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  • File : 1327576261.jpg-(51 KB, 420x280, Gillard.jpg)
    51 KB Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:11 No.126691417  
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:12 No.126691481
    The fuck happened in that picture?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:12 No.126691550
    There were protestors or something.

    Security had enough and just took her away.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:13 No.126691604
         File1327576411.jpg-(76 KB, 519x600, 1325086601913.jpg)
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    >Julia Gillard
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:14 No.126691686

    The PM got pushed by a bunch of insane activists and tripped in her heels. Bodyguard caught her. Activists act like trash. PM had to run.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:14 No.126691693
    >in australia, every vagina comes with its own trapdoor spider
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:15 No.126691716
    Oh that's right, I was meant to go to some shitty barbecue for invasion day today.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:15 No.126691762
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:16 No.126691802
    they fucking passed acta secretly what the fuck goverment
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:16 No.126691852
    how do they not fall into space?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691879
    Ha, Gillard is fuckable. Anyone agree?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691880
         File1327576629.jpg-(61 KB, 650x488, Gillard 2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691887
    Gravity is backwards too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691898
    I dont think you understand the gravity of the situation.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691899
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691914
    >Abos acting animalistic
    What's new...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691935
    Good thing security was on hand with his home made riot shield
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691941
    first the carbon tax now this shit? good job Austalia's not poor as shit
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.126691945
    Holy shit this is great, I wasn't even aware of this.

    Bitch had more coming to her
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:18 No.126691977
    keeping it real
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:18 No.126692019
    Too much spider web, they call themselves citizens but they are in fact just keeping there own meat warm.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:19 No.126692055
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:20 No.126692164
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    This is my favorite picture from what happened. You've got the PM and the opposition leader looking scared as hell. Also, that guy on the left.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:20 No.126692169
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:22 No.126692253
    wow that guy's alpha as fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:22 No.126692258
    I need a picture of her face and body.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:22 No.126692315
         File1327576969.png-(520 KB, 691x679, Here to save the day.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:23 No.126692327
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    >chasing the PM
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:23 No.126692338
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:24 No.126692407
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    >boong supporters acting like true boongs

    Nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:24 No.126692440
    Wow, I don't know if I should applaud the Australian security forces' restraint or not.

    If this were the Secret Service, all the protesters would have been gunned down.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:24 No.126692460
    Oh god, my sides
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:25 No.126692479
         File1327577108.jpg-(199 KB, 800x920, u wot m8.jpg)
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    How was this photo not staged.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:25 No.126692512
    I'm surprised the boongs even knew what day it was
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:26 No.126692549
    >u wot m8

    Damn near pissed my pants
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:26 No.126692560
         File1327577176.png-(41 KB, 300x300, 1289357089238.png)
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    wut, no she doesn't put out at all, they even made fun of that in that comedy series. She'd always kiss her hairdresser boyfriend on the cheek.

    >mfw he's really a hairdresser
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:26 No.126692568
    Can someone explain this to me? i know im not the only one that is wondering this.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:26 No.126692573
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:26 No.126692589
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    >mfw australia is america 2.0
    You guys are doing such a swell job.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:27 No.126692677
         File1327577270.png-(413 KB, 687x587, savages.png)
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    What a bunch of fucking savages
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:28 No.126692697
    Greetings from New Zealand.

    Move over here. Theres no danger here. I promise...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:28 No.126692702
    PM was being chased by Coons and mongrels, the security grabbed her and is dragging her under his shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:28 No.126692740

    There's nothing in New Zealand.

    Literally, there's nothing to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:29 No.126692754
    >blue suede wedge shoe

    Confirmed for not knowing shit about fashion.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:29 No.126692768
    If I ever move anywhere, it's three options:
    >South Korea
    >Sweden/Norway/Finland/they're all the same country anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:29 No.126692780
    >Abos claim that whitey criminals came to Australia and ruined their land and their culture of hitting things with sticks
    >Most abos are criminals
    Oh the irony
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:29 No.126692783
         File1327577373.jpg-(35 KB, 371x500, dat shoe.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692812

    HAHA i laughed my fucking face off at the thought of some tribe of coons worshipping the one with the blue shoe on his head.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692816
    >> Yes Man !wAvwo2I7O. 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692819
         File1327577407.jpg-(70 KB, 713x456, Typical Australian Prime Minis(...).jpg)
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    >Australian Prime Ministers
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692837
    Exactly. Just peace and quiet in the snowy mountain ranges that resemble the Swiss Apls for some reason.

    No danger here. Just green fields and some sheep.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692841
    Do you guys have a fuckload of asians in australialalalalalalllalalalala?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692846
         File1327577428.jpg-(12 KB, 170x255, kev.jpg)
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    Until we get beaten to death by a kiwi during an earthquake whilst driving a commodore with a starfire engine into a flock of sheep
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692850

    Why didn't her bodyguards shoot the protesters attacking her?

    Or more importantly, why didn't her bodyguards fully secure the area before the protesters stormed in?

    Is the Australian Secret Service a lot more lax that the US Secret Service?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:30 No.126692871
    Most of the ones there were half-castes anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:31 No.126692902
    Not really, every time they have done that the backlash has been astronomical.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:31 No.126692905
    Requesting some videos, please.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:31 No.126692916

    Fuck Gillard, this dude should be president
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:31 No.126692933
         File1327577499.png-(168 KB, 407x379, 1322016177470.png)
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    >my face when I didn't see any cops beating abbos
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:31 No.126692945
    Yeah, a shit tonne.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:31 No.126692950
    >Woman Prime Minister

    Wow, and they made fun of us for having a nigger president.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:31 No.126692960
    So what was the meeting about?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126692976
    Actual comment from youtube

    >Give the Abos there Tents .. You stole there children , raped there women , and took there land .. They only have tents left , dont take that also ..
    >> Yes Man !wAvwo2I7O. 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126692978

    yeah nah
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126692989
    Boongs, being boongs. Next.

    Also most boongs are only like 1/16th or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126692999

    Because we're not trigger happy rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126693018
    is abbot smiling in the background...

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126693021
    They were awarding medals to rescue workers
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126693022
    Because shooting Abos would case a bigger political incident than if the PM was torn apart by them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126693034
    >stolen generation
    >they actually do something with their lives
    >complain about whities stealing them
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:32 No.126693042
         File1327577577.png-(136 KB, 250x249, grouse yarn.png)
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    basically, there's been this long-standing protest since the '70s called "The Tent Embassy", it's about Aboriginal rights/recognition. The Opposition Leader, Tony Faggot, says he thinks the social context that made the T.E. no longer exists and Abos have it well off these days. Naturally, the leftist went nuts and tried to storm this function the PM and Op Leader were at, you can see Tony right behind her, loving how it's all panned out.

    >mvq the Noalition planned and orchestrated this whole event.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:33 No.126693053

    This guy made a comment about the aboriginals moving their tent embassy or some shit so a bunch of them got together and came to a speech the pm was giving and surrounded the building so they called in the riot squad and got them out of there. She fell over on her way out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:33 No.126693074

    Because Australia doesn't treat politians like they're made out of glass.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:33 No.126693092
         File1327577622.jpg-(100 KB, 840x711, martin.jpg)
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    Guns have been outlawed in australia since 1996
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:33 No.126693095

    >Raping aboriginal women

    Someone must have their facts wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:33 No.126693108
    Bald guy = pirates
    Julia Gillard = video games
    Riot shield = DRM
    Tony Abbott = publishers
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:34 No.126693140
    Ok, Imma lay it down.

    The coons of Australia, the "Aboriginies", set up this thing they called a "Tent Embassy" in the 70s. It consists of tents set up on the Parliament lawn. The 'diginies were pissed off that the Government wasn't "recognising their traditional land ownership" (i.e refused to give them free land).

    Recently, Tony Abbott the Opposition Leader (of the Liberal Party) said that Aboriginals were much better off these days, the Tent Embassy was no longer relevant and that they should go home.

    The niggers got might riled up and protested against this "racism". The picture shows the niggers actually chasing the PM, they also attacked her car.

    I hate Aboriginies
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:34 No.126693160
         File1327577693.jpg-(15 KB, 206x199, 1303905078719.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:35 No.126693180


    wait wait wait

    Australians actually put a woman in charge of their country?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:35 No.126693205
    >direct assault on high-importance politic in open area
    >not responding with incapactitating force
    >instead banning 'violent' vidya and having poisonous mammals
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:35 No.126693207
         File1327577724.png-(34 KB, 182x265, fuck off.png)
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    And in true Labour fashion, they have blamed Tony Abbot
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:35 No.126693212
    >opposition leader makes racist comments

    >coons attack prime minister
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:35 No.126693217

    Because it's just Julia Gillard, no one really cares that much if she gets mobbed, not even her own bodyguards.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:35 No.126693222
    ill never forget the day i gave away my guns.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:35 No.126693245
         File1327577753.jpg-(101 KB, 637x362, tosser.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693264
    That is simply false.

    The reason the abos were not shot is that the bad press would have ruined her career and hopes for re-election.

    I would have preferred the niggers been gunned down, however
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693265

    got a dolla, g?
    keen for a scrap, au?
    one punch oi?
    dahuhuhuhuhuaeaheaheuahea chur bae
    >> Yes Man !wAvwo2I7O. 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693271
    >Implying he would have done any better
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693307

    >important enough to shoot someone over

    Silly Americunt
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693310

    No, she put herself in charge. She back-stabbed the guy we DID put in charge, and forced him to become Foreign Minister instead.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693313
    No, Aboriginals from the tent embassy
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693329
    >Is the Australian Secret Service a lot more lax that the US Secret Service?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:36 No.126693335
         File1327577817.jpg-(99 KB, 640x590, 1327504637453.jpg)
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    nononono she took power in a bloodless coup

    we're still pissed about ti
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:37 No.126693355
    Only rifles. With a license it's still legal to own a handgun. Although the self defence laws are a joke.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:37 No.126693373

    The PM's husband must feel beta as fuck after seeing that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:37 No.126693383
    >let the military have guns
    >let the citizens not

    Mira mira! Viene una tormenta!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:38 No.126693430

    asian owned coal mines did
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:38 No.126693435
    But the protestors came to harass Abbott, Julia was caught in the crossfire.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:38 No.126693449
    >Why didn't her bodyguards shoot the protesters attacking her?

    And the scary thing is, Americans are probably dead serious when they ask that.

    All about dat rooty tooty point and shooty over in Yankland.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:38 No.126693451

    >2nd best living standards in the world
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:38 No.126693467
         File1327577923.png-(303 KB, 489x501, 1285107717054.png)
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    The fuck is wrong with you, mate?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:39 No.126693489
    > he don't threesome with his wife and that bodyguard
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:39 No.126693492
    Don't forget bribing the minor parties and independents when she actually stood for election!

    And we call other nations corrupt.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:39 No.126693501
         File1327577948.png-(29 KB, 500x461, 1303825435665.png)
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    >that feel when you had to give away your slug gun thanks to some cunt in tassie setting the high score
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693559
    1st most ear shattering accents in the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693573
    >soaring household bills
    >rising crime
    >Asians everywhere
    Yeah, nah.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693575
         File1327578015.jpg-(59 KB, 604x427, hanakos father didnt die.jpg)
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    I'm not sure about how it is in amurrika, but here our government isn't so corrupt that we need fear them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693587

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693599


    wait wait wait

    Americans actually put a black in charge of their country?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693607
         File1327578044.jpg-(21 KB, 273x236, 1309557921187.jpg)
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    >they only have tents left
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693622
    Sounds like a porno.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.126693626
    Irish actually, and I never said shoot. You can incapacitate with tazers, gas, and if you're really bent on shooting you can use rubber bullets.

    btw, how does it feel to live in the only country with more christianity influenced politics than USA, while also still being owned by the commonwealth and the crown
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:41 No.126693630

    Abbot actually looks kinda of bemused, like he has his trollface on.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:41 No.126693632
         File1327578066.jpg-(59 KB, 640x480, boongs where they belong.jpg)
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    >get free house
    >get free car
    >get free food
    >get free money
    >break all of it
    >complain to today tonight

    Someone post the video, it's like they are literally showing how they broke and trashed everything in their free house, then complain that it's the white man's fault and they are being neglected.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:41 No.126693637
         File1327578072.gif-(21 KB, 645x773, 1319394231002.gif)
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    >that feel when Port Arthur was probably a False Flag attack
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:41 No.126693648
    He's only part black, at least he's not fully woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:41 No.126693659

    3rd, after America and Britain.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:41 No.126693690

    jelly, cunts?
    yeah, u jelly.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:42 No.126693700
    Do you have any idea how a minority government is formed?

    If Julia was bribing so was Tony, it's what happens when you need minor party support.

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:42 No.126693721
    How's this one


    wait wait wait

    Americans actually put a muslim in charge of their country?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:42 No.126693724

    Secret Service would never, ever use tasers or any of that shit if you tried to grab Obama. They would always shoot to kill.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:42 No.126693726

    "a black"?

    Am I back in the 50s? DON'T HOSE ME BRO!!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:43 No.126693776
    Are you referring to the ADF?

    The Australin Defense Force? The ADF protects Australia. We are not afraid of our military here
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:43 No.126693786
    Oh boy, here we go with the PC liberal retarded feel good bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:43 No.126693814
    I do, it's corrupt. Abbot is just as shit as Gillard.

    >hurr I'm gonna disagree just because I'm supposed to
    Western politics in a nutshell
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:43 No.126693818

    >while also still being owned by the commonwealth and the crown

    Says the Irishman.

    I think you lied about that. Flee your sinking ship while you can, Amerifat.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:43 No.126693825

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:43 No.126693832
    Abbos gonna Ab

    White man makes the clothes you wear
    White man builds the house you sleep in

    And for all this

    You can't spare a little dirt for the white man?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:43 No.126693834
         File1327578239.jpg-(127 KB, 1024x768, Aussie christmas.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:44 No.126693844
    That's backwards. Rifles are fine. I went clay shooting with my shotgun and plinking with my .22 just today.

    You can't have handguns afaik and you can't have semi automatic or automatic weapons.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:44 No.126693856
    Someone is forgetting all the special indigenous handouts.

    We'd have a lot less racism if Aboriginals had to step the fuck up and look after themselves to the same extent as your average white man
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:44 No.126693867
         File1327578263.jpg-(10 KB, 207x160, 1323732545192.jpg)
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    Yeah, well you...

    Yeah. We did.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:44 No.126693879
    >Gillard and Abbot handing out medals for heroism during emergencies or someshit
    >Gillard talks about how the Abo Tent Embassy isn't really relevant and probably should be torn down
    >Tent Embassy is like 200 meters away
    >Tent Embassy Abo's hear, Chimp out
    >Rush Gillard and Abbot as they exit
    >Security tries to get Gillard and Abbot to GTFO
    >Gillard is slow as fuck
    >Grabbed by bald security dude who starts doing a weird hug/run
    >Gillard looses shoe.

    Advance Australia Fair...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:44 No.126693893
    Blacks are incapable of logical thought or preparing for the future.

    Like dogs, they live only in the moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:44 No.126693908
    Here's the video if anyone is interested:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:45 No.126693917
    abos arent human

    news at 11
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:45 No.126693923
    We cool now?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:45 No.126693941
    Unless they are French
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:45 No.126693950
    No, it's because Australians aren't paranoid fucks and stuff like this rarely if ever happens.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:45 No.126693959
         File1327578333.jpg-(23 KB, 284x392, zyzz.jpg)
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    >Be Australian
    >Not be shredded as fuark

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:45 No.126693963
    To be fair, The U.S President is worth more than the Australian PM.

    I agree, though, the Security forces should have just stood their ground and destroyed any nigger which got in striking distance.

    If I had been PM, I would simply have walked out of the building with my head held high. If I was attacked, my ratings would sky rocket
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:46 No.126693998
    >mfw Abbott was the real target
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:46 No.126694010
    Obama is also head of the military. the PM of Australia is not
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:46 No.126694014
         File1327578382.jpg-(2.21 MB, 1562x4023, ethnics.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:46 No.126694019
    >The ADF protects Australia
    Ha! The ADF is full of drunken brainwashed scum who would shoot at any of us if ordered to.

    >We are not afraid of our military here
    We should be, if for whatever reason they are turned on us we can only throw rocks at them.

    Pro-tip: Guns are better than rocks
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:46 No.126694032
         File1327578399.jpg-(56 KB, 796x552, 1298530476103.jpg)
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    How was your straya day, cunts?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:46 No.126694038


    You're a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:46 No.126694039
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:47 No.126694067
    Governments shouldn't have to control through fear.
    Sets a precedent
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:47 No.126694077
         File1327578439.jpg-(6 KB, 252x260, 1327465299053.jpg)
    6 KB
    I dunno. I'm not even that guy. Just your friendly neighborhood video games lover. This thread has actually just been really funny/entertaining compared to most of the stuff that's usually on here. Feels refreshing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:47 No.126694083

    It's a joke whitey, chill the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:47 No.126694099
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:47 No.126694103
    We cool now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:48 No.126694130
    Oh my god. I would suck every man that was in that building off until orgasm MULTIPLE times.

    That is like utopia to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:48 No.126694141

    >If I had been PM, I would simply have walked out of the building with my head held high

    That's what Prince Phillip would have done, which is why there is still a place for arrogant toffs. They genuinely don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:48 No.126694156
    >Abbot is just as shit as Gillard.
    Good man

    >hurr I'm gonna disagree just because I'm supposed to
    No, just used to partisan fuckstains

    The hung parliament is one of the best things to have happened to this country.

    Also, data retention

    Oh, and get on getup and vote for a publically funded elections campaign
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:48 No.126694178
    >average NZ morning news
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:49 No.126694212
         File1327578558.jpg-(74 KB, 960x720, 1325618788060.jpg)
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    >Good tier
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:49 No.126694216
    this is why you don't have women in government

    >tripping over high heels
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:49 No.126694230
    not watching glorious govt PSA's

    gotta stay in mantrol
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:49 No.126694243
    I disagree. No ADF personnel would ever fire upon an Australian citizen.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:49 No.126694246
    >The hung parliament is one of the best things to have happened to this country.
    >having Greens in any form of power
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:50 No.126694265
         File1327578608.png-(4 KB, 210x230, 1319655857477.png)
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    >left wingers

    seriously if all people in the world who consider themselves left wing would drop dead right this instant the world would be a much better place
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:50 No.126694289
         File1327578625.png-(198 KB, 400x300, eastwood.png)
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    What the fuck happened to this guy?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:50 No.126694306
         File1327578639.jpg-(18 KB, 500x500, 1324778535394.jpg)
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    >not voting liberal
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:50 No.126694310
         File1327578640.gif-(740 KB, 180x160, 1312243271423.gif)
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    >voting a woman into office
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:50 No.126694330
    >Abbott talks about tent embassy on the radio
    Fixed that for you. You know labour rides Abo dick
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:51 No.126694336
    >not accepting people's differences and getting over it
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:51 No.126694377
         File1327578684.png-(42 KB, 353x324, Youbestbeshittingme.png)
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    But she wasn't voted in.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:51 No.126694401
    I like to imagine that Tony and Julia shared a moment in the car.

    Maybe Tony squeezed her hand reassuringly, or even, gasp, a hug
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:51 No.126694419
    >East Asians
    >Not in shit tier.

    I thought /v/ hated chinks and japs?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:52 No.126694427
    No, It's just that they all want her dead just as much as everyone else in the country.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:52 No.126694445
    >No ADF personnel would ever fire upon an Australian citizen.
    They fucking would, they are created to obey orders. A nice little propaganda campaign in the build up to a crack down detailing how the citizens in question are traitors/terrorists/whatever and they'd shoot all day long.

    Don't believe the media, most soldiers are trash. Either mercenaries or idiots. The few decent ones are outnumbered.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:52 No.126694460
    Shut up, Porky. You can't even vote, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:52 No.126694472
         File1327578763.png-(204 KB, 890x890, costanzler.png)
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    I miss the germans. They never put up with animal behaviour
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:52 No.126694475
    Wow, that's even worse.

    Poor Australians.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:53 No.126694503
    In Australia, we vote for the party. The party selects its own leader
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:53 No.126694514

    >animu everywhere
    >SNSD threads
    >waifu threads
    >etc. etc.

    Don't think so bub. haters are just vocal minority, the rest of /v/ has yellow fever.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:53 No.126694517
    Just a heads up

    Julia Gillard wasn't strictly elected. She was RE-ellected, but the first time she basically just overthrew the current PM and took his place.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:53 No.126694522
    The government overthrew themselves and put her in instead of Kevin Rudd.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:53 No.126694560
    This is the first im hearing about this.

    Fuck i wish someone stabbed her. Would have been the best australia day ever.

    oi mate remember when that bitch got shanked on straya day, fuck that was good ay
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694571

    She was the Deputy PM, until she overthrew the real PM in a palace coup. No one voted her in as PM.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694573
    clearly an american pretending for some reason to be irish. why? I mean I can understand not wanting to be american but why would you pick ireland?

    >the only country with more christianity influenced politics than USA


    >while also still being owned by the commonwealth and the crown

    pretending to not be a dumbfuck american is difficult when you're a dumbfuck american huh
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694578
    Tell that to the Left:
    >hurr you can't say those words
    >hurr you can't research that
    >hurr you can't drive that
    >hurr you can't stop that
    >hurr you have to legalise that
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694584
         File1327578852.png-(50 KB, 318x470, 1248889483555.png)
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    Handguns are legal, just the amount of legal ropes you have to go through are so fucking ridiculous that nobody bothers to get one

    I think it's something like
    >apply for handgun licence
    >get licence 30 days later
    >apply for handgun
    >get handgun 30 days later
    >have to register to a gun club
    >handgun has to be kept in safe at said club for minimum of 2 years before you can take it home

    to be fair, when was the last time we had a mass shooting? americans can make jokes about police states all they want, at least we don't grant any retard access to high powered semi automatic weapons here anymore

    Australia: 1
    America: 0
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694598
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694603
    Archived video for eternity on a SAS-based 64-drive RAID array.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694617
    Australian military culture is different to American military culture.

    If ordered to attack Australians, ADF personnel would refuse
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:54 No.126694639

    Oh hurr durr, what a disingenuous remark, technically true but highly misleading. Who was on all the election posters, that's right Kevin Rudd, not the vague spectre of the Labor Party.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:55 No.126694651
    Hahaha, that shit with Julia just sort of coming up and nailing Rudd in the back

    I just remember the day and hearing that BY THE WAY MATES WE'VE GOT A SHEILA AS THE PM NOW, SPREAD THE WORD EH
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:55 No.126694664
    Lets be honest

    Anyone with half a brain would prefer to live in Australia over the USA
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:55 No.126694673
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:55 No.126694703
    >Aboriginals think they should get everything because their ancestors lived here

    Heres an idea you fucking cuntspawn.
    Get a job, work your asses off, buy some fucking land you stupid cunts.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:56 No.126694711
         File1327578966.jpg-(35 KB, 300x441, successful-troll-is-successful.jpg)
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    >"I heard Tony Abbott wants to tear down the tent embassy and fuck abbos over even harder"
    >Angry mob descend on him and PM

    >No evidence of Abbott saying anything of the sort
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:56 No.126694727
    It is true
    Be disillusioned all you want, you voted LABOUR not KEVIN RUDD
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:56 No.126694761
    Australians are dumb.

    Like this guy for instance
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.126694781
    I get what you're saying, but what you are implying is wrong.
    By law, we vote for the party, the party leader is the face, and gets to make the election speeches and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.126694794
    >a nation of prisoners
    >instead of freedom they make the nation into a prison and people don't give a fuck

    Australian logic.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.126694814
         File1327579054.jpg-(20 KB, 320x240, 1323436859703.jpg)
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    You want Aboriginals to buy land they should already own?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.126694819
    I am for the first time on /v/ at 7:00 EST. It is interesting to see that Niggers cause troubles the whole world 'round.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.126694827
    Is it just me or does Abbott look like he's laughing at her in this picture
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:57 No.126694840
    I liked where the man in charge of security

    a) Didn't know where Tony Abbott was
    b) Didn't plan to take Tony Abbott out of the building
    c) Took a few seconds and replied "Yeah, sure" when asked about Tony
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:58 No.126694862
         File1327579093.jpg-(41 KB, 403x344, n84990_laughing%20Jew[1].jpg)
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    >human race still needing governments
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:58 No.126694875
    >not voting for the only party that defends civil liberties, the greens

    Freedom gets sorted first, your hatred of whatever can wait.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:58 No.126694878
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    Feels good to be god tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:58 No.126694893
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    I think it was about time for this
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:58 No.126694910
    >If ordered to attack Australians, ADF personnel would refuse
    But they wouldn't, how many soldiers do you know? So many are drunks and trash who are so full of themselves it is unbelievable. Almost all are in there for the money and benefits which means they could possibly be bribed during a crisis to obey orders.

    These are not people fighting for "freedom" or Democracy or anything like that, they are there for the money, to shoot things or because they have no other options. I was once like that and I very nearly joined before I had a major political shift and I can tell you now, the mindset I had at that time would have happily shot Australians if they were accused of being terrorists or whatever buzzword was being used when that situation occurred.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:58 No.126694914

    Of course that is legally correct, nevertheless, people voted for their local member with the expectation that the given party leader would be prime minister. The local member is usually so anonymous that most people wouldn't recognise theirs.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:58 No.126694915
    The picture's too small to tell.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:59 No.126694929
    Yeah lets give that nutjob Brown even more power
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:59 No.126694931

    Doesn't prove the guy wrong though. What he said is correct, everyone in Australia essentially votes for a party, not a person.

    That was the one thing he implied and it's totally true.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:59 No.126694935
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    And ride the kangaroo every day to school? No, thanks. Susie always flings her pouch slime in my face, and the last time it got in my ear.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:59 No.126694940
    Aboriginals cannot prove they owned any land.

    Where are the legal documents showing ownership?

    Abos don't have them, but sure as shit White Fella does.

    Now fuck off, you race traitor / nigger I am not sure which
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:59 No.126694956
    >if for whatever reason they are turned on us we can only throw rocks at them.
    oh look it's an idiot who thinks that a civilian population could beat a crackdown if the military stopped giving 2 fucks about war crimes.
    I bet you think that you'd be able to lead the people to freedom against SAS soldiers coming after you if only you had guns.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:59 No.126694961
    Shoulda killed Cook if they wanted to keep it, like the Hawaiians did.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:59 No.126694964
    Not a white one anyway.

    We hate nips for making games.
    Indifferent to feverish for the rest.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126694984

    Fucking google your partisan fuckwita
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126694991

    >This one just says "Mustache".

    That shit was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126694998
    Did they successfully defend it from the invaders?


    Then they don't fucking own shit, and anything we've given them is more than they deserve.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126695001
    >Be a chink
    >Chinks = God tier
    >Not in shit tier

    What happened to you /v/?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126695002
    >Abbos attack the PM and opposition leader
    >Australians are physiologically incapable of giving fucks

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126695022
    oi nah your a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126695028
         File1327579241.jpg-(39 KB, 420x299, tony abbot mission accomplishe(...).jpg)
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    He looks pretty happy right here.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126695042
    Native Americans had the good sense to build casinos to take the white man's money. These upside-down niggers can't be bothered to do anything but wallow in filth.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:00 No.126695043
    I'd fuck Gillard but that guy is handsome as fuck.
    I'd love to be in a threesome with both of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:01 No.126695053
    Seriously this pisses me off (I'm Australian).

    Fucking abos are treated like royalty in this country, given bigger incentives, they get more benefits, more medical priority, as well as more priority for schooling etc then a normal Australian does, and they still bitch and moan.

    If it wasn't for us they would still be fucking their sisters, living off the land like a bunch of retards.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:01 No.126695057
    Fuck abbos mate, Us white fellas proved that their "dream time" bullshit was all make believe and the result of hallucinations from eating poison berries and over exposure to sunlight. And they still complain about it too this day. All because huffing pretrol is expensive now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:01 No.126695066
    Oh god I can't stop laughing
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:01 No.126695073
    I know plenty of them, mate. You shut the fuck up with your yankie attitude. You don't know a thing about Australia.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:01 No.126695078

    Ancient Chinese and Japanese civilisations were god among men.
    10/10 in intelligence is an understatement for them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:01 No.126695111
    I bet that bodyguard is going to be balls deep in her tonight comforting her whilst Gillards boyfriend is in the other room crying.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:02 No.126695124

    Kill em
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:02 No.126695128
    >getting anything they promised in their election through

    Wow, you don't know how this balance of power and minor party thing works, do you?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:02 No.126695139
    >Be disillusioned all you want, you voted LABOUR not KEVIN RUDD
    Theoretically true but I very clearly remember seeing Kevin07 shirts fucking everywhere not Labour shirts back at the 2007 election dat working families catchphrase. So many women voted for Labour at the last election simply because they were led by a woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:02 No.126695169
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    >> Sander !!wXPib2HH4bX 01/26/12(Thu)07:02 No.126695178
    "Though I do love my country, I do not love my countrymen."
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:02 No.126695182
         File1327579377.jpg-(24 KB, 300x375, cook-1wf8s3p.jpg)
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    Problem, natives?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695201
         File1327579387.jpg-(115 KB, 1187x805, rodney fucking rude3.jpg)
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    >calling abbos niggers
    >attempting to call out others as race traitors whilst saying something as fucking stupid as that

    At least he isnt sucking americas cock to try and fit in ,cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695203
    >God amongst men
    >Not inbred descendents of Korean pirates
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695207
    >no white ones at least

    Thank you for repeating what I just said, you cunt.

    >thinking niggers and chinks are Australian
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695214
    You idiot, by saying that we can only throw rocks at the military he's saying that we'd be powerless to stop them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695221
    >Theoretically true but I very clearly remember seeing Kevin07 shirts fucking everywhere not Labour shirts back at the 2007 election
    >How does marketing work
    Guren transfer and shit ya cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695244
    No, no... that how the aboriginal pince finds her and makes her his wife.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695248
         File1327579432.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 16 KB, 225x300, inspection.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 16 KB
    Penis Inspection Day
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.126695249
    > I very clearly remember seeing Kevin07 shirts fucking everywhere not Labour shirts back at the 2007 election

    Yeah... so? The leaders of the parties are the faces of the parties. But you still didn't vote for them, no one did, everyone's vote was for the party itself.

    Just because their ugly mug was on merchandise doesn't invalidate what that anon said.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:04 No.126695282
         File1327579469.png-(106 KB, 206x272, 1309556917349.png)
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    Well, they were pretty good at making walls and paper. I guess that's worth, like, 5 points.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:04 No.126695288

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:04 No.126695292
    Of course he's fucking saying that. The problem with what he's saying is that it doesn't fucking matter if your population is armed. If your military is coming after you, you are well and truly fucked anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:04 No.126695305
    >Ancient japanese
    You mean korean culture? Yeah they were great. They had some of the most advanced armor and the turtle ship really was a brilliant move
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:05 No.126695319
    Guerrilla wars have proven highly successful in the modern world.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:05 No.126695373

    The party goes to the polls with a certain leader, and the promise that that particular leader will gain executive power as head of the government and control of the departments.

    Turning around and saying "well you see the PM is actually the person who can control parliament, so if we just change our party leader then the country will have a new head of government" is a highly deceitful step, and should trigger fresh elections.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:06 No.126695420
    That bro is not phased at all by what's going on, he looks like the type who has shot some dune coons in arab land, protecting this red head from a mob of coons is how he likes to spend his weekends.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:06 No.126695441
    The Greens have formed a minority government with Labour in the Tasmanian State Parliament.

    Nick McKim, the Leader of the Tasmanian Greens is a Minister within the Government and his slut of a girlfriend (who left her husband and 2 kids to suck Nicks cock) is a General Secretary or something like that.

    So far, Nick has betrayed nearly every principle the Greens espouse to keep his ministerial paycheck
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:06 No.126695459

    Oh Straylia
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:06 No.126695461
    The only true aussies are the abbos.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:06 No.126695466
    "american" is not a nationality you fool.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.126695475
    >You don't know a thing about Australia.
    >live in Australia
    >have friends in the army who say the exact same thing
    Yeah, no bro. When the day comes we're fucked.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.126695478

    Well, there aren't that many SAS soldiers altogether.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.126695494
         File1327579638.png-(105 KB, 400x400, 1315386382476.png)
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    If your country falls into guerilla warfare in the first place, you've already completely failed. Things should never even get to that point in any civilized society.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.126695507

    I agree with you 100%.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.126695531
    >by saying that we can only throw rocks at the military he's saying that we'd be powerless to stop them.
    But you'd be powerless to stop them with guns you fucking tard.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.126695533
    You're going to fight back a modern military with sticks? What are you a god damn ewok?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:07 No.126695537

    What a sign of fucking weakness.
    She needs to be killed.

    Making us aussies look like a bunch of right pooftas.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.126695540
    Then why is it a language?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.126695575
    Listen, sonny jim, do you honestly think for one second that a Western military, IN ITS OWN LAND (think about that, for a second, logistically) could be defeated by a civilian population
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.126695578
    >Obama attacked by Terrorist protestors!
    >Dozens shot and injured by Secret Service
    >Does America need more anti-terroism laws to protect its freedoms?
    >Did Iran supply the protestors with dangerous enriched nuclear materials?
    >One of the worst days in the history of the world

    >Lol this shit is great pollys are such cunts
    >What a dumb pack of boongs lol
    >Fucking PM needs to harden up look at her having a whinge farrk
    >Fuck me lets grab another beer and head to the beach
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.126695587
    too right mate
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.126695592

    Which is pretty much what happened with Gillard and now off the point of the original point of discussion:


    Fact is, when you vote, you don't vote for an individual. You vote for the party. That's what he was saying and just concrete fact. I don't know why you're continuing to post mate, it's becoming redundant.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.126695597
    It always surprised me how americunts seem to believe that having arms protects them against the military

    Havent you retards been watching the news? Fags in the middle east were just as well armed if not more so and they were still mowed down by professionally trained military.

    The days when the populace could grab their torches and pitchforks to overthrow tyrants are now over
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.126695603
         File1327579739.jpg-(479 KB, 873x627, us_2011_cat_05_gold.jpg)
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    >Hurr durr why didn't he shoot her

    It would be awesome if these guys got their own ''London riots''
    And claiming shit as their throphy's, and fighting over it and shit.

    I used to call niggers the orks, but I'm sure it's the aboriginals now
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:09 No.126695606
    >everyone's vote was for the party itself.
    Yes in theory, the ballot paper says Labour/Liberal/Greens etc but if people don't like the Leader do you really think they'll vote for them? Modern politics is like some shitty Big Brother show where the most popular person wins.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:09 No.126695616
    I think abbott was stirring them up on purpose, even though he got chased down too, the troll face smile of him in the backround while julia is getting attacked says it all
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:09 No.126695622

    lol love australias openly racist kfc commercials.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:10 No.126695665
    Australians are among some of the most narrow-minded and obnoxious people I've ever come across in my travels. Maybe even worse than Americans now, probably as a result of the economic stability and instability in Australia and the USA respectively. I am not alone in thinking this.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:10 No.126695672
    Gillard sucks. Hawke would have fought em off.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:10 No.126695685
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    Hah. In America, they would call them terrorists, wouldn't they?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:10 No.126695688
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:10 No.126695697

    >In theory

    And that's all that matters. The people can believe they're really voting for Ruddy or Gillard or whatever, but at the end of the day their piece of paper is going towards the party. You're traversing on semantics.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:10 No.126695711
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:11 No.126695760
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    >civil war
    >america is the only country in the world to have gone to war with itself
    >over something as petty as slavery
    >thinks they have the right to look down on other nations
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:11 No.126695780
    how does i different culture?

    Oh wait nvm there's only the correct american culture and incorrect everything else
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:11 No.126695785
    But everyone at the Olympics held at South Africa was black

    KFC is a crowd pleaser
    The crowd is black
    KFC pleases black people

    How is that racist? It is called logic
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:11 No.126695802
    i love how they call asylum seekers "boat people". I just image a bunch of natives on some huge rock all running to the shore and pointing at an incoming ship full of Europeans, shouting "boat people! boat people!"
    >> Crowe !62vCmhiWLk 01/26/12(Thu)07:12 No.126695810
    >generalizing entire nationalities

    Every group has its douche bags and cool dudes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:12 No.126695825
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    >confusing Ireland with Northern Ireland
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:12 No.126695827
    b-b-b-but, black people!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:12 No.126695828
    ITT: People misunderstand the Westminster System

    You can tell yourself you're voting for the person as much as you want, you aren't
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:12 No.126695845
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:12 No.126695860
    You have never heard of the Eureka Stockade, have you?

    The Australian civil war was fought because Asians were being allowed to mine gold, which white people were fucking FURIOUS about because they wanted the gold
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695869
    Maybe in America, but in Australia that's not racist. He's just easing the tension with something that EVERYBODY loves. Abos aren't obsessed with fried chicken and watermelon so there are no racial undertones. It actually appeals to Aussie culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695881
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    Hawke was piss-weak really, he was all show. Now Billy Hughes, that's another story,
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695890
    Civil war was about angry southerners wanting to make their own decisions, not singularly based on deciding over slavery.

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695891
    >taking an ad out of context

    Brush up on your cricket, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695911

    NZfag here.
    I miss watching him in the morning...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695923
    Here in Australia, we are not held ransom by black political correctness
    >> GF !dcydBuRFpk 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695932

    It is in Ireland.

    >confusing the Republic of Ireland with Northern Ireland
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695933
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    >>civil war
    >>america is the only country in the world to have gone to war with itself
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:13 No.126695938
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    >america is the only country in the world to have gone to war with itself
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126695960
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    >You will never have Julia Gillard as your prime minister
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126695961
    >Good Abos
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126695979
    I agree. Australian and proud, but still, fucking hell. 92% of people here are violently homophobic, and terrified of foreigners, and speak like they're the top of the shit pile, especially, I've noticed, teenagers. This generation are self-entitled fuckstains.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126695987

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126695989
    >What is korea?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126695993

    The only reason this is a problem is that parliament has usurped the rightful monarch, and seized executive power for itself. Thus we have the dismal spectacle of an Executive emerging semi-randomly from the party politics of the legislative house.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126696001
    Nah, mate.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:14 No.126696006
    Anything that dehumanizes fucking refugees is fine in my book
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:15 No.126696022

    I remember the riots.

    Fuck, the whole world was probably facepalming at us during the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:15 No.126696025
    Aamerican isn't one either.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:15 No.126696043

    this is what yuropoors actually believe
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:15 No.126696068
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    u wot m8
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:16 No.126696083
    >You're traversing on semantics.
    But I'm not,, many people voted for Labour in 2007 because of Rudd. Not because of his parties policies or anything but simply because they liked Rudd and wanted someone different from Howard which again was based on liking of leader. People didn't like Howard so they voted for his opponent.

    Same happened at the last Federal Election, people voted for Gillard because of the media honeymoon as well as the fact that she was a woman. They didn't give a shit about her policies. The only people who seem to vote for policies rather than personalities are the Greens and they're assholes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:16 No.126696098
    It's actually harder to find a country that hasnt had a civil war in their history
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:16 No.126696107
    l love how they call injustice seekers "terrorists". I just image a bunch of fatties in some pizza hut all ordering at the counter and pointing out the window at an incoming busload of non whites, shouting "terrorists! terrorists!"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:16 No.126696110
    >Guerrilla wars have proven highly successful in the modern world.
    Because I feel like it I'm going to rape you
    Vietnam war
    Total dead: 315,384 – 412,000
    Commie chinks
    Total dead: ~1,177,462 (highest est.)
    population of V and Cambodia
    ~200,000 – 2,000,000
    200,000 – 300,000
    Iraq War
    Allies total amount
    Total dead: 24,219
    bad guys, both Saddam's and terrorists
    Civ deaths from violence
    >Guerrilla wars have proven highly successful in the modern world.
    Fuck you. I mad
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:17 No.126696156
    %3A is an escaped character.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:17 No.126696162

    I actually know good abos.

    One of my best bros is aboriginal. He acts more white then some of the white people I work with.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:17 No.126696176
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    >Violent homophobia
    >One of the few nations to have legal gay marriage, let alone legal homosexuality
    >Most people on earth live in regimes that punish one or another
    >Billions of people are still willing to kill or lynch gay people in Africa or the mideast

    Have some damn perspective mate. Pic related, an African newspaper that puts up a hit list of known gay people for people to lynch
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:18 No.126696215

    not true, guns are just fucking ridiculously hard to get your hands on legally, and there are really strict gun license laws
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:18 No.126696218
    >Calling them riots
    >Not 'Leb and wog bashing day'
    I don't even know why that wanted to throw wogs in with that lot. Wogs were hated in the 60's. Thanks to Nick Giannopoulos it's a term of endearment now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:18 No.126696268
    because they took yer jewbs, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:19 No.126696295
    this is how dumb australians are
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:19 No.126696318
    Because homosexuality is legal?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:19 No.126696320
    You must have heard about the Vietnam War, The British Civil War, the French Revolution, etc etc
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:20 No.126696364

    The Australian Labor Party is spelled just like that. "Labor", not labour. Yes, it's wrong. The party was formed during a retarded short-lived spelling reform that among other stupidities, had us drop 'u's like uneducated americunts. Thankfully it didn't stick, but the party is still called Labor.

    It's kind of sad to see you stupid fucks try to talk about politics when you don't even know what the party is called.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:20 No.126696381

    >Buttmad Amerifag jelly that we rock his shitty degenerated hellhole with our superior IHDI and livable cities index.

    >Enjoy your FEMA death camps and NDAA
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:20 No.126696390
    Oh, Lord, you are stupid
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:20 No.126696391
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    >Having Jobs
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:20 No.126696393
    >Australia has legal gay marriages
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:20 No.126696401
    that doesn't mean australians aren't homophobic
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:21 No.126696420
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    Dude, you are. completely. missing. my. point.

    It doesn't matter what reason the fucking people are voting for, it's the very, simple, solid, fact that their votes are not FOR the person or face of the party, BUT THE PARTY ITSELF. END OF STORY.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:21 No.126696438

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:21 No.126696439
    >Being surprised that fags on the internet, let alone 4chan, are stupid
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:21 No.126696447
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    >Notorious bum driller on the loose
    >He shattered one Mutumba's ass
    >He fancied downloading sperms into my butt
    >Who forced their anaconda like whoppers into his bum
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:21 No.126696457
    >violently homophobic
    >fags can prance about without being attacked

    >and terrified of foreigners
    Who knows why?

    >especially, I've noticed, teenagers
    You mean the wankers who walk around thinking they're gangsters?

    >This generation are self-entitled fuckstains.
    Product of a welfare state. Give the Plebs Bread every day and they expect it every day and eventually think of it as a Right.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:22 No.126696486
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    >That feel when playing on Aussie Server
    >That feel when someone calls you mate
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:22 No.126696488
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:22 No.126696495
    >a Communist State
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:23 No.126696553
    Is it true that Australians call potato chips "brown wheezies?"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:23 No.126696557
    I'm surprised that people dont know that Australia is a party based system

    What the fuck have you retards been doing during highschool
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:23 No.126696563
    "Irish" hurrr
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:23 No.126696578
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    >Eureka stockade

    Australia's rebel flag lol
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:23 No.126696593
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:23 No.126696595
    give whites someone else's land and they start to think they're superior
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:24 No.126696645
    North Vietnam, aka the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, was a Communist State.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:25 No.126696698
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    >a mob of abbos will never shank tony abbot, freeing us of his stupidity
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:25 No.126696717
    Holy shit brits are dumb as fuck, why do you accept all these subhuman immigrants -.-'
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:25 No.126696723

    I dont even wanna google that.

    Potato chips = Chips
    French fries = Hot Chips

    We keep it simple.

    Sorry i mean FREEDOM FRIES
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:26 No.126696779
    Yes and modern Vietnam is still a quasi Communist State so they won the war.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:26 No.126696780
    Like I said bro, its all relative. Aussies are probably LESS homophobic than a good 6 billion people on earth. If you think Aussies are homophobic don't ever try going to a poorer nation
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:26 No.126696783
    >Steal someone else's land
    >act like an entitled cunt about it

    Stay classy white people
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:26 No.126696784
    >Come out as bisexual
    >No more friends
    >Guys beat me horribly almost regularly, and scream insults quite frequently saying things somewhere along the lines of 'would like to apply fellatio upon me? I'd wager you do, dirty fornicating bundle of sticks'
    >Girls never want to go out with me, they think I'm gay despite constant insistence that I'm more attracted to women then men despite being bi
    >They only want to set me up with their fucking ugly, often heavily obese gay friends
    >When I decline they say "But I was under the notion you homosexuals would fornicate with any other homosexual that wished to fornicate?"

    Yeah, real tolerant.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:26 No.126696786
    Have you not heard a word in this thread?

    If Abbott was killed by a gang of Abos, he would be martyred and his party (THE IMPORTANT PART) would win a landslide victory at the elections
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:26 No.126696791

    Is this true?

    I always thought it was about excessive mining taxes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:27 No.126696814
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    we call them crazy crispys
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:27 No.126696823

    >Israel and Palestine
    >Africans murdering and exiling whites for not being black
    >Anywhere else in the world

    Funny how australia cops so much flak even though we are so fucking multicultural.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:27 No.126696832
    Hey, fucknut, name one country today which enjoys an unbroken line of succession from the birth of humanity to today.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:27 No.126696851
    How long would it take the world to know if Australia disappeared one night? 3 months?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:27 No.126696861
    >given land
    >implying our ancestors didn't build Australia from nothing
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:28 No.126696874
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:28 No.126696884

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:28 No.126696901
    90% of Africa
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:28 No.126696905

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:28 No.126696908
    2 wongs don't make a white
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:28 No.126696914
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    But there's 7 billion people on earth now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:28 No.126696935
    That was the given reason from the Eureka group, but the true reason was discontent with allowing Asians to enter the country and mine gold. Straw that broke the camels back kind of thing
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:29 No.126696950
    >Eureka Stockade
    >civil war

    >Gold miners don't want to pay for licences
    >get into fight with cops
    >a few of them get killed
    >"battle for independence"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:29 No.126696956
    oh god holy shit

    my girlfriend (english is her second language) was reading this over my shoulder as i read and said with just perfect timing and total innocence, "what's a 'steamy romp'?". i fucking exploded
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:29 No.126696960
    Wow you're dumb, are you American?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:29 No.126696973
    Hold on, These were those tent embassy fuckers?
    I live in Canberra, I almost got mugged by a gang of them one night in civic.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:29 No.126696982
    On the surface, yes. In thought? Holy fuck no.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:30 No.126696994
    You do realise that the ancient tribe of Romans conquered Italy from many different peoples, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:30 No.126697014
    Uh, that was my point, there's probably a good billion or so people on earth (mostly Europeans and liberal people) who are not very homophobic

    The rest are downright nasty about it
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:30 No.126697018
         File1327581032.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 359 KB, 1280x1024, total war.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:30 No.126697025
    I'm talking about the area of the city.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:31 No.126697066
    that's uh kind of your fault for being a hipster, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:31 No.126697082
    What is a civil war?

    Wiki says "A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same nation state or republic"

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:31 No.126697115

    Unless you're posting from thousands of years ago, Rome's a city.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:32 No.126697144
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    >develop land inhabited by people who haven't even reached the stone age
    >give them more benefits than white settlers
    >abbos whine about it instead of using these benefits to create a better future for their people

    stay classy, niggers
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:32 No.126697156

    How else are they going to support their efforts for freedom?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:32 No.126697159
    I'm assuming you've never travelled?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:32 No.126697175
    Ok, but, I said country you bloody stupid johnson
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:33 No.126697228

    I was bi before it was cool.

    >'72 master race
    >God I'm so old
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:33 No.126697253
    Average eurotard:

    >omg ausfalians are so racist and horrible about aborigines whom i've never met and have no idea about
    >GUYS WAIT gypsies are FUCKING SHIT, seriously fuck them, you have no idea how bad they are
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:34 No.126697268

    you and every real aussie bro, pity the gov are a bunch of pussies and bend over to take coon dick because EVERYONE is scared of having the race card thrown at them (coons have made a fine art out of using it, its their main form of attack).
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:34 No.126697307

    Are those sentences supposed to be ironic?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:35 No.126697324
    Steal? We killed them for it. I would't say stole. War is fought for land. Clearly the superior force won, and I bet it was on fun massacre. Sticks and stones vs muskets. I think the British had their trollfaces on.

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