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    File : 1319874973.jpg-(40 KB, 387x541, 1724923-sword_of_stars2_packshot_2d_c_es(...).jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:56 No.115130009  
    Did anyone else buy this on Steam and find it to be a completely broken, unplayable mess?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:01 No.115130362
         File1319875278.png-(130 KB, 396x381, staringfrog.png)
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    Everyone who bought it did.

    They accidently released an early beta version of the game, instead of the final product.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:18 No.115131385
    I avoid pretty much all games these days as I know on release it'll be some incredibly buggy mess. Why?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:19 No.115131424
    So it's just like the Dead Island release?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:19 No.115131451
    Star wars ripoff
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:20 No.115131503
    Goddamn nice cover art and name though

    I would buy that shit if I'm into impulse buying
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:23 No.115131670

    I guess
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:24 No.115131721
    Uninstalled it the moment I found out it was Dead Island all over again. Fucking Gabe get your shit together.

    I'm gonna wait til next weekend and hope they get this shit sorted out by then, forcing myself to play the current broken version is only gonna leave me with a bad taste
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:25 No.115131770
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:25 No.115131808
    what a terrible name. not only are they swords of the stars. they are also the lords of winter. good for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:26 No.115131853
    Every time I see that title I can't help but feel it would suited to a much better game
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:28 No.115131923
    Are there any space empirruu that do ground combat as well as space? The only ones I can think of are Emperor of the Fading Sun, which I never played, but hear is pretty good with mods, Empire at War, which is pretty herp, and those Gundam games like G Next, where it would be great if the AI wasn't retarded, and Gihren's Greed, where a translation would be greatly appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:29 No.115131993
    Empiruu games*
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:31 No.115132111
         File1319877114.jpg-(35 KB, 440x280, stronghold-3-01.jpg)
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    >>115130009 Did anyone else buy this on Steam and find it to be a completely broken, unplayable mess?

    HAHA its stronghold 3 all over again?
    Thats two game in a week like this.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:32 No.115132155
    imperium galactica, but it's rather old, I don't think it works for win7
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:33 No.115132206
    Holy shit, again? How the fuck does nobody notice this error?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:33 No.115132223
    Wow, even the promotional images of that game are low budget. When I saw the actual pictures earlier, the graphics looked around 2003-ish and the interface looked like it belonged to some old Newgrounds game.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:34 No.115132270
    Ever since around Elemental: War of Magic it has been an excuse.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:35 No.115132321
    when I saw the screenshots I thought it was Stronghold 2. So glad I didn't have money before the game was released
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:42 No.115132697
         File1319877730.jpg-(99 KB, 560x230, Hdr_Stronghold3.jpg)
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    The game could still have stronghold 2 graphics for all i care. The problem is the release multiplayer flat out doesnt work, the game is riddled with bugs, zero balance (20 population consumes a barrel of apples A SECOND) that requires at least 2-3 apple farms and a few cheese farms for 20 people and the game shipped with 1/4 of the content that was talked about in the trailers (example: longhouses were supposed to be upgraded with honor in multiplayer. Devs have admitted it never made it to final build due to time constraints. It MAY be added in the future so for now we are stuck with a castle building game without a keep.)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:42 No.115132747
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:46 No.115132968
    PC gaming is dead.

    There have been countless releases like this, the worst is when it's from big devs/publishers.

    Luckily I still have hundreds of old treasures to play.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:48 No.115133072
         File1319878102.jpg-(91 KB, 603x393, 1319358159962.jpg)
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    >>115132697 castle building game without a keep
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:52 No.115133305
         File1319878328.jpg-(217 KB, 1280x720, X-Rebirth-poster..jpg)
    217 KB
    >tripwire interactive unplayable release: RO2
    >firefly unplayable release: stronghold 2
    >paradox unplayable release: sword of the stars 2
    you guys know whats next don't you? Search your feeling you know it to be true
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:56 No.115133631
         File1319878617.jpg-(40 KB, 400x300, tin-foil-hat.jpg)
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    you know that actually sounds plausible
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:00 No.115133838
    its not just pc gaming, console games are often released as unplayable buggy messes. Even bf3 has serious netcode issues at release. Gaming in general is falling due to ballooning budgets and shorter development cycles. It will crash just like it has in the past only kept alive by a few minor low budget dev teams, mods and indi devs. Lower budgets and more community feedback will lead to niche games returning. Sadly this cycle is still a good 10-20 years off getting anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:01 No.115133890
    I was very disappointed with the Sword of the Stars release.

    Its an excellent concept, and looks promising, if only developers can get their fucking shit together and stop derping so hard. Are they that apathetic these days because they know we will still buy whatever they shit onto our plates?

    If they don't make this a final product, instead of a half-baked beta that was released too early, I'm going to pester Paradox till I get a refund.

    You'd think they'd learn from past failures, abortions like this end up putting these games into bargain bins within a month or two. If its not ready to launch, don't fucking launch it, and for Christ's sake, don't upload the wrong motherfucking version...I hope someone got fired over this.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:09 No.115134405
         File1319879366.png-(84 KB, 614x825, Untitled.png)
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    Proof buggy releases ruin good multiplayer games.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:12 No.115134606
    NO! DO NOT SAY SUCH THINGS! egosoft generally do an amazing job with the X games.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:13 No.115134659
    i dont want to live on this planet anymore
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:15 No.115134786
    >pre-order trine 2
    >receive playable if short demo
    >pre-order sots 2
    >receive unplayable bug filled tool tip empty shitty version of sots 1 with better graphics
    Fucking paradox.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:16 No.115134807
    haha, we all know they are great.
    What any long term X fan can also tell you is X games are EXPECTED to be buggy unplayable messes at release. X3 took 6 months to patch right, X3TC was a little better around the 2-3 month mark. The only fear this time is the devs giving in and tailoring the game for a wider audience or using a new engine which is a little to complex for them ever to fix properly.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:16 No.115134840

    Yea, I was really excited for this, but dealing with all the shit burnt me out on it. It still has performance issues even though its better than it was.

    Developers really need to learn a lesson from this, swallow their pride, and fucking delay a release if it needs to be, or give themselves more room to work with. If they gave themselves an extra month, then released it a week early, people would be pretty damn happy with them.

    I seriously have no idea why these problems exist among game developers.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:19 No.115135002
    thing is, though, they build/modify their engines to try and give us as much awesome as the engine can handle.

    i know that the games tend to be bad at release, but these guys know how to fix shit in the end to the point where it's almost like alien technology.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:20 No.115135091
    sometimes budgets run out of control. It sometimes gets to a point where they have to release a game then and there to make any sort of return on it, even if it is panned and universally hated as half done and buggy. All comes down to poor developer management and overly expensive third party graphics/physics tech. The funny thing is singular indi devs with NO budget can do better then many big budget studios so its not fucking impossible.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:21 No.115135168
    and they love mods and mod support to the point where they hire the best and brightest from mod teams to work for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:22 No.115135219
    they are true vidya bros.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:24 No.115135373
         File1319880295.jpg-(115 KB, 640x400, mwll-0.4.0-release-3-640.jpg)
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    Link related: what a small mod team can do to crysis.

    And what another small dev team can do to Freelancer (the game didnt even support DX9 before they basically pulled the engine apart and rebuilt it.)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:27 No.115135547
         File1319880463.jpg-(339 KB, 1920x1080, 2011-04-17_00002.jpg)
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    The first mod i will be asking for in X: rebirth is a conversion of the Normandy mod for player ship
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:29 No.115135619



    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:29 No.115135658
    I'm pretty sure they didn't adhere to their deadline and the release they're calling a "beta" is infact the official release build. They must've thought they could somehow fix the entire game over the course of a weekend
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:30 No.115135702
    So how does steam handle stuff like this?

    Can I get a refund and just buy the game later at the next sale?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:32 No.115135858
    Release build is currently being uploaded to steam actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:36 No.115136030

    It's already been released on Steam. It's actually worse than the beta build they accidently gave us. 3/4 of the menu is locked out, tons of crashes, missing a majority of tooltips, most combat doesn't even load or you just insta-resolve. The list goes on and on and on.

    Not to mention the version number is 17369b implying it's a newer beta build since it's dated at 10/14....
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:36 No.115136043
    Holy fuck ro2 sucks? Glad I missed that bullet. Too bad I fell for mecron's lies.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:36 No.115136049
         File1319880998.jpg-(36 KB, 375x500, 1304401503130.jpg)
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    It has taken them 16 hours to upload the CORRECT version?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:37 No.115136133
    Wait, so this is one case where "They released a beta version by mistake" doesn't sarcastically mean "The fucking assholes didn't test the game enough," but actually literally means "They made an error and pre-release alpha was uploaded to Steam"

    Did my mind just fucking explode
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:39 No.115136241

    Yes they are claiming that's what happened.

    At least Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is coming out soon, and I know THAT won't be a massive fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:40 No.115136296
    Yeah, they released a beta, which is annoying but I can deal. But the real thing sucks just ad bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:41 No.115136310
    >release 2 week old beta by mistake
    >apologize and release another 2 week old beta
    I'm starting to think there is no release version.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:41 No.115136352
         File1319881305.jpg-(93 KB, 300x338, cry.jpg)
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    How is it possible that this game sucked

    The original was SO GOOD and this game was gonna be my indie orgasm sensation of the year
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:41 No.115136364

    I'm hoping they're just buying time.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:42 No.115136390
    What the fuck is the appeal behind Football Manager?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:43 No.115136421

    The game itself isn't bad. Its just very rough around the edges, VERY rough.

    One thing about the engine I wish they'd do. I want the stars at the centers of systems to be the light source, not some imaginary light source up and to the right that you can never see.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:43 No.115136456

    Lots of middle-aged fantasy football faggots.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:44 No.115136477
    Remember when games had to be finished before going on the disc?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:44 No.115136519
    no actually is a great game.
    It is just weighted down by bugs. Especially the stats bug but that's not fixed. Pity its a month to late for the game not to scare off any new player-base.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:44 No.115136520
         File1319881494.png-(3 KB, 184x172, 1269504730188.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:44 No.115136527

    I'd probably rather play that than an ordinary sports game.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:45 No.115136569
    its like chess...except if you hate your pawn you can go to croatia and buy a bigger, meaner baby-eating pawn.

    I used to play it a fair bit but around fm2008 there stopped being any connection between how I was setting up my team and what happenend during the match.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:45 No.115136593
    So dissapointed.

    However i did sit there for 2 hours testing out all the cruisers i could make. If they fix it this game will be amazing.

    Holy fuck those ships look amazing. I never thought i would say it but the Liir ships are god tier. They have actual water inside them. Everything just looks so nice. Even without any options.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:46 No.115136655
    I expect as much

    Its Egosoft for fuck sakes

    They're slow at debugging
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:47 No.115136715
    Oh and the hiver construction ships is probably my favourite.

    Big fucking centipede.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:48 No.115136742
         File1319881697.jpg-(15 KB, 267x181, 1311944638721.jpg)
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    That feel when you purchased M&M: Heroes VI and Stronghold 3 with actual real currency.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:48 No.115136750
         File1319881708.jpg-(278 KB, 1000x558, ironsky-1.jpg)
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    I want fucking custom badges and more color options.

    I want to make the Third Reich in space.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:49 No.115136787

    I was really skeptical of Stronghold 3 and held off. I pirated it the day after it was released and was really glad for my skepticism.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:49 No.115136809
    8 years on and still a autopilot system that will occasionally fly you into a station or the edge of a gate.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:49 No.115136822
    space nazis ho!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:49 No.115136839
         File1319881792.jpg-(11 KB, 250x250, 1262781790966.jpg)
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    >Liir ships are god tier. They have actual water inside them.

    Okay now I really want this game.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:50 No.115136847

    Yea, and the destroyer captain has a German accent. Sounds glorious.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:50 No.115136865
    i have a question for you. Have you EVER got a 4 player match to go to game? Yeah me neither.

    Most i can hope for is the first 20 minutes of a 1v1 before it desyncs
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:51 No.115136897
    yeah, they pretty much gave up on doing anything with the autopilot. however, it's silly to use autopilot for anything other than making long trips without a jump drive.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:51 No.115136919

    I forced myself to sit though about 4-5 hours due to buyers remorse.
    You know how when you buy something and it's terrible but you say "I might as well get some use out of it" ?
    I could have spent that money on something else.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:51 No.115136948
         File1319881901.jpg-(34 KB, 256x375, mass effect.jpg)
    34 KB maybe I'm just being crazy here...but...anyone see a resemblance?
    I thought it was a joke at first.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:51 No.115136950
    >Playing X3TC for the first week
    >have to travel 12 sectors
    >decide to autopilot
    >take a nap
    >glance at my screen after a few minutes
    >my ship is bumping into an asteroid
    >explodes before I could get back control of my ship

    Yeah fuck you too autopilot
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:52 No.115137032

    What's wrong with HOMM VI?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:53 No.115137036
    rev up 3DS and make the mod, bro

    BTW what's it retailing for?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:53 No.115137061
         File1319882006.png-(49 KB, 181x170, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(...).png)
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    >it's like Freelancer but Star Wars

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:53 No.115137071
         File1319882012.jpg-(142 KB, 1920x1080, mars 2011-10-29 02-52-12-37.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:53 No.115137100
    I didn't even try.
    I played the campaign for a bit and then just uninstalled it.
    I was so disappointed that day.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:54 No.115137139
    Sigh. I'll just wait for the Xmas sale then. Damn, I remember back when RO was a ut2004 mod and koitos1944 was my de_dust... The fuck is with shitty indie releases this year? Recettear guys released crap, ro2, sots2, toady disappeared up his ass chasing vampire eyelids. I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:55 No.115137170
         File1319882126.jpg-(166 KB, 1920x1080, mars 2011-10-29 02-54-23-21.jpg)
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    I like how these guy's ships remind me of Ork ships.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:55 No.115137189
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:55 No.115137200
         File1319882149.jpg-(11 KB, 273x281, han_solo_needs_to_sneeze.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:56 No.115137235
         File1319882186.png-(28 KB, 429x346, 1316968980915.png)
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    I love x3 games because its socially acceptable to set up a trade empire of a few stations, organize and outfit trade ships to buy and sell supplies and end products, attach escorts and then fly to a dark part of space, put on x10 time compression and go to bed. If you do it right you should have a few million credits to further expand your empire.

    Sure there are faster and easier ways to make money in X games (capital capping) but sector wide trade empires are just my style and its a good feeling knowing you are playing games even when you are at work all day
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:56 No.115137250
         File1319882204.jpg-(82 KB, 600x600, alice depressed_1.jpg)
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    >Love Sword of the Stars
    >Hear they're working on a sequel
    >Gamer intuition honed over the years tells me that I should just ignore its development so I won't wear out my interest of the game over the years and can be excited for its release
    >It comes out!
    >"Ohboyohboyohboy, I wonder what the initial reaction is? Let's check /v/!"
    >This thread
    >This fucking THREAD

    I feel like a kid who found a turd in his birthday present

    For those of you who are able to struggle through the bugs and shit.. d-does it looks like it'll at least be good when the devs get their shit straight and fix things? D-does it just need some polish? Is the underlying game as good as the first one was?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:56 No.115137255
    And those back bits mooooooooooooove

    Ah fuck this. I'm considering this like the spore creature creator. Just something i can fiddle with until they release it properly. It's such a fucking tease because it looks like it could be sooo goooood.

    Come to think of it i just remembered my dog died 2 days ago. I care about this more for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:57 No.115137292

    I dont think you understand the meaning of this word...
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:57 No.115137302
         File1319882258.jpg-(15 KB, 177x278, 1318755087963.jpg)
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    >>115137061 it's like Freelancer but Star Wars
    and the devs hate the prequels so its all original trilogy
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:58 No.115137342
    >unplayable and broken

    MORE AT 11
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:59 No.115137407
    ehh, at least with an SP-focused game like SOTS, you don't need many others playing, so we can wait and let them fix it
    >having only last week bought SOTS1 myself, I still want to get more use out of it, gotta do a large Zuul game next
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:59 No.115137409
    >every Paradox game ever
    >publish too early
    >patch up to playable
    >make awesome with expansion
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:59 No.115137413
         File1319882388.jpg-(156 KB, 1920x1080, mars 2011-10-29 02-58-49-05.jpg)
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    I think the Human ships look the best, personally.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:59 No.115137419

    Care to elaborate?

    Was thinking of picking it up assuming it's just a re-skinned HOMM V (which was average compared to the rest of the HOMMs but still entertaining)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:00 No.115137432
    >Come to think of it i just remembered my dog died 2 days ago.
    My dog is going to the vet in half an hour, I hope they can do something for her.
    I'm scared.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:00 No.115137456
         File1319882440.gif-(32 KB, 350x400, 1317256132965.gif)
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    Use this next time
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:00 No.115137460
    Wat. You DO realize the time compressio module is installed from the start, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:01 No.115137494
    I always love the utilitarian design of human ships in scifi games. I only played humans in sins for that very reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:02 No.115137527
    the hour or so i had with the game showed SO MUCH potential

    man if they can just streamline the menus, fix the bugs, add in some more tooltips

    game would be straight 9.3/10
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:02 No.115137543
    > d-does it looks like it'll at least be good when the devs get their shit straight and fix things? D-does it just need some polish? Is the underlying game as good as the first one was?
    Yes, yes, and yes
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:03 No.115137597

    From the screenshots of Zuul ships that I've seen in SoTS2, they honestly look like a much sleeker version of what they did in the first one

    Seriously, in the first ship their ships were almost literally "guns stapled to other guns glued to a slab of metal and strapped to an engine"
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:03 No.115137624
    I work as a vet
    I cum on your pets and
    don't give a fuck
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:03 No.115137629
    fix the bugs being the most important issue
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:03 No.115137630

    It's nothing like the other games, it's a completely different game.
    Extremely casual and easy.
    Millions of bugs.
    Do your self a favor and read some reviews before you buy the game.
    I played it for about 2 hours and uninstalled it.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:04 No.115137692
    It's not just indie games, the only thing I've bought at launch this year that worked properly was Gears of War 3 which was meant to come out in april, EVERYTHING is being rushed to launch.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:04 No.115137707
         File1319882693.jpg-(142 KB, 1920x1080, mars 2011-10-29 03-03-26-55.jpg)
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    In Sins I prefer the Advent. Their fleet synergy is the best, plus I love the idea of drone fighters everywhere, which you can also do in this.

    Anyway, here's a light carrier with a hammerhead hull.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:05 No.115137713
    Same here. I got a guaranteed great game for a few dollars. And I've never been much for multiplayer strategy games, so not keeping up with the crowd doesn't really bother me.

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:06 No.115137776
    yeah, but this game wasn't developed by Paradox.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:06 No.115137815
         File1319882807.jpg-(169 KB, 1920x1080, mars 2011-10-29 03-06-04-38.jpg)
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    Yea it says their ships have the most turret hardpoints of any other race.

    Here's an electronic warfare ship.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:07 No.115137834
    >showing multi-player numbers on a school weekday
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:07 No.115137835
    i thought that said HIV'ers
    get it, because you've got aids
    because you get fucked by dudes without protection
    because your a gay slut.
    >> KS inc. !!try2g2dRcZk 10/29/11(Sat)06:08 No.115137876
    Speaking of buggy messes, I don't think I've played any PC game in the past 4 years without touching a configuration file of some sort or requiring a major post-release patch just to be able to play the damn game aside from The Witcher 2.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:08 No.115137899
    >i should have to wait until weekend to find local populated servers for a game a month old
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:09 No.115137924
    Look, a space-going container ship.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:09 No.115137941
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    Thank you, Anon. My heart needed that

    Now I can just be depressed over the fact that this game is going to become a financial failure on every level and almost certainly denying any future commercial success for the series instead of worrying about if the game sucks or not

    That sounds sarcastic but it really isn't, as long as I can fuck around in single player and maybe play online every now and again, I'm good
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:09 No.115137945
    What the fuck is wrong with you people calling Sots an Idie game?

    Sots never was an Indie game. get your facts right.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:09 No.115137965
    >caring about patches
    Why aren't you using steam and buying games when they're cheap and fixed six months later sensible people?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:09 No.115137966
    Hey that is just an opinion.
    I was VERY sceptic at first but, I really like this game now.
    Yes the alignment system is stupid.
    But I actually want more and more.
    The man problem is crashing, that can destroy the will of the most diligent players.
    And HOMM was always "casual".
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:09 No.115137978
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:10 No.115138014
    Paradox published, and apparently they made that whiny cunt mecron publish it early. Hope he eats shit and learns humility.
    Wonder if I can get a steam refund.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:10 No.115138041
    The most disappointed I've been with a game release recently was Tropico 4.

    Shit was perfect. No bugs, no errors, brilliantly optimised.

    Only problem, IT WAS FUCKING TROPICO 3
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:11 No.115138066
    It's because most developers don't give a fuck about the PC market anymore.
    >> KS inc. !!try2g2dRcZk 10/29/11(Sat)06:12 No.115138131
    >fixed six months later
    Fucking hell can't games have some PROPER release for once? That's exactly what I'm talking about.
    Hell, is Dead Island even fixed?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:12 No.115138144
    To the guy posting pictures of the ships, how do the Hivers look?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:12 No.115138167
    it pleases me greatly that somewhere someone on the internet ACTUALLY BOUGHT tropico 4. I was sure it was just a bet from one of the devs to the other that they could sell the same game twice to someone.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:12 No.115138172
    Thats why it had no bugs errors and it was very optimized.

    they just did a minor expansion pack, polished it abit and resold it as a new game.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:13 No.115138192
    ME2, just cause 2, dead space 2 on pc no problems for me. Not seeing it.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:13 No.115138206
    Its not like console games don't require you to download patches now

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:13 No.115138220
    fucking lolled
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:13 No.115138223
    >Flicker Drive
    Aww, but I liked the name "Stutter Warp"
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:14 No.115138252
    Awesome, dont have any pics but they look awesome.

    their mining ship has these insect like limbs scuttling around.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:14 No.115138261
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    I love how you can name your ships whatever you want and their names actually show up on the hull.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:14 No.115138265
    still doesnt beat notch, he sells alphas and betas to people and laughs to the bank with no obligation to finish the game since he already has the money
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:15 No.115138325
    I love Paradox and most Paradox released games, but fuck. Get your shit together. This kind of shit doesn't help your sales.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:16 No.115138385
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    I just want to stop everyone for a second so we can step back and take note.

    This is a good video games thread. Nobody is trolling and there is constructive on topic discussion.
    >> KS inc. !!try2g2dRcZk 10/29/11(Sat)06:17 No.115138448
    I don't play online with the 360 because no extra port/wireless but I can tell you the only problem I've had with a 360 game so far was Gears of War 3 (freezing, which rarely happens).
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:17 No.115138462
    >look at game
    >look at thread



    get in here, let's play some SOTS1complete
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:17 No.115138476
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    The Hivers look pretty cool, their ships are definitely designed for broadsides.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:17 No.115138487
    Anyone else hates the whole "Admiral" with traits addition? what the fuck? the whole fleet changes in general suck.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:18 No.115138536
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    yeah well i bought into that game back when he had less then 10,000 sales and was still listening to /v/ for feedback. He only turned into a bad bet around 300,000 sales.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:18 No.115138550
    I disagree, the admirals add more immersion and depth. No longer are you controlling some implied crew, now they actually mean something, even the grunts
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:19 No.115138604
    We're starting SotS Complete game.
    also join steam chat on
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:21 No.115138697
    So, assuming this game ever gets patched, what are you plans /v/? What are you going to do? who are you going to play as?

    I am staying loyal to Hivers. going to team up with some people against the strongest Empire, Cripple them and then use my gates to quickly betray my
    "allies". Its an old tactic that probably everybody knows already but somehow people keep falling for it.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:21 No.115138706
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    I like stuff like that. Really reminds me of the Total War games, where general traits can really make a difference in some battles.

    I also like the randomized tech trees, for the reasons they put them in the game.

    >my face when you can change the engines on some ships
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:21 No.115138712
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    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:21 No.115138734
    the only grunts that matter to you are the grunts you make
    when you finger your own ass in bed
    all day
    while thinking of dudes
    with rock hard abs
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:22 No.115138743
    But why give them traits?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:22 No.115138766
    >At least Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is coming out soon, and I know THAT won't be a massive fuck up.
    That's because it's just an optimized version of the same game that they have been working on far too long.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:22 No.115138784
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    Thanks for answering, and thanks especially to you, image-guy. Have you been able to actually play the game at all, or is it just too buggy and unplayable? I ask because my next question was going to be about how the Zuul are. I really loved them in SoTS1, but got a little worried when SoTS2 talked about how they're going to be chilling with the Suul'ka now since, from a gameplay perspective, this implies a very lategame oriented race that wants to stand back, summon their army-annihilating super-weapon, and then steamroll empires, but I preferred how they played in SoTS1 because they were ATTACK BY TURN 20: THE RACE

    TLDR: Are Zuul still similar to the first game gameplay-wise or have they changed?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:23 No.115138808
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    say that to my face fagit and not on this webzone and see what happen
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:23 No.115138853
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    >hiver ships can look like massive stag beetles

    Hmm, HMMMMMM.

    Nah, I'll stick with humans.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:25 No.115138930
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    I havn't gotten that far in the game yet, as there are no tooltips, no tutorial and I have no idea what the fuck most of the stuff is.

    I never played the first one for more than a few minutes, so I can't really answer.

    >all those arms move btw
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:25 No.115138933
    They're still similiar. The Suul,ka are just a bons.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:26 No.115138967
    that ship is about as aesthetically pleasing as two wrinkly dicks in a turd. But if they are crewed by bug people i guess i can go with the flow.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:27 No.115139051

    Yea it could do without the ramscoop imo.

    I havn't unlocked shit though, so who knows what new parts you can fit onto the hulls.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:27 No.115139054
    Well, guess I'll be playing Sword of the Stars 1 for a bit longer. SotS2 also requires steam to play, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:27 No.115139058
    Just a friendly reminder that Starcraft 2 is glorious, was glorious on release and shall continue to be glorious.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:28 No.115139079
    Holy fuck i've played a lot of sots but the tech and economy in this new game is confusing me.

    Some tech i have to research feasablility?

    Also i went in the negative numbers really quickly. This game seems a whole lot slower as well. basic tech was gonna take like 30 turns and you can't just spam scouts everywhere you have to survey a system then colonise. I need a tutorial dammit.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:28 No.115139122
    >yfw you realize they had to keep patching for balance
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:28 No.115139126

    get in here you fuarkin kunts
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:28 No.115139137
    >Episodic bullshit
    enjoy buying the same game 3 times
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:29 No.115139180
    Update/patch but not play from what I understand
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:29 No.115139183
    yeah Terran being broken was sure great
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:30 No.115139232
    We have 2 people already. Come and join.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:30 No.115139234
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    >what are you plans /v/? What are you going to do? who are you going to play as?

    Assuming the Zuul still play like they did in the first game, I'm going to be mostly playing them, with Morrigi as a backup to change pace every now and again. If the Zuul have changed to some late-game race, then meh, I'll probably mostly play Morrigi unless I still like them anyway

    >Hiver scum



    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:30 No.115139237

    >blizzard nerfing everything but the problem

    I especially like how they made reapers useless, after everyone stopped using them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:31 No.115139299
    So how broken is this? Bugged into oblivion or just imbalanced?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:32 No.115139320
    >gotta do a large Zuul game next

    They're going to end up as one giant faction
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:32 No.115139340
    I have the original plus expansion packs and I really enjoy playing this, but I fucking suck and can't beat AI on higher difficulties, let alone other people. How do I learn to be good at SotS (or any turn based strategy like this for that matter)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:32 No.115139348
    it's just really buggy

    but you can tell underneath all the shit that there is a really good game.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:33 No.115139383

    Its just really needing polish.

    Its not newbie friendly at all.

    I'm an RTS vet, but I never played SWOTS before, and I'm fairly lost.

    You have to spend time and money researching to see if you can even research a certain tech.

    Like, is it even possible to put miniature black holes in the tips of torpedoes in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:33 No.115139413

    Are you guys seriously comparing a (perceived) imbalance problem to an absolutely shit release taken directly on your chest? Oh and I only paid 40 dollars for SC2 when SotS 2 is 50 DOLLARS on release. Oh and the next SC2 expansion has a larger campaign than Brood War and as many new units for the same price.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:35 No.115139506
    Do Morrigi dreadnaughts still spin in circles at 50000 miles a second when bumped into, like in the first game?

    Can you still do crazy antics with tractor beams and grappling hooks?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:36 No.115139583
    Jealous of my tech power eh? Ramscoops,FarCasters.... Gates in general.

    Also, Hivers dont always betray... only I do. and I did it with other Races too.

    Some guy on /v/ once told a greentext story how he parked siege drivers on his ally's colonies and his ally didnt notice it.

    Must have been pretty a hilarious betrayal. I can already see it.

    >People are celebrating in the streets following a victory for the alliance.
    >They look up to the heavens and see lights - fireworks, as they assumed.
    >the light come closer and getting ever brighters. people look in amazement at the firework show.

    >and the planet become a barren waste after that.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:36 No.115139585

    Pretty cool! Thanks a lot, sorry to have bugged you for them. Could you also post some Morrigi pics, pretty please? I can't imagine how sleek *they* will look considering how goddamn sleek and cool they were in 1
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:36 No.115139599
    Well I can live with that since if they get on patching it will be pretty swell. Bought and downloaded it yesterday but haven't had chance to test it since I'm on my laptop stealing my parents' fast internet and my flat with the tower has 50kB/s. This thread scared me as shitless as the moment I bought elemental and realized it sucked dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:36 No.115139601
    Solfag reporting in, may I join your ant genocide sir?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:36 No.115139613
    By playing with good people, being destroyed by them and learnign from your mistakes. We're starting a game righ now at >>115138604.
    We'll give you tips and stuff so you can learn quickly.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:37 No.115139639
    It's fun.

    You wouldn't understand that.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:37 No.115139675
    >3-4 new units/race
    >removing other units as well
    patches for better games add and change more than that
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:39 No.115139784
    Try again, look at what other people are doing and learn from them, seek out the weakness in their tactics and adapt to exploit it. look for your weaknesses and fix them.

    Also, grow a pair - this game is alot of alliances of opportunity and betrayals.

    Try starting out with Tarkas, they're pretty well rounded and good for starting. Hivers and a terrible choice for starting out as they are very hard at first.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:39 No.115139798
    I'll have to politely decline for today. I don't have to time to play a game right now
    and yet here I am still browsing /v/
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:39 No.115139805
    Let me know when they release the next expansion for SotS, oh wait you won't because the game will be dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:40 No.115139821
    Sots2 is 40$. What are you talking about?

    Of course once you include the dlc packs and the inevitable expansions...
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:40 No.115139830
    >everyone is xenophobic empires except humans & morrigi
    >morrigi are only ones to give fully equal rights to everyone
    Morrigi Confederacy is best faction, or at least it will be when they finally get off their asses and release the proper version of the game.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:40 No.115139849
    First sots was pretty niche and it got 3 expansions
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:43 No.115140042
    Hivers were easy in sots 1, you just research bio science and spam colonies EVERYWHERE then use your ridiculous amount of income to build an unstoppable fleet.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:43 No.115140065
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    >My dog is going to the vet in half an hour, I hope they can do something for her.

    Of course they'll be able to do something for her.

    They'll be able to inject her with poison.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:45 No.115140165
    >implying Xenophobia is bad.

    You know what, you're right! Lets sit down and have some peace talks, maybe we could create a Galactic union of races and combine forces into one happy Empire.

    I'm on my way, please make sure everyone are on the planet once my ships gets into orbit - it will be easy to recognize just look for a huge siege drive
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:46 No.115140260
    All hiver queens need to die for the common hiver to truly be free.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:47 No.115140287
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    race traitor
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:47 No.115140341
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    >Sword of the Stars 2 is shit



    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:49 No.115140450
    They look like Star Destroyers now.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:49 No.115140452
    who said it was shit

    it's just buggy

    bugs can be fixed

    the game underneath looks insanely promising
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:50 No.115140484
    Yeah but you had no offensives abilities to speak of until you got FarCasters. before that you got intercepted at every turn and gave your enemy dozens of turn ahead notice that your fleet is coming.

    Also, very slow expansion so if you're near any other Empire they probably settled everything around.

    And lastly, while you could send your fleet everywhere at a blink of an eye many players become careless and dont have a proper defensive fleet that can defend two or more planets at once and from my personal experience from Online play everybody always teams up against the Hivers from the start if they can - catch them when they're small.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:50 No.115140498
    It's not shitty. Just borderline bad and it will probably be fixed in time.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:50 No.115140499
    me and my bro were pretty stoked to get this rolling tonight and lan it. we were Sots1 regulars and walking into this was intimidating, the new galaxy system is interesting. Instead of just showing planets on the map, it's systems and each system has a bunch of shit in it, including the opportunity to find multiple colonizable planets. The ship building is pretty confusing now too.

    Not to mention the bugs and the inevitable quit 10 minutes after looking at all the shit because we both knew we wouldn't be able to play this without tinkering with all the new features.
    It has potential, but the closest comparison for this right now is like trying to play dorf fort vanilla for the first time
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:50 No.115140537
    >managed to play 20 mins of morrigi
    >make all my admirals humans because they often have funny/useful traits.
    Glorious multi-species space trade federation.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:51 No.115140573
    >Product Update - Valve 21:25
    >This is the build that was intended to go out this morning.
    >A large part of the update is DLC content that is now active.

    my body is ready.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:51 No.115140593
    Paradox games have always been shit
    come back in two years, maybe it will be bug free by then.
    Sadly everyone will have forgotten this game again
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:52 No.115140636
    just wait

    it's basically the same thing as the version they wrongly released
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:53 No.115140685
    Because that game didn't rip anything at all.

    Seriously, there is NOTHING in Mass Effect that hasn't been done to death in science fiction. That's the point of the game, create the most generic but good science fiction game ever. Good is arguable, but generic it surely was.
    Kinda like what SotS goes for, but to be honest it reminds me a lot more of Star Control (the mass effect before mass effect) than Mass Effect.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:54 No.115140727
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    In my own personal opinion, race difficulty is something like this:

    Tarkas: Easy mode (Nothing is truly special about the Tarkas; everything is fairly intuitive. Tell a ship to go somewhere, he goes straight there. Need to fight? Their ships are second only to Hivers at straight up combat)

    Humans: Normal mode (once you grasp how node lines quirks work, things are pretty simple)

    Morrigi: Nightmare mode (they outright rely on many techs that most races don't even need to make use of and their FTL mechanic is NOT intuitive for a first timer)

    Hivers: Nightmare mode (Turtling is easy; knowing how to manipulate the game so you come out on top in the long run is HARD)

    Liir: Hard mode (Your ships are pretty shit at combat but you have great tech which means you need to know your tech tree fairly well)

    Zuul: Either Normal mode or Dante Must Die mode, depending on your background as a strategy gamer. (If you were the kind of player who 6 or 9-pools as Zerg in SC1, then this race will be fairly intuitive as they are basically Zerg if Zerg could loot enemy units for bonus resources and they didn't have any Defilers. If you're the turtle kind of guy who normally plays Hivers, you will be absolutely fucking lost if you rely on the basic instincts turtle-type players take for granted)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:55 No.115140838
    >A Paradox game was released shitty

    Nothing new here, 90% of their released are like that, in a couple of months they will fix this at least, the same thing happened in Victoria ,EU3 and Pride of Nations and now they are some of my favourite games ever
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:55 No.115140846
    >like trying to play dorf fort vanilla for the first time
    It was over a year of uninstalling and reinstalling before I realized you had to build a down stairway to be able to dig down.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:57 No.115140936
    You can do it with ramps too but fuck even I sometimes manage to fuck up ramped mineshafts.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:58 No.115140993

    Paradox didnt make it only published it, and their last game Victoria 2 had a stable release with no major bugs and no game breaking bugs, it was patched for minor bugs within a week. Their CEO stated now they have become a bigger company they will have the money and time to release more stable and bug free games from now on. People in the Crusader Kings 2 beta say it plays very fine even now better than any paradox game they tested in beta.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:59 No.115141079
    paradox is actually becoming a huge producer, relatively speaking

    i kinda like it
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:02 No.115141206

    Oh yeah and I forgot, here's a few starting tips:

    Know your tech tree. SoTS1 is pretty bad about this because of randomized techs and tooltips being fairly shit, but this link will help you some

    Scout FIRST, research basic terraforming technologies AS you scout, expand AFTER. You *don't* want to queue up 5 non-Suspended Animation Colonizers and send them to the wrong end of the galaxy just as your scouts find a great planet within spitting distance of your world

    For node travel (ie human and zuul): ships can only go as far as the total range distance on their engines. This means that you won't be "refueling" while mid-node travel; a basic Fission Zuul Rip Bore can only travel 14LY between planets, even if it has 20 Tankers with it. What this means is that if the only way to get to the other edge of the galaxy requires you to make a 15LY node jump, you *aren't* getting over there until you upgrade the raw range on that Rip Bore. Note that I don't play humans, but I'm pretty sure it works the same for them

    GET YOUR POINT-DEFENSE TRACKING WEAPONS AS SOON AS YOU THINK COMBAT IS GOING TO START HAPPENING IN THE NEXT 30 TURNS! Having a fleet being completely wiped out by missile-users playing keep-away will absolutely wreck your manpower

    DON'T GODDAMN RESEARCH AI TECHS UNLESS THERE IS SIMPLY NO OTHER WAY FOR YOU TO PULL INTO THE LEAD! Hence the pic in my other post. You often stand to LOSE more than you will gain if you're already in the lead. An AI rebellion will ruin your shit and knock you squarely into mid place even if you're otherwise owning the entire galaxy
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:02 No.115141216

    Last savour of PC gaming.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:05 No.115141384
    Yes, as along as they continue to follow the policy of making the game they are now making instead of going for casual crapfest. After all what other publisher would do something like Victoria or RoP
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:06 No.115141393
    Set a ship as the SFS Ssssssssss.

    Do eet.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:06 No.115141417
    >DON'T GODDAMN RESEARCH AI TECHS UNLESS THERE IS SIMPLY NO OTHER WAY FOR YOU TO PULL INTO THE LEAD! Hence the pic in my other post. You often stand to LOSE more than you will gain if you're already in the lead. An AI rebellion will ruin your shit and knock you squarely into mid place even if you're otherwise owning the entire galaxy

    But its fun! and A.I. gives great advantages...

    And I fucking love A.I. Rebellions...

    And isnt A.I. Slaves reverts the A.I. back to your control so not alot was lost?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:07 No.115141486
    you don't always get that tech option
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:07 No.115141487
    >inb4 expanding to larger audiences.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:07 No.115141512
    For me, it's

    Tarkas: Easy mode - pretty much the same reasons

    Humans: Hard mode - Shit mounts, the only race I consistently get shit armor and no point defense. They depends almost entirely on luck or core technology, and can be screwed by the game outright. And that's if you don't lose one of your node connections forever due to certain game enemies. (not that it was helping having to go 4 planets to a planet next to you)

    Morrigi: Easy-Normal mode - Not great armor and expensive ships but get progressively better as the game goes on and your trade gets up and running. If they can survive the early game, then they start steamrolling with tech and funds and beams. If you actually like using drones, then even early game is easy for them.

    Hivers: Normal mode - You suck ass at attacking (not combat but getting there: Prepare to be intercepted) but can turtle until you can fling your ships at enemy planets.

    Liir: Nightmare mode - They're like the Morrigi with less armor and money. Also that gravity affecting your drives.

    Zuul: Either Normal mode or Dante Must Die mode - I agree with this. If you can use them, they're the best race.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:09 No.115141592

    Hivers are easy if you're against people who are bad. They turn into absolute nightmare mode against people who are good, because suddenly you can't expand anywhere without building half a million ships

    Here's how it works: Early game, you send out your dozen or two dozen gateships. About half of those get intercepted and killed by enemy scouts. The half that don't become a part of your unbreakable empire. Cool

    Midgame: Now everyone has scouts and line of sight to every corner of your empire and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it. They will now intercept absolutely every single gateship you send out. Fuck. In addition, if you decide to send an army with your gateship to guarantee that you will get a foothold on the planet, now they'll just attack one of your planets during the transit time. *Fuck*

    Late game: You now have Farcasters and hopefully have out-expanded the enemy empire somehow, because if you have not, you are not irrecoverably fucked because Hivers have the worst tech speed besides Zuul and now everyone else has almost twice the tech you do except maybe Tarkas. *FUCK*

    I hate Hivers more than anything, but I acknowledge that they are hard to play
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:09 No.115141598

    >Crusader Kings II
    >Magna Mundi
    >Naval War Arctic Circle
    >Warlock: Master of the Arcane
    >War of the Roses

    Is your body ready?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:12 No.115141812
    For another disappointment like Sots 2?

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:12 No.115141822

    pfft fuck that. Get emitters and deflectors. Let the missiles hit your deflectors and emitters. And if you're fast enough to close in, the emitters will arc to missiles right as they're launched, making missile boats useless.

    point defense is needed for torpedoes and all those little drone using enemies.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:20 No.115142281


    But they're so useless against everything but destroyers..
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:23 No.115142428
    They double as point defense very nicely too.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:23 No.115142431
    Which is what you fight early game. Do you only play on large maps where you meet your enemy in the dreadnaught era or something?

    Also the medium emitters are great against massing cruisers or dreadnaught spam. I've never used the heavy admittedly.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:33 No.115143016
    As someone who's never played or even heard much about Sword of the Stars is the original and expansions worth $5 on steam?
    I enjoyed the Homeworld series but I've seen this compared to Master of Orion which I've never played.

    So get the original or put the $5 towards Sins of a Solar Empire?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:35 No.115143161
    Get SotS. For 5$ it's a steal.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:35 No.115143165
    It is, 5 bucks ain't shit for a game that good. I really hope they'll too fix sots II for it to be worth the money I spent on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:36 No.115143236
    Sins is an RTS, Sword is Total War in space. It's worth 5$ if you like Total War games
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:57 No.115144504
    I am undecided if I should buy SoTS1 or save money for AHD and CKII
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:04 No.115144868

    Well, seeing how theres no promise that CK2 or AHD will be any good and that Sots 1 is only 5$ on Steam, I'd say go Sots.

    Its not like 5$ will matter that much if you're saving for a full retail price game.

    But it really depends if you like what Sots offers. read up on it, check gameplay vids on youtube to decide if its a game suitable for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:05 No.115144948
    Any ETA on the todays patch ?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:07 No.115145007
         File1319890022.png-(51 KB, 455x451, 1314960493710.png)
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    >"It is the release version"
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:07 No.115145021
    Any ETA for us piratefags for Yesterday's patch?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:08 No.115145111
    I dont think they will be releasing a patch as much as it will be the release build. Too much wrong with it to be a release build, also the fact that its larger than 2GB (the games actual size and the size of the download for people who didnt buy on steam) someone has fucked up along the way.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:10 No.115145180
    >"Just a quick update to let you know the developers are temporarily offline (to catch a few hours of zzz) "
    >abit further
    >"Kerberos are fully committed to this product and have made it very clear they'll be working around the clock to continue updating the build."

    Seriously? I dont expect them to really work around the clock but they cant claim they're working around the clock when just two lines above they said they're going to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:13 No.115145347
         File1319890408.png-(69 KB, 376x275, tewi no way, that was a li(...).png)
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    Sure they can

    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:17 No.115145587
    Jesus christ so everyone that pre-ordered got scammed. They chose steam so updates were easy. They never planned on releasing a fully made game. They get all our money by lying to us then fake a mishap to confuse people into thinking people have a beta and there is a complete version of the game out.

    Fuck me dead. How the hell can they get away with that?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:18 No.115145655
         File1319890727.png-(5 KB, 331x239, 1241314932913.png)
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    >"It is the release version"

    Welp. Cya in a few months, Paradox. Hopefully your game isn't still shitting the bed when the next steam sale starts.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:24 No.115145933
    Im hoping for a patch today, with all my fucking might im hoping. The game itself looks fantastic i just wish i could play the fucking thing!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:25 No.115146014
    So wait I bought it off steam and my game size is 5GB (excluding 3.6GB DLC junk). What was that about 2GB? I saw a 1.6GB or so download in bitgamer. Is there 2 releases of this game?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:28 No.115146157
    From my understanding they first released Beta.
    Yesterday they patched.

    Dunno if theres another patch suppose to be today or if its just pirates waiting for their cracked patch.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:35 No.115146558
    >"Please know that the entire team is working hard to solve the issues! So please stay with us, we will make this work."

    Well atleast they seem to be in full crisis mode, as they should be.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:09 No.115148609
    I don't think you understand. "Solve these issues" is them saying "make the game".

    They aren't issues because they aren't there. The game is simply not finished. I would say it's maybe 3/4 done. They will go back and work on it like they were before only they will release their progress in incriments.

    Basically it's the same as notch. Only he told us it was an alpha. These people charged $50 for a complete game they think is complete and only needs bug fixes.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:21 No.115149361
    More like "OH SHIT OH SHIT WHAT JUST HAPPENED" panic mode
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:24 No.115149545
    They knew the game isn't finished yet they still rushed it out. They should have expected this.
    Nothing to be suprised about here.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:25 No.115149637
    They know what happened. We are all beta testers that payed $50.

    The lead dev, that cunt mecron even wrote a confusing letter of apology in advance. We all just thought it was going to be a bit buggy. But this shit is unfinished and they fucking knew. I feel so violated.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:25 No.115149651
    In other news
    >Sword of the Stars II Lords of Winter Update 1-SKIDROW
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:26 No.115149703
    Okay, fuck this. Fuck Kerberos. Any good torrents up anywhere?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:28 No.115149781
    If you feel like torrenting an incomplete game sure. We all get the same copy. We all got buttfucked. There is no 'complete' version.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:30 No.115149913
    So does steam give your money back in such a case? I'd rather but it when finished in a steam sale.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:31 No.115149968
    Don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:32 No.115150030
    What's the big deal with saying "Sorry guys but we're going to delay the game another 2 weeks to make sure everything is ready for the release"?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:32 No.115150056
    They even put a disclaimer under the preorder that they don't accept refunds.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:34 No.115150181
    They do cancel preorders with out a fuzz tough. I never refunded a "released" game so that's why I'm asking.

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