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  • File : 1324503029.jpg-(143 KB, 603x365, 1323477562291.jpg)
    143 KB Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:30 No.121604159  
    >With the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic came a new and improved forum system for the community, and everyone lived happily ever after. Right? Yeah... not so much. It turns out that BioWare neglected to include individual server forums for its many, many, many shards, and this omission has rankled some players who were looking forward to talking amongst their new communities on the site.

    >TOR-Talk got in touch with BioWare to ask about why the individual server forums were cut down to four ruleset forums. Senior Community Coordinator Allison Berryman says the decision was a matter of practicality as there would be too many forums and not enough moderators to go around.



    >Bioware in charge of next-gen MMOs
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:31 No.121604281
    Is it just me, or is Bioware's entire attitude towards this MMO been entirely comprised of 'Fuck you, pay me'?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:32 No.121604355
         File1324503131.jpg-(60 KB, 323x323, 1323844366311.jpg)
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    lol @ haters like OP grasping at straws now
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:33 No.121604525
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    >next-gen MMOs
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:33 No.121604583
    No forums
    No UI mods
    No addons
    No anti-aliasing
    No macros
    No endgame

    BUT. I will tell you the one thing TOR -does- have.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:34 No.121604620
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:34 No.121604676
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    >Bioware in charge anything
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:35 No.121604756
    ...why are the people in that picture holding up Brotherhood of Nod insignia?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:35 No.121604761
    you cant be srsly....
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:35 No.121604798
         File1324503333.png-(53 KB, 185x185, SOPA1.png)
    53 KB
    >this omission has rankled some players who were looking forward to talking amongst their new communities on the site.
    >omission has rankled some players who were looking forward
    >has rankled some players
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:37 No.121605091
    >Editing down one cheek to be semi-normal and cleaning up the face.
    >Keeping the other cheek and the neck as fat as before while leaving the skin disgustingly plastiline

    Good God someone needs to fix that.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:37 No.121605115
         File1324503470.png-(59 KB, 300x169, twilight sparkle.png)
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    Yeah, /v/ is full of haters...
    they have probably never played the game

    let me tell you something, it's amazing
    you are all just jealous because you can't pirate it
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:37 No.121605136
    If I had paid cash money for TOR I'd be pretty rankled too
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:38 No.121605208
    >OP in charge of not being a unfunny retard
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:40 No.121605529
         File1324503658.jpg-(229 KB, 396x385, sadfrog extreme.jpg)
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    >pre-order the game months ago
    >preorder fee
    okay, I have the money, it sure is for patches, they are thinking of us gamers!
    >see all these news
    >more and more disappointments
    >more...and more....and even more
    >can't cancel preorder
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:45 No.121606130
    >no one will be playing our game in a month anyway, let's just not add any more servers.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:47 No.121606497
         File1324504063.jpg-(37 KB, 918x193, tor average player.jpg)
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    We warned you about how bad this game would be.

    You should have listened to us.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:48 No.121606600
         File1324504113.png-(1.05 MB, 800x800, tor quests.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:48 No.121606626

    Played it during one of the beta weekends and it was pretty fucking fun. Looks like everyone here is just riding each other's dicks, as usual.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:48 No.121606635
    Oh Jesus Christ that's worse than the DA2 stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:49 No.121606749
    >I want to be the starship

    Fucking lost it
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:50 No.121606847
         File1324504224.jpg-(22 KB, 377x285, 1324411199044.jpg)
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    >I'm ex-catholic now satanist
    >Satanism is about freedom and endulgment
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:51 No.121606987
    I... I've got some bad news.....
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:51 No.121607023
         File1324504305.png-(152 KB, 1734x471, swtor fan naruto.png)
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    no shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:52 No.121607081
    SWTOR sucks fucking ass. The only good MMO out there worth playing is World of Warcraft and MAYBE Rift. But even Rift isn't even that amazing. Maybe for free, or 5$ a month, but not 15$, not even close.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:52 No.121607154
         File1324504366.png-(27 KB, 439x371, dude what.png)
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    >I want to be the starship [Attack]
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:53 No.121607203
         File1324504387.jpg-(283 KB, 906x920, tor biodrone2.jpg)
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    No. No shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:53 No.121607232

    >I have to log on at a specific time to not hit queues
    >The game is perfect
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:53 No.121607249
    >The only good MMO out there worth playing is World of Warcraft

    If it's a private server running BC maybe.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:53 No.121607274
    You know that's technically true what that guy said.
    Also whilst the sith may be assholes they don't repress other ideologies, abduct children (as much), force their own order to abandon certain emotions or follow a set of rules so strictly that RESCUING CHILDREN got 6 jedi knights KICKED OUT OF THE ORDER.
    In the books set after ep 6 supposedly Luke's new jedi order basically says fuck that to most of the jedi code because he realised it was all basically insane nonsense.
    >We do what the force wants! Its a living thing with a will that can do things on its own and it only lets the sith, force witches and other non-jedi force sensitives use it to test us!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:54 No.121607343
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:54 No.121607415

    I know WotLK and Cataclysm weren't the best expansions, but WoW overall destroys these other MMO's by far. Blizzard just knows how to fucking make games. These other companies are wasting time, effort and money trying to compete but they cant.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:55 No.121607473

    Too bad Blizzard died in 2007.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.121607573
    You are trying to have a debate about aspects of a religious order who exist only in fiction.

    You are actually trying to defend Fictional Religion Number One as superior to Fictional Religion Number Two.

    Are you completely fucking retarded? These things aren't real, you fucking genius, and the only reason for someone to engage with them as closely as you have is if you are autistic.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.121607580
    well it is....
    ive read the satanic bible twice now.
    though really even bringing up the fact that youre a satanist kinda ruins it, the whole point is to just BE it without really drawing attention to yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.121607612

    How so? Starcraft II seems to be doing very well, as WoW, and Diablo III coming out. I'd say they're doing very well actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.121607643
    WotLK was okay but went downhill at the end. ICC was okay but it didn't save it.
    Cataclysm was shit and people who defend it are blizzdrones.
    >Blizzard just knows how to fucking make games
    Oh fuck my sides
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.121607645
    nooooo shit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.121607661
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:57 No.121607710
    Are you retarded? You're on /v/. Have you been here for more than 3 days?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:57 No.121607741
         File1324504647.jpg-(155 KB, 981x508, tor north korea.jpg)
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    No. None whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:57 No.121607804
    >Bioware doesn't include the disk in retail copies.
    >Grasping at straws.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58 No.121607809
         File1324504681.png-(110 KB, 648x864, kill yourself.png)
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58 No.121607810
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    forgot my lack of shit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58 No.121607822
    >Obeying a book

    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58 No.121607861

    Starcraft 2 is running on the fumes of its hype wave. No one's really interested in the next expansion. WoW has lost 2 million subscribers in the last year or so. WoW's decline is so alarming to Blizzard that they're giving Diablo 3 away free to WoW subscribers if they pay with an annual subscription. They're basically using Diablo 3 to try and sell WoW.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58 No.121607863

    Go on
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58 No.121607874

    I didn't enjoy Firelands, but the first instances were average, at best. And ICC and RS were decent raids, but nothing amazing.

    Oh so you're saying Blizzard makes shitty games eh? Interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58 No.121607905
    I have nothing better to do and I'm tired of debating the ideologies of real religions.
    In my country putting Jedi on your tax return as a religion is valid so "Fictional Religion" is technically incorrect anyway.
    I didn't mean about the satanist shit i meant about the star wars shit.
    I don't know a damn thing about satanism other than what i learned from a satanist i used to play WC3 with.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59 No.121607986
    Yes, you're edgy. Yes, we're impressed. Yes, all the girls will have sex with you when you tell them you've read the Satantic Bible.

    No, no-one will think you're trying too hard. No, we certainly don't think your attention-seeking is pathetic. No, we don't remotely wish you'd all just shut the fuck up about how you're all ex-Catholics but now you're totally Satanists even though you never made it past the first five pages of LaVey.

    There. Now you never have to post again.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59 No.121608010
    >watch how fast this topic will be closed.

    Stay classy, Bioware.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59 No.121608033
    Yeah, no.
    EVE is the only MMO worth playing.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59 No.121608068
    It's pretty clear that's a samefag, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:00 No.121608117
         File1324504824.gif-(1.03 MB, 383x322, 1323278846414.gif)
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    GW2 PvP (level 1)


    SWToR PvP (level 33)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:00 No.121608132
         File1324504831.jpg-(10 KB, 225x225, ymbnh.jpg)
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    >Oh so you're saying Blizzard makes shitty games eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:00 No.121608186
    >I have nothing better to do and I'm tired of debating the ideologies of real religions.

    Since this is /v/, your opinion on any religion is of exactly no fucking relevance. How about you debate games]?

    >In my country putting Jedi on your tax return as a religion is valid so "Fictional Religion" is technically incorrect anyway.

    Stop trying so hard.

    Additionally, from your grasp of English it is quite clear that you are *not* the person I was replying to.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:01 No.121608216
    Bioware is making the next Command And Conquer: Generals game, And probably alot more Command And Conquer games in future....
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:01 No.121608232
    >that feel when you are the only person in the world that thinks Yogg Saron was, by far, the best boss in that expansion
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:01 No.121608258

    Bahahaha wow. EVE is fucking terrible. I got bored with that shit after 10 minutes. It's a massive clusterfuck. Sometimes /v/, sometimes you guys play the worst games.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:01 No.121608261
    Why do they have so many servers? Be better to just consolodate them all and use that server juice to have servers with lots of people on them.

    And make them PvP so you can get some epic battles.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:01 No.121608289

    No MMO is worth playing. Period. The whole point of an MMO is to be additive, not enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:02 No.121608346
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:02 No.121608348
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03 No.121608482
    >OP not being a Bioware employee
    good work still
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03 No.121608511
    It's the only MMO with PvP. That makes it better than any other MMO by default.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03 No.121608523
    How many times do we need to go over this: You do NOT buy an MMO at launch. You wait a month to let the initial rush settle and for objective reviews to come out so you can rationally evaluate whether it makes sense to buy the game or not.

    Oh wait... this is /v/... idiots here will just pre-order any random shit because they're irrational faggots.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03 No.121608531
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    >You will never play vanilla wow and Final Fantasy XI: CoP for the 1st time again

    Remember when MMOs were good?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03 No.121608540

    I agree, don't worry. Ulduar was by far the best dungeon in WotLK. Also, don't mind me, just killing that dragon boss that was bugged on the first day of the dungeon on 10 man mode. My guild's "top" priest and druid were trying to 2 man heal it and failing constantly, so the GM called in me and this other priest and we killed that fucker first time. Holy shit that priest was good. It's a shame I got relegated to being the guild Boomkin.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03 No.121608564

    >We want Skyrim's audience!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03 No.121608567
    But... i do debate games.
    I am here in a star wars game thread debating religions that are depicted in those games.
    How is this not related to the game?
    Also i am that person whether you believe me or not, hardly matters since its all anonymous anyway. I can't prove shit to you.
    I could ramble on about the empire being good and the rebels being evil for a bit if you want.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:04 No.121608681
         File1324505089.png-(269 KB, 400x300, swtor vs eq2.png)
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    Oh hey.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:04 No.121608693
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    1.2 MB

    >I want to be the starship
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05 No.121608755
         File1324505122.jpg-(397 KB, 1063x765, swtor and eve.jpg)
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    Oh heyyy.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05 No.121608791
    Kudos to the image editor, darth vader facepalming is classy as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05 No.121608805

    Ragnarok was back in the day.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05 No.121608820
    I just looked at the race selection in TOR. And wow.

    Normal humans.
    Red humans.
    Blue humans.
    Green humans.
    Bald gray humans.
    Blind humans.
    Cyborgs (humans with implants).
    The Darth Maul things (humans with horns).
    And Twi'leks, for all the cybersex faggots.

    Star Wars is all about a huge diversity of races and species. What is this bullshit? In Galaxies you could be Rodian, Ithorian, Wookies, even the Admiral Ackbar things.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:06 No.121608945

    No you're not. Ulduar was the only proper raid in that expansion, and the last proper raid Blizzard has released. Everything after it has been worthless shit. Yet for some strange reason they think they have to nerf the game to the ground so everyone can "experience" their shit content.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:06 No.121608957
    You're a little late aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:08 No.121609091
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    >That sand
    >No tracks
    >Dark Heal
    >Everyone's standing around
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:08 No.121609193
    I kinda enjoy DCUO, combat system is pretty good
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:08 No.121609215
         File1324505329.jpg-(8 KB, 250x205, robin-williams_genie-aladdin.jpg)
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    >long queues at launch like every other major MMO
    >no individual server forums even though next to no major MMOs actually do that
    >no criticisms of actual game content
    >say game is terrible

    Stay classy, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:08 No.121609227
    It's like DA2 all over again

    >Comes out
    >Most of /v/ hates it
    >Some like it or don't think it's all so bad I'm so sorry /v/
    >People arguing that it's fun and that you're a witcher babby if you don't like it
    >a few months later everyone realizes it was shit
    >a few still don't think it raped their mothers but it was still bad

    And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:09 No.121609259
         File1324505347.png-(77 KB, 1008x840, we_come_in_peace.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:09 No.121609347
    >That uploader comment about the budget
    I smiled, that was the best youtube comment I've seen in a long time even if it had a smiley face on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10 No.121609456
         File1324505433.png-(171 KB, 334x393, 1322891139985.png)
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    The game is an embarrassment.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10 No.121609493

    Okay here's some, It’s a wow clone yes it a fucking clone as in carbon copy and that’s just one.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:11 No.121609525
         File1324505462.jpg-(40 KB, 800x502, 1238576783538.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:11 No.121609603
    I'd dare to argue that Ulduar was the best single dungeon in WoW

    It just had an amazing combination of interesting yet difficult bosses, fantastic looks and pretty darn good lore

    even the armor sets were pretty good looking
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:11 No.121609609
    >It's not a perfect game
    These people are not very smart.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:11 No.121609654
         File1324505514.png-(415 KB, 638x715, Spikewtfamireading.png)
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    >It's the only MMO with PvP.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12 No.121609677
    >Dark Heal


    OH WOW
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12 No.121609681
    The game is terrible and there are plenty of gameplay criticisms.
    -shit PvP
    -static combat
    -horrid animations
    -instanced as fuck game world
    -uninspired classes
    -code debacle
    -simple talent trees
    -lack of end game
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12 No.121609762
         File1324505566.jpg-(40 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12 No.121609772
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    these still get me, EVERY TIME
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:13 No.121609826
    What game have you played?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:13 No.121609829
         File1324505593.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, 1314746295050.jpg)
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    >You will never play Final Fantasy XI: CoP for the 1st time again

    Fuck you dude ;___;
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:13 No.121609846
    no, i don't.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:13 No.121609849
    Babby instanced PvP doesn't count as PvP.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:13 No.121609903
    parts of ICC felt like a real raid. You could feel the spirit was still there, though dying

    TOC just left a very bitter taste in the mouth of wow fans
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:14 No.121609953

    >everybody is standing around holding lightsabers while using ranged attacks
    >only about three people meleeing

    So is this like WoW only everybody is a hunter?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:14 No.121609992
    >Dark Heal

    Is this some kind of joke, or is this an actual spell in TOR?

    Because if so, wow
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:14 No.121609993
    SWTOR, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:14 No.121610021
    Yeah that was terrible.
    They could have just had heal.
    Or get this, they could have instead of given them healing given them buffs and debuffs that reduced the amount of damage the enemy did and granted lifesteal to their allies, thus still being "I AM THE DARK LORD OF EVIL FROM BADVILLE" that bioware thinks can't ever heal and providing an interesting alternative to the other support classes.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:14 No.121610045
    if they wanted skyrims audience the gameworld would be wide open and the combat would be decent

    I'd just be riddled with bugs
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:15 No.121610092
         File1324505714.jpg-(32 KB, 400x400, 1319338468266.jpg)
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    >Dark Heal
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:15 No.121610098

    Hi there, Warhammer Open RvR here.

    Oh wait, you mean that EVE is the only game with Somalia-class anarchy, I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16 No.121610214
    it wouldn't even have been to hard to include a neutral heal

    heck in D&D healing had been part of necromancy for a long while
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16 No.121610267
    It's a real spell.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16 No.121610270
    >Somalia-class anarchy
    As if it is bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16 No.121610289

    That's exactly what I was thinking. There are ways to get around "Dark Heal"
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16 No.121610291
    oh wow..... played eve for more than 15 minutes?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16 No.121610305
         File1324505814.png-(20 KB, 454x396, 1312572860939.png)
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    >Dark Heal
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16 No.121610318
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    >mfw My game didn't come with a registration code

    I should have listened to /v/.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:17 No.121610383
    yes but after 30 minutes it finally cured my insomnia
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:17 No.121610389
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:19 No.121610572
         File1324505949.jpg-(24 KB, 283x420, 1271062653004.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:19 No.121610612
    >Don’t admire Bethesda, a company that release broken games. DA2 had it’s faults but it wasn’t broken.

    No it was a pile of horse shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:19 No.121610644

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20 No.121610677
    You've only got two days to get a refund, dude. Do it now.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20 No.121610692
    I don't know what's worse: the guys who defend this game like there's no tomorrow and claim it to be God's gift to mankind or the ones that nitpick about every little thing and complain like it's gamebreaking shit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20 No.121610720
    not if they put their local rhino on the writing team

    Dragon Age lore doesn't even begin to compare to TES lore and bethesda fans usually don't give 2 shits about romance options

    and if they are stupid enough to release a TES like game without an adequate construction kit like modding tool it will fail pretty hard
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20 No.121610723
    If anything I think healing is more appropriate to the dark side.
    Remember, Light Side is more about restricting your own feeling and discipline, the Dark Side is more about embracing your emotions and the power they bring.
    Healing is something I would relate more with emotion than cool thinking,
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20 No.121610791
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    Just when i thought it couldn't get any worse
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21 No.121610796
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    >Dark Heal
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21 No.121610828
    This game sucks. Star Wars should be ashamed of themselves
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21 No.121610838
    It's easier to change a word than change mechanics. People would have then said that jedi are OP because they have a direct heal.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21 No.121610881

    Well why not.

    Skyrim sold like crazy.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21 No.121610888
    A spell that drains life from enemies and gives it to allies.
    A lifesteal buff or aura.
    Raising the dead as evil force zombies who taunt enemies, giving your characters time to heal themselves using the lifesteal whilst the zombies act as an indirect shield.
    Some kind of psychic assault that reduces the damage enemies do, or even stuns them to prevent damage output.
    A spell the causes some of the damage a target takes to be nullified and transferred to an enemy or ally nearby.
    A spell that partially blinds an enemy giving them a miss chance.
    This is all off the top of my head and most of it is stolen from WoW anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21 No.121610907
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21 No.121610912
    Sure is Warhammer Online again

    >Take fan-loved IP
    >give to EA
    >Gut and fire team
    >Give to incompetents
    >little as possible done to make it anything but hypetrained
    >sell at hyperinflated prices
    >anyone still on the project promoted and anyone good is fired months before it launches
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:22 No.121610979

    Jesus Christ someone just kill them already this is like watching a dog chock to death.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:22 No.121611013
    >next-gen MMO
    Star Wars isn't a next gen MMO it's World of Warcraft with better Storytelling and the same everything else.

    Guild Wars is going to be a next-gen MMO get your facts straight man
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:22 No.121611027
         File1324506168.jpg-(45 KB, 313x168, 1278708919195.jpg)
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    >Dark Heal

    As opposed to Light Heal I suppose?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23 No.121611067
    The funny thing about TOR is they actually disabled digital downloads temporaily. They said too many people were playing their game, and no more copies will be going out until tomorrow.

    >BioWare refusing your money.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23 No.121611079
         File1324506195.jpg-(84 KB, 948x317, quality brainwashed biodrone.jpg)
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    I am frankly jelly at bioware for spitting out this shit and people are so incredibly stupid that they praise you for it and even wants to pay more monthly for shit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23 No.121611120
    I don't understand, OP. Makes sense to me. Theres like 100 servers.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23 No.121611157
    Game's pretty good so far. Hit 25 last night. Finished Taris and got my speeder. Way too many rakghouls but some of the quests were godtier, especially the callbacks to KOTOR. Probably gonna tank a few flashpoints tonight, then hit Nar Shadaa. I'd give the game something like 8/10 so far. Honestly both sides of this argument care way too much. Play it or don't.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23 No.121611158

    I love biodrones defending the game saying it already has over 500k subs, WAR had 1.3 mil on release and look what happened

    i was one fo them
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23 No.121611163
         File1324506231.png-(12 KB, 111x107, 1302958740265.png)
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    I thought it couldn't get worse than FF4.0

    oh boy
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:24 No.121611179
    He has a point you know.
    The force power that extend's people's lives is a dark side one.
    Saving lives is AGAINST the Jedi ruleset in most cases.
    If anything most healers would surely be those swamp witches that ride Rancors and use force powers.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:24 No.121611194
    The thing that makes the TES games is the lore.

    It's really what's so compelling about them. Dragon Age (origins mind you) had a cool setting and all and it fit well with the story. But TES is definitely up there in terms of vidya lore and DA is not.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:24 No.121611252
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:24 No.121611292
         File1324506289.jpg-(76 KB, 640x480, 1323117103069.jpg)
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    But FFXIV is STILL far worse than this you silly.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25 No.121611326
    Quick! Someone shoop bioware into that gif of the dog getting hit by shovel.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25 No.121611355
    and besides they don't even need all that shit

    I mean healing someone is only as good or evil as its intended use. And Bioware doesn't even need to be smart enough to get that, almost every single god damn pen and paper RPG already has that in their rules

    Adding "dark" to a spell to make it seem sinister works about as well as dressing a 12 year old up in a black cape
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25 No.121611371
    wow... just wow, I mean the only people that are moving around just seem to be doing it because there is nothing else to do.

    and do casters really cast with a lightsaber out? that shit just doesn't make sense.

    also the graphics look worse than WoW, heard the game doesn't even have anti aliasing.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25 No.121611388
         File1324506328.png-(246 KB, 721x541, sassy black woman 44.png)
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    that aint right
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25 No.121611399
         File1324506332.png-(195 KB, 363x320, BeavisDWI.png)
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    Deathwing raid was fun as shit and hard as fuck, no I'm not talking about the spoonfed LFR version either. Stay assmad Wrathbabies
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25 No.121611446

    Yeah but the thing is all the WH fans left very quickly. I'm still uncertain on Dark Millennium, 40k has a massive fan base so a lot of pressure is on them.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25 No.121611448

    It really isn't though

    i've played both
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26 No.121611520
    Most underwhelming boss in WoW history.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26 No.121611570

    >Constantly post low level world boss fights

    Now it's just getting old.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26 No.121611571
    I think I know what happened.
    EA being the cheap jews they are, probably decide to print the boxes early probably together with another game's batch to get a better price for quantity, and decided to wait later to add the serial codes.
    Looks like some of they forgot about adding the code to some of the batches and games ended up being sold without it.
    Serves them well.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26 No.121611574
    >as dressing a 12 year old up in a black cape
    Thats what they were going for with the TOR version of the sith.
    TOR is like AdventureQuest Worlds.
    Good and Evil unite against Chaos.
    Everyone is children, Evil is Good but dressed in black and Chaos is Evil dressed in a different shade of black.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:27 No.121611660
    >We want CoD's audience!
    >We want Starcraft's audience!
    >We want Skyrim's audience!




    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:27 No.121611706
    true, the lore

    and the mods

    they're not going to be able to create a modding community the size of TES fans overnight and they sure as hell aren't going to suddenly match the lore of TES. I'd be surprised if they could create a piece of lore as interesting as the Dwemer lore
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28 No.121611761
    Guys stop complaining about the queue times. This shit happens for EVERY big launch like this.

    i mean fucking look at skyrim ffs
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28 No.121611762
         File1324506500.png-(352 KB, 351x620, v is evil.png)
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    where is the screen where they blame /v/ for the bad metacritic scores, while every positive review is 10/10 advertising shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28 No.121611769
    >Implying the 'late' bosses are any better

    Now it's just getting old.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28 No.121611790
    I really don't get the hate for this game. DA2 was bad but jesus fucking christ. /v/ hates this more than it hates My Little Pony.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28 No.121611807
    That attitude is amazing

    >I know you bought the game, gave us money for a product and service. However, we don't want to spend any of that money back on you.

    I didn't buy the game, but fuck these guys. Any one that does return business with this company is asking them to mistreat you and to not offer a better product.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28 No.121611827

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:29 No.121611857

    If you've played both then you'd realize how much more shitty 4.0 is compared to this.

    There's nothing worse than 4.0.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:29 No.121611862
    DW was killed 3 IDs after release. I myself Killed him in Normal 25 on First try with only one Tank because the second fell of the Cliff and we couldn't br him.

    Lich King would have raped us but DW dosn't care
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:29 No.121611867
    They are unfortunately. Why not just release Visual Novels and cut the middle man out is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:29 No.121611887


    are retarded, 9 yo, or high?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:29 No.121611888
    yet wow has interesting low level bosses somehow
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:29 No.121611965

    Have you seen the Malgus fight? It's terrible.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:30 No.121611984
    There is already a dragonagenexus. There has been for a long time.
    DA2 doesn't have many mods since it is harder to mod but DA:O had quite a few interesting ones if i recall.
    I think there was even one that had Baldur's Gate camera style and combat mechanics worked in.
    It's not really a stretch to believe they could get the community modding.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:30 No.121612016
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:30 No.121612055
    high, Sorry i'll stop poising
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:30 No.121612079
         File1324506655.jpg-(58 KB, 443x540, 10233838Yac.jpg)
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    FF4.0 is actually somehow better than this, as unbelievable as it may seem. Plus, SWTOR will never have as awesome of raid music as this -

    I even pre-ordered both collectors editions AFTER playing the beta of each. Forever Buyers Remorse.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:30 No.121612088
         File1324506657.jpg-(687 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2011-12-19_00_47_13(...).jpg)
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    Oh yeah, plot spoilers for those who care.

    Turns out Rakghouls are force sensitive, and growing rapidly more intelligent. The Rakghoul plague likely originated from dark side sorcery.

    Rukil's people found Paradise, but it was destroyed in Malak's attack on Taris, forcing them to resume wandering. Their tribe eventually ran out of Rakghoul vaccine and gradually died off, until eventually they were rendered sterile by radiation

    The government of Taris froze themselves in carbonite in a huge underground vault programmed to wake them up when the Republic retook the planet
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:31 No.121612119

    They left because the game wasn't even finished yet,funny thing is, WAR had a lot of similarities with TOR, shittym engine(even though WAR's graphics were way better than TOR's) unstable servers, lag, bad support, lack of endgame, only thing other than the graphics that WAR did better was PVP and it introduced public quests.They're bad games carried by their fanbase
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:31 No.121612216
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32 No.121612253

    >playing Sith
    >wondering why everything is immature faux-sinister bullshit
    >playing Sith

    You see there's your problem right there.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32 No.121612297

    why for the love of GOD

    what part of KOTOR(2) won't they rape
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32 No.121612298
    Sorry, maybe I was unclear. Trying to refer to Bioware before EA fucked their corpse (ME, DA:O) where they were still kind of sticking with the things that made the original fans love the game.

    Then DA2 went full retard and wanted CoD's audience. I'm not as worried about ME3, though, even with the whole "good place to start the series"
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32 No.121612343
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612356

    Sure thing Biodrone. I'm clearly wrong and you're obviously right. Keep shoveling that delicious hamburger helper shit down your doughnut drain and giving EA your money. You deserve to be ripped off.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612370
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612389
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612423
    Hey I'm not high
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612428
    Anyone save the Ramen Planet shop from last night?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612434
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612453
    Shit sucks man.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612461
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    >2hr wait for every server
    >No server forums

    What do you expect from the guys that manage to sell out of digital copies?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.121612479

    you must continue posting, it is hilarous....

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:34 No.121612554
    >EDI and Joker.jpg

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:34 No.121612570
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    Such unique diversity, it is completely different from all other mmo's, especially that one big elephant in the room we dont talk about.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:34 No.121612574
    I had skipped through this vid a few times, but good god, go to the 1:50 mark, the damn thing has an attack animation where it bites the air twenty feet above the tank, it's worse than 29:30, and funnier too.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:34 No.121612575
    Explain if you would. Not seeing any rape here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:34 No.121612621
    Well this one is also bad and is a MMO, so more hate is expected
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:35 No.121612636
    >paying for a bioshit title

    Fucking dumb fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:35 No.121612683
    >yfw there's a server named Wound in the Force
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:35 No.121612709
         File1324506930.png-(260 KB, 424x507, 1323449813161.png)
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    or perhaps they just "sold out" on steam and they still sell "invisible" game keys on origin
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:35 No.121612742
         File1324506947.gif-(1.17 MB, 192x144, Scruffy.gif)
    1.17 MB

    i laughed so hard that my cat jumped off my lap.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:35 No.121612745
         File1324506948.jpg-(62 KB, 640x427, 1847269.jpg)
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    do they have peter molyneux onboard? because they seem to be able to do ANYTHING
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612784
    I agree, TOR may be a heaving pile of shit but these particular aspects don't seem that bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612813
    Rakghouls aren't force sensitive.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612831
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612840
         File1324506986.png-(491 KB, 639x466, 1323433408232.png)
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    The one thing I don't understand is how this game is off to such a rocky start. It's not like they announced it yesterday, why are they so unprepared ? Year after year of development and hype-ups and they completely lose their shit when the game actually launches?

    I just don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612856
    I want to play sith like this

    I want to flip out and shoot lightning out of my god damn fingertips
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612880
    Bioware had shit community managers back when they made single player games.

    Now it's worse!

    I predict that a Bioware community manager will actually threaten physical violence against a forum member in less than four months.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612881
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    >paying fifteen dollars a month for a Bioware game
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612888
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36 No.121612909
    So SWToR has already chalked off
    >Queues on all servers
    >Shipped copies without game codes

    And people still think this game is going to last? Without even looking deep into it I can see the game's off to a crappy launch.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:37 No.121613048
    Er well, I know that the realm forums for WoW don't have mod activity a lot, but this is a really shitty way to just handle this. Also is anyone else kind of disappointed at the fact that despite all this voice acting, your character doesn't even have an emoticon laugh if you type in /lol or something like that? It doesn't make a lot of sense with all this voice acting they take such pride in.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613062
         File1324507084.jpg-(188 KB, 816x960, 1324450513358.jpg)
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    I agree, it is pretty obvious that bioware have outdone themselves on original creative content!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613074
    This is set 200 years later and they weren't exactly something that had been around for a long time in the original.
    Its fair to assume they mutate pretty quickly and they could have become force sensitive.
    Seriously this is the least stupid stuff i have heard about TOR ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613080
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613129
    >not [flirt]second

    im disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613167
         File1324507126.gif-(796 KB, 512x368, Soiled it.gif)
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    >Dark Heal
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613168

    It is not a rocky start from their point of view.

    Before even launching they were preparing to only have a small portion of people continue to play after a dew months.

    They are trying to maximize profit since they know it will sell well at first.
    If they were to buy servers for all the players (or half) initially, it would cut into their money.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613169
         File1324507127.jpg-(100 KB, 322x512, Celeste-Morne.jpg)
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    >rakghouls are likely the result of Sith sorcery

    Uh, yeah. That hasn't been a mystery for a few years, mate. KOTOR comics, Vector crossover project.

    This is Celeste Morne, a Jedi special agent. See that gold thing on her neck? That's the Muur talisman, an artifact made by the ancient Sith Lord Karness Muur. Whoever has the talisman can make and control rakghouls at will.

    The talisman was lost after Muur's death, in the undercity of Taris. It made rakghouls at random for over a millennium before being found by the Mandalorians during their invasion of Taris in the Mandalorians. Morne took it back and wound up with it clamped on her neck, possessing her, and then Zayne Carrick shut her in suspended animation for the next few thousand years on Jebble.

    Rakghouls haven't been a mystery since 2008.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38 No.121613188

    Wow SWTOR PvP looks like shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:39 No.121613262
    sure it wasn't enough that the force was bacteria, now its cancer to

    whats next, it becomes an STD?

    knowing bioware, it just might happen
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:39 No.121613288
    I personally suspect that they've turned the queues on manually in order to make the game appear popular. I have a hard time believing that that many people could actually be playing this trainwreck.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:39 No.121613310
    >Remember when MMOs were good?
    You obviously don't. XI was awful, and so was vanilla WoW.

    UO, Everquest, DAoC, and SWG are the only good MMOs.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:39 No.121613322
    That's sad, especially considering most World Bosses from vanilla WoW required some form of movement.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:39 No.121613335
    Oh, then i guess it is all stupid.
    To think i thought bioware had written some interesting lore.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40 No.121613352
    we wanted KOTOR3
    we got this pile of shit

    thanks bioware! i hope you go bankrupt!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40 No.121613354
    ITT - Bandwagons
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40 No.121613376
    >Digital Download
    >Soul out

    I have no face.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40 No.121613392
    Anyone have that pic of the Sith armor progression? The designs never cease to make me laugh
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40 No.121613420
    They were created by the force in the first place. Is it really such a surprise that some of them can use it? It's a small mutant offshoot of the Rakghouls called Nekghouls. A sentient holocron has been trying to civilize them and teach them the force.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40 No.121613428
         File1324507238.jpg-(7 KB, 128x128, 163483463_128.jpg)
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    >ZZZ Online's face when
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40 No.121613481
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.121613509
    and because of instancing everywhere you can't actually gage how many people are around
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.121613510
         File1324507275.jpg-(15 KB, 256x342, Ultima_Online_cover.jpg)
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    This man knows his quality.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.121613530
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    You obviously don't. UO, Everquest, DAoC was awful and so was SWG.

    XI and vanilla WoW are the only good MMOs.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.121613533
    ITP - Fanboyism over a game that's dead on arrival
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.121613593
         File1324507311.jpg-(102 KB, 400x400, 12266824.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.121613594
    >the older an MMO is, the better is it
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.121613616
    Is this the new biodrone defense tactic?

    It's not like we just recently started criticizing TOR.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:42 No.121613646
    Haha, oh my god, I thought that was Star Wars Galaxies at first.

    This game is such a fucking joke.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:42 No.121613667
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:42 No.121613698
    What a clusterfuck

    Why is that guy clicking everything?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:42 No.121613728
    Yes, anything to deny that a large number of players are playing this game. Typical /v/ logic mate =P
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:42 No.121613731
         File1324507374.jpg-(218 KB, 500x464, Flap_wat.jpg)
    218 KB
    >Level 33
    >Manually clicking each skill, clicking the wrong skill at times, clicking over and over again even after the skill is in cooldown and manually turning with the keyboard as well as constantly walking into enemy effects

    Why. Just why.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:42 No.121613747
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    >DAoC & Star Wars Galaxies

    Get the fuck out. You have no right to be here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:43 No.121613752
    I tough the force was something that you have to reach throught concentration and study, not something that a random feral creature can develop with mutations, oh wait this is from the new trilogy where the force isn't something spiritual but magical gnomes in your blood, silly me thinking that bioware will make a game about the "boring" movies
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:43 No.121613780
    Wait... are engine trails back?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:43 No.121613821
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    >implying that when you kill someone in wow:esque mmos you can watch their corpse and loot it if you want.


    Ultima online is more technologically advanced then a 2011 game.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:44 No.121613875
    Yeah, but they're nowhere near as good as the old ones.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:44 No.121613964
    You have to understand that to us this is like the murder of Warcraft's lore.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:45 No.121614025
    The light side requires concentration and meditation maybe. The dark side is another story.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:45 No.121614046
    No, its not like that at all.
    You are born with force powers or without, that has always been the case.
    The jedi recruit the people with force powers and teach them to be better at it, but they are perfectly capable of learning simple things on their own.
    That's where many different groups of non-jedi/sith force people come from. They aren't as effective as jedi/sith but they do have powers.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:45 No.121614057
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    No thanks I think I'll take a chance with Pandacraft, It's pretty much this game with better balance and more content.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:45 No.121614071
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    That's because Richard was obsessed with his game and wanted it to be perfect.
    Makes it a lot more sad when you think that EA fucked it up so bad he quit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:46 No.121614225
    It's obvious that nobody here has actually been to a major MMO launch before. They always have queues. They always have lag. That's how MMOs work. Everyone is just in a nerd rage over nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:46 No.121614229
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:46 No.121614234
    If I didn't give up on WoW a long time ago, I would be excited for Pandacraft. It looks fun.

    Did they add in a dance studio yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:47 No.121614308
    >new developments in lore = ruining the lore
    But WHY? Still haven't seen a legitimate WHY to how this ruins lore.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:47 No.121614318
    Revan pants maybe, force related beings being force related doesn't seem so much of a stretch.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:47 No.121614323
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:47 No.121614331
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    >Welcome to Coruscant, home to trillions
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:47 No.121614332
    Feels good that he's trying to get the ultima rights back and make THE ULTIMATE RPG.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:48 No.121614401
    Rodians are humans with bug eyes, Ithorians are humans with shark heads, Wookies are humans with fur

    See how easy that is? Fuck, you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:48 No.121614419
    >Blizzard ever adding the dance studio
    Surely you know better than that.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:48 No.121614466
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    fuck yeah they are
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.121614540
    Is this true? The Ultima games are ridiculously awesome. Richard Garriott knows how to make a fucking game. With today's tech, Bethesda wouldn't stand a chance. Even outside the realm of vidya, he's a pretty cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.121614546
    also new nebulae graphics
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.121614565
    But none of those races are anything like what you described.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.121614590
    >1.75 million

    Is he fucking serious? That’s only 85,500
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.121614594
    Fuckton of people inside and in the commercial district underneath. Messengers and shit walk in and out of the senate tower occasionally too. What, you want a bunch of people standing around outside the door? Also how about those fucking skyscrapers you see everywhere?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.121614598
    People don't want that anymore, though. MMOs need subscribers to stay profitable, so they have to appeal to the mainstream at least a bit. The mainstream right now wants casual, easy games. They want to progress while playing an hour or two a day, and they don't want some "no-lifer" to be able to kill them and take all their stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50 No.121614642
    There's a huge difference between a humanoid with a shark head and a human with a different skin tone.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50 No.121614675
    that city looks huge i bet you can explore a huge area!

    >corridors everywhere
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50 No.121614678
    Wow, you're pretty stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50 No.121614690
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    Oh, wow.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50 No.121614741
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    Enjoy /v/
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50 No.121614754

    >Everyone is just in a nerd rage over nothing.

    It's because it's Star Wars. Star Wars always has had and always will have one of the whiniest, bitchiest, shittiest fanbases ever, and every single new thing will always be met with howls of despair and rage and nostalgia for what came before (which was met with the same reaction when it came out).

    TOR's not bad. It's not the best game I've ever played, but a pretty good MMO. Queues are a bitch, but huge queues don't last.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50 No.121614757
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51 No.121614818
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    No doubt, Lord British is the Gabe Newell of RPGs



    I'd even put money up to say it could compete with Half Life 3 on release day.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51 No.121614830
    dark-irons were just another clan of dwarves. Not cousins just different culture

    and the iron dwarves were an interesting origin story imho
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51 No.121614854
    B-but 19 multiplied by 4500 doesn't make 1.75 million...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51 No.121614881
    Being humanoid is one thing, being a reskinned model of a human is much less.

    Learn what the words humanoid and palette-swap mean, please.
    Fuck, you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51 No.121614908

    Maybe so but it’s not like that, they’re all nothing but pallet swaps. It’s like a convention for “original” sonics.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:52 No.121614964
    wtf? I don't have a calculator but his number can't be right. The number has to be less than 100,000...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:52 No.121615056
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:53 No.121615131
    Iron Dwarves are something i actually dislike and find retarded, like the earthen.
    In truth though i always cite them as retarded, Dark Iron Dwarves are one of my favorite additions to the warcraft universe and one of the few things blizzard did right.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:53 No.121615153
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    >dark heal
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:53 No.121615154
    >Rodians are humans with bug eyes, Ithorians are humans with shark heads, Wookies are humans with fur
    No they aren't, they have a completly different body contexture and facial features. Back to your bioware forum where you can defend the game with retarded arguments like that one.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:53 No.121615205
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:53 No.121615221
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    >It has to be! It just has to!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:54 No.121615236
    get the le fuck out

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