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  • File : 1315744171.jpg-(63 KB, 780x474, 1315587421704.jpg)
    63 KB Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:29 No.109897956  
    things you do on 4chan

    >make a reply, keep an eye on the thread to see if anybody replies to your post until the thread dies

    Every fucking time
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:35 No.109898298
    >never look past page 1

    who looks further than page 1, I don't... Only to find my threads
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:36 No.109898364
    Tell lies.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:39 No.109898546
    >Seeking for his own threads
    >Not reposting image you used
    >Not using "noko"
    Oh no, black person, what actions do you perform?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:40 No.109898583
    samefag, often with differing opinions to generate replys.

    though im pretty sure everyone does
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:41 No.109898625
    >Not reposting image you used
    you're just as retarded as him
    if you forgot noko you just hit the fucking back button
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:41 No.109898667
    no, I don't disagree with myself just for herp derp replies
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:42 No.109898688
    >doesn't use noko
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:42 No.109898731
    I troll with several different tripcodes with separate but consistent personalities.

    I also will sometimes just throw an emoticon in my posts when I'm bored, or type with poor grammar, because I know it'll get a response.

    I feel bad about it a lot. You guys are my bros, I just need my fix sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:43 No.109898767
    I samefag sometimes but never in threads I start.

    I don't think anyone ever notices it. Also, if I fuck up a post or post the wrong picture, I never delete it I just GTFO. Even though I'm anon I still get worried that I'll get bitched at for something.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:43 No.109898792

    The first one is a userscript which has a shitton of useful features, including a function that auto-updates threads. Now you don't need to keep checking on it, OP. Just leave the tab open in the background and glance up at the number occasionally.

    The second one allows you to search the board you're on. I use it to find STALKER generals.

    You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:43 No.109898797
    >sage non-vidya threads on /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:44 No.109898808
    I rage.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:44 No.109898867
    If I ever fuck up and say something stupid or typo or whatever, I'll often ditch the thread quickly, and maybe go back to it if I see it on the front page.

    Shit is embarrassing.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:45 No.109898899
    If I'll press back, it will send me to the main /v/ 0 page, you fucking retard.
    How does it feel to be autistic?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:45 No.109898912
         File1315745133.jpg-(98 KB, 780x474, 1315744171024.jpg)
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    things you do on 4chan

    >make a reply, keep Magneto's powers on the thread to see if anybody replies to your post until the thread dies

    Every fucking time
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:46 No.109898947
    I pretend to rage when I'm not actually mad. I imagine most people do this. Rage threads don't really illicit rage, more "what the fuck" or even more than that, laughter.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:46 No.109899000
    No it doesn't.

    If it does, hit back twice.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:47 No.109899054

    great, look what just escaped from /co/
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:48 No.109899076
    I once raged hard on /v/. My hands even started trembling, no jokes.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:48 No.109899082
    I post in shitty non vidya threads
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:48 No.109899109

    >>109898583 here and i do that without the tripcodes, in my time here i've come up with a retard, a woman who only hints at the fact, a meme spouting version of myself, shit my dad would say, etc.

    i think i have a problem, i feel what my characters feel when im posting as them now.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:49 No.109899121
    Be polite
    Almost nobody else seems to
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:49 No.109899168
         File1315745386.jpg-(44 KB, 1000x850, green.jpg)
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    >Going to /co/ instead of /sp/
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:49 No.109899172
    I like admitting that I don't know much about a certain subject so I can learn more about it. Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:50 No.109899182
    Yeah it's a lot like that. It's really fun though for some reason. I do similar things on Omegle as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:50 No.109899193
         File1315745414.gif-(Spoiler Image, 1.21 MB, 352x288, 131573364881.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 1.21 MB
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:50 No.109899198
    I sage threads when I know it does nothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:50 No.109899230
    I ask questions nicely (mostly dumb obvious questions but still) and get called a moron and tell the anon to be nice and stop calling me names. I don't know why I bother.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:50 No.109899240
    I know that feel - was in a heated, super-serious argument earlier today and put a '{' on my spoiler.

    Needless to say, I got the fuck out of there

    knowing full well that my point remained completely valid and everyone remained shocked, stunned, and utterly aroused by my dialectal prowess
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:51 No.109899253

    You're really stupid, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:51 No.109899274
    Full fucking retard.
    Or you are using genetically superior browser.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:51 No.109899296
    Being polite works quite well when you're having a real nice discussion/debate. Say anything like "Maybe I'm wrong though" or even concede that you don't entirely know everything about what you're talking about and suddenly everyone has this surreal realization and the discussion gets even better.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:51 No.109899307

    I was about to post this.

    Also use Browser 96 anons, it's on /rs/

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:52 No.109899336
    I think you mean "dialectical".
    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:53 No.109899401
    I do all three of those things most of the time
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:53 No.109899420
         File1315745629.png-(181 KB, 428x510, laugh.png)
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    Oh god.

    Don't worry about it dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:53 No.109899431
    That was you?

    I saw that thread, your single { derailed it in to 50+ posts of

    I did it too
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:55 No.109899509
         File1315745711.jpg-(63 KB, 594x396, 1297207119191.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:55 No.109899517

    >dat feel when you greentext on accident but it turns out alright
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:55 No.109899549
    I ditch the place as soon as my other video discussion site comes back up from whatever error it gets
    I love you guys and all but I prefer the other site
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.109899569
    >deadpool with green lantern powers
    Holy mother of god, the universe is fucked
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.109899580
    What's browser 96?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.109899599
    I've derailed at least 25 threads while posting ponies talking in allcaps about how great it is to talk about video games on this internet message board about video games.

    So much mad.

    So very delicious.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.109899611
         File1315745798.jpg-(3 KB, 104x126, tears.jpg)
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    I get troll's remorse all the time. I've actually gone so far as to admit to trolling or apologize once or twice.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:56 No.109899629
    I fucking hate you
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:57 No.109899670

    Not really.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:57 No.109899684
    The only thing I ever do on 4chan anymore is sage and report off-topic or troll threads. Sometimes make a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or M&B thread when the kids are asleep.

    Not video games.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:58 No.109899697
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:58 No.109899729
         File1315745903.jpg-(253 KB, 1284x648, browser96.jpg)
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    It's magic. Just get it and you'll see.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:58 No.109899732
         File1315745904.jpg-(12 KB, 260x260, derrelbrown1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:58 No.109899759
    Post steam gift invites

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:59 No.109899780
    I usually samefag for the first few posts, generic replies, just to bump the thread, later delete them. Sometimes I will cause a shitstorm in my own thread just to get a lot of replies.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)08:59 No.109899782
    /sp/ is the shithole that started all this mindless abuse of greentext. I'd go as far to put it on the same level as /b/.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:01 No.109899929
    another samefag bro here.

    i NEVER post as myself and if one of my characters doesn't have an opinion on the subject that closely relates to mine, i don't reply at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:02 No.109899997
         File1315746144.png-(1.98 MB, 1227x1582, Tommy_sm_fotoFredrikBrarud.png)
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    I don't understand.

    Why has everyone become such Nazis about this video games reporting non-sense. I mean, I report all the shit I see that belongs on /b/ or /a/ (which is 99% the non-vidya) but this thread specifically? Stuff generally /v/ / 4chan related?

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:02 No.109900015
         File1315746157.jpg-(24 KB, 640x480, seewhatyoudidthere.jpg)
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    >another samefag bro
    >types like the other one
    Things are getting sketchy around here.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:02 No.109900021
    This thread disgusts, but doesn't surprise me.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:03 No.109900059
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:03 No.109900085
         File1315746207.jpg-(40 KB, 500x394, this is why we can't have nice(...).jpg)
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    This thread, a lot of you people are just fucking disgraceful
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:03 No.109900110
    I like to samefag and then accuse myself of samefagging
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:03 No.109900118

    >/sp/ is the shithole that started all this mindless abuse of greentext
    >not /v/

    nigga, i didn't even KNOW about greentext until i came to /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:05 No.109900199
         File1315746305.jpg-(345 KB, 1024x1607, ultimate spider-man 58 (lathan(...).jpg)
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    opposite of OP

    >post in thread
    >post involves something that would easily elicit legitimate questions from people
    >fuck off to play vidya almost immediately
    >thread 404s without me ever taking a second glance

    yes, i am that kind of person who posts porn but no sauce.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:05 No.109900222

    it's a special feel, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:05 No.109900236
    Fucking samefag
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:06 No.109900263
    Because when you report other off-topic threads they get all defensive and point out that other people are not posting video games either. From my point of view, all non-vidya must go because /b/ kiddies just use it as an excuse to turn this board into /v/ - Vidya/Random.

    Joined this summer I see.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:07 No.109900338
         File1315746429.png-(15 KB, 462x443, dawnshocked.png)
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    I don't know why but this really scares me.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:07 No.109900384
    There's really only a handful of people posting on 4chan.

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:08 No.109900436
    It scares you too, bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:09 No.109900481
    Nope. Only me and you.

    Me and you...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:10 No.109900563
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:11 No.109900627

    all me, now if you'll excuse me it's oswald's turn to post
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:11 No.109900637


    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:11 No.109900641

    if it makes you feel any better, I never samefag posts...

    inb4 3 other people saying the same thing
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:12 No.109900733
    There are only two people on 4chan. You and me. every post not by you, is by me. even the ones you dont see. I'm the only one here.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:12 No.109900735
    ok, I'll take your point and add you this - what about all these "on-topic" LoL and Fightan General threads? I find these as bad as pony threads
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:12 No.109900751
    What are you guys talking about? There are no samefags.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:14 No.109900854
    They are pretty stale threads but they do stay on-topic most of the time. Especially with all the champions getting released all the time and Dominion right around the corner.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:16 No.109901008
    some times (thanks to my time on /b/) if a thread a dead and i think no one will ever post in it again i'll start counting.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:17 No.109901069
         File1315747048.jpg-(69 KB, 600x450, bin laden dead or alive.jpg)
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    laugh at 11/9
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:18 No.109901145
    i only come for the porn, my personas do all the posting
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:18 No.109901167
         File1315747128.png-(336 KB, 680x340, NOOOPE.png)
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    Oh god.
    They have names?!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:20 No.109901268

    don't worry, only the older ones have names
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:21 No.109901379
    with all the open samefagging here i feel free to make a post as myself.

    feel meh.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:22 No.109901391
    See a circle jerking thread about a game I find utterly retarded and proceed to troll the fuck out of it, especially if it's a specific fightan thread that hounds players of other games about how their fighter is better than ours. Goddamn Tekken fags.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:22 No.109901442

    The chinese can use prisoners to farm gold on WoW. What makes you think they don't use them to create a virtual community on the internet? You are all guineea pigs in a social experiment. So am I.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:24 No.109901550
    >samefags, but uses the same typing style each time

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:25 No.109901604

    yes, sometimes jeff will start up a US vs. europe thread on /b/ while oswald does some pc master race trolling over here.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:25 No.109901651
    >>109897956 this is me, OP
    >>109898298 this is me, also

    OP here, always make vidya related threads and get less attention. Make this thread, it gets bumped to page 4 because of fast moving board. Give it time, make 2nd post, otherfag, succesfull gets succesfully boosted

    feelsgoodman.jpg realise still unfullfilling thread feelsbadman.jpg

    anywho, got some helpfull addons out of it, in the end, it's all good bro
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:27 No.109901761

    im posting in a meta thread about samefags as myself, i can't help it if a few posts are made out of habit
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:29 No.109901884
    >never ever talking about video games on /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:32 No.109902078
         File1315747937.jpg-(135 KB, 650x921, 1299154302758.jpg)
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    >mfw thinking about the samefag rabbit hole.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:32 No.109902080
    what's the point of making a post in the 1st place...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:34 No.109902226
    this thread has made 4chan a lot smaller to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:38 No.109902469
    hahaha I know right, never expected this when I made this thread but laughing like a mofo behind my screen. Reading all posts, when I got to the point of >>109900338
    I realised 4chan is just the same people shouting at each other, over and over and over and over again. Trapped in vicious circle

    serves me right
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)09:39 No.109902532
    I used to think there was alot of people on /v/. Now I think half of them are samefags. Who knows... Maybe I'm a samefag. If you can find my other post in this thread I'll give you a steamgifts invite.

    Too bad I'm every post in this thread...
    >> ! !!iOgHzutGjt4 09/11/11(Sun)09:40 No.109902612
    That was easy.

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