>>134023525This one made me legitimately laugh.
>dem filenames
Make sure you don't call out this faggot /b/ OP for posting old copypasta shit that everyone's seen already. A mod hides in these threads and deletes anyone's posts that say so.
>>134023638>>134023638this onethis fucking oneeverytimeshit status: lost
>>134023849hah. clever
>>134023927>posting anything post season 10 please get out or at least read the rules faggot
>>134023889The best one.
>>134024037Jesus fuck I lol'd.
>Bioware !? What have they done for you ?
>>134024250hey now, Kojima doesn't have a beard
>>134024246sides status: flying
>>134024327Let's fix that.
>>134024562>guaranteed rustling.gifOnly because the pony seems to be running backwards. What's that about?
>>134024527Oooh, the Sagefags are mad at me! I’m so scared! Oooh, the sagefags! Uh-oh, the sagefags are going to get me!”
>this threadi fucking love these threads. pure gold. does anyone have the one of bart holding PS3 games?
>that feel when there are a few images here from the newer series and you have no clue what the context is
>>134024670haha I read it with mr burns voice in my head
>>134024559>picking your name in an MMO.jpg
>>134024872what you talking about ? every pic is pre season 11 except for >>134023927>>134024773Must be their first day here.
>>134024669Pinkie Pie considers physics to be optional.
>Lisa: Adding a new character is often a desperate attempt to boost low ratings.James Vega: Yo, yo! How's it hangin', everybody!
>>134025271all that text wasnt necessary what are you? B^U ?
>>134025298I want a mod for that now.
>>134025362that image he posted is old as hell
>>134025362he is a faget ignore him
Bioware jokes are old. I'm taking Simpsons screencaps in scary new directions.
>>134025543that's the best thing I ever saw
>>134023829FUCKING WOW
>>134025807>implying this isn't posted in every thread.>tripfag stealing content
>>134025784Homer Eats EA Support.jpg
>>134025975What episode is this from?
>>134026018One involving a teacher talent show at Springfield Elementary, it's hilarious.
These BioWare jokes are so easy they're almost not funny.Almost.
>>134026018Marge Simpson in "Screaming Yellow Honkers"