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    File : 1320790648.gif-(33 KB, 627x264, Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-3-logo-627x2(...).gif)
    33 KB MW3 Multiplayer: My Take Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)17:17 No.116412136  
    I know this game is pretty much universally hated on here, but you know what? I'm enjoying myself.

    Yes, it is a lot like Modern Warfare 2, but my god does this game handle so much better than that clunk piece of shit Black Ops. Treyarch is god awful.

    I know you're all mad, and most of you prefer Battlefield 3, but I didn't enjoy myself with it. I'm not saying it's a bad game at all (though I won't ever touch another EA game again thanks to Origin), but I guess I enjoy my shootan in Dooty more. Everything feels responsive, the perks feel balanced, and they added an interesting tweak to the killstreaks. The normal kills-without-dying exist, but they have a support role where your kills will carry over even if you die, but the streaks you earn are things that help your team: like Advanced UAVs, ballistic vests, SAM turrets, etc.

    I'm sure the campaign is a Michael Bay action adventure with cut scenes and mustaches, but I'll get to that later. Besides, 4chan defended BF3's campaign being a glitchy corridor shooter with QTEs by saying nobody cared about the campaign.

    Continue to hate, and to shun, and to flame, but know I actually feel justified in my purchase...the standard edition. No way in hell am I paying more than $60 for a shooter.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)17:19 No.116412344
    We don't care, bro. It's pretty well established that some people like Modern Warfare and are going to buy and enjoy it. Life goes on. Skyrim and Skyward Sword are coming out; we have to dedicate our resources to flaming them before we all buy them.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)17:20 No.116412467
    The campaign is pretty fun. It's so OTT and AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!

    The MP feels more like CoD4 so far. They've toned down the speed and the maps seem okay, so far. The weapons don't seem as fucking awesome as they did in MW2, but I've only used the M4, M16 and SCAR-L.

    I'm enjoying it.

    Coming from someone with a +30 Win/Loss on Battlefield 3, I feel like I have less impact towards winning a game (due to shitty teammates) in this than I do in BF.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)17:23 No.116412825
    >Yes, it is a lot like Modern Warfare 2, but my god does this game handle so much better than that clunk piece of shit Black Ops.
    I have no programming experience.

    I could make a better game than Treyarch.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)17:25 No.116413131
    How much is Activision paying you to say all this because I want a cut.

    I'll say anything for money.

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