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  • File : 1328300962.jpg-(22 KB, 530x165, Imheretosavegaming.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:29 No.127935681  
    See this company? This company is your friend!

    This company is fighting to save gaming!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:35 No.127936384
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:40 No.127937100
    >Ruining Dungeon Siege
    >Saving gaming.

    Yeah, except they're fucking not.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:41 No.127937249
    They try really hard, but anytime they don't get help from others, their games fall apart. They've got vision, creativity, and a lot to offer when it comes to writing, and staying loyal to dedicated fans, but they have trouble with the means translate it all effectively into a game. Especially when with so much mandatory influence from partners. I really think they should team up with id.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:48 No.127938203
    they fucked neverwinter night good and hard even with bioware holding their hand

    keep at it op
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:50 No.127938384


    Also, KOTOR2's story sucked. It was a Star Wars game, dummies, not some noir grimdark universe shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:50 No.127938408
    They're doing what now?

    South Park RPG?

    So yeah, nothing worth mentioning, really. We'll have to wait till they get a real project.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:50 No.127938413
    You're just deepening my hatred of Obsidrones, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:51 No.127938569
    >there will never be a game as good as MotB from Obsidian again
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:52 No.127938658
    They need some better programmers

    Like, big time
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:52 No.127938689
    Meh, they're mediocre. Sure, they do a good job as far as stories are concerned, but that's it, a story doesn't make a game.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:53 No.127938882
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    >It's SUPPOSED to be retarded and not self aware!

    Fuck off and die, cretin.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:55 No.127939071
    Unpolished as it was, Alpha Protocol was the best RPG that came out in 2010.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:57 No.127939269
    If their games wasn't buggy as shit they be god tier.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:57 No.127939385
    >Never hear of company
    >look up a list of their projects
    >shit I don't even remotely care about

    Hey, I'd love to buy some of their games and support the company, but they have to make something that I'm interested in playing first.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:58 No.127939429
    The company should just outsource their writers for projects and stop trying to do all the engine and actual gameplay in house because they don't know how. They write good stories and dialogue and really focus on giving a solid role playing experience and aren't afraid to turn away from the casual audiences easy money unlike Bioware which insists that a company isn't successful unless it brings in CoD level returns.

    Even when they're given old engines and kits they still manage to put more bugs in the game than the original title had. Looking at KotoR 2 and especially New Vegas.
    >> RIP Ol' Quents 02/03/12(Fri)15:59 No.127939586
    >obsidian anything other than glorified mod makers
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:59 No.127939612
    >Bethesda makes a great game
    /v/ hates it
    >Obsidian makes the same game with a few additions and even more bugs than the original
    /v/ loves it
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:59 No.127939625

    Go back to bed, Timmy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)15:59 No.127939685
    >people don't know Obsidian is Black Isle
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:00 No.127939789

    The only thing they're fighting so save is money, by not bothering with doing any QA at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:01 No.127939872
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    Fallout 3 was shallow as fuck with a terrible plot and forgettable characters (except one but that's only because she's fucking annoying)

    When you fuck both of these up, of course you're inferior to Obsidian's version, even if that one is buggy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:01 No.127939924
    >people don't like the games I like
    >they must be casuals that like Call of Duty

    Don't you have some high school homework you should be doing?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:02 No.127939979
    they should only do writing
    I got Alpha Protocol for $2, it was too buggy(mouse) but writing was good
    they turned dungeon siege 3 into a console game
    I loved what they did on fallout NV
    I hope they will have more to say on new fallout game but not code it themselves
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:03 No.127940097
    Besides the Yes Man, who is even remotely memorable in New Vegas?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:04 No.127940351
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    >Christ Avellone will have no hand in making Fallout 4
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:05 No.127940419
    If they gameplay is a sticking point, then they should find a genre where gameplay is straightforward and simple, and doesn't get in the way of the writing. A 2D platformer or a downloadable adventure game perhaps. They wouldn't even need to be large projects, just something large enough to be enjoyable and to get players hooked into the story unfolding before them.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:05 No.127940468
    All the companions
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:06 No.127940512


    Do you even remember the Fallout 3 companions? Do you even remember their personalities?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:06 No.127940538
    And I have yet to play it because in order to play NWN2 you need some weird combination of driver versions for all your components. I was able to play it with the setup I had when the game came out, but any setup since then can't run the game, always some gamebreaking graphics bugs or ctd problems.

    I so want to play NWN2 again. Despite how shitty it is in many ways, it's the most interesting single player rpg I've played.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:06 No.127940636
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    > forgettable characters
    3 Dog, Moira, Herbert Daring Dashwood, Fawkes, Eulogy, your dad, president Eden, Butch, Amata, GARY GARY GARY GARY, Roy Phillips, Burke and his sultry voice, Tenpenny, Mayor McAsshole at little lamplight, Lyons Pride, Harkness, Buttercap, and Seirra Petrovita and her glowing pee
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:07 No.127940691
    he also had no hand in Fallout 1
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:08 No.127940901

    Hey Fallout3fags, who was the antagonist of Fallout 3?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:09 No.127940926

    He didn't on the original at all either. He did work on Fallout 2, though, and that one was garbage.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:10 No.127941145
    I was expecting a little more, considering you're acting like they're much better than Fallout 3's. I think Three Dog is more memorable than any of them, especially Mr New Vegas.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:10 No.127941186
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    >that feel when I played Fallout 3 and I cant remember most of em
    3 Dog? why? he had absolutely no impact in the game.. the hell, the only character that had a depth was the father
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:10 No.127941188
    Prez Eden and Col. Autumn(?)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:11 No.127941194
    New Vegas threads turn into shitstorms about who's ending is best.

    Fallout 3 doesn't have that and is infinitely inferior because of that.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:11 No.127941250
    dirty water, president eden
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:12 No.127941349
    Who wants to see me derail this thread into a shit slinging fest of hatred and OPINIONS?

    Fallout 1 > Fallout New Vegas >Fallout 3 > Fallout 2

    I don't get all that love for Fallout 2 /v/ seems to dish out for it. It was nothing but pop culture references and deviated from the mood and atmosphere of 1 too much for my tastes.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:12 No.127941381
    >This company is fighting to save gaming!

    By making shit games? Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:13 No.127941489

    Wow, a character that you meet once for a few minutes and kill immediately. The tweest was also pointless.


    You mean the first or the second one? I dunno, you only talk to him like once or twice. He's just doing his job and being kind of a dick. So compelling.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:14 No.127941627
    There wasn't a clear major antagonist. Why do you ask?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:14 No.127941715


    Man that vault was funny
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:14 No.127941720
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:15 No.127941740
    >fallout 3 ending
    >so someone should get in there and start the machine
    >yo mutant bro, can you get in there? rads will have no effect on you it should be a walk in the park
    >nope. it is you destiny to get in there
    >why? ok ok... ghoul bro, can you do it? I mean you heal in radiation, it should be a good thing for you
    >lol nope
    >guys please it will only take a minute, just get in there and press the button
    >lol no
    >after everything we have been trough, do you want to watch me die??
    >yes we will watch you from that window
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:15 No.127941812
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    It's flimsy writing. Also the plot is destructive as fuck to the original source material

    >moralfagging BoS
    >no interesting enemies

    Bethesda sure can make open world games but their writing SUCKS A BILLION DICKS. Look at Skyrim, holy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:16 No.127941931
    In Fallout 3 you are the antagonist. Or at least you can be. It's ultimately up to you if you poison the water or not and you decide who lives or dies. It even extends into Broken Steal when it gives you the option to kill the Enclave or the BoS who are the only people trying to help the wasteland and make it a better place.

    In New Vegas you're always the lap dog unless you go Yes Man, and he even alludes that he's going to make himself more assertive and probably become sky net at the end.

    But I'm probably reaching too far here. The bad guys are mostly just super mutants that just want to make other people into super mutants or eat them.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:17 No.127941995
    Does NV even have shit like this?

    Look, I love the game, but exploration wise it was absolute tripe.

    Prospector's den is legit one of the worst dungeons I've ever seen in a video game.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:17 No.127942046
    Sure the knocks on obsidian are obvious. Buggy ass releases. Incomplete games, which is partially their fault. The publisher they worked under certainly had a hand in rushing out the IPs they worked on to be poop worthy. And just being a B dev company in general.

    THing is, good solid gaming has also come from all that. Not like the A list devs who spend more on marketing and hype pushing their product down the throats of consumers. Always stuff with potential when with the proper polish, could certainly be a diamond in the rough. Alas, that is the fate of Obsidian.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:17 No.127942107
    Skyrim's writing was better than F3 though. The main quest didn't have much plothoes.

    Civil war questline was garbage though.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:18 No.127942139
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    The writing in skyrim has to be the worst writing in any video game released in the past few years with it's budget. I mean it's unbelievable how shit it is. Fallout 3 and fucking oblivion had better dialog than this garbage.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:18 No.127942146
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    >you are the antagonist

    Uh, that isn't how it works.

    And for like 99% of people who played NV, Caesar was the antagonist. Unless you're an edgy 12 year old that sided with the Legion.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:18 No.127942215
    >Even when they're given old engines and kits

    Fun game dev fact: Working with other people's engines is actually fucking harder than working with your own. It's just the investment to have one of your own is a hurdle.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:19 No.127942315

    No. You're over-exaggerating.

    Protip; The arrow to the knee jokes don't make up the writing.

    It's painfully mediocre but not anywhere near as worse as Fallout 3 or Oblivion and you are lying to yourself otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:19 No.127942332

    >moralfagging BoS

    You do know that almost half of the Brotherhood defected from Elder Lyons when he wanted to help people right?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:20 No.127942375
    that company blows ass.

    all their games are buggy unoptimized unfinished blocks of shit. it takes years before they come playable
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:20 No.127942455
    >The main quest didn't have much plothoes.

    Why did Alduin attack Helgen and save the Dragonborn? Why didn't he just...wait like 2 seconds?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:20 No.127942459
    It's gonna be awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:21 No.127942543
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    >This company is fighting to save gaming!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:22 No.127942611
    No, it's an abomination the original source material.

    Bethesda just wanted moralfag paladins so they could have legit "good guys" because shades of grey are too complex for them.

    It's fucking lame and they should be stomped out of existence.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:22 No.127942623
    He'd just flown down from the Throat of the World. Note how close Helgen is to it.

    Of course why it had to be Alduin I don't know. Probably a plothole if he was intending to kill the Dragonborn, but it's not as big as in F3.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:22 No.127942626
    bullocks. learning to work with UDK, for example, is way way way easier than creating your own engine from scratch.

    if a good engine exists that can do what you want it to do, using it saves money, time and effort.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:23 No.127942758
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:23 No.127942764
    too bad they have no personalities, except some one dimentional, shallow shit: nigga, female neckbeard, old bounty hunter guy, a talking super mutant how original, who, liam nesson, computer, asshole, bitch whore, vault tec and its craaazzzy experiments, angry guy, bussiness guy, rich guy, some kid, whore bitch, who, who, crazy bitch whore who sells ass for nuka cola
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:24 No.127942861
    >get to make KotOR2, a sequel to a massively succesful game
    >make it shit
    >no problem, now you get to make NWN2, a sequel to another, slightly less succesful game
    >make it shit
    >no problem, now you get to make a new IP
    >blunder of the century
    >no problem, now you get to make an expansion for Fallout 3, a massively successful game
    >make it a piece of buggy shit
    >no problem, now you get to make a sequel to Dungeon Siege, a popular arpg franchise
    >surprise surprise, it's fucking shit
    >no problem, now you get to make a game for South Park, a massively popular TV show
    >it will be shit

    Fucking stop giving these talentless fucks popular IPs. Everything they've ever made is a subpar buggy piece of shit. Just let them burn to the ground. THQ gets to close its doors while hacks like these who practically copy pre-existing games and somehow still make them worse, stay in business. gg, gaming industry.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:25 No.127943009

    >I want deep interesting characters that have flaws and secrets like being gay or getting fiddled by their uncle during their childhood
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:25 No.127943021
    What the fuck? KOTOR1 was bland as fuck and NWN1 was just bad.

    Stop it with the nostalgiafagging.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:25 No.127943022
    It's not flimsy writing. Do you need some clear eeeviill Sephiroth figure you need to defeat in each game?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:25 No.127943052
    >mostly Black Isle dudes
    >enjoyed KoTOR2 more than KoTOR
    >enjoyed NWN2 more than NWN
    >enjoyed NV more than FO3
    >dungeon siege III sucked
    >Alpha Protocol was actually pretty good

    One of my favorite devs.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:26 No.127943086
    thanks for proving his point. none of those characters are good.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:26 No.127943122
    >nwn2 compared to nwn
    someone didn't play nwn without expanions
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:27 No.127943284
    Yes it IS flimsy writing because you can easily have an antagonist that has a presence throughout the story rather than guys who can't even pass as a fucking boss fight.

    It's funny you mention that because Fallout 3 had that pedo character that didn't go anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:28 No.127943303
    Petty examples, but still a step up from any character Bethesda wrote in FO3.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:28 No.127943355
    like i ever implied that.

    at least even this kind of childish personality is a big step up from oblivion, where totally nobody had any personality.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:28 No.127943420

    So what you're saying is that it not ok to change a faction's principles to suit a role for a story?

    Well what if Black Isles Studios did it? Would you still care?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:29 No.127943486
    NWN1 was garbage. I never played mods or expansions yeah but I don't fucking care to.

    I might try out NWN2 though, I heard good things about the plot. Do I NEED to play NWN1 to understand the plot, or is it standalone?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:29 No.127943549
    >baaawww I couldn't be the hero who defeats the great evil of the land

    Nigga please.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:30 No.127943576
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    >overrated wrpg developer who makes half finished games
    >my friend

    this. I'm extra mad, because I actually bought it
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:30 No.127943599
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    >he thinks the FO3 BoS is all moralfags
    Shouldn't you be banging two rocks together?

    Look I agree it's sad that Bethesda decided to "reboot" the series for new players and didn't cater to the original fans and extend on already written lore. Instead they went their own way in a new location with new characters so that new players wouldn't be bogged down with confusing lore they don't know about. But there are still references and links to the old games and they at least explain that not all of the BoS is the generic good guys. There are still the neutral dicks that only want shiny tech and don't give a fuck about saving the wasteland from mutants and raiders.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:30 No.127943610
    Black Isle studios wouldn't have an overpowered tech faction that's lawful good without some sort of catch.

    Pure good / pure evil factions are fucking boring and Bethesda can't come up with anything in between.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:31 No.127943688
    >see a man in golden armor punching a giant crow
    >full view
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:31 No.127943702
    you forgot Mr. Crowley brah
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:31 No.127943704
    Should've tried the demo, bro. Steam had it. It was so godawful I didn't even bother to pirate the full game.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:31 No.127943744
    it's standalone
    there might be a minor reference or two (the plague started by luskan) but i'm pretty sure that's just dnd canon anyway
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:31 No.127943755
    >implying Black Isles Studios and Obsidian aren't the same group
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:31 No.127943771
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    >who was the antagonist of Fallout 3?

    Todd Howard
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:32 No.127943808
    I love their writing. I don't care what others say, kotor2 is on my list of all time favorite games.
    Why all the F2 hate? It was a great game.

    >playin NV
    >fightin with Marcus
    >he shouts: Chris Avellone loves you!
    >;_; thatfeel.jpg
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:32 No.127943841
    >Ruining Dungeon Siege
    Silly anon, you can't ruin shit. DS was a fucking horrible franchise.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:32 No.127943889
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    >NWN1 was garbage
    >never played mods
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:32 No.127943893
    Dungeon Siege was already shit
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:32 No.127943895
    expansions are actually very good, especially hotu. vanilla is fucking shit though, i don't know what they were thinking.
    persistent world servers are pretty good too, but everyone complains about the game mechanics and lazy and retarded solutions, like hard coding everything (can't change shit), or stuff like umberhulks having true sight instead of tremor sense - they're blind but we don't care lol, we bioware now
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:33 No.127943927
    >Kotor 2
    rushed by lucas farts
    >own IP
    rushed by sega farts
    >dungeon siege 3
    its squeenix who owns the franchise now. They decided to make it into a diablo clone. The company was paid to develop the game.

    so no. Not really. Considering those games you mentioned were in ways superior to its predecessor.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:34 No.127944055
    >never played NWN1 expansions


    >Do I NEED to play NWN1 to understand the plot, or is it standalone?

    There's some vague references, but no. NWN2 - > MOTB (skip the fuck out Zehir, it's a piece of shit and has 0% relevance to anything in NWN2's story)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:34 No.127944149
    I gotta agree. It couldn't ride the wave of the old school RPG with shit tastic writing and dated mechanics. I doubt it would try ride the wave of a hack n slash co op dungeon crawler.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:35 No.127944210
    I didn't say it was easier to create your own. Just that using someone else's isn't easy. It's simply cheaper.

    Using other people's engines, you will never be as good with that engine as they are. That's a god damn fact.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:35 No.127944227
    I can stand bad games if the mods are good (Oblivion, Skyrim) but I could not stand NWN's control and camera scheme to the point where I didn't want to bother.

    But if they're that good, maybe I'll try it again after checking out NWN2.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:35 No.127944236
    They did have a base. The second you walk in they flip their shit and all turn hostile to you though. It has a bobblehead and that faggy misses launcher or whatever in it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:35 No.127944241
    Goddammit it's not hard to take the side of the BoS without having them act like moralfags

    Look at Fallout Tactics, you were basically beating the shit out of anyone who refused to join your ranks and slapped their shit accordingly, all while slapping all the muties/reavers/robots shit for being bigger assholes than you.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:37 No.127944393
    The water
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:37 No.127944446
    the camera is the same in nwn2. just don't fucking move it, use pause.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:38 No.127944510
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:38 No.127944551
    in every thread they appear obsidian fans are just like biodrones
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:39 No.127944611
    buttmad bethesdrone is buttmad
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:39 No.127944682
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:39 No.127944690
    nwn2's camera is nearly the worst thing ever

    but they do give you 3 sets of camera styles with separate controls
    very frustrating, but functional
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:40 No.127944720

    You might find NWN 2 a bit flat, but have a look at its expansion Mask of the Betrayer. It somehow manages to achieve a bit of the feel of Planescap: Torment, mainly through the peculiar world it creates and the pretty strong characterization of NPCs.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:40 No.127944747
    Good writers, poor game developers.

    I'm not one of those eating the soup for the spoon trolls but you need to at least have good gameplay and a bug free experience if you want to make good games. Other wise you might as well just make visual novels.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:40 No.127944758
    >can't deal

    Stay mad
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:40 No.127944813
    Average Obsidrones
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:40 No.127944838
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    GIVE ME the naughty nightwear!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:41 No.127944870
    You fags sicken me for bitching about Obsidian this much

    Are you saying Planescape is shit?

    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:41 No.127944974
    MoTB, yes. That was everything I heard was good about it.

    I fucking love Planescape so much, the chance to relive a feel like that again, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:42 No.127945002
    If you mean the latin pronounciation, it's actually tsae-zahr. Like deus ex, this is another thing americans usually have trouble with.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:42 No.127945029
    so randum X)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:43 No.127945133
    >mfw Yes-Man
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:43 No.127945214
    N-no s-sir, NO SIR

    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:43 No.127945230

    No, like all great creators Obsidian is losing its touch.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:43 No.127945237
    Yeah, fucking Americans not knowing how to pronounce words from a dead language!

    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:44 No.127945323
    Speaking of Obsidian, did Christ Avellone write the dialogue for Planescape, or just the story? Because it was really the npc dialogue that made that game.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:44 No.127945325
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:44 No.127945341
    Kai-sahr is Latin. See-zar is English speakers done goofing.

    The way English speakers pronounce Latin words is just wrong, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:45 No.127945380
    If you don't know, then don't try to correct it, dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:45 No.127945457
    Sure if they ever actually FINISH A FUCKING GAME
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:45 No.127945473

    He wrote something like 90% of everything.

    He had a couple guys helping to fill things out here and there.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:45 No.127945478
    I didn't correct anything, bumblefuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:46 No.127945552
    nwn2's oc is playable, but you HAVE to rush it
    do not try to spend much time crafting, do not try to find every item, do not try to collect every spell (as wizard), do not try to maximize your exp by finding every enemy
    it can and will drag out to intolerable levels if you slow down, but if YOU can keep things moving along it's a pretty decent campaign
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:46 No.127945571
    >but you need to at least have good gameplay and a bug free experience if you want to make good games

    no fucking PC game is ever totally bug free. Stable to the fact its playable with no major problems yes. But there are always variables that leads to rushed developing or lack of QC.

    Hell vampire masquerade bloodlines is one of hte better RPG exepriences despite its buggy ass flaws.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:46 No.127945582
    Also no. Skip NWN2, just play MotB.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:47 No.127945645
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    Never seen so much truth so early in a thread.
    Perfect example: Fallout: New Vegas.

    Blast once you get into it, if you get into it at all!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:47 No.127945684
    hate on FO3 all you want I have never felt more immersed in a game then when I got that one station where the dad was broadcasting out for help for his sick and dieing son because they ran out of medicine and when you get down there there's medical supplies and empty syringes and dead skeletons and you just stop and say "Fuck man...I'm too late. I'm 200 hundred years too fucking late."

    Or minetown and there's those skeletons embracing on the bed and empty med-x implying they committed suicide. The guys in the bathtub with empty whiskey bottles around the tub and a toaster.

    Or that family that couldn't get into a vault so they try to get into the national guard armory and you find their tapes all over the wasteland and hear that familys story.

    The closest I got to that in NV was in Honest Hearts with the survivalists journals. New Vegas just never had anything like that. I like that kind of stuff more than accurate farming and radiation not being a big deal 200 years after the bombs. It's just more impressive with me.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:47 No.127945733
    >Implying there was something to ruin.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:47 No.127945736
    Then stop defending whoever did, fuckwit.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:47 No.127945741
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    But...but he'll miss all the plot and characters.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:48 No.127945756
    pronouncing latin words is retardedly easy, because it is always clear how a word you don't know or never heard will sound like, unlike shit tier english.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:48 No.127945843
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    >Obsidian has J.E. Sawyer, Chris Avellone, and now Tim Cain and the rest of the Troika Team
    >they're making a fucking South Park game instead of something great like Fallout 4
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:48 No.127945863
    >Shit tier english

    Oh amazing non-American, please tell us of your preferred language of choice then
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:49 No.127945866
    >They try really hard, but anytime they don't get help from others, their games fall apart.

    /thread. Assfaggots who don't realize this can go suck on paying for regurgitated games based on marketing hype and awesome buttons.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:49 No.127945986
    But id is a horrible company that produces tech demos that are commercial failures as nobody ever licenses their technology.

    That's like traveling back in time so you can ride on the Titanic.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:50 No.127946003
    >Fallout 3 was first so it's better

    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:50 No.127946079
    i'm british.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:51 No.127946177
    So you speak an even more terrible version of English than Americans.

    Pfft. Go take your trolly-wolly doodle bangers wots and fall off a cliff.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:52 No.127946244
    id does suck now, yes
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:52 No.127946269
    >people thinking dungeon siege 3 was bad
    But it was bug free and buzzword.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:52 No.127946305
    don't hate, we're an american colony after all.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:52 No.127946321
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    They're working on at least one other unannounced game that is their own IP.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:52 No.127946328
    >nobody ever licenses their technology.
    they're still making BANK off call of duty, since quake 3 engine is the easiest thing to map on ever
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:52 No.127946337
    how does liking one environment over another because it's more immersive and has better atmosphere make me a nostalgiafag?

    I don't get you.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:53 No.127946430
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    Vague world design story telling wasn't in NV?

    Come on now, you know that's bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:53 No.127946442
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    If you ever threaten someone you have never met with death, you are an unstable manchild who should consider therapy.

    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:53 No.127946453
    The worst part is that they're not even doing any writing for it, which is the only thing they're good at.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:54 No.127946574
    And if you try to get dubs and fail, you're a pedophile virgin nerd faggot that'll die from a cheeto-induced heart attack at age 30.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:55 No.127946593
    They're doing the quest design.
    Also Onyx engine proves they're good at programming when they make their own instead of inheriting Bioware/Bethesda shit or trying to work with Unreal Engine 3.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:57 No.127946964


    Who, Neeshka? Generic Gruff Dwarf? FUCKING QARA?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:57 No.127946984
    Didn't they make that shit-tastic Alpha Protocol? A game with so much potential that sucked so hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:58 No.127947028
    >This company is your friend!

    Haha. They're now in my top gaming 5 companies to never give money to along with Ubisoft, Microsoft and Bioware.

    >bought KotOR2
    >mechanically a good game since it is KotOR1 with a higher level cap and a few extra skills after all, but ruined everything good about the first - art direction was shit, fanfic level story; incomplete messy game

    >bought NWN2
    >buggy, generic, terrible controls, looked like ass and ran like shit even on a cutting edge PC

    >pirate FO:NV to try before buying
    >literally unplayable with bugs

    I'd rather not have a friend like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:58 No.127947049
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:58 No.127947087
    If it was I don't remember any of it outside of that repcon guy being forcibly retired and someone forgetting to get his cake as well as House's half-brothers insane ramblings in his tool factory.

    FO3 had more and of better quality. Every interior location outside of the boring metros had a meta-story to tell. There wasn't any of that in NV.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:58 No.127947115
    >mechanically good
    If you're a child who loves awesome button combat.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:59 No.127947127
    This was the only saving grace of Fallout 3.
    I made 20 hours of the worst gameplay experience, only to find shit on a dead desert.
    FO3 was so bland and boring you could make playing it a punishment.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)16:59 No.127947169
    Damn, bro. FO2 had its flaws but it wasn't nearly as destructive to the setting as 3. It had much better writing and some parts were actually outstanding (New Reno, Marcus, etc).

    Switch 2 with 3 and I agree with that list.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:00 No.127947322
    holy shit did you read his fucking post my god
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:01 No.127947365
    I bet you prefer your mashy action games but in the old days all rpgs had turn based combat so anyone older than 12 didn't mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:01 No.127947382
    Come on now, you didn't think Ammon Jerro was a pretty good take on the neutral evil alignment and what happened to Shandra was pretty shitty (though she was pretty mary sue-y so I guess it was inevitable)?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:01 No.127947448

    This right here.

    This is the reason why I ahte Fallout 3.

    I liked it before the ending.

    But that ending was so GOD DAMN AWFUL.

    I absolutely cannot even REPLAY Fallout 3 because that shit pissed me off so goddamn much.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:01 No.127947463
    >sucking a dude's dick you don't even know

    pretty gay dude
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:02 No.127947493
    KOTOR isn't turn based and also it's about as dumbed down and easy as a RPG can possibly get. Huge drop-off after Baldur's Gate 2.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:02 No.127947563
    It was so bad they actually fixed it in DLC
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:03 No.127947623
    Exactly this.
    People feel nostalgia toward F3 because it was their first Fallout.
    When people talk to me about it and praise every generic feature, I feel like I'm the only one who played more than 5 RPGs in my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:03 No.127947647
    Bethesda tried to retcon it, but it will still be remembered.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:03 No.127947696
    Was the story SUPPOSED to not make any fucking sense at the end? Keira has bipolar force disorder? Okay!?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:03 No.127947735
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:04 No.127947762
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    See this company? This company is your fri- Oh..well..shit..
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:04 No.127947781
    Is Dungeon Siege 2 fun at all?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:04 No.127947809
    She tried to play both sides and got fucked in da butt. What now, gramma? WHAT NOW?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:04 No.127947845
    KotOR is turn based, it just doesn't automatically pause at every turn. You get one action per turn, the enemy gets one action per turn and it alternates between them. Rinse and repeat. You can just queue said actions up. Makes for smoother gameplay.

    But yeah, it WAS pretty easy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:05 No.127947948
    That's not turn based, it's real time with rounds. The two play differently, the recent Jagged Alliance 2 remake is proof of that.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:05 No.127947952
    >South Park RPG
    Yeah, no these guys are sellouts
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:05 No.127947956
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    Did Fallout New Vegas have a giant robot that shoot lasers from his eyes and threw atomic bombs everywhere?

    Didn't think so
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:05 No.127947984
    Wasn't Kreia just sick of the Jedi council's hypocritical bullshit and thought Sith was just a little too gay?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:05 No.127947996
    Obsidian are mediocre. They are still much better than BioWare or Bethesda.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:05 No.127948004
    Oh come on, New Vegas was the same game with a stupid "hey i'm a computer" reveal. The entire thing about rediscovering your past fell flat, and all your interaction in the plot obviously was going to lead to one of a few boring cutscene endings.

    As dumb as Liam Neeson's Wasteland was, at least it was a fucking story, rather than a bunch of writing Obsidian thought people would like jammed together. Like the Legionaries felt completely out of place and New Vegas felt boring and empty.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:06 No.127948053
    so randum X)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:06 No.127948089
    No, this company is a bitch to big publishers and you can't find for anyone's freedom if you're chained. Ask Ned Stark.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:06 No.127948109
    It's pretty fun. They added abilities with cooldowns that helped with managing multiple enemies.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:06 No.127948119
    >mfw Yes-Man
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:07 No.127948158
    >Star Wars
    These guys are just sellouts
    >Dungeons and Dragons
    These guys are just sellouts
    >Mass Effect with spies
    These guys are just sellouts
    >Fallout 3 stand-alone expansion
    These guys are just sellouts
    >Dungeon Siege: Dark Alliance
    These guys are just sellouts
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:07 No.127948167
    but in the end she's like in a black robe and gives this totally confusing exposition. I tried replaying it with the leaked restoration project but I never bothered to get to the end.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:07 No.127948173
    >making a South Park rpg
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:07 No.127948174
    >those are not turns, those are rounds. totally diff

    Oh come on.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:07 No.127948178

    I wonder who would win?

    100 of Mr. Houses robot (after the upgrade) or Liberty Prime?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:07 No.127948179
    >>Bethesda makes a great game
    Wake me up when this happens.

    And wake me up when you realize /v/ isn't one person, idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:07 No.127948199
    Who's a computer? House?

    He's not.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:08 No.127948276
    3dog was memorable because of how shit he is, same for moira and all other "memorable" bethesda characters.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:08 No.127948303
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    Obi and Bethesda deserve way more hate then they get, they've made roughly 2 good games and were involved in like 10 terrible ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/12(Fri)17:08