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  • File : 1323902429.png-(179 KB, 401x405, GMNIc.png)
    179 KB Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:40 No.120621841  
    Am I the only one who saw MGS Rising trailer and had this face the whole time asking

    "What the fuck is this shit?"
    "Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    "What the fuck happened to the story?"
    "Who the fuck is this faggot in heels?"

    Either I am the only one or there is a samefag trying to hype it up by samefagging pro-rising threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:41 No.120621998
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:41 No.120622001
    spinoff, non-canon game, Platinum decided to turn MG into DMC, they can shit it as much as they want as long as it's non-canon.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:41 No.120622015
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    >Who the fuck are platinum games?

    Welp, troll thread everyone, move along nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:42 No.120622127
    I guess they should have rename it to "Devil may run up on a nigga"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:43 No.120622324
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    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"

    hoo there stranger, might wanna look at this one again.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:44 No.120622340
    kojima handled a cancelled project to a team that actually knows how to make action game and not just cutting tech demos.
    Kojima's team is still doing the story and cutscenes
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:45 No.120622517
    is he Vamp? becouse if he is vamp... FUCK YOU KOJIMA!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:45 No.120622562
    Platinum is a really uneven studio. Bayonetta was great, if not a little dumbed down compared to a real action game like DMC4. But Madworld was tedious garbage and Vanquish tried to do so much and failed spectacularly on just about every front but appealing to the worst impulses of /v/
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:45 No.120622570

    buttmad console peasants mad because PC masterrace doesn't give a shit about Platinum.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:45 No.120622601
    "What the fuck is this shit?"
    Garbage spin off as MGS ended with 4th installment.
    "Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    A baddie company weaboos love defending. See shit like: Bayonetta, Vanquish.
    "What the fuck happened to the story?"
    No story mode.
    "Who the fuck is this faggot in heels?"
    The girl who ruined MGS2 and 4.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:46 No.120622635
    It being a sequel to MGS4 makes NO FUCKING sense. I thought Raiden was going to try to live a normal life. Also I really wanted to know how he became the ninja and how he rescued Sunny. Guess that plot doesn't fucking matter anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:47 No.120622798
    Non canon.

    Of course it makes no sense and story doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:47 No.120622834
    Vanquish was awful. That story, that voice acting, that gameplay was laffable.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:48 No.120622931
    God i'm sick of seeing these horrible threads.

    People are complaining its too over the top for metal gear? ITS FUCKING METAL GEAR. OVER THE TOP IS THE POINT

    Personally i'm stoked for the release, game looks fun as hell. Bayonetta was one of the best games i've played since DMC3
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:49 No.120623056
    The gameplay came SO CLOSE to being great though. The story and voice work were pretty rancid, like Japanese people pretending to write Gears but taking themselves just as seriously... hell, almost moreso, than Gears.

    But that gameplay. Just a shame they fucked it up so hard
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:49 No.120623121
    I kinda hope they pull a MGS2 and have Vamp as the playable character
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:49 No.120623139
    >what the fuck is this shit?
    A video game

    >who the fuck are platinum games?
    The only dev that all of /v/ seems to like

    >what the fuck happend to the story?
    It's a spin-off story, that's why it has a different title

    >Who the fuck is this faggot in the heels?
    Raiden? The main character of MGS2, and a major character in MGS4.

    Have you even played the other games?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:50 No.120623261
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    >Bayonetta was great, if not a little dumbed down compared to a real action game like DMC4.

    real action game, dmc4

    uh hu
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:51 No.120623350
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    You're not the only one, OP. Plenty of moronic MGS fans who can't deal with a fucking spinoff by an excellent company.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:51 No.120623398
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    >Who the fuck are platinum games?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:52 No.120623496
    baddies, its no wonder PC gamers call them self master race because they wont eat pile of shits thrown at them
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:52 No.120623512
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    play it on a higher difficulty than very easy next time.

    dumbed down, you don't even know what you're talking about
    >> Chicken 12/14/11(Wed)17:54 No.120623725
    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"

    >gave poster a 0/10
    >reported the poster
    >called the fbi
    >called homeland security
    >called united nations
    >called battle brothers waiting in orbit for deep strike
    >the codex astares calls this maneuver "steel rain"
    >microwaved hard drive
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:54 No.120623810
    OP here, so all these ass pained posts regarding who platinum games are samefagging I assume?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:55 No.120623859

    Got a link to that long interview?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:55 No.120623942

    >Pile of shit

    >An action game by the best damn action game developer out there, taking over KojiPro's ambitious, yet doomed project, set in the MG universe.

    You wouldn't know quality if it shat in your cheerios.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:55 No.120623971
    Ever heard of youtube dumb nigger?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:56 No.120624037
    >best damn developer
    >a nobody

    ok pallie
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:56 No.120624107
    I know that you have to beat Bayonetta twice to unlock a difficulty that is even remotely challenging
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:57 No.120624188
    Probably one or two samefags. Platinum has a really awful, but small, fanbase
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:57 No.120624199

    >a nobody

    In my day, trolling meant something.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:58 No.120624256
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    >I've never heard of them so they must be shit
    Lol keep trying son.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:58 No.120624279
    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    if you yare going to troll
    at least try
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:58 No.120624283
    Yea I figured. Good brand loyalty though.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:58 No.120624310
    >create thread about a console game
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:59 No.120624355
    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"

    Saged and reported.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)17:59 No.120624377
    Baddie console gamers

    pick two
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:00 No.120624508
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    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:00 No.120624512
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    Hey look, it's Luca from Bayonetta...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:00 No.120624545
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    Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:00 No.120624562
    Game is going to be on PC too dumb fuck.

    Butt mad console pesant.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:00 No.120624571
    The gameplay was amazing, it took the the boring shit that is 3rd person cover shooter and made it fast paced, fun and exciting.

    And they took it too seriously? What are you talking about? It was one of the campiest shooters of the generation.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:01 No.120624707

    Nah bro, not coming to PC anymore. I love plat, but they hate the PC.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:01 No.120624730
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    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:02 No.120624833
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    I think the game looks pretty cool
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:04 No.120625032
    Why the fuck are there so many TROLLS in this thread?

    God damn. /v/ loves platinum.

    MadWorld is awesome and only gets tedious if you're a tedious person.
    Bayonetta is way better than DMC4
    Vanquish has zero "laughable failures" to is at all.

    And there have been 6 threads a day so far about all of these things.

    and SUDDENLY there's THIS thread. It has to be a samefag. There's no other reason for such a stupid spike from the standard deviation.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:05 No.120625107
    My only worry with the "new" Rising is that they changed the story to something "post-mgs4"

    They fucked the happy ending of Raiden!
    And a vengeance? Fuck, they also killed his family (I'm speculating this)?!

    And, IF theres gonna be a MGS5 (post-mgs4 story), the story depends of RISING
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:05 No.120625139
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:06 No.120625289
    >"Who the fuck is this faggot in heels?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:06 No.120625344
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    >Posting on /v/
    >Doesn't know who Platinum games is
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:07 No.120625358
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:08 No.120625582
    >Guess that plot doesn't fucking matter anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:09 No.120625609

    >Bayonetta is way better than DMC4

    Yes it was, but don't sell DMC4 short. The PC version, in particular, was excellent.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:09 No.120625694
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    >MFW when I made OP's image and tons other just like it
    >MFW when I'm so proud whenever I see them around
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:10 No.120625801
    >be idort master race
    >loyal Clover fan
    >someone comes in not knowing who Platinum is
    >Decide to tell him, and move on respectfully then maybe play some PC Gaems
    >This troll comes in

    Even pretending Platinum is bad is blasphemy son. Console gamers, and PC gamers both know who they are.

    They are the heroes going to save gaming, OP. Viewtiful Joe, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Okami, and Mad World are all examples of the glory that is Clover Games, now known as Platinum. Not good enough for ya? They also made, God Hand.
    Sorry MGS fans, but the story's gonna suck. Platinum is known for their ridiculous over the top stories, and utter nonsense. However, the gameplay will be a fucking dream. Platinum does one thing right, and that's GAMEPLAY.
    However, I still think Konami should write, and Platinum should develop. Kind of a shame that's not what's happening...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:10 No.120625827
    Don't worry i know.

    I haven't gotten to play it yet, but I've seen some gameplay and heard all the facts I need to about it to now that I need to.

    As soon as I get a new PC.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:11 No.120625870
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    Show me potato salad♥
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:11 No.120625977

    You may try it out anyway, DMC4 is surprisingly easy on the system.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:12 No.120626040
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    >not wearing heels
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:13 No.120626209

    it's a documental
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:13 No.120626224
    P4 3.0GHz
    1 GB RAM
    ATi Radeon X1650 256MB
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:14 No.120626285

    And yet their games don't sell and aren't that compelling.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:14 No.120626338
    Wait, are they actually making this for the PC as well?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:14 No.120626366
    Is the Tri-Weapon Pack for Vanquish worth it?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:16 No.120626523
    honestly the first game look cool, this one however seems like an easy way out akin to "lets make it a first person shooter"

    shouldve taken place inbetween 2 and 4 and been a real one isntead of some spin off

    i love hack and slash games..but it really didnt need to become on
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:16 No.120626563
    I just realized that you honestly believe this.

    Do you also think that EVERYTHING people praise is pretentious shit?

    I bet you think The Last Airbender is shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:16 No.120626615
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    >"Who the fuck is this faggot in heels?"

    Man, I wish I could erase all my memories of MGS2 & 4, just like you did!

    But how do you explain the missing numbers to yourself?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:17 No.120626702
    I can't believe people actually care for the story.

    MGS1 was really the only one that nailed it, because it relates to tangible issues that are swept under the rug generally (the aftermath of the cold war, nuclear disarament).

    The rest is typical japanese metaphysical drivel.

    After MGS4 you want Kojima to write something even worse?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:17 No.120626744

    Not that guy, but The Last Airbender is probably the worst thing I've watched last decade.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:17 No.120626763
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    Alright, sounds like the story'll be fine then. Not what MGS fans are used to, but hey. It'll be interesting at least.

    Their games don't sell because Cawadoody crowd. Try a game by them sometime. They are usually a wonderful blend of difficulty, and complexity. Their games are hard because they're hard. Not because they're complicated, or have the deck stacked against you.

    I recommend God Hand first. I never met a man who didn't like God Hand. Then try Viewtiful Joe because it's my favorite game. After that, move more into "Platinum Games" and out of Clover. Though I haven't played much under their Platinum name.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:17 No.120626769
    You're not the only one OP. I was interested in that game for "cut what you want" and what happened to raiden before MGS4. Instead we get this LOL DMC CLONE that takes place after MGS4. Total bullshit, and it looks like shit compared to 2010 trailer
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:17 No.120626798
    you'd think having "revengeance" on the title alone would be enough for people to get a clue and understand this game isn't gonna take the metal gear franchise seriously at all. i'm even willing to bet they'll affectionately poke fun at some of its worst excesses (like cracking jokes about nanomachines and how no one ever stays dead and stuff like that)

    this doesn't have anything to do with whether the game will suck or not. all i'm saying is for the love of christ fanboys get a fucking sense of humor
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:18 No.120626935
    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    What a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:19 No.120627017
    they're overrated as shit though. Generally they're pretty good but when they miss (Madworld, Vanquish), they miss HARD
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:20 No.120627087
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:20 No.120627090


    GET OUT.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:20 No.120627096

    I meant what I said, don't put words in my mouth like a crazy insecure bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:20 No.120627149
    It's not especially bad but it is mediocre.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:21 No.120627213
    >you'd think having "revengeance" on the title alone would be enough for people to get a clue and understand this game isn't gonna take the metal gear franchise seriously at all

    I think its just because these people dont speak english very well and think "revengeance" is funny or clever.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:21 No.120627310
    The E3 trailer looked amazing. Then this huge piling piece of shit comes along and what the fuck happened.
    >Kojima didn't know what to do! So they handed it to a good developer!
    I rather wait as long as it takes for Kojima to do something with it than to scrap it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:22 No.120627401
    If that's a miss, what the fuck is a hit? /v/ -who normally hates vidya- loves it, and it has sold nearly 1 million units even without an advertising budget
    Mikami himself said it was a success
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:22 No.120627460
    what exactly is wrong with vanquish?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:23 No.120627505
    Eh, not really, I don't love it
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:23 No.120627569
    /v/ is largely divided on Vanquish.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:24 No.120627699
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    Funny thing is that revengeance is an actual word. But be that as it may I can all ready see a fad coming of this or this word being run to the ground by other games/people
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:25 No.120627792

    Kojima was GOING to scrap it, but he handed it to someone who'd manage.

    More importantly, the Cut/Take has been confirmed again and again and again, so I'm guessing you're just want to have something to be angry about.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:25 No.120627830
    >implying 1 million units is even remotely impressive

    It'd be easier to list what it right. It tries to do something different with the shootan but it just didn't deliver on the good gameplay.

    Also, lol regen health.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:26 No.120627900
    >The cut/take has been confirmed again and again and again
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:27 No.120628019
    I don't even care that it's a spin-off of MGS. It looks like complete shit all on its own.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:27 No.120628104
    A spin-off.
    >living under a rock and not playing good games
    What story?
    That Raiden faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:28 No.120628187
    >I'm a faggot.

    It was said in the dev interviews and tweets.

    The precision controlled cutting is in, they even showed it. Especially in the interview footage
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:28 No.120628193
    Me, too. That trailer went full retard, and I love full retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:28 No.120628246
    For all those hating on Platinum, you do realize that the game was going to be scrapped if they didn't come in right? If it wasn't for them, there would be no rising, and you will end up buying this game anyways so don't deny it
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:29 No.120628318
    Kojima was going to CAN it you retard. If he didn't bring in Platinum games, it would've been vaporware

    Not only that, but PG's version does everything the e3 trailer does and more. Except cutting people with one hit. But you want that because you're a casual.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:29 No.120628324
    The original game had one hit kills. That would have been something new and innovating and in an action game. Instead we get another piece of shit HURRRR 10000 SLASHES TO THEN CUT THEM IN HALF IN SLOW MO NOW WAIT LOOK AT THIS CUTSCENE WHERE YOU CUT A WHOLE FUCKING ROBOT IN HALF IN 1 SLICE
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:29 No.120628362
    no. it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.120628390

    People tend to hold Platinum to a VERY high standard. I'm not sure why, it's like gamers are waiting for them to reach Nintendo's level and won't let up until they do.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.120628451
    >enemies dying in one hit
    >new and innovative

    Christ, just set the difficulty to lowest or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.120628456
    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"

    I wish I could hate you to death through the fucking internet OP
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.120628460
    >The original game had one hit kills. That would have been something new and innovating and in an action game

    >killing everyone in one hit

    It's like you don't even like-wait, that's a buzzword.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:30 No.120628492
    you didn't like fast paced shooting with awesome mobility, bullet time, large selection of weapons/methods to attack, the boss fights, the trials, or the replay value of actually difficult and unforgiving missions?

    The game delivered, maybe you're just not a big fan of 3PS
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:31 No.120628499
    >Metal Gear

    I guess I must have played a totally different game, mine had all this dumb goofy shit like a guy shitting himself, a dude that shot bees, a fat guy on skates that loved bombs, among other things.

    But no, a hack and slash, that's to much, gaming is dead.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:31 No.120628502
    That shit does kinda bug me. I would have loved to have killed regular scrub enemies in one hit. Would have been a shit ton of fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:31 No.120628603

    Probably not as fun as you think, considering they had to scrap it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:32 No.120628653
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:32 No.120628686
    Nah, they probably just had to make it more challenging. I understand the change, but challenge /=/ fun for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:33 No.120628796
    The E3 trailer had smooth and fluid combos as it was. Now you get OVER THE TOP ACTION! just like another DMC. Its like you're begging for another unoriginal game.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:34 No.120628898
    No they had NO useable direction for the gameplay.

    Did you WATCH the interview? Where the fuck are you pulling this shit from?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:34 No.120628979
    You could pretty much kill armored soldiers in 1-3 hits in 2 with the sword.
    Why is it weaker now when he can cut Metal Gear Rays in half

    also how did Raiden stop Outer Haven from crashing into that pier with nothing but his own body
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:34 No.120628983
    >fluid combos

    Yeah, fluid. Slow. Combos? not really.

    I would rather
    >press button once to do a single slash. Combine button presses into combos


    >press button to see a twirl and slice someone in two.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:34 No.120628991
    I pick "retard on /v/ who uses words like 'baddie'

    That's you by the way.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:35 No.120629045

    >stunning graphics for graphics whores
    >gameplay developed by a company that always tries and succeeds in creating new, innovative, and extremely fun gameplay styles for gameplay fags
    >Story written by your favourite team of nano-machine fanfic writers

    plugging your ears, closing your eyes and screaming isn't gonna help it see that this game will be entertaining, unless of course you hate fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:35 No.120629063
    No, actually, no I did not. I just assumed difficulty. Still would have preferred one hit kills all over the place.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:35 No.120629080
    I don't care anymore I just want to know who's that on OP's pic and wait for some rising cyborg porn
    >> Dan the Viking 12/14/11(Wed)18:35 No.120629088
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    >Who the fuck are platinum games?
    What are you, twelve?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:36 No.120629144
    I don't need to beg.

    They're already making a game I'm going to like. Because I can actually play it instead of watching cutscenes.

    >ninja cyborg sneaking around like a bitch when he can cut anything in two
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:36 No.120629169
    are you trying to be retarded?
    Mikami himself said it was a success
    and the sales were due to the game itself, not mountain dew or ad campaigns
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:36 No.120629234
    Wait! Excuse me, but the way you squeezed The Last Airbender in there, i'd think you were implying someone praised that. WHO? WHO DID IT?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:37 No.120629281
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    >Who the fuck are platinum games?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:38 No.120629381
    There's more to than just that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:38 No.120629422
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    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:39 No.120629513

    Or you're just a fag like most of /v/ jumps at the opportunity to hate anything and everything.

    I don't see anything bad with it. If you don't like it stylistically, that's your problem.

    >People actually giving a shit about canon

    Seriously, who cares? Will you have less fun in the past if they do something you don't like with the story?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:39 No.120629580
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    >Who the fuck are platinum games.
    Where the fuck were you the past gen?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:40 No.120629672
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    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:40 No.120629693
    I would prefer the latter. Already tons of games out there with the former.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:40 No.120629766
    You mean destructible environments? That was one of the problems with design. The dev team could not come up with a balance.

    The "cut at will" and controlling the direction of your cuts are still in.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:41 No.120629791
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:41 No.120629837
    >Caring about Platinum games
    Wake me when they release Bayonetta 2. All their other games have been lousy
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:41 No.120629867
    Name one that came out within the last year.

    The only games that are fast paced action are DMC3, 4 and Bayonetta.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:43 No.120630019
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    >"Who the fuck are platinum games?"
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:43 No.120630074
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:44 No.120630244
    Within the last year? Not much I can think of, actually. I'm not a fan of the genre for the most part as I'm not good at the games and I never get any combos off, so all my attacks feel weak as fuck. I'd like a game where each attack is a one-hit kill on scrub enemies; I'd like a game where slicing an enemy with a sword actually slices them.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:44 No.120630250
    It will run.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:44 No.120630252
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    >Don't give about consoles devs.
    >Do give a shit about series there are mainly on consoles.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:45 No.120630362
    It wasn't especially good, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:46 No.120630445
    Vanquish may not have been lousy but it isn't good enough to spam green text reaction image like the troll
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:46 No.120630496
    Play on easy and all your problems are solved.
    Maybe they will release a heaven or heaven mode
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:46 No.120630510
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    >Infinite Space
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:47 No.120630545
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    That's your opinion. I enjoyed myself highly while playing that glorious game.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:47 No.120630562
    >fast paced tps
    >using cover like a little bitch gets you killed faster than going in guns blazing

    Probably the best TPS like that just to turn the genre on its head.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:47 No.120630585

    The game was a Japanese take on fps games that were being pumped out of america like babies out of 3rd world vaginas. They took ideas that were already present in those games and tried to improve on them.
    Cover system? Not made out of the hardest metal known to man.
    Regenerating health? Two options, hide like a puss or use your super sense to rape shit on the way.
    Fuck ton of enemies? Actually variation to how you kill them.
    Fuck yeah America? Fuck yeah America!
    There were stupid things in the game like that upgrade system but they tried to bring back the single player shooter and I think they are awesome that they tried.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:47 No.120630655
    I really hope that easy means enemies are sliced in half in one hit, but I sincerely doubt that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:48 No.120630752
    two hits then.

    And they don't fight back or do much damage! Should be easy just to run up and slice them
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:48 No.120630785
    The best TPS I've ever played.
    Replayed it on every fucking difficulty and still had a kickass time.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:49 No.120630824
    Except it still embraced the regenerating health cancer proudly and as a result is relegated to the scrap heap. With better balancing and design and a fricken health bar, the game would have been great
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:49 No.120630848
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:49 No.120630858
    I have no problem with them fighting back, I just want them to be sliced up when I slice at them with a sword.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:50 No.120630966

    What about the awesome bosses and the sliding mechanics, not to mention that it actually got challenging at times
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:50 No.120630988

    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:51 No.120631084
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    You're butthurt because it got regenerating health? I prefer limited myself but I was not going to let that hinder my experience of the game because I'm not a sour cunt like you. How sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:51 No.120631124
    Yeah, they tried, but that's the problem with Vanquish. They tried and the mechanics didn't really come together all that well. It felt like a weird mix of genres that didn't know what it was doing rather than the superbly polished Bayonetta.

    Like I keep saying, a LOT of good ideas went into Vanquish but it was ruined by failure to deliver in a lot of them.

    And, really, the game isn't fuck yeah America. Did you pay attention to the plot at all?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:52 No.120631253
    That wasn't the only reason but it definitely was a large part of why Vanquish just was crummy.

    Didn't really suck, didn't come close to rocking
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:52 No.120631259
    The only way you'd notice the regen was if you covered for about a min.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:52 No.120631357
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    Hope for Vanquish 2
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:52 No.120631376
    Wasn't any more challenging than the average shootan, and the bosses were usually pretty weak despite looking cool. Most of them were only threats because of their instant-kill attacks or when the game decides to say FUCK IT LETS BRING BACK QTE OR DIE for the invisible cunt
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:53 No.120631419
    >health bar
    >game like this
    >no health bar ruins the game

    The only way to balance that is to have a lot less enemies doing less damage. Once your health is fucking low you'd have to run around for a medkit like a bitch. Would have made the game MORE frustrating (if they kept the enemy count and damage up).

    The game is about boosting right up into the enemy backside and blasting them with a shotgun. Or diving over obstacles in slow motion while picking off enemies.

    Or just... having fun. If this was any other slow TPS, I'd agree with you for the regen health, but for a game like this, regen health WORKS.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:53 No.120631473
    Vanquish was great precisely because it was all about you being a SUPER AWESOME BADASS SLIDING INTO BATTLE. You didn't fear enemies, you kicked off them and shot them all in slow motion. No cover, no tactical play, just an unstoppable unbeatable killing machine
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:53 No.120631482
    What ideas?
    What genres?
    What are you talking about?
    The only new thing it added was the sliding+shooting.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:53 No.120631483
    Surely if they make a sequel, it'll probably fix the awkward feel, but I want a sequel to Bayonetta first.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:54 No.120631614
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    Exactly. Some games abuse regen health, but this is the kind of game where it is perfect. You would still die plenty if you didn't play on piss easy difficulty.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:55 No.120631683
    But it wasn't fun.

    Or, how about this, they not give every single enemy hitscan weapons. They look back at the old shooters and use your mobility to ask you to dodge stuff. REALLY dodge stuff, not just mash A so the boss whiffs their melee attack and eats shotgun for the trouble.

    There are plenty of ways to balance a game like this with less in the way of health bars, you just have to stop thinking like a CoD game
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:56 No.120631872
    >But it wasn't fun.

    Confirmed for not having played the game to its fullest extent.

    The point of the game is to be crazy. Regen health works for that
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:56 No.120631897
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    >But it wasn't fun
    Again, that's your opinion. I feel sorry for your loss but don't write like it's an universal opinion.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:56 No.120631955
    >But it wasn't fun.
    It was, atleast for me and every single person who likes vanquish.
    >There are plenty of ways to balance a game like this with less in the way of health bars
    Name them.
    I want to hear your ideas.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:57 No.120632007

    Of course, but this scene was enough FUCK YEAH AMERICA for the entire game
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:57 No.120632025
    >The point of the game is to be crazy. Regen health works for that

    It also wasn't really meant to be hard. Take it down to Normal and experience the true Vanquish as Platinum intended.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:58 No.120632114
    >The game is about boosting right up into the enemy backside and blasting them with a shotgun

    ARGUS anus. So beautiful in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:58 No.120632135
    Okay, if my belief that it wasn't fun is an opinion that shouldn't be written as universal, so should your defenses of the game for the entire thread. You can't just use HURR OPINION to chase off people you don't like
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:59 No.120632289
    >It was, atleast for me and every single person who likes vanquish.
    That's a tautology.

    As is the opposite
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:59 No.120632311
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    No, you should've written "But I didn't find the game" rather than "But it wasn't fun" like you were saying "YOU ARE WRONG FOR LIKING THIS GAME". Bitch please.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)18:59 No.120632366
    Name a single post in the replytrend that actually tried to push some opinion about anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:00 No.120632431
    If you say so, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:00 No.120632435
    you should watch the interview it hurts to see how Kojima productions feels humiliated by letting other people do their work.

    They're saying is fine, is cool, but you can clearly see how things are for real. Doing that interview is cruel in the first place.

    Thay had to change everything for P games even the game engine and the story.

    What a commercial move.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:00 No.120632459
    Stop being a faggot

    I'd love to see P* games come to the PC.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:01 No.120632552
    Aren't we talking about an opinion that can only go two ways?
    You either find it fun, or not. There's isn't an absolute here.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:01 No.120632556
    > you should watch the interview it hurts to see how Kojima productions feels humiliated by letting other people do their work.

    Actually they were hurt because of their failure. To me, the CEO of P* and Kojima looked glad to be working together
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:01 No.120632622
    >the fucking Platinum/Vanquish fanbase
    At least that's one sort of critter MGS:R will keep bringing out.


    And over.


    Thank/fuck you Kojima
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:01 No.120632637

    >Wow, all this fun I was having isn't fun! Thanks for telling me anon?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:02 No.120632741
    >One person doesn't know who Platinum Games is
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:03 No.120632867
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    Yep. Just acknowledge that most people loved Vanquish and how unfortunate it is for you to have these barriers or whatever that's preventing you from enjoying this fine game.

    >Vanquish is trying to restore games to their former glory, showing them how next gen brawlers or next gen shooters could have been instead of God of War or Call of Duty
    >Some idiot has to come complaining.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:03 No.120632889
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:04 No.120632911
    Were the fuck is the redundancy there?
    And why the fuck do you give a damn about it?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:05 No.120633035
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    You really should.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:05 No.120633054
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:05 No.120633129
    >/v/ still rabidly defending Vanquish
    Seriously /v/? We've been over this
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:06 No.120633194

    haha sure buddy, P right now sit on a mountain of gold, how can they be not happy?

    You see they're pretty good at doing action games but if they don't have a famous name to backup those they fail at market, see Vanquish for example, it didn't even reach 1 million copies sold because no one gave a shit about that.

    Now if instead of Vanquish they could have called it Metal Gear Rising millions copies were sold even before the release date.

    And that is what they're doing right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:06 No.120633198
    >/v/ hating on vanquish
    What the fuck is wrong with you today, /v/?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:06 No.120633202
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:07 No.120633288

    maybe you have...

    by yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:07 No.120633303
    Ignorance and disrespect is an attempt at trolling.
    Any reasonable person would just use google.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:08 No.120633455
    They're still not that big or really that memorable beyond Bayonetta and God Hand. Just because a game gets meme-spammed doesn't mean everyone has played it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:09 No.120633560
    No, it isn't. People could just ask.

    It's only 'trolling' because the Platinum fanbase is so autismal as to get mad at simple questions
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:11 No.120633867
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    I think we came to /v too early, it's still faggot o'clock round here
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:11 No.120633883
    >Viewtiful Joe
    >God Hand

    All of these games have been so great that I think that's enough to give them some recognition. They have gotten a lot of press on various sites for their recent games. If people honestly don't know who they are, that's their loss.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:11 No.120633916
    What's more logic?
    Ask something stupid to cynical faggots or look for yourself before even thinking of asking?
    It is about as bad as asking:>Who's nintendo???
    >> Anonymous 12/14/11(Wed)19:12 No.120633944

    Platinum fanboys are the worse and it's kinda sad because their games are awesome and yet people are always angry to the whole world, just relax guys.

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