How often do you wash your computer, /v/?
inb4 computer in fish tank.
>not keeping your hardware in its own aquarium>2011
My CPU wont fit into its place no matter how hard I try.What should I do?
retards, it'll short circuit if you put in water and not work
That time again huh?
>>116901889howe the actual fuck did that happen?
Is this a proper way to clean my laptop?
>this kills the hardware.jpg
You don't need to wash it, just keep it in the fridge for a while.
>>116901971Ever heard of mineral oil?>2011>Not keeping your kittens in the computer case.ISHYGDDT
Why is this horrifying me more then gorespam?
It hurts to even look at.
>>116901971You just don't know how to wash it properly.
Jesus christ.
>/g/'s Nightmare.jpg
>>116902030Good god.
>>116901846Holy electrical hazard batman.
This thread is god tier
I usually take it in the shower with me when I wash so twice a day.