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09/18/11(Sun)11:18 No.110677575 File1316359082.png-(166 KB, 1024x768, esportslog1.png)
 The reason we don't have as much OC anymore is because of the stagnation of the boards.
back then /v/ didn't talk about the same things all day 24/7. It was
differnet threads all the time so that the video game threads had
originality and creativity and so did the non-video games threads.
Hell the old not-vidya was 1000 times better than todays vidya
some fucking assholes decided to come onto 4chan act treat it like a
forum. They started making chain-threads (making thread after thread
after thread even though topics have been discussed). For example on
/co/ if the bronies want to talk about their cartoon after an episode
aired, that is fine, but they had 24/7 threads from when season 1 ended
to the beginning of season 2.
The fuck did they have to talk about?
those types of chain-threads are made here too. You will see atleast at
all times a LOL general, Dota 2, rafflan, tradan, goiyman, Fightan,
Starcraft thread on the 1st page at all times. Sure if some big
announcement is made or a tournament is there, a thread is okay, but not
thread after thread after thread.
This stagnates /v/ into being
the same threads on the main page. Which means the same shit day in and
day out over and over and over which defeats the purpose of an image
Picture related, its the only OC to come out of /v/ in a while |