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    File : 1323210838.jpg-(72 KB, 391x391, batlefeld.jpg)
    72 KB Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:33 No.119473339  
    Thoughts on the new patch?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:35 No.119473486
    do you have a link to the patch notes? or maybe a copy
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:35 No.119473507
    Jets have become impossible to control
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:37 No.119473789
    patch is nice
    also antena on caspian now falls down after some random event and kills everyone in radius
    I saw chopper owned by this thing
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:38 No.119473880
    Why didn't I think of this
    Patch notes
    Battlelog changes
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:39 No.119474038
    >antenna falls
    holy shit, I remember coming up with that idea in a /v/ thread

    either the devs and I think a like, or someone took that idea and plastered it all over the battlelog forums
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:41 No.119474203
    >SOFLAM has been buffed hard
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:42 No.119474249
    They showed footage of it in a trailer a long time ago but it wasn't implemented until now (but the ladder was removed).

    Actually while I'm thinking of it did they ever add the ladder back?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:43 No.119474377
    do you have a source that doesnt require a origin account?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:43 No.119474386

    >implying the exact same thing doesnt happen in singleplayer
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:43 No.119474419
    >playing the single player
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:44 No.119474477
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:45 No.119474618
    Still doesn't fix the game from being crap.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:45 No.119474641
    IRNV Nerfed.

    At last there will be use of camouflage and terrain in this game.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:46 No.119474690
    they added PING when I look at the score with tab.

    I am buying the DLC just to thank them for that
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:46 No.119474720
    if they put ladder back half of the players will fight for place to camp on this mothefucking antena like its some sort of god's heaven
    anyway you can get there easily using recon parachute drop
    it also has bulletproof invisible walls so you're there completly safe untill people get mad over your killstreak and nuke you with chopper
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:46 No.119474767
    camouflage has a use?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:47 No.119474827
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    Do they still force you to look at the player that kills you? Can you chat when a game is done?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:48 No.119474911
    cod babby detected
    wookie camo raped the shit out of people in BC2
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:48 No.119474917

    Fucking finally.

    I hate not knowing if I'm playing against eurofags with shitty connections.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:48 No.119474920
    It's only a nerf at long ranges, unfortunately.

    should have just made the solder's gear properly IR absorbant instead of the abortion that is spec-ops camo (which only really helps the US engineer, which should suck at infantry combat
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:49 No.119475043

    No it didn't....
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:49 No.119475093

    You'd be surprised how useful it is on Hardcore when no-one nubs with IRNV. You instantly go fucking Snake mode.

    Specially on Caspian Border with Woodland camo.

    Game instantly feels 10 times more enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:50 No.119475204
    Claymores no longer despawn after death... but Dice had to make them shown on the minimap in BRIGHT ORANGE to the enemy... WTF?
    Oh well, I got my 300 kills before the patch, dogtag and medal, time to switch to engineer like 95% of the pop, they are both superior against infantry AND vehicles.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:50 No.119475220
    let them.

    then chopper bros and ace pilots have an easy target.

    Also the flag next to them forces them to either attack or defend it, or hide and die
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:51 No.119475246
    even before the game came out devs on twitter said that the antenna is suppose to collapse, cause EA want this game out so early, so many shit is missing or buggy. maybe it explained the 3 gigs update im downloading as we speak.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:51 No.119475284

    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:52 No.119475401
    Are you getting BTK too?
    Could any PS3-dudes tell what it's like?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:52 No.119475413
    still no C4 nerf huh.....
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:52 No.119475423
    No and no.
    Killcam can be disabled at the discretion of server admin though. Use server filter (killcam = off).
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:53 No.119475480
    So jets got FUCKED?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:54 No.119475546
    Nerfed the hell out of infrared. Been a week since I played it and gave it a go. Fog everywhere and doesnt it seems like it highlights anything anymore, more like it punishes anyone that uses it.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:54 No.119475560
    mines also auto spotted on the map
    whole part of guerilla warfare using mines and shit just vanished
    quite sad I'd say
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:54 No.119475591
    LOL at all the babbies complaining about reduced long range accuracy
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:55 No.119475726
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:55 No.119475739
    Why would they nerf C4?
    Destruction is sub-part compared to BC2 and you need 3 to down a tank... too risky to be viable. C4 is nowhere near as good as any engineer's anti vehicle weapon
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:55 No.119475762
    yeah that one map with the beach forgot what its called, faggots just go on top of the hill and snipe
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:55 No.119475786
    I can't even join a fucking game after this new patch, I can't fucking believe that I have to deal with this. BF3 was the first game I actually bought in a while and this has totally destroyed my trust. Especially considering there is a perfectly good piratable version of this same damn game out.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:56 No.119475870
    Kharg Island
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:57 No.119475930
    four or five if they got extra tank armor i think.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:57 No.119475953
    seriously though, its fucking hardmode now to kill somebody 50+ meters away with an assault rifle ? thats fucking retarded.
    that the accuracy is nerfed is not so bad, but with bullet drop in this game you hardly do any damage at range as it is
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:57 No.119475970

    C4 keeps them from hopping out and instantly fixing any damage you do with your RPG.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:58 No.119476011
    IRNV is still viable actually since they only nerfed it above 60m (most encounters). Try it. It's still going strong.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:58 No.119476042


    i thought only the spec ops camo has use
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)17:59 No.119476193
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:00 No.119476267
    If anything, they should fix the problem with a friendly rocket hits your C4 and they get the kill. I am risking my ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:00 No.119476307

    Comparison of Strike at Karkand to the original.

    Looks pretty faithful to the BF2 version.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:00 No.119476314
    Learn to burst fire instead of spray 'n praying.
    Grab an AN94, KH2002, or M4 if you can't.

    Some guns still work fine while spraying (try the engineer's M4A1 with Silencer and foregrip to reduce recoil, thing is a beast).
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:01 No.119476344

    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:01 No.119476401
    So compensate for bullet drop.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:01 No.119476417
    Fuck yes they finally nerfed that fucking infra-red scope was so bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:02 No.119476500

    If there's no-one with IRNV and you're playing Hardcore, so there's no orange markers.

    Spec-ops camouflage is useless. You better roll with a camo that lets you blend in with terrain.

    Like woodland in Caspian, Desert in Firestorm.

    That fucking feel when playing Caspian Conquest HC with Supressed M1911 as Recon and going 28/3.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:03 No.119476579
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:04 No.119476673
    Seine Crossing still a shit map
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:04 No.119476777
    Shit, I'm so stoked for B2K. The maps seem like pretty solid copies of the originals (sorry console fags)/
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:05 No.119476856
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    >Increased the power of Stingers against Jets.

    >Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:05 No.119476864
    AT mines everywhere
    RPGs everywhere
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:06 No.119476913
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:06 No.119476943
    opponents see at mines on the mini map
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:06 No.119476972
    did they nerf explosive rounds? if not i am not going to play till b2k expansion.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:07 No.119476985

    They got the 64p Karkand map wrong, it's confirmed to have 7 CPs and extend to the warehouses past the bridge.

    Still, consoles are getting a pretty sweet deal, 32 player versions of those maps are pretty ace.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:07 No.119477001

    Until they get rid of flashlights it doesn't matter, everyone online is going to be a complete faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:08 No.119477119
    No more RPG than usual.
    AT mine despawn after 20s death and are shown on the minimap, they couldn't be more obvious (they were quite obvious with thermal anyway... more points destroying them).

    The game is fine. Patch made it so that it require a bit more skill to kill a player. Granted you aren't a RPG fag. Still, it's heading in the right direction, you guys will never stop complaining.

    I'm personnally loving the game, 130hrs. Just enjoy it or leave. It's the finest FPS to date.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:08 No.119477120

    They nerfed the flashlights as well though, that's what the patch notes say, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:08 No.119477197
    is it me or is the aiming sensitivy ultra high while aiming with scopes? (i.e. acog and 3.4)
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:09 No.119477223
    Flashlights have been significantly nerfed.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:09 No.119477273
    PS3bro here

    Maps are pretty great.Probably better on the PC version though. The Flashlights are finally not so fucking bright.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:10 No.119477404

    >Still blind you from like 20 ft away

    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:10 No.119477416
    How big of a download is the dlc for ps3?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:14 No.119477822
    >Hide in Bush
    >Shotgun to the feet
    I can't lie, I did it myself while I was unlocking Recon stuff.A
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:16 No.119478042
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:16 No.119478045
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:17 No.119478204
    What the fuck. As it stands I can hardly avoid the damn things in a Scout chopper, even going behind buildings, because there's so FUCKING MANY PEOPLE using them. I constantly spam flares, because I'm constantly getting rocketed.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:17 No.119478206
    For those who haven't seen it

    Wake Island trailer (PS3)

    >MFW the DLC trailers have better music than the core game, with the trailer above having something that sounds like it came from Metal Gear Solid.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:25 No.119479088
    Increase effectiveness of AA. Increase effectiveness of counter-measures. It's like they never patched anything at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:27 No.119479243
    They made the reload times longer.
    Not shorter.
    Meaning it's harder to avoid guided rawkets.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:28 No.119479385
    I hate battlefield trailers, explosions everywhere.

    Why does there always has to be a jeep shooting at random direction?

    Also, F35 will be so fucking overpowered, it's pretty much a heli with a jet cannon in the hover mode.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:29 No.119479420
    Made no sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:31 No.119479660

    Confirmed for never playing BF2. AA/other jets/regular fucking RPGs/tanks/APCs/etc. will all be shooting at you and you have shit for health so you die almost instantly. Not to mention it takes 5-6 full bursts from the cannon to kill a tank while you die in one hit from it and you don't even get helicopter-tier mobility since you're basically a floating brick in hover mode.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:32 No.119479817
    The regular jets in BF2 and BF3 were nothing alike so whats your point?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:33 No.119479916
    So is F-35 only for US or does OpFor have it as well?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:33 No.119479981
    Is the AN-94 worth using? I thought it would be cool because of the 2 round burst but I hear it blows dicks. Should I just stick to using the AEK forever for assault?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:34 No.119480089

    BF2 had the F35 (which could hover) and the Harrier (which could also hover). Fuck off, COD kid.


    Burst isn't as bad anymore.


    US only. OpFor still has the Su35.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:35 No.119480110
    >blinding at 20 feet
    you've never had a tactical light in your face before have you?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:36 No.119480240

    >5 cap points in Karkand

    Well I had hope
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:36 No.119480251
    >BF2 had the F35 (which could hover) and the Harrier (which could also hover). Fuck off, COD kid.

    Never played CoD games except the first two.
    You cant back up your claims so you result to insults, I think it's quite clear who the kid here is :)
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:37 No.119480458
    BF never had the harrier.

    Only mods and such included it
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:39 No.119480736
    ...So won't the Su-35 wreck the F-35's shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:41 No.119480893
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    >mfw 1-hit-death bug from Beta is back
    >> !Anoon./Lks 12/06/11(Tue)18:42 No.119481060
    >Use SOFLAM now that it's supposed to be useful
    >Not a single fucking person tries to take down the aerial vehicles, even though they are wrecking our shit
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:43 No.119481165
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:44 No.119481287

    That bug that causes you take take massive amounts of damage while sprinting has returned. I even got 1 shot while in crouch.

    Its pretty fucking sad that that fucking bug somehow made it in again.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:44 No.119481291
    almost makes me want to get bf3, but the color palette is so modern and grim dark. and i was ruined by bc2, this is not the same battlefield series.

    also, dat music
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:46 No.119481520
    I know what the bug is but I didn't expect it to somehow come back.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:51 No.119482017
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    Playing battlefield bad company 2 last night

    >enemy chopper is RAPING our team's shit on rush
    >we're defending the first set of Mcom's on Atacoma desert
    >Shit is being slapped ERRYWHERE
    >get the idea of Smoking the area up
    >helicopter starts to falter
    >we lose stations so we're set back to the boat
    >chopper starts raping our shit again
    >said FUCK IT and spammed the smoke nades
    >smoke ERRYWHERE so much that it starts to lag out the server
    >our team wins when the enemy team cannot close ranks before being cut down in the smoke

    that feel when you're the hero the team needed; but didn't credit in the end
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:53 No.119482279
    >smoking like a pro to troll heli pilots
    >heli gunner hits me as i smoke
    >character flinches
    >smoke round flies into heli and kills pilot
    >heli hits ground
    >everyone runs out
    >kill them
    >one was an engie
    >repair heli
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:54 No.119482404
    >playing bad company 2
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:54 No.119482485
    Does time spent playing co-op missions count toward that "time played" thing on the stats page?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:58 No.119482920
    To the faggots complaining about the Jet Nerf/Stinger Buff, when you are being tracked by a stinger/igla start flying away from the hotzones and deploy flares when the "missile incoming" tone is heard and then come back to the battlefield when new flares are ready(it's like a 5 second difference in flares now I think. If you DO get hit by a stinger/igla on Firestorm/Caspian Border, land the fucking Jet and repair it if you are an engie(they have landing gear for a fucking reason). Competent heli pilot/gunner tams should still have no problem.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)18:59 No.119483049
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:02 No.119483431
    Honestly, if there was a HUD element indicating a lock and an option to disable that noise, I wouldn't even mind. I hate hearing that fucking tone over BF3's otherwise nice sound design roughly 99% of the time I'm in the air.
    >> !Anoon./Lks 12/06/11(Tue)19:07 No.119483891
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    >Repairing transport chopper with very effective gunners
    >Vehicle repair is now capped at a certain amount of points
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:10 No.119484246
    Explain this capped repair shit.
    >> !Anoon./Lks 12/06/11(Tue)19:11 No.119484346
    Probably so you can't spam repair on someone's EOD bot for unlimited points.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:11 No.119484422
    exactly,its a military grade flashlight designed for blinding, this isn't the kind of light that your mom keeps in a closet next to the d batteries
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:14 No.119484700

    Also, how does the chat look now? >>119484422
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:15 No.119484814
    >the antenna falls on Caspian now

    worth the 4gigs
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:17 No.119485087
    >mfw i have to buy b2k

    i bought the LE on xbox. but then i upgraded my pc and got this and it rocks on pc. but the fucking map pack man. is there any way i can scam EA customer service/help chat and get them to give me a code?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:19 No.119485206
    its smaller, and in the top left, and you can toggle it
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:27 No.119486135

    its up now both on the psn store and in the in game store


    1.3 gigs, its hella slow at the moment when i started the download it said 300 minutes to go...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:28 No.119486255
    >Be australian
    >Download the patch
    >Takes around 10 minutes
    >Enjoy back to karkand

    What a great morning.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:29 No.119486300
    So much huttburt in the battlelog forums about the irnv fags. Ahahaha what's wrong? Has your crutches been sawed in half?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:34 No.119486897
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    >Enemy Mines are now visible on the minimap

    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:35 No.119486988
    how can you have NOT gotten the limited edition on pc

    its just any new PC copy

    as in, any pc copy at all
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:36 No.119487131
    Did they remove origin yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:37 No.119487173
    if spotted, yes ... if you are oblivious to your surroundings, they wont show up
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:38 No.119487329
    Holy shit I wish they would allow a Grenade Launcher attachment for the F2000, but noooo only fucking guns with underslung rails are allowed to have them.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:47 No.119488324
    I thought limited edition was only available when it came out...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:52 No.119488892

    That piece of shit doesn't need to be anymore OP than it already is.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:56 No.119489288
    >Get on server
    >CQ on Bazaar
    >Enemy Team has both LAV / BMP
    >My team is just huddled around spawn
    >enemy team is shelling and mortaring spawn into dust
    >CQ on Asspain border
    >Enemy team has 4 tanks. 4 TANKS, both attack helis, and is camping any vehicles that spawn with jets
    >we have 55 tickets vs their 292 tickets
    >constantly get onto awful fucking servers where I have to go off alone because of HORRIBLY incompetent players
    >go horribly negative each round
    >don't ever want to fucking play anymore because of copious amounts of rage each match evoke upon me

    God fucking damnit dude, why is it so fucking hard to land on a server where both teams are evenly competent and the enemy team isnt exploiting the FUCK out of anything?

    I almost don't want to fucking play this game anymore because I was so aggravated today. I literally got up, walked into my living room, and screamed at my cat as hard and loud as possible to keep myself from smashing my fucking PC.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:57 No.119489426
    not sure if you noticed but it's December

    your fotm game has no place on /v/ anymore
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)19:59 No.119489611

    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 12/06/11(Tue)19:59 No.119489663
    Team Deathmatch, it's the only thing aside from Operation Meatgrinder that I found enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:00 No.119489776
    Anyone else notice the mini map upgrades? Pretty nice touch.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:01 No.119489902

    You're not the only one. I gave up playing today because every server I got onto my team was losing and couldn't hold a single base to save it's life. I was in a Kharg Island and my entire team minus a friend and I were up north at Docks, and they were STILL losing it. That's 25 or so people at one fucking point, and not being able to hold it.

    Pathetic. Also, don't worry that you get so pissed. I broke my mouse because of an aimbotter who was probably red-boxing as well. Would turn corners and instantly head shot me in 2 shots with his AEK. Worst part was he was an admin, and the only admin on at the time.

    Punkbuster is a piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:03 No.119490078
    Server disconnected
    >> Anonymous 12/06/11(Tue)20:04 No.119490114

    PB has always been useless. If the game had been released we'd have VAC and wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit.
    >> Moose !!UzgADXuLlVV 12/06/11(Tue)20:04 No.119490183
    >Finally do well that one time on Rush/Conquest
    >Right before you win
    >Server Disconnected
    But if I do shit or places me on a losing team it just keeps me in.

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