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    File : 1322150001.png-(367 KB, 640x480, KrillinMarronAndroid18WMAT.png)
    367 KB Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:53 No.117929173  
    Hello /v/

    Bulma always has people over for bbq's and whatever

    Do you know what that means? It means Vegeta is there, making hamburgers. When Android 18 comes by, he has to take the patty from the grill, put it on a bun, and give it to her, the woman that kicked his ass and who he never had a rematch with.

    He has to make hamburgers for her. And behind her, sitting down, he sees Krillin, giving him a shitfaced grin

    This happens every week to Vegeta.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:55 No.117929403
    I missed the part with the video games. Is this some type of flash game on Newgrounds?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:57 No.117929562
         File1322150273.png-(716 KB, 1024x768, Satan&Buu.png)
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    Hercule come by too and he brings Majin Buu, another person that kicked Vegeta's ass and who he sacrificed his own life in vain to kill.

    And he eats a shitload of burgers.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:57 No.117929573
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)10:59 No.117929699
    It should be.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:00 No.117929805
    then why not sage the thread instead of bumping it to the front page, you fucking newfags
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:01 No.117929924
         File1322150514.jpg-(149 KB, 532x401, 191-99.jpg)
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    and then you have to think of Gohan, the 5 year old that made mince meat out of him on earth, who surpassed him in strength twice, who took away his wish of immortality by using it to summon back his jolly green jerkoff, standing there with his hands out grinning at him, that mud-blood saiyan who kicked seven shades of shit out of him asking him for more fried onion and hot sauce.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:03 No.117930017
         File1322150587.jpg-(33 KB, 559x568, 1321705583679.jpg)
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    DBZ is vidya
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:03 No.117930026
         File1322150594.jpg-(93 KB, 374x328, FUCK7.jpg)
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    >Vegeta's face when
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:03 No.117930061
         File1322150613.jpg-(26 KB, 360x270, 3827611_std.jpg)
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    And then he sees the little kids playing pretend fighting in the legendary super saiyan form, reducing this form to a mockery, spitting on all the suffering the saiyans got from Frieza from not being strong enough, the rape, the murders, the flesh burning, he sees it all, he's seen everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:04 No.117930123
    At least he isn't Yamcha OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:05 No.117930212
    And where's the daily dose?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:05 No.117930271
    Vegeta doesnt give it a shit
    he said Sorry to Gohan about Cell
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:06 No.117930296
    Vegeta is my favorite character. I would fuck him.

    but marry Goku
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:06 No.117930297
         File1322150776.jpg-(108 KB, 632x1208, Goku.jpg)
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    And don't forget Goku, who has kicked his ass before, beat him to the legendary Super Saiyan transformation and was always stronger than him no matter how much he trained. And the one rematch he got where he was jacked up on Babidi's power boost, Goku was holding back and playing with him to make him think he had a chance.

    And Goku can eat all of his burgers by himself.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:06 No.117930336
    Jesus. No wonder he's so angry all the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:07 No.117930390
    Also, to top it off, Vegeta's greatest rival, Goku, who has surpassed him countless times, and even turned super saiyan before the prince of saiyans even could, eats more burgers than all of them. This man, Goku, who is the fuel for most of Vegeta's hate, eats the most burgers like well oiled machine! He doesn't even bother to taste the damn things, he simply inhales hundreds of burgers at like a giant," Yea, I'm your daddy, bitch."

    In the end, Vegeta was always a beta like us all, and is simply projecting his anger on everyone else in an attempt to seem alpha. THIS is our fate, /v/. This is our fate.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:07 No.117930429
    I liked the episode where Goku was fighting Buu and Vegeta's all on the sidelines and the entire episode is him reflecting on he and Goku's rivalry and he finally makes peace with the fact that he (Goku) is just stronger and there's nothing he can do about it.

    Also, is Badman Vegeta playable in a game yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:09 No.117930563
    Well... at least vegeta isn't
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:09 No.117930585
         File1322150974.jpg-(10 KB, 200x210, garlic jr.jpg)
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    >get immortality
    >cannot be defeated
    >fight the Z fighters
    >kick their asses
    >suddenly! trapped in some shitty dimensional prison
    >fight the Z fighters again
    >open up gateway to dimensional prison
    >get trapped again

    What a retard
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:09 No.117930586
    time to ruin the thread with powerlevels, starting now

    if Goku went SSJ3 against Vegeta, Goku would have lost
    its stated many times Goku cant hold SSj3 for more than 5 minutes, fucking 10 mins at most without losing all his energy
    SSj3 Goku couldnt take SSj2 Vegeta down in 5 mins, Vegeta can take alot of damage
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:09 No.117930595
    That man is allowed to have whatever horrible facial hair he fucking wants. His life is suffering.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:09 No.117930612
    No, but Piccolo's driving school outfit and Gohan's school clothes are in Ultimate Butouden on the DS.

    Also, 18 has Launch's outfit as one of her secret costumes.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:12 No.117930850
    Vegeta doesn't use a barbeque to cook burgers, he just goes up to SSJ2 and Final Flash-cooks them.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:13 No.117930973
         File1322151218.jpg-(174 KB, 640x480, reported.jpg)
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    Video Games
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:14 No.117931019
    are you discussing the video game, shithead?

    no, you are discussing the shitty anime

    if you are going to talk about it, you could at least talk about how shit it is
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:14 No.117931075
    Vegeta rubs his dick on the burger and bun before he gives it to 18.

    On a semi-related note, what the fuck happened to Vegeta's pupils between the Cell and Buu sagas? They're tiny in the former and fucking huge in the latter.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:17 No.117931258
    Fine. We'll talk about video games (even though DBZ is a game franchise. Oh look, 4 Skyrim threads, a minecraft thread, and a Dark Souls thread on the front page. /v/ sure is fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:21 No.117931560
    On the bright side, he's married to a sexy (and rich) scientist who kept her good looks well into her fifties, while Goku and Gohan live like paupers in the sticks, and 18 and Krillin live on a tiny island out in the ocean with a perverted old man who is known for constantly trying to feel up anyone with breasts.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:21 No.117931632
         File1322151713.jpg-(52 KB, 509x572, you-seem-upset.jpg)
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    the anime gives a backstory to budokai
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:27 No.117932160
    Bulma has people over for BBQ's EVERY WEEK?
    Shit nigger, that's a lot of hamburgers. Mad love from New York Vegeta keep makin dem burgurz and dat BANK SAYIN BLUDD BABY R.I.P. BARDOCK
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:34 No.117932705
    I enthusiastically watched every episode of DBZ when I was younger all the way to the end of the Buu Saga.

    I've laughed out loud at all of these posts with the burgers and shit Vegeta has to put up with.

    Not just a chuckle, but a hearty laughter, upon reading each one. I've saved this all in a text document.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:35 No.117932838
    I wonder how many cows are killed for bulma's BBQs
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.117932873
         File1322152566.png-(3 KB, 180x190, goku face body.png)
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    Someone needs to drawfag the fuck out of this thread.


    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.117932920

    Christ I hope your hands come off in a glazier accident, your mouth too.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:36 No.117932944
    She just gathered up the dragon balls and wished for infinite burgers.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:37 No.117932994
         File1322152656.jpg-(235 KB, 584x517, walk the dinosaur.jpg)
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    >implying they aren't made out of dinosaurs
    Did you NOT see Gohan tear that one fucker's tail up and eat it?

    Shit like that is all over the DB/DBZ world, hell, more so DB, but that doesn't mean they vanished in DBZ.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:38 No.117933074
         File1322152715.gif-(1.56 MB, 320x240, look at it.gif)
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    >Buy Ultimate Tenkaichi
    >Neat to create a character
    >Get bored within a week
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:38 No.117933076
    >kill a shitload of cows
    >use dragon balls to wish cows back to life
    >rinse and repeat
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:39 No.117933151
         File1322152781.png-(289 KB, 540x303, Fuck6.png)
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    >Not just wishing for infinite burgers
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:40 No.117933187
         File1322152806.png-(13 KB, 333x333, good morning crono.png)
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    Needs more of this.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:40 No.117933227
    Bulma always has people over for dubz
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.117933292


    more like DUBZ

    check em
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.117933322
    not if you consider GT to be cannon. Then krillan lives with roshi on an island where they beat each other off daily.

    18 had apparently left him and took their daughter with her.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:41 No.117933343
         File1322152918.jpg-(154 KB, 933x554, hellsing eyes alucard.jpg)
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    Why did you remind me of this.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933365
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    >not getting doubles
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.117933388
    Uh, no. They just went shopping, you tard.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:43 No.117933436


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