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  • File : 1315582323.jpg-(168 KB, 755x478, 1309946860258.jpg)
    168 KB Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:32 No.109677675  
    Muslims are attacking this article for using pic related.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:33 No.109677757
    Muslims are reasonable.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:34 No.109677847
    I can't wait until someone bombs that thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:35 No.109677919
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    "Hell is ur place. "
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:37 No.109678159
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    "the picture is lack of respecting Islam religin. "

    I think I agree with this...
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:41 No.109678402
    >Please .. With all respect change the picture ! This is offensive to Islam and Muslims .. How dare the owner of this analogy is that the "Steam" is Ka'bah .. If you really wish to keep your arabian Fans Do not post this kind of pictures after now ..

    And nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:41 No.109678432
    Down voted all the retards. Just do the same.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:41 No.109678457
    Eh, that symbol is rather important. I can see why they would be upset for assosiating it with Steam which is a pile of shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:44 No.109678624
    >Afterwards, turns on TV and goes watch Family Guy make fun of Christians

    Stay classy.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:44 No.109678689
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:45 No.109678705
    Looks like it was written by someone from /v/.
    Babby just gives it away.

    Sage for advertising your blog.
    >> OhmRice 09/09/11(Fri)11:45 No.109678755
    >Implying muslims watch that shitty cartoon.

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:45 No.109678772
    muslims can go fuck a dog for all i care
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:46 No.109678792
    >start reading article
    >grrl gamer

    Oh wow, its like im really reading an article by a /v/ neckbeard who doesn't know journalism 101. Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:46 No.109678833
    >op viral marketing his shitty rant article with muslim controversy

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:46 No.109678838
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:48 No.109678991
    >check out these neat pictures I found on /v/, girl gamers and cod ftl fucking casuals xDDD
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:49 No.109679052
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:49 No.109679053
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    oh wow
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:50 No.109679148
         File1315583449.jpg-(22 KB, 400x291, steamed hams.jpg)
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    STEAMed hams
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:52 No.109679292
    The real insult here is not towards Islam but to journalism.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Opn6LYNH7s 09/09/11(Fri)11:54 No.109679422
    Nobody gives a shit about what Muslims think. They bitch and whine and complain and judge but cry until their eyes bleed when you make even a tiny observation about them. They are like muggers who call the police when their victim fights back.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:55 No.109679458
    >Muhamumad's post and picture

    oh god lol
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:55 No.109679464
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    I don't know why you "sagers" are so buttmangled. I could care less where this guy frequents. I've been lurking /v/ for a couple years now, and I've seen countless insightful and intellectual opinions from educated anons. The ones who come here to not shitpost are generally here for stimulating conversation, free of absurd moderators (take that as you will) and censorship.

    Anyways, my point is, it's so fucking plainly obvious Monty comes here, but it was still a good read and I'm glad I got to enjoy it.

    >inb4 HE'S MONTY!

    I'm not Monty. I just happened to agree and enjoy what I read.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:56 No.109679545
    >mfw all you have to do is compound several threads from 4chan, edit it, maybe throw in a few memes, and post it on a blog and you'll get shittons of attention
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:56 No.109679562
    These faggots would like to ban everything.

    Who cares anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:56 No.109679594
    >implying you're not monty
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:57 No.109679668
    Sup monty?
    >> DEAGLE !FAGGOTXBuk 09/09/11(Fri)11:58 No.109679778
    I just had to do it, even though it's bottom of the barrel trolling these muslims will get so rectally ravaged over it
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:58 No.109679779
    if there were verses telling people to get buttangry when the bible gets made fun of, christians would do the same thing
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:59 No.109679800
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    Saw that coming a mile away. Well, looks like some kiddies have internet access at school
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:59 No.109679827
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    Which one of you did this?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)11:59 No.109679830
    You could literally go into any thread and find the same exact kind of points made by random people as are in the article. The article is not unique, and therefore in no way stimulating--just the usual hivemind that encompasses /v/.
    >> Monty 09/09/11(Fri)12:00 No.109679876
    No! I'm Monty!

    inb4 spartacus
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:00 No.109679896
    >implying you're not just rear ravaged that someone doesn't like your shitty article trying to cash out on 4chan
    >> the wise idort !6aLMgH3kDY 09/09/11(Fri)12:00 No.109679922
         File1315584051.gif-(622 KB, 250x250, approval.gif)
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    Come on, which one of you was that?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:01 No.109679936
    brb shopping WalMart logo on and posting a link in the comments
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:01 No.109679939
    Did you write the article, OP? Sure seems so.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:01 No.109679942
    He's just pointing out the obvious on a badly written article.
    >> Monty 09/09/11(Fri)12:01 No.109679953
    Monty here
    Sucking dicks is my hobby
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:02 No.109680030
    >Monty mad at people calling him out
    >Has no other argument than "HURR DURR YOU'RE CHILDREN"
    >> Monty 09/09/11(Fri)12:03 No.109680149

    Obviously. Why else would I post it?

    Also, I suck cocks.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:05 No.109680295
    >Hello, I'd like to say something. I've been reading all my times on this site, and to let you know I joined this site today just to ask you some questions about the picture. Anyway, when you put that photo of Ka'aba and made it offensive to all Muslims and Arab's people in general. I knew you were ignorant and don't respect how other people feelings especially religions, so I hope you understand the fact that Muslims will forgive you when you change the photo and apologize to us for your misunderstanding. We and when I meant "We" I meant Muslims do not insult any kinds of religions no matter what. At the end I hope you show us some respect and respect us like we respect you. Thank you, bye.

    >We and when I meant "We" I meant Muslims do not insult any kinds of religions no matter what.

    >Muslims do not insult any kinds of religions no matter what
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:06 No.109680345
    oh dear.

    Do these Muslims have nothing to do than complain? Even fucking /v/ which complains about everything isn't as bad a Muslim.
    >> Monty 09/09/11(Fri)12:06 No.109680394
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    Monty here.

    Call me out all you want. I can't get any shittier.
    >> Monty 09/09/11(Fri)12:06 No.109680408
    Monty here
    bumping my own thread
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:07 No.109680473
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    >The remaining group are the PC Gaming master race, which is flawless in every way.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:09 No.109680626
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    >dis imagery disrespect to muslim

    Well, fuck, mass suicide-bombing civilians sure is disrespect to Westerners.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:10 No.109680670
    >equate people who worship mecca with mindless drones
    >major part of islam
    >expect them not to get offended
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:11 No.109680791
    All germans hate and kill jews.
    All japanese are suicidal.
    All americans are fat.
    All muslims are terrorists.
    Everyone on /v/ is a faggot.

    Only one of these is true.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:11 No.109680820
    >mfw there is 2 posters in this thread, Monty and the guy pretending to be Monty
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:12 No.109680830
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    oh vey Goy, join the army and die to protect Israel
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:12 No.109680863
    >Looks like it was written by someone from /v/.
    You know it was. There are so many /v/ buzzwords it's making me ill to read them all so close together.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:12 No.109680877
    All of theme are true.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:12 No.109680887
    Liberals: Respect different religions and races, except for Christians and whites.
    >> neckbread !!QgSl46DmEu+ 09/09/11(Fri)12:13 No.109680936
    >All americans are fat.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:13 No.109680947
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    All Muslims are terrorists?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:13 No.109681002
    >posting gary larson

    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:14 No.109681077
    not every muslim is a terrorist
    but every terrorist is a muslim
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:14 No.109681094
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    oh vey goy, Christianity and white is evil
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:15 No.109681138
    All americans are fat.

    Next question.
    >> robot !CcLRDFGOYo 09/09/11(Fri)12:15 No.109681149
    Well, actually, you are wrong there. It's an article filled with generalizations and things blown out of proportion.

    4.Yeah, there are stupid girls, and there have always been stupid guys. Both groups have idiots.

    3.There have always been casual gamers. We all started out AS casual gamers. To imply anything different is stupid.

    2. The advancement of tech is silly? While some uses have been bland, others are making some need stuff with the Kinect. Plus, the move is responsive as fuck and the Wii has some great games that actually use the controllers properly.

    1.Just like every gen has its over-saturation in one department, this one does too. But it's not even terrible. There aren't that many cookie cutter shooting games coming out compared to all the great games. Even HR strayed away from that shit.

    It was something I would find on /v/, and thus, a horrible read.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:15 No.109681156
    Hey guys, I read the comments, there are no angry arabs, OP is trying to get hits on his blog by causing a shitstorm. Sage and report.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:16 No.109681286
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    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:17 No.109681356
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:18 No.109681408
    Fighting genocide is terrorism now?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:18 No.109681453
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:20 No.109681638
    >implying that's not what muslim suicidebombers are doing too
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:20 No.109681666
         File1315585254.png-(16 KB, 678x104, lol.png)
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    Who ever is responsible for this... thank you, anti rage material bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:21 No.109681733
    You have to be fucking kidding me. Arabs are breeding like rabbits and being immigrated into every country on the planet by liberals who use them for more votes.

    What is happening to arabs right now is the opposite of genocide, unlike what is happening to whites.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:22 No.109681813
    Fucking what
    I know I haven't been outside in a good few years, but since when were Vans not exclusively worn by skaters? I suppose it doesn't help that I'm English and confused by murricas shitty way of doing things
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:23 No.109681875
    أستغفر آلله آالعظيـم ولا حول ولا قوة آلا بآلله ..

    Can You Delete This pic

    You Are Destroy Us

    If You Didnt Delete

    I will Kick Your Mama Ass

    ترى آنآ مهآيطي

    بس آستغفر آلله آمسح آلصورة < يعني بيفهمونك.؟

    آعذروني مآعندي لغـة
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:23 No.109681936

    yes, jews supported immigration reform allowing non whites to immigrate to western nations
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:24 No.109681982
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    >Muslims are attacking

    So? Isn't that sort of... what they do?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:24 No.109682009
    Way to go to, you missed the point by miles.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:25 No.109682088
    >get called out on being a retarded bleeding heart
    >> Name Monty 09/09/11(Fri)12:26 No.109682145
         File1315585585.png-(26 KB, 400x400, 1303197476441[1].png)
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    >Can You Delete This pic

    >You Are Destroy Us

    >If You Didnt Delete

    >I will Kick Your Mama Ass
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:27 No.109682218
    muslim here.

    meh.. seen worst..

    so hows ur day guys? im doing great.. cant wait for some videogaems
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:27 No.109682233
    The US and government actually does commit state sponsored genocide of the Palestinian people.

    Brehvik was mad that not everyone in the country was a conservative, white, heterosexual Leave it to Beaver twilight zone family.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:27 No.109682285
    and Israeli*
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:28 No.109682339
    If this was a christian monument with steam shopped in no one would give a fuck. And how is this offensive to muslims?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:29 No.109682388
    He just wanted the paradise he deserved.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:29 No.109682446
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    >twilight zone family
    Do you mean a nuclear family?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:29 No.109682460
    My point was that that's most likely what muslim terrorists believe they are doing. But you're blinded by you're irrational hate towards society so it's nothing strange that you misunderstood. Keep your foilhat on and go back to your cave.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:30 No.109682487
    what really offends them is pointing out that it's just a piece of a meteorite in there and that it's typical polytheist shit to worship metoerites
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:30 No.109682526
    Israel does, and the US is just the arm of Israel. Most liberal governments commit genocide of the white race and destruction of our culture through immigration and multiculturalist propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:31 No.109682576
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    >you should change the picture which canton the world steam because its offensive to the Muslim because its behind the word is al kaba and its the holy mosque for us Muslim
    i don’t know the mining way you but it is to show the that some of the Muslim are Terrorist
    because of the video game thin think again because the are crime in the Muslim society but comparing at yours country it veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery less
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:31 No.109682596
    Yes, but not just a nuclear family, but in the very warped 50s mentality.

    And of course, the answer to making a white paradise is to kill all the white kids. BRILLIANT
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:32 No.109682684
    >A shitty article clearly written by a /v/irgin.

    >Probably OP

    fuck. we really need to stop giving this faggot hits. our rage will make him money.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:32 No.109682703
    What do you expect? When was the last time you saw a rational terrorist?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:33 No.109682765
         File1315586006.gif-(73 KB, 436x503, runtimenews250-mahoma[1].gif)
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    maohoma and aisha fucking
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:33 No.109682797
    Didn't say his plan wasn't poorly thought out. The people he killed were party members who caused the mudslime invasion.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:34 No.109682841
    why is this blog so full of /v/
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:34 No.109682846
    Hello, I'd like to say something. I've been reading all my times on this site, and to let you know I joined this site today just to ask you some questions about the picture. Anyway, when you put that photo of Ka'aba and made it offensive to all Muslims and Arab's people in general. I knew you were ignorant and don't respect how other people feelings especially religions, so I hope you understand the fact that Muslims will forgive you when you change the photo and apologize to us for your misunderstanding. We and when I meant "We" I meant Muslims do not insult any kinds of religions no matter what. At the end I hope you show us some respect and respect us like we respect you. Thank you, bye.

    >so I hope you understand the fact that Muslims will forgive you when you change the photo and apologize to us for your misunderstanding
    >I hope you will forgive us for acting like Nazis and censoring anything that offends us, and then you will apologize to us afterwards

    Also Muslims are the worst for the whole WRATH OF GOD shit. I grew up in Alabama and even evangelicals don't act like that, whereas every fucking Muslim can't shut up about how when you insult or disagree with them, you are disagreeing with God and will be punished,.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:34 No.109682847
    But doesn't "Leave it to Beaver" cover that? I don't mean to nitpick your post, I've just never heard "twilight zone family" being used, so I'm curious.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)12:34 No.109682860
    No, fuck you, and fuck your melodramatic self sympathy whitey. I guess you have no real adversity in your life, so the only way you can create the illusion of one is to call multiculturalism genocide of your own.


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