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    File : 1322151744.jpg-(28 KB, 450x337, news_photo_1263487886[1].jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:22 No.117931669  
    Ubisoft employee says: "We've heard loud and clear that PC gamers are (not a good word) about there being no version for them," Mettra said to IncGamers. "But are these people just making noise just because there's no version or because it's a game they actually want to play? Would they buy it if we made it?"

    Mettra continued that if 50,000 PC players buy the game it's not worth the cost of putting a team of 12 on the project for three months. He continued, "It's hard because there's so much piracy and so few people are paying for PC games that we have to precisely weigh it up against the cost of making it."

    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:23 No.117931779
    But OP, what they said is true.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:25 No.117931954
    >thinking retail sales matter for pc
    Ubisoft is retarded and did not adapt.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:25 No.117931987
    What they said it true. How many threads do we have on here talking about pirating or how to pirate everything, and you always have edgy faggots in every thread talking about how they pirated the game.

    People who admit to pirating are most likely losers irl.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:26 No.117931989
    They treat PC gamers like a burden, like trash;
    They make us optional, an "if we have time" niche.
    They then wonder WHY WE PIRATE FROM THEM?!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:26 No.117932074
    Game is going to be a shitty A- TPS anyways, the whole thing got scaled back and cut
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:27 No.117932085
    Is there even a fanbase for this game on consoles?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:27 No.117932088
    It's Ubisoft. They would blame piracy for AIDS and the Holocaust if they could.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:27 No.117932122
    Fuck PC gamers anyway
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:27 No.117932136
    PC gamers will pirate it for their ipad so who cares
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:27 No.117932140
    I'll pirate it on console. What's the difference?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:28 No.117932232
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    >implying the holocaust ever happened
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:28 No.117932257
    they are seriously retarded , pay 6 code monkeys for 3 months is like 100g at most, they will make a min of several million dollars assuming they selling 50,000 copies for 30 bucks. if they weren't dumb they would do it only digital distribution so there would be ABSOLUTELY NO PRODUCTION COST.

    you would think that game companies of all people would be first to market with new distribution models. ubisoft is apparently still in the dark ages
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:29 No.117932277
    >make a game so bad that everyone who bought it gets a refund
    >blame piracy

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:29 No.117932285

    Dude, we pirate anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:29 No.117932289
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    >shit game thats never coming out isnt scheduled to come out for pc
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:29 No.117932354
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    >"We're not releasing the game on PC because you would just pirate it"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:30 No.117932381
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    This list says it's never coming out anyway
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:30 No.117932390
    No buddy, you're confusing cause and effect here. Remember when PC gaming was in it's golden age? It didn't always used to be like this. But with piracy steadily increasing, this is what happens. For fuck's sake, you hear about this with EVERY big game that gets released on the PC, and then you wonder why they treat you like shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:30 No.117932414
    I've yet to meet someone that pirated that wasn't a loser or ended up being a serious faggot

    so im glad
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:30 No.117932447
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    What if I admit to pirating it because 30 second gameplay teaser trailers aren't enough for me to base a 60 dollar purchase on?

    >Pirate game because demos aren't usually released.
    >Find game to be enjoyable.
    >Buy it.

    I don't even know why I bother trying to justify my piracy, none of you are going to believe me anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:31 No.117932476
    Its going to suck, don't you know not to trust Ubisoft by now. They fuck up everything
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:31 No.117932512
    Its a never ending cycle.

    People pirate because they treat PC gamers like shit.

    They treat PC gamers like shit because they pirate.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:31 No.117932528
    because people will always pirate, there will always be leeches, but people with a stick up their ass, who justify pirating with ass backwards reasons like ''yeah lets stick it to the big man xdxd 420 erry day xdxd'', example your faggot ass, it will breed more pirates, which will get more pirate leeches because pirating will become more easy

    pirating has no purpose

    just free games, no underlying morals, who cares if pc gaming is ''going to die'' there are always going to be those incredible fuck wagons who are all like ''ill buy 2 copies so the devs can profit! :3'' they reach nothing at all NOTHING AT ALL doing it

    if im growing out of videogames i might as well take everything down with me
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.117932556
    >so few people are paying for PC games

    Holy shit are they serious?

    Look at steam struggling to stay alive because people don't pay for PC games.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:32 No.117932613
    >Not watching playthroughs on YouTube

    If you're going to try to make excuses, at least fucking think them through.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:33 No.117932645
    During the golden age games like Counter strike where the most pirated games ever yet was the most sold game in that time.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.117932707
    >Portal 2 Sold the most units over Steam

    >Portal 2 sold over 2 million untis

    >Plenty of studies show consoles have just as much piracy as PCs

    >Skyrim toppled Modern Warfare 3 by a land slide in most user playing on Steam with over 200k players.

    >Publishers are still trying to convince them selves the PC platform is not worth it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.117932747
    PC gamers who try to justify piracy annoy me, this is coming from a guy who mainly plays on PC. I can understand people pirating because they want to get something for free, but to suggest that there's some kind of message behind piracy is just insulting.

    At this point we're just digging our own grave.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.117932774
    Sales figures:
    50,000*$30 = $1.5m

    Funds split to 12 person team:
    1,500,000/12 = 125,000

    Hourly wages at 40 hour/week for 3 months:
    125,000/(40*12) = $260

    $260/hour if done at no profit. Yeah, no room for money there at all. Dirty pirates!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.117932785
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    >Ubisoft doesn't think it can sell 50k on PC
    >basically admitting the game is a piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:35 No.117932853
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    >PC Gaming has been "Dying" for 7 years

    >Piracy has been a "Problem" for just as long despite sales getting progressively higher for the PC
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:35 No.117932862
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    Pirate here, I would pirate it if I really wanted to play it, because I can, and there's no consequences.

    As long as they don't do anything about piracy I will keep on pirating because It's easier and cheaper.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:35 No.117932866
    I'm talking about day one purchases. Also, most playthroughs are loaded with spoilers that will ruin the game before you even play it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.117932880
    The game looks like shit anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.117932911
    i remembered Silent hunter 5 DRM i became so sick of it i used a cracked version.
    Fuck Ubisoft
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.117932923

    >Years ago




    Im starting to think its just huttburt console kids
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.117932925
    Pirating has actually become easier than fucking buying games.
    >Buy game
    >Must install Steam
    >Must be online
    etc (and various combos of this)

    whilst with piracy you
    >copy crack

    Developers are fucking themselves up the ass, they should focus primarily on delivering quality material and if it is indeed so, the players will buy it. Sins of a Solar Empire is a good example, so is The Witcher 2.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:37 No.117932990
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    >PC gaming
    >Dying for 7 years
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:38 No.117933053
    >put draconian DRM on their games
    >lose 90% of their PC sales while their console sales don't take a noticeable drop or gain

    must be the work of those dang dirty pirates!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:38 No.117933099
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    My sympathy goes out for genuine PC gaming enthusiasts who purchase each and every game with the sweat of their brow, and the hard earned money they make.

    I'm sorry but it's true - PC gaming as a platform is suffering due to the ease of piracy on PC. I don't condemn people who pirate, nor do I sit on a morale high-horse, but you guys have to admit, piracy can and will take it's toll.

    You had it comin'.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:38 No.117933100
    >people pirate
    >make excuses
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.117933121
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    >sales getting progressively higher for the PC
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.117933123

    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.117933133
    >Have DRM that's notorious for being god-awful
    >Consistently release your games with it
    >Get them pirated to hell on PC

    The worst part is, console players will swallow this bullshit up.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.117933135
    So you're saying that installing a1 time program like steam is a lot of trouble?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.117933149

    you do know that not only the twelve people on the team are the only thing that has to be paid for, right?

    For example, they are all doing their work on computers, so what is going to pay for the computers, electricity for the building, the building itself. Little things like that add up to a lot in the end.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.117933168
         File1322152793.jpg-(13 KB, 320x240, laughingsimpsons.jpg)
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    >Ubisoft implements it's buttretarded police state DRM
    >PC gamers vote with their wallets, Ubisoft sales drop by 90% NINETY PERCENT
    >Ubisoft acts like a child and goes "i don't want to play with you guys anymore"
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:40 No.117933182
    No, nobody cared about it until they made this "Hurr durr pirates" claim.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:40 No.117933216
    >capable of making good games

    Even Assassins Creed is pretty mediocre by now.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:40 No.117933225
    Nobody cares about the game.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:40 No.117933236
    >pirates steal games
    >developers switch to consoles
    >PC gaming loses 1 publisher at a time
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.117933261
    >One version of the game requires you to constantly be connected to the internet. This server that requires authentication keeps crashing and generally making it a bitch to play a game you paid money with. It takes weeks for them to fix a fuck up in their system.

    >The other version is cracked. You don't have to deal with any of that bullshit.

    The smart person knows which version to get.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.117933276
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    his is just oozing with passive-aggressive analpain

    >acting like functioning adults

    you know the drill
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.117933301
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933349
    >Switch to consoles
    >Thinking that consoles weren't the lead platform from the beginning because it's easier to design a game around dated hardware.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933353
    We ran the numbers last night

    Selling the game at $30 would bring in $2 million before advertising etc.

    2 MILLION DOLLARS isn't a viable profit on a niche game. This is why the industry is doomed to repetition.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933354
    No idea what this is about. But /v/ is expecting me to be angry over the fact that it's not coming to PC.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933367

    Cry all you want, its true. There was even a chart with the total revenue's of consoles and PC and if PC's sales keep growing its going to outsell ALL of consoles by roughly 2013-2014
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933369
    What face? You idiot. It's true what so far they have said, PC Gamer pirate games.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933382
    >For example, they are all doing their work on computers, so what is going to pay for the computers, electricity for the building, the building itself.
    All these things have already been payed for. Well at least most of these things. And the game is already there, so that's no extra cost either.
    >> No it's not Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933406
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.117933448
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    >pirates on pc
    >mfw skyrim for xbox was on bitgamer weeks before release

    Also i had never heard of this game until i saw this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.117933467
    >The smart person knows which version to get.
    Yeah, the legal version and a crack.

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