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    File: 1332069129.jpg-(207 KB, 568x362, Sonic-Generations-game-play.jpg)
    207 KB Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:12 No.133027673  
    So can we all agree that Rooftop Run has the best 2D level, the best 3D level, and has the best challenges?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:13 No.133027758
    Lil' Sanic levels are horrible
    Modarn Sanic all the way
    Take in account that I only played Genesis games before
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:15 No.133027847
    I agree. Rooftop Run was all around the best stage. I have never even played Sonic Unleashed either.
    Planet Wisp was the only stage I actually disliked.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:16 No.133027913
    Best 2D level - Crisis City
    Best 3D level - Sky Sanctuary
    This is not up for debate
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:17 No.133027946

    Speaking of that.

    Which Sonic is best?

    Dreamcast Sonic?
    Classic Sonic?
    Modern Sonic?

    In my opinion,
    Modern > Classic > Dreamcast.

    This is in terms of gameplay, not story or graphics, for story?
    Dreamcast > Modern > Classic.

    You should play the PS3/Xbox version of Unleashed, it's my 3rd favorite sonic game.

    People exaggerate about how bad the werehog stages are, you could easily skip a few of the fighting segments, however you wouldn't want to do that because of the XP.

    The night stages platforming sections are good in my opinion.

    Avoid the PS2/Wii version, Terrible Day Stages and Terrible Night Stages.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:18 No.133028002
    I enjoyed all of them except for 2D Planet Wisp.

    I've played this game to death. Colors too. I hope Sonic 4 Ep 2 is good. I need another Sonic fix.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:18 No.133028050
         File: 1332069528.png-(311 KB, 420x593, 1327637464145.png)
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    >playing Rooftop Run Classic
    >play Flying Battery music
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:19 No.133028081
    Have you played Unleashed? If you aren't a filthy casual, you'll be able to get past the night stages. It's only about 30% of the game in the PS3/Xbox version.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:19 No.133028115
    Is it bad that I would prefer Werehog PS3/Xbox stages over Lil' Sanic stages?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:20 No.133028134
    >In my opinion,
    >Modern > Classic > Dreamcast
    >modern sonic playing better than classic

    Did you fucking play sonic 4.0? Generations? god damn fucking bullshit kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:22 No.133028235
    Rooftop run... I love it so much... I almost cry every time I think of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:23 No.133028287
    That's the game we're discussing, dipshit.
    >He thinks classic sonic is better than modern sonic.
    >He thinks Sonic 4 is Modern Sonic.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:24 No.133028335
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    I actually hated the modern Sonic levels and loved the classic levels, personally.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:24 No.133028348
    Best 3D probably, but I fucking love Crisis City classic


    This is going to be awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:25 No.133028417
    YES. The daytime levels in unleashed are fucking amazing, I'm so excited for this.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:47 No.133029707
    Is Sonic Generations better on other platforms? It is a steaming pile of shit on PC. worst 15€ ever spent. I couldn't bring myself to play it anymore after the first boss.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:49 No.133029786
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    I'm sorry, OP. I couldn't hear you over the sound of Speed Highway and Seaside Hill.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:50 No.133029829
    >seaside hill

    I'm with you on Speed Highway, up and down and all around but seaside hill is so fucking shitty.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:51 No.133029897
    No its fine
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:52 No.133029971
    What? Seaside Hill had some of the best multiple route sections in the entire game!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)07:54 No.133030130
    maybe it's because i literally judged every stage by its music and thought the gameplay of all of them was about the same amount of fun.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:01 No.133030527
    Unleashed is my favorite modern game, you go so fucking fast in it, I love it.

    So many alternate paths too.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:04 No.133030734
    Not only is Rooftop Run the best level, it has the best music too.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:05 No.133030823
    Which Speed highway mix did you like?
    I like Classic
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:11 No.133031148
    >yfw The fastest sonic has ever gone was in Unleashed.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:12 No.133031190
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:12 No.133031195
    True, but that's only when you're abusing the game mechanics to go way too fast.

    Which is AWESOME
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:13 No.133031218
    Sonic Unleashed was 4/10 of a great game. Pity about all that other stuff, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:14 No.133031285
    7/10 for me
    Werehog stages were great for leveling up day time sonic.

    Did you play the wii version?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:15 No.133031326

    360 version, and no, I did not like the stages where you become a werewolf. Not one little bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:16 No.133031408
    rooftop run also had the best soundtrack
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:17 No.133031431
    Most people hate the werehog stages because they suck at it.

    If you hate the werehog stages, you're a filthy casual.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:17 No.133031454
    Neither did I, the game's better when you finish it, why? you can just go fast and get better as daytime sonic. Don't let the werehog jade your opinion. He's out of the picture when the game's over.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:19 No.133031538

    Right, OR you know, it's because they're typically 45 minutes long and have clunky mechanics?
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:20 No.133031587
    >45 minutes long

    Did you walk through the stages or something?
    They're 10-15 minutes for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:20 No.133031604
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    >Talking over Speed Highway and Seaside Hills
    >Not talking about City Escape Master Race
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:21 No.133031650
    Yeah, maybe a handful of them are but as you get further into the game they become longer and longer.

    It's not always the level itself, it's the random spawning enemies and repetitive fights that do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:23 No.133031761

    Oh, I don't suck at them, they were easy.

    They were just clunky and boring and long, that's all. I never want to play them again.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:23 No.133031772
    Night stages had some nice scenery especially apatos or whatever.

    the battle music wouldn't be so bad if it merged with the stage theme like Kingdom hearts did.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:23 No.133031807
    I liked them
    made it feel like it extended the game
    and not just artificial shit
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:23 No.133031832
    >City Escape Master Race.
    >Worst Music
    >Worst Classic
    >Mediocre at Best Modern

    Underage b& detected.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:23 No.133031836
    Not to mention the shitty platforming and stupidly tedious puzzles (lift block X and insert into slot Y at a snail's pace while random enemies gank you from all sides or push levers slowly)
    Fucking...this. It's a nice piece of music it's just you hear it so many fucking times it becomes grating as fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:24 No.133031891
    I agree on one thing, it sucked, HARD, on generation,
    but it's rock in the original version.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:24 No.133031892
    >Shitty Platforming
    But I liked the platforming, and I didn't think the puzzles were tedious.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:25 No.133031946
    Hey man, don't be hating on Escape from the City

    Seriously, the Classic version may sort of suck, but the modern version is awesome in a goofy kind of way.

    Except for the intro, which is just awesome in an awesome kind of way
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:26 No.133031982
    Boarding was awesome, stage itself? Mediocre.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:26 No.133031993
    Puzzles added variety, I'd get bored if I was fighting to that music all the time.

    Just wish the werehog moved stuff faster.
    Cause you know? he's supposed to be strong
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:27 No.133032042
    The gameplay in the Werehog stages wasn't inherently bad, per se. Oh, it wasn't good either, but not as terrible as some make it out to be. It's really a half-assed rip-off of Prince of Persia with some button-mashing God of War style fighting smattered on top for good effect.

    The problem I had with it is that it's not what I want when I pick up a controller to play a Sonic game.

    If the Werehog was it's own character it it's own game series completely unrelated to Sonic then well....well, it still wouldn't be GOOD, but it definitely wouldn't be looked upon as complete and utter shit like it is.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:28 No.133032102
    >That awesome moment when you grind of a ramp and sparks are still coming from your board when you're in the air.

    Put Un-Gravitify on and it feels like you're playing those free rider games.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:28 No.133032118
         File: 1332073716.jpg-(14 KB, 219x173, Everything Ivo Says Is Right.jpg)
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    You didn't say Seaside Hill OP, so I will have to agree for now.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:28 No.133032132
    >Button Mashing
    >Playing the wii port of any multiplat.
    If this is not the case, then you really suck at the werehog stages.
    Button mashing prevents you from beating enemies quickly.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:29 No.133032160
         File: 1332073750.jpg-(22 KB, 622x472, 1312153121286.jpg)
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    I KNOW
    AND I
    I'M HERE

    This is improves every level in the game
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:30 No.133032243
    Crisis City have a good music too, the Classic level have a good troll but the Modern one isn't that good.
    >Classic Crisis City
    >Homming Attack
    >His World
    Trust me, It's good.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:30 No.133032253

    I beat the werewolf stages pretty easily by simply mashing the buttons repeatedly. Not sure what the Wii has to do with it, I've never played that version, no do I intend to.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:30 No.133032256
    >Tfw the game doesn't play the full version of this song.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:31 No.133032274
    Did you honestly pick up Unleashed and not expect to play as the werehog?

    I fucking hate that.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:31 No.133032304
    The wii version was simply a button masher and wagglin, nothing more, nothing less.

    little to no platforming, either.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:32 No.133032371
    >tightrope sections
    >clunky climbing/swinging that wishes it was Ristar
    >not having a shadow to gauge where you're going to land on a platform

    Seriously guys? The puzzles were just stupid and boring. I want variety not just busy work for the sake of artificially extending the level. You know, an actual puzzle. The only thing that came remotely close to this was Mazuri's rising platform section.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:32 No.133032397

    Actually, I picked it up because some people said it was a return to form for Sonic.

    And for about 4/10 of the game, it kind of was.

    But the people praising the game up and down were only concentrating on the good bits of the game and ignoring the fact that the better chunk of the game was, well, crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:33 No.133032408
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    Fucking this.

    The werehog was leaked before Sega even ANNOUNCED the game. I remember they were retarded enough to "tease" the werehog months after the fact in Nintendo Power by saying "the game will play very differently at night" like no one had any idea.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:33 No.133032410
    Me* oops

    point being, if you didn't want to play as the werehog, why even pick up the game?
    Most people act like it took them by surprise.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:33 No.133032445

    I'll take your word for it. That doesn't excuse the rotten 360 version, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:34 No.133032506
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:34 No.133032517
    >4/10 of the game.
    Stop playing the fucking wii version, there's only 30% of werehog in the game including DLC.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:36 No.133032574
    I don't think that was his point

    I think he just meant it shouldn't be in a Sonic game period

    Which I will agree with, though it didn't completely ruin the game for me, I just disliked it for reasons I've already covered.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:36 No.133032575
    I think most people were expecting less Werehog in Unleashed then there was Big in Adventure.

    Pointless hope, yes, but people were getting desperate for a good Sonic game at the time
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:36 No.133032610

    How could you tell the werehog was going to be crap if you didn't play it first? Sure, we all groaned when we first saw it announced(HERE WE GO AGAIN!), but like the good little blind Sonic fanboys that we were, we still naively believed they knew what they were doing and there was a chance it might still be fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:37 No.133032630
    Having played both the Wii version and the 360/Ps3 versions, I think 30% werehog and 4/10 Sonic are both wrong. It's probably some very specific number like 5.35 werehog.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:37 No.133032651
    again, you did know you were gonna play as the werehog, right?

    The back of the case did say things were going to be different, IIRC
    Well one thing was great, they made the 'good part' of sonic awesome and they stuck with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:37 No.133032657
    To be fair, Sega was always the master at marketing shit games. Remember how fun Sonic 06 looked in early trailers? too.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:38 No.133032679

    Lengh-wise, the 360 version of the game is 5/10 werehog, 4/10 Sonic, 1/10 other misc. boring, pointless crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:39 No.133032757
    >1/10 other mix. boring, pointless crap.

    What the fuck is this shit? You mean the hub world and some of the hub quests?

    Okay, you have that.

    But you're still wrong on the Werehog > Sonic length ratio, it'd be 4/10 Werehog and 5/10 sonic. And hell, with DLC it'd be 3/10 Werehog and 6/10 Sonic.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:40 No.133032770
    They showed the beta that was further in development than the main game.

    We would've got that game if they didn't lose their source code and have MS and Sony saying
    "We don't care if you need more time, we need this game now or you're not making any games for our consoles"

    I still replay 06 dunno why maybe it's the music or out of pity
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:41 No.133032839

    No, the werehog stages were all longer than the Sonic stages.

    Length-wise, the game is one half werehog. The Sonic stages were nice, but they were much shorter than the rest of the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:41 No.133032841
    >lose their source code

    Wait what the fuck? Seriously? I never knew about that. I knew about MS and Sony riding their asses about releasing it at launch but...christ Sega/Sonic Team get it together.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:42 No.133032859

    >What the fuck is this shit? You mean the hub world and some of the hub quests?

    >Okay, you have that.

    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:43 No.133032918
    >Length Wise
    You keep saying this, I don't think you've actually played the werehog stages.

    If you've looked at the level design of the werestages, you'd know that the day stages are much longer, except you're going so fast when you upgrade your speed/ring boost you don't even fucking notice.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:43 No.133032921
    Actually, the game was more like 6/10 werehog. The Sonic stages were obscenely short in comparison.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:44 No.133032963

    length - the actual time you spend playing the game, not the total number of stages.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:44 No.133032996
    Yeah dude, check it out

    The stages were going to have day and night transistions too the longer you stayed in the level.

    They should remake this game at their own risk.... anyone agree? or big no?
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:45 No.133033031
    Of course the werehog stages took longer to complete, he moved like a fucking snail.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:46 No.133033091
    The Sonic stages were fucking MASSIVE (like, multiple kilometers per stage) and short while the werehog stages were longer with a fraction of design work involved. Sonic makes up way more of the game, but you don't play that "more" of the game, you play more of the less.
    >> Anarchy Stocking !!ZnFpkV0eRay 03/18/12(Sun)08:47 No.133033165
    If you had L2 or the LT held in he actually moves pretty fast.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:47 No.133033189

    I think the point they're trying to make is, when you're playing the game, you spend more time playing as the werehog than you do as Sonic.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:47 No.133033198
    Let's look at my stats for Apotos:
    Day Act 1:
    1 Minute
    Day Act 2:
    4 Minutes
    Night Act 1:
    14 minutes
    Night Act 2:
    2 minutes


    I died a total of 8 times the first time I played werehog, and since they add to the timer, that's minus 7 minutes.
    HMMMM, looks like there's more night than day, but y'know, there's still more levels, and the more I played the shorter and shorter the night levels got, and the longer and longer the day levels got.

    There were also many more day levels via side missions.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/12(Sun)08:48 No.133033225


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