03/30/12(Fri)09:57 No. 134341307 >quit WoW >start up Rift, decide to play the game casually to see if I will enjoy myself more >tell people I'm new to MMOs >people are shocked and disturbed at how good I am at everything >get more achievement points than guild leader in a couple days >get bored, spend 5 minutes on an application >tell my guild that I am leaving the server to join the world #1 raiding guild >they're like, "What?" >I join the #1 world raiding guild 5 minutes later and kill Akylios within a week >no one understands what the fuck just happened >mfw I was World 1 Shaman DPS, and in a top 10 raiding guild, for 5 years in WoW I
do admit, I miss WoW like the dickens, but the current WoW just.. isn't
good. It's not a matter of me having to stick it out and try to resist
temptation--it's a matter of the game just being so damn bad that I have
zero interest in ever going back. The pandas expansion was the nail in
the coffin for me. What a shame. I absolutely wish the fun WoW would
come back, but I don't think it ever will, and I don't think any of
these new MMOs (including Guild Wars 2) are going to measure up. Rift
was fun for the month (yeah, raiding position in the world 1 guild after
less than a month of play) I played it for, but only a month. I'm
not gonna lie, I love being humble/lying about my gaming experience. I
feel like people have forgotten how to have fun. Sometimes it's
something you have to figure out for yourself, but when you do, it's
worth it.