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08/11/11(Thu)21:03 No.106149707 File1313111002.png-(1.18 MB, 1280x768, 1312492269021.png)
>>106149137 More Force Unleashed! >Also TIE Factory >Wing Assembly with vertical conveyers >Clear ground level before going up to catwalks >See bunch of guys up there with gun turrets >See supports holding up catwalk >fuckyeah.png >Grab box, start smashing out supports >After a while, bridge across room (where machine guns are) near ceiling falls out >See three guys plummet to their deaths, machine guns of theirs break on impact, break an explosive crate or two on landing >ONE GUY hanging onto what is left of catwalk shouting and yelling for help >No bros of his alive >After 5 seconds, lets go and falls about 50 feet or so to his death, painful thud and everything >mfw all the powers in the Star Wars canon cannot prevent me from feeling sorry for this 'man' >mfw I almost felt a semblance of 'bad, man' for absorbing his health via a kill |