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  • File: 1330810965.jpg-(10 KB, 256x170, 1243268703019.jpg)
    10 KB Vidya Game Community Pet Peeves Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:42 No.131457449  
    >People calling the NextBox the "Xbox 720"
    >People defending developers/publishers with low or no morals
    >People buying Call of Duty games
    >People installing Origin
    >People blindly defending their developer/publisher of choice from all criticism
    >Everyone using "troll" as some magical umbrella term to describe anything and everything they do not agree with or like
    >Family friendly servers on M rated games
    >Friendship is Magic
    >People playing co-operative or team-based games and only focusing on their K/D
    >Children who try to lead/be "captains" in co-operative or team-based games simply because they're the only ones using their mic
    >People team killing you for taking a weapon or vehicle they wanted
    >People using vehicles when they don't even know how to fucking drive or pilot them
    >SDF trying to apply "____ HAS NO GAMES" to every single fucking game device that has released since the PS3
    >People who own a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and a gaming PC (Jesus fuck, you probably also own a DSphat, DSlite, DSi, and DSi XL. What's the fucking point?)
    >People who buy games exclusively for the multiplayer mode
    >People who try to justify day 1 DLC
    >People who bitch about a competitor's console/game doing X, and then when their console/game of choice does X they defend it (All five parties are guilty of this and you know it)(By all five parties I mean Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Apple, and Valve).
    >People who use memes in online games/real life
    >People who try to be like F@G and other shitheads by trying to be funny during matches and then trying to advertise their Youtube channel
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:45 No.131457646
    People with southern accents on voice chat.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:45 No.131457661
         File: 1330811112.jpg-(108 KB, 300x309, 1325444802317.jpg)
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    >People who try to be like F@G and other shitheads by trying to be funny during matches and then trying to advertise their Youtube channel
    >People who try to justify day 1 DLC
    >People team killing you for taking a weapon or vehicle they wanted
    >Family friendly servers on M rated games
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:45 No.131457731
         File: 1330811152.png-(71 KB, 1200x420, Grow The Fuck Up.png)
    71 KB
    >Having a problem with people who use memes in online games/real life
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:46 No.131457760
    >confirmed for butthurt jew
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:46 No.131457782
         File: 1330811179.jpg-(16 KB, 320x256, 1330235326198.jpg)
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    >People who play video games
    The fucking worst
    >> Zanma 03/03/12(Sat)16:47 No.131457837
    >>People who own a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and a gaming PC (Jesus fuck, you probably also own a DSphat, DSlite, DSi, and DSi XL. What's the fucking point?)
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:47 No.131457908
    >People who own a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and a gaming PC

    OP confirmed for poorfag.

    >PS3 for PS3 exclusives and multiplats
    >360 for 360 exclusives and arcade games
    >Wii for obligatory Wii exclusives
    >PC for PC exclusives and FPS games
    >Handhelds for handheld games

    Yeah, fuck off OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:48 No.131457957
         File: 1330811297.gif-(136 KB, 500x280, 1323628775788.gif)
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    >People who try to justify day 1 DLC
    I have a gift for you /v/
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:48 No.131457980
    What's SDF? Sony Defense Force?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:48 No.131457998
    so basically OP is a poorfag60 owner who pirates games and tries hard to justify it by shit posting about every game?

    yeah you're cancer
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:48 No.131458000
    u mad le jelly xD trololol
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:49 No.131458045
    XDDDD me gusta. u troled him gud! XDD

    he mad!
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:49 No.131458073
         File: 1330811382.jpg-(125 KB, 300x309, 8336835687812.jpg)
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    >mfw this "le reddit xD" meme is becoming overused
    >> Gardevoir !KCXPfkLQ3. 03/03/12(Sat)16:50 No.131458123
         File: 1330811417.jpg-(98 KB, 370x370, 485.jpg)
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    >Wii gets a good third-party game
    >> sage 03/03/12(Sat)16:50 No.131458135
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:50 No.131458137
    >thinking hating other people using memes isn't immature
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:51 No.131458227
    >implying laughing at children using memes is somehow beneath you
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:51 No.131458234
    >implying I'm not serious

    relly, u trolld him gud xDDD

    he must b a forever alone!
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:51 No.131458250
         File: 1330811490.jpg-(32 KB, 639x480, 1270420502085.jpg)
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    >Use MorphVox Pro on XBL
    >Playing Gaylo Reach Around matchmaking
    >Some twelve year old is being harassed by some eighteen year old
    >After twenty minutes the kid leaves
    >Guy started advertising his Youtube channel and saying how he was going to add this encounter to the rest of his hilarious videos
    >Tell him that he isn't entertaining whatsoever and has absolutely no idea how to properly make somebody rage or freak out. His tactics are below juvenile and it just sounded like one asshole eating out another asshole in a shit eating contest.
    >Had MorphVOX Pro on
    >I sounded like a female
    >He sends me a friend request and tells me he's sorry if he came off as a douchebag and wants to know if I want to be his friend

    >My face when he turned into a little bitch the moment he thought he was playing with a girl
    I hate teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:52 No.131458304
    people who act like an internet badass because they can swear on a mic
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:52 No.131458352
    >children using memes
    >implying we all weren't children using memes at some point

    Oh you we're 38 when cool face came around? yah nah fuck off
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:52 No.131458367
    >People who try to justify that their method of playing is the only way because they consider themselves to be successful in life and assume that everyone else is scum.

    That's probably most of /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:53 No.131458421
    XDDDD u trold him guod! hes like "ffffffuuuuuuuu" case hes so mad! xd
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:54 No.131458492
         File: 1330811670.jpg-(42 KB, 421x359, 1330330138850.jpg)
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    >he actually thinks this is funny
    Look at the time, school must have let out.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:55 No.131458557
    hwo do i upvote dis? Dx
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:55 No.131458608
    >You children first do this XD I'M A REDDITTER TOO GUISE to be satirical
    >Not realizing that when you excessively do something out of irony that you eventually start to do it sincerely

    Friends in high school use to end every sentence with "bro" making fun of meathead jocks and shit.
    Now they can't stop and it's become part of who they are.
    You're not any better.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:55 No.131458620
    Holy fuck I hate that.
    Success in life means jack shit about whether you know things about games or not.

    If that were the case, those fucking arab sheiks and company CEOs would be the biggest vidya connoisseurs in the entire world.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:55 No.131458651
    le why u mad thou aboat le people le russing memes? grow le fuck yea up
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:56 No.131458664
         File: 1330811771.png-(145 KB, 647x489, fuck u fagets.png)
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    >implying you aren't the underage for using memes in real life
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:56 No.131458706
    >Caring about other people using memes irl

    Wow are you fucking serious? I mean I usually cringe a little but it doesn't make me angry.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:56 No.131458727
         File: 1330811809.png-(85 KB, 700x628, 1266684950629.png)
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    Record something on Vocaroo. I want to judge how much of a girl you sound like.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:56 No.131458743
         File: 1330811819.png-(331 KB, 1024x768, AdamAPB.png)
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    >OP judges the game by it`s publisher and not by the game itself.
    no john, you are the cancer
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:57 No.131458807
    >People who buy games exclusively for the multiplayer mode

    What's so bad about that one?
    I enjoy playing with others, other than that, I can follow your rant.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:57 No.131458826
    >try to be "smart" and "logical"
    >hates on games because of the developer, even if the game itself is good.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:58 No.131458836
    >Giving shitty publishers or developers your money just because they made one good game
    You bought Rayman Origins, didn't you.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:58 No.131458845
    >Friendship is Magic

    What's it like hating friendship?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:58 No.131458847
    People using the word "fun" to mean that said game is therefore immune to any and all criticism or without flaw.

    FUN is a buzzword not because /v/ hates it, but because people act like it's a valid counter argument to objections to plot, pacing, and gameplay critiques.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:58 No.131458885
    rofl look at that sperger going all rumpoasted.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:58 No.131458897
         File: 1330811922.jpg-(88 KB, 600x450, 1328167632381.jpg)
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    ITT : we find out whose the casual fags from reddit
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:58 No.131458909

    >Don't like a developer
    >Keep buying their games so they stay in business
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)16:59 No.131458942
    I still don't understand why I am not supposed to download origin? Is it because it is competition to your beloved steam? Why is it so heinous to have both?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:00 No.131459042
    >OP is mad people own all consoles
    >think's it's wrong to be open to every possible gaming experience
    PC/360/PS3 here. Working on getting a Wii.

    I get if you don't want to spend so much money, it's totally fine and realistic. But why the fuck is it some kind of taboo to have them all?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:00 No.131459048
    While I don't condone of stupid bullshit like hating games based on developer, you have to understand devs have baggage.
    For example, a dev that always puts day 1 DLC in its games will indubitably continue to do so in its next game, and let's say that the next game happens to be pretty good on its own right.
    It'll still have a load of other negative traits that come with it being developed by that specific company.

    Think of Nexon. Dungeon Fighter Online is a kick-ass game by its own right, but their cash shop bullshit, complete lack of customer support and buggy-ass updates lower its quality by quite a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:00 No.131459085
    Some paranoid fags think its "spyware 3000" and will make your computer explode!

    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:00 No.131459108
    Who are you quoting?
    >> Lacedaemonius 03/03/12(Sat)17:01 No.131459152
         File: 1330812083.jpg-(172 KB, 1280x1024, _temp1.jpg)
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    >judges the game by the game itself and not its shitty DRM and horse armor
    and then john was a cancer
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:01 No.131459164
    It scans your entire computer for more than just Origin-related content, and very likely sends a good chunk of that information to advertisement companies.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:01 No.131459176
    >Buying an entire game system just for two or three exclusives

    Enjoying your Vita?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:01 No.131459180
    the usual argument is that it is slow and impossible to remove from your computer fully. (something to do with a very extensive DRM system.)
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:01 No.131459186
    >stop liking what i don't like.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:01 No.131459189
    Eh, seeing this board, that isn't all that surprising.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:02 No.131459209
    ironically making jokes about reddit as if you were from reddit does not actually make you browse reddit or find the content that you are mocking funny.

    the same is true of your friends. they are not now meathead jocks because they say bro
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:02 No.131459241
    You don't even fucking know what I have experienced. The horror. The fucking horror.
    Everyone here uses ''forever alone XD le epic win''. None of them are ironic, they all think they are funny. Grown up people here say shit in real fucking life that's been made by 12 year olds on /b/. Don't you fucking tell me what to get angry about.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:03 No.131459325
    Yeah, problem? It`s not rocket-science

    They make a game I like? I buy it
    They make a game I don`t like? I don`t buy it
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:04 No.131459431
         File: 1330812276.jpg-(103 KB, 740x555, 1292177243476.jpg)
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    >reading comprehension
    u ameriano?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:04 No.131459446
    >Family friendly servers on M rated games
    Oh god this. This is ABSOLUTELY the worst one for me, everything else that pisses me off about vidya is nothing in comparison.

    I NEED to be able to swear and insult people, I rage so hard on my own and if I can't ventilate my anger towards those fucking faggots that kill me in the most retarded ass shit ways I cannot be happy, and I end up punching shit at home and shouting either way. This happens in one game in particular and I am pretty fucking good at it so I get mad a gazillion times as much as other games.

    It's 18+, why can't I say bad words? Jesus!
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:04 No.131459449
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:04 No.131459456
         File: 1330812295.png-(46 KB, 190x178, 1319184775065.png)
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    Why do you get mad over things you have no control over? Learn to take it easy for fucks sake.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:05 No.131459559
    Come up with something better than DRM
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:05 No.131459573
    That does make sense on a basic level, but you know as well as I that some companies just don't change that easily, nor are they able to see WHY certain games sell more than others.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:06 No.131459606
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:06 No.131459645
    Fuck off anime faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:07 No.131459664
         File: 1330812427.jpg-(27 KB, 248x251, 1949_1279260242658.jpg)
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    >People installing Origin

    why is origin bad again?
    right now i have installed some pirated EA games like the syndicate, alice madness return and koa reckoning. besides others and guess what?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:07 No.131459675
    He was being sarcastic, son.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:07 No.131459698

    u mad bruh?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:08 No.131459749
         File: 1330812480.jpg-(12 KB, 248x267, 1326998957440.jpg)
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    >stop buying games you like or they will keep making more games that you like.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:08 No.131459764
         File: 1330812488.png-(43 KB, 190x178, 1320987455661.png)
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    Stop being so mad, nerd.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:09 No.131459895
    You guys really couldn't catch the sarcasm there? Christ
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:10 No.131459990
    >So was I.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:10 No.131460010
    >See a good game
    >Important story parts of the game are DLC that cost an additional $10-80 to play, on top of the $60 retail price of the game disc
    >DRM that requires ludicrous security at all times, constant internet connection, game lags frequently from it doing random certification checks to make sure the game is legitimate, requires the publisher's spyware riddled download program to even run
    >Not even optimized for the platform you bought it for, lazily ported
    >Online portion requires a $15/month subscription fee, not including additional charges for new maps which are mandatory if you wish to continue playing online
    >No way to unsubscribe after you subscribe
    >Tech support is based in East India
    >Publisher was recently charged for third degree murder after letting a customer's father die. The man was hooked up to life support in his home when the publisher fucked up and charged $540 to the customer's account (three years worth of a subscription, which was supposed to come out in monthly payments automatically of $15). Because of this charge, the customer's bank account went into overdraft and then his automatic electric bill was denied, so they cut off the power to his home, resulting in his father's death. This actually happened

    Who cares, it's a good game! You should still buy it!
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:11 No.131460124
    Then why didn't you respond to >>131459325
    , but instead to the sarcastic response?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:12 No.131460169
    You are a my pet peeve OP
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:13 No.131460243
    >all five parties
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:14 No.131460328
    >People riding gabes and valves dick
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:14 No.131460341

    You forgot

    > defending Online Passes
    > hating on used games because publishers are greedy and you keep believing them
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:15 No.131460463
    I demand source.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:15 No.131460505
         File: 1330812950.jpg-(14 KB, 404x304, 1265667346614.jpg)
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    I know someone who argues that used games are the worst thing to ever happen to the industry and hundreds of people lose their jobs every year because of it.

    No one likes him. No. One.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:16 No.131460587
    >People who use memes in online games/real life
    This irritates me far too much.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:16 No.131460597
         File: 1330813009.png-(107 KB, 843x2622, EA Secrets.png)
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    Source is Reddit, but put all of your biased opinions about the site aside for a moment and read this.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:18 No.131460783
    >People who own a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and a gaming PC

    I'm a poorfag and I have all of these. I just don't spend my money wisely.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)17:18 No.131460795
    >People who own a Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and a gaming PC

    OP is a fucking poorfag.

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