Well I guess it's less crazy than the shit they were doing at Aperture right?
>>128667910Yeah but to be fair, Cave Johnson was fucking insane.He invented portals while attempting to make shower curtains
what is this? some kind of weapon?dont touch that... its a prototype...dont let it overcharge!what do you mean, overch-also, if half-life tries to tie in with portal valve will officially be the shittiest developer of all time
what fucking function does that room even haveWhat possible experiments could that room have been used for
>>128668555except they do tie in.
>>128668555i'm gonna assume you haven't played half life 2, episode 1 and 2.
>>128668555it already did. in ep3 you'll be looking for the Borealis, a ship that was property of Aperture.
>>128668633Autism in one hell of a drug.
>>128668555They've tied in since Portal 1 came out. P1 and Episode 2 note that the companies are competing research firms, and both were going after huge government grants for teleportation. Hence, y'know, both companies making teleporters.
>>128668669>>128668786>>128668796Not the guy you were talking to but I too hope the "tie in" will not be as crucial to the story as it appears to be. I'd like it to be like the Borealis you are looking for could basically be any other kind of ship, the name and the information on the side being just a little inside reference.
>>128668555>also, if half-life tries to tie in with portal valve will officially be the shittiest developer of all timeThe Devs said that at the end of Portal 2 you escape into the HL2 universe
>>128668905>>128668796>>128668786>>128668669yes i realize there has already been a tie-in in that regardsi just have a feeling they are going full retard and trying to bring it all together into one game
How did red letter day, or whatever it was called where everybody played Hl2, go?
>>128669312Ha.13k peak, I think.
I love speculating about possible HL and Portal shit. inb4 autism I think it would be really cool if Aperture Labs discovered the ability to create "pocket dimensions" so it turns out that the Borealis contains all of Aperture Labs inside a pocket universe captcha: many inventers
>>128669447Why not throw TF2 and L4D into the mix as well then?
>>128669599Don't forget Ricochet.
>>128669599Isn't there an L4D mod that adds headcrabs?
>>128669447This is like the guys linking together Dr. Strangelove, 2001 - A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange.Sure, it's fun, but it's not more than mental masturbation.
>>128669599>>128669697Valve has never remotely implied that any of the other games are canonically related.Really I just like thinking about game mechanisms that fuck with physics.
>>128669116I have faith that they will handle it well. If they wanted to go full retard with it like you suggest then portal 2 wouldn't have taken place as far into the future as it was. They set in the far future to avoid any contact with elements of the half-life series. I doubt aperture science will have any more of a part in half-life 2 than xen does.
>>128669871speculation is mental masturbation.But It's a fact that HL2 and Portal take place in the same universe.Just because Portal was created later on, don't go accusing Valve of George-Lucas-tier retconning.
>>128668555>also, if half-life tries to tie in with portal valve will officially be the shittiest developer of all timeThis.I will personally send GabeN a dead opossum family.
>>128670561>GabeN>not gay Ben
>>128670561It already ties in you stupid fuck.
>>128670217valve already made a mistake turning a 1 hour tech demo into a sequel, if they do anything more than mention the names they will just show how pathetic they really arehonestly, for the amount of time we have waited and gotten shit from valve, there is no way this game will live up to any hype
Can people honestly sit here on /v/ and imply that they didnt know portal ties in with half life? Valve told us 50 god damn times, and they even say it IN THE FUCKING GAMES.
>>128670766it just states that the company existed in the half-life universeits not like they made portal thinking they would intertwine it into half-life, they made it as a tech demo for physics in their engine
>>128668453No he didn't. Aperture started as a Shower Curtain company, but he changed it to research and dvelopment for various things. After he went crazy from the mercury in the mercury laced shower curtains he sent to the navy, he set up insane projects like the "Take a Wish Foundation" and the portal project
>>128669116Isn't episode 3 supposed to be about going to the Borealis?
>>128669037>inside reference>Freaking Kleiner tells you half of the dry dock disappeared>you find half of the dry dock in Portal 2sorry bro
>>128671680damn, the next half-life confirmed for cod audience hipster shitoh well, valve died back in like 2001 in my opinion, this is just confirming the fact
>>128672016>COD audience>HipstersWhat?
I don't see why the bunch of you find it so abhorrent that Portal and Half-life are interrelated. God forbid should they deepen the story to the game.Seriously, I'd like one reason why, disregarding that they are already linked, that it's a bad thing that the stories are connected.
>2012>people not knowing that Portal and Half-Life are in the same damn universeI SHIGGITY DIGGITY DOOBIE
>>128672359because some people who played the original in 1998, and have seen every sequel since then get more outrageous and LOL RANDUM (alyx's dad dies at the end OMG WHAT A TWIST!)but who am i kidding, why should i expect anything good anymore?
>>128672359I don't mind the connection, but the entirely different tone of the games don't mix well
>LOL RANDUM (alyx's dad dies at the end OMG WHAT A TWIST!)What are you on about? I don't think I could understand your gripe with this even if you explain it to me though.
>>128672619Agreed. It really devalues the seriousness of the Half-Life canon if it exists in the same universe as singing turrets, cake jokes, clever talking robots, etc.
What the fuck is everyone freaking out about?Valve introduced an ice breaker with some crazy presumably world ending technology on board. I imagine they were wondering how to explain where it came from or something, I think it would be more of a stretch if it had come from black mesa, being that they all used to work there and would have been familiar with it and removing some of the mystery. If it were some alien technology then there would be the question of how would the resistance know about it and why don't the combine have it.I feel that Aperture science was the easiest answer for this. I also very highly doubt that valve will go full retard by having GORDON FIND A PORTAL GUN AND USE PORTAL TURRETS AND CAKE ADN LEMONSXDDD.
>>128671680>DrydockWait where?
>>128672982The way they explained it is that Portal takes place in its own bubble in the half life universe. It's like the silly "monster of the week" episodes of the X-files having nothing to do with the main story arc.
>>128672619My guess: You'll go to the Borealis, see a lot of aperture logos and maybe turrets/bots. You'll get a rudimentary portal gun.THE END
The sad thing about lol cake and lol lemons is that in context, both 'jokes' are horribly saddening. In the term of the cake, it's a hint that Chel has been running through the damn portal maze for years and years - after all, what else would you use to motivate a child?In terms of the lemon joke?It's a dying man screaming at God because he'll die in obscurity and failure.
Valve better be cooking up something pretty fucking spectacular to be taking this long.I'm talking "game of the decade" spectacular.
How did the Combine never find the technology? They are super advanced and powerful enough to completely take over Earth in 7 hours yet they were unaware of the portal technology AND are being stopped by one normal guy?The combine have inconsistent powerlevels.
>>128673303but the thing is, the plot of Episode 2 ends with them heading toward an aperture boat!
Ok this is the way I see it, Portal and Half-Life share the same universe and probably will mesh more then it ever has before in episode 3, but it will not share portals humour except maybe in a few easter eggs. Cmon give Valve some credit. Upvote if you agree
>>128672982>>128672982>>128672982>Half Life>SeriousNigger, what?Have you even played the goddamned games? Half Life 1 is basically a shitty sci-fi B-Movie and it knows it. Sure HL2 is a bit more grim, but it's also humorous. Magnusson bitching about his microwave casserole was superb as far as silly shit is concerned.
>>128672587I've played every iteration since the original came out as well, so that theory doesn't hold up. In fact, I was just playing the original again last night.Eli dying was kind of a twist, it's called story. The fact that you don't even remember his name tells me you weren't really paying that much attention. It certainly wasn't "LOL SO RANDUM". Half-Life has always been kind of silly, though admittedly the jokes were a bit darker. (See >>128668555)I admit the singing turrents and stuff might not mesh well, but there's no indication that those will be in an actual Half-life game. Just that the stories of the games mesh together.
Nearly all Valve games tie in.Half Life universe is the main universe.During Half Life 1 the Left 4 Dead games were popular movies.In the 50's TF2 was a popular comic book.Portal 1 takes place during the 7 hour war after Half Life 1.Portal 2 Takes place ~180 years after the events of Half Life 2.Deal with it, faggots.
>>128673521Agreed. Anyone who uses "LOLSORANDUMXD" as a description of Portal's humor is a buzzword-whoring cunt and should be judo-chopped in the throat. Every. Fucking. Joke. Makes. Sense. In. Context.The jokes are far from "RANDOM."
So wait, what the fuck was the point of the room in the OP's picture for?
>>128674059Questionable Ethics.
>>128673698Yep. Like I said, Portal exists in its own bubble in the same universe. Portal happens to be set in Aperture Science, but there's nothing about the Borealis at all except for the easter egg.
>>128673832>>128673952Just because it has elements of humor doesn't make it anywhere near the straight-up comedy that Portal 1 and 2 are, and there still was plenty of pure seriousness in Half-Life 1 and 2.
>>128673538The force Freeman and Co are fighting is a shitty occupation force being used to keep a defeated planet just barely under control the invasion force left long ago for more conquest, it doesnt have the time or resources to search for rumours of super weapons, the combine is essentially strip mining the place then leaving. Thats why episode 2 and 3 are almost entirely about stopping that force the curbstomped the combined forces of Earth from coming back and slapping our shit.
Portal has jokes. It has humor.But you're deluding yourself if you think it doesn't have a bit of seriousness to it as well. It's heavier on the humor, ya, but it's got that seem serious feel as the Half Life games, just not as much of it.
>>128674335i dont really see why an insane AI turns a game into a comedy.Pretty much all classic games combined seriousness with humor.
>>128674335>>128674335But Portal isn't a straight up comedy. It has serious overtones and themes, same as Half Life.
I think we can all agree that Half-Life 2 is total shit. Especially in comparison to the godliness of the predecessor?
>>128673952i played plenty of attention to the series, and i was the poster of >>128668555the episodes sucked, episode 1 was ~3 hours long, after the fight on the train i was like, 'oh boy, whats next!' CREDITSepisode 2 sucked as well, 2 fucking hours is all it took, with most on the very last fight
It doesn't matter what Valve does.You'll all bitch about it anyway.
>>128674542Half Life is a serious game with comedic undertonesPortal is a comedic game with horrifying tones
>>128674542Uh, no, it doesn't. It's pure humor. It may be dark humor, but everything about it is intended to be comedy.
>>128668606inspiring CS minigame servers?
>>128674580haha no.It was just as innovative and fun as HL1 was for its time.
>>128673521I actually viewed the cake thing as showing a A.I like GlaDos has absolutely no fucking clue how to motivate a human because at its core its just a machine (with a ladies brain sure but that means she could just be out of touch with humanity or bat fuck insane)
>>128674818Please go listen to Glados's rants during the final fight in Portal 1.That alone is proof that you're wrong.
>>128674592They were episodic, and hence less expensive because of that. (20 dollars when they came out as I recall, and quickly fell even below that. I got ep. 1&2 with Orange Box when it came out so I didn't really feel ripped off.)They should have come out faster because of that though, which was supposed to be the point but Valve time.
Why are people so huttburt about Portal and HL taking place in the same universe? It's not like Glados and Chell are going to dramatically appear through a Portal in HL3.inb4 they do
>>128674592>>128674592I don't agree. I think the episodes where well paced and the fights were great. Specially episode 2, and the fact that it looked great was a plus. However, I do agree that they suck in the fact that they just leave you wanting more. If anything it feels manipulative of it's audience because it felt like it leaves you with a bullshit "question" so that you come back next time. Thus paying more money. I'm glad Valve realized their mistakes, and I seriously hope we get HL3 instead of just Ep.3At least it has been implied as much
>>128673538The combine are hunting Black Mesa's portal tech. They have no idea that Aperture were even working on that stuff. The only reason aliens know about BM is that BM fucking summoned them.
>>128674694>>128674694Which makes them the same.
>>128674989That was hilarious! What the fuck are you talking about? Especially all the cores and "deadly" neurotoxin part.
>>128675241Fuck no.I want it to be titled Episode 3, since it is still part of hl2 arch, but be the length of at least half life 2, if not longer.Half life 3, if there is one, should have another dramatic jump in setting like half 1 and 2 had.
I know that we've only got HL1 and HL2 to go off here, so I'm kind of extrapolating, but I think releasing HL3 as a continuation of Ep2 breaks the mold of the two games being decades apart.If anything, I'm hoping for HL3 to be set a decade after HL2, and Episode3 being released for free alongside it as an apology for taking so long.
>>128675517Yes it was humorous, but you'd have to be deaf to not notice all those references tot he world having just been taken over/being taken over by the combine. That's not funny. That's a tragedy.
>Half Life in charge of being relevant in the 2010'sPic related, the 24 hours before "Red Letter Day"
>>128668555>also, if half-life tries to tie in with portal valve will officially be the shittiest developer of all timeConfirmed for fucking moron.
>>128675549I agree with this.Having HL3 would imply that it is a different game, rather than a continuation.It should be also Episode 3 just for the sake of finishing what the fuck they started.
I just want Shepperd to come back ;_;
>>128675953>still thinks people play HL2 as much as multiplayer games after 8 yearslol
>>128675923Does it matter that it references the Combine? It's also a "tragedy" that she nerve-gassed everyone in the facility (on fucking "bring your daughter to work day" nonetheless), but that's a common joke in Portal, even moreso in Portal 2. It's called dark humor.
>>128673969That...actually makes a lot of sense.
>>128673969So, judging by how Louis mentions Counter Strike in L4D, is it safe to say that Counter Strike is a video game within the universe.Have we been playing a game within a game?
>>128676269She never jokes about the combine. She is only ever serious when referencing them.Gassing children is still funny though.
>>128676219Screenshot was of the 'Call for Communication' event, an organized protest where Half Life fans were to play Half Life 2 at a certain date and time as a message to Valve.The fact that a protest advertised by several gaming websites had a turnout that only barely managed to beat the player numbers of L4D2 proves the fact that a very low percentage of gamers actually care about this series anymore.The icing on the cake? No other Valve game even took a dent to their numbers.
>>128675953>comparing players in predominantly multi-player games to a single-player game released less than a decade ago.It's like comparing Dune II to StarCraft II.
>>128676530I didn't know luis mentions that game.But sounds right. Counterstrike confirmed for game within a game.
>>128676530Fuck, I guess.And it'd have to be popular otherwise it wouldn't be paid homage to in a movie.
I have a feeling the next half life installment will be a full fledged sequel that will finally move us away from the source engine, instead of a episode.
>Counter-Strike mentioned by Louis in L4D >TF2 characters on a cereal box in L4D>TF2 mentioned by Ellis in L4D2
>>128676932When where they mentioned
>>128677053Random voice clips.
>>128676649It doesn't matter whether or not it's a joke. She never jokes. She's an AI. Just because it references the Combine doesn't make the game any less comedy. Dr. Strangelove is about the ending of the damn world. Imagine all the dead children, etc. It's still a comedy. Why? Because it's funny.
>>128668633Oh shit man somebody remotely normal referenced one of our PC video games, cause valve games are so secret and elite within the gaming industry. Now I cant play a game that is referenced by normal people!I imagine your the same kind of autist who protests skyrim because a normal person made an arrow in the knee joke once.