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    File: 1330182002.png-(168 KB, 1359x1200, l.php.png)
    168 KB Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:00 No.130760438  
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:01 No.130760509
    There's so much wrong with that shitty chart. Might as well just copypaste TBs response.
    >> lil teehee in the heezy 02/25/12(Sat)10:01 No.130760516
         File: 1330182086.jpg-(37 KB, 526x651, bornwhenyoukissedmediedwhenyou(...).jpg)
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    this picture is too confusing
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:02 No.130760614
    >getting laid off
    No, it doesn't work like that unless you're part of the audio or art teams or something (let's face it, they deserve to be laid of if they're part of the Bioware ones). If devs want to put them to work then that's up to them, what isn't acceptable is taking 10% of your programmers who should be making a product I want to purchase, and having them making paid DLC instead of creating a fully realised and bug free release.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:03 No.130760629
    not real sure what you're trying to convey here, OP
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:04 No.130760704
    Blankposting should be a bannable offense.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:05 No.130760753

    he's coming out to us
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:06 No.130760830
    Common sense? On my /v/?

    It's more likely than you think
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:06 No.130760848
    Games currently worked on (to some extent) by Bioware:

    Dragon Age III
    Mass Effect 3
    Command and Conquer Generals 2
    The Old Republic

    I hardly think they're going to have half their team idle without work with these projects to support and finish. If they do, then that's down to EA to stop overstaffing their departments and churning out shit for the sake of making it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:08 No.130760954
    So, why aren't the faggots working on the small bars at the top of the first chart being employed to work on the fat bar? You know, like it used to be before DLC?

    That chart isn't a fucking excuse, in fact it just further exposes the problem. They're diverting resources away from the core game just so they can launch their DLC dick up your ass on launch day to stealth raise the price of their game. It's a fucking sham, it never used to be like this.

    Yes, my Jimmies are rustled.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:08 No.130760961
    posted on neofag first, and it's been criticized for making many assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:10 No.130761061
    The faggots working on the thin bar ARE the ones that work on the fat bar. After they finish preproduction for the core game, they move on to preproduction of the DLC, while production of the core game is going on. And so on.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:11 No.130761087
    The major problem here is that game developers are like spoiled children. They're so entitled. I can understand them being annoyed at piracy but they EXPECT you to purchase their games. They no longer attempt to sell you a product, just cry about it if you don't buy it. As far as they're concerned, you're at fault for not buying or enjoying their product becuase they're just perfect in every way. In fact, making a game is such a nice thing to have done for you, you probably should be paying them an extra $10.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:11 No.130761105

    So that's how modern game development works, huh?

    I'd like to see your argument to explain why it hasn't always worked this way, if it is as 'necessary' as you make it out to be.

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:12 No.130761169
    This only excuses post-release DLC, which no one truly is against.
    Day one DLC is still shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:13 No.130761212
    Yep, bioware is browsing /v/.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:14 No.130761232

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:14 No.130761269
    Actually, I am. Expacs are fine, in fact they're great. More of the same if I enjoy something? Superb! However, DLC is such poor value for money. If I'm getting 30 hours of enjoyment from a product for £30, I don't then intend to spend £8 for a further 3. Certainly not when there's another 30 hours out there for £30 again.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:15 No.130761312

    That's even worse.

    they go back to the drawing board to think about what they missed out the first time round and how the game can be made better, then decide to charge money for their own incompetence.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:16 No.130761338

    Thank you, now I don't have to say it.

    There's no excuse for this. DLC is fine to be planned during development, as long as it's released after the game, and only because of time constraints. DLC made along side the game and sold separately is unacceptable.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:16 No.130761356
    >paying for DLC at all
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:16 No.130761363
    How about you DON'T make stupid shit dlcs during the main game production?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:16 No.130761367
    You forgot to mention it will be on the CE, which is more money then the normal game. So it has to be tested and ready on day 1, which means they are denying you of everything that has been produced for the game. And I will even bet it will already be on the disk.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:17 No.130761396
    Nah, EA is still a faggot.

    I'm not only pirating this for myself, but I'm also giving burned pirate copies to all my friends.

    Fuck you EA.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:17 No.130761403
    Yes, because clearly there is a special team for making DLC.

    Don't be ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:17 No.130761431
    i don't mind day-one dlc because the skidrow release will have it
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:18 No.130761483


    i want you to use ALL of your resources on your core game, and after that is finished, then you may make DLC. if you release DLC at the same time as the game, i will view it was part of the core game you released and decided to charge me extra for. so fuck you
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:20 No.130761530
    All DLC can go suck a big fat dick.
    I want my expansion packs back.
    I want Brood War, Throne of Bhaal, Shadows of The Undertide, Mask of the Betrayer etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:21 No.130761579
         File: 1330183263.jpg-(29 KB, 250x248, 1329726504752.jpg)
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    This fact pretty much destroys that stupid fucking chart.

    Fucking apologist scum.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:22 No.130761632
    i don't know why it's suddenly ok to have day one dlc. was it okay to have day one expansion packs?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:23 No.130761703
    Still doesn't change the fact that EA/Bioware is over pricing the DLC. Day 1 stuff shoul be $5 max if you don't buy new and get an online pass.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:24 No.130761748
    >implying they test games anymore
    that was made by biodrone right ?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:24 No.130761754
         File: 1330183481.png-(45 KB, 256x256, medic-is-ready-4087_preview.png)
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    Not OP here, but I'll answer to you.

    Because in the past, instead of the moving to DLC, they'd move on to other projects, or get fired.

    If you're lucky and the game sold well, MAAAAAAYBE they'd get called again to make an expansion, with the same reasoning they take nowadays with DLC, but according to the price they want to sell it for, of course. That's why it took much longer for them to release expansion packs after a game was out.

    While DLCs cost around 10$~ (they usually release 2 or 3 meaningful DLC packs), expansions cost 30$ (normally half the price of the game, sometimes just 1/3 of the price, not common though).

    The idea of "more content" you get from Expansion packs is just because of the game box in the past, marketing and such. Normally they'd contain the same content those 3 DLCs offered or less. Just because it may have a different .exe or a main menu doesn't make it a lot of content.

    Though I do agree that getting a 15 hours expansion after a year was better, in my point of view, than getting 3 separate 5 hours DLCs in 4 months.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:24 No.130761771
    >Day 1 stuff shoul be...

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:26 No.130761873
         File: 1330183603.png-(271 KB, 1024x904, therebuttal.png)
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    The guy who made that chart is an posturing asshat
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:26 No.130761875
    >The idea of "more content" you get from Expansion packs is just because of the game box in the past, marketing and such. Normally they'd contain the same content those 3 DLCs offered or less. Just because it may have a different .exe or a main menu doesn't make it a lot of content.
    and not because DLC can be finished in 2 hours while an expansion is a lot longer
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:27 No.130761889
    No one getting laid off if they don't get put on DLC. They know how many people they want to have working on a game, everyone has a job on a development project or they wouldn't stay there long enough to start working on DLC. A place like bioware especially is surely working on multiple projects at once. They dont need DLC to fill out work for their employees, they need it so they can take more money from people.

    The second timeline is retarded as well, no one is saying "extra content for free please because we deserve it!" We want a game idea and then the realization of that game.

    We want DLC to ALWAYS be an afterthought. I'm not against planned DLC at all. People will have their ideas and then pitch them, but the making of that DLC shouldn't decided on until it's necessary to extend the life of a game for the fans, and to generate additional income for the developers after sales slow.j

    There's nothing "entitled" about what gamers want from a developer. No one is getting anything for free, and all parties get what they want. A 21st century business is about keeping the consumer happy, but the video game industry likes to think they can skip all that and nickel and dime us because we enjoyed the initial product.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:27 No.130761901
    >Charging for DLC

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:28 No.130761994
    >Make Day 1 DLC free
    >Full game and DLC costs $60
    >More people buy the game because of the free DLC
    >More money to pay multiple teams

    Why can't it be like this?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:29 No.130762019
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    >Because in the past, instead of the moving to DLC, they'd move on to other projects, or get fired
    >or get fired

    This never happens in the industry. Developers don't get fired because of a lack of things to do before the game is released. Typically in a development company, almost the entire development team is in crunch time up until the game goes gold and is ready for cert.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:29 No.130762028
    No, but I bet that's because they actually had a suitable amount of content for the price point.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:31 No.130762123
         File: 1330183866.jpg-(50 KB, 780x326, 1329940678193.jpg)
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    The truth
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:31 No.130762154
    CD Project did that for the witcher 2. Now they're giving us a fucking huge dlc for free again.
    The Witcher 2 alone proves how wrong the chart is.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:31 No.130762159
         File: 1330183903.gif-(413 KB, 300x202, 1287214081435.gif)
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    Not OP again.


    In the mass effect case, they said you could get the CE which will include this DLC + OTHER STUFF (that you may or may not find interesting) or you can get the Normal Version and get the DLC for 10$.


    Way to make a drama out of it.they're not doing it TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. It's just how the new model works, it's not worse or better, just different. It's not like those expansion packs were NEEDED as well. You could argue that every expansion ever made could be released with the main game if they just waited for it. Most of the times the ideas they had for expansion packs were already in an alpha stage in the game development, but were just discarded cause they were lazy or didn't have enough time to really work it out.

    /v/ - Drama Queens & Self Entitlement
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:31 No.130762163
    >was it okay to have day one expansion packs?

    No one ever thought about that, because such outrageous scenario never materialized.

    Kotick wasn't as inspired back then as he is today, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:34 No.130762315
    Publishers got by just dandy years ago, before we even really used the internet. And now, when games are more profitable than ever, they ask for MORE money for a part of the game they conveniently leave out? Fuck them and fuck anyone who supports that.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:34 No.130762329
    >Because in the past, instead of the moving to DLC, they'd move on to other projects, or get fired

    It's worse for the consumer. We now have to pay $70 or more to get a content complete game.

    You and I both know where this is headed. When games are sold with entire characters, levels, and campaigns ransomed for extra money mindless fanboys will defend companies using " gamer entitlement" as an excuse
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:34 No.130762348
    >Self Entitlement
    shitstorm incoming.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:35 No.130762402
    >seem like price gauging and fan exploitation at first, it isn't.

    Dude, no matter how you spin this, it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:35 No.130762403
    >You could argue that every expansion ever made could be released with the main game if they just waited for it.

    You're assuming that every expansion pack ever made could've easily been made along side the main game using the same resources and development team.

    You are full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:36 No.130762431
    inb4 Deep&Edgy
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:36 No.130762463
    >users defending bioware fiercely

    Day 1 DLC is unacceptable.

    I don't care how many shitty charts you create to convince us into loving a shitty company with horrible ethics regarding customers.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:37 No.130762487
    Let the sheep have their Shepard, /v/..
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:37 No.130762537




    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:38 No.130762552
    They essentially cut a feature out of the regular edition to partly justify the CE premium. Pretty disgusting practice IMO, even though it's nothing new.

    I'm still on the fence about getting the game and that kind of shit makes me want to wait for some GOTY edition, or at least a sale.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:38 No.130762563
         File: 1330184303.jpg-(32 KB, 333x370, jackie chan.jpg)
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    >Implying I won't be pirating it like the other 3

    Good luck getting paid, developers
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:39 No.130762610
    >/v/ - Drama Queens & Self Entitlement

    The day game companies start charging us fees just to turn on our consoles or having to pay extra to complete a level you will call us self entitled for complaining
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:40 No.130762692
         File: 1330184447.jpg-(19 KB, 296x300, Multiple-Hats1-296x300.jpg)
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    This post shows an example of how a children mind works.

    They're not doing it because they're the GOOD GUYS. They just want you to think they are so you can talk to your buddy in your high school how awesome they are. Word of mouth.

    I love that their DLCs are free and I loved the Witcher 2. but all they're doing is releasing free DLC instead of advertising the game in a common way to make a good impression on you guys.

    Your word of mouth will get them to sell a lot more copies in a world consumed by Pirates (PC Market), as well as catching the console people's eyes.than if they went with paid DLCs.

    Paid DLCs normally don't go well if you're new in the gaming industry, not well known by the masses(don't need you to point out the exceptions. There's ALWAYS exceptions). Leaving a good first impression (like Bioware did in the past, whether you like it or not, Valve, Blizzard) is the key to surviving the struggle.

    Can't wait for your butthurt when after The Witcher 3 they start to have paid DLCs.

    "Oh I hate you! You were good once!!!! I WANT YOU TO DIE IN A FIRE!"
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:40 No.130762694

    anyone who argues in favor of the OP's image on /v/ is a troll

    thought you guys would know that
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:41 No.130762735
    >It's just how the new model works, it's not worse or better, just different.

    I'd say it's worse if they want to charge you additionally above a full-priced game on day fucking one. The only smart reason you'd be okay with it, is if it were you doing the fucking up the ass, otherwise, you're just a stupid, gaping asshole.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:42 No.130762791
         File: 1330184545.jpg-(68 KB, 1024x637, 1330052469476.jpg)
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    >"Please buy out product!"
    >Ok so now that you know that you're an entitled piece of crap go and buy the DLC now!"

    If a company wants your money, they should work hard for it and create a good product instead of calling any customer entitled that doesn't want to buy it. And if someone keeps calling me a retard for not throwing away my money then I'm even less likely to spend my hard earned money on ANYTHING the company creates in the future.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:43 No.130762830
    Oh wow

    Like... really?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:43 No.130762854

    This is relevant to the thread
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:44 No.130762892



    Cry some more.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:44 No.130762918
    cool baseless assumptions bro
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:46 No.130763019
    why would you first pay money, and then demand quality? shouldn't it be the other way around?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:46 No.130763027
         File: 1330184798.png-(67 KB, 1359x326, wSyrc.png)
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    Anytime someone posts OP's chart, reply with this image and the Mega 64 video
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:46 No.130763032
    I'm giving you my money. I have a right to complain if you start charging more and more for no reason whatsoever.

    No argument allowed.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.130763049
    Whiny children cannot comprehend this, Op.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.130763054

    So ensuring more guaranteed sales. Personally i think its a better overall tactic then LETS REMOVE AND CHARGE FOR CONTENT ON DAY ONE CAUSE I NEED A DOLLA DOLLA DOLLA IS ALL I NEED
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:47 No.130763062

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:48 No.130763148
    >they're only doing it for the word of mouth
    No shit, sherlock. That doesn't mean it's not beneficial to us and we shouldn't enjoy it and support it if we so desire.

    Do you think I buy Valve's games because when they design their games they have my best interests at heart? Fuck no. They just have (or had, depending on your opinion of Left 4 Dead) a business philosophy focused on quality and added value and I like that, therefore I buy from them.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:49 No.130763191

    I agree with you. But on /v/ everyone bitches about everything, so why even bother?

    I'll just continue to buy DLC and BioWare games, because I enjoy them and don't bitch about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:50 No.130763242
    THe DLC was FREE Before included in some patch a few weeks later

    And they are cutting part of the game , or making the DLC be really relevant to the story Ie arrival SB lair

    The release date of the DLC doesn't matter
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:51 No.130763268
         File: 1330185061.jpg-(23 KB, 294x262, 1329753636632.jpg)
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    That chart is disgusting. Especially the "entitled" jab at the end. If people are paying for it they are entitled to whatever the fuck they want. Bioware isnt entitled to their money. Its the other way around.

    The fact that the DLC was made after the main game doesn't mean much when you take into account the timing of the release. It was available for a while on XBL at the beginning of the week (a mistake) which means that it passed certification. Certification takes a while which implies it was ready way before that. Moreover, the game itself went gold like last week so it doesn't seem that they were really made one after the other.

    This is basically EA/Bioware trying to squeeze an extra 10$ from you on top of the 60$ you will pay for the game on day 1 because they know fans will pay the extra 10$ for that character during the launch hype period.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:51 No.130763272
    gp to bed hamburger
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:51 No.130763279

    So if this is the new standard in development. How come core games still cost $60?

    Truth be told, i'd be better about day 1 dlc and shit if games had some sort of pricing tier system..Some cost $30 core standard with $10dlc for additional shit, some cost $45 with DLC included, but you still have to buy post release DLC packages, and then theres the $60 premium.

    Just an idea. Even i think this is shit, but i'd be more accepting of it over every new game ever costs $60 and you essentially paid over $120 just to experience the whole fucking thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:51 No.130763306
    OP, even if we accept your chart as it is, Bioware is still being a bunch of shitheads.

    They started creating content to sell separately right in the middle of the production process. They shouldn't even be in pre-production at that stage. They should be, you know, making content for the game.

    Besides, we all know that Bioware developed that content alongside the non-DLC content. You'd have to be some kind of faith-blinded Biozealot to actually believe that Bioware made this DLC after the fact with good intentions. Or EA, depending on who gets to make the decision.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:52 No.130763343
    Calling people entitled because they want a content complete game on launch is as close to ad hominem as possible. It just screams out the mentality that customers are an inconvenient necessity to industry sycophants, and that games should all be profitable regardless of quality. It reeks of hubris, something that is synonymous with bioware in recent years.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:53 No.130763389


    Nope, that's not a valid argument. Get out.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:53 No.130763390

    Do your worst.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:53 No.130763404
    I always want to ask these ass hats:
    So Skyrim was released with no DLC and sold over 4 million. Why does ME3 need day 1 DLC?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:53 No.130763420
         File: 1330185238.png-(225 KB, 500x500, 1329405006417.png)
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    >On Disc, Day One DLC
    >Not justifiyng insta-pirate

    Thats what is wrong with kids today. The things you think you own, end up owning you.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:54 No.130763457

    you really expect me to read all that shit, OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:55 No.130763493
         File: 1330185301.jpg-(20 KB, 231x311, 1330150393314.jpg)
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    Imagine buying Transformers on Blu-Ray, only you can pay $5 extra to change Optimus and Megatron to their Beast Wars versions.

    If you buy your special edition ticket on, then while watching The Dark Knight Rises, you get a special extra 10 minutes of Catwoman scenes!

    Preorder the next Song of Ice and Fire book from Barnes and Noble and receive an exclusive baggie of paper cutouts to turn all direwolves into robo-dogs.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:55 No.130763527
    It's because more and more useless corporate leeches (CEO, managers, business administration, HR, PR etc.) need to get paid obviously.

    I still remember when CEO's were the ones who come up with the GAME IDEAS becausse THEY LOVED GAMES.

    fucking jews ruin everything
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:55 No.130763536
    The short version is that EA would reassign/fire inactive teams (e.g. programming, art, etc.) if they were not actively working on something to be sold (core game, DLC).
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:55 No.130763546

    You are allowed to criticize it, I'm just stating that you're crying like bitches over optional content.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:56 No.130763584
    >I'm just stating that you're crying like bitches over optional content
    >When games are sold with entire characters, levels, and campaigns ransomed for extra money mindless fanboys will defend companies using " gamer entitlement" as an excuse
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:56 No.130763593
    Thank you, EA. Thanks to you, I am able to get all EA branded games for free without any sort of guilt whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:57 No.130763627

    Nope, that's not a valid argument either. I'm paying money, so I have a right to criticize all I want.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:57 No.130763663
    Nobody said the content being withheld was good.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:58 No.130763681

    Again, the children way of thought. They take your sentence out of context, they don't want to think over the things you said, just mindless name calling or FULL RAGE MODE GHARBLGHAHGBH.

    I should know better.

    I didn't say Bioware was right. I didn't say the Mass Effect 3 team was right. I'm just stating the obvious, things change. PEOPLE CHANGE.

    It's not about being FAIR. It NEVER was. We're in a capitalist world. This is a business. No, Nintendo wasn't AWESOME when you were a kid because they only wanted to make good games xD. It's all about profit and making more than you did in the last year. They work that way, you work that way, your father works that way. The World works that way.

    Like a guy who was interviewed regarding this said "This is only happening because people let it happen" (not in a "people are choosing bad evil stuff!!!11!1" way). Everything has its target audience.

    You hate Pokemon? So what? Some people like it, even though we could say that it's the same game it was in the mid '90s.

    As long as people like it or accept it, they'll do it. Day 1 DLC is not new, it's not an attempt to make a revolution in the industry, it has been happening for a few years and people accepted it.

    You don't like it the same way people don't like when you listen to Deadmau5 in your iPad 2 in the middle of the street.

    Hug it out, bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:58 No.130763701
         File: 1330185498.png-(99 KB, 268x267, 1330135171404.png)
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    So basically we're only allowed to criticize a game or its content if it's mandatory.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:58 No.130763705
         File: 1330185500.jpg-(13 KB, 300x250, 2095977e19f829f07c6b0373b7a614(...).jpg)
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    Why are you idiots buying or pirating ME3 anyway? The console versions are going to have pathetic graphics and the Origin virus infects the PC version. Plus, the story is apparently the selling point for these games and has been lackluster since the first DLC for the first game.

    I'm not even going to bother reading a summery of the game. And I bought the first two when they were on sale.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:58 No.130763739

    Fucking this. I miss players choice titles.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:58 No.130763751

    They are optional and not needed for the full experience of the single player campaign.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:59 No.130763758
    Honestly, gaming companies are way too big now these days. They could stand to lose a few people. "Too many cooks" and what have you.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:59 No.130763762
         File: 1330185549.gif-(33 KB, 266x266, 1327635792612.gif)
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    >/v/irgin who has no proof that he's ever been part of modern game development makes some shitty rainbow colored chart
    >misspells gouging
    >expects people to take it seriously

    my sides.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:59 No.130763780

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:59 No.130763781
    I'm not entitled to day 1 DLC. They aren't entitled to my $60.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)10:59 No.130763804
    People don't have an issue with them working on DLC or a new project. What we do have an issue with is the fact that this isn't actually happening.

    It's obvious at a glance that this content was developed alongside the main game, not after it. It was, in every aspect of development, a part of the game, and they are simply selling it separately. We need not go any further, and that it what is happening. Day 1 DLC is bad because 99%, it's not really DLC at all. Just a chunk of the game that was designed to be implemented as a cash grab.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:00 No.130763820
         File: 1330185614.png-(30 KB, 1400x773, 1326256931411.png)
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    >Again, the children way of thought.

    Always good to start off your counter-argument with an ad hominem. It's a convenient way of letting me know that I don't have to read it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:00 No.130763829
         File: 1330185620.jpg-(50 KB, 688x473, 1329566298174.jpg)
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    >even if it may seem like price gauging
    >price gauging
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:00 No.130763854

    >Again, the children way of thought. They take your sentence out of context, they don't want to think over the things you said, just mindless name calling or FULL RAGE MODE GHARBLGHAHGBH.

    >call me a child
    >structuring your sentence the way you did.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:00 No.130763858
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:01 No.130763907
    This chart mistakenly suggests that they're really actually doing something more when they make Day 1 DLC. They're not, they're just skimming excess off of the true full game and putting it on a higher pedestal, just because idiots like the maker of this entire image will buy it like the fuckheads they are.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:01 No.130763931
         File: 1330185717.jpg-(164 KB, 1024x1024, 1326612182137.jpg)
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    >You don't like it the same way people don't like when you listen to Deadmau5 in your iPad 2 in the middle of the street.

    This has to be the worst analogy I've read on /v/ today.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:02 No.130763940

    >do your worst

    Is this your video, anon?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:02 No.130763963
    I have no idea what this DLC contains or it's story.

    The only reason I would hate a day one DLC is if they took a chunk of plot from the main game and developed the "extra" content around this plot point and then continuously referenced said events in the main game in such a way that left you in the dark or had no clue what was going on.

    If the DLC is something like Zaeed where his content added nothing to the plot just a nice side story and character it would be totally cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:03 No.130764021
    >Spend large chunk of game budget on marketing
    >ensure that game sells a bunch at launch because of production values and reviews


    >Spend the whole game budget on making, adding to and improving the game
    >ensure that game continues to sell a bunch over a long period of time because of word of mouth by pleased customers and a lasting dedication to a game

    "Marketing is what you do when your product is no good."
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:03 No.130764026
    >They are optional
    Because they were removed from the game and made "optional"

    >not needed for the full experience of the single player campaign
    A Prothean character is not needed for the full experience? Do you biodrones even play your own games?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:03 No.130764037
    Sure is Bioware PR in here.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:04 No.130764074
    Do these people know what a "sidequest" is?

    Sidequests actually used to be a part of the game. Now what happens? The dev/publisher claims that it's "extra content" and uses that as justification for selling it separately.

    Like, holy shit. How much of a terrible publisher do you have to be to take the entire notion of optional content and turn it into a money generator?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:04 No.130764087

    Because the rebuttal from the haters is so much better?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:04 No.130764107

    >additional content, day of release that prolonges the narrative
    >contains a Prothean, a character thought instinct and in general at the center of the Lore behind Mass Effect
    >not needed for the full experience of the single player campaign

    I can't wait til the download is literally and unlock code.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:05 No.130764118
    That image is proof that you can make someone believe anything as long as it is in a colorful, graphic format.
    Fucking hell, our generation is halfway illiterate. If that was in 100% plain text format nobody would read it.

    But no, looks at these different, bold fonts. All of those fucking colors. And the graphical demonstration. It HAS to be correct, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:05 No.130764131
    Ill just point this out because i have nothing better to do,

    The obvious and most glaring flaw with your "chart" is that you claim they will either get fired, or have nothing to do without the DLC. Think about it this way, you point out that they branch off almost and create a separate part of the game. Tell me why, and explain to me the difference between making the dlc and just releasing both at the same time? they both get released on the same day, and both have some core content for the game. Logically, if the pre-pro. team worked on the CORE VERY BASIC ELEMENTS FIRST such as, Level design, Story, Main characters, Plot twists, LARGE THINGS EVERYONE WILL SEE AND USE and then as soon as they reach the Production stage and the production team steps in, they step aside and do things such as Waifu~, smaller characters, guns, outfits, minigames what the fuck ever is going to be in this game that plays side rolls to the actual core elements, and continue that stage and release it THE SAME DAY. Everybody would be working the entire time, nobody would be fired, and they wouldnt be trying to get an additional 10 dollars out of something that theoretically they could have put in the original game.

    tl;dr Fuck you and your shitty chart.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:05 No.130764153
    >People who don't understand OP's picture.
    Wow, you americans are the biggest shit stains to populate Earth.

    It is better to release DLC on the release window for EA because the whole dev team is working together, it is efficient. They can't work like Bethesda and release it whenever as console games have an expiration date per say, in which consumers will lose interest and for effective means it is the same to release it later. Not to mention Ea has several projects in the pipeline.

    The only controversy would if the content was locked content, and the game was incomplete like crackdown on xbox 360.

    Before one you faggots accuse me of sucking EA cock or Biodrone (Same thing really) that doesn't mean the quality of the product will be good, still EA has manage to handle Bioware horribly and forced them to make equally horrible design decisions.

    This chart makes sense and resolves some of the issues with the game but I still thinkt he game is ass based on my experiences with the demo and if EA thinks a shitty Firefight mode is enough to compensate they are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:05 No.130764158
    Bioware is to blame, and the mindless masses who validate their decisions by buying all this DLC are also to blame.

    But critics? No, critics have a right to be angry.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:05 No.130764163

    >Because they were removed from the game and made "optional"

    And how do you know this?

    >A Prothean character is not needed for the full experience? Do you biodrones even play your own games?

    It's not released yet, so yet again, how would you know?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:05 No.130764167
         File: 1330185955.jpg-(19 KB, 170x236, 1325834102687.jpg)
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    >you are not entitled to everything the developer makes before launch

    but thats wrong you fucking faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:06 No.130764210
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:06 No.130764223

    Your making assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:07 No.130764241
         File: 1330186022.jpg-(380 KB, 600x368, witcher-2-enhanced-edition.jpg)
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    Meanwhile, at CD Projekt.

    >Several hours of new content and new cinematics
    >Tons of other content added since release included
    >Technical camera fixes and combat fixes

    I guess they're a struggling company laying off all their workers though right? Fuck you OP and fuck the Reddit faggot who originally posted that chart.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:07 No.130764275
    "Hey guys, should we implement [insert idea popular with fans] into the base game?"
    "Nah, lets save it for a selling point on the DLC"

    Regardless of development schedule, this.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:07 No.130764306
    You forgot one thing OP.

    As the customer, i dont give a fuckity fuck how their internal dev process works, nor should i. All i see is that im paying $60 for a game that appears incomplete because chunks have been ripped out of it to sell to me again and/or i didnt buy it from their anointed retailer.

    Thats the bottom line motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:08 No.130764319
         File: 1330186086.jpg-(73 KB, 434x426, fit in a nutshell.jpg)
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    If ME3 wasn't shit I would buy it and all the DLC and post it on /v/ just to make your virgin ass cry tears of buttjelly.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:08 No.130764321

    >Comparing CD Projekt to BioWare

    Because they are just as big as BioWare, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:08 No.130764360
    >I have no idea what this DLC contains or it's story

    That probably means you're not an authority to talk about whether you should have to pay for it or not.

    Also a Prothean character and entire planet that are vital to the lore of Mass Effect certainly are more relevant to the plot than a charater like Zaeed
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:09 No.130764374

    Bro-fist. Saved me the paragraph.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:09 No.130764380

    Ripped out or added after? How would you know?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:09 No.130764390
    Pre-production team does not get laid off or reshuffled when the project moved to production stage because they're basically the same team from pre-production, what idiot wrote that chart? besides, it does not take an entire team to create DLC.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:09 No.130764412
    It doesn't really matters when it is done, the box price keep paying their salaries so yes you are entitled to anything they produce before the game release.
    But biodrones gonna biodrone
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:09 No.130764415

    We've known since July, anon. Where have you been? The prothean wasn't made 3 months ago..
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:10 No.130764424
         File: 1330186206.jpg-(55 KB, 500x457, 954e5fe6-2038-4a7d-91f6-b9b13e(...).jpg)
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    It's not the fact that it's dlc that bothers me, because i usually dont give a shit about dlc unless it's substantial. What bothers me is that this is a fucking prothean squadmember.

    Zaeed wasn't that big a deal because he was just a bounter hunter side character. This new Prothean guy is kind of big fucking deal.

    This of it like buying a new car. With Zaeed, it was like them charging extra for power windows. Ya, it's nice and probably should already be in there, but whatever. With the prothean, it's like buying the car then the dealership charges you extra to include the driver's seat. It's fucking important.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:10 No.130764434
    Almost ever post that you were replying to contained no ad hominem arguments whatsoever.

    You are full of shit dude.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:10 No.130764443

    >besides, it does not take an entire team to create DLC.

    Speaking from experience?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:10 No.130764446
    bioware are just greedy jerkoffs that are grabbling every penny they can from the autistic biodrones that refuse to play any games made by any developer besides bioware.

    if cdprojekt were bioware, they would've charged $5 just for the barbershop.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:10 No.130764454
    Don't like it? Well sit in the fucking corner and eat your porridge. You should feel honored that the devs are gracing you with their game's presence.

    >those comments
    >they are a corporation and that absolves them of all morals and the need to care for their customers
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:10 No.130764468
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    Yeah, sure, blame the customer for Microsoft's and Sony's shitty cert experience.

    Here's the thing.

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.130764496

    >You are full of shit dude

    Nice rebuttal.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.130764503
         File: 1330186274.jpg-(114 KB, 1267x713, 1325601824294.jpg)
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    >20hr core game
    >Day 1 DLC, $10 for 1 squadmate
    >No mod tools

    >100+hr core game
    >DLC developed post-launch, each one similar to Point Lookout in terms of content/price
    >Free DLC hinted as a possibility
    >Full modding tools
    >Steam integration for core game and mods

    Bioware, are you even trying>
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.130764524
    This is like Capcom releasing an additional character to Street Fighter day 1 and acting like it was made post release ignoring shit like balancing around all the characters, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.130764539
    That chart is utterly retarded.

    The preproduction team should move on to OTHER games after their part in one game is finished, they shouldn't be made to work on additional content for the same game.

    The same applies to the regular production team (the ones that aren't put to work patching and keep things tidy anyway.

    if the studio can't afford to put content that is important to the narrative and world of the game, then it shouldn't be in there at all.

    i could make a chart exactly like that to justify movie companies releasing "optional" scenes for DvDs at for 5 dollars.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.130764541

    Have yet to be refuted and I am still waiting to defend them on the off chance they arent in this thread anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.130764542

    >Larger Company
    >Releases content as paid DLC

    CD Projekt
    >Smaller Company
    >Releases DLC free to people who bought initial project

    Do you even realize how little fucking sense what you said makes? A smaller company can afford to make awesome content and release it for free, while a larger company can't afford to make content and release it for free. Do you even lift?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:11 No.130764556
    I study economics and i just wanted to put in my two cents

    this new "premium day 1 dlc" is just a way for companies to test the waters on whether they can charge $70 for a newly released title as opposed to $60. Not only have the games become more expensive to develop in recent years the companies have become more greedy. Firms like EA and Activision could likely continue releasing games at $60 and stay in business but so long as consumers are willing to pay $70 for a game then they will exploit the consumer.

    Day 1 DLC is just fucking ridiculous, if the extra content is being made during the development process and is actually on the disc only requiring an unlock code then it isn't DLC, it's part of the original fucking game.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:12 No.130764586
         File: 1330186338.jpg-(78 KB, 342x765, 1310172054681.jpg)
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    I don't see how it's okay regardless of how it was made. OP is trying to say it's fine because it wasn't the same people making content for the main game and the DLC so it was not a part of the main game. I say he is a moron for thinking that a company delegating people to not work on the main game during its development and do random side bits sold separately instead is okay. That is all before we even consider that this "preeeemium deeelsee" is an important part of the main plot.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:12 No.130764616
    >And how do you know this?

    1) We've known about the Prothean Character and Edan Prime being parts of ME3 since the script leaked months ago. This wasn't something that was developed after the game was completed, and nobody was aware that we would have to pay extra for those parts of the story until after they accidently put it up on the marketplace

    2)It was available for a while on XBL at the beginning of the week (a mistake) which means that it passed certification. Certification takes a while which implies it was ready way before that. Moreover, the game itself went gold like last week so it doesn't seem that they were really made one after the other.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:12 No.130764618
    You mean it backwards retard, that faggot has no idea of what he is talking about. He is assuming the pre-production team has nothing better to do and that Ea has any patience.

    DLC is a big deal when it comes to sales, the DLC would still be part of the game if it wasn't released on the same window it would still be missing part of the game 3 months later, this works as a way to push a retail copy foward since there is no legal way to combat rented / used buisness, you know what Gamestop lives of.

    Again you americunts are retarded for not grasping the simplest things and jumping to the butthurt, cry more ;)
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:13 No.130764641


    The 60 dollar standard price model is already fucking broken.

    We don't need it to get even more fucked!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:13 No.130764665
    Why do people still believe the "HURR IF DAT PART ISN'T DER DEY LOOSE JEWBS" fallacy?

    It's fucking basic economics. They just get moved around. It's not that hard to do. Whoever made that graph needs to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:13 No.130764679
    Doesnt matter what i know. All that matters in the market is how it looks. Infact all that ever matters in life is how things look. In work, in love, in justice etc, i could go on. Facts are irrelevant.

    If you wernt an aspie basement dweller who had some experience of life, youd know that.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:13 No.130764680
    Yes keep defending this, soon you will have to pay for each part of the game, i hope you enjoy that.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:13 No.130764691

    If the minority was saving me ten bucks I'd be fine with them having a say.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:14 No.130764708
    More of common sense, most DLC would not need the manpower of an entire development team to produce. With the exception of DLCs like GTA IV TLAD and TBoGT and Oblivion Shivering Isles
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:14 No.130764736
    >trying to defend the worst developer in the history of gaming with a bullshit chart
    Yeah, no
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:14 No.130764753

    Do you expect any less from gamers? They are walking billboards for their corporate entities.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:15 No.130764761
    Your rebuttal was an ad hominem in the first place. You can't expect anything more.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:15 No.130764808
    Don't forget, it's your fault. Even if you never purchased a single piece of DLC, it's your fault.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:16 No.130764838
    >this works as a way to push a retail copy foward since there is no legal way to combat rented / used buisness, you know what Gamestop lives of.

    That, and your previous post doesn't explain why we're paying for it as opposed to being free like Zaeed was.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:16 No.130764840
    Bioware-Owned studio by one of the busy dev houses. Ea produces at least 10 full mainstream games every year and has no time to fuck around.

    Bethesda- They develop two franchises and publish some shitty games every now and then. Total freedom to do whatever the fuck they want, including handling the rights of Fallout to the remains of the original dev team.

    If Ea owned Bethesda they would make shit too bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:16 No.130764871
         File: 1330186591.png-(4 KB, 167x157, 1282954352910.png)
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    These days, there is no difference between the words "fun" and "entitlement"

    They're thrown around to boost one's argument with jack shit evidence to back up their actual claims.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:16 No.130764879

    I didn't post

    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:17 No.130764919
    >attempting to troll on /v/ HUR GUYS AM I KEW LYET?

    No. You're a fucking idiot. THE FUCKING OP IS THE ONE WHO SAID THE PRE-PRODUCTION TEAM HAS NOTHING TO DO. If they are both done within the time limit it takes them to put them on the disc, there is absolutely no reason to not put it on the disc, with the exception of making money, and that is what you refuse to realize. I have a bachelors degree in Video Game simulation programming and design, and business practice. There is no fucking way, after all the time Ive studied and actually worked in the industry that this is necessary.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:17 No.130764928
    How big the company is doesn't matter you biodrone.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:17 No.130764939
    >Finish main game production
    >Fire all staff

    You're retarded.

    How do you know it happens like that? I see it as Pre-production > Development > Testing > Lop off chunk to sell as DLC
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:17 No.130764993
    Quoted myself like a retard when i meant to quote >>130764380
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)11:18 No.130765007
    Then why are you arguing with me?

    Again, none of the posts >>130763681 replied to contained ad hominem arguments. So you don't get to complain about it after making a non-point

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