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  • File : 1315226617.jpg-(687 KB, 1000x727, sup.jpg)
    687 KB Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:43 No.109209262  


    >Feel no real compulsion to put the effort in with women, enjoy their company but not willing to put up with their bullshit.

    >Essentially play Dwarf Fortress for a living, Senior Tunnel Engineer working in the Ausfalian mining industry.

    >Make 140k a year.

    >Ride home, drink, play vidya, sleep, ride to work, repeat.

    >Apartment totally void of furniture minus a bed, basic kitchen shit, 5 suits for work, denim shorts/jeans & black generic bond t-shirts for pretty much everything else, don't bother buying fucking anything aside from food really, ride my bicycle to & from work, haven't seen or talked to any of my family in 11 years.

    So it's time to pay for sex, how does one go about this?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:44 No.109209334
    You're a loser.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:44 No.109209349
    escort section in your local newspaper
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:45 No.109209406
    >calling someone a loser
    >sages threads
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:45 No.109209416
    I'll tell you the best way to pay for a clean girl if you tell me your job and how you got it
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:46 No.109209455

    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:46 No.109209457
    What state?

    Check the classifieds for some escorts; girls, guys, trannies whatever you want.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:47 No.109209515
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    I want your life
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:47 No.109209522
    >140k a year (in videogames)
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:48 No.109209599
    OP your life sounds pretty fucking good, im not even being sarcastic I would kill for your life minus the part were you dont talk to your family.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:49 No.109209664
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    >bumps non vidya threads
    >thinks he is anything less than subhuman trash

    Reported, enjoy your ban virgin faggot loser.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:49 No.109209708
    >Spend some money on a suave suit.
    >Be incredibly charming and flash your a cash a little bit at a fairly high class club/bar somewhere
    >Girls want you for your money
    >Fuck them and never see them again

    They will be up for it, more attractive and best of all you could become her fuck buddy and get some more sex.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:50 No.109209729
    I have an important question are you fat ?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:50 No.109209789
    >comes to /v/ for video games
    you just wrecked yourself
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:50 No.109209790

    How does one play Dwarf Fortress for a living?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:51 No.109209798
    How do you get into a job like that OP? Does it require an engineering degree or are there other ways into it? Ausfag here.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:51 No.109209828
    Regular sex isn't worth paying for, escorts don't know how to fuck either.

    Don't waste your money OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:51 No.109209829
    I'm in uni for mining engineering, I think I'd like to work and live in Austrailia
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:51 No.109209830
    No, he's a dwarf as stated in the OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:52 No.109209894

    Dwarfs are fat, so OP must be fat. I thought, maybe he was a slim dwarf.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:52 No.109209897

    >Senior Tunnel Engineer working in the Ausfalian mining industry

    Okay, I I'm gonna need to take Geology, and Civil Engineering? Or is there a course for straight up Mining Engineering?

    >all those lives count on my not designing unsafe mines

    On second thought...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:52 No.109209917
    Buy a realdoll instead. They are better than the real thing, if you can afford it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:53 No.109209960

    >140k a year
    >Shit tier house

    What do you spend all that money on?

    Vidya games surely cannot be the answer.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:54 No.109210007
    Can I come stay with you for like a year? I'll be a total bro, and you can afford it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:54 No.109210030

    >I'll tell you the best way to pay for a clean girl if you tell me your job and how you got it

    Four year degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering, Thesis in Multiscale Modelling of Tunnel Fires, applied for a junior position with Parsons Brickenhoff during my degree, offered a position upon completion of my degree, accepted, fast forward 5 years.

    Putting it simply, I currently design & implement ventilation systems on a massive scale.


    >You're a loser.

    As made evident by this thread.


    >What state?

    Currently based in Adelaide, but my work is fifo so I have access to cheap, virtually free, flights all over the country. Something interstate would probably be preferable.


    >I want your life

    Disregard humanity, knuckle down, study hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:54 No.109210044

    If I were OP, I'd save it 'till I had like a million, and then just stop working and take the rest of the life off.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:55 No.109210070
    Yes there's Mining Engineering.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:55 No.109210095
    Ok, im willing to help you OP, first you need to buy some land where there is no one near for miles, then use your knowdlege as a Tunnel Engineer and start working on your secret fortress. Then start kidnapping women and rape them. once you are done destroy the body and bury it, repeat this process until you are satisfied. Maybe when you meet the right woman and settle down, you will take your son out to the dessert and play "archeologist" with him, he will find a bone from one of your rape victims and you will remember that time were you asked for help in a forum....and in that moment that urge will come will start to rape again.

    Or you could get shit faced and hire a fat hooker so you dont feel embarrased.
    >> Squat Is This 09/05/11(Mon)08:55 No.109210099
    your life sounds pretty good bro. If you sit around and play video games for a living imagine what you could do if you spent that time trying to get a girl/girls.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:57 No.109210212
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    If anybody is feeling lonely, then add me. I am a 12-year-old suicial girl from Japan.

    I will talk with you about anything you'd like~
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:58 No.109210249
    Dude, read the paper and I can almost guarantee the classifieds will be almost a page full of hookers you can try.

    Otherwise fly to Amsterdam or Thailand and get a hooker.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:58 No.109210269
    Just do it man. I started doing it when i was 25. It's easy, just google it.

    Don't use the paper. I used the paper once and was disppointed.

    PS i'm australian
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:58 No.109210289
    I want your life,bro
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)08:58 No.109210296
    >not a virgin
    >enjoy women, but I feel inferior to everyone around me atm. So I don't bother with women
    >getting a engineering degree
    >go to school, go home, go out and pick up some food, come home, vidya/4chan until I fall asleep

    Yeah, I don't bother going out in weekends either. I mean, every time I go out I feel like shit (even if I'm just sitting in my classroom).
    >talk to family every day

    I'm probably a loser these days. And I used to be so alpha. Where did it go wrong? I think my ex-girlfriend slowly but surely broke me apart.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:00 No.109210421

    I would like to study engineering, but no idea what exactly....I got 1 year into bio-medical before having to drop out due to monetary constraints.

    Currently 2 years into a 3-4 year "break" while i work fulltime, and i just don't feel like going back to the same thing (was bored by the end of it).

    Whats its like? Got a brother who works over in Kalgoorlie, and i live in australia already.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:01 No.109210475

    -Get a few hundred dollars out
    -Google "[your city] escorts"
    -Find a girl you like
    -Ring her/her agency
    -ask for outcall
    -Give her the money
    -Have sex with her
    -If you finish early ask for a massage
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:02 No.109210536
    I do this a lot OP and I'm good looking so there's nothing to be ashamed of.

    Just look up escorts on the net and they'll come to your house. Also, remember that you won't even think twice about it after you've done it a few times.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:04 No.109210630
    After you've had a few outcalls and built up enough confidence you'll probably not want to spend a whole hour with a prostitute so visit your local brothel and do it there.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:04 No.109210663

    There is a problem, OP just designs air ventilation systems for tunnels, he doesn't actually make the tunnels. Would he have the practical skills and knowledge required ? Plus it's hard to pull of solo.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:04 No.109210686

    >OP your life sounds pretty fucking good, im not even being sarcastic I would kill for your life minus the part were you dont talk to your family.

    Honestly, I came from a pretty poor & dysfunctional family & i'm not awesome enough to deal with it let alone try & help them. I have regrets but when all is said & done, good riddance to them.


    >How do you get into a job like that OP? Does it require an engineering degree or are there other ways into it? Ausfag here.

    Civil Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, various Universities also offer specific Mining Engineering degrees. Geology is also an excellent earner if that's your thing.

    If you're not keen on the Uni thing, look at applicable trades, diesel mechanics for example earn as much if not more than me, albeit in worse conditions.


    >I have an important question are you fat ?

    Surprisingly not, one of my few joys & vices in life is my bicycle. The ride to work takes me from the Hills of Adelaide to CBD & back each day, it's over an two hours riding every day.


    >What do you spend all that money on?

    Payed off my mothers mortgage, sponsor entire villages in various shitholes world wide, donate a ton to the Smith Family, invest the rest in buying parking lots in Sydney.

    >Vidya games surely cannot be the answer.

    Travel mostly.

    Interestingly I don't even have a state of the art rig, (PC gamer) I buy well priced & affordable components, can max most things out comfortably at the moment,, but I don't really splurge.

    Now back to the sex, are escorts really the way to go?

    Should I just hire one & ask them straight out, or ask them if they know anyone?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)09:06 No.109210760
    Do you live in kalgoorlie, i think you live on Kalgoorlie.

    Go down to the pink house on hay street. They need business and you can get a decent lay for $150

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