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    File : 1323988252.jpg-(268 KB, 702x958, 28ef946b6d0c4df9ad4fd4fedc0b2e9f.jpg)
    268 KB Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:30 No.120761299  
    >always appreciated good drawings
    >never could draw for shit
    Is it possible for a guy with an antitalent for drawing to learn how to create things like these (pic related)?
    At this point my sketches look worse than something an average 10 y/o would draw.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:32 No.120761442
    You'd have to be japanese to draw like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:34 No.120761693
         File1323988473.jpg-(7 KB, 215x217, 1311888295850.jpg)
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    >good kemono art
    >not Ka or Cotora
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.120761994
    Keep drawing.
    Never give up!
    Ask for tips from other artists.
    expand your creative horizons
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:37 No.120762084
         File1323988669.jpg-(11 KB, 251x241, 1312629835502.jpg)
    11 KB
    >spend years learning how to draw
    >use your skills to draw furry porn
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.120762391
         File1323988819.gif-(7 KB, 645x773, 1291433208838.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.120762426
         File1323988830.png-(1.08 MB, 1422x871, 1322616439593.png)
    1.08 MB
    pretty much keep drawing. try different stuff, starting with shapes is always a good base, exercises your straight lines and curves, hand control.

    draw, draw, draw.
    try different stuff, but in the end, always keep drawing.
    if you start from nothing, usually you start liking what comes out of your drawings in a year or two. sooner if you dedicate yourself and take classes.

    also expensive tablets don't make you a better artist. but i'm sure you knew that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:40 No.120762479
    Yes. You can, op.
    Everyone who does not draw, and who wants to draws says that.
    >> lol vidya Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:42 No.120762663
    >antitalent for drawing

    how hard did you try? Drawing isnt a talent moron, its an aquired skill just like driving a motorboat or masturbating into a bottle.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.120762842
    how come people outside of japan can't draw?
    i've never understood this.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:43 No.120762862
         File1323989018.png-(9 KB, 190x159, 1318042628024.png)
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    >spend years learning how to draw
    >the only jobs I ever get are for furry porn

    My life is a hellish nightmare that I will never be able to wake up from.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:45 No.120763082
         File1323989120.jpg-(261 KB, 1024x791, 1304788007935.jpg)
    261 KB
    OP, we have a whole board for this: /ic/

    I can give you the gist of the advice they'll give.

    First, see >>120761994
    That's the attitude you want.

    Second, here are links to /ic/'s art textbook library

    I'd recommend starting with "Key to Drawing" by Bert Dodson. It's supposedly a great starter book.

    Finally, here is /ic/'s list of helpful art links.

    I can post more specific links if you want.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:45 No.120763112
         File1323989137.png-(118 KB, 404x259, 1312245280474.png)
    118 KB
    >be a drawfag
    >don't enjoy drawing furry porn
    What is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:45 No.120763151
         File1323989152.jpg-(167 KB, 600x436, Its_so_Small~avat.jpg)
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    Of course, as along as you've got hands, you can draw.
    Practice, practice, practice!

    There's plenty of dosh to be made off suckers in need of dick-nipple drawings.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:46 No.120763303
    So you want to draw like that? Everybody will give you tips and shit and stuff and all of that. DISREGARD THEM people is fucking stupid. But today my friend I will give you an advice that will help you the rest of your fucking life "But I want to draw anime hurrrr" I don't GIVE A SHIT at first you will try to do that and you will feel like a fucking artist. after a while of drawing anime YOU WILL BE FUCKING MISERABLE. What's wrong? You might find yourself making this question. The next logic step for you will be getting more tools! You will even try getting a digital tablet DON'T. I'll give you now the most valuable advice an artist can give my friend, please accept it and try to practice it.
    -A good artist draws for at least two hours a day. "BUT I DON'T WAN..." SHUT THE FUCK UP I don't give a shit you will draw now at least two hours a day.
    -A good artist learns realism. "But my style is different and unique." BULLSHIT that's the lamest excuse. The best anime artists know about realism. DEAL WITH IT.
    -Your work sucks. Face it, keep practicing. Never stop.
    -There are no perfect tools. Don't get a tablet thinking it will make you the best artist. Use a common pencil, or pen and common paper. I spent SO MUCH MONEY buying shit I never used. DON'T DO THAT.
    -Instructions on drawing.
    1- look at something. Good artists are not good drawing. They are good at looking.
    2- Fucking draw it. How? However you feel like. there's no magic technique the secret lies in step No. 4
    3- Don't get attached. After you are finnished learn from your drawing, move to the next one
    4- repeat.

    I hope this helps, if you manage to make it and wish to continue, even making it to the game industry, learn photoshop. have a nice day,
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.120763330
         File1323989225.jpg-(449 KB, 727x1109, 1201386023499.jpg)
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    >durrhurr anime is so artistic lulx XD
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.120763397

    Because all of my clients are foul, disgusting man-children. I don't particularly care about the porn itself.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:47 No.120763409
    I actually WANT to draw good furry porn.

    Fuck, I need to practice.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:50 No.120763790
         File1323989438.jpg-(48 KB, 510x546, 1312048209922.jpg)
    48 KB
    >I want to draw furry porn general
    You never cease to amaze me /v/.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:51 No.120763902

    What are the going rates for internet art commissions?

    How much do you make a month?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:54 No.120764328
         File1323989696.png-(268 KB, 506x598, fur coat wears a fur coat whil(...).png)
    268 KB
    >this thread

    Only a matter of time.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:55 No.120764396
         File1323989733.jpg-(29 KB, 345x281, 1262226476972.jpg)
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    Not op but fuckin' saved.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.120764561
    Stay mad.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.120764605
    >that filename

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)17:59 No.120764804
    Currently I'm charging between $10 for a sketch to $100 for a painting.

    I made $600 in the past 2 weeks doing drawings and paintings, but work comes and goes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:00 No.120764857
    Who the bitch on the right?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:01 No.120764969
         File1323990063.jpg-(72 KB, 612x528, 1312317312868.jpg)
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    >Only a matter of time.
    Before what?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:01 No.120764980
    >You will even try getting a digital tablet DON'T.
    Retarded advice, has nothing to do with anything except it's a more efficient drawing tool.

    >-There are no perfect tools. Don't get a tablet thinking it will make you the best artist.
    This is completely true.
    >Use a common pencil, or pen and common paper. I spent SO MUCH MONEY buying shit I never used. DON'T DO THAT.
    Back to being wrong. Just because you don't use your tablet doesn't make it a bad buy or tool.

    But everything else is pretty spot on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:01 No.120765001

    No problem bro, just stick to that shit like glue. At least for the first year.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:01 No.120765024
    There's a thread on this subject in /ic/ if anyone wants to learn more:

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:03 No.120765259
    On the other hand if you want to learn about game art..... Here I am to answer your questions.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:04 No.120765364
         File1323990280.png-(357 KB, 1200x670, Zuka.png)
    357 KB
    Zuka, an unused concept character.

    I was just saying words hoping they would make sense somehow. They didn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:06 No.120765612
         File1323990412.jpg-(12 KB, 180x189, 211220_138800672857584_3251374(...).jpg)
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    In my mind, my art looks awesome.

    My face when it doesn't come out like that on paper.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:09 No.120765870
    I have gotten exponentially better at drawing in the last two months, given that I'm entirely self-taught. You absorb different things from different things. A friend of mine showed me how to draw eyes, a sketch I found on the internet showed me how to draw bodies and poses, a face chart gave me the basic idea about expressions etc.

    And that's just the original stuff that I draw from my head, I'm WAY better at reproductions. I still suck at shadows and dimensions/proportions (for the original stuff).
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:11 No.120766110
         File1323990677.png-(1.02 MB, 2432x4416, BroQuest Final.png)
    1.02 MB
    >you will never be able to draw this good

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:12 No.120766258


    Also, anyone got that time lapse of a certain artist whose art improved from fucking 8 year old doodles to professionally looking stuff in about 8 years?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:13 No.120766372
    I'd be happy to, but I seem to have misplaced my bigger-than-my-PC scanner somehow. So I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:16 No.120766821
    I tried to learn, but I can't get the motivation.

    I was learning so I could eventually make stories in the comic book format, so I thought why not just start without any true skill and use that as practice?

    So I"m going to try that this weekend.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:17 No.120766962
         File1323991036.jpg-(62 KB, 931x1420, guy.jpg)
    62 KB
    >tfw you only draw contour because the second you try shading the entire picture gets fucked up
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:17 No.120766993
    If you don't have the motivation, my prescription is DOODLE. JUST FUCKING DOODLE. Hell, Doodle or Die gave me motivation so I got better.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:18 No.120767082
         File1323991098.png-(18 KB, 282x229, 1323730555929.png)
    18 KB

    Just draw everyday.

    That's me, I've been drawing and painting since 2008.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:19 No.120767189
         File1323991159.jpg-(25 KB, 389x419, Okay_guy.jpg)
    25 KB

    > play doodle or die
    > every comment to my images is "well drawn X"
    > try to draw stuff on photoshop
    > always horseshit
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:19 No.120767209
    Am I the only one who read that in Namasensei's voice?
    >for those who don't know what the fuck I'm talking about:
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:21 No.120767488
    What I'm thinking about is taking what little I've learned so far from reading books on this stuff and what little practice and start making short story comics. Obviously they'd likely be just for myself for practice, but then I would be drawing in a way that I would enjoy for the reason that I started drawing in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:22 No.120767573
         File1323991363.jpg-(1.66 MB, 1068x1510, ad9dbd362d87bf310aaeb077c33350(...).jpg)
    1.66 MB
    Yeah, Fuzisawa is a really awesome artist. Shame he has a habit of deleting his galleries and disappearing off the net.

    As an artist myself, let me just say first up that's there's a long road ahead of you but anyone can travel it should they make the time and put in the effort.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:23 No.120767703
    No, furries can't draw
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:24 No.120767729
         File1323991443.jpg-(387 KB, 807x987, 87d48a10e3ea4849a5b48c811442aa(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:24 No.120767797
    yes, thats why they hire artists to do that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:24 No.120767850
         File1323991496.jpg-(109 KB, 1306x649, withnames.jpg)
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    I like to draw a lot, here's my stuff:

    Just practice and try to enjoy it, but also be critical of yourself and be inspired/jealous about other artists so you can grow
    >> Slime !hbZ6eR.pYA 12/15/11(Thu)18:25 No.120767905
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:25 No.120767948
         File1323991544.png-(224 KB, 600x500, 1348366089104.png)
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    I used to only draw stuff for /v/. And recently, deviantart after I got smashed one night and created an account because I thought it would be funny. Decided to stick with it because furfaggots love Sonic and Sparkster and Walter and I crave attention.

    I am still a very substandard artist despite doodling every day.

    Lesson: Pander to faggoty niche groups to gain popularity.

    And then when you gain popularity? Revel in it, because it will not get you anything else but attention. That is unless you do porn... which I hear is profit city.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:25 No.120767968
         File1323991556.jpg-(149 KB, 587x694, 3c516fcdb194f251a35fa4189f424b(...).jpg)
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    >you will never draw things that make people HNNNNG ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:26 No.120768069
    He's saying to start with pencil and paper, because if he starts with a tablet and realizes drawing ain't for him it's not actually for him, he didn't spend loadsamoney on it. People sometimes admire other people for something (drawing or playing a musical instrument for example) and wish they could do that because of selfish reasons (being popular, getting a lot of money, recognition, etc.) and not for their skill itself. Then they go like this, try to draw something pretty, end up with a scribble a 10yo could do and say "they don't have the talent". BULLSHIT, it's all skill. Someone might have aptitude for something, but that just helps them out in the beginning a bit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:28 No.120768224
    Things I'd recommend:
    -Doodling. Doodling will get you the basics. I got mine from doodling in boring classes in high school.
    -Draw skeletons for everything. Not real skeletons, but how should stuff look without detail. Don't make it one pieced though, make it seem like joints are joints etc.
    -Draw. Really. Fucking. Lightly. If you fuck up, it's easier to fix the mistake.
    -Observation and references are the key. Look up a few tutorials for stuff you'd like to know how to draw. Don't just try to draw exactly what you see, try to get it from there into your drawing (I'm getting kinda bullshity here but I don't know how to explain it)

    Ask me anything if you want, but take note I'm self taught and I'm not some kind of "professional".
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:30 No.120768521

    Can I see some of your stuff?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:30 No.120768542

    Pffftt I'm not even gonna argue I'm right because there's no discussion there, I'm right, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:31 No.120768619
         File1323991896.jpg-(16 KB, 480x360, melchiah-9.jpg)
    16 KB
    Do you think I feel no revulsion for this form?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:32 No.120768689
    > be 14
    > purchase sketchbook
    > doodle random characters, give them names and personalities
    > hide sketchbook
    > one day, sketchbook falls over the closet wall to hole between closet and wall (what the fuck?)
    > to this day, haven't been able to pull sketchbook out

    Not a day goes by that I don't think of the horror and embarrassment that I will go through when the house is demolished and somebody finds my sketchbook.

    The horror...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:32 No.120768762

    This was around 8 years ago, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:33 No.120768804
    Sorry, but I only have physical sketches/drawings and I have no means of "converting" (i.e. scanning, taking a photo) them to a digital format right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:33 No.120768870
         File1323992017.jpg-(16 KB, 480x360, melchiah-10.jpg)
    16 KB
    Do you believe for a moment that our Lord would risk his empire upon an upstart inheritance
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:34 No.120768947
    How much of a pussy are you if you can't move the closet or even take a stick to get the sketchbook.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:35 No.120769151
         File1323992153.jpg-(155 KB, 600x400, link3.jpg)
    155 KB
    Did this little drawing as soon as I finished Skyward Sword. I like the Link, but the Zelda turned out kinda boring.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:36 No.120769243
    Are you >>120767850 ?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:37 No.120769275
    What are you doing?!

    how may threads have you been in now?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:37 No.120769306
         File1323992236.jpg-(62 KB, 450x600, shinskates.jpg)
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    You can be a good artist.
    I'm a furry and I always really wanted to be good pictures of Morenatsu stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:37 No.120769330

    It fell down a very fucking narrow hole that's double my height. How the fuck do you want me to pull it out?

    All the shit I wrote on there is cringe-worthy. I want to beat up my younger self.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:37 No.120769345
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:37 No.120769376
         File1323992268.jpg-(106 KB, 480x800, 4f893d5744930fa62e1f6cfb077cfe(...).jpg)
    106 KB
    Damnit OP, your picture got my hopes up.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:38 No.120769443
         File1323992302.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, melchiah-12.jpg)
    13 KB
    You are the last to die.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:38 No.120769505
    Burn down the house and shit before anyone else does.

    And everyone wants to beat up their younger self. Everyone.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:40 No.120769636

    >that picture
    >"I always really wanted to be good pictures of Morenatsu stuff."

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:40 No.120769674
         File1323992415.jpg-(127 KB, 480x800, 80b2ddbbea4a51a1803e89dace7387(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:40 No.120769758
         File1323992447.jpg-(216 KB, 907x1101, PIC2666O.jpg)
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    >implying am i kawaii uguu is drawing
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:42 No.120769904
    When I was 17 I drew really fetishy furry porn. It was... okay. I've since improved greatly, but haven't drawn a single female anything

    I could probably get back into it and make A GLORIOUS SURPRISE COMEBACK and begin taking commissions for money, but ugh I'd feel like a bastard.

    Really need the money...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:42 No.120769968
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:43 No.120770110
    Then do it, you dumb shit.
    Why would you feel bad for drawing things for money?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:44 No.120770131
    Show me your talents
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:44 No.120770144
    female anything since then*

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:44 No.120770211
         File1323992682.png-(612 KB, 1124x1078, lIGHTINGCOLOR.png)
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    Sure, just keep working on it. But remember that it will take some years to refine.

    There's a lot to learn, but you will learn these things and get better. Just hang in there.

    Here's some Lightning drawing I made.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:45 No.120770278
    I'll just leave this here.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:45 No.120770302
    You take commissions?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:45 No.120770321
         File1323992744.jpg-(561 KB, 1600x795, fhiseye2.jpg)
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    I was in your situation three years ago. I'm still drawing every day, still not that great, but you definitely improve. If you don't love doing it, you won't become good at it, but it is possible to learn to love it.

    It will take a lot of time mostly. If you want to learn to draw kemono stuff, you need to learn the basics first then practice generic anime style by copying manga by sight (not tracing).

    Also you need work ethic and hiko, but you are on /v/ so you've already got half of that covered.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:46 No.120770351
    I can draw pretty good, but have NO FUCKING IDEA how to color.

    wat do
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:47 No.120770457
         File1323992837.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 156 KB, 966x1280, 1205897120597.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 156 KB
    I'm the opposite!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:47 No.120770473
         File1323992849.jpg-(4 KB, 251x206, 1323575929684.jpg)
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    Not OP, but I'm in the same position, and I do want.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:48 No.120770566
    1. Find books on painting
    2. Learn colour theory
    3. Practice a lot from life or reference
    4. Keep up a regular habit for years
    5. ???
    6. Profit
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:49 No.120770704

    I don't really see why people see him as inspiration, this guy was an art student and spent years under someone, it doesn't show inspiration for those that want to draw as a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:49 No.120770738
    >Also you need work ethic and hiko

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:50 No.120770773
    No, I only do free requests.

    Do I come off that much of a cheapskate to you?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:50 No.120770782
    Art is one of those things. People aren't born good at it, they are born with traits and talents that help a great deal.

    -Someone could be very adept at spacing or perception, finer details, scale, whatever naturally. Whereas someone has to work at them.
    -Someone can pick things up and understand aspects of art such as meaning, part of the whole, buildup, layering, ground work, patients. these could be gotten naturally, but would have to be worked hard to achieve for others.
    -Other than learning new skills quickly, being taught how to draw is very much black and white with some people taking to it alot smoother than others. but it can be worked at and improved by anyone and everyone.

    There is however each persons individual approach to artistry. for instance I have a friend that draws stuff and the way he does all of his drawings is bizzare. he does the head. typically a circle. then does all the details and even shades it. then he builds from it. does the hair, the shoulders, arms, armpits, chest, torso, and so on. yet he manages to do very good pictures. Whereas me, I have to layout the picture first, just isometric shapes that make the whole picture. all my pictures looked liket he pose models made out of wood before I did anything else.

    The point being everyone is different, but nothing is impossible. some have to work harder to reach the level some can reach naturally. but that's true for most things.

    Just work at it. and you'll get better. take advice but don't take it to heart and change your own methods to incorporate them all.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:50 No.120770837
         File1323993042.jpg-(40 KB, 450x672, 146521465124.jpg)
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    > you will never draw good looking hands or feet
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:52 No.120770984

    No you come off a guillable.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:52 No.120771065
    Then I'd like to request a drawing since you won't take my dosh

    You got a contact?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:54 No.120771183
         File1323993249.png-(42 KB, 181x195, koya2.png)
    42 KB
    If I could draw, I would draw porn too OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:54 No.120771215

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:58 No.120771607
         File1323993483.jpg-(587 KB, 1152x864, Advanced Shading Reference.jpg)
    587 KB


    Art Tutorials Wiki (a repository of tutorials)

    PSG Art tutorial (a general guide, need to follow up on)

    Drawspace (lots of guides)

    Free Art E-Books (only if you can't find a recommended book in the /ic/ library)

    On Style and Progression

    Inkscape: Calligraphy (basically, how to manipulate you pen/pencil)

    Save Loomis! (very important for learning realistic anatomy)

    moatdd's video tutorials

    Iscribble (for doodling practice)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:01 No.120772004
         File1323993696.png-(Spoiler Image, 686 KB, 900x800, bearticcock.png)
    Spoiler Image, 686 KB
    i draw dis 4 u
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:01 No.120772047

    Not much of an otaku, are you? "hiko" refers to "hikikomori," a japanese term for closeted shut-ins who avoid social contact at all cost.

    Basically, he's saying you have to become an obsessed hermit, constantly working on your craft.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:04 No.120772279
         File1323993844.png-(3 KB, 184x172, 1321420110289.png)
    3 KB
    W-what if I don't want to?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:04 No.120772295

    I got that, then. Definitely all about the hiko up in here.

    But work ethic?

    L O L
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:08 No.120772776
         File1323994097.jpg-(9 KB, 300x300, 1323901662961.jpg)
    9 KB
    Awesome. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:11 No.120773095
         File1323994261.jpg-(320 KB, 2048x1536, 2011-07-20_21-48-27_218.jpg)
    320 KB
    this is literally the best I've drawn and it's not proportioned that well.(the helmet and lenses are way fucked up) but I draw every now and then just to stay at least somewhat above shitty. I also have no creativity when it comes to drawing. I end up drawing the same shitty skulls and other dark and edgy bullshit. I thought drawing while smoking pot would lead to a breakthrough but I doodled some bullshit, got distracted, and wandered into my living room. I'm so jelly of amazing artists.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:11 No.120773109
         File1323994267.jpg-(62 KB, 1183x936, upset cardinal.jpg)
    62 KB
    Former 17 year old here.

    Today, I will try to make a furry porn and post it on my old FA.

    Something basic. Just a chick with big tits. Later I might move on to putting dicks and leaky nipples on them like I used to, but for now... just that... to see if it's too far out of my comfort zone.

    It's a cold pool... toes first.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:11 No.120773186
         File1323994319.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 654 KB, 1680x1050, Jubei.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 654 KB
    I wish I could give advice, but I've pretty much just started myself. I've just been following everyone else's of "draw draw draw!" even when I don't really feel like it. Hopefully with enough practice and refinement, I can actually become decent.

    The only thing is, I don't have a tablet or a scanner, so any pictures I draw on the computer, I have to use a mouse.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:12 No.120773252

    You're welcome. Just a warning, many of those tutorials are for what I consider "intermediate" drawing. If you're still in the "I've never set a pencil to paper before in my life!" stage (like I was when I started), stick with the absolute beginner book I mentioned earlier.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:13 No.120773369

    That's really fucking badass.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:15 No.120773552
         File1323994510.jpg-(1.3 MB, 700x5000, How_to_draw.jpg)
    1.3 MB

    Oh, and I'll dump some more pics
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:15 No.120773630
    Anyone here attempted their hand at sprite art?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:17 No.120773826
         File1323994630.jpg-(832 KB, 1000x4826, Ladies Tutorial.jpg)
    832 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:18 No.120773955
         File1323994690.jpg-(687 KB, 2894x1364, Artist's Guide to Human Types.jpg)
    687 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:18 No.120774004
         File1323994721.jpg-(364 KB, 2048x1536, 2011-07-13_20-22-56_178.jpg)
    364 KB
    haha thanks Anon. This is the first attempt done with a pen and generally not giving a fuck if the lines look terrible. For some reason I like this one more than the one with pencil.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:19 No.120774039
         File1323994742.jpg-(250 KB, 691x2052, Color Theory.jpg)
    250 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:19 No.120774072
    as usual /v/ is better at being other boards than talking about videogames
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:19 No.120774102
         File1323994780.jpg-(23 KB, 555x368, sealofapproval.jpg)
    23 KB
    Been monitoring this thread, judt wantef to poo in and say thanks broski, maybe I can finally learn how to draw.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:20 No.120774159
         File1323994805.jpg-(797 KB, 1398x2445, Digital Brushes.jpg)
    797 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:20 No.120774223
         File1323994839.jpg-(76 KB, 634x784, update2.jpg)
    76 KB
    im starting to learn digital painting,

    hows it so far?
    >> OolongEarlGrey 12/15/11(Thu)19:20 No.120774235
         File1323994846.png-(47 KB, 1152x665, 10 sonics high.png)
    47 KB

    I do quite a bit of sprite art. Mostly edits though.

    Trying my hand at making scratch sprites.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:23 No.120774584
    fucking shit, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:24 No.120774602
         File1323995049.jpg-(559 KB, 900x1234, proj20b_1.jpg)
    559 KB
    I wish I had more time to do my own projects.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:24 No.120774641
    ill get better :3
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:24 No.120774701
    please give up, faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:25 No.120774722
         File1323995105.png-(89 KB, 760x1857, MS Paint Tricks.png)
    89 KB
    A lot of people on 4chan want to learn drawing to make comics. I know I did.

    I can't recommend enough Scott McCloud's books: >Understanding Comics,
    >Reinventing Comics
    >Making Comics,

    as well as Will Eisner's books:
    >Comics and Sequential Art
    >Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative
    >Expressive Anatomy for Comics and Narrative

    You'll learn things about comics that all the quality drawing skills in the world won't help you with.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:25 No.120774797
         File1323995146.jpg-(156 KB, 1456x1086, 1322263087109.jpg)
    156 KB

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:26 No.120774826
    i've studied art my whole life, and one thing is sure: you can't learn to draw. plus, of all the people with a good hand for drawing, only a very small part of them also have creativity.
    technical skills+creativity=artist
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:26 No.120774862

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:27 No.120774941
    >Drawing isnt a talent moron, its an aquired skill
    so retarded it's unbelievable
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:27 No.120774969
         File1323995233.jpg-(1.17 MB, 3537x2924, Emotions and Facial Expression(...).jpg)
    1.17 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:27 No.120775056
    entirely untrue

    art is just like everything else in the world, it can be learned, just takes willpower and the desire to learn

    the only thing that cannot be learned is the creativity involved in the process
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:28 No.120775077
         File1323995289.jpg-(168 KB, 705x600, GBMHBJM.jpg)
    168 KB
    please tell me you're joking
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:28 No.120775109
         File1323995298.jpg-(185 KB, 1600x1200, 1308257656107.jpg)
    185 KB

    Dear OP.

    Yes, some have what you may call "talent", or even a "gift" for drawing.

    Though, it is not required to be good at drawing, even with if you have talent, you HAVE to devellop it.

    Also, this is maybe only personal, but try to work with music.

    Music help to relax.

    Here's one of my favorite :
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:29 No.120775275

    > mfw I've met people who haven't read ANY OF THAT SHIT, or studied any art, for that matter, and still draw fucking godlike stuff

    This frustrates me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:30 No.120775351
    sorry but i disagree with the term "talent" nobody is born better than another person, its their perspective and desire to be creative that makes them a "better" artist, its pure willpower and desire

    the rest is learned
    >> OolongEarlGrey 12/15/11(Thu)19:30 No.120775392
         File1323995453.png-(75 KB, 784x1890, mspaint_tutorials__eraser_repl(...).png)
    75 KB

    >MS Paint Tricks

    I know a few of those
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:31 No.120775479
    no, they just been drawing longer than you
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:32 No.120775595
    >mfw i thought that was a laughing mouth for the first 3 pictures
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:34 No.120775770
    It is all how long you have been practicing and how effective your practice is. Disciplined, well directed and continuous practice is what it takes. No-one has talent, they just started before you and used that time to full effect.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:35 No.120775881
    Is that Saddler?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:35 No.120775892
         File1323995707.png-(119 KB, 350x459, SJ.png)
    119 KB
    I just started drawing/digital painting recently and found this website: is also really great

    the guy who runs the site used to be a concept artist for arena net and he does really good tutorials for a lot of things.

    and heres something decent i did recently
    >> OolongEarlGrey 12/15/11(Thu)19:36 No.120776061
         File1323995808.png-(73 KB, 962x1583, mspaint_tutorials__black_white(...).png)
    73 KB

    >can't unsee
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:36 No.120776062
    Any general tips on Animation been posted?

    More specifically Flash animation. After I pour through all the books in this and practice more, I'm gonna start focusing almost 100% on that.

    I already have the animators survival guide.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:37 No.120776104
         File1323995831.jpg-(499 KB, 1607x1079, Progression.jpg)
    499 KB
    Last pic. Someone on /ic/ made this to demonstrate the process of making a quality piece: starting simple, and reiterating towards a finished product.

    I hope my links have been helpful! Keep at it!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:39 No.120776313
         File1323995972.jpg-(35 KB, 500x407, How-to-draw-an-owl.jpg)
    35 KB
    This is how all these drawing tutorials feel like to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:39 No.120776342

    I'll probably make a drawing thread on /v/ or something for requests.

    if you tell me it's you, I'll put you ahead in line. Try this time tomorrow. I'm sitll waiting for some nibs for my tablet pencil.
    >> OolongEarlGrey 12/15/11(Thu)19:40 No.120776479
         File1323996055.png-(121 KB, 924x2848, mspaint_tutorials__gradients_b(...).png)
    121 KB

    Thanks again for the links!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:43 No.120776694
         File1323996190.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 717 KB, 1181x1124, rita.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 717 KB
    I aspire to draw some decent kemono too, just popping in to bro-fist the OP and to parrot everyone else to say the a decent work ethic is crucial to improving. Also find a balance between self-depreciation and pride and resist the urge to delete stuff you find shitty.

    Also I agree with the fact that a tablet isn't a magic bullet, but I'm sticking with it because digital art is easier to hide than pencil drawings.

    My main inspiration is Akitaka.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:43 No.120776769
         File1323996226.png-(678 KB, 1200x4290, how to draw boobs.png)
    678 KB
    found another one!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:44 No.120776841
         File1323996268.jpg-(5 KB, 130x180, meta_knight_6847.jpg)
    5 KB
    >Is it possible for a guy with an antitalent for drawing to learn how to create things like these (pic related)?
    yes, it is possible
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:44 No.120776867
    despite the very westaboo style, it's actually really nice art.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:45 No.120776902
         File1323996306.gif-(109 KB, 1139x1400, how to draw boobs 2.gif)
    109 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:45 No.120776992
    Do not follow this one. It is bad and will make you bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:47 No.120777150
    >playing vidya keeps you from drawing
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:48 No.120777210
    I am pouring my heart and soul into a drawing of a chihuahua woman with big tits.

    This is what my life is now.

    Thank you /v/
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:48 No.120777238
    I used to draw anime but I prefer western furry now. basically went back to my roots, because I realize I am not Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:48 No.120777256

    I know the style's not very good, but explains the basic principles of boob anatomy fairly well.

    It's pretty important to learn not to draw anime balloons.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:49 No.120777363

    I don't think you know what westaboo is.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:51 No.120777507
    Question to current drawfags:

    Why everyone's style now has those stupidly small feet? It's like everyone has two peg legs. I bet this shit started with Wind Waker.

    Or being Rob Liefeld is the new cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:51 No.120777522
         File1323996684.jpg-(838 KB, 1857x1536, 1278578803732.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:52 No.120777596

    Anime/Kemono characters tend to have small feet bro
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:52 No.120777624
    I'm actually rather fond of balloon tits; I must be desensitized by bad art.
    Make sure you post it when you're done.
    >> OolongEarlGrey 12/15/11(Thu)19:53 No.120777712
         File1323996785.png-(10 KB, 495x407, totally hot stuff right here.png)
    10 KB

    >That feel when Shwig is back
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:53 No.120777768
         File1323996811.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 288 KB, 750x1050, silene2.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 288 KB
    artfag here:

    YOu have to work hard, but more importantly, you have to work smart. Draw from observation. Just drawing stuff from imagination, photos or other drawings is like learning to ride a bike by watching youtube videos.

    Go out and draw people. Go to the zoo and draw animals. Go to the park and draw landscapes. Join a figure drawing class.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:53 No.120777801
    >That feel when nobody cares
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:53 No.120777803
    I know what it is I just derped for a second. I meant to say, "Western Anime" or some shit.

    An Anime-style that is obviously Western in origin? Fuck I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:54 No.120777848
         File1323996846.png-(1 KB, 291x248, 1890374289347289374.png)
    1 KB
    >Practice for years
    >Hardly any improvement

    How do you all do it?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:54 No.120777850
    I have to disagree. It raises many good points but then the visual to show it is not the best. It also says things that I believe are wrong. Also, there are many tutorials on this very subject. I see no reason to recommend this.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:54 No.120777947
    You are practicing wrong. You practice wrong and not only do you stagnate you gain bad traits.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:55 No.120778038
    >>120776694 here,

    Just keep at it, try to quit lurking /v/ all night every night and ration some time out for drawing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:55 No.120778049

    I call it "animu style"--shit like those tokyo-pop ORIGINAL AMERICAN MANGAS
    >> OolongEarlGrey 12/15/11(Thu)19:56 No.120778084

    Go out of your comfort zone and experiment a bit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:56 No.120778135
         File1323996996.jpg-(87 KB, 582x535, 1316566759715.jpg)
    87 KB
    >mfw I wish I could draw my own kemono

    Even if I practice, I just know that I'll be never as good as those Japanese masters.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:56 No.120778152

    Even if it's something simple like looking at something you want to draw, and drawing it from a different perspective, is productive in terms of improving your skills.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:56 No.120778153
         File1323997005.png-(3 KB, 210x230, 1320589278971.png)
    3 KB
    >Decent drawing and Photoshop painting skills
    >Meet a furfag
    >Decide to draw yiff pics for him
    >Upload to e621
    >Get introduced to his other furry friends
    >"wow anon this is pretty hot can you draw me a cub pooping in his diaper while sucking two dicks"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:57 No.120778213
    Most of those are shit. That tutorial reminds me of Dorohedoro though. Which is kind of nice, since that manga was accurately described to me as "Porn for eyes".

    Definetely not as good. It's one of those, "Develop it further and you'll have something very eye pleasing" things.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:57 No.120778244

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:57 No.120778263

    >there are many tutorials on this very subject.

    Can you provide a link to one?

    Not to be catty, I'd just like something better to put in my art-link dumps.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:57 No.120778278
    Well, did you?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:58 No.120778365

    only reason why the thread survived because it wasn't another dump thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:58 No.120778431
    That art style looks familiar...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)19:59 No.120778527
    every single furry out there is batshit insane
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:00 No.120778582
    I am sorry, I do not have them. I just felt the need to point out that it could be detrimental to someone wishing to learn this stuff to believe that it is useful. It is hard to unlearn something in drawing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:00 No.120778619
    No. I never drew a single furry picture after that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:00 No.120778645
    the real question is did he do it for a ridiculous amount of money
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:01 No.120778679
         File1323997266.jpg-(273 KB, 1350x1350, RAIN.jpg)
    273 KB

    IronLord, all the way ;)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:01 No.120778712

    I hate those people. they act like sharks in search for more smut and try to "convert" people who clearly have no inclination.

    seem them lurking /co/ draw threads all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:01 No.120778725
    Amateur artfag here
    I can draw copies of things but original works suck ass.
    Pic related, it's an attempt at an original pose with references, trying not to make it exactly like the original.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:02 No.120778847
         File1323997369.jpg-(1.71 MB, 1200x4870, 1295413324152.jpg)
    1.71 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:03 No.120778977

    your sanity tend to go up a great deal depending on how talented you are at drawing though.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:04 No.120779079
         File1323997478.jpg-(454 KB, 800x600, DragonHunterImproved.jpg)
    454 KB
    This is the best I've ever drawn. After drawing for basically my entire life. You don't know my woes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:06 No.120779274
         File1323997589.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 890 KB, 2162x1336, shit.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 890 KB
    captcha ate pic
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:06 No.120779305
         File1323997605.png-(113 KB, 865x577, Gomamon done.png)
    113 KB
    Fuck you, we be digimon now.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:06 No.120779313
    You're probably not practicing effectively.

    Do you often try to leave your comfort zone? Use references?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:06 No.120779335
    Also how do you find decent kemono? while Im new at all this I really don't know my way around e621 or pixiv at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:11 No.120779880
    would anyone be interested in a compiled list of top 100 furry artist?

    surely I can find and put together up to 100 good furry artist, right? Right?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:13 No.120780111
    Sure, but if Miu isn't on there your head is on a plate.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:15 No.120780308
         File1323998111.jpg-(27 KB, 500x281, hack-12608..jpg)
    27 KB
    >Is it possible for a guy with an antitalent for drawing to learn how to create things like these

    Short answer, no.

    Long answer, no because by the time you will reach that level of proficiency your priorities will change from how can I emulate someone's artstyle to how can I make it my own or fit it in my own personal style.


    Color Theory

    These are what you need to be a good artist.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:15 No.120780341
    I use references but I don't really get out of my comfort zone that much I admit

    I was a furfaggot drawfag for a long time in my earlier years but I snapped out of it
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:17 No.120780579

    Sure, just mix some kemono in

    dammit I wish there was some magic mediafire link with like a fuckhuge archive full of female kemono peices.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:17 No.120780592
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:17 No.120780608
         File1323998257.jpg-(81 KB, 530x692, please dont masturbate to this.jpg)
    81 KB
    This turned out REALLY bad. I'm not cut out for this shit.

    >you will never be able to make money off of desperate furfags on the internet
    >sad masturbating chihuahua.txt
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:19 No.120780808

    Aw come on it's knida cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:20 No.120780923
    What is that even
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:21 No.120781095

    Yeah, but everyone will argue over who you put in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:21 No.120781126
    Where do I find decent kemono art?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:22 No.120781171
         File1323998531.jpg-(341 KB, 960x1280, 1320748231.pornbrigade_renamon(...).jpg)
    341 KB
    I draw like shit but I keep drawing anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:23 No.120781355
    if thats really you, thats pretty good
    got a DA/FA?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:24 No.120781407

    >popularity = quality

    folly, especially in the furry community.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:24 No.120781416
         File1323998648.jpg-(65 KB, 667x486, kemonono1.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:25 No.120781526
         File1323998704.png-(100 KB, 214x275, 1312964265932.png)
    100 KB
    I've always though water colors where underrated
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:25 No.120781622

    Better than me.

    And the watercolors are nice.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:26 No.120781647
         File1323998763.jpg-(84 KB, 896x1156, 1320748554.pornbrigade_blobbys(...).jpg)
    84 KB

    Nothing there at the moment, just had to move so I haven't been able to break out my acrylic paints yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:26 No.120781654
    I will color it purple and ernge and green.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:26 No.120781708
         File1323998789.png-(137 KB, 330x317, Mass effect facial models.png)
    137 KB
    >on /ic/
    >everyone hates furries
    >everyone loves western art
    >it's heaven
    >mfw furfags don't dare tread on the ground of /ic/
    I find it hilarous.
    OP's image is shit and poorly done.
    Stay furfagmadfags.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:27 No.120781785
    god dammit, going to make me login arent you.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:28 No.120781945

    +watched you
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:28 No.120781963
         File1323998918.jpg-(97 KB, 719x738, shitonastick.jpg)
    97 KB
    I have no control over that, I say something has nudity and it automatically gets filtered.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:29 No.120782067
    s'all good. how many commisions are you working on currently?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:30 No.120782161
    > Art thread
    > Turns into furry porn
    Stay classy /v/
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:30 No.120782198
         File1323999043.png-(711 KB, 800x600, It really is.png)
    711 KB
    >furry art
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:31 No.120782237
    I used to draw pretty well. DBZ, then some medieval shit, then women, then self-made characters, then I went to college to study engineering and now I'm sad

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:31 No.120782270
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    Posting ITT
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:31 No.120782318
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    >my face when I'm pretty good at sketching but anything beyond pencil and paper (watercolour, pastels etc) is beyond me

    Thanks god for Photoshop.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:32 No.120782366
    thats an awful drawing
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:32 No.120782396
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    Kemono thread on /v/? Now I've seen everything. Here's some OC, wish I had money for a decent tablet.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:32 No.120782429
    I hate furries with my every fiber.

    That's why I decided to become a furry porn artist so I can charge those fucks for my awesome commissions.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:33 No.120782483
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    I got a few small ones, some fan art of Robin Hood from Disney, Bonkers and Cyan Garland from Tail Concerto. Have to wait until my office is setup before I can get stuck into them.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:34 No.120782595
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    Pic related

    My bamboo pen was like 80 bucks and while I hate the fuck out of it, it gives me something to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:36 No.120782849
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)20:36 No.120782860

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