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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320710358.png-(23 KB, 300x187, dlc_quest_logo.png)
    23 KB DLC Quest. Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)18:59 No.116291195  
    Hey, /v/, it's your dream game.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:01 No.116291437
         File1320710471.jpg-(77 KB, 454x454, 1303569705954.jpg)
    77 KB
    Mega64 did it better.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:01 No.116291459
    Animation? DLC!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:01 No.116291540
         File1320710516.jpg-(19 KB, 250x250, 1285823418229.jpg)
    19 KB
    >horse armor
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:02 No.116291659
    >anime reaction image
    >dumb comment

    Oh, you.

    But... this is a real game.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:02 No.116291664
    >xd i can make a series of poor jabs at download content
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:03 No.116291797
    I wonder if any developers realize that this is basicly what the gaming industry is turning into.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:04 No.116291887
    It's also an unfunny video with a nasally nerd trying to be funny with a failed attempt at comedic timing.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)19:04 No.116291896
         File1320710682.png-(15 KB, 256x171, 1281619674169.png)
    15 KB
    >saging a vidya thread

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