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    File : 1323622661.jpg-(26 KB, 250x364, 250px-Metal_Gear_Rising_Cover..jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)11:57 No.120139254  
    Just watched the new trailer. I feel like someone's taking the piss out of me. This shit can't be real can it?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)11:58 No.120139353
    You can't expect Raiden to be sneaky like snake.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)11:59 No.120139509
    Too late OP, /v/ general consensus is that everyone likes the new direction of the game because it's by Platinum Games.
    You're now part of the minority that will be abused and insulted for months.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:00 No.120139620
    Shut up faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:03 No.120139894
    he looks like a fucking FF drop out, his model in MGS4 was way better
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:06 No.120140221
    >end of the trailer

    I seriously hope Raiden can DUN DUN DUUN
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:08 No.120140408

    the hell are you talking about?

    He has the same flamboyant gay shit, same high heels same stupid ninja crap.

    It's a fucking weaboo Gray Fox, what is there to fuck up on?

    I hope you enjoyed MGS2, now take your medicine.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:09 No.120140441
    OP, you should go to other game boards where most people actually are hating the new idea. /v/ is too much of a P+ supporter to actually consider the MGS fanbase in this dramatic change. It's a good idea, but the original was better even if the staff couldn't work with it well. I think dedicating a bit more time to it would've proven well for the project, but they just gave it to other devs. Guess we got screwed over in a sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:11 No.120140694
    >consider the MGS fanbase
    Haha, get the fuck out.
    After MGS4 MGS -has- no fanbase whatsoever, just a bunch of faggots sucking kojima cock (but ONLY when he does things that please them, god forbid he tries out different things, like how he scrapped the previous Rising gameplay)
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:15 No.120141061
    For some reason, the very fact that REVENGEANCE is part of the title makes me want to buy it.

    I don't know why. It just sounds so fucking stupid that I must have it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:15 No.120141138

    I'm willing to accept that MGS4 was just calling out dead for the fanbase, but some are still expecting Kojima to do something new.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:19 No.120141538
    I don't get why you are so pissed off with this new trailer. When that one from last year E3 (I think, not sure) came out it was already a pile of shit. I think the guy was cutting a watermelon or something... WTF. And you say it is garbage NOW? MGS was, is, and will always be for faggots.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:19 No.120141551
    I don't see what was so fun with that.

    The only thing they had programmed was the cutting mechanic. They literally had nothing else, and even then that was a tech demo that probably wouldn't even be close to what the final product would eventually resemble.

    Applying that to some fast paced combat would be incredibly awkward. At least they're still in as part of finishing moves.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:26 No.120142280
    I would've gone with stealth & KOs the whole way anyway. But this, it's fucking Platinum, I'm giving my house & stock portfolio!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:27 No.120142397

    Kamiya is not working on it. It might end up being a complete shit pile for all we know.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:28 No.120142492
    Posted this yesterday but

    Rising Threads:

    60% Platinum Fanboys that would praise a log of shit with the logo on it
    20% MG fans willing to give it a try
    20% MG fans upset about the drastic change from the last trailer
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:28 No.120142526
    Ahahaha, just can't let that Metal Gear shit dying already, eh Kojima?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:30 No.120142697
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    Just googled

    >My face when
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:30 No.120142705

    All my money.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:32 No.120142875

    Metal Gear Rising is Not Part of Metal Gear Solid Series
    Kojima Productions clears up a few bits about the new Metal Gear game.

    Kojima Productions has been clearing up some rumors and misconceptions regarding Metal Gear Rising Revengeance following the game's unveiling earlier today.

    First off, a rumor that quickly surfaced after the game's unveiling: Rising is a proper sequel in the Metal Gear Solid saga. This, according to the Kojipro official Twitter, is not the case. "We've only said that the period setting is several years after MGS4. Metal Gear Rising is not part of the Metal Gear Solid series. At present, we can't say more than this."
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:33 No.120142937
    Rising was also the main subject of the latest Hideraji podcast, with producer Yuji Korekado sharing a few additional details about the project. Here's some of what was discussed based off a summary of the broadcast that's making the rounds (I haven't given the broadcast a listen for myself, so my translation is second hand -- there may be a few differences when you hear the official English background story via a video that will be released on the 13th).

    The original Rising was announced as a game where you can chop up anything. The development staff quickly created just that. However, they felt that this alone would be insufficient.

    The original Rising got to the point where the staff no longer knew what the core of the game should be. At some point, Kojima said that the project probably would not be able to be completed. However, the staff insisted that it could be done. In the end, they cancelled the project. At this point, they'd already fleshed out many areas outside of the game design component, like the story and the motion capture.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:33 No.120143003
    One day, Kojima leaned that members of Platinum Games had come to the Kojima Productions studio. Platinum said that it's unfortunate that the game was in a half done state. They were excited about the project that they took over.

    Platinum suggested the concept of "a game where it feels so good to chop things up that you would die" (I think my translation may be weird here -- "It's so good that you die" is just a Japanese way of saying it's amazingly good.)

    The title was changed because the game is different from the Metal Gear Solid series. It's a new Metal Gear.

    Hideki Kamiya is not the game's director. The director will be announced later.

    When restarting the project, they were originally going to use the original story. After Platinum received the data from Kojima Productions, they said they wanted to remake the story.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:33 No.120143011

    I'm not a MGS fan and I dislike the drastic change from the original trailer, where do I fit?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:35 No.120143182

    Platinum is making the story now?

    Oh great.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:35 No.120143252
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    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:38 No.120143522
    Kojima is still overseeing it. Its really fucking stupid to place it after 4. Before they were limited by it being between games, now they just fucked over the MGS4 epilogue.
    The game LOOKED better visually on the MGS4 engine, they seem to be using the same engine Vanquish was on.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:38 No.120143538
    I'm willing to bet that Kojima let Platinum Games take over because he didn't want to consider himself to have lost such a huge amount of money on a project that wouldn't get finished properly. He probably dislikes this new idea himself! He has never produced this kind of game, as far as I know.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:38 No.120143541
    >Snake's revenge
    >Unfaithful spin off based off fast based combat with no sneaking elements, making Kojima want to commit sudoku
    >Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
    >Unfaithful spin off based off fast based combat with no sneaking elements, making Kojima want to commit sudoku
    Sorta neat when you think about it, it's like the similarities between JFK and Lincoln.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:41 No.120143869
    I think I'll replay MGS4 now to see if it really is a terrible game or /v/ is just butthurt their MGS2 theories were wrong
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:42 No.120143936
    Dat trailer.

    >Vanquish moments
    >Still with the cutting mechanic
    >Platinum/Kojima collaboration

    Shit, son. Still looks like it has a healthy dose of Kojima in it though, even the name. MG:Rising would be fine, but Revengeance is his goofy style I suppose.

    But damn. MGR:VANQUISH.

    >Metal Gear Solid Rising is now known as Metal Gear Rising Revengance and is in the works at Bayonetta and Madworld developer Platinum Games under the watchful eye of Vanquish producer Atsushi Inaba, Hideo Kojima has revealed at the VGAs.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:43 No.120144112
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    >He has never produced this kind of game, as far as I know.

    get out
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:44 No.120144134
    Its a pretty great game, but if you have beaten it skip all the cutscenes. It is really a movie sometimes.
    >sneak past area
    >15 minute cutscene
    >sneak past short area
    >10 minute cutscene
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:44 No.120144146

    That's actually bad news.

    MGS4 had that FPS and resolution drop because it was doing amazing things with AI, enemy numbers and all other visual effects.

    When you have extra power to run at a higher resolution and framerate it means either you are running a very cost efficient system or that you have cut gameplay aspects and have more room to put into performance.

    It's like comparing MGS4 to DMC4, course one is gonna look better; all there is to do is run down stock corridors and arenas.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:45 No.120144333
    Or they are finally using the cell processor to it's full potential
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:47 No.120144514
    Looks like shit. HOWEVER, I am happy because now Kojima studios wont be wasting their time on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:47 No.120144601
    Hold on,
    On the trailer they called it Metal Gear Rising?
    Right? Its not a metal gear solid game its just a spin off.
    Which means... I am 100% fine with this, Its a spin off, Metal gear solid games are where the stealth is at, a Spin off does not have to stick to the same mechanics's. Sure the game will probably suck and be nothing like the other games but at least there is still chance of another good MGS Game being made.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:48 No.120144618
    but since its Platinum and MGS:R was going to be multiplat, its probably on the 360 too. 360 usually runs multiplats better too, ESPECIALLY Bayonetta
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:48 No.120144619
    stay delusional
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:48 No.120144658

    >i dont understand the cell processor, but ill just coin drop it anyway
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:48 No.120144684
    >because it was doing amazing things with AI, enemy numbers and all other visual effects.
    Are you serious? Everything except for the main characters looked like shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:49 No.120144797
    Vanquish runs better on the PS3 than the 360. The only reason Bayonetta ran like crap is because Platinum didn't build it alongside the 360 version, SEGA ported it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:49 No.120144809
    It was always "Lightning Bolt Action". How can fags be mad it's not stealth game is beyond me.

    It's a spinoff game.
    MGS5 will be what it always was.

    Now go die in fire.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:50 No.120144966
    Really? I was under the impression that /v/ is mostly negative against the game
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:51 No.120145082
    I still wonder why Sega had to port it

    Are Platinum Games that incompetent?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:52 No.120145153
    Nope, only the retards who think Metal Gear was some symphony of realism and deep story and that a spinoff is bad don't like Rising.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:52 No.120145188

    >he thinks the only defining factor of a game's technical prowess is presentation

    Guess why in this gen we still have mediocre AI, the consoles arent powerful enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:53 No.120145242
    Well they learned their lesson and like I said Vanquish runs better on the PS3 because Platinum handled it themselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:53 No.120145269
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    reposting truth,
    True "metal gear" fans, IE not "solid" scrubs who hated any game that didn't star solid snake, only require a remote enjoyment of DMC/Bayonetta to enjoy this game.

    Then you have Group A
    I love
    Which makes no sense.
    Believe you me, I'm in the boat that dislikes twin snakes for its missile-kicking Snake, but I understand all the same Kojima enjoyed that. The MGS series as a whole is a sub-branch of the franchise as a whole.
    And please, lets not for a second forget that MGS itself had some over the top moments. I love the reference in I believe one of the later entries
    And one of the people on the other side of the radio commented about how
    that shit was. Let's not forget by the time MGS2 came out we already had Raiden, and that in itself caused a shitstorm. MGS3 goes for a borderline Captain/America+Ninja Scroll boss battle theme and again, some people called bullshit on that.
    MGS4 did the same fucking thing, perhaps in an even greater extreme.

    Regardless, unless Raiden grabs said Metal Gear and throws him into the sun ala Bayonetta, I don't think this series will go
    >Over the top
    Raiden fucking stopped a carrier the size of five aircraft carriers, so roughly 500,000 tons, with his back
    Finally you have the ultimate fuck tards
    No, it didn't. It was a tech demo. Simple as that.
    >They promised stealth!
    And so does MGR:R. Go bother to fucking google it.
    Just shut the fuck up kids, and enjoy the damn game.
    If you hate MGS and Platinum, I don't see why you care anyways.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:53 No.120145271
    Its split, just as it was last night.

    If you like the original idea, or if you like Platinum Games.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:54 No.120145390
    You act like MGS had groundbreaking enemy AI.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:55 No.120145468

    Well let's see

    Bayonetta was shit in everything but gameplay

    Vanquish was 5 hours long, unacceptable length for a game today

    You decide.


    Or you know, destroying an already established character for some HURR DURR SO EDGY EXTREME JACK DA RIPPERRRR version, and destroying the epilogue of 4 for no reason other then they can.

    Keep thinking PG games are godsends though
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:55 No.120145528
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    I can't believe how autistic people are being about this game. This looks a lot more interesting than Watermelon Cutting Simulator 2012 and if anyone can make a good action game, it's Platinum.

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:55 No.120145529
    Also, people who don't masturbate to platinum games
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:57 No.120145687

    They ARE ruining Raiden's character you fuckstain.

    His "jack the ripper" shit was tied up at the end of 2. Why the fuck are they bringing it back other than to appeal to 14 year olds and grown men with 14 year old mindsets?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:57 No.120145710
    >Vanquish was 5 hours long, unacceptable length for a game today

    Take away the cutscenes and every Kojima game is about three hours long. I just completed Zone of the Enders 2 in four hours without skipping anything.

    And fuck you Bayonetta had amazing music.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:57 No.120145749
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    Might have changed the idea completely, but at least I still have glorious Grimlock!
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:58 No.120145798
    Cool story faggot, but the tech demo looked way better, and this shit isn't even being made by Kamiya, so go suck a dick
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:58 No.120145855

    It had factions, alliances, stealth checks, reactive behaviors, they pretty much had a huge puppeteer system that managed npcs on a very large scale. You could independently leave them doing their own thing. Most ai in games are purely reactive like in GTA where their brains dont exist until the player does something

    It`s not very easy to notice, but that takes a huge amount of performance.

    DMC is the epitome of mook NPCs, they dont live, they follow an attack pattern. It would be extremely pathetic is plat games couldnt get a bigger rez and framerate than MGS4
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:58 No.120145864
    >Making Bayonetta out to be a shitty game while tacitly praising its gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)12:59 No.120145941
    Who the fuck said it was supposed to be realistic?
    People are just upset with how over the top it is.
    I mean sure Raiden was able to hold off that big arsenal gear thing in MGS4 but that was really just a nod to Grey Fox holding off Rex in MGS1. Which was possible because his suit was made out of the same shit Rex was I think, but the shit with him going full on Super Mario 64 with that Ray was fucking ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:00 No.120146009
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    dat assgape
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:00 No.120146035
    Someone in an earlier thread said something that made me laugh: "This is SO fucking 90's."

    And it really is. Look at the way the game is designed, it reminds me of nothing so much as old-school arcade style games. That's not bad. Christ, it looks FUN. What's wrong with that? Do you remember fun, /v/?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:00 No.120146050
    >Watch one of the old trailers demonstrating the cut system
    >At the end they ask "What will you cut?"
    >Reply "Myself."
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:01 No.120146139
    >holding off a 500,000 ton ship
    >not over the top
    >Throwing a 10,000 ton bipedal tank in the air

    stop being so retarded
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:01 No.120146162
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    I hoped it was a joke too... Everything that could be wrong with this was wrong with this.
    >Metal Gear
    >1987 - 2011
    >Goodnight Sweet Prince
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:01 No.120146189
    That depends, I don't necessarily enjoy hack and slash games. So for me, no it doesn't look very fun. I'm sorry 'fun' isn't quantifiable for everyone like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:02 No.120146243
    The only arguments I've seen against this game

    >It's not realistic!
    Are you implying Metal Gear was ever realistic?
    >Only Platinum fanboys like this game!
    That's not even an argument, that's shitty backpeddling.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:02 No.120146300
    Aren't metal gears suppose to be the pinnacle of combat technology or are they outdated pieces of war equipment in Rising?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:02 No.120146307

    im just disappointed that the old rising game no longer exists

    this is a very different game, sure itll probably be good, but im not a fan of DMC-Bayonetta

    i mean, im glad if you like it, but its no different than taking your favorite game series and turning it into a racer
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:03 No.120146389
    How the hell does it looks more interesting? It looks EXACTLY like Devil May Cry looked a fucking decade ago.

    I was excited for "watermelon cutting simulator 2012" because it looked like something new.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:03 No.120146424

    You're probably either retarded, blind, or just got on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:04 No.120146466
    Wait, why does everyone hate this? It looks to be top notch action, like Ninja Gaiden.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:04 No.120146485
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    >Armored Core suddenly turns into an FPS with slow mechs and no lasers

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:04 No.120146500

    Being "fun" is not a legitimate argument for defending a video game in a critical argument. Fucking everyone likes to have fun, but when your only defense for a game is HURF DURF IT'S FUN GAISE, then you know your game has problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:05 No.120146610
    Protip: The "old rising game" never existed except for a concept. They had the tech and decided "it doesn't work, scratch it and make a new one"

    And they gave it to the best people that can make an action game work.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:06 No.120146703
    Watch the scene again, he's just putting himself between Outer Haven then he pins himself to the ground.
    He's not doing any sort of lifting, just his Cyborg Ninja suit's resistance to pressure.
    name calling? really?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:06 No.120146757

    They were the pinnacle until cyborg ninjas and immortal gay vampires were invented.

    I mean, Grey Fox could defeat Rex if it wasn't Liquid piloting it, Solidus defeated tons of rays (and while he wasn't a complete cyborg, his exoskeleton had similarities), Raiden defeated Gekkos without problem, etc etc
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:06 No.120146803
    Yeah and we're pissed that they didn't actualize the concept. Their vague excuse doesn't change a thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:06 No.120146807

    I understand why Kojima was apologizing now.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:06 No.120146815

    nice trolling, but plat's iteration is in no way an improvement.

    this is gonna sound cheesy, but the ninja fantasy from MGS1 is what created the appeal of raiden in MGS4, the old rising conveyed that fantasy perfectly, now we have men in suits with swords and grunts that need 5 slashes to kill
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:07 No.120146830

    >in /v/
    >not expecting to get called names

    Not sure if you're new here, but most people here are manchildren, so you gotta get used to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:07 No.120146917
    Please please please please give Platinum back the rights to Dante or at least Devil May Cry.

    Otherwise they'll constantly be looking for other things to turn into DMC because Capcom is cockblocking them.

    That is the only way to end this.

    Also, this is what DmC should have been.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:08 No.120146953
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    1. Its an action game
    2. Its made by Platinum

    Thats really all I need to know

    Day one buy
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:08 No.120147018
    You know the "cut however you like" segments in the watermelon simulator they've shown were slow motion setpieces after, for example, you've triped up the opponent? The free cut (lol watermelon) thing looked slow and awkward to be done outside these moments. Rest were running around and hitting people using preset animations.

    This is exactly the same thing but you don't kill everything with one sword swipe now.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:09 No.120147045
    I've been lurking on /v/ for a year and half now, I post sometimes but I forget who I'm discussing video games with sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:09 No.120147081

    Great how the world works right? DMC5 gets outsourced and raped, and thus rising gets the same treatment, nobody wins.

    funny, if plat games was working on DMC5 this probably wouldnt have happened
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:10 No.120147151
    Im thinking the same thing. I feel like, if the name of the game did not have "Metal Gear" in it, there would not be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:10 No.120147155

    Pretty much

    To the people that disagree, watch the video again and tell me it's not Dante with a raiden skin.

    It's pretty fucking dumb to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:10 No.120147240
    >This is exactly the same thing but you don't kill everything with one sword swipe now.
    Which completely changes how the game plays and would be designed.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:11 No.120147311
    Can someone link to the watermelon cutting thing?
    I remember it vaguely.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:12 No.120147354
    Way to prove his point, bro. You could have give an actual reason why this game will be bad but instead you just resort to an insult.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:12 No.120147433
    Wasn't Rising always going to be an action game?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:13 No.120147485

    I have been for 7 threads already. I sometimes don't care and just reply insulting people. I don't really give a fuck what he thinks.

    Not every post is gonna try to prove or disprove something, you know.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:13 No.120147512
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:13 No.120147554
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:14 No.120147673
    Uhhh no. It was an action game, it is action game. It never was stealth.

    >they said hunting-stealth
    what does that mean and how is it different than all MGS stealth? Face it they lied to you because everyone knew if they didn't throw a bone about stealth people like you would be doing what you do now.

    There still might be some stealth
    You want MGS game. This is a spinoff. Wait for MGS game.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:14 No.120147700
    I assume everyone who hates this is a retrofag who hates any type of change in video games. I bet you love Mario, but hate Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Sonic the Hedgehog, Silent Hill, DMC5 and now this. If all you want is a rehash of what's been done before, then GO PLAY THE OLD GAMES! Leave sane gamers who appreciate new ideas and new angles alone. You crushed Crash of the Titans and Sonic Unleashed, don't kill this too.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:15 No.120147713

    Honestly, the old gameplay looked morbid and seemed like a pretty fresh experience, now we just get another DMC game.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:15 No.120147729
    Pretty sure it was called Lightning Action for a while.
    Though Lightning Espionage Action sounded pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:15 No.120147746
    >Just watched the new trailer
    >the gay is overwhelming
    Seriously? Whats the point of having amazing cutting physics if it doesn't work every time you cut an enemy? Why not just make more enemies? Shit's retarded. Also generic anime dbz fight scene and dialogue. Guess I'm not gonna play this one.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:15 No.120147749
    yeah but it was going to be a GOOD action game
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:15 No.120147798
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:15 No.120147812
    >It was an action game, it is action game.
    Yeah because there is one kind of "action game" and every "action game" plays and is designed in the same way as every other "action game".

    You're a fucking moron.
    >> Pedonymous !!Y6th7F6WAoC 12/11/11(Sun)13:16 No.120147862
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:16 No.120147901
    What is wrong with it now? It looks good. It looks a lot like Ninja Gaiden, which is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:16 No.120147917
    >Snake's revenge
    >Unfaithful spin off based off fast based combat with no sneaking elements, making Kojima want to commit sudoku

    Nigga, Kojima LIKES Snake's Revenge.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:17 No.120147968
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:17 No.120148009
    Yeah, we'd probably be looking at MGS:Rising being developed by Ninja Theory
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:17 No.120148019

    You morons, the Old Rising was canceled BECAUSE the game was ONLY about cutting things in half and Kojima thought that gimmick alone wasn't enough.

    The guy said that rising would have stealth just said it to make fans happy while not having a slight clue how he'd do it
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:18 No.120148071
    No he doesn't. He made Metal Gear 2 specifically because he hated Snakes Revenge.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:18 No.120148116
    >Platinum Games
    >60 FPS in an age of 30 FPS games
    This is game went from "might be alright" to "take all my money" in one evening.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:18 No.120148153
    No it isn't awesome, it looks generic as fuck. Atleast compared to the original footage, which actually looked good.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:19 No.120148170
    And now it's Devil May Cry.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:19 No.120148266
    >Snakes Revenge - Apr 1990
    >MG2 Solid Snake - Jul 1990
    he sure hated a game so much, that he made a game in 4 months. get your head outta yo ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:20 No.120148315
    >Old game was a bunch of promises they couldn't keep
    >Fuck it we can't do this, give the game to Platinum
    >Platinum actually does some work and makes a nice looking hack and slash
    >Everybody gets mad and blames Platinum as if they're the reason Konami couldn't get their shit together
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:20 No.120148336
    You mean that watermelon shit? That was dumb as fuck. How are you supposed to have fast paced action with those shitty controls and camera angle?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:21 No.120148381
    Oh come on man, it's not like he didn't just reskin MG2 and make new levels and slightly different boss battles.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:21 No.120148387
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    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:21 No.120148396
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    >Kojima wanted his fans to be critical thinkers and analytical people who don't accept things at face value
    >This new Rising is shown, a generic pastiche of already made action games with a metal gear skin
    >People on /v/ go nuts over it in a good way
    >His face when
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:21 No.120148418
    “I wasn’t involved with Snake’s Revenge for the NES either. However, this was created by the Kobe development team and wasn’t what I would consider a ‘bad game.’ Actually, one of my juniors was working on the NES Snake’s Revenge and he said to me, ‘We’re making a sequel to Metal Gear, but what I really want is a true sequel made by you, Kojima-san.’ It’s because of that request that I ended up creating Metal Gear 2 on the MSX2. If Snake’s Revenge for the NES had never existed then there would not have been an MG2 and there would never have been an MGS for the PS1.”

    The man's own words. Absolutely no mention of "hating it", says the game is not bad, and that he made a sequel per request of one guy in his team. Your move.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:21 No.120148447
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    >mfw fanboys buttdestroyed because they would need to play a game that actually requires skill for once ITT
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:22 No.120148483
    >When interviewed by Steven Kent in 1999, Kojima stated that he enjoyed Snake's Revenge and that he thought it was "faithful to the Metal Gear concept",[3] although during the 2009's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco he stated that Snake's Revenge was a "little crap game"[
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:22 No.120148546
    I really liked the title of lightning bolt action, revengeance sounds kind of retarded to me. The original trailer made the game look like it focused all on cutting. The trailer was cool because of the cutting mechanic and how you could cut with ease. This new trailer changed that a little bit and now made it take multiple hits to kill an enemy with some cutting mechanic at the end as a finisher type move. It seems to me that the original game was going to focus a lot more on multiple enemies on the screen and you going crazy cutting everything in your sight. This new trailer makes it seem like a hack and slash. I do not know what will be better since I have not played the game and this is all speculation. I do hope that when the game does release that it comes with the original build shown in the first trailer. Either way, the game looks cool.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:22 No.120148561
    Sorry not MG2
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:23 No.120148605
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:23 No.120148629
    >Kojima willingly handed it over to Platinum
    >What's more, Platinum was his idea in the first place
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:23 No.120148659
    And how are you supposed to have fast paced action when every guy needs to be hit 10 times with a SUPER ELECTRIC SWORD before doing any damage? That's what's dumb as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:23 No.120148662
    >What are you talking about?
    >... Yeah, that was apparent from the first gameplay trailers
    Seriously, from DAY ONE this wasn't a regular metal gear game and it was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:23 No.120148668
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    >mgs fans
    >critical thinkers and analytical people
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:23 No.120148672
    >Devil May Cry
    >requiring skill
    To get an S rank maybe.

    I see no stylish meter.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:24 No.120148689
    It's real and it was awesome, get over it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:24 No.120148735
    >find out this is being made by platinum
    >Decide to play some DMC3 again
    >temple of trials, warriors trial
    >After getting some practice with angi and rudra, step shit up
    >Suddenly the part with the two red ones, that dodge and rush and jump and shit, and the grey teleporting one, forget names
    >Dont even lock on, start combos on one enemy and finish them on the one thats readying to attack
    >Eventually die from the grey asshole
    I fucking hate taneem
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:24 No.120148745
    See? Kojima doesn't even know what he likes. That's why his "stories" are a mess of stitched together ideas.

    >nonono this isn't good at all but what if it was all (...)
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:24 No.120148778

    >Implying it wasn't a "here take this and do whatever with it since we can't do it anymore" situation
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:25 No.120148823
    >hack and slash
    >requires skill

    I wouldn't be surprised if this games is filled with QTE's
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:25 No.120148848
    Here you nigger, try play Metal Gear Solid on European Extreme and try come back and talk shit about MGS not being hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:25 No.120148878
    The watermelon shit was just a technical demonstration of the new cutting and the physics of it, wasn't it?
    There's probably going to be some parts of the game that require you to cut some obstacles or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)13:26 No.120148917

    The original Rising got to the point where the staff no longer knew what the core of the game should be. At some point, Kojima said that the project probably would not be able to be completed. However, the staff insisted that it could be done. In the end, they cancelled the project. At this point, they'd already fleshed out many areas outside of the game design component, like the story and the motion capture.

    One day, Kojima leaned that members of Platinum Games had come to the Kojima Productions studio. Platinum said that it's unfortunate that the game was in a half done state. They were excited about the project that they took over.

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