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  • File : 1318422777.jpg-(138 KB, 325x463, battlefield-3-pc.jpg)
    138 KB lol master race Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:32 No.113239784  
    Battlefield 3 for Xbox 360
    >insert disc
    >play game

    Battlefield 3 for PC
    >insert disc
    >prompted to install 3rd party spyshit origin
    >install game
    >click play BF3
    >browser opens, redirected to battlelog website, instructed to install browser addon to play game
    >browser incompatible
    >forced to download compatible browser
    >go to battlelog server browser
    >find server
    >open ts2/vent/skype
    >play game
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:34 No.113239857
    what hipster browser were you using that was incompatible?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:35 No.113239892
    >Battlefield 3 for PC
    >Insert disc

    >Buying retail for PC
    full retard, etc etc.
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)08:35 No.113239906
    XBOX 360
    >insert disk
    >insert next disk
    >insert next disk
    >insert master disk
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:35 No.113239911
    >using spychrome or shitfox
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:35 No.113239943
    >prompted to install 3rd party spyshit origin

    implying origin isn't made by EA.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:35 No.113239946
    > Origin not required for final game
    > Battlelog is superior to server browser if you don't have autism

    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:36 No.113239949
         File1318422960.jpg-(51 KB, 200x200, 1315235817272.jpg)
    51 KB
    >2000 posts and 83 image replies omitted
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:36 No.113239950
    Battlefield 3 for Xbox 360
    >buy game
    >install texture packs that come on extra disk
    >put in multiplayer disk
    >sit through 2 minutes of unskippable intro movies at the beginning of the game
    >matchmaking with random 12 year olds
    >mic spam everywhere

    Battlefield 3 for PC
    >have game preloaded on Origin
    >have origin installed from beta
    >play BF3
    >opens modern browser for me
    >click multiplayer server browser
    >set filters to the exact map/style I want
    >play game
    >no mic spam

    I'm sorry you're using a web browser from 1998 and a PC with about 2 gigs of ram that can't handle having multiple things open up at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:37 No.113240010
    > Origin not required for final game
    Wait seriously? SAUCE!
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:38 No.113240090
    >too fat and spaghetti to purchase anything from gamestop
    >electing to not receive a physical copy for the same purchase price as digital d/l
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:40 No.113240145
    It's wrong, it's required
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:41 No.113240238
    >enjoy your privacy intrusion
    >EA is not a part of dice, therefore it is 3rd party, publisher or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:42 No.113240277
    >EA is not a part of Dice
    full retard etc
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:43 No.113240332
    Cheapest place to buy for PC?

    Best I have is Amazon physical for £30, GMG digital is £32
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:43 No.113240341
    parent company != first party
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:46 No.113240481
    Shit, I almost thought about buying this for a minute there and putting up with it not being battlefield 2 but pretty.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:47 No.113240556
    >implying battlefield 3 is even out yet
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:47 No.113240589

    Consoles have a server browser too faggot:3
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:48 No.113240655
    So does PC
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:52 No.113240852
    Battlefield 3 for Xbox 360
    >Insert disc
    >_=xXx=-Ub3RsKiLL5_4204LYFE-=xXx=_ has joined the game.
    >> Quailman !!I27sqquHAIl 10/12/11(Wed)08:53 No.113240952
         File1318424017.jpg-(14 KB, 447x301, 1316573910031.jpg)
    14 KB
    But not ingame.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)08:56 No.113241091
    You know how dumb you guys all look replying to this shitty troll right?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:00 No.113241354
    >implying anyone is going to get Battlefield 3 for PC

    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:01 No.113241420
    you gonna buy it on steam? oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:03 No.113241538
    console game sales for bad company 2

    xbox 360 - 4 million
    ps3 - 2.5 million
    pc - 500,000

    this applies to just about every single multiplatform release that has a pc variant - no one buys it on pc. you are an afterthought. its why the console versions run perfectly at every press event, even the most recent in san fran, while the pc version is buggy, broken and always having problems at the same events. enjoy your console port pc peasants. you are the uk of game platforms.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:05 No.113241666
    >his PC was so shitty he couldn't even try the Caspian Border beta
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:06 No.113241724
    BF3 for PC
    >install a rootkit
    >play game
    >realise it has the skill ceiling of modern warfare 2 with big maps and shitty vehicles
    >Go back to bf2
    >be happy
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:06 No.113241738
    >console port
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:07 No.113241781
    Good riddance. Holding gaming back.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:07 No.113241802
    >absolutely love battlelog
    >still consider that i should have a choice between in game browser and new battlelog
    >still consider that i should have a choice between Origin, Steam and other distributors
    >yet still dont want to buy it on launch because its going to be buggy peace of shit like BC2 was

    imma wait till sale or some shit
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:08 No.113241816

    Bullshit sales list, nevermind the fact that 1 pc game earns them more than 1 console game ever will.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:08 No.113241818
    you forgot
    Battlefield 3 for PS3
    >insert disc
    >PSN down
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:09 No.113241897
         File1318424960.png-(696 KB, 1316x861, 1317914172517.png)
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    >dont give a fuck
    >game is good
    >enjoy game
    what are you tards talking about again?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:10 No.113241942
    i'm with you there. bf3 looks like a modern warfare ground game mixed with some bc2 vehicles. looks great, sure it's fun- just not the game i wish bf3 was

    bf2 is nearly immortal. not to mention pr, which is still strong after 6 years alone
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:10 No.113241960


    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:11 No.113242017
    Battlefield 2 was buggy as shit (well it was laggy and lots of disconnects, not so much crashes) but it sold like 1.5 million copies in the first month.
    The difference here is that they release an actual demo for BF2, you got 64 players, all the vehicles on a big ass map. People bought it even though they knew how buggy it was because it was that fucking awesome.
    The complete opposite of BF3, EA is relying on hype to sell this game, not quality.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:11 No.113242033
    >Caspian border
    >Operation Firestorm
    >BOCAGE in the desert
    >any single conquest map
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:12 No.113242105
    Everyone knows they are second-hand gamer countries.

    They will always stand in the shadow of denmark,sweden,norway,russia,finland and ukraine(since na'vi).
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:13 No.113242121
    yeah its an interesting trend.
    English speaking countries love CoD, non english speaking, not so much.
    It's really odd, the entirety of europe has a love affair for battlefield 2.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:14 No.113242188
    The Xbox one would be the guy saying 'Why can't i hold all these disk?'

    PS3 will be put disk in, install, play and pwn.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:15 No.113242225

    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:16 No.113242280
    for every pc sale there's 3-4 pirated sales lost. and you wonder why companies are trying to steer away from the PC market and become more console friendly?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:16 No.113242312
    Don't kid yourself OP.

    Battlefield 3 for Xbox 360
    >Insert disc
    >Joined server
    >Find new server
    >Get into server
    >Lag like shit
    >12 year olds screaming on mic
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:17 No.113242328

    >cant think of an actual argument so ill scream pirates!
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:19 No.113242472
    SWTOR for PC is nr 5 in pre-order list in USA.

    Notice I only write USA.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:22 No.113242643
    >people still using the piracy argument to slap on shitty DRM
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:22 No.113242644
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:22 No.113242669

    >sales lost

    If the person who pirates never had money to buy it in the first place then no sale is lost as no sale was ever going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:23 No.113242706
    that was just a supplement to the fact that each cross platform game costs more and sells more than the PC equivalent

    but you can keep living in your deluded reality, w/e bro
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:23 No.113242761
    *costs more and sells more on the 360 than the PC equivalent
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:24 No.113242817
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:26 No.113242929
    >Someone sells a shit game
    >Console fags eat that shit up
    >PCfags go "I don't want any shit, no thanks"
    >Developers go "We'll just blame piracy! Fucking PCfags and their piracy"
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:26 No.113242938
    Actually it's an excellent argument and further proves that PC gamers are overwhelmingly awful and killing the industry with their greed.
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:27 No.113242994
    Typical criminal mindset. You're only stealing what nobody wants, huh?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:27 No.113242996
    if the person in question doesnt pirate and actually spends money on a console port to pc, they are fucking retarded in the first place. if you are into pc gaming, you do not pay for the games or you are just a moralfag retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:28 No.113243035
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:28 No.113243057
    Adopt a trip, you'll fit right in.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:28 No.113243064
    >Implying piracy = stealing

    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:29 No.113243104
    >Battlefield 3 for Xbox
    >Go to Gamestop
    >Try to buy game
    >Find out I haven't enough money
    >Work at Gamestop
    >Realize I'm a bear
    >Kill costumer who asks you for your opinion on said game
    >Get arrested and set to prison
    >Get anally raped in the prison shower for the next couple of years
    >Escapes by disguising as a human
    >Get back home to see my Xbox has red ring´d

    >Battlefield 3 for PC
    >Open game

    Xbox are you even trying?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:29 No.113243119
    look on the left side you faggot
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:29 No.113243151
    the denial here. wow.
    >i'm a good boy I'm a good boy I'm a good boy
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:29 No.113243157
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:30 No.113243187

    Also Xbox and PS3 numbers include rentals.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:30 No.113243217
    Do you know what stealing is?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:31 No.113243265
    retention numbers don't equate to sales.

    if anything, they would probably prefer less retention, because of less server cost. (that's assuming dice hosts the majority of them, idk if they do)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:32 No.113243311
    >Still thinking PC games are dying
    >Paradox, a PC only dev who develops niche Grand strategy games, with buggy releases, still alive and selling well today
    >implying consoles aren't killing themselves
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:32 No.113243334
    Downloading pc games that aren't yours.
    Are you a lawyer?
    >> Lina-San !!uFop+xPDExu 10/12/11(Wed)09:33 No.113243425
    Battlefield 3 for the PC
    >Install game

    Battlefield 3 for the 360
    >Wake up
    >Get into car to drive to store
    >Car won't start
    >Walk down
    >Run into the black youths
    >They shoot you in the legs
    >The doctor can't get fix them
    >They have to be removed
    >Be a stump for the rest of your life
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:34 No.113243448
    Stealing is taking something from someone, you gained something and they lost something. Like if I stole your car, you're now missing a car. However if a pirate a game, then no-one has lost anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:35 No.113243488

    >arguing with a level 0 troll
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:35 No.113243507
    If you want to play the game, you pay for it. Getting it for free, through third party means, is criminal theft and is directly responsible for the death of the industry. Congrats.
    >> Blues DLN-000 10/12/11(Wed)09:36 No.113243576
    man sucks living in a hostile city

    how getting BF 3 works for me

    >drive to store whenever
    >pick-up game
    >go home
    >let it update
    >after 5 or so hours get mad at some bullshit in game
    >stop playing for 3 days
    >repeat Play-stop playing
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:36 No.113243601
    But no-one lost anything, therefore doesn't mean theft.
    I don't really give a fuck, it's more fun arguing about piracy with trolls than it is to browse the billions of LoL generals.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:37 No.113243625
    Only assuming the game would be paid for if the possibility for piracy was not available.

    No, it wouldn't.

    A shitty game won't sell, ever. However, it could get pirated, which is basically free advertising for the game.

    Piracy helps game sales. Yes I said it.
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:37 No.113243628
    By that rationale, not downloading it illegally is the same as not downloading it at all. So why don't you do that? Because you're a greedy fuck who cannot justify he cancerous, constant thievery.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:38 No.113243677

    >buying from store
    >store is a 3rd party
    >you are paying to pirate
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:38 No.113243701

    People who would otherwise buy or try the game, or ask for it as a gift, just steal it. You do it. Your friends do it. You're just lying to yourselves and it's pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:39 No.113243775
    >By that rationale, not downloading it illegally is the same as not downloading it at all.

    I did that, for years, then I discovered pirating and got to play all the games I missed, the companies didn't lose anything, since I wasn't going to pay in the first place.
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:39 No.113243797
    Whatever helps you sleep at night, thief. Just understand you're the main reason PC gaming is the way it is.
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:40 No.113243840
    Exactly. You don't give a shit. Instead of buying those games FUCK IT IT'S FREE AT MY FINGERTIPS I'M A CHILD....

    nice mentality. No wonder the industry is doomed. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:41 No.113243904
    >I wasn't going to pay in the first place.

    keep telling yourself that
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:41 No.113243913
    you forgot the part where you have to mute the voice option in battlelog, and having to start origin and then start battlelog to PLAY.


    (i will still play it but i still hate it and wish EA to burn)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:41 No.113243945
    >Buying BF3
    >Buying shooters
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:41 No.113243949
    >''I discovered theft, now I don't need to pay for things like regular people."

    What, what a sound philosophy. No wonder PC gaming is so great. Look at who they have to cater to.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:42 No.113243969
    What? How does me playing a game I wouldn't pay for in the first place automatically kill every company?
    But it's true, I did that for 7 years until I discovered pirating, I was a poorfag.
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:42 No.113244023
    >I'm poor so I get to have everything for free

    Listen to yourself. Pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:43 No.113244043
    People would never pay $60 for a game that they were unsure of. They'd just skip it.

    However, by pirating it, playing it and enjoying it, it would give the added incentive to buy the game to get more out of it, i.e online features or simply to support the devs.

    Sorry bro, you're clueless.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:43 No.113244051
    You aren't going to convince anybody to stop pirating (even if your specific arguments weren't old & tired and easily rebutted). All you're achieving is making people dislike "CLINT". Do you consider this a success?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:43 No.113244058
    OP you forgot updating the drivers, spending thousands of dollars on shit you have to upgrade every year, hoping everything is compatible and runs, hackers and modders galore on pc because punkbuster blows, and douchebag server admins that ban 92% of the guns/equipment in the game and ban you if you look at them funny.

    Oh yeah master race for sure
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:43 No.113244087
    Wow, it's almost like you're so young you don't remember a time before high speed internet. When, you know, people bought shit and PC gaming was strong.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:44 No.113244117
    This is the post of someone who has no arguments.
    >> CLINT 10/12/11(Wed)09:44 No.113244136
    >implying anybody has refuted anything I've said at all

    All people have said is "I'm going to pirate regardless"...I just want thieves to own up to the fact that they've killed their precious industry. They did.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:44 No.113244143
    At least I'm honest and not blaming others because of change.
    >> hiphopanonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:44 No.113244152
    Why are we talking about pirating and BC2 sales? Did people really get this game for the single player...?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/11(Wed)09:45 No.113244180

    >implying people didn't pirate back then also
    >implying people didn't pass around floppies back in the day for pirating purposes

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