet excepting a few mild words
    >rapes everyone's shit

    Every time.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:41 No.134356501
    >any online game now
    >name myself BieberFever
    >spam Justin Bieber #1 qt <3
    >rape face
    >people getting upset
    >make fun of their musical taste
    >they get buttfurious

    People will defend to the death their taste in music.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:41 No.134356502
         File: 1333129317.jpg-(50 KB, 546x366, 1291934468494.jpg)
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    >Everquest II back before it changed everything to try to become a WoW clone
    >Rolling in a small, powergaming PvP guild full of bros
    >Trolling around Darklight woods, killing low level Freeporters with a guild bro
    >We're at it for 2 hours, just shooting the shit over ventrillo while griefing like crazy
    >Suddenly all the lowbies and a few guys closer to our level are all in a 4x raid group
    >We immediately invis and run from the zone
    >A few more of our bros join us, go back in
    >6 against 24
    >Continue winning over and over, refuse to leave the zone for hours.
    >Eventually we get a message from a GM: "Get out of Darklight Woods now or you're banned. Only warning."
    >Relocate to The Commonlands
    >Rinse and repeat

    MMO's are bastions for trolling. Also:
    >Guild is bored as hell
    >We all decide to roll Fae illusionists
    >Faes are a tiny ass fairy race, also put height slider to as low as it can go
    >All look and name ourselves very similarly
    >Get the illusion spell that creates a double of yourself
    >Also get the spell that shrinks your size by 50%
    >Proceed to run around in a raid group composed fully of 1/2 foot tall fairys, all of which have 1/2 foot tall doppelganger pets, casting crowd control, paralysis and debuff spells, while pecking away at their health
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:43 No.134356631
         File: 1333129431.jpg-(183 KB, 900x1009, e_honda_by_lolosart-d35d99a.jpg)
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    >New to the fighting games genre
    >Only been playing arcade mode in SF IV AE
    >Just started playing online a week ago
    >Already got a perfect round against the #3 T.Hawk as Honda
    Even though I lost the match in the end, I can't help but say I'm proud
    Too bad I'm bad against fireball characters though
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:45 No.134356754
    Sounds like a shitty GM. Playing the game shouldn't get you a warning or a ban.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:48 No.134356883
    Ohh wow, this thread is still up? Ive been playing SC5 since I posted >>134345107

    >join beginner lobby
    >everyone has mic's
    >playing against a swedish nightmare as Asta
    >every time I land a hit on him he goes
    >"OHH MY GOD, FUCK YOU LUCKER, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE REACH ON THAT ATTACK?!" in a shitty swedish kid accent
    >gets a lucky ring out
    >I owned you
    >crush him 3-1
    >next guy is some ameritard who is trying to annoy the shit out of everyone by putting his 3 year old daughter next to the microphone
    >Leave lobby
    >make own lobby without mics
    >everyone is nice, fun for hours
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:48 No.134356892
    EQII was full of that shit. There was a period of time where assassins were basically unstoppable in PvP combat unless you were one of maybe 2 classes, or had friends with you. The months ticked on and PvP rebalance happened again and again, but Assassins remained broken as shit.

    Then it came out that the reason the guy who was heading up the PvP changes played Assassin himself. Gee, what a shock.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:48 No.134356953
    >Metal Gear Online
    >Throw down a magazine
    >Idiot blunders into it like a retard (Who the fuck uses stealth in a stealthy game?
    >Hold up
    >Get him to the ground
    >Smack the shit out of him until unconscious
    >Throw a magazine nearby
    >He gets up and instantly caught by it

    Even funnier was when faggots would tell me to GIT GUD when they're using exploits and I'm fucking them up with a knife
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:53 No.134357239
         File: 1333129984.jpg-(201 KB, 500x396, laughingelfgirl.jpg)
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    >metro 64m conquest
    >on US so by default losing
    >equip smoke grenades
    >the stairs
    >the tunnel
    >the escalators
    >my face when I was solely responsible for getting our team pushed back to spawn, and I didn't die once
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:54 No.134357297
    >Playing Runescape
    >Camp just outside where the rune ore in the wilderness was
    >Dumbass in full gear comes up to mine
    >Fuck him up
    >Get quite a bit of loot
    >He messages me five seconds later, asking for his shit back
    >About to say no, but decide against it
    >Tell him I'll trade all his stuff back for 500,000 gold
    >Meet him near the wilds, give him his shit back for the gold
    >Stalk him
    >He goes right back to the fucking rune ore
    >Kill him again
    >Get all his stuff again

    Fucking Runescape, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:56 No.134357492
    I spent countless hours tricking people into going into the wildy. Endlessly entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:57 No.134357513
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    You! You're... You're me!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:57 No.134357554
    Oh god, don't get me started on Runescape
    >Telling people that dropping an item and hitting alt-F4 then picking it back up would dupe it
    >"Hey guys, Runescape blocks your password automatically, see: XXXXXXX"
    >Offering millions for high level equipment, then changing to 1 gold at the last second before they accept.
    >The wilderness, period.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:57 No.134357560
    This thread exemplifies the one quality of online multiplayer that most developers just can't seem to understand- schadenfreude. It adds flavor and competitive pranky nature and entices other players to interact with each other, which is the most important part of a multiplayer game. Nobody likes a multi-single player game(IE dungeon running in WoW and etc where you just go through the motions and nothing ever happens).

    And this is why TORtanic failed as hard as it did.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)13:59 No.134357690
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    I was able to trick a kid that was recharging an amulet of glory to go in and kill the dragon. He was wearing a red mask. This was back in 2005~. He begged me for it for a long time, then I told him he would get a chance to stake it back.

    He put up 200k, I destroyed him.

    I logged back in two years ago for the first time since 2006, and he sent me a message asking for it ten minutes after I logged in.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:01 No.134357789
         File: 1333130470.png-(198 KB, 565x600, 1330541063689.png)
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    >Offering millions for high level equipment, then changing to 1 gold at the last second before they accept.
    >offering 1000 gold and a needle
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:02 No.134357845
    Well, shit used to happen until the retarded aoe tanking and crowd controll changes of 3.0. Oh, and the dungeon finder.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:03 No.134357931
    >Decide to try a private WoW server with a RL friend.
    >We both roll a level 100 Rogue full of epics and artifacts.
    >Teleport to the Alliance island (Kinda like a GM island but everyone from the Alliance would hang out there)
    >Keep killing everyone and vanishing.
    >Everyone is looking for us, everyone is raging at us.
    >Keep doing that shit for some hours.
    >See a lonely lvl 1 mob walking around.
    >Kill him.
    >We get killed immediately.
    >It's a GM from the Server.
    >Tells us to stop or we get banned.
    >Continue killing everyone in sight, get perma-banned from the server.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:04 No.134358030

    Man I remember back when it was open pvp everywhere and there was no wilderness. Absolute divine chaos. I think there were guards that would aggro but they could be killed so easily it was retarded. Funniest shit was when they first put in agility, and there was a training camp out in the wilderness that you had to go to to actually max it out. I was one of the first people to get my agility high and go there. It was funny as hell watching people attempt to follow/kill me through the training course. I actually got a few people killed by the course, and I was fucking naked. One guy died in the course and dropped...I think dragon axe was the best at the time? I picked it up and put on my prayers and obliterated some other guy who followed me as soon as he reached the exit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:04 No.134358041
    I gotta say, I think that sort of tenacity ought to be rewarded.

    You give him it back?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:04 No.134358062
    TERA is the answer.
    >Dat graphics
    >Dat open world
    >Dat player controlled territories
    It is like playing The World from .//HACK
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:06 No.134358164

    I somewhat agree, but the community isn't that good.
    It's filled with meme spouting faggots, shitties and ERPers
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:07 No.134358257
    >playing TOR
    >level 50
    >standing amongst a group of jedi on Tatooine that're for an imperial quest, so they're friendly to me but aggresive to them
    >they hit them with an AoE
    >run with the NPCs
    >by the time the second person is dead they realize what's going on
    >try to run away
    >run them down and mercilessly slaughter them
    >5 minutes later
    >get a tell from a level 1 calling me a faggot

    TOR has a lot of trolling capability, you just have to set it up a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:07 No.134358282
         File: 1333130872.gif-(2.62 MB, 288x194, 1331638032344.gif)
    2.62 MB
    >implying the real answer isn't GW2
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:09 No.134358363
    Funny thing is, that OPEN WORLD PVP code was never removed from Runescape actually.
    There was a competition years ago in which players would try to get the newest weapon from player houses with arenas. So this guy finally gets it and starts to kick everyone out the house to prevent other players to get the weapon while he tries to sell it and then he gets teleported out and walks to the nearest town whilst players are following him. Accidentally he clicks at a player and at that moment the player gets attacked and kills him and he continues on his spree collecting hats and rare items because they couldn't fight back. Eventually a GM had to step in and take that item away from him. There should be some videos on youtube.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:09 No.134358423
         File: 1333130989.gif-(1.63 MB, 227x350, NTR bounty hunter.gif)
    1.63 MB
    Lets just say we staked again.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:10 No.134358465
    Oh god, no fuck that.
    But this gives you a reason to kill those faggots. /v/ guilds are sometimes the answer if the leader isn't a total dick or a brony.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:10 No.134358469
    >In guild wars, make a touch ranger
    >For those who don't know, its a ranger/necro combo that uses vampiric touch skills to gain health
    >Run around being completely invincible
    >Entire teams have focused on me and been unable to kill me
    >I just chase them around touch-touch-touch-touch
    I always pictured him as being a dandy fop, prancing around saying 'touch' every time he used the skill
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:11 No.134358542
    > /v/ guilds are sometimes the answer if the leader isn't a total dick or a brony.

    Or if he has an iron fist and squashes out the RandumXDD meme spouting faggots early.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:13 No.134358652
    >playing wow
    >Isle of Quel'Danas
    >roll blood elf mage
    >find a sweet spot where I can attack people who are at the questgivers and not get attacked by guards
    >people fight back
    >they get killed by guards
    >someone gets close
    >blink and invis
    >never die
    >check out butthurt on forums
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:13 No.134358670
         File: 1333131199.jpg-(65 KB, 693x459, 1320555250761.jpg)
    65 KB
    >play UT
    >name myself God
    >playing on a favorite server
    >a wild Christian appears
    >snipe him over and over
    >he tells me to change my name
    >every time he comes out into the open to try and take the flag, he loses his head, both in-game and figuratively
    >eventually he starts trying to play smart, shooting at me with a sniper rifle of his own, bringing shield belts into the mix, and even firing a deemer at me
    >fails ever fucking time
    >his text is getting incomprehensible
    >he ragequits, I have top kills and most flag defends
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:13 No.134358681
         File: 1333131205.png-(137 KB, 448x338, Berries-and-Cream-guy.png)
    137 KB
    First image that came to mind.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:13 No.134358684
    Good riddance.
    I still haven't gotten my beta invite though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:13 No.134358715
    >City of Heroes
    >I learn teleport, my bro learns fly/group fly
    >Go to huge, wide open zones
    >Bro uses team fly to get me really high in the air
    >Offer to teleport people across the zone
    >Anybody who accepts is immediately teleported 20,000 feet in the air to fall to their death
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:14 No.134358730

    Jesus Died Lol
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:14 No.134358732
    >Load up on mines and extra mines as engineer
    >Charge the Mcom building
    >Dropping mines as I move through the house
    >Drop last mines on Mcom
    >Any explosive in the building sets of a chain reaction of mines which kill anybody in the house and take the mcom to 1/2 health

    Dear god that was fun as fun to do. Also

    >Carry C4
    >Enemies in second floor of building or up a cliff
    >Jump and throw c4 with the right timing
    >Causes c4 to fly 2 stories high, through windows and onto roofs
    >Detonate C4
    >Kill fucking everybody

    Never got tired of c4
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:15 No.134358798
    That guys is a legend. Nice that people remember him.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:15 No.134358806
    You have to go out of your way for it. And griefing can ALWAYS be done, but griefing shouldn't be the only meaningful entertainment you have with a game, that just means it's a terrible game. For example APB is fucking amazing for griefing, but retardedly bad as a game. You just enjoy making people suffer/being a pissant, and there are better games for that, which not only make it easier to do but are much better constructed and entertaining outside of the griefing.

    And I think you kind of missed the point of my post, schadenfreude isn't just griefing but generally being able to observe and laugh at others. Furthermore my point was more related to enticing players to actually want to interact with each other, because that's what a fucking multiplayer game is for.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:16 No.134358861
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:17 No.134358954
    >people thinking griefing in an fps is anything like griefing some faggot on hatemoo (formerly hellmoo) and taking all of his precious text items and his head

    The tears are much more delicious.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:18 No.134359047
    There are still no OPEN WORLD PVP MMO out there.
    That's the truth of the universe.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:19 No.134359060
    >see wookiees hiding in an attic
    >run over to the building, plant C4 all over the floor beneath them
    >run out

    Oh lord, nothing better than dem wookiee clumps.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:22 No.134359343
         File: 1333131779.png-(59 KB, 205x205, 1330720996605.png)
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    A couple of friends and I used to fly around in outland to gank people in the air. This was when bodies stayed floating where they died.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:23 No.134359369
    Believe me bro, I know what schadenfreude is. I was just responding to your claim that TOR seemingly had no trolling capability (or at least that's what I took from it)

    Anyways, yeah, had a Bothan in SWG named Schadenfreude. He liked to steal and/or rearrange things from houses after people gave him access to their house. Once, I was given access to someone's house where they had an assload of paintings all neatly placed in his giant house, so one night he logs off, I pop in, and move them all to the same room. I don't think words can encapsulate the amount of rage that caused. Got kicked out of the guild for that. Totally worth it, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:25 No.134359541
    I have a story from when I used to play COD 4 on the PC (this was like 3 years ago)

    >lose my profile due to hd crash
    >have to start all over again
    >join a hardcore tdm server, matches would last 1 hour and a half or so
    >say in chat at the begging of the match "i'm new, please be kind xD"
    >use the starting kit with the mp5, run around the tunnels buttraping everyone
    >finish on top of the scoreboard with 103-12
    >achieved lvl 13 in one match
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:26 No.134359580
         File: 1333131968.gif-(1022 KB, 324x356, 1331404030039.gif)
    1022 KB
    >playing gmod with friend
    >set up a giant burning cross
    >hang a black character model from it
    >start marching it around server
    >decide to put thrusters on back of black man
    >some guy comes up and starts bitching about how it's racist
    >turn on thrusters
    >a burning black man proceeds to spin 1,000 mph
    >nails the guy complaining
    >kills him, sending him flying across the map
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:26 No.134359606
    Heres a classic

    >World of Warcraft (TBC? Not sure)
    >get a group of players into Mount Hyjal
    >go into the lake beneath The World Tree
    >get a warlock to buff with underwater breathing so you dont drown
    >make a summoning portal at the bottom
    >one dude invites randoms in a major city
    >EVERYONE wants to join so they can get to mount hyjal
    >the lake is so deep they all drown
    >have to ressurect at the spirit healer in the middle of fucking nowhere
    >25% durability loss, 10 minutes of ress sickness
    >fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:28 No.134359746
    God damn it, I'm sick as fuck with a nose and throat thing and laughing hurts like a bitch, and I can't stop laughing imagining that.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:29 No.134359821
    >glorious days of Halo 3
    >steamrolling bitches in Team or Social Deathmatch
    >win by a huge margin
    >"Too Good" the opposite team so the matchmaking system pairs them with higher skilled players.

    Best days though
    >Make alternate, temporary gamertags
    >name them all after obscure Venture Brothers villains
    >White Noise, Tiny Joseph, The Intangible Fancy, and Truckulez rollin' deep
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:30 No.134359848
    isn't there another gif with the exact same shit except its got text over it? it says something like "come children, its time for your dinner" or something. i always read it in a german voice
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:30 No.134359859
         File: 1333132218.jpg-(109 KB, 643x507, 1314531298640.jpg)
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    >Korean MMO II: Electric Boogalo
    >Play as a Hunter
    >PvP Zone, just minding my business
    >XBoxhuge Knight kills everyone for shits and giggles
    >I just stand there and watch him as they try to Zergrush him
    >He is about to Die
    Not on my Watch!
    >Kill his Attackers, flee with him
    >We become bros, tells me that he was just laughing that I was just standing there

    too bad that the game sucked
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:31 No.134359978
    There is cache inside that space where the spaceship is broken in two that always gives you orange and blue items plus 7-10k credits, it respawns every 5 minutes or so.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:32 No.134359992

    Do you got an alternative MMO with PVP?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:33 No.134360069
         File: 1333132395.jpg-(39 KB, 361x391, laughing fox.jpg)
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    >playing BF3
    >Siene Crossing (I think, the one that only gives you one tank and one jeep , and has bridges)
    >somehow the enemy team managed to get their tank and humvee both stuck in the water
    >they're trying to drive them out, looks like they're humping
    >blocking the stairs to get out of the water
    >about half the enemy team is down there 'cause they keep spawning on each other
    >hop down with C4
    >plant it all over the tank and humvee
    >hop back up
    >one of them notices what I'm doing
    >last message before explosion is "oh god no"
    >my face when there were so many killed I couldn't even keep count
    >laughing so hard for the rest of the match I only got one more kill
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:33 No.134360087
    no, i don't play mmo's anymore and the ones i was playing are dead or shutdown
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:33 No.134360108
         File: 1333132420.jpg-(21 KB, 341x480, 54946_1324323342.jpg)
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    >playing on a RP MUD
    >50+ players constantly, very nice server
    >pretending to be a girl
    >everyone loves me because I'm super nice, eventually they help me get to level 30 and get me the best thief weapons on the server (literally 'a katar', lolmuds)
    >randomly snap one day and just start murdering people
    >continue to just murder everyone, roleplaying the entire time
    >spare only one person

    >mfw I erp raped her
    >"Tell the others what happened to you."
    >perm'd probably 20-30 people, sacrificed all good aligned character to god of thieves for bonus stats
    >leave the MUD before the gods (basically GMs) come on to punish me
    >the game is still up but no one plays it, almost 8 years later
    >randomy logged in my old character, still there, still overpowered
    >massive bounty on my head
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:34 No.134360156
    Go on a Valve server. There should be about 5 to 10 snipers. Equip a bitchin cloak and dagger, get behind them and start spamming
    or some shit.

    Gun them down if they throw piss. Watch them ragequit. Sending you a raging message if you are lucky.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:35 No.134360209
         File: 1333132512.jpg-(63 KB, 526x612, 1306176230189.jpg)
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    >play WoW
    >meet girl
    >convince her to cam for me after knowing her for awhile
    >get her to masturbate with a flute
    >she's a virgin
    >accidently pops her cherry
    >tells me her boyfriend is pissed and doesn't believe she's a virgin when they first had sex
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:36 No.134360297
    >playing Runescape around 2006
    >outside of the south exit of Varrock
    >strong dark wizards in a stone circle near there
    >friend and I convince level 3-8 players to follow me to the circle
    >me and friend laugh as they get killed by the dark wizards
    >steal their stuff and dispose of it in the upstairs of a house in south Varrock
    >newbies get mad and private message me threatening to report me
    >never once get b& for it
    >friend and I do this several times

    What I'm wondering is if anyone actually fell for this trick?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:36 No.134360320
    Nah, I was just quipping TOR for being shitty and for purposely trying to push away what should be it's best strength, which is player interaction.

    Also house griefing was always best in minecraft, mostly because the special brand of autist that plays that shitpile gets extremely pissed off when you even walk NEAR their shit none the less actually do something to it. I was always subtle enough to not get caught, but infuriating enough to get people to bitch about my shit constantly.

    My favorite trick was for the idiots that used floor panels that opened their doors because they were too braindead to open the doors themselves. While they were out of their house I'd dig straight down one block inside of their door, at least far enough to kill them from fall damage. Without fail they'd ALWAYS fall for it, many even multiple times. I had a bunch of different variations as well, my favorite was one that would time an 8 box ring of tnt at the bottom of a pit connected to their door panel, and making the pit only like 5-6 blocks deep, so they'd fall, and have just enough time to realize they were next to tnt that was detonating, and under the tnt ring I would have a layer of lava to melt all their items.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:37 No.134360345
    >tells me her boyfriend is pissed and doesn't believe she's a virgin when they first had sex

    How retarded and outdated do you have to be if you really believe that "girls always bleed during their first time" story?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:38 No.134360451
    Sounds like some girls were lyin' about being virgins to ya boy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:39 No.134360503
    Play EVE. Permakill someone.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:40 No.134360556
    I am glad you found my story amusing!

    Get well soon, being sick sucks.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:40 No.134360557
    >he doesn't know what a hymen is!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:40 No.134360574
    >Logging into an usuals trade server in TF2
    >Playing with my friend, 1on1 Sniper battle
    >12-year-old joins
    >Wants to trade
    >I tell him, that I have some crates
    >He wants to trade me
    >I told him no, because he sounds like a 12-year-old guy
    >friends starts laughing out loudly
    >I'm disconnectig
    >kid rages

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:40 No.134360579
         File: 1333132820.jpg-(4 KB, 126x126, 1320529824173s.jpg)
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    >Play Runescape
    >Throw on some swanky clothes
    >Go on one of the RP servers
    >Tell people that i'm having an exotic drop party in the jungle and that they should bring their finest items to show off
    >Bring them to the jungle
    >Tribesmen come out and poison the fuck out of all of them
    >They all die
    >Leave with over 7m worth of items
    >mfw the messages I got in the next 10 minutes
    Oh lordy
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:41 No.134360648
    >wandering around on an extremely low resource server
    >find a house out in the fucking open
    >stuff is just lying around in the chests
    >take a stack of wheat and some stacks of wood
    >go to his garden and plant some wheat and trees, more than twice the amount I took
    >he returns while Im planting seeds in his garden
    >he flips the fuck out and kills me
    >burn his house down

    Nah, I have never fucked a virgin. At least not that I know of.

    >He doesnt know a hymen can break without having had sex!
    >maybe the fucking story I replied to would be an obvious enough example!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:42 No.134360705
    After 1 year of playing the game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:42 No.134360750
    Nigga, I punch hymens for a livin' and they always bleed the first time if virgin.

    Takes three or four punches to bleed without virgin.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:43 No.134360782
    I think EVE online is something like this, and World of Darkness will be something similar, but yeah, EVE is a space simulator thing, not very "fun based"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:43 No.134360858
    The amount of stupid in that game is shocking sometimes. I've pulled off the most obvious bullshit trap crap in that game, like trapped chests in banks and stuff. How dumb do you have to be to think popping that chest is a good idea?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:44 No.134360890
    >>Tribesmen come out and poison the fuck out of all of them

    Oh god, my sides. Well played, sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:45 No.134360968
    >not fun
    Clearly you were not a part of goonswarm.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:45 No.134361031
    >play sci-fi RP MUD
    >smuggler/bounty hunter multi-class
    >hijack essentially a star destroyer
    >fly capital ship into the faction's space undetected
    >get in their base
    >kidnap their leader
    >take him on my stolen overpowered unstoppable ship, listening on their faction channel as they all freak out that their godking is missing
    >fly star destroyer into uncharted space, set course for a black hole
    >blackmail him into making me new godqueen
    >fly back to main base, integrate into the leadership, no one questions me
    >move in on my new godking husbando
    >he tries to ERP with me
    >say no
    >he tries to rape my character
    >break bindings (bounty hunter only skill aww ye)
    >stab him dead, take over faction, become essentially emperor palaptine with tits and no spacemagic
    >character dies heroically on the front lines of battle, ushering in a new age of tyranny for previous said faction, who is now avenging two fallen leaders who both fell to the 'rebel scum'.
    >they still talk about me on this game to this day
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:46 No.134361046
    I miss the days when games actually allowed this. You're stupid and got tricked into something? Good, you deserved it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:47 No.134361184
    >gmod rp server with 5 friends
    >we hog thief, hacker and rebel spots
    >one of my friends is a regular on the server and got a lot of cash
    >buy loads of guns and moneyprinters
    >starts breaking into the same guys gun shop every 15:th minute and steal all his stuff
    >tries to report us to the admin for DM
    >admin ignores him tells him thats okay according to the rules
    >we do this for 5 times before he leaves
    >we pick a new target
    >its the admin
    >kicks us all after the first break in
    oh well
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:49 No.134361316
    >get a netbook
    >trying to find some online games to play with a friend
    >"hey let's play urban terror, haven't played that in a while"
    >download, install, boot it up
    >game plays just fine
    >suddenly, people start shooting
    >5-10 fps
    >"what the fuck man, i can't play this shit"
    >try to play this shit for about 10 minutes
    >friend gives up and leaves
    >goof around for the rest of the round
    >jumping around like a dumbass, getting killed every 10 seconds
    >jump around a corner and shoot randomly
    >guy just happens to have been sneaking around said corner
    >laugh, spin the mouse randomly and click
    >somehow get another headshot on a guy coming out of a corner behind me
    >guy on opposite team saw the whole thing, just stands there
    >says holy shit
    >walk up to him
    >start jumping around each other face-to-face
    >get killed by everyone else
    >we always find each other after we die and continue our merry jump dance

    Most fun I've ever had in an online game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:49 No.134361351
    Eve is an interactive screensaver, and it's more just hurr durr politics and resource gathering.

    Now WoD. That's getting an actual combat system and is supposed to not be something that takes 20 million years to get on a level playing field. And it's all going to be player controlled, even the princes will be players. Not to mention they're using masquerade lore, so if they do it right, it's gonna be damn sexy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:50 No.134361353
    Source on WoD having PVP, please.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:50 No.134361367
    >playing bad company 2 on the pc
    >being jesus on ice with the tracerdart\rpg combo
    >play on a 1000 ticket server top of the score board
    >every time i killed someone i would immediatly type "nope"
    >banned forever
    >reason:" nope"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:51 No.134361473
    Pretty sure I read somewhere that you can permadie in WoD if you get a blood hunt on you.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:52 No.134361560
    Okay, that triggered my memory. I remember that too.
    >> Rick Grimes !!RRyH+JhqIMa 03/30/12(Fri)14:53 No.134361579
         File: 1333133586.jpg-(40 KB, 800x804, 1330829275962.jpg)
    40 KB
    >Me and a console casual friend of mine playing Dead Frontier
    >Dicking around in Arena
    >Doing pretty well, we're both decked out with high powered pistols and shotguns
    >Some guy named XslayerX comes in, slaps everyone's shit
    >He keeps posting shit like "Ia m the god of the wasteland, the black death, fear me" and shit
    >He's being serious
    >Me and my friend are Skyping and devise a plan
    >He runs out into the open with slayer, completely naked, no weapon
    >Since he's naked he's way faster than slayer
    >Slayer finally gets him with a bodyshot, bro is on the verge of death
    >I pop outta nowhere as slayer types up something like "Take your last breath"
    >3 consecutive meatshots with a mid-tier shotgun
    >Switch to my revolver
    >Empty all 6 .357s into him
    >He dies
    >Our faces when he screamed shit about how we had made a bad choice and the wasteland would punish us, we were hackers, etc
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:53 No.134361595
         File: 1333133599.png-(580 KB, 500x547, nvoV7.png)
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    >Me and bro out for blood
    >Noob blood
    >Go to monks of Zamorak church
    >When noobs walk by tell them to take the Wine of Zamorak
    >5/10 would do it instantly
    >Others took some persuading
    >"Oh you can get away with it bro, the monks are noobs"
    >When dumb noobfag took the wine the monks attack
    >Noob tries to escape through the door
    >Me and bro spam clicking the door to shut
    >Noob can't open the door yet still clicking frantically
    >Starts swearing and begging for life
    >"fucking you noobs let me out I'm gonna die!" "please let me out!"
    >Me and bro taunting the noob and his desperation
    >"lol bro why don't you just open the door and run?"
    >Monks still swarming and eventually slay the noob
    >MFW he was finally dead and we take his stuff.

    >We did this for weeks before it got old lol.
    >So many dead noobs
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:54 No.134361665

    By far the best online experience I've ever had. When I first started, I only used the chainsaw. Whole lotta mad came out of those lobbies.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:54 No.134361730
         File: 1333133698.png-(110 KB, 499x463, 1332959206505.png)
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    >15 gravestones
    >free telepors to the whole map
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:56 No.134361862
    "May I pass, Dockmaster Angwe?"

    All hail the greatest ganker who ever lived. I don't know where he went when the trolling dried up, but I can only hope he found another source of butthurt abundant enough to satisfy him.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:58 No.134361996
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    I miss UO.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)14:59 No.134362067
    I know you.

    I don't know how, But even then I knew you were just too good to not be a fake.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:01 No.134362241
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    >that feel when Richard Garriott will never work on an Ultima game again
    >that feel when UO is not Ultima
    >that feel when ninjas, robots, elves
    >that feel when trammel
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:07 No.134362741
         File: 1333134443.png-(349 KB, 960x858, Untitled.png)
    349 KB
    >playing halo 3
    >other 4 team mates are in a group
    >they quit as soon as the match starts so they can delevel (hate that shit)
    >other team sends me messages, telling me to quit
    >ignore that
    >hide all over the level, killing anyone that comes near
    >match lasts full time count
    >i win, 15 kills to 1
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:10 No.134362985
         File: 1333134612.jpg-(59 KB, 608x456, 1322822310929.jpg)
    59 KB
    >Monster Hunter Tri
    >finish making gear sets for favorite weapons
    >nothing to do in game
    >make gun which shoots lots and lots of tiny pellets which interrupt most other players' attacks and use of items
    >enter random rooms
    >prevent people from attacking monsters
    >heal monster
    >prevent people from skinning monsters
    >do shit damage
    >still convince people I'll stop next time, because my character is a girl
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:13 No.134363241
         File: 1333134787.gif-(473 KB, 210x380, tayne.gif)
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    >Used to be godly at Toribash
    >Playing a twinswords server, dicking around not really trying to kill anyone
    >During each fight I use my swords to launch myself like a mile into the air and start squawking like a bird
    >People start getting rustled
    >Some guy challenges me and tells me to leave if I can't beat him
    >Fight starts and I curl my guy into the fetal position
    >He gets ready to kill me, drawing it out and preparing a lunge
    >He lunges with both swords at me
    >An instant before he hits me I launch myself into the sky by springing up from my fetal position
    >He completely misses me, and just as I pass by him I kick him in the head, decapitating him
    >My face during
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:14 No.134363394

    I had a similar experience except instead of hiding my friend and I jumped off the map when we spawned throughout the match

    We were not giving them the satisfaction of killing us so we an hero'd all game
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:15 No.134363471
    > Playing HoN with a group of buddies.
    > Everyone has to "Ready" up in order to start matchmaking.
    > Say "Hey guys, ready up."
    > Everyone readies
    > Quickly change a setting on and off so it makes them all no longer ready.
    > Say "What the fuck, guys. Ready up!"
    > Everyones starting to get confused.
    > Repeat the process a few more times, each time acting more and more frustrated.
    > Everyone starts getting frustrated because I'm yelling at them to hit the ready button and stop fucking around.
    > This goes on for a good 2 or 3 minutes before I start the game for real.
    I still havent told them what I did.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:17 No.134363642
    >tribes ascend
    >make new account
    >enter game
    >add account as friend on main account
    >join friend
    >close other game window
    >enjoy people on Llama Island whining about a high rank player being there
    It is some fun shit, boy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:19 No.134363785
         File: 1333135169.jpg-(120 KB, 500x646, 1326823432755.jpg)
    120 KB
    >private WOW: BC server
    >i was a lvl 70 blood elf rogue, fully equiped with t6 gear and dual warglaives enchanted with mongoose
    >be on a desert plain area, can't remember the name
    >find a lvl 59 orc rogue getting ganked by this lvl 70 ret draenei pally, equiped with t6
    >go for it, stunlock the pally and kill him
    >as the orc resurrects I stealth and as I'm leaving, a buddy from the pally comes and resses him
    >they kill the orc
    >I kill them, almost dying myself
    >the orc comes back to life, I teach him how to stunlock and we stalth-camp their bodies
    >kill them 4 more times, then I give some gold to the orc and we part ways
    >I kill the ret pally one more time because

    Those were the good times. Too bad I suck at griefing and don't know any game that you can do so from early on.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:19 No.134363790
         File: 1333135174.jpg-(241 KB, 570x434, 1293043405385.jpg)
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    The closest I've done is being "that guy". The one who is prancing around in god tier armor but is the nicest motherfucker, and helps out the little newbie guys.
    'Course, that's only because that happened to me. It's a wondrous cycle
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:21 No.134363965
    I only duel hard when I know the other person is giving it their all as well.
    Otherwise I usually just let the other person win and act like I won.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:23 No.134364094
    BOPs on the Xbox was fun as shit. Obviously not for the game play, but the reactions of the kids when me and my bro would dominate them.

    Countless faggots calling me bad after getting 15 kills with the MPL-rapid fire in SnD. I miss those days.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:23 No.134364112
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:23 No.134364138
    > Runescape
    >Get a cannon
    >Find out you can take other people's cannons as long as there's one for them to take nearby
    Cannons were pretty expensive
    >Outside Falador Bank some guy is showing off his cannon
    >Set up mine in the upstairs in the little house across the road
    >Take his
    Oh God, you should have seen the panic in this guy. It was delicious...
    Don't know how many times I've done this and just log out when they're begging for it back.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:24 No.134364160
         File: 1333135456.jpg-(11 KB, 251x251, 1331493066046.jpg)
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    >friend is a GM on a high pop wow private server (BC)
    >he is quitting the game, lets me use his account
    >i ban the other GMs, and teleport all online players to GM island
    >delete their hearthstones and gear
    >set them to level 1
    >leave them there and spawn a dozen raid bosses in all major cities

    good times
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:25 No.134364225
    Same here man.
    >not the best geared in WoW, but certainly not bad by any means
    >give people random companions all the time, trade random people and give them some gold that are low level, always nice to people even to the ten year olds
    Sounds beta but I don't care, I just hope that the universe repays me in a good way on there.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:25 No.134364286
    >Be master of a med population Runescape private server
    >Teleport everyone to Lumbridge
    >Spawn 15 Jads right outside
    >All the delicious tears
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:28 No.134364490
         File: 1333135696.jpg-(42 KB, 768x480, rublyeo578w7.jpg)
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    Jesus have I got an awesome/similar story.

    >Don't give a shit about cowwaduty
    >AfterIWnet hacks MW2 multiplayer enabling p2p play for pirated version on PC
    >Buddies and I download a bunch of trainers and multihacks
    >Troll the fuck out of cowwaduty kids
    >Infinite ammo aimbotting 360 nocope xray cumshots
    >Constant AC130 bombardment
    >Ass pain everywhere
    >Too many of us to votekick
    >We DDoS people we don't like till disconnect
    >Filthy pirates berating us for cheating
    >Get reported to their forums
    >Get banned from their network by IP+Hardware ID
    >Reset IP, spoof hardware ID lolololXD
    >End up playing in game with AfterIWnet mods
    >"Sup faggots?"
    >Spewing obscenities at us over the mic
    >Network ban us while we're in game
    >"Lol no"
    >He finally ragequits
    >Cries about cheaters on the forums, promises cheat detection software
    >Servers offline for a week
    >Here we go again!
    >Turns them off again.

    They eventually got a C&D order from Activision.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:28 No.134364515
         File: 1333135718.gif-(498 KB, 324x244, 1332949102238.gif)
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    >set my name to "Rocky"
    >speedhack around with the KGB (boxing gloves)
    >get crits all day long
    >1 shot 7 out of the 9 classes
    >micspam the rocky music + other good stuff
    >most of the time, everybody loves me

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:29 No.134364626

    You're a monster.

    I approve.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:30 No.134364693
    >"stepdad" made the number 1 rift guild

    Guessing it was maximation, if not then nevermind
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:32 No.134364780

    That was a pretty bro move. I hate gankers. I don't mind if it's some fuck who's close to my level, that's usually a fun encounter. But fuck those faggots who come around and just kill you a few hits.
    Also you were probably in Tanaris or Silithus, the only two desert like places in WoW.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:33 No.134364884
         File: 1333135993.jpg-(3 KB, 126x116, 1332338490120.jpg)
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    >use wallhacks in CAL matches when CS 1.6 was huge
    >never get caught
    >become well known and respected CS player
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:33 No.134364926
    >Playing bf 1942 with bros
    >Battle of Britain
    >Be axis
    >Each grab a jeep
    >Wait for teammates to take off in plane
    >Drive and stop jeep in front of them as they are taking off

    I only played that game once and that's all we did
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:35 No.134365051
         File: 1333136132.jpg-(1.16 MB, 3000x2111, ss13.jpg)
    1.16 MB
    >"space station 13"
    >0 results

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:35 No.134365074
         File: 1333136146.jpg-(207 KB, 789x958, 1319778825095.jpg)
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    I know the feeling all to well, friend. Sometimes I'll be like, "I kind of want to play WoW", but then I remember what it's become, and the removed nearly EVERY reason I even liked it. And then Private servers just don't measure up, none of the x1 have a community exceeding 1000 people, so getting a group together is nigh impossible.
    Shaman was my favorite class, by the way. Enhancement all day erry day.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:36 No.134365106
    >Playing Warhawk (Yes, the PS3 launch game.)
    >I whore the tank all day erry day.
    >My friend likes to snipe and camp in AA turrets (we're cool like that)
    >Always wrecking the enemy team with just the two of us.
    >Suddenly, a wild idea appears.
    >"Hey dude, get in the tank and drive into the enemy base."
    >Buddy climbs in the top.
    >Aims laser designator at the top of the tank.
    >Close the hatch before the airstike hits.
    >Team damage is off and he's inside my tank so we don't get hurt.
    >six kills in one shot
    >Proceed to wreck the remaining people with tank and a dude with a rocket launcher on top.

    It's a shame that Starhawk is the way it is. I just don't like the hawks at all compared to Warhawk.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:37 No.134365208
         File: 1333136257.png-(20 KB, 390x470, 1329185960787.png)
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    >raiding with guild in WoW
    >stereotypical attention whore girl in raid
    >keep putting down trains
    >she rages in ventrilo, says she'll leave if one more person puts a train down
    >patiently wait for train to come of cooldown
    >place it right next to her
    >she rages, leaves raid, but stays in vent
    >gm kicks her from guild
    >she rages
    >gm kicks her from vent
    >everyone lols except for dude who got her in to the guild
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:38 No.134365284
    This thread has inspired me. I do nothing all day.
    I have now found my purpose. I am going to grief and ruin peoples' day in-game. I will probably record all of it.
    I need to compile a list now.
    Games that are gold mines for this.
    CS Source
    I need more
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:39 No.134365384
         File: 1333136394.jpg-(31 KB, 356x367, stifflerthumbsup.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:41 No.134365495

    It was Silithus. Thanks for reminding me. I knew it was something with an S.

    I have never been "that guy", but I've tried a couple of times.

    Sometimes I'd go to Stranglethorn Valley and protect the horde there until a group of allies came and raped my shit.

    It wasn't that bad of a game, but holy shit did it ruin my social life and grades.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:42 No.134365562
    I can help you with that.
    > CSS
    Flashbang the shit out of your team, pop smokes that fuck your team over.
    > GMOD
    Attach a bunch of random props together using hydraulics and set them to max force and distance. Unfreeze everything, trigger hydraulics and watch the rage unfold. For maximum trolling use an advanced duplicator to copy the object and spam it all over the place.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:44 No.134365724
    Thank you, I would be glad if there was more of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:45 No.134365815
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:45 No.134365821

    what is this, babby's first gmod troll?

    here's what you do:

    - attach turrets to city-scanners, set damage and fire rate to maximum
    - make them invisible with color tool
    - set them near spawn
    - they blind/insta kill anyone within 50 feet of them
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:46 No.134365901
    I used to do vigilante work in ffxi back in 2006-2007 when they finally released a patch to stop me and my kind.

    For anyone curious, it was a small linkshell filled with the few high level beastmasters on the server that could charm monsters in almost any zone and then uncharm them on top of people. We'd find people who were assholes or something and just follow them around dumping high level monsters on them where ever they went. You don't fuck with japanese people though since the GMs would respond in 10 minutes and ban you, but all the americans could report for you hours and never get a response. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:46 No.134365916
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:47 No.134366001
    Theres plenty of ways to troll a gmod server. I find propkilling much more fun than turrets because more often than not shit glitches out and interferes with peoples stupid creations.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:48 No.134366038
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    Corp Por

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:48 No.134366085
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    I always saw this shit happening, it never happened to me.

    >Be a Novice Beast Tamer
    >Wandering around outside of Theed just grinding some skills
    >Go back to get my stamina refilled at the tavern
    >Argument breaks out between a bounty hunter and a commando
    >No idea what they were talking about
    >Suddenly blaster fire, flamethrowers and explosions everywhere
    >Apparently one of the Commando just outed himself as an overt Rebel
    >Bounty Hunter was covert Imperial
    >Everyone rushes to one side of the bar to watch this go down
    >They're burning everything they have to stay alive
    >Bounty Hunter goes down
    >Commando slays him
    >Imperial presence in Theed rushes in and downs the Commando
    >"Get back to enjoying yourself citizens. All is well."
    >Our faces

    Why SOE? Why? That game was incredible then you fucked it up for everyone..
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:48 No.134366086
    I would dual client Ragnarok Online and use my Clown and Gypsy to use that pink bubble Moonlit Watermill song and push the vendors around in Prontera and other cities.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:51 No.134366368

    I can't find the image now, but myself and others do similar shit in Dark Souls, dress up in sets of boss armor or the same armor as powerful enemies and make a line of items before a boss door maybe send a message like "cross this line and see my steel" or something cool
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:52 No.134366385
    >playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    >gain admin status on Shrub bot server
    >whenever someone breaks the rules, use console commands to launch them in the air and make the explode
    >they have no idea what is happening
    >also spawn grenades on my corpse when I die
    >buttmad reaches critical levels

    Fuck I miss that game.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:52 No.134366430
         File: 1333137152.jpg-(21 KB, 363x397, 7854163.jpg)
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    >this thread
    I love shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:53 No.134366527

    >very drunk off vodka
    >american is high ping, bounces around map
    >block his path with strong muscle
    >place my large balls on his nose
    >very drunk off vodka
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:54 No.134366630
         File: 1333137283.jpg-(235 KB, 500x502, 1327359490724.jpg)
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    >BC progression raiding, Vashj
    >attention whore in guild who is shit at the game
    >"lol guyz if we kill her this attempt I show titz :P"
    >Vashj dies the next attempt
    >demand that she deliver
    >she delivers
    >gross saggy tits
    >she never got special treatment ever again

    So many legendary moments on Area 52
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:54 No.134366638
         File: 1333137287.jpg-(58 KB, 448x480, 1325004722665.jpg)
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    jokes on you because only you and your 5 friends play that shitty mod

    >mfw I know a girl with hundreds of steam friends because she was the only girl who ever played dys probably ever
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:56 No.134366793
    Shit man, I miss all the cantina antics. I'll share one.

    >Pre-CU (so no arbitrary "levels")
    >Entertainer/Teras Kasi Master
    >Doing work in the cantina for tips
    >Socializing, enjoying ourselves
    >Some assclown in bone armor comes in talking shit for no particular reason
    >Tell him to calm down or kindly leave
    >Directs shit-talking at me
    >Tell him I'll duel him to shut him up
    >I happened to only be wearing my Musician title, or something similarly nonthreatening
    >Step outside the cantina to fight
    >Slap his shit and DB him with my bare hands
    >Never see him again

    Encounters like that are what I miss in modern MMOs.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:58 No.134366952
    with friends like these...

    seriously, you're an asshole
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:58 No.134366957
    Which chick, ashleysomething or la zombie? They are the only girls that I remember playing dystopia.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:58 No.134367004

    shit dude, i'm the train guy... and that happened on area 52 as well
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:59 No.134367076

    do you play RE: ORC? pretty sure I heard you tell phil to go back downstairs the other day
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)15:59 No.134367118

    you're an asshole
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:00 No.134367179

    When did you play? This happened in BC when I was in the guild Gnomish Tea Party.

    Were you around for when Vicarious had their infamous Roguebow incident which made the server UNUSABLE for at least a month?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:01 No.134367259
         File: 1333137676.jpg-(42 KB, 437x598, 1308815642937.jpg)
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    >Jedi Outcast
    >Pretend to be a 10 year old German kid
    >Tell people not to swear in broken English
    >Everyone starts cussing like sailors
    >Change their names to things like "everybody say fuck"
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:01 No.134367291
         File: 1333137697.jpg-(10 KB, 218x238, 1288738237026.jpg)
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    I wish there was an actual MMO that was built all around factions, PVP and people picking up aliases like that. Just imagine being part of a royal guard, protecting newbies. Or a lone swordsman, traveling the world taking on anything and anyone just to test your strength.

    The best thing in an MMO is when lots of crazy events happen regularly. Imagine a player finding a hidden ruin or something and getting possessed by an ancient demon, then wreaking havoc in a populated area, while everyone tries to stop him.

    Instead you click on the same monsters for hours and watch numbers fly.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:01 No.134367320
    My sides
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:03 No.134367429
    >play Ragnarok online
    >create newbie swordsman that steals kills and acts like a dickwad spaz in general
    >people are still nice to me wherever I go; offers gears, training, and skill advice
    >soul is purified
    what the fuck did I just play
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:03 No.134367476

    transferred to A52 at the start of wrath, but someone in my old guild was in vicarious when that shitstorm went down
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:04 No.134367537
    You are not the only one, read the thread and you'll see.
    This is the sad truth though. There will never be a MMO focused on OPEN WORLD PVP
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:04 No.134367550

    you still play that? couple buddies of mine are gonna hop on when they bust out the DLC fo free for the final month.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:04 No.134367572
         File: 1333137885.gif-(2 MB, 303x228, 1327647258959.gif)
    2 MB

    This fucking game, man. More shit happened in the cantinas than anything.

    >Create an entertainer for shits and giggles
    >Run into a tavern and are instantly pegged with a group invite
    >"Come on, man! Join the fun!"
    >"I only know the beginning song.."
    >"That's fine, we'll help you out."
    >Join the band
    >We play for hours
    >Give me a low down of who to avoid
    >Tells me all the newest information from the Rebel Vs. Imperial battles around Dantooine
    >Get credit tips from band members who say they don't need as much as I do.
    >Time passes by so fast
    >Suddenly band leader stops playing
    >Everyone's confused
    >"Sorry guys. Got a message from one of my contacts."
    >"A Jedi has been spotted."
    >"Well that's pretty cool."
    >"Isn't it?
    >Suddenly his armor starts changing into some badass shit I had never seen before
    >Master Musician shifts into Master Bounty Hunter
    >Runs out of the bar
    >My face

    I was scared a little. Not gonna lie.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:04 No.134367580
    "Holeee shit guyz I am so fuckin drunk right now. Just downed 6 shots of 151 LETS PARTAAAY"
    >They think I'm gonna be an easy target
    >Perfect accuracy as I headshot them
    "Maaaan u guyz r kinda lame"

    I was completely sober.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:07 No.134367843
         File: 1333138054.png-(85 KB, 293x279, 1330589616855.png)
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    I guess I'll regale /v/ with the story then

    >BC progression raiding, Sunwell
    >Guild ahead of us has already cleared it twice
    >They already got a legendary bow to drop
    >Another bow drops
    >Both hunters without it had only been in the guild for a month or so
    >They give it to the co-GM instead, a Rogue named Analogkid
    >Shitstorm on server, server forums, raid forums
    >Threads everywhere
    >People making level 1 alts named "Roguebow" and mass suiciding in front of the AH in Orgrimmar
    >Server pop is full 24/7 for at least a month
    >Trade chat unusable

    Holy fuck that was a disaster
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:08 No.134367965
    >capsian border
    >decide to troll planes
    >grab tank and block planes when they spawn
    >some of my teammates are there fucking around
    >a plane spawns
    >move right in front of it
    >pilot hesitates to take off
    >he finally decides fuck it
    >as he takes off he smashes in my tank and pushes it side ways
    >my tank is literally upside down
    >plane took off with no problem
    >im yelling help
    >teammates saw whole thing and are laughing at how a plane managed to flip a tank upside down
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:09 No.134368048
    This shit was in a Swedish WoW Fan Magazine
    >> !Ia0OCbQyGo 03/30/12(Fri)16:10 No.134368107
    that guy's a faggot and nobody likes him
    >> lololo 03/30/12(Fri)16:11 No.134368232
    >BF:BC2 on XBOX in HC.
    >Me and 3 of my bros playing.
    >the one guy in our squad who doesn't know us calls us shitheads not once but twice, amongst other insults, because we are doing our own thing.
    >me and my one bro are medic.
    >immediately start mowing him down near one of the flags we own and take turns resurrecting him.
    >laughing so hard for 15 minutes we don't even realize we get kicked from the server.
    >my cheeks hurt for the entire night from this guy's rage.

    One of the most entertaining things I didn't know was possible till we decided to be assholes.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:11 No.134368246
         File: 1333138302.png-(191 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 6.png)
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    >join valve servers with 3 people
    >2 of them are bugging me and the other guy to get off
    >they are making a movie
    >refuse to leave
    >they both go on the same team to try and make me ragequit
    >dominate them both as soldier
    >they both leave

    every fucking time
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:12 No.134368336
    Fucking that.

    I finally sold my Vintage Bills (I happened to trade for one that had gone vintage from a buddy who was quitting TF2) just to get rid of the hassle, the second someone realizes you have it, it's a never ending stream of trade invites.. I have a Max Head and it's the same shit, it annoying as fuck.. I wanted the hats so bad but once I got them I don't want them anywhere near me.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:14 No.134368491
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    I have never seen such a god damn catastrophe since the ZG AIDS outbreak, except maybe when we unlocked the Sunwell badge vendor on the Isle.

    >Vendor at 99%
    >People mass crowding the vendor (who is also the questgiver)
    >People can't turn in quests
    >Latency through the roof as most of the fucking server is at one location and it's PvE
    >People start spamming AoE spells
    >FPS goes down to 1 (from 80)
    >GM's show up
    >Start mass teleporting people to Orgrimmar and Ironforge
    >Spriest in my guild unlocks it with his last daily of the day
    >All hell breaks loose as people swarm the vendor, trying to buy shit
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:14 No.134368528
    >every fucking time
    Do you find people making movies that often?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:14 No.134368542
    >CS:S jail server
    >Two admins on the warden team
    >Wardens getting away with almost anything
    >Finally spawn in a cell with an exit, immediately rush out
    >Knife guard in the back who shows up to check exit
    >Take his M4A1, put silencer on.
    >Guards are moving in on where their buddy died
    >Head back to cells, they have to open doors now, every one is instructed to crouch to a certain wall.
    >Crouch there facing guards, no one notices I have a primary wep yet or my name.
    >Pick off guards from the wall with other prisoners, they don't know where I am.
    >They keep jumping around like retards shooting blindly in to cell walls.
    >Prisoners were scattering after the first few kills
    >Head shot all 6 CS.

    >You have been banned reason: Aimbot

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:14 No.134368546
    wait till you get an unusual THEN you will know never ending horror.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:15 No.134368610
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:15 No.134368640
    >ught MW2 for the PC. After playing through one prestige I came to conclusion that the game was pretty much worthless.
    >I decided to go all out with cheats and hacks, and hosted a server

    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:16 No.134368678
         File: 1333138560.png-(546 KB, 1024x1024, Light_Fighter.png)
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    >Kid Icarus Uprising multiplayer
    >rush to high intensities in solo, barely hang on
    >grind tons of good effects
    >make claws with +4 speed, +4 petrify, +4 autododge, +2 melee combo, 5 star melee
    >use lightweight power
    >run around at sanic speeds, destroying everyone with huge melee output
    >1800+ points per game
    >entire enemy team quit every time
    >my team stick with me all the way for about 30 straight wins

    Fuck. Yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:16 No.134368726
    Lemme fix that for you

    >/tg/ station, trying out geneticist
    >reading up how to do the job, still not too great
    >Only manage to isolate blindness before the round's fiascos cause the shuttle to arrive
    >Make an SE (Basically a shot with genetic code in it, gives superpowers or defects if the code is right, for those who don't play) with blindness on it, label it "GODMODE INITIATED"
    >Drop it in escape
    >laugh my ass off as I listen to one person asking someone to drag him on the shuttle because he no longer can see

    "Why the fuck did you inject yourself with a random syringe you found on the floor?!"


    Busted a nut for the rest of the round.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:18 No.134368874

    must be awesome to be unemployed and being able to play mmos all day
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:18 No.134368912

    >the ZG AIDS outbreak
    Never have I laughed so hard at an event in an MMO
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:19 No.134369017
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    hahahaha ashley. met her last summer on a trip to colorado.

    >mfw her profile page is "hey u still play dys?" from dozens of neckbeards
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:20 No.134369103

    >ONE OF US
    >ONE OF US
    >ONE OF US
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:21 No.134369214
    >Old days of Mabinogi, Nexon MMO
    >New update. By completing a really hard quest, players earn the power to transform into Paladins, once every 30 or so minutes.
    >Paladins are extremely powerful.
    >Due to some strange bugs, they can freely attack any player, anywhere.
    >The players cant even target them.

    Man that was wild. A paladin transforming in a town would cause a mass panic, and everyone would either run away or log off. Sometimes, more righteous paladins would also transform and fight each others, either for justice or the right to kill innocents.

    I miss that bug.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:21 No.134369246
    go play project 1999 eq pvp. You'll be griefed off the server before you can get any significant grinding in.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:22 No.134369252
    >look up valve servers
    >join the ones with 2 people in them
    9/10 times you will find idiots trying to make a movie
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)16:22 No.134369259

    My favorite part was the whole "incubation" thing. Holy fuck, man. They forced Blizzard to completely restart the servers.

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