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    File : 1317989663.jpg-(129 KB, 1920x1080, 1317988275402.jpg)
    129 KB Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:14 No.112639618  
    >mfw first episode sucked ass

    Stick with the game.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:14 No.112639651
         File1317989698.jpg-(140 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Persona 4 The A(...).jpg)
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    Damn, Igor's japanese voice blows.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:15 No.112639668

    So you were mildly amused that it sucked?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:15 No.112639702
    It started I forgot!

    Where can I watch it
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:16 No.112639735

    Tokyo Tosho
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:16 No.112639745
    You can find a torrent or DDL here
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:16 No.112639753
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:16 No.112639761
    But the game also sucked ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:17 No.112639771
    >>112639702 to check for any subbed torrents, has megaupload links I think so you can abuse megavideo.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:17 No.112639811
    Why did they give Protag a name instead of calling him "him"?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:18 No.112639836
    I'm still lurking the series to see if they'll make Adachi say 'Bitches and whores'
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:18 No.112639855
    Yu Narukami
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:19 No.112639892
    His name is 'Yuu'

    Think about that for a moment.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:19 No.112639917
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:20 No.112639965

    That's as deep as Bob's Game.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:20 No.112639990
    Which subs should I get? Commie or HorribleSubs?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:21 No.112640030

    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:21 No.112640035
    you can't do much other than laugh when you're confronted with as much QUALITY and shitty animation as in this show
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:21 No.112640038
    The VA's dead now if that makes you feel any better about it
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:21 No.112640042

    Who said anything about it being deep, >>112639811 is obviously a moron.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:21 No.112640063
    >Yuu Becomeagod
    Sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:22 No.112640097
    They didn't even bother to record any new music or at least remix the P4 OST a bit.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:23 No.112640142
    What's everyone talking about? First ep was awesome. 25 minute deja vu trip.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:23 No.112640176
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:24 No.112640221
    Horriblesubs are faster and adequate, but Commie are slightly better otherwise. At this point go with Commie for the first episode but for other episodes if you're feeling impatient feel free to go with Horriblesubs
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:24 No.112640223
         File1317990273.jpg-(70 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Persona 4 The A(...).jpg)
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    Is this engrish for "I am thou and thou art I"?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:25 No.112640287
    My only sticking point so far, aside from Seiryu no Densetsu.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:25 No.112640299
    People didn't like the episode? I thought it was pretty good, it was just over too quick.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:27 No.112640375
    >yellow subtitles
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:27 No.112640380
         File1317990454.jpg-(131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Persona 4 The A(...).jpg)
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    >attendant has a male voice

    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:27 No.112640395
    It's a normal English sentence.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:28 No.112640442
    To be honest, Yu/MC looks puzzled, too.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:28 No.112640455
    It's okay. I always thought attendant was a guy.
    But then suddenly, hot undead babe.
    I guess dem gods can change their body.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:29 No.112640481
         File1317990557.png-(130 KB, 334x309, 1316175085893.png)
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    >mfw the first fight where Yu calls for Izanagi, pops his collar and reach out to the truth plays
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:29 No.112640485
    Just wait until Naoto gets one too.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:30 No.112640526
    >pops his collar
    he strips up until he Izanagi disappears
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:31 No.112640605
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    Clumsy but he definitely has a bit of swag developing.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:31 No.112640628
    I watched a story playthrough of this last month. Meh. It wasn't as good as P3.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:34 No.112640787
    It's the same voice she had in the japanese version of the game and she's supposed to sound male. People refer to her as a he in the english translation until the reveal at the end, it's just that the voice actress fucked it up and sounded too fem all the time
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:36 No.112640888

    I only needed to hear one line from Igor to close this shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:37 No.112640902
    >Pump Jockey's voice actor
    Also does Nanako, and also does Poison in SFxT. And also does Kitana and Mileena in the new MK.
    Besides, she didn't botch the gender nearly as badly as Naoto's before the reveal.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:37 No.112640926
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    From what I hear, in Japanese, Naoto's voice wasn't all that masculine sounding, either.

    I'm just hoping the show's good. It's one of my favorite games. But stuffing all the plot of a long jRPG into a 26 episode affair? They're gonna have to cut shit. And social links are a large factor in the whole "feel" of the game. How can you not have them, but then again, how can you find time for them?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:39 No.112640990
    It was really androgynous.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:40 No.112641055
    >making this shit instead of a jojo anime
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:41 No.112641091
    Well persona 4 is jojo 4
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:41 No.112641095
    JJBA got an OVA though

    A shit one, but it got it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:42 No.112641131
    Yeah it was pretty weak

    tbh Persona is really not that good in general but the last format I'd change it to is an anime
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:43 No.112641177
    >thinking QUALITY only applies to the drawings

    The animation is basically nonexistant, it reuses artwork from the game, has no original music and the OP was a visual embarassment, especially compared to the game's stylish intro movie.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:44 No.112641205
    There are some stories that really work well across different mediums. I'm not sure any game in the SMT series really is among them.

    Then again, a Raidou anime, done right...?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:46 No.112641324
         File1317991585.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Persona 4 The A(...).jpg)
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    What, you went into the TV? Oh well let's talk about other things.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:46 No.112641332
    That intro's only for the first episode you know
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:50 No.112641504
    The first episode made me remember why silent protagonists work much better in game format than non-interactive mediums. When you play as the P4 protagonist, you project a certain amount of your own personality onto the character; you fill in the gaps, based on the small in-game decisions that you make. But when you watch the protagonist in anime form, his lack of real dialog just makes the character feel flat and lifeless.

    Then again, I suppose having a silent protagonist is better than adding an extra quirk for the sake of it ("excuuuuse me, princess").
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:51 No.112641569
         File1317991891.jpg-(35 KB, 1280x720, grab28823.jpg)
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    Normally have to pay good money to see a girl get licked into an incoherent mess. Proceed, P4A.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:51 No.112641587
    Did you not see the stat screen? Fucker's obviously going to develop.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:52 No.112641615

    Yeah, in the game he's a silent badass. In the show he permanently looks like he doesn't know what the fuck is going on.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:53 No.112641659

    I really don't get how some people expected brotag to start out on a new game+ with full stats.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:54 No.112641696
    Nice 5 o'clock shadow chie.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:54 No.112641698
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:54 No.112641701
    Oh shit, they actually have the stat bar? I'm a little skeptical, but I like that idea. I do hope it goes somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:55 No.112641774
    It's the eye catch before and after ads.

    They do have calendar changing shots in the show though.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:58 No.112641887
         File1317992308.jpg-(81 KB, 1280x720, grab21155.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:59 No.112641906
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)08:59 No.112641927

    If there's actually going to be a visible change in his personality along with these stats, I'll commend the writers.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:02 No.112642095
    This. If they manage to pull this off well, it'll be a sight to see.

    Don't want to get my hopes up for a badass banchou by the end, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:02 No.112642128
    The anime is shit, but every weeb is going to watch it anyway it's Persona.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:08 No.112642453
    why do they make an animu about it and also a psp remake how can you be this retarded the anime is going to spoil everything and the psp game is going to bomb zero copies sold and persona will get dropped
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:11 No.112642608
    Everyone who would want to play the PSP version will have already played the PS2 version anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:12 No.112642695
    Punctuation is your friend.

    And many people bought multiple versions of P3, so it's certainly possible that fans would buy multiple versions of P4. If anything, the hype caused by the anime will drive sales up, not down.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:15 No.112642842
    Then don't watch the anime first, idiot. Anime adaptations are always inferior to the source material.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:19 No.112643150
         File1317993598.jpg-(175 KB, 358x500, 1309050367730.jpg)
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    Not that guy, but how about if I was interested (having played every SMT main game) but never played 3 or 4. I probably won't because I don't want to buy another PS2 or PSP and the games emulate like dick on my PC. Worth watching for the story?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:21 No.112643259
    OH SHIT something just occurred to me

    >Five stats, five levels each
    >First episode everything is zero
    >Probably 26 episode anime
    >One of them will go up by one each time, ending with mastery of them all
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:22 No.112643323
         File1317993761.png-(55 KB, 358x400, 1317830090026.png)
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    It was awesome, but maybe I just have too low standards.

    I expected it to stick with the game with some differences, and they did what I expected.

    Izanagi was badass, too.

    I dunno, people were expecting it to be TTGL and the second coming of Kamina, but I enjoyed it. Can't wait for next episode.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:23 No.112643404

    The entire storymode that skips battles and dungeons. It's alright.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:24 No.112643444
    the voices and animations were awful but I just know that I'll end up watching every single episode
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:27 No.112643614
    Protag is a silent protag, how does someone expect him to be like Kamina in canon? I'm annoyed by Japanese Yosuke, he seems way too goofy here.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:27 No.112643615
    Play P4 first. It's pretty easy. Or you can just watch some playthrough or something.

    In the anime, they skip most of the dialogue etc you see in the game (for example, Igor doesn't explain the meaning of his tarot reading/the cards he flips over in the anime, but he does in the game)
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:27 No.112643646
         File1317994057.png-(455 KB, 641x356, P4G.png)
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    You know...I'm not sure if sticking EXACTLY to how the game played out is a good thing.

    I sort of want to see more heind the scene stuff and interations we never saw before.

    Yet that's regarded as a bad thing when you make an anime adaptation of a game, right?

    The first peisode was really weak for sure, everything feelt rushed.

    But I suppose I'd rather hve it this way than spending 3 hours and 6 episodes to get over the exposition part like in the game.

    Seriously though, if they're going to just make it exactly like that game, why not just stick to the game?

    At least P4G will have new stuff...even if it's sort of a bummer that it doesn't have a female protagonist to mix things up more for a second playthrough of P4.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:28 No.112643703
    I don't care its still worth it
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:29 No.112643744
    The original voice actor actually died.

    This new replacement comes pretty close though.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:30 No.112643809
         File1317994223.jpg-(96 KB, 750x600, 1317942927890.jpg)
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    He's 'silent', but he's probably not very social and courageous (as evidenced by his stat screen) yet. Though I bet by the end of this first episode, he's gained some kind of courage.

    I don't mind japanese/anime Yosuke, but anime/jap Chie is spunkier and seems more energetic... I like her a lot more than the game.

    I don't know what people were expecting when they watched the first episode. I think they did pretty well, some QUALITY animation moments aside
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:30 No.112643825

    I can't wait for Atlus to stop milking Persona 4 and get on to Persona 5!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:31 No.112643864
         File1317994278.png-(856 KB, 530x3821, purse owner 4.png)
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    had to save this.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:31 No.112643890
         File1317994308.png-(20 KB, 164x242, 1317914106209.png)
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    >yfw they're going to make a P3P port for Vita
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:33 No.112643978
    Chie is so hot in the anime, I hope a lot of new 34 gets out after all this
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:34 No.112644037
         File1317994447.jpg-(101 KB, 464x411, 1302727910843.jpg)
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    Don't even joke about that.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:34 No.112644072
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:36 No.112644165
    Haven't watched it yet.
    Have they changed the voice actor for anybody else than Igor?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:36 No.112644204
    I love it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:37 No.112644275
         File1317994659.jpg-(79 KB, 1000x820, p4-persona-izanagi.jpg)
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    They might. P3 and P4 are Atlus's cash cow now, and they're going to milk that fucker.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:39 No.112644388
    They'll make more money if they just released P5.

    And their budget will be enough for make P5 after the P4 Fighting game and P4 port, plus all the extra merchendise that comes with the anime.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:41 No.112644493
    It's probably cheaper and quicker to just make P3 and P4 remakes and if it seems to make them a bit of money if they want to keep doing it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:42 No.112644539
    and it seems*
    >> Anonymous 10/07/11(Fri)09:43 No.112644590
    >adaption of a video game is bad

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