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  • Server migration complete. New hardware brought online should make things noticeably faster. Enjoy!

    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320750638.jpg-(38 KB, 507x388, Battlefield3_official.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:10 No.116354750  
    How many hours have you played Bf3? Are you getting bored yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:18 No.116355369
    16 hours
    a little bit
    >> Plazzed !!+QhH8qYG61+ 11/08/11(Tue)06:19 No.116355432
    36h 45m

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:20 No.116355460
    bored? nope
    buttfrustrated sometimes? yes
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:20 No.116355494
    I played maybe 10 minutes of the beta. Seemed like a pretty fun game.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:21 No.116355551
    115+ hours

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:22 No.116355609
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:22 No.116355613
    24 hr 19m

    I really want to enjoy this game. But it doesn't want me to.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:22 No.116355643
    Uhhh, about 15 I think.

    The last 10 times I've played it I alt-F4'd out, punched my keyboard and swore I would never touch the pile of shit again.
    >> Matthew 11/08/11(Tue)06:22 No.116355669
    at 50+ hours Q: do i get bored A: yes honnestly and then i find a Bro and shits back on like the moment i first started MP
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:23 No.116355689
    45 hours so far and working on rank 47 or so, had 650 in BC2.

    Had a funny run in yesterday

    >Faggot spamming chat with "wtf" and "u chetr" for 3 maps
    >finally tell him to eat a dick
    >he gets mad and spams me about how im max rank and have no life
    >tell him hes probably played more than me
    >he gets mad and keeps yelling
    >I check his profile
    >hes played 48 hours and is only rank 24, 21 ranks lower than me
    >ridicule him over this
    >he leaves the server 30 seconds later
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:23 No.116355718
    why did you only play for ten mins if you thought it was fun?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:24 No.116355786
    About 6 hours.

    Juts realized the IR is overpowered as fuck. The only issue I have in the game is getting killed by people I can't see. Now, I hardly ever die. Constantly 10-1 kdr.

    Getting bored of it now.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:24 No.116355844
    I simply didn't have the time to play it beyond that. Real life got in the way. Plus I'm not really keen on betas.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:25 No.116355893
    >u had to go and look up his stats in order to get a succesfull comeback

    Swap teams and snipe the fucker from 900m next time.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:25 No.116355905
    47H 10M,no I am not bored.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:25 No.116355907
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    41 hours

    Not bored at all, though I'm looking forward to the new maps. Played BF2 a lot back in the day.

    Even 41 is more hours than I can get out of most modern games though.

    >inb4 CoD vs. BF
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:25 No.116355923
    wow 115 hours? Ive seen quite alot of high lvl players. Idk how people do it. How do you play 115 hours in 2 weeks, i get bored after a couple of hours and i consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:26 No.116355934
    About an hour. Probably less.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:26 No.116355996
    >Damavand peak attacking
    >at the jump
    >Defenders in the little bird raping our shit
    >he drops down fairly far to avoid rpgs and starts ascending straight up
    >fire an rpg down at him to harass him
    >jump off
    >rpg impacts the front windshield and kills the pilot and passenger but doesnt blow up the heli
    >heli falling to the ground
    >think to myself how sexy it would be to steal the heli mid fall
    >Manage to just barely get into the heli before it crashes into the ground and kills me

    so close man.... oh well
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:26 No.116355998
    >i get bored after a couple of hours and i consider myself a pretty hardcore gamer.

    hate to break it to you bro but you sound like an utter casual
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/08/11(Tue)06:26 No.116356002
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    Took this about two days ago, tacked on another couple of hours.

    It's gotten pretty boring. I entertain myself by grenade-spamming 64 man metro meatgrinder servers.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:27 No.116356027

    Not at all, playing with 8+ friends at a time makes any game fun really.

    And BF3 is a solid game albeit not the best in the franchise but it's still good.

    I think the biggest problem is only 3 of the maps are SORT OF in the same vein as BF2 and before.

    Majority of the maps are smaller scale infantry + IFV and MBT maps.

    It's still too small scale, here's to hoping Karkand pack improves on that.
    >> M. 11/08/11(Tue)06:27 No.116356064
    Somewhere over 12 hours. Not in one sitting, of course, but it's been keeping me awake for the last few hours nonetheless. It's a lot of fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:28 No.116356128
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    The guy at the top of the leaderboard is at 186 hours.

    I don't know what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:28 No.116356140

    I actually asked him to go look because i was fairly certain we had near the same time played.

    Im pretty sure he had no idea what battle log was so I did it myself and got some lols out of it. He started saying there was no way I could see time played and shit.

    I love making people angry
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:29 No.116356168
    I sold it, not my cup of tea.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:29 No.116356169
    Almost 28H. Getting only a wee bit bored, as in I'm not have the same feeling of awe that I had in my first hours of the game.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:29 No.116356216
    >Still a shitty player

    Bravo guy at the top of the leaderboards.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:30 No.116356257
    28 hours.
    I'm not bored of it, but I will stop playing it temporarily due to MW3, Skyrim, Assassins Creed Revelations, and Halo: CE.
    I'll be set on games for a while...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:31 No.116356318
    28 hours, I haven't played it at all in the past 2 days, so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:31 No.116356324

    Nope, although I do ragequit if I'm playing alone sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:31 No.116356347
    Played it for a bit, it's not really my thing.
    Sold it and bought MW3.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:32 No.116356364
    >46 hours played
    >690 spm (no engie boosting)
    >3.3 W/L
    >3.4 K/D

    I can only play in short bursts due to rage. People in the game are SO FUCKING STUPID that I just cant take it.

    Its like they have no idea what mcomms are, where they are, how to work them, and they spawn without weapons. I find myself commonly going something like 40-10 when the rest of my team is 9-15.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:32 No.116356386
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    >Play a round where I'm using a MAV to direct support squadbro MGS-style
    >C4 traps and knife kills everywhere

    Shit with pub players, best MP game in years with bros.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:32 No.116356395
    39h. Not even slightly bored.

    The problem I have is that playing with friends is so much MORE fun than playing solo, that I have stopped playing solo.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:32 No.116356404
    Too much like cod / bc2. kind of a shame, was hype as fuck for this thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:32 No.116356408
    I got about 31hrs, my play time kinda slowed after discovering IR scope and the game started getting boring realising hiding doesn't work and too easy to find people and kill them.
    >> Salad !xAXsisdlss 11/08/11(Tue)06:34 No.116356504
    hectic month for releases, I'm kind of glad theres a gap between release and the BF2 maps

    ~24 hours
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:34 No.116356506
    70 hours, gameplay I enjoy. Maps are shit, gonna be skyrim till b2k is here.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:34 No.116356509
    0h, teh disk won't read on my shitty ps3,
    fucking error codes sony pretends to not even know exist.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:34 No.116356517
    Fuck off ponyscum
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:34 No.116356550
    like 38 hours. doesn't give me the same rush as COD :/
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:36 No.116356631
    im going back later.

    MW3 releasing is going to remove some of the terrible players.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:36 No.116356640
    Every night since release

    so like around 60 hours
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:37 No.116356674
    Probably around 20. Bored to fucking tears.

    The campaign is pure ass. The co-op is just as bad, only now it's with an equally bored friend, and the multiplayer is just CoD with tanks.

    It seems to be missing a lot of fun (for me). There's rarely any moments where you do something awesome and go 'FUCK YEAH!'. Everything's too easy. People die in an instant, vehicles are easy as fuck to get rid of, and unlocks make the game easier and easier.

    BC2 was a lot more fun. Better weapons, better maps, better game flow.

    Opinions of course, before someone tells me fun is a buzzword.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:37 No.116356700
    33 hours, rank 26
    Still fun
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:38 No.116356748

    Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:38 No.116356768

    >BC2 was a lot more fun. Better weapons, better maps, better game flow.

    You can avoid being called a faggot by saying this is your opinion but....

    You are retarded if you think thats true.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:39 No.116356852
    not really sure... im going off from BF3 for awhile until i max out my character in DCUO.. just gonna play it now and then.. until return to karkand comes out then i'll be on it again.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:40 No.116356900
    >operation meatgrinder
    >be recon
    >literally spend the whole match trying to run people over with the MAV
    >mfw i do it

    im trying to record enough footage to make a montage or something to bad there is no battle recorder
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:41 No.116356983
    Something like 7.

    MAH CAZAN and myself play almost all our MP vidya together but hes a few years younger and has school exams, I don't want to play too much while he can't cos we own BF when we play together and have ridiculous amounts of fun. So when schools done me and him will be playing a ton.
    >> M. 11/08/11(Tue)06:43 No.116357084
    >People die in an instant
    Yeah, the soldiers are pretty fragile. They can't take a lot of damage. But that's how it was in BF2 too.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:43 No.116357114
    38 hours. Still as fun as ever. Especially now thay I hace shotgun slugs.
    Protip for people who dont find it fun: play with a friend or two. No friends? Theres tons of battlebros on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:43 No.116357116
    16 h 45 m

    im pretty bored with it, just another military shooter striving for realism and on the process loosing some of the fun...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:45 No.116357219
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    >using the IRNV

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:47 No.116357392

    I use the IRNV because I know my opponents do. I hope it gets nerfed because it's pretty insane.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:47 No.116357401
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    >not using the IRNV

    Let me guess, you whine ingame every time you die to someone using it. BAWW NO ONE WILL PLAY USING MY RULES BAWW.

    Yeah its op, it needs to be removed, but not using it makes you a little girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:48 No.116357455
    40 hours, not really, but I rage at my team all the time, it was kills most online games for me.

    Most people are fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:49 No.116357513

    >1 D
    >Means do this
    >Not Don't Do this

    Read his post again.


    I use what looks cool, NV scopes on everything gets boring, so I mix it up a lot.
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/08/11(Tue)06:50 No.116357559
    I use the holo scope. IRNV users are incredibly easy to knife, they sit there scanning the area while I either just shoot them, knife them, or c4 them.

    Holo scope sights in faster and doesn't occlude the rest of your field of view.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:51 No.116357663

    >they sit there scanning the area

    You mean bad players do that, not ALL IRNV users.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:53 No.116357761
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    Id be playing this game more if I didnt start getting panic attacks out of the blue when I was at Uni. Literary the day before I got it, random panic attack.

    So yeah I cant really play it because it just fucks me up, cant really play any game right now or I freak out.
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/08/11(Tue)06:53 No.116357776
    Even against good players, all you have to do is close distance and sprint. Blacking out the rest of your fov is absolutely fatal in close range fights, all I do is jump past them and shoot while they spin around looking for the gigantic green blob that flashed through their sight.

    There are only two areas the IRNV is worth a damn in

    -the dark buildings in Firestorm because someone wearing the special ops black camo is completely invisible inside them
    -Forest node (C) in Caspian because there's a ridiculous amount of visual clutter

    Everywhere else, western holo sight is strictly better.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:55 No.116357895
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    Panic attacks?

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:55 No.116357904

    Whatever you say man, you are playing against bad players and think its due to the scope.

    The IRNV is useful on every single map in every single location, it is the absolute best scope in the entire game.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)06:57 No.116358000
    35 hours of MP. 75 if you consider alpha+beta+campaign.
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/08/11(Tue)06:59 No.116358165
    I've loaded the IRNV on the weapons I use (AN94, PDW-R, G36C, SKS), to test them. I find it encourages passive play (slowly moving and sweeping) as opposed to sprinting nonstop and watching for movement. This is fine on the SKS but counterproductive on the other classes, and playing Recon is for morons anyway
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:01 No.116358249

    If you use your scope to look for movement you are doing it all wrong. Nothing is stopping you from playing the exact same way with the IRNV as any other scope.

    Like I said, this isnt my opinion, the IRNV is the best scope in the game and is vastly OP and needs to be removed.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:01 No.116358266

    >it encourages passive play

    You assume the scope makes the player. Personally I find it the most fantastic one because it allows you to scan the entire area instantly instead of having to look if there are enemies hiding in the bushes. Thus with the IRNV it's possible to also play a lot more actively. The enemy doesn't even have to move for you to detect him.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:01 No.116358267
    Are you playing on console? How the fuck can you just jump past someone when they are aiming in your direction and not just get shot to shit. The people you are playing with must be terrible.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:03 No.116358411
    48 hours.

    I change my kit and weapons every match so no. I have yet to play Rush so if I ever feel like it, I'll switch up to that.

    We usually nuke the forest so there are no more trees.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:03 No.116358430
    29h 9m
    Playin with buddies is so much more fun than playin solo
    Got my Engi service star last night, feels good man
    also, 140 knife kills! WOOO!
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/08/11(Tue)07:04 No.116358460
    You watch for movement while unscoped, then scope in on moving targets. This means the sight that is the fastest is the best - the holo sight.

    Through being a better player.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:06 No.116358599
    You are going it wrong, you can play in exactly the same way as any other scope you just gain the benefit of seeing everyone where ever they are and what ever they are doing.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:06 No.116358605

    Are you trolling or just ignorant? You can play the same way with the IRNV and do 10x better and never get killed by someone hiding in a corner.

    Maybe you are the reason why I have a 3.4 K/D with the IRNV, easy kills from kids who think they are special.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:06 No.116358643
    Anyone else prefer BC2?

    Maybe it's the maps. The BF3 maps kinda suck to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:07 No.116358676
    15 hours 30 mins.

    I'm not bored of the game, but I'm bored of crashing and studdering every time I play.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:07 No.116358729

    No. BF3 has

    >Better maps (still shittily designed, but better than BC2)
    >Better hit reg
    >Better weapons
    >Better vehicles
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:08 No.116358795
    ps3fag here, I prefer BC2 much more.

    Might not even continue playing BF3 after Karkand releases and the aim 'sway' doesn't get patched. I can't take the Killzone controls, and I've stopped playing it, even though lowering its resolution has helped in that department.
    >> M. 11/08/11(Tue)07:10 No.116358895
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    I've started using a light machine gun with an infrared scope, a grip and a suppressor to snipe people with. Pic very related.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:10 No.116358924
    > it encourages slowly moving and sweeping as opposed to sprinting nonstop

    It encourages people to play how they should. IRNV confirmed for best FPS addition EVER.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:12 No.116359079
    Isn't the IRNV only 1x zoom though? I've got it unlocked, never used it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:12 No.116359088
    I've played 36 hours and 2 minutes.

    Not bored at all, though I don't play for hours straight.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:13 No.116359105
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    >lone enemy running down the street
    >preparing to ambush him
    >mfw this actually happens and I fucked up and no one died
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:15 No.116359280
    IRNV should be made a sniper scope with x7-8 so it is more of a recon thing for spotting and shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:16 No.116359382

    Or they should just make it so that it's more blinding in daylight.

    Now you can literally see better than with the naked eye if you point it towards the goddamn sun itself.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:18 No.116359481
    smoke some weed or take a xanax or something bro
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:18 No.116359518
    Yes, it is essentially an assault scope like a RDS or Holo apart from no one can hide from you but it has a slight scope sway which you can remove for a short time holding sprint like sniper scopes. For close to mid that doesn't matter though.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:19 No.116359547
    I'd be alot more bored and less frustrated if I could get it to stop freezing during map changes, OP. All that being said, I'm going to find the nearest to empty server I can find one of these days and practice with the helicopters and jets, as I have lost all skill with them since BF2
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:19 No.116359570
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    >Play only 20 hours so far
    >18 with Type 88 LMG
    >2 with M249
    >Same killcount with both
    >My face when I realized how powerful the M249 is.

    Is the M249 the best? Or does the 240 beat it?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:20 No.116359665
    I've got 39 hours, almost 40
    and on level 43, finding it boring cause i don't have many friends to play it with, and the ones i do play it with don't really help all that much and are baffled at my 630spm
    which isn't all that high compared to some people who play
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:21 No.116359683
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    >read BF3 threads on /v/
    >get stoked to play a bit
    >get buttfrustrated in 0.3 seconds on a 64-player clusterfuck server

    How do I stop it?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:22 No.116359745
    IR works fine in daylight. Light Amplification is what doesn't work and blinds you in day light
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:22 No.116359746

    >>Better hit reg

    Nope. BF3's hit-reg is atrocious.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:22 No.116359781

    249 comes out ahead in most cases.

    The 240 has some beastly vertical recoil that can be kinda tough to use, even with a foregrip.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:23 No.116359815
    24hrs, 12 on xbox and 12 on pc
    nowhere close to bored
    I work too much, i wanna sit a home and play all day like my wow days fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:23 No.116359819
    Sniping != spotting. . .

    The reward for spotting should be bigger.

    Tried it yesterday, bro with recon drone, me with mortar. I made more than 10x his score, constantly.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:23 No.116359827
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:23 No.116359848
    ~30 hours

    Only rank 26, I suck at score/minute. Cant seem to get over 358, and now I'm down to 348.

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:25 No.116359957
    >The reward for spotting should be bigger.

    Yes. In BFBC2 a kill was 50 and a spot was 10.
    Spotting is still only 10, with an extra 20 only if you use the MAV.
    >> M. 11/08/11(Tue)07:25 No.116359959
    It's not that bad from my experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:26 No.116360015

    Hitreg is shit in BF3.

    That sniper co-op mission demonstrates it pretty well.

    >"Hurr, runner!1"
    >proceed to shoot the fucker in the face multiple times
    >doesn't register

    Fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:26 No.116360037
    Support only has two good guns: M27 and M60
    although M249 with foregrip-silencer-IRNV is pretty neat.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:27 No.116360096
    I played 1 hour in the beta and yes I was bored.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:29 No.116360225
    That is besides the point. The point was that IRNV would and already is good for spotting, making it x7-8 makes it so only recons with sniper rifles will really use it. Yes spotting should provide a bigger bonus at least for Recon.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:29 No.116360230
    That's just because you can only hit them after 1-2 seconds.
    It's the same as the doors you can't open whenever you want - shitty scripting
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:30 No.116360245
    >Damavand peak Conquest
    >gettin rolled
    >whole enemy team in the tunnel corridors
    >Park the armoured transport outside it
    >get on gun
    >5 kills in 10 seconds
    >hear engin
    >guy gets into transport
    >drives transport into tunnels
    >gets blown up by tank 20 seconds later
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:30 No.116360296
    32 hours on the Battlelog.
    Fairly bored of it, well at least it held up better than MW3 which lasted me 4 hours.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:31 No.116360356
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    >steal enemy LAV
    >BMP got stuck trying to go down the platforms
    >give him a nudge with my vehicle
    >mfw he thanks me

    A little thanks goes a long way. Made feel like the prettiest gal in town.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:32 No.116360379
    I thought the M60 was shit. I just ended up thinking it was more of a legacy gun, like hey look I have an M60 everyone knows what an M60 is. I liked the M240 though, not really sure which I prefer out of M240 and M249
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:32 No.116360418
    Do you get to customize your players appearance and clothes in bf3?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:33 No.116360497
    slightly, you unlock cammo options
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:35 No.116360578
    There are (unlockable) camo options, but appearances; nope. US Assault stays being black gorilla meathead.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:35 No.116360580
    Sort of. There are camo unlocks. Pretty stupid really as you don't even see it. Hardly makes a difference with other people as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:35 No.116360583
    I have bad anxiety

    >that feel bro
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:35 No.116360598
         File1320755715.jpg-(28 KB, 500x333, 1.jpg)
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    >Unlock MAV
    >First round
    >Get 34 Surveillance Ribbons
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:35 No.116360612
         File1320755730.gif-(54 KB, 361x365, 1279452693513.gif)
    54 KB
    >mfw i finally unlock air radar
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/08/11(Tue)07:37 No.116360700
    Spec Ops Black is the only one that matters, and it's broken as shit on some maps.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:37 No.116360711
    if they made an online fps with fully customizable clothes and all that stuff that would be badass. honestly wtf are they thinking
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:37 No.116360713
         File1320755837.jpg-(33 KB, 604x453, 1272304389634.jpg)
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    >mfw it tracks ground vehicles as well
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:37 No.116360725
    42H, and yes. Everything but IFVs, jets and recon is maxed out.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:38 No.116360774
    My fellow jet pilots, what do you think is the best way to get other jets off your ass if your wingman is an incompetent moron?

    Also, the great debate, radar or stealth?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:38 No.116360832
    >use MAV in operation meatgrinder
    >glitch through wall at main chokepoint
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:39 No.116360857

    Slow down, or try a Pugachev's Cobra if you want to be flashy about it.

    Stealth, because it's easy to see jets that don't have blue symbols above them.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:39 No.116360859
    radar, i win every single dogfight.
    but im wondering what weapon to use
    >> Trippin 11/08/11(Tue)07:39 No.116360881
    18h so far. Not bored at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:39 No.116360887
    >not being able to create your own lan server to fuck around in
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:40 No.116360929
         File1320756023.jpg-(22 KB, 500x363, 1269963512231.jpg)
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    >Using P90
    >Spray entire mag at an engineer
    >Hit him
    >He turns around
    >2 shots me with SCAR-H
    >3% life
    Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:40 No.116360947
    battlefieldemulator DOT com
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:40 No.116360968
    0 hours.

    I have my copy sat on my desk, however I'm waiting for a couple of PC parts to arrive before I can actually play it.

    I refuse to play BF3 on my Xbox too, so it's a waiting game -_-
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:41 No.116360986
    70 hours+. A little burnt, mostly waiting for a good few patches. All i want is a higher player cap, bigger maps and better hit reg and net code. Fuck weapons or anything else. Just those. bigger and smoother. Just how i like my cock.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:41 No.116360995
    If he wasn't even facing you, why didn't you take the time to just aim properly?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:41 No.116361015
    How is the M60 /v/?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:42 No.116361037
    p90 is ass beyond 30 meters. Pure ass. Almost as bad as AN94 ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:42 No.116361055
    one of the worst things you can do with panic disorder is start to avoid situations in which you've had a panic attack before.

    1/3 of all people with panic disorder have agoraphobia because they whittled the number of things they could feel completely safe doing down to going to the toilet and laying in bed.

    Panic attacks can be beaten and avoided, even as you feel them coming on. You have to start by not being afraid and knowing that it's entirely possible to defeat a panic attack.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:42 No.116361059
    good pilot wont lose you, radar for dogfights, stealth for a10
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:42 No.116361061
    11. Feels like i'm just scratching the surface
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:42 No.116361091
    For other jets, main gun all the way. For now use rocket pods for ground attack, at least unti; they actually make the guided missle useful
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:43 No.116361120
         File1320756197.jpg-(11 KB, 186x231, 1314315632718.jpg)
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    >be well rounded good at most shooters
    >play BF3
    >be medic
    >that feel when you're actually doing really well and healing/reviving the shit out of your team, and bro-oping with another medic and reviving each other
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:43 No.116361151
         File1320756219.jpg-(94 KB, 800x800, 1270130862491.jpg)
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    >Counter mortar mortarfags on Seine Crossing
    >Launch one
    >Pick up
    >3 million explosions at my previous position
    >Rinse repeat
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:44 No.116361198
         File1320756270.jpg-(55 KB, 591x340, bad.jpg)
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    I'm bad at this game. Just look at that fucking SPM. And my K/D is just above 1. Barely. I spend way too much time running between flags.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:45 No.116361241
    I played it for 12 and I'm already bored of it.

    I want silly shooters like Quake and Timesplitters back.
    >> Hammerknife !7ITukp3Pj2 11/08/11(Tue)07:45 No.116361244
    There's a retarded bug with the mortar where it flashes on the minimap as an unoccupied vehicle (white) before disappearing. If you're watching the area you can mortar the guy before he even gets a shot off.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:47 No.116361385
         File1320756421.jpg-(167 KB, 800x503, 1320705541028.jpg)
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    Pop quiz: What counters mortars?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:47 No.116361443
    God i love this, so many people don't understand how a mortar works. Shoot and scoot. I end up getting more kills counter mortaring than mortaring people in the field. They get mad as fuck as well. Flak vest helps for close calls.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:47 No.116361457
    Another mortars.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:47 No.116361460
    This game is shit MW3 is better
    >> Plazzed !!+QhH8qYG61+ 11/08/11(Tue)07:48 No.116361481

    More mortars.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:48 No.116361503
    Rank 29 i'm a bit tired of the maps but i'm really stoked on the new one's coming out. Maybe in the future when I unlock everything I want but so far i'm still having fun and getting sucked into the game. Also have a female friend who plays with me so she keeps me company and makes it more enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:49 No.116361549
         File1320756556.jpg-(50 KB, 719x698, elaine.jpg)
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    >Heavy Barrel
    >spot a guy 200m away
    >spray wildly in his general direction
    >enemy killed

    >spot one guy making lone assault on C in Caspian Border
    >chase after him as he runs past some rocks
    >he gets to the flag as I start to open fire
    >I have to reload
    >he fires back
    >throw grenade
    >he kills me
    >his whole squad pops out of his ass
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:49 No.116361556
    what is, Another mortar, a knife to the back, silencers and not camping like a faggot alex.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:49 No.116361584
    >see enemy
    >put two entire clips into his head at point blank range
    >think to myself maybe its a teammate??
    >nope he kills me
    >go back to him
    >put few more clips into his head
    >grenade him
    >finally rpg him for the kill

    The game is incredible, but how can bugs like this get through, probably one of the most retarded moments ever...

    then again why should i be suprised BFBC2 had a common bug where the final screen said you lost even when you won. how fucking retarded do you have to be to spot that and not fix it? I program flash games, and thats a reaaaaaall fuckin simple code there
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:49 No.116361601
         File1320756596.jpg-(22 KB, 450x315, 1298608995568.jpg)
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    >mfw DICE could've put all of the BF2 maps in BF3 & it would've been awesome
    >they could've put in the old weapons too.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:50 No.116361649
    84 hours and no. I am still discovering things i didnt know. For example you can prone under tanks, plant c4, wait for the tank to pass and blow them up. You can clim on top of Humvees and shoot everyone inside or throw a nade, jump back down, run and enjoy the explosion.

    Yesterday i was playing on Caspian and a jet fire the 2 missiles at me, one of them hit, disabled my jet and i positioned myself in a way that when i jumped i got in on my squads chopper in mid air.

    And not a single freaking way for me to save this. I wish this had a replay mode.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:50 No.116361658
         File1320756647.jpg-(71 KB, 1021x1027, 1304210663208.jpg)
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    Well that's what they're doing. Along with a few of the weapons and vehicles.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:51 No.116361722
         File1320756718.jpg-(37 KB, 429x410, 1295949218338.jpg)
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    >mfw i've only put a few hours into it and am already back to bad company 2
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:52 No.116361738
    15 hours and got bored, the game is kinda shit, they could have done so many things with it but they just decided to go with Bad Company 2 with few cool gimmicks tagged on it.

    Now that I think about it, I enjoyed BC2 a fuck ton more and played it over 300 hours too.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:52 No.116361765
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    Should've done it from the start.
    >mfw BF3 version of Dragon Valley
    it will never happen
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:52 No.116361770
         File1320756748.jpg-(9 KB, 137x315, Untitled.jpg)
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    Still a lot of fun!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:52 No.116361795

    are you shooting people through the roof the humvee? and where are you throwing a nade? I tried nading a humvee ones but it didn't do much except vehicle damage
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:53 No.116361820
    My finest Bf3 moment.
    >Hardcore server. Seines Crossing
    >halfway through the game, we are losing badly
    >We have 100 tickets or so, they have 250 and 4/5 points capped.
    >enemy is making a push for A, me and a buddy get in the tank, i roll all the way down the street turn and see the entire enemy team on the left side of the road. ALL OF THEM.
    >26 kills in less than 10 seconds.
    HMG is a rape machine and it has no lube. Downside is even with the entire team dead my team is incompetent as fuck and still didn't cap a single point.
    >> Lobster 11/08/11(Tue)07:53 No.116361822
    30 hours or so in. Definitely not bored, but frustated at servers that disable revives.

    Also, it's hilarious to hear the mad of people when someone (like me) has the CITV station for tanks. It's a mobile SOFLAM that is impossible to detect. It's amazing on Caspian Border with active jets, AA and guided shells.


    >Canister shells
    >Thermal Optics

    I can feel your mad, gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:53 No.116361831

    I wonder is they ported every single level from BC2, including destruction, how the game would hold up? I kinda think the maps are to blame for the CCD'ness.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:53 No.116361855

    Exactly the same. After 40 heres i am already bored out of my freaking mind. I have 312 hours in BC2 and i still have fun with it. Lets see if the BTK makes it better.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:53 No.116361869
    >dem sniper only servers on that map
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:54 No.116361888
    Having fun. On a break right now because I had a rash of matches against hackers though.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:54 No.116361895
    around 20, I can't see myself continuing to play for much longer, no real reason to stay.

    Maybe if the players weren't so shit at teamwork
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:54 No.116361906

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:54 No.116361916

    Shooting through the roof. You can throw nades inside too.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:54 No.116361937
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:55 No.116361946
    operation metro, grand bazaar, and damavand peak are worse than the infantry focused maps in bc2 wtf guys wtf
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:55 No.116361960
         File1320756911.jpg-(153 KB, 1079x670, end table hacker.jpg)
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    you ain't seen shit
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:55 No.116361974
    I got bored when I unlocked all the guns and realized what a shitty community it has.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:55 No.116361983
    how do you people dodge heat seekers? I can never get determine where they are coming from to dodge them.

    also, how the fuck do I get jets off me, this faggot was just floating in the air almost stalling just pointing his AtA missiles at me and I had to spend fucking forever just flaring and dodging them and every other fucker on the ground.
    >> Average !!aV92G9m5f8O 11/08/11(Tue)07:55 No.116362010
    I swear I'm going to have to sell this game, my eyes are raped from flashlight and laser pointers.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:56 No.116362021
    They say there will be more destruction in the new(old)maps. Hopefully they come through after getting all the feedback from people.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:56 No.116362022
    >Running Engineer with the SG553
    >Decimate 4 enemies in a bunch without reloading
    >Finished out the magazine on the 4th guy
    >1 more guy left
    >Switch to Pistol
    >Blast his ass away
    Such is the life of an Engineer
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:56 No.116362031

    This makes me glad i play on consoles. No one hacks there because no one is smart enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:56 No.116362041
    Not a bad game in itself, but the maps are the worst in any videogame ever, I wonder how much research went in to those to make them as bad as possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:56 No.116362047
         File1320756993.jpg-(37 KB, 450x296, 1272390097300.jpg)
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    >Use MAV
    >Spot the shit out of enemies
    >Teammates still oblivious
    >Watch them die even though RED TRIANGLES ON MINIMAP
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:56 No.116362049
    I think otherwise, Metro Bazaar and Damavand are the only fun maps, because they are tight focused affairs that rely on teamwork to capture the objectives.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:56 No.116362078
    I don't fucking get it. I jump in the attack helicopter, and no one, and i mean NO ONE, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING PERSON WILL GUN.



    >> noko Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:57 No.116362083
    About 10 minutes, bored out of my mind
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:57 No.116362084
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:57 No.116362101

    >No Siene Crossing
    >Damavand, Metro
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:57 No.116362123
    Have you tried flying in loops? Because that's pretty much all you can do.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:57 No.116362126
    Let me guess, m249 and he calls it skill right? all headshots and no iron sights i bet.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:58 No.116362169
    the maps are actually really fun on rush, like, metro, there's a whole courtyard that I never even knew existed.

    and demavand has the cliff jump, fuck they could have done so much with these levels but just went full fucktard

    metro takes the cake for being worst level designed ever for conquest, how one sided can one map possibly be?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:58 No.116362199
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    why are all the servers empty
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:58 No.116362208
         File1320757138.jpg-(87 KB, 396x385, 1300477163109.jpg)
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    Yeah it was pretty much like that, except it was a team. 3 5 star colonels with 50 kills each, the one that kept killing me was using a silenced PPK and IRNV, and sniping from across the map then spamming 'u mad' in chat.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:58 No.116362209
         File1320757138.png-(99 KB, 247x248, 1276035014237.png)
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    >back capping on Damavand with squad
    >get overwhelmed by enemy
    >hop into humvee
    >tank rolls by
    >drive up and follow behind it
    >humvee driving behind me
    >tank continues into the tunnel
    >get into gunner seat
    >everyone in hummer behind gets out and continues into the tunnel
    >open up
    >non stop
    >everyone's confused
    >get back into drivers seat
    >run over a squad hiding behind one of the crates
    >take a rocket to the ass
    >get out and c4 the tank
    >return my line
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:59 No.116362221
    why do you think? So many times me and probably many like me have gotten into a heli with a stranger as a gunner, ready to rape it up only to fly up and slam into the ground and die.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:59 No.116362227

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:59 No.116362251
    44 hours, nope.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:59 No.116362258
         File1320757181.png-(646 KB, 456x497, 1304099901405.png)
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    >bro tells me something about we need to try
    >I see "okay", we both join a hardcore,friendly fire on server
    >join both the same team/same squad/put it on privat
    >both engi
    >I put out my e-bot
    >he says shoot it im like "wtf?"
    >shoot it,he repairs it
    >several minuts and misclicks later
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:59 No.116362268
    pecheneg, but close, he was from russia. and here is his battlelog page, I think I got him banned
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)07:59 No.116362275
         File1320757197.png-(64 KB, 391x127, Image 1 05 1.png)
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    >tfw considering going back to BC2
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:00 No.116362330
         File1320757242.jpg-(17 KB, 400x343, 1300559157017.jpg)
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    Those always devolve into rocketing down corridors though. But yeah, people pass an objective on the way to the next corridor, at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:00 No.116362341
    This is why we need a vote kick so bad. That and the thermal scope has to go. Sanctioned mat hack.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:01 No.116362346
    >Unlock the Javelin
    >No-one using SOFLAM
    Mother fuckers
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:01 No.116362358



    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:01 No.116362398
         File1320757306.png-(127 KB, 300x285, 1301605320674.png)
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    >Vote to kick those better than you.

    Cool precedent bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:01 No.116362408
    flares don't work, heat seekers come in 2, he would just float lock on, I hear beeps try to fly low and out to dodge the AA tank and break lock with terrain but I would have to flare, I would get lucky from time to time and dodge them either by Uturning or flying out and flaring a 2nd time if I had space

    but actually maneuvers to lose aircraft, like, fly up spin or some shit
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:02 No.116362421
         File1320757327.jpg-(10 KB, 97x97, 8786764.jpg)
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    >Shooting from behind cover
    >Bullets start coming my way, get hit once but still alive, duck under
    >Already prone behind the wall, start to reload gun
    >Halfway through my reload animation, the remaining bullets "register" and I die
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:02 No.116362427
    >they actually spend time on bazaar attacking B

    Stop it. Seriously. Let the other team have B. Own all the other flags. Battles in the streets are a lot more fun since you can't do that shit alone. Got to bound together with a few other people.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:03 No.116362514
    seriously, a single well co-ordinated squad can turn the tide on Metro easily, all you have to do as US is go up those back stairs and make it out one of the hallways and cap A, it's pretty simple, then you create a crushing wave of shit flying back at B, enough to distract the RU so that they give it up and you can then proceed to rape face. of course this all depends on whether your team is smart enough to ignore C and go straight for B.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:03 No.116362516
         File1320757424.jpg-(81 KB, 360x268, thank-you-based-god.jpg)
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    >low on ammo
    >see support bro
    >"press select to call for ammo"
    >hm okay...
    >"need some ammo here!"
    >support bro looks at me and throws an ammo pack at me

    IT BEGINS! Now that the CODfag purge has begun, the BF3 players are evolving. There's actually teamwork occurring!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:03 No.116362520
    Rank 16 now. Yup I'm bored.
    I'm kinda waiting for the Karkand pack to come out.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:04 No.116362549
    Exactly 8h 0mins.
    I'm actually just getting warmed up to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:04 No.116362561
    >I program flash
    then you should know that the more code their is the more random fuck ups happen for no reason. not defending them, but what you say is alot like saying you can fly jets IRL because you can in bf
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:05 No.116362597
    Is anyone else getting extremely mad when they die? I have never felt rage before this playing this game.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:05 No.116362601

    To out maneuver do 2-3 continues loops and then turn left or right and make another one. They always get confused.

    Works for me every single time.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:05 No.116362608
         File1320757516.png-(28 KB, 1095x859, 1316391260724.png)
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    >better than you
    >clearly discussing hackers
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:05 No.116362653
    >See Russian Throw C4 packs
    >Hear American voice clip going: "C4 in place!"

    Seriously? Seriously?!

    >Be Russian and revive a friendly
    >Voice clip goes: "DIE YOU MOTHER FUCKER!"

    What the hell is going on?!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:06 No.116362703

    they will never patch this
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:06 No.116362719
         File1320757606.jpg-(59 KB, 466x260, _46753872_keane466afp.jpg)
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    >Implying it wouldn't just devolve to "your KD is higher than mine, hacker"
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:06 No.116362723
    Hate the maps.

    Hate the interface, no way to exit out of a match, no loadout screen when waiting for a new map, no way to compare weapon stats (it seems like no one else has noticed this...I'm the only one with this complaint)

    Overall its addicting but I enjoyed BC2 a lot more for some strange reason....I was an avid BF2 and BFvietnam player years ago, but something about BF3 just feels...dull. I'm able to get MVP 1 or 2 every round but its very predictable in the number of kills/how the match will go for each map. It should be ahead of the industry like BF2 was. I'm honestly at this point am thinking of trading it in for MW3...a more complete package in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:06 No.116362724
    Lucky you, for me it's more like
    >Running low on ammo
    >Run up to Support
    >Hit select to request ammo
    >He turns and runs to another area
    >Chase him down spamming select
    >He still ignores me
    >Enemies pop up
    >Kill them, spending my last ammo
    >Continue popping select
    >Get swarmed by an enemy squad and die
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:07 No.116362766
    This, hell you don't even need to be that coordinated. Get a full squad of medics with smoke grenades, smoke the shit out of the last area and book it all at once, whole squad charge for A. I did it successfully, in the chaos one of you will slip through and they spawn on you. Hide and cap A. It did fail because our team was so damn incompetent they didn't spawn on A, we held it for a solid minute. (4 men vs 20) everyone was to busy playing rocket chucklefuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:07 No.116362769
    Eight hours, I haven't gotten bored yet.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:07 No.116362773
    I noticed a bit more people are dropping ammo and health more often.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:07 No.116362809

    Agreed with most then

    >thinking of trading it in for MW3...a more complete package in my opinion.
    >more complete package

    Full fucking retard
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:08 No.116362821
    33 h
    not yet. still a lot to unlock and i didn't finish the campaign yet. i'm pretty much done with engi but found the support to be a fun class. i made 5 or 6 kills in less than 10 secons on operation meatgrinder with a hipfired m240. with supression perk and a flashlight you can't see shit when you are under fire.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:08 No.116362841
    I get pissed off when I get knifed, I only get knifed when I am a recon in a building picking off engies repairing tanks normally and have Taugs out.

    I get so fucking mad at that piece of shit fucking worthless gadget, how fucking useless can you get.

    also IRNV,and flashlights that shit is so fucking rigged, I go out of my way to not use them because it's pussy to use something so blatantly overpowered, oh look let's shoot each other.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:08 No.116362845
    The rubber banding is back. Yesterday night it was unplayable.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:09 No.116362911
    All the time, man. Its because BF3 has been designed around the philosophy of 'if you get seen first, you die'.
    >> John_Mayham 11/08/11(Tue)08:09 No.116362917
    Everytime I drop ammo for somebody they just run away. Why? Don't they want ammo? I even put them in places where they can't get hit.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:09 No.116362937
    >Support gun, no scope, no iron sight use, headshots at 300M+
    >"it's skill fagget!"
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:09 No.116362950
    34 hours and pretty much bored with the game already

    probably gonna stop playing and wait for back to karkand expansion pack.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:09 No.116362954
    >Sniper getting mad at being knifed.

    Really dude?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:10 No.116362970
    Try that for all FPS games
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:10 No.116363000
         File1320757822.jpg-(78 KB, 276x313, foxface.jpg)
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    >playing on consoles

    fucking CoD plebian
    lurk moar
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:10 No.116363004
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:10 No.116363033
    Stop typing like that and people will take you seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:10 No.116363041
    I want to unlock the M240 so badly. A proper GPMG, not this 5.56 M249 bull shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:12 No.116363132
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:12 No.116363136
    did you not read the fucking post? I get mad at the piece of shit Taugs for being worthless and not telling me anyone is ever coming, because LOLcrouch and prone and the fuckall useless range.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:12 No.116363178
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    That thing is pretty good. Place it in a strategic location (on a roof) and it will let you know where the bad dudes are coming in from.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:13 No.116363202
    31 hours

    I haven't touched the game in 4 days now. I need a break from it, so I've been playing TF2 and GTA4:EFLC for the past few days.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:13 No.116363242
    >Bad Support
    >Friendly soldiers who obviously need ammo e.g. an Engineer who's just fired a few rockets at a tank
    >Friendly soldiers mash Q, shoot their pistols at him

    >Good Support
    >Throws ammo boxes at everyone he sees reloading, responds to verbal cues when he hears them
    >Nobody stands still long enough to collect some ammo

    I don't know which is more infuriating. Make it 20pts per resupply, and we might see more sharing on the battlefield.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:13 No.116363245
    15 hours ish. Very, very bored.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:14 No.116363272
    Played for 39 hours so far, loving it. K/D is about 2.5, score per minute is 471. To all those saying they get frustrated at this game because they die so much: thanks, I wouldn't nearly have enough fun if it wasn't for you morons.

    Co-op and single player are bad, makes me wish they didn't even bother.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:14 No.116363319
    Not him but it shows up on the minimap and thats it, snipers don't see that in the scope or on a hardcore server. You don't look at the minimap that often. Needs to beep or something when they set it off.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:14 No.116363320
    >Walk into a 2m² room
    >Encounter an enemy Engineer
    >He fires a rocket at the wall
    >Only I die
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:14 No.116363332
    Mw3 has 16 maps
    BF3 has 9

    MW3 has a somewhat competent if short single player
    BF3 has a joke of a campaign

    MW3 has spec ops
    BF3 doesn't

    MW3 has horde
    BF3 doesn't

    MW3 has a competent interface without origin
    BF3 doesnt

    And at least MW3 knows its audience...BF3 promised to appeal to the hardcore PC gamer longing for a classic BF experience and instead created an awkward hybrid of classic BF with CoD esque gameplay

    I'm not a MW3 fanboy by any means. I wanted BF3 to blow it out of the water, but it seems like I'm just getting a watered down CoD game with vehicles
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:15 No.116363376
    3hrs. It doesn't sound like much, but my god am I having a blast, its taking me back to how BF2 was.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:15 No.116363417
    I dunno, I'm fine with there not being sharing supports, it makes it easier for me to rack up the resupplies for myself. feels good going 6k+ per round of Operation Meatgrinder
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:15 No.116363426
    How are we supposed to get motion sensor assists?

    I set that shit every time I play recon, I see it pinging the enemies but I never get any motion sensor assists when my bros kill them...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:16 No.116363459
    I lol at how low the splash damage is to yourself.

    Although did kill myself with an RPG once.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:16 No.116363499
    I'm not too sure on how the tugs works. Sometimes I get the motion sensor assist when I place it down. I'm not too fond of the class so I didn't get to experiment on all the maps with it yet.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:16 No.116363515

    Both games are below standard, BF3 just feels like more of a disappointment since it could have been so much better had it ignored COD altogether.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:17 No.116363526
    >play Operation Meatgrinder
    >forward stairs at B
    >run up stairs
    >RU guy standing at top firing downwards
    >fire SMAW at face
    >leap down stairs to safety
    >heal up
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:17 No.116363609
    I cannot see myself playing this in 3 months. I played BF2 for 6 years, at least once a week.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:18 No.116363636
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    No, it's just starting to get fun.

    If anyone's curious how I got to 45 so fast:

    Took about 5 hours from rank 15
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:18 No.116363665
    Those 16 maps are small as fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:18 No.116363681
    >going back down the stairs
    >playing engineer on a non vehicle map

    You're the reason why U.S. rarely wins. Keep moving forward. Never stop. Push the russians back into the stock exchange.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:19 No.116363689
    This game was ao obviously rushed, another month of polishing and tuning and BAM, great game. However they 'had' to release it before MW3.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:19 No.116363713
    About three, yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:19 No.116363725
    ~30 hours, not really bored, it's just lame how there's not that many maps, and finding a good server can be difficult. I stay out of vehicles unless someone else is driving.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:19 No.116363784
    DICE did the impossible by making Recon more useless than they were in BC2. They can't use C4 to lay traps or destroy tanks, they can't call in a big mortar strike to force a tank to move or defend an objective, and most importantly they can't throw their awesome sensor balls any more.

    Instead they have the shitty TUGS which a) can't be deployed if there is a slight incline or the game doesn't feel like it, b) has a shitty range and c) is easy as fuck to counter by simply crouching. The SOFLAM only works when you have a competent engineer and preferably voice communication, the MAV is an unarmed UAV and the scope glare thing even neuters their sniping.

    There is now no reason at all to choose Recon over the three other classes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:20 No.116363804
    >try to give someone health or ammo
    >they run away
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:20 No.116363823

    People had higher expectations of BF3, and all it turned out to be was a glorified CoD with less destruction and subdued action compared to its predecessor (that is BC2, because these late-gen BF games make for bad comparisons with BF2 and its expansions).
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:20 No.116363833
    Motion sensors are from the MAV I believe.

    I'm still unlocking it (using recon for anything but assault recon is a joke now).
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:21 No.116363869
    Stealing people's dogtags is a hell lot of fun though.
    I got the awesome T-rex dogtag that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:21 No.116363879

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:21 No.116363893
    Yes, a wise choice, only a matter of time before faggot 500m snipers are weeded out. Enjoy the cannon fodder retards and play a real class or get used to a 4x scope and laugh up the tears.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:22 No.116363946
    My only complaint is lack of voice chat.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:22 No.116363982
    Which is good because it just ends up 3-4 guys playing the class on a team of 32. That's not that bad as 3-4 guys on a team of 16 or 8.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:22 No.116363988

    Support should have the MAV and other support functions, Recon should have features like C4 to encourage an aggressive sniper style. Assault retaining ammo functions.

    All they've done is create a game that feels mismatched, with god Engineers.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:22 No.116364005

    holy shit is there seriously no fucking voice chat? what the fuck dice?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:23 No.116364015

    Holy shit, just fuck off back to your no-brainer shooter rehash, if it's so HURRRRR FUN then why aren't you playing it right now?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:23 No.116364041
    is the mw3 multiplayer fun?

    should i get it on PC or xbox
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:23 No.116364066
    notice that dots appear on the radar for like 1 second max each time the tugs emits a sound. That's the time window to get the assist I believe.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:24 No.116364103
         File1320758659.jpg-(40 KB, 378x500, 1320594170928.jpg)
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    >TUGS which a) can't be deployed if there is a slight incline or the game doesn't feel like it

    >be recon trying to place TUGS
    >try to place here
    >how about here
    >try to place again IT'S FUCKING YELLOW FFFFF
    >go through slow ass animation each time
    >enemy comes around the corner and shoots me
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:24 No.116364113
    Support can't do everything. That's giving a lot of roles to one class. MAV + Mortar is very effective. MAV is the spotting tool so it works with the recon.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:24 No.116364123
    There is, but you have to party up, and it's pretty shitty.

    there's also that TS3 plugin that syncs with BF3 and automatically assigns people in the same squad to the same TS3 channel. That's not by dice though. Neat but only available on a few clan servers I think.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:24 No.116364143
    voice chat is on Battlelog, with your friends, not the people in game.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:24 No.116364147
    I'm having a good time.

    More fun than I ever had with CoD, it's boring now
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:25 No.116364179
         File1320758725.jpg-(42 KB, 500x337, Desert Fox.jpg)
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    >Enemy tank approaching
    >fire rocket at it
    >sprint at tank with repair tool
    >driver is like omg and bails
    >i get inside and go reverse
    >shoot him with his own tank
    >New tank acquired
    >ambush the rest of his team behind their lines
    >> skillface !NIGGER4AwE 11/08/11(Tue)08:25 No.116364192
    I usually keep an eye out for enemy mortars while in a Jet, easy as fuck to take them out with rockets.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:25 No.116364222
    around 14 hours,
    also i love the aek-971 its so damn good
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:26 No.116364247
    Quit complaining you fucking americunts
    Nobody on pub servers in Europe uses voice chat
    Americans can't seem to shut the fuck up on their murrican servers
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:26 No.116364259
    it's still a very good game but i am disappointed too. they should have made it in another setting like bf2142. and i don't know why they even added a campaign. boring as fuck so far, it's more like a tech demo. and the coop is a joke.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:26 No.116364274
    Support and Engineer feel godlike as they are now.
    Assault-medic can at least heal himself, in the off-chance miracle that he survives being seen first and shot at.

    The recon class is absolute shit tier compared the other classes' capabilities.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:26 No.116364279
    PC you get a copy of MW1 or something.

    it's the same game
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:27 No.116364344

    But why would you want the Recons to be miles from the fight? That made the wookies,

    Support is essentially useless as to the map design of corridors where you get hammered by SCARs, so, make them 'support' by spotting and laying down covering fire.

    Recon should be treated as a scout as averse to a sniper, which turns teammates into statues.

    Assault doesn't even have the best anti infantry weapons.

    Designed by retards, for COD retards.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:27 No.116364362
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    I love it and I thought I was going to hate it.
    >> skillface !NIGGER4AwE 11/08/11(Tue)08:27 No.116364371
    Fuck yes, best weapon ever. I only just unlocked it, because I spent most of my time up until now flying Jets and playing Engineer.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:28 No.116364381
    8 hours. Yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:28 No.116364383
    The Air to Ground Missles don't do much damage. I'm better off killing tanks with the chain gun. Besides killing good helicopters Jets are pretty useless.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:28 No.116364397
    I love doing this, especially when its the one tank they have. I will than drive it somewhere in the backlines and use it as a support gun. Denying them a tank respawn. I've been threatened with bans for it so many times, admins hate it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:28 No.116364401
    I was bored by battleshit by the time I'd 100%'d the cheevos in 1943.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:28 No.116364414
    wait til you get the F2000, your life is going to change
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:29 No.116364470
    >22 hours
    >Feels like I've been playing it for one hour.

    There are underlying faults in this game, no denying it. But it will all be soon patched out, and with back to Karkand almost seeing released, I'll easily be playing this for a long, long time to come.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:29 No.116364479
    Yeah, only downside is ammo and the spread at longer range. Solid as a brick under 100m.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:29 No.116364502
    How's about we talk about superior Battlefield
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:30 No.116364540

    Solid as a brick under 100m.

    Good thing the maps are designed for Engi's carbines.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:30 No.116364554
    In terms of killing. It's like support, it's a support class. Assault if you ditch the medpack for the GL or MASS along with Engineer are the assaulting classes.

    Then there are a lot of the sub classes running around e.g. grenadier assault, medic assault, shotgun recon, sniper recon, SOFLAM recon, mortar support, smg support etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:30 No.116364575
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    >be support defending Kharg Island
    >dogfight a bit with the SU-whatever, get shot down in the water near the carrier
    >while I swim back to the shore over the next 30 minutes the Americans take the first objective and move inland
    >find a jeep and drive inland to link up with team
    >come across two American tanks sitting on the hill shelling base
    >jump out, c4 one
    >wait for resupply, second tank doesn't notice
    >c4 that one too
    >> skillface !NIGGER4AwE 11/08/11(Tue)08:31 No.116364586
    Rockets are the best secondary weapon for Jets. Guided missiles are somewhat bugged and don't do enough damage, and heatseekers are all but worthless once you become competent with the main gun. A full salvo of rockets will disable a Tank at the very least. Couple that with a burst from the main gun and you can often destroy virtually any ground vehicle in a single swoop.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:31 No.116364615
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    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:31 No.116364627
    My two cents:

    Assault: should form the frontline on attack and defense. Standard assault rifles and battle rifles with option of grenade launcher, shotgun or light anti-tank weapon (think an AT-4 or RPG-7 - unguided, low damage). Medkit and defibs. Body armour gives this class slightly higher health in exchange for slightly lower sprint speed.

    Support: a defensive rock. LMGs and GPMGs, ammo boxes, AT mines. Also has body armour.

    Engineer: similar to current engineer. Wields a carbine or SMG, and a heavier anti-tank weapon (Javelin, Metis-M) or anti-air launcher. Repair tool, C4, EOD bot.

    Recon: Sniper and DMR rifles, suppressed SMGs, C4, UAV, sensor balls
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:32 No.116364650

    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:32 No.116364653
    15 hours
    Bored no but rage quit sometimes
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:32 No.116364663
    Guys guys! Look!

    They're doing something! Guys?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:32 No.116364690
    I've played 59 hours and I'm still not bored, and I'm finding new ways to approach the game, just now I'm whoring out tanks with thermal optics and coaxial MG, infantry is easy to spot in bushes and mow down, can't wait for reactive armour though, will save my ass when engies sneak up behind me.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:33 No.116364725
    hah even the frames go up
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:33 No.116364751
    the LMGS all suck. might as well just use the UMP or PDW for support
    >> Plazzed !!+QhH8qYG61+ 11/08/11(Tue)08:33 No.116364752
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    >fixing tac lights



    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:34 No.116364787
    so they made the flashlight into a bull's eye instead of a blindfold?

    Shit's is still useless.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:34 No.116364809
    About 17-18 hours I think. I play a lot with a bunch of mates sat on Teamspeak, so it 's fun as fuck.
    Me and one of my mates were in a server last night and the enemy team had 5 tickets left, we both had like 5200 points and were fighting to try and get MVP. He got a double kill on the last 2 tickets, the fucker.

    but yeah, fucking fantastic, i just cant wait for Back to Karkland
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:34 No.116364817
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    >mad because people are team working to take him down

    You should be honored that it takes six people to take you down.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:35 No.116364848

    So all it does is highlight you, DICE are chucklefucks. Just remove the goddamn thing, its a failed feature.
    >> Plazzed !!+QhH8qYG61+ 11/08/11(Tue)08:35 No.116364854
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    It'll obviously be effective in close range. But at least it won't encompass your entire fucking body at 30 meters out, now.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:35 No.116364880
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    >Get in zll chopper at the harbor
    >Shoot down both little birds with HS rockets
    >Hover behind their Carrier waiting for them to re >spawn
    >they get in their choppers
    >i mini gun them
    >500 points for both of them
    >get butthurt messages
    >none of them realize they can just spawn on the ship and shoot me down before getting in the chopper
    >enemy team too focused on competing for spawned little bird
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:36 No.116364908
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    I need a bro to do the 11th hour coop points farming.
    >> Plazzed !!+QhH8qYG61+ 11/08/11(Tue)08:36 No.116364913

    For most retards, it is a huge disadvantage. I can more often than not dispatch the guy, but that doesn't mean I like having to spray in his general area, hoping to hit him.
    >> skillface !NIGGER4AwE 11/08/11(Tue)08:36 No.116364924
    I can't believe people have a problem with flashlights as they are now. Any less powerful and they would be totally useless, as the comparison shows.

    Unless that's just for outdoors, in which case I'm fine with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:36 No.116364929
    It looks like if you're next to it the cone radius will still blind you. If you're farther away then you're good to go
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:37 No.116364991

    Exactly, it's nothing but annoying and combines with all the filters and lens flare to make the game one massive cataract.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:37 No.116365036

    If only there were some way of getting points for being a bullet magnet, I'd get loads every time I get in a tank.

    Even if you don't have the skill to fuck shit up, bringing a tank to a flag can change the tide of battle instantly. 'Tank shock' keeps the enemy in cover and engineers' attentions switch to you instead of killing your teammates.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:38 No.116365054
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    >I think every class should have anti armor capability
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:38 No.116365084
    >a threat
    If anything flares need a longer cycle. If stingers are a problem you need more practice. So easy to dodge or flare out and that fact that it takes, 2-6 of them to kill a chopper speaks of its weakness since a stinger is DESIGNED to kill a chopper.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:38 No.116365095
    It's hilarious how easily trolled Battlefieldfags are. There's always someone in the chat saying how cod is shit and real gamers play BF. All it takes is one response saying COD is better than BF for all the butthurt in the world to flow.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:39 No.116365108

    I can help you with that, did it with a friend recently.

    Friend request sent by the name of Finrandojin
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:39 No.116365118

    >team work
    >getting a couple other players with the same weapon to camp ready to take anyone who comes near down

    behold, dice's new definition of teamwork

    it really has gone the way of cod
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:40 No.116365169
         File1320759600.jpg-(102 KB, 450x312, T90.jpg)
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    I love that feeling of knowing you're about to fucking take one in the ass from a T-90 with those glowing red eyes.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:40 No.116365213
    Grand Bazaar - Flag B
    DAO12 + IRNV + Frag rounds
    This rape train...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:40 No.116365214
    There is voip, through battlelog with your friends list. Easier to get to a ventrilo server.

    There isn't even *chat* during co-op. I couldn't believe when I found out. PC is so much an afterthought.
    >> Plazzed !!+QhH8qYG61+ 11/08/11(Tue)08:40 No.116365222
         File1320759634.gif-(1.95 MB, 320x240, 1318976123665.gif)
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    >Alan Kertz
    >@DaRealCajun @Taskforcegreen I do. I'm focused on the balance factors here, not how it works IRL. Any bullet can be lethal in the right spot

    >I'm focused on balance factors here, not how it works IRL.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:41 No.116365279
    been levelling my 870mcs because i was reading people loving it on a thread last night. only now do i realise how fucking shit the rego is in this game. so much rage. i WAS playing with a friend who lives on the other side of the country in a 60 ping server but im not at all convinced that was the issue
    >> skillface !NIGGER4AwE 11/08/11(Tue)08:41 No.116365290
    That's 6 engineers that are focusing on trying to kill one Jet, while 2-3 tanks are rolling around capping all the points and the rest of their team is screaming for someone to blow them up.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:47 No.116365689
    This, same reason why i snipe with a tank or AA gun. It doesn't rack me kills but it pisses the enemy off and distracts them. 9/10 i get 5-10 people trying to kill me and not cap points. Also the tear factor, nailing a tank in the US base all the way from the hill in caspian unleashes a torrent of anal anguish that i have never seen. Those range markers make the t-90 a superior tank.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/11(Tue)08:49 No.116365833

    >behind moving enemy at 10 meters
    >fire shell, miss
    >adjust aim, fire, miss
    >he knows I'm there now
    >fire again, miss
    >he kills me in 2 bullets
    >enemy health: 100%

    I have a good connection, too.

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