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!!/1JfPMnJYgf 08/19/11(Fri)12:24 No.107132321 File1313771047.jpg-(30 KB, 256x256, holy fuck dorf.jpg)
>First few days of dwarf fortress >Make
an embark in an area with a waterfall, my first time seeing mist, but
I've seen in these threads that mist makes dorfs happy >Mine into hillside, make meeting area right down by the base of the waterfall with the wall opened up >Try to make well, have room set out and everything, time to designate to build >"Autist McArchitect has cancelled build, blocked by hippo" >WAT >Look
in the z level containing well, a whole family of fucking hippos is
derping away in the place I designated for the well, and now that the
water is in the room, I can't send anyone in there to evict their asses >Allright, I'll try with a different room, on the other side of the river >Mine it out, hippo autists haven't moved into the room yet, quickly designate for the well to be built >Not even joking, fucking immediately after, >"Hippo has given birth to hippo calves" >OHNOYOUFUCKINGDONT.jpg >"Autist McArchitect has cancelled build, blocked by hippo calf >Fort
has no water or booze because my farmer/brewer would do nothing but
plant seeds, couldn't bother to even construct the still >A month later, everyone starts dropping dead due to thirst >The fucking autist dorfs didn't even tantrum before they died because they were so happy derping about in the mist
love this game. Seeing greentext stories on /v/ is what made me decide
to dedicate my time towards learning how to play it, and it, along with
the countless hours I've spent playing since I learned have been well
worth it. |