>> |
02/10/12(Fri)13:08 No.128924345>>128923334
reload time is a disadvantage, true, the way I see it, CS doesn't share
reload-time with the regular cannon, so I usually just alternate
between regular cannon shell and CS, which gives me a high firing rate
(fast enough for me) anyhow. I rarely find myself in positions where
I have more targets available than I have rounds ready to kill them
with. That plus, that CS is almost always instant-kill at most ranges
that I engage, tends to do the job plenty 'nuff for me. Example,
engines, jumping in and out of cover flinging RPGS at me, I found to be a
real hassle when I had to rely on LMG/HMG, since it was not entirely
easy to kill em quickly enough to stop em from getting into cover, but
CS stops em dead at the first round (unless I miss of course).
>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgn1nhUEgo8 >1:20 |