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    File: 1330041167.jpg-(67 KB, 513x640, MOHWARgenKEYART.preview.jpg)
    67 KB ­ 02/23/12(Thu)18:52 No.130605209  
    2012 Medal of Honor Title gets it's subtitle.
    So, more generic FPS stuff or will they actually attempt something different? I doubt it, you?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:53 No.130605284
         File: 1330041213.jpg-(26 KB, 358x449, 1307039834955.jpg)
    26 KB
    Medal of honor: Shooting person
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:54 No.130605357
         File: 1330041251.jpg-(27 KB, 340x314, 1286470207058.jpg)
    27 KB
    Holy damn that kind of sounds like a parody of these games, like from that name generator thing
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:55 No.130605439
         File: 1330041301.jpg-(7 KB, 113x142, 1311544664833.jpg)
    7 KB

    Is this going to be a parody game?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:55 No.130605461
    Medal Of Honor : Battleparticipator
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:55 No.130605490
    Medal of Honor: Men War
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:56 No.130605578
    >Accolade of Prestige: Combat Engager
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:56 No.130605609
    Medal of Honor: Conflict Soldier
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:56 No.130605630
    The latest Medal of Honor was fun. Definitely felt more fresh than other generic garbage.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:56 No.130605637
         File: 1330041406.png-(76 KB, 247x253, 1292553699708.png)
    76 KB
    Medal of Honor: Fightbrawler
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:56 No.130605656
         File: 1330041417.jpg-(92 KB, 500x506, 906.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:57 No.130605673
         File: 1330041430.jpg-(9 KB, 251x168, 1320849955520s.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:57 No.130605696
    Medal of Honor: Struggledisputant
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:57 No.130605730
         File: 1330041463.jpg-(21 KB, 471x480, glass.jpg)
    21 KB
    Medal of Honor: Armed Combat Participant
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:57 No.130605737
    Medal of Honor: Struggle Warrior
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605759

    Multiplayer was meh.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605764
    Call of Honor: Electric Boogaloo
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605796
         File: 1330041513.jpg-(19 KB, 337x276, 367.jpg)
    19 KB
    medal of honor: conflict warriors
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605815
    Medal of Honor: Skirmish Actor
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605820
         File: 1330041525.png-(618 KB, 500x700, tapezilla.png)
    618 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605829
    Medal of Honor: Gun Shooter.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605835
    >make shitty Call of Duty/Battlefield Frankenstein monster single player and incorporate a shitty version of Bad Company 2 multiplayer minus 50% of the content
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605843
    medal of honor warfighter
    a virtual gun shooter by ea games
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:58 No.130605846
    Medal of Honor: Contend Soldier
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:59 No.130605861
    Medal of Honor: Man with Gun
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:59 No.130605891
    what the fuck kind of name is that?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:59 No.130605906
    Medal of Honor: Headshooter 360 noscoper
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:59 No.130605923
    Medal of Honor: Afghani Shooty Shooty
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:59 No.130605951
    >medal of honor: conflictkerfuffle
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:00 No.130605953
    Medal of Honor : Fight-Haver
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:00 No.130605958
    Medal of Honor: Point and Click Adventure
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:00 No.130606027
         File: 1330041649.jpg-(64 KB, 500x700, soldierassault.jpg)
    64 KB
    Ha ha ha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606040
    War: Conflict
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606061
    When is this fucking tacticool market going to die? Fucking Act of Cawadooty is coming tomorrow isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606063
    Right, this series still exists.
    Had to read the OP three times before I realized the topic wasn't actually BF or CoD.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606070
    Medal of Honor: Engagements Guy
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606076
         File: 1330041681.jpg-(71 KB, 800x383, russiastrong.jpg)
    71 KB
    Medal of Honor: Battle Fighting Man
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606082
    Man that's a terrible subtitle.

    Warfighter. Jesus.

    And boy, EAs really desperate trying to make the next CAWADOODY, aren't they? The last newest Medal of Honour was absolute garbage.
    >> ­ 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606083
    Metal of Field: Unexploded Landmine Defuser
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606112

    Reality has become satire, the circle is complete.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:01 No.130606138
         File: 1330041712.jpg-(7 KB, 207x175, Medley.jpg)
    7 KB
    Medal of Honor 2: Honor amongst men
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:02 No.130606157
    Medal of Honor: Combat Combatant
    >> Superscooter !!HzIcuQE89cB 02/23/12(Thu)19:02 No.130606163
    Call of Ainsley: Oil Greaser
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:02 No.130606164
    and the UK version MOH: Rooty Tooty Warry Shooty
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:02 No.130606173
         File: 1330041732.png-(373 KB, 500x700, tapezilla.png)
    373 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:02 No.130606197
    why are they always on fire?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:02 No.130606236
    Medal of Honor: Black Ops
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:03 No.130606247
    If you have to keep making countless modern warfare type games at least stop making them all generic FPS's for goodness sake.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:03 No.130606267
         File: 1330041793.jpg-(62 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    62 KB
    >MOH PR
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:03 No.130606268
    war is hell

    warfighter is hellier
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:03 No.130606283
         File: 1330041809.jpg-(55 KB, 265x416, haloboys.jpg)
    55 KB
    Medal of Honor: Bloody Encounter Man At Arms
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:03 No.130606298
         File: 1330041820.jpg-(53 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:04 No.130606348
         File: 1330041851.png-(554 KB, 514x708, 14879719040s.png)
    554 KB
    Ok now i lost it
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:04 No.130606379
    Meal of Honor: Contender of Hostilities
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:05 No.130606419
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:05 No.130606425
    >War Fighter

    That sounds.. bland.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:05 No.130606440
         File: 1330041915.jpg-(59 KB, 500x700, image (1).jpg)
    59 KB
    My fucking sides
    >> Lucky Leaf !!7BuPA2CF4Wh 02/23/12(Thu)19:05 No.130606452
    how i shut down any argument using generic as an indicator of quality.

    what if i told you one of the most revered PC shooters was a generic shit fest.

    >americans versus terrorists: the game

    now shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:05 No.130606501
         File: 1330041956.jpg-(43 KB, 500x700, image.php.jpg)
    43 KB
    Oh fuck, my sides.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606512
         File: 1330041960.png-(566 KB, 500x700, tapezilla.png)
    566 KB
    Holy fuck, how appropiate.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606528
    Medal of Honor: Twisted fire starter
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606538
         File: 1330041973.jpg-(35 KB, 450x469, 1329689424373.jpg)
    35 KB
    Medal of Honor kinda died after the ww2 games.

    Can't wait till the devs explore that field again.. With current gen graphics and new mechanics, it'll be awesome.
    >> MelancholySniper !nxticWA8Zg 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606576
    I hope you just play as the battalion cook.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606581
    Metal of Honor: Army Men, Sarge's Heroes
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606585
         File: 1330042003.jpg-(55 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606587
         File: 1330042005.png-(152 KB, 258x314, Harvey Derp.png)
    152 KB
    >Medal of Honor: Gunshooter
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606590
    Medal of Honor: struggle trooper
    >> ­ 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606598
         File: 1330042010.jpg-(67 KB, 215x280, 3.jpg)
    67 KB
    It came first. Not 10 sequels later.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:06 No.130606610
    I liked the singleplayer in the first game. It felt very real and was a good tribute to the troops. Very enjoyable time.

    subtitle is still full retard though
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:07 No.130606629
    It wasn't as generic as this at the time. I'd go so far as to say it wasn't at all. Shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:07 No.130606638
         File: 1330042035.jpg-(22 KB, 280x291, 1289168798081.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> OChrisJonesO 02/23/12(Thu)19:07 No.130606643
    Full details --->
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:07 No.130606657
    >americans vs terrorists: the game
    >full retard
    Each skin isn't american. there's sas, gign, gsg-9 and something else, i forget.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:07 No.130606690

    >implying we didn't already know CS was generic
    >implying its not revered because its actually fun
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:08 No.130606697
    >MLP hat
    I can't believe I still come here
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:08 No.130606706
         File: 1330042089.jpg-(34 KB, 350x350, 1327062367738.jpg)
    34 KB

    There was nothing generic about it when it was released. Should I filter your stupid ass now, or do you promise to think before you post?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:08 No.130606708
         File: 1330042091.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, 111111.jpg)
    50 KB
    >Airborne wasn't longer
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:08 No.130606725
         File: 1330042098.jpg-(16 KB, 250x242, 1325357460662.jpg)
    16 KB
    >danger close
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:08 No.130606749
         File: 1330042111.jpg-(58 KB, 500x700, image (2).jpg)
    58 KB
    Their next title is rumored to involve the Don't Ask Don't Tell controversy.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:08 No.130606781

    That pic made me think about that scene of capt.Winters in band of brothers some where in belgium.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:09 No.130606786
    Unreal Tournament
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:09 No.130606798
         File: 1330042146.png-(79 KB, 800x1200, 1328412863723.png)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:09 No.130606816
    I was probably the only person who enjoyed the 2010 Medal of Honor. The campaign was alright, if a little pedestrian and the multiplayer forced you to play very conservatively due to the huge damage output of every gun.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:09 No.130606832
    yeah, ea will surely deliver an innovative and genre-redefining FPS with call of battlefield: gunshooter
    >> ­ 02/23/12(Thu)19:09 No.130606845
         File: 1330042171.jpg-(69 KB, 500x700, F in HistoryandGeography.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:09 No.130606867
         File: 1330042199.jpg-(73 KB, 500x700, highway 5.jpg)
    73 KB
    Have you guys tried the Highway Around the Western Front yet? Why the fuck not!?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:10 No.130606893
         File: 1330042225.jpg-(50 KB, 500x700, blitzkrieg_inside_thepacific.jpg)
    50 KB
    >Blitzkrieg inside the Pacific 2 - Infantry outside Germany


    Timed underwater tank escort missions.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:10 No.130606905
    Let me guess, it's scheduled for release October 2012
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:10 No.130606906
    No. We've had enough WW2 games. When their total playtime is added up they're probably longer than WW2 itself at this stage. Modern shooters are no better at this stage, but that doesn't mean they should go back to what they were doing before. We've been recording history for some 5000 years now. Why is the last 100 years the only time period explored in these games? How about an fps in 15th century Japan? Gunning down samurai with period-appropriate firearms and all that.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:10 No.130606907
         File: 1330042238.jpg-(52 KB, 500x700, image (3).jpg)
    52 KB
    I'm gonna love the DLC
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:11 No.130606956
         File: 1330042272.jpg-(46 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    46 KB
    HAHA OH wow.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:11 No.130607013
         File: 1330042310.jpg-(61 KB, 500x700, nazi.jpg)
    61 KB
    yeah shit
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:12 No.130607031

    Yeah, campaign was cool. Too bad it was really short, like any game of this type.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:12 No.130607032
    it's a term used by the military, EA didn't come up with it

    didn't you people learn this when GRAW came out?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:12 No.130607040
         File: 1330042331.png-(580 KB, 500x700, tapezilla.png)
    580 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:12 No.130607058
         File: 1330042339.jpg-(62 KB, 500x700, thefuck.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:12 No.130607063
    Medal of Honor: Gun Shooter
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:12 No.130607073
         File: 1330042351.jpg-(29 KB, 396x385, 1312699679143.jpg)
    29 KB
    >there will never be another good MoH game
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:13 No.130607126
         File: 1330042382.jpg-(62 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:13 No.130607143
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:13 No.130607168
    "SHIT! Wrong place!"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:13 No.130607169
    Best part of the campaign hands down was the ambush in the dessert, where your cover is being blown apart and you're almost out of ammo and BAM choppers swoop in and save your ass.
    Bit cliche but I liked it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:13 No.130607185
         File: 1330042420.png-(248 KB, 513x712, gettinclose.png)
    248 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:14 No.130607218
         File: 1330042444.jpg-(52 KB, 500x700, war cowards.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:14 No.130607240
         File: 1330042456.jpg-(47 KB, 500x580, coward crimes.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:14 No.130607283
         File: 1330042478.jpg-(62 KB, 500x700, men_during_day.jpg)
    62 KB
    ...women during night?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:14 No.130607298
    Can I shoot US soldiers?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:15 No.130607350

    I most enjoyed walking through the valley with a patrol and desperately scanning the surrounding peaks as Taliban came out of fucking everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:15 No.130607354
         File: 1330042515.jpg-(52 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    52 KB
    I wonder who will win.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:15 No.130607360

    Looking for my old xbox now.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:15 No.130607405
         File: 1330042559.jpg-(79 KB, 500x700, image.php.jpg)
    79 KB
    lik dis if u cry evrytim ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:16 No.130607412
         File: 1330042561.jpg-(50 KB, 500x700, image (1).jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:16 No.130607474
    >dat tank
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:16 No.130607491
         File: 1330042601.jpg-(44 KB, 500x700, war under japan now in the air.jpg)
    44 KB
    War under Japan now with planes
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:16 No.130607507
         File: 1330042615.jpg-(50 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    50 KB
    This one's kind of awesome, actually.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:17 No.130607528
         File: 1330042633.jpg-(56 KB, 500x700, massacre forces.jpg)
    56 KB
    >massacre forces
    >mushroom cloud for cover

    oh god my sides
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:17 No.130607570
         File: 1330042665.png-(404 KB, 512x705, 89590318510s.png)
    404 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:17 No.130607573
         File: 1330042669.png-(17 KB, 500x500, uguu.png)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:18 No.130607604
    And with this, modern setting wargames have moved utterly in what was previously WWII shooter-territory.
    Oversaturation to the point of unintended parody.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:18 No.130607632
         File: 1330042708.jpg-(73 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:18 No.130607646
         File: 1330042724.jpg-(58 KB, 500x700, I promise bro.jpg)
    58 KB
    Imma conquering bro no bomb honest
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:18 No.130607649
         File: 1330042726.jpg-(62 KB, 500x700, cowardice sequel.jpg)
    62 KB
    the fourth titel in the coward series
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:19 No.130607684
         File: 1330042744.jpg-(17 KB, 283x420, 1323358479697.jpg)
    17 KB
    "shores near asia" really narrows down where the actual game can be set
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:19 No.130607693
    >stealth tanks
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:19 No.130607702
    I laughed
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:19 No.130607727
         File: 1330042770.png-(765 KB, 500x700, tapezilla.png)
    765 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:19 No.130607737

    I liked that weapons really packed a punch in that game, specially big ones. Such as the Barret cutting down small trees and the minigun destroying rocks like a boss.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:20 No.130607812
    I wish there were some games that focus more on the soldiers. What they have to go through.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:20 No.130607832
         File: 1330042833.jpg-(52 KB, 500x700, 151.jpg)
    52 KB
    No wonder it didn't work
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607890
         File: 1330042865.jpg-(75 KB, 500x700, GIB MEDAL.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607895
         File: 1330042871.jpg-(39 KB, 472x451, MirageTankRA2.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607901
    That's how they will market it. (calling it)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607903
    Assault Wargame: Soldiers of Duty
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607906
         File: 1330042877.jpg-(46 KB, 500x700, infantrdoody.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607914
    MoH did a great job of that, they were actually quite accurate. Most events and people in the game were real.

    even Rabbit ;-;
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607946
    Stealth Tank should become a Staple of /v/
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607953
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607954
         File: 1330042911.jpg-(46 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    46 KB
    I don't even know, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:21 No.130607968
         File: 1330042918.jpg-(53 KB, 500x700, OPsDAY.jpg)
    53 KB
    look everyone its OPs day
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:22 No.130607980
         File: 1330042925.jpg-(55 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    55 KB
    what a horrible night
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:22 No.130607986
         File: 1330042929.jpg-(25 KB, 489x416, tactical genius.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:22 No.130608009
         File: 1330042945.jpg-(63 KB, 500x700, AMERICA.jpg)
    63 KB
    holy fuck my sides
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:22 No.130608031

    >what a horrible night to have guns
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.130608046
         File: 1330042980.jpg-(48 KB, 500x700, offensive.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.130608061
         File: 1330042988.jpg-(53 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    53 KB
    he got out of normandy all right
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.130608062
         File: 1330042990.jpg-(25 KB, 256x316, Ghost_Recon_Advanced_Warfighte(...).jpg)
    25 KB
    is this a prequel to advance warfighter?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.130608107
         File: 1330043016.jpg-(66 KB, 500x700, image.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.130608114
         File: 1330043022.jpg-(55 KB, 500x700, undergroundnazis.jpg)
    55 KB
    Subterranean nazis will pop out of the ground and pull you down into a hole
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.130608116

    Based on a true story.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:23 No.130608128
         File: 1330043029.jpg-(32 KB, 247x248, 1322039097228.jpg)
    32 KB


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