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    File : 1314453089.png-(377 KB, 636x1415, 1311365685218.png)
    377 KB Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:51 No.108150521  
    >yfw this is actually gonna happen in the next few years
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:54 No.108150753
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    >australias face when
    >america's face shortly after
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:56 No.108150882
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:58 No.108151065
    Wait, this can't be real....right?......right?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:58 No.108151094
    The beauty of the internet is the lack of regulation, can't we just revolt against this?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.108151152
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.108151164
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    >UKs face when
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)09:59 No.108151169
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    It's fake, but people think this is what the internet will be like eventually.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:00 No.108151229
    That dog put made my you crafty fucker
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:00 No.108151235
    >just $5 after 3 months

    oh god my sides.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:00 No.108151255
    >implying you sheeple won't bend over and take it
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:01 No.108151285
    No, you would need some actual technical knowledge and skill to circumvent ISP restrictions on your own. If it was ever implemented, YOU couldn't do shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:01 No.108151327
    can we?
    will we?
    not to the extent needed...
    it'd take more than 4chan and reddit combined to stop the force that is capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:02 No.108151386
    good riddens
    the internet is a gigantic shithole anyway
    a series of tubes? a series of sewer pipes is more like it
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:03 No.108151432
    >ANONYMOOSE IS LEEGIUN XD and wikileaks causing world governments push harder to 'civilize' the internet and impose worldwide surveillance.

    Good job, faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:03 No.108151479
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:04 No.108151523
    >That dog put made my
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:04 No.108151543
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    >that dog put my you crafty fucker
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:05 No.108151574
    what am i looking at?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:05 No.108151597
         File1314453933.png-(72 KB, 227x242, herp derp.png)
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    >That dog put made my you crafty fucker
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:07 No.108151719
    Fuck yeah Latvia.

    Enjoying my 100mb/s upload download with no restrictions whatsoever.

    You know the best thing? Providers here don't give a shit about pirates.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:08 No.108151775
    BTW, it costs $40 a month. UMAD Amerifags?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:08 No.108151822
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:10 No.108151907
    I'm pretty sure any ISp that imposed restrictions like this would lose their customers pretty quickly to a company using the old model.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:10 No.108151943
    ha ha you still live in latvia.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:10 No.108151966
    lets say this actually did happen, wouldn't there still be a few companies providing normal internet? and if there were any ISPs providing normal internet wouldnt everyone stick with them and not go anywhere near this type of service?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:11 No.108151984
    Because America and Latvia are the only countries on Earth to have internet service providers, right?
    Enjoy your thirdworld hell hole

    Love, England.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:11 No.108152013
    >living in Latvia
    >worthy of jealousy
    Pick one. I'm not even American
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:11 No.108152043
    Yeah and I don't have IRS, FBI raping my ass.

    I don't have to deal with ignorant religionfags, rednecks and hicks, niggers, mexicans and fat people. And due to small population it is easy to become prominent and popular.

    I would never want to live in USA.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:12 No.108152077
    This will happen and you passive omega fucks will still gladly roll over and pay 200+ a month to look at your empty Facebook pages while complaining about the government.

    Might as well commit sudoku now when you still have your honour.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:12 No.108152105
    >Providers here don't give a shit about pirates.

    I bet they do, but they lack the ability to do anything about it because people in your shitty eastern bloc country are shit at everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:13 No.108152154
    Enjoy your slow internet, dirty and populated cities, grey weather, arrogant aristocracy, mad niggers and high prices.

    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:13 No.108152172
    No because the websites would drop traffic from those IPs.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:13 No.108152173
    maybe so.

    but you still live in latvia.
    >> Engibro !o0810tpDQ6 08/27/11(Sat)10:15 No.108152290
    Yes we live in constant fear of the horrible murderous FBI, this isn't fucking Soviet Russia retard, we don't worry about being beaten and drug out of our homes at night. If anything other countries have to worry about the CIA, that overthrow governments to pass time on a slow Monday.

    Nice try at trolling bro
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:16 No.108152359
    They really don't. I live here so I know better. You can only get in shit if your company has pirated software. If you are individual - do whatever you want. Even Ministries have been seen downloading vidyas and what not - nobody gave a shit. If any provider would start giving people shit about pirating things, everyone would switch for another provider that doesn't.

    The only things people care about here are money and if your car is cool enough. Everything else is pretty much perfect - thin, white population, tall and educated people that speak 3 languages on average, good weather and no force majoures in 1000 years.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:17 No.108152434
    >mfw my country made net neutrality a law

    Politicians finally doing something right.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:18 No.108152474
    >we don't worry about being beaten and drug out of our homes at night

    that's why, when you ask almost every american will tell you it's better to have guns in your home, right ? oh wait
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:18 No.108152485
    >this isn't fucking Soviet Russia retard, we don't worry about being beaten and drug out of our homes at night.

    Neither do we. Never has that ever happened to me.

    USA - bureaucratic hell full of ignorant religiounfags and hard as fuck laws, enjoy paying your taxes.

    Latvia - do whatever you want, also - NO NIGGERS!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:18 No.108152535
    >on vacation to Lithuania
    >Grandma has faster internet then me
    >cheaper as well

    America are you even trying?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:18 No.108152546
    So Providers don't care about piracy. What does that say about them? That means they're negligent and incompetent as fuck.

    Why would you not care about your shit being stolen? Typical dumbass Latvians. No wonder your society is in a smambles.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:18 No.108152548
    pretty cool story. sounds like a fun time in whatever a latvia is.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:21 No.108152752
    >So Providers don't care about piracy. What does that say about them? That means they're negligent and incompetent as fuck.

    No. It means we aren't a pussified country that gives shit about nerdy trivial things. "OHH NOOO, HE DOWNLOADED AN AMERICAN MOVIE. POOR AMERICANS NOT GETTING MONEY. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DOOO?"

    We have second fastest internet after South Korea.

    >Why would you not care about your shit being stolen? Typical dumbass Latvians. No wonder your society is in a smambles.
    Nobody steals our shit. We steal USA shit. We are the wolves, you are the sheep.

    Also, no niggers.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:22 No.108152761
    America is a third world country pretending to be a world superpower. What do you expect?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:22 No.108152779
    Yeah, Latvia is so amazing. That's why here in Ireland, we have Latvian and other eastern bloc countries immigrants everywhere, lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:22 No.108152814
    Lithbro here, /v/ why do you hate us baltics? At least we aren't Brazilians, we are not even slavic.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:23 No.108152853
    LOL, compare the debt Latvia and USA has.

    We will repay our in 5-10 years, while after 10-20 USA will be slave to China.

    LOL at world superpower.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:23 No.108152871
    >America enslaves niggers
    >Is currently ruled by niggers during a permanent death spiral to fourth world status

    Fucking owned. Super owned. Welcome to the Own Zone.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:23 No.108152880
    If your country is so fantastic why is there so many of you fuckers working and living in Ireland and England?
    Also why does it have the highest suicide rate in Europe?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:24 No.108152927
    >pretending to be a world superpower
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:24 No.108152942
    I would like to purchase a latvian wife. the one requirement is she must be able to cook the traditional american breakfast: fried chicken and waffles.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:24 No.108152969
    You are totally anonymous walking by posters and not OP at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:25 No.108152984
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    Because they are jelly of our Nordish aesthetics, elegant society, liberty and fast internet.

    Speaking of liberty - NICE POLICE STATE YOU GOT THERE USA. Cases of policy brutality in Latvia are almost non-existant while it is a common thing in USA. LOL! Also, NICE DEATH PENALTY. We don't have that.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:25 No.108153038
    This is not how a capitalist market works, AT&T tried this and it killed their company.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:26 No.108153054

    >implying the death penalty is bad
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:26 No.108153064

    Lithuania has the highest suicide rate in the world. Latvia is 11th
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:27 No.108153120
    Good. I can only hope then that anons bring their habits from the internet into the real world and go around acting like edgy badasses calling people niggers and going out of their way to piss people off "for the lulz"

    "Back to the hospital again anon? This is the 3rd time this week the bruises from the last time you got your ass kicked barely healed up"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:27 No.108153123
    >internet tough guy detected

    This is what the rest of the world thinks about you
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:27 No.108153133
    So you're basically saying you're proud to be a country of thieves? Yeah, that's exactly what I was talking about.

    Only in a shit society with no self-respect or respect for others would that happen.

    Latvia and the eastern bloc is shit. Your people are scum sucking, dysfunctional psychopaths. Everyone in the civilized world knows it.

    Enjoy your shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:27 No.108153151
    Protip: ISPs everywhere love piracy, it only promotes people to buy their faster internets. It's laws that might be forced on them that force them to act on it in some countries otherwise they don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:27 No.108153152
    What's a Latvia?
    Sounds like a coffee or something....
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:27 No.108153169
    this. why cant wew just kill everyone? its so expensive putting criminals in jails that have better living conditions than, say, latvia.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:27 No.108153173
    it's just something someone draw.
    I can draw much many apocalyptic images too.

    The only way to prevent something like that from happening is with net neutrality
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:28 No.108153208
    not to worry

    a free alternative will ALWAYS pop up

    you just can't directly charge for stuff like that, it's business suicide

    the trick is to make a service appear to be free of charge (ads)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:28 No.108153212
    Wait, what exactly am I looking at? I've read that it's a fake, but I don't know what it's saying to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:28 No.108153223
    You can get executed in America for committing software piracy.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:28 No.108153262
    Wait a second. What kind of moron slapped this together?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:29 No.108153309

    So you would rather just keep the criminals who rape/kill women in children in jail and pay money to keep them alive for no reason?

    Stop making generalizations about Americans when you probably haven't even been there and hating them just because it's cool to hate them where you live.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:29 No.108153328
    >Well why should I pay for all the internet when all it does is bring viruses, all I really want is to be able to check my email and go on the youtube!
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:29 No.108153343
    The image in OP is inaccurate.

    The reality of something like this would be "get your 4chan and gaming speeds increased by ten times for a fraction of the cost, but you cannot use Facebook"
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:30 No.108153388
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    Yeah, I am proud that we don't give a shit and aren't RIGHTEOUS SHEEP that will do whatever the MAN tells you to.

    Pic related. On left - typical Latvian. On right - typical fat USA neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:30 No.108153401
    What's wrong with this?

    Access to your Email and Youtube for 2$ a month?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:31 No.108153453
    >it's expensive to keep criminals alive in prison so lets kill them

    This is a common misconception, with all the trials and years involved in sentencing someone to death much more is spend than locking them up for life.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:32 No.108153504

    >implying it doesn't cost more to kill criminals than to keep them alive

    dat google son

    use it
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:32 No.108153537
    Statists are ignorant as fuck. I can't even offer any wise thoughts because the idea that "violence solves social problems" is so fucked that there's nothing to say.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:32 No.108153538
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    >That dog put made my you crafty fucker
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:32 No.108153559
    America has the death penalty to ensure the criminal dies before the rapture. Criminals who die convicted are sent to Hell, as our Lord dictated in the Bible.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:32 No.108153566
    Because grow up that's why.


    Yeah, no. Look at Norway or Sweden. Look how they handle crime. Also, funnily they have lowest crime rates in world.

    USA is shit tier country seriously. Maybe only India and North Korea are worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:32 No.108153567
    >internet is regulated
    >people stop using it
    >leave their houses
    >get a job
    >live the life
    >have a family

    Doesn't sound too bad..
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:33 No.108153607
    >money is more important than human lives
    >someone who's useless should just die
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:33 No.108153624
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    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:34 No.108153671
    You think women are attracted to software pirates? LMAO
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:34 No.108153680
    >implying i don't pirate shit all day erry day
    >implying my ISP has ever sent me a email warring me to stop or of a impending fine
    America here, can't we all just get along, we're headed towards a world government anyway so can we at least try to?
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:34 No.108153695
    Because America will find some way to make it a reality.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:34 No.108153709

    Pretty much, you probably believe humans have souls too.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:35 No.108153719

    Because ISPs dream of doing this and the average person wouldn't give a fuck. Youtube, FB, Wikipedia, Ebay and Gmail are all they need.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:35 No.108153750
    >internet is regulated
    >there becomes a "black internet" that is very appealing
    >offers incredibly destructive ideologies and cultism, people see it as "forbidden knowledge"
    >this "hidden internet" becomes incredibly desirable, providers form violent gangs and charge exorbitant rates
    >society retrogresses

    this is exactly analogous to the drug war, empirically proven through alcohol prohibition.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:35 No.108153766
    >America here, can't we all just get along

    >Commit war crimes for the century
    >Murder thousands of innocent civilians and destroy entire countries
    >Permanently damage the economies of dozens of countries

    >can't we all just get along ;_;
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:36 No.108153817
    >the MAN

    Hahahaha. So deep and edgy.

    The majority respecting and obeying authority is one of the most important aspects of a functional society. In fact, that's the exact reason why you're sitting in a house, typing on a computer. Because people follow the rules.

    Following rules =/= mindless sheep. There are plenty of cases where people rise up and oppose certain things here and there. If a law or whatever isn't right, then it'll be changed. That's what happens in a civilized society.

    Without society, you would have NOTHING. You wannabe-anarchist faggot.

    (p.s. I'm not even American)
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:37 No.108153869
         File1314455821.jpg-(28 KB, 600x449, 91.jpg)
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    >back when it was MLG Anaheim
    >american commercial
    >some female comedian I recognize
    >its for a "TRULY UNLIMITED" broadband
    >it's expensive as fuck compared to swedish broadband
    >read the small text
    >it has a limit of something like 5 gigs a months
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:37 No.108153888
    >yfw this is actually gonna happen in the next few years

    I've been seeing this image posted for the last five years
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:37 No.108153893
    you are confusing "statism" with "society". it's simply incorrect and it clouds your judgement.
    >> !.....E.AzY 08/27/11(Sat)10:37 No.108153896
    Reminder: Ron Paul supports tiered internet and is an opponent of Net Neutrality because it requires regulation to work.
    >> Anonymous 08/27/11(Sat)10:37 No.108153925
    >implying i suport my governments actions in anyway
    >implying the people have power over what the government dopes here and it's our fault.
    you watch to much anti-Amrrika Tv programming.

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