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  • File : 1318508555.jpg-(39 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lsigim74je1r25y9yo1_500.jpg)
    39 KB Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:22 No.113352472  
    >being conservative

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:23 No.113352531
    >not having universal Healthcare.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:23 No.113352532
    >living in a country without socialized medicine
    >living in a country without socialized higher education

    its your own fault, move to a better place
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:23 No.113352542
    >I made bad decisions in life
    >I put myself in debt
    >I made non-vidya theads
    >I'm the 99%
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:24 No.113352572
    >getting cancer

    what is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:24 No.113352588

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:25 No.113352625
         File1318508704.png-(9 KB, 585x491, Lol.png)
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    >but it costs more and take my freedums away, damn socialicsz
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:25 No.113352649
    >not vidya
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:26 No.113352696
    dual monitor computer setup in the background.... 99%.... nah more like the 1% of people in the world with enough to have the chances we recieve
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:26 No.113352698
    he probably has whole arm tattoos too, look at his thumb
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:26 No.113352708
    >living in a country without socialized medicine
    >living in a country without socialized higher education

    But why would an influential and numerous political group push for LESS civilized amenities for American citizens? Are they all psychopaths?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:26 No.113352734

    ITT nobody understands logic
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:27 No.113352800
    >paycheck to paycheck

    piercings, tatoos, dual monitor set-up (at least) pfft
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:27 No.113352803
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:27 No.113352806
    >two flat screen monitors

    how can this people have the audacity to call themselves poor? there are persons in the world who work 16 hours a day to afford some bread
    God i hate amerikans so hard
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:28 No.113352820
    >dual monitor setup
    >what looks like a gaming PC
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:28 No.113352832
    Yep, everyone laughs at you for having such shitty healthcare system.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:28 No.113352866

    hahaha what a faggot, there might be a god.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:29 No.113352876
         File1318508943.jpg-(39 KB, 200x196, 1287924854508.jpg)
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    >Live in Australia
    >Get cancer at 13
    >Undergo chemo
    >Parents pay hardly anything
    >Insurance pays most
    >My face when Americans go poor over shit like this
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:29 No.113352885
    >not hiring a person on account of his physical looks

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:29 No.113352896
    >highest gdp
    >37th in healthcare
    lol merrica
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:29 No.113352904
    >Live in Australia
    >implying you aren't poor compared to Americans by default
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:29 No.113352914
         File1318508982.jpg-(102 KB, 480x640, 1318271747205.jpg)
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    Fuck you and fuck off with your freeloading pieces of shits.

    Not video games
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:30 No.113352934
    >can afford piercings
    >can afford a dual monitor setup

    Sure is poor
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:30 No.113352989

    >implying personal appearence and hygiene are not important in obtaining a job
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:30 No.113353000
    So you're saying Americans should expect the same quality of life as Somalis just because herpaderp randum XD? Poverty is relative.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:31 No.113353001
    I think you may have meant:
    >hiring a person on account of his physical looks

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:31 No.113353004
    >I have a high demand job position, as jobs are tight in this economy.
    >Hmm, I have two workers with roughly the same qualifications. Either will do.
    >Well, one looks highly professional: no piercings, and people will take him seriously when he works the register.
    >The other one has piercings, and a conservative part of the population might feel uncomfortable with him at the register.
    >The smart business move is to hire the one without piercings.
    >I think I will make the smart business move.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:31 No.113353023
    >be australian
    >cancer at 5
    >cancer at 10
    >cancer at 18
    >arm gets cut off
    >cancer at 22

    That is a cancer patient whos family went through hard shit, not a single-time "cured" cancer patient
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:31 No.113353030
    >Life savings + two jobs 80-90 hour weeks to pay for medical treatment

    Did these morons ever think about leaving the USA?
    Actually, no. They can stay there.

    Video games.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:31 No.113353037
    >implying personal appearence and hygiene are not important in obtaining a job

    Not in Europe, no. And I don't see what's unhygienic about the guy in OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:32 No.113353052
         File1318509126.jpg-(17 KB, 323x196, 112414151.jpg)
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    >Guy didn't work at all
    >Blames everyone else
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:32 No.113353100

    Australia has private health insurance and private hospitals. There is a public service run by the government but thats absolutely fucking terrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:33 No.113353121
         File1318509188.png-(35 KB, 504x753, HDI for average people.png)
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    >not living in Australia
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:33 No.113353125
    >life savings

    dude, look at the guy and think that through again
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:33 No.113353138
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:33 No.113353156
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    >not understanding that the free market is the only morally acceptable economy and also the most efficient

    no you 99% faggots, we're not in a capitalism economy. we haven't been for many decades. the USA is CORPORATIST, there's a huge difference.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:33 No.113353160

    Good business practice isn't always moral or ethical.

    It's why you have laws preventing people for being discriminated against for being elderly, disabled, of a certain race or gender etc.

    Your point still stands however, "it's lame brah" isn't really an argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:33 No.113353174
    >Not living in Austria

    shit man what are you doing?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:33 No.113353177
    >have ridiculous tatoos and piercings everywhere
    >can't get a job to save my fucking life because of it
    >girlfriend gets cancer (what a fucking bitch)
    >now i dont get to fuck her as much because she has to work a shit ton of hours to pay for it
    >sit at home smoking weed to take my mind off that cancer ridden bitch
    >99% woz here 2k11
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:34 No.113353188
    >hiring someone with full arm tattoos and facial piercings.

    He would be a representative of your company. It's the same reason people were told to take out thier piercings at school and cover up their tattoos while in uniform.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:34 No.113353190
    >implying people with piercings do not take them out when working

    Seriously, every stoner faggot friend I know does this.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:34 No.113353203
    >posting non-vidya
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:34 No.113353228
    at least he can still afford gay little thumb tattoos and a dual monitor PC setup
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:34 No.113353229

    You shouldn't expect anything from life. The first world countries are not utopia everything should be hard earned.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:35 No.113353257

    which is why employers don't say, "your not hired because of your piercings and gender" they say, your just not the right candidate for the job, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:35 No.113353275
    dude if you get cancer 4 times you should die already
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:36 No.113353303
         File1318509373.jpg-(85 KB, 500x667, niggerdicks.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:36 No.113353325
    >not in Europe

    No here in Europe looking like you just got back from a tour with KISS probably means you won't get hired. Piercings and tattoos are almost never flattering
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:37 No.113353345
    >lol my life is better than 60 % of the worlds population and I still bitch XD lol thick rimmed glasses. I should be a millionaire like the children of people who earned the money.
    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:37 No.113353367

    europe & oceania got that shit on lock down
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:38 No.113353427

    HDI and IHDI have been criticized on numerous grounds.

    For example, it would probably have classed 1938 Germany as 0.900 or higher.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:38 No.113353446
         File1318509514.jpg-(74 KB, 940x640, 2009_10_17Trondheim-Storlien14(...).jpg)
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    >Not living in glåriøss Nårvei
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:39 No.113353493
         File1318509559.png-(175 KB, 877x391, ignorant.png)
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    America is like that huge retard at a private school who fucks everything up and who everybody laughs at.

    he thinks he is really popular, but really, he's the Chris Chan of the international community. except even more arrogant
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:39 No.113353496
         File1318509563.png-(2.26 MB, 899x1029, Scrooge_McDuck1.png)
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    > Be a CEO
    > Make more money than god
    > Oh fuck I have no way to spend all this money!
    > Stash everything in overseas accounts
    > Economy gradually runs out of free flowing cash
    > Beg government to print more money
    > Money goes directly to banks
    > Bank CEOs swim in huge pile of money while stealing away half of it in overseas accounts
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:39 No.113353498
    >school uniform

    What the hell, parents in my country would cause such an uproar if this were instituted.

    And not hiring someone because "conservative citizens might be offended" is blackmail of the worst kind. People don't care what employees look like, conservative CEOs do.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:39 No.113353519,464/

    Prophetic Onion article from 2001
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:40 No.113353538
    >other people get butt fucked twice you only get butt fucked once, quit bitching
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:40 No.113353559
    >i am not the 99%

    but you are

    also people are stupid egoistic fucks
    >hurr i have no problems
    >if somebody has problems then it must be 100% his fault

    herpa derpa durr
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:41 No.113353575
    Even if you are the biggest hard-ass conservative known to man, I still fail to understand how you can defend corporate greed and hate on those trying to expose it. All I can think is that your educational literature is supplied by the corporate sector, and you've been brainwashed.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:41 No.113353582
    >only conservative CEOs care about potential employees looks
    lol, kids
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:41 No.113353587
    >>113353229 everything should be hard earned.

    The right to good health should be hard earned?

    Motherfucking John Cadbury died 120 years ago and he had a more modern appreciation of ethics in business and society than you do.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:41 No.113353590
    >Work my @$$ off
    How nice of him to allow a corporation to entitle themselves to the sweat of his brow. I'm sure they appreciate all the labor that he's letting them reap from him while skimming the rewards.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/11(Thu)08:41 No.113353601
    >No here in Europe looking like you just got back from a tour with KISS probably means you won't get hired.

    Yeah, you're right, the private sector is always malicious towards mean workers and ass-backwards. The public sector however...

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