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  • File : 1310603608.png-(89 KB, 530x552, Buckley.png)
    89 KB Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:33 No.102403471  
    Why does /v/ hate Buckley so much? I understand that he's not the best artist, and that his jokes aren't funny. But why give a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:34 No.102403585
    Because he's a terrible person who sends pictures of his genitals to autistic children.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:34 No.102403606
    He likes video games.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:35 No.102403685
    >His jokes aren't funny
    Buckley doesn't even have jokes. What he has is "unfunny situations" and US GAMERS
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:36 No.102403740
         File1310603769.jpg-(95 KB, 386x600, 1296083995059.jpg)
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    Surely you jest?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:36 No.102403783
    he's arrogant
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:36 No.102403802
    He also steals from charities.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:37 No.102403863
    No he really did do that.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:37 No.102403879

    And uses the charity money to buy new tablets to copy and paste faces with.
    >> SonofSparda 07/13/11(Wed)20:38 No.102403957
         File1310603895.png-(426 KB, 600x600, 18630446_m.png)
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    Stop asking /v/ what they think about you, Buckley.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:38 No.102404007
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    He's a pseudo-intellectual, unfunny piece of shit. Although, we get great edits due to his shitty comics.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:39 No.102404085
    He gets mad whenever someone doesn't like his comics and he steals stuff from other people
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:39 No.102404086
    Yeah, I'm all up for paedophilia but underage retards?

    You gotta set limits.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:40 No.102404135
    except there's no proof besides a penis with jackie written on it and it could be anyone's penis
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:40 No.102404139
    can you give a backstory on when and how this went down?

    how did his penis end up on the internet? was jackie a troll?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:40 No.102404183
    >Buckley thread
    just what I was looking for. Recently hopped onto the buckley train and was wondering what's up with the miscaridge thing? The edits are funny as fuck but is there an original? And is there a story behind it?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:41 No.102404266

    Calm down Tim.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:41 No.102404308
    >watching cousin playing Assassin's Creed 2 I think
    >never seen it before
    >he keeps getting his ass kicked by guards everywhere and does his best to parkour around them instead
    >he dies and hands me the controller and i ask what the controls are
    >he tells me and then says that when you are surrounded you can press in the direction of the guy attacking you and press this button and you counter and kill him, but he's like "its hard to pull off..."

    fuuuuck the game was easy as cake when I did that counter attack shit. i walked through the entire town without hiding like i was mother fucking Jet Li in end of the movie The One making everyone my bitch. the game was far to unbalanced for me to get into because of that there was 0 challenge
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:41 No.102404316
    he tried to make a serious comic and it didn't end well
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:42 No.102404335
    Summer /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:42 No.102404354
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:42 No.102404399
    From what I understand he had some side story that involved some character wanting a baby (everyone hated it) Than for no reason she has a miscarriage which just leads to more unfunny
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:42 No.102404405
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:43 No.102404421

    Don't forget that he steals art.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:43 No.102404443
    Just because I recently dove into the HIRRARIOUS world of tim buckley doesn't mean I'm new to 4chan. Calm down.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:43 No.102404465

    Oh and of course he threatens lawsuits to those who use his.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:43 No.102404501
    >steals from charities
    lolno he just didn't donate the money he had collected
    it was never their money
    still horrible as fuck but not illegal (I don't think)
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:44 No.102404544
    >Implying I don't click on every thread on /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:44 No.102404546
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    He's what CWC would if he was something successful.

    He's a slightly more successful CWC
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:44 No.102404567
    Set up a "rival charity" (?) that was a clone of Child's Play. Some time later, pulled the plug, money never went to the source.

    Fangirl drew fanart, Buckley sent her a letter threatening to sue, Buckley sent a picture of his dick to her. Forums got wind of it, shit hit the fan, moderators turned on him, he went fucking INSANE and banned everyone, acted like it never happened.

    Stole a character design from a much better artist for a punk girl character. Everyone immediately found out, banned everyone who mentioned it, retconned the design.

    Hated by every webcomic artist who has ever existed.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404590
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404599
    It pretty much does.

    Also I can tell from your general demeanour.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404611
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404628
    >still horrible as fuck but not illegal (I don't think)

    It is. It's called fraud.
    >>    07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404646
    hes a pedophile
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404662
    deleted loooool
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404679
    If you don't know something that someone else knows on /v/, you're a summerfag. That's the mindset around here. The sad part about it is that people fail to realize the worst change in the summer is the amount of faggots complaining about summer.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404691
    If you say so.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404695
    Well there's the giant wall of buckley creepiness, hypocrisy, and unoriginality image but it basically boils down to this: He's the height of mediocrity but acts like he's god. He's the kind of person who would go to a gaming related con, try to skip the line for an event, and when challenged would pull a "do you know who I am?" in a way that's more smug and contemptuous than incredulous. He knows he has "haters" but like most Jerry Springer guests he thinks they're all just jealous of his talent and success.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:45 No.102404701

    It probably is, because he's collecting money under the presumption of it going to charity but eh, I can't claim to be a lawyer. It was also a contest in which he frequently told others not to donate to the other people who DID give their money to charity.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:46 No.102404707
    too bad there's quite literally no proof of anything
    I hate him as much as the next guy but there's no proof
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:46 No.102404775
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:46 No.102404786
    I loved the black joke that he quickly pulled.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:47 No.102404821
    Look, he isn't the only one to post his dick on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:47 No.102404835
         File1310604450.jpg-(879 KB, 625x790, Doom guy miscarriage.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:47 No.102404836
    basically his art sucks and he's not funny
    >> OP 07/13/11(Wed)20:47 No.102404838
    Please don't act like a faggot in my thread
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:47 No.102404840
    Replace the last panel with abortion, and let's call it a day.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:47 No.102404843
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:47 No.102404887
    Yes there is. The only thing there's no substantial proof of is that it was his dick and he actually sent it to her.

    Give it up Tim.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:48 No.102404951
    >implying there's any proof it's his dick
    seriously you seem upset
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:48 No.102404952
    >Hated by every webcomic artist who has ever existed.

    Some of the old PA podcasts and some old Scott and Kris podcasts are hilarious because you get thieir take's on Buckly and how much of a piece of shit he is. Scott and Kris mention him/make fun ofhim more.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:49 No.102404999
    Oh, there's proof. Screencaps from the official forums when he sent the dick picture of moderators hating him and getting banned, the money never went to the place it was supposed to go and nobody was refunded, and there are caps from before he retconned Abby's design.

    Someone will post it, hold on. There's a collage.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:49 No.102405013
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:49 No.102405015
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:49 No.102405048
    Is Buckley related to Weiner in any way?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:49 No.102405064

    Post it on his forums and you'll be instantly permanently IP banned from his site. Took like 15 seconds for me to get banned.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:50 No.102405100
    There's actually a complete image of Buckley naked with Jakey written above his dick.
    There's no proof that she was an autistic teenager, that's true, but since it's Buckley, he probably did it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:50 No.102405131
    I was saying there's no proof of it being his penis
    also how do you know he didn't donate the money?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:50 No.102405153
    >no proof

    Bullshit. Buckley's stupidity was proven several times.
    >> ヘ(´・ω・`ヘ) VideoJames~ !zMETROID.Y 07/13/11(Wed)20:50 No.102405155
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:51 No.102405212
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:51 No.102405215
    so the man doesn't like people running around calling him a pedophile?
    that's not exactly hard evidence there bobby.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:51 No.102405237
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:52 No.102405348
    >also how do you know he didn't donate the money?

    Because he said he wasn't donating the money and was shutting down his "Child's Play".
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:52 No.102405351
    I love it when kids call me a paedophile as it helps spread the word so any girls that are interested will know who to come to.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:52 No.102405359
    hes an untalented pedophile and a thief
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:53 No.102405392
         File1310604786.jpg-(156 KB, 500x492, 2011-02-06-venturetime_small[1(...).jpg)
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    A few of this guy's strips are actually alright
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:53 No.102405420
    Still my favorite edit to this day.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:53 No.102405434
    >middle C
    Dumb Fuckley confirmed for retard.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:53 No.102405478
    Oh I didn't know that
    Everyone always just goes
    if anyone seriously falls for this troll....
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:54 No.102405543
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:54 No.102405578
    How's it feel to be underage and on an 18+ website?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:54 No.102405585
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    Don't forget racist, too.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:55 No.102405611
    so the charity contacted you?
    good to know
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:55 No.102405615
         File1310604910.jpg-(147 KB, 454x374, 1271673807594.jpg)
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    >MFW there's no

    Did it use to be the GNAA's?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:55 No.102405654
    >someone called me out as a troll better go insult them
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:55 No.102405665
    >implying there wasn't an article on it which caused everyone to flip shit
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:55 No.102405671

    It's GNAA dot eu now
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:56 No.102405688
         File1310604964.png-(38 KB, 174x188, 1301716800413.png)
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    Wait, wait, wait.

    People on /v/ are actually DEFENDING Buckley?

    Holy shit I never believed in summer /v/ until now.

    Jesus Christ save me.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:56 No.102405703
    ITT: Bum Tickley tries to troll /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:56 No.102405746
    I don't see anyone defending him
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:56 No.102405756
         File1310605000.jpg-(245 KB, 938x413, 1309917089236.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:56 No.102405775
    This was one of the few comics he's done that was actually funny without a miscarriage edit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:56 No.102405785
    I, actually, found that kind of funny. I'm a sucker for racist jokes.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:57 No.102405800
    >implying it's not tim
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:57 No.102405820
    It's the same 15 year old kid. I'm surprised "ad hominem" hasn't been said yet.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:57 No.102405881
         File1310605075.png-(45 KB, 384x221, 1267475206148.png)
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    Holy shit Buckley, that..

    >mfw and I don't read his comics anymore for several years on end

    I mean really?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:58 No.102405927
         File1310605097.png-(1 MB, 625x790, 1310171209714.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:58 No.102405947
    No, god dammit, you are hard to work with. What do you think happens when Child's Play donates to Children's Hospital?
    What do you think happens if they never recieve the sum of money they were expecting?
    This was back in, like, 2007. How long have you been here?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:59 No.102406018
         File1310605153.gif-(1.27 MB, 640x360, 1310514564248.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:59 No.102406031
    they obviously contact you about it
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:59 No.102406063
    He said summer /v/ not summer 4chan. You're obviously new to /v/, there's no way you could've missed the miscarriage strip, it was reposted more than Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:59 No.102406068
    What's wrong with the phrase middle C? Denoting a frequency with a standard term doesn't >implying she's a piano or something
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)20:59 No.102406088

    Based on actual events with real people
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:00 No.102406118
    >Getting offended by that comic
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:00 No.102406207
         File1310605254.png-(830 KB, 625x790, 1310171030157.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:02 No.102406345
    They contact the donator.

    And then Buckley said he never donated the money due to the whole thing being shut down. Nobody got a refund.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:02 No.102406358
    Do you have the one when Buckley gets his arms and legs cut off and his eyes sewn shut.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:02 No.102406417
    It's just fun to making fun of him and his comic.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:03 No.102406430
    >A miscarriage is definitely not a joke, and I have no intention of making light of it. And it can be a tough and emotional thing for couples to go through, speaking from personal experience. And I know that it's often much harder on the woman than on the man. However, I also know that it doesn't necessarily turn you into a sad, depressed sack of tears for the rest of your life. People can move past it, and heal.

    >Some many years ago, long before I started the comic, I was in a relationship and we suffered a miscarriage. Now, this relationship was toxic to begin with and doomed to fail regardless, so that the miscarriage was the straw that broke the camel's back came as no surprise. It was a pregnancy neither of us wanted in the first place, so the event didn't effect me nearly as much as it would, say, a couple who was trying for a child.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:03 No.102406432
    I know someone already said that up top I just wanted to see how long I could lead you on
    fucking idiot lol
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:03 No.102406512
    >hurr i was only pretending to be retarded
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:04 No.102406517
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    I'm afraid not.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:04 No.102406569
    That doesn't really work in this situation
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:04 No.102406571
    I don't get your childish hate of Tim, his comics are hilarious and suit the audience it is intended to. It's either 2deep4u, you're jelly of his success, or you're not a proper gamer, maybe even all three

    Insulting him for doing what he enjoys and loves and does well, it just retarded on your parts
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406630

    Go to bed, Tim.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406635
         File1310605512.jpg-(1.88 MB, 3000x4500, buckley - updated ver.jpg)
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    A primer on the hypocrite that is Tim Buckley
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406636
    Sup, Tim.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406637
    Black people tend to be loud, it's not really offensive at all.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406662
    go to bed tim
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406664
         File1310605526.png-(37 KB, 664x181, 1271874483791.png)
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    I have a pretty big collection so I'll contribute. Keep the hate alive!
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406667
    Yeah, it really does.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406671
    Go to bed, Tim.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:05 No.102406679
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:06 No.102406734
    not really considering I wasn't acting retarded
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:06 No.102406752
    Glad you have high praise for someone who effectively stole money from people in the name of a children's charity. Classy bro
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:06 No.102406777
    Get out of here Tim.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:06 No.102406778
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:06 No.102406823
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    Вutthurt Tim Buckley time?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:07 No.102406853
    >Guarenteed replies.txt
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:07 No.102406871
    The miscarriage bullshit went on for a year. One whole fucking year. What if Penny Arcade suddenly stopped being about video games and sudeenly Tycho has a miscarriage? Then, they blubber about it with no character development at all until one day they forget about it.

    It did, however, start one of the funniest unintentional running gags on /v/. Buckley threads never get old. It's like watching a sitcom. What will the stupid fuck do next?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:07 No.102406882
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:08 No.102406982
    These edits improve the originals so much.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:08 No.102406985

    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:08 No.102406988
    You're logic is fucking terrible.

    I just hope you're a troll.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:08 No.102406991
    I don't believe it

    Maybe if he posted with a tripcode and then confirmed somewhere else that he was using such and such tripcode...
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:08 No.102407028
    Not him, but I've never heard someone squeal at middle C or even close. Just imagining her at 101.2 dB at middle C gives me nightmares.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:10 No.102407142
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:10 No.102407157
    If I woke up and found out that I was the guy behind CAD, I'd be very dissapointed in myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:11 No.102407240
    Yeah it is dumb, I can't imagine a squeal being as low as C4. I just thought he had a problem with the expression "middle C" somehow
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:11 No.102407243
    >Excited about getting in to the beta
    I'd say prepare for disappointment but the moron thought DA2 is a good game.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:11 No.102407244
         File1310605882.png-(193 KB, 435x573, 1274570284811.png)
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    I Like BU& solely for the amazing edits that came from his miscarriage comic.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:11 No.102407277
    It's fun to hate.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:12 No.102407347
    Yeah in the end it's pretty much this. Same reason we have rage threads.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:12 No.102407352
    >make fun of his career, the work he does and his fans
    >he counters by reminding us of his career, the work he does and his fans
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:12 No.102407370
    >doing shit without being enraged.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:14 No.102407507
    Because he steals other people jokes, sometimes money and raw meat.
    Sends his dick to underage girls
    Censers the fuck out of any voices that disagree
    Pretends he is any good
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:15 No.102407589
    Webcomic artists in general are the scum of the Earth.

    Fuckley, Ryan Sohmer and that tubby bitch Tom Preston are self important jackasses who believe their own wish-fullment bullshit, and it's fun watching them have conniptions when they get called on their shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:15 No.102407606
    For anyone not musically inclined, this is what middle-C sounds like.

    Taking that into consideration, anyone with half a brain can see that Buckley is a complete moron.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:15 No.102407620
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:15 No.102407639
    Is there a picture of his ho?
    I want to see if she is as ugly as his drawings
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:16 No.102407656
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    Hey, I like Oglaf.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:16 No.102407658
    What about Gabe not that Gabe and Tycho?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:16 No.102407675

    I like the F@anboys author thought
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:16 No.102407736
    You mean Pignose and BALD?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:18 No.102407855
    If I lived near Tim I would seriously beat his ass down to a pulp. There's no words to describe how I hate this faggot and his shitty "webcomic".
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:18 No.102407908
         File1310606316.jpg-(547 KB, 1280x1984, 1271875422770.jpg)
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    Yes, what about them? So they're nerdy lookin', but they're not "the scum of the earth"
    >> Tim 07/13/11(Wed)21:18 No.102407934
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:19 No.102407968

    ...What is your opinion on XKCD?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:19 No.102407980
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:19 No.102408003
         File1310606365.jpg-(1.29 MB, 3150x4200, BUCKLEY_1302845501801.jpg)
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    I also heard some other gaming web comic (PVP I think?) did some special animation called PVP Ultimate or something. They had to hire an animation studio & all that to release their dvd animation.
    ...sometime later CAD comes out with its own animation CAD Premium, also an animation dvd, and used the same animation studio as PVP did.

    Again drama over it, and CAD acts all innocent
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:19 No.102408016
    >Tom Preston
    Fuck him. I remember seeing a comic he made saying "At least I have the balls to post my work, " even though he isn't willing to take criticism and improve. Fanboys grew from criticism, and that's why I like them.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:19 No.102408024
    Anyone have a screencap of Buckley declaring he would steal all of the charity money? I don't doubt for a second that it really happened, but I'd love to see how he worded it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:20 No.102408080

    The same thing. But not 100%.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:20 No.102408131
    XKCD sucks for different reasons. Randall Munroe panders to his demographic like nobody's business

    1. Take any joke
    2. Add Linux, calculus, pop science, or Cory Doctorow to it
    3. ?????
    4. PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:21 No.102408184
    I love you.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:21 No.102408207
    Comic's /v/ likes
    -Manly men doing manly things or whatever it's called
    -PA most of the time
    -Gun show and pretty much all of KC's stuff
    -Hiimdaisy she still does stuff, mostly cute narrative stuff though
    >Nimroid or whatever
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:21 No.102408209

    Their shit is hit and miss, sometimes its: "OH US GAMERS!" and sometimes it actually relates to actual games of current gaming events. They also run a legit charity and they run a pretty good con.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:22 No.102408269
    And Oglaf
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:22 No.102408296
    He used to do commissioned inflation fetish art.
    He absolutely LOVES (read: hates) being reminded of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:22 No.102408323
    The last one is Nedroid I believe.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:23 No.102408367
    So what if two comics both moved to video? It's not like one person owns the idea with TV shows

    The clusterfuck over CAD: The Animated Series was that it's fucking god awful
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:23 No.102408417
         File1310606638.jpg-(2.22 MB, 3000x4000, 1310131706208.jpg)
    2.22 MB
    pic oh so related
    >> Tim 07/13/11(Wed)21:24 No.102408430

    Tim Buckley loves you too.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:24 No.102408458
    But atleast Randall Munroe doesn't sext autismal girls,Right?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:24 No.102408501
         File1310606694.jpg-(19 KB, 161x225, KC reaction.jpg)
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    KC Green is one huge pile of amazing and I can't fathom why anyone would like his work including me because it makes no goddamn sense and is still somehow really goddamn funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:25 No.102408515
    Oh fuck year Oglaf.
    I was originally responding to his comic
    Also SMBC, they basically are XKCD with actual humor.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:25 No.102408571
    That guy was shit at first, but I mean, fucking shitty. He even stole /v/ comics and made them unfunny, it was like BU.
    Then, people called him out, and he knew he had to improve, and he did, incredibly good, also, said sorry for stealing jokes and has one of the most funny webcomics out there.
    Taking criticism correctly and not acting like an entitled bitch makes wonderful things
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:27 No.102408699
    Because running gags are funny you aspie, not our fault Bum Tickley continues to defy all logic and remain an easy target.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:27 No.102408738
    He should be turning blue during the scene.
    Because he's sad.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:28 No.102408785
         File1310606900.png-(424 KB, 625x790, 1310604084369.png)
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    What the fuck does this even mean
    >> Whynne !p5.Kb7535c 07/13/11(Wed)21:28 No.102408788
    You know what I fucking hate about KC green? The fact that he hates himself.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:29 No.102408929
    Why is there never any PVP hate threads? That guy's nearly as bad and has had similar periods of drama.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:30 No.102408993
         File1310607030.gif-(469 KB, 500x333, surprise.gif)
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    Tim is a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:31 No.102409098
    > "No results"
    really /v/?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:31 No.102409107
    Rate the following comics:

    KC Green (Gunshow Comics etc.)
    PVP Online
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:35 No.102409157
    Creepy how his gf has a man face.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:35 No.102409252
    FUCK YEAH SATURDAY BREAKFAST CEREAL. One of the smartest mother fuckers i've ever seen that actually has a good sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:35 No.102409263
         File1310607343.gif-(481 KB, 700x1662, 20100521.gif)
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    He seems like a pretty cool guy. Him and hiimdaisy are they only webcomics I actually read.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:35 No.102409278
    My only exposure to him has been the PA DnD Podcasts, in which he was a genuinely funny guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:35 No.102409300
         File1310607358.jpg-(25 KB, 311x311, 1310583018998.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:36 No.102409344
         File1310607382.jpg-(228 KB, 800x1002, 1270175213250.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:37 No.102409447
    does /v/ still like awkward zombie and kate beaton?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:37 No.102409477
    XKCD - 7, some are very funny, some are "lol look at how geeky I am!"
    Oglaf - 8 usuallt pretty funny, but some times it's just "hurr durr sex"
    KC Green (Gunshow Comics etc.) - don't know
    CAD - 0/10 see me after class
    PVP Online - dunno
    Nedroid - 9.5, love that shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:37 No.102409479

    XKCD: 6/10
    Oglaf: N/A
    KC Green: 8/10
    CAD: Derp/10
    PVP Online: N/A
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:37 No.102409541

    Words Words Words Math, not enough funny.

    >KC Green (Gunshow Comics etc.)


    PVP Online

    Never read the other two.

    Now how about Plastic Brick Automaton?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:39 No.102409678
         File1310607566.png-(332 KB, 923x694, EasyTarget.png)
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    such an easy target

    I used to like VG Cats, but the guy never updates anymore that I don't consider it a web comic anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:40 No.102409770
    >giving xkcd higher than 4
    Nope. So shit.
    >> Whynne !p5.Kb7535c 07/13/11(Wed)21:41 No.102409823
    Occasionally Randall comes up with something that's genuinely clever and not pretentious. Otherwise the lack of expressive art really detracts from some otherwise decent jokes.
    Good artwork, sometimes does pretty well with it's sex-themed jokes, other times it just comes off as sort of tasteless fanservice. Otherwise I can't hate it, it's funny more often than not.
    >KC Green (Gunshow Comics etc.)
    The artwork and expression alone sells half the jokes, something a lot of supposed "humor" webcomics seem to not grasp. Sometimes he even writes some genuinely funny stuff that makes for some really golden moments (anime club, the bunny arc)
    Occasionally Tim Buckley "gets it" and actually makes use of visuals for humor, but it's a rare occurrence and doesn't really make up for the thousands of painfully unfunny strips he's made since the start.
    >PVP Online
    Hit and miss. Not a fan of the story arcs, but one-off strips are usually pretty funny.
    Sort of like KC green but without the variety. Usually pretty funny, but sometimes is just weird for weirdness sake and not that funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:41 No.102409845
    >I looked at "many references"
    >DA image he stole from was first result for "Punk girl"
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:42 No.102409955
    CAD makes me thankful for good webcomics like Dinosaur Comics, Dr. McNinja, and Achewood.

    Oh, and their authors aren't pieces of shit who steal from sick children.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:45 No.102410170
    XKCD 5/10: Starts getting stale and is nothing but HURR URM SMURT jokes. Art is boring.
    Oglaf 7/10: Feel like he gets a little wordy for the sake of edgeness and shit. Jokes are meh, art is really good though.
    KC Green (Gunshow Comics etc.) 8.5/10: Funny. Both in art and jokes his stuff legitimately makes me laugh. Gets a little bit depressing when you start to realize how much he hates himself.
    CAD: 0/10: On the charity shit and the stealing alone, i'm not even gonna rate his actual comics
    PVP Online: N/A: not really popular enough for me to care i guess
    Nedroid: 8/10: Mostly the same as KC. Like the art, like the jokes, like the author. Only con is that the jokes aren'y really lol worthy. Got some good chuckles, but punchlines are real big hitters
    Write ins:
    Himmdaisy: 9/10: Shit was well drawn, well timed, and relevant and true in context of vidya. Peachy was pretty chill too. -1 for leaving to do that children's book thing.
    Awkward Zombie: 7.5/10: Hitt or miss really, but hits well and more consistently than PA.
    SMBC: 9/10: XKCD done right. Shits pretty high brow without getting all elitist. Captures academics and intellectualism pretty well without being afraid of a dead baby joke
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:46 No.102410225
    I think many stopped liking Kate Beaton after her rant.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:47 No.102410325
    Kate Beaton had a rant?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:48 No.102410402
         File1310608105.png-(103 KB, 300x280, death calls for pizza.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:48 No.102410405
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    I'm glad I'm not in the minority in thinking that XKCD is pretentious.

    For the record, I 'get' every single joke. It's easy if you passed highschool science or maybe watch The Discovery Channel sometimes
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:48 No.102410406
    She lost stupid fans then.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:49 No.102410492

    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:49 No.102410503
    my s button is sticky, also meant to say "aren't real big hitters" on Ned
    >> 59 !RevGiOKgRo 07/13/11(Wed)21:50 No.102410571
         File1310608230.jpg-(158 KB, 625x790, cad59.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:50 No.102410609

    ...Holy shit, how was this edited?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:51 No.102410650
    herp derp.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:51 No.102410685
         File1310608302.jpg-(97 KB, 625x790, 1273097217323.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:52 No.102410731
    Very carefully?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:52 No.102410739
    Just found this:
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:52 No.102410756
         File1310608361.png-(309 KB, 625x790, yeah.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:53 No.102410785
    Not one person mentioned that he stole some ham in his pants and got caught?

    Us gamers, huh guise.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:53 No.102410855
    Well I can really see where she's coming from. Good for her for not just putting up with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:54 No.102410879
         File1310608453.jpg-(193 KB, 625x790, 1309962694617.jpg)
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    That gore was already there!? What could've possibly been the context of that? Anyways, more edits.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:54 No.102410889
    >No one makes comics looking for sexual attention

    Everything every man does is just a display designed to attract women or, sometimes, other dudes
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:56 No.102411116
         File1310608613.jpg-(312 KB, 625x790, BU.jpg)
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    No, I'm sure the shooper drew on some red later. The original was the character stalking / hunting a couch I think

    As for RE: rate other comics - I give VGCats a 10/10 for this one alone
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:57 No.102411132
    FUCK YEAH Crossed. I fucking love that comic, anyone who thinks shit like Punisher or Watchmen or any pseudo "serious action" comics are gory,
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:58 No.102411267
         File1310608716.jpg-(138 KB, 625x790, obligatory.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:58 No.102411274
    /v/ has a problem with hating things.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:59 No.102411320

    Just saw the link, did he really steal Scott Roomsair's Snake joke? Man, fuck that guy to an oblivion, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:59 No.102411355
    >"dear internet, you are well meaning, but I'd like to make a point. when you tell a female creator you like her work so much you want to marry her and have her babies, you're not doing anyone any favors. first of all, as cute as it sounds in your head, it's a shitty, disrespectful 'compliment.' No one makes comics looking for sexual attention secondly, by doing so you invite others to critique that person's works based on their looks, which is uncomfortable, sexist and unfair."

    I'm pretty sure most of the people who wrote to her were kidding and didn't harass her. By the tone of her webcomics, you would think she would have more of a sense of humor or let things slide (or ignore them).

    Well, I'll just read Nedroid and enjoy a giant bird and bear eating tacos and playing with fireworks.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)21:59 No.102411360
    I agree with what Kate said. Most guys gave her shit mainly because of the fact that most men don't realize that both genders think differently. Maybe it was my constant ronryness or my constant philosophizing up bullshit that has turned that effect off for me, but saying shit like that must get uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:00 No.102411398
         File1310608810.jpg-(157 KB, 638x478, brockdonut.jpg)
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    >Nedroid above Oglaf

    God no, most of Nedroid's jokes are terrible, Oglaf may be mediocre from time to time.

    Also no one reads Akimbo comics and they just became my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:01 No.102411513
    Wait, we don't like ryan sohmer? Why is this?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:01 No.102411553
    >I'm pretty sure most of the people who wrote to her were kidding and didn't harass her.
    Go to hell, asshole.
    hehe just kidding!!

    It's harassment whether it's intended or not.
    >> Whynne !p5.Kb7535c 07/13/11(Wed)22:01 No.102411581
    >implying fangirls don't say the same sorts of things verbatim to male artists
    I've got tons of 16 year old girls on my DeviantArt page asking me to marry them and give them children. Ask me if I give a shit. I don't. They're joking. Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:01 No.102411589
    see this is funny because not only is it a zalgo edit but it still references his dead unborn child
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:03 No.102411721
    >That faggot Whynne who claims copyright over a meme he didn't create drops by to pretend he's highly desired by Internet women

    Go away
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:03 No.102411732
         File1310609019.jpg-(249 KB, 625x790, 1309754991899.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:05 No.102411858
    Oh I get it. It's only harassment if it happens to a female.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:05 No.102411864
         File1310609111.png-(995 KB, 625x790, 1310228309676.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:05 No.102411867
    >wants to see the beta
    >he's facing the laptops screen
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:05 No.102411901
    Because he hates ponies and will never draw them, /v/ should love him instead of hate him for that alone
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:05 No.102411916

    You're telling me this is funny?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:06 No.102411931
    So how does she rationalize straight men telling male author's that they want to have their babies as well?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:06 No.102411946
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:06 No.102411955
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:06 No.102412016
    Her point is that odds are you honestly thought "man, I wouldn't mind fucking this chick" because you are comfortable with that sort of behavior and fantasizing. Kate's point is "i don't like that shit, it's kinda weird for most chicks" and people started calling her a bitch for it. Why couldn't they just say, "aww fuck sorry i'll respect your feelings because you have garnered that respect from me"
    I mean if she was some "bitches and whores" type girl i wouldn't give a fuck, but i doubt i'll get anyone on /v/ to understand the concept of garnering respect when respect is deserved. Also you make money on stolen 4chan content and makes money off of meme loving faggots. Go to hell
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:06 No.102412021
    >I want to impregnate you
    >I want you to fuck me
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:07 No.102412078
    >222 posts and 52 image replies omitted.
    jesus fucking christ /v/...
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:07 No.102412102
    >So how does she rationalize straight men telling male author's that they want to have their babies as well?
    Bit of a strawman. She doesn't say it's OK.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:08 No.102412133
    >It's not harrassment because all men automatically like all "fuck me!" comments

    Oh look, you're a fucking sexist idiot too
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:08 No.102412135
         File1310609299.png-(303 KB, 625x790, 1310228625203.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:08 No.102412142
         File1310609303.jpg-(1.56 MB, 650x4795, 1275075097064.jpg)
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    bumping with good comics
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:09 No.102412229
         File1310609362.jpg-(27 KB, 448x473, 1257120836076.jpg)
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    Who in their right mind would want to fuck Kate, Have you seen her, I still have my doubts that she was born with a cunt
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:10 No.102412315
         File1310609415.jpg-(46 KB, 381x400, TrollECCC2010_KateBeaton.jpg)
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    You don't like troll on head?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:10 No.102412339
         File1310609431.jpg-(66 KB, 261x221, wonka.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:10 No.102412346
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    She's mildly attractive I guess, not super fugly or anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:11 No.102412433
    Is that Beaton?

    I would

    invite her out to a nice meal.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:12 No.102412466
    No my point was that Whynne was trying to use himself as a counter example of why it shouldn't matter even though the circumstance is different. If Whynne DIDN'T think the way i >implied he either would've agreed with her or made a separate point saying "yeah well i see how she feels even if i don't." He's also got an alpha complex from how much he "trolls" with his copyrights and fights with them for more money. Most guys do, much like how most girls don't.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:12 No.102412492
         File1310609540.jpg-(51 KB, 381x400, kate the sex machine.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:12 No.102412514
    I like BoxerHockey.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:13 No.102412573
    according to
    you are not allowed to feel any attraction to beaton and you should feel terrible. write an apology email to her right now for your impure thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:13 No.102412606
    And why wouldn't you?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:14 No.102412677
    >much he "trolls" with his copyrights
    >implying they're Whynne's copyrights

    Confirmed for full retard

    You do realize he's taking advantage of the anonymous nature of the 4chan board to lay a false claim to something popular, seizing the sole opportunity to profit from the hard work of others, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:14 No.102412685
         File1310609675.jpg-(90 KB, 796x1050, good846.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:16 No.102412849
         File1310609801.png-(31 KB, 841x587, comic2.png)
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    This is why I hate his comics.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:16 No.102412875
    No, she didn't. But she says that the typical "Have my babies!"-comment is a sexual notion, when it isn't. It's an exaggeration to show how much you appreciate one's work.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:17 No.102412882
    >Middle C
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:17 No.102412982
    And odds are that they're not going to corner you when you're alone and mount your dick. A lot of feminists (sadly) see leering men as potential rapists and the act of expressing sexual desire is somehow this disgusting and horrible red flag that we should all be wary of. It's not. The overwhelming majority of "rape" happens on account of factors women have control over. No, it's never justified, but knowing this at least should at least put you at ease knowing that JUST MAYBE that guy who was ogling your tits was admiring your form and wouldn't rape you if he had the chance.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:18 No.102413063

    Oh fuck.

    Dude I'm imagining her saying "EEEEE" in that tone right now with that face. Holy fuck I'm laughing so hard right now.
    >> PSN: DragonLordZ789 07/13/11(Wed)22:19 No.102413142
         File1310609979.jpg-(71 KB, 689x686, 1308787925501.jpg)
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    Man, thats funny
    >> Whynne !p5.Kb7535c 07/13/11(Wed)22:19 No.102413144
    Call me a fraud as much as you'd like, that's your opinion, but the copyrights are very much real, and very much not your business to contest.

    If someone wants to counter-sue me for false copyright, it's well within their right to do so.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:20 No.102413217
    You know that free Plants Versus Zombies clones you claimed to have taken down? What happened to Fair Use?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:20 No.102413226

    ...Who the fuck are you?

    Who is this guy, /v/? Does he make something I should hate?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:20 No.102413241
    >implying i give a fuck how you "think"
    No one can change that, you can only change how you manifest your thoughts into actions and how those actions effect others. I jack off to Jennifer Love Hewitt doesn't mean i'm gonna email her saying "HURR I WANT TO FUCK YOU OH MY GOD" because that would probably make it awkward or uncomfortable for her, and contextually she never did anything to garner that sort of action upon herself. If she was a bitch, or made it apparent that she enjoys those sorts of actions like SOME women do, well there's your justification. There's just no reason to make someone uncomfortable if it's not deserved. i wouldn't curse you out face to face based on your post, or i wouldn't kick a stranger in the nuts if i didn't know him. Bobby Kotick, or Peter Molyneux on the other hand would get a pretty swift "FUCK YOU FAGGOT" if i had the chance.
    He's the legal owner, regardless of how much of a faggot it makes him.
    see , Whynne's bullshit copyrighting of 4chan OC makes him deserving of the title "faggot"
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:22 No.102413348
    >my copyrights are very much real
    >no federal copyright registration

    Yeah, that's what I said; you're taking advantage of the doubt surrounding the true source of the image and seizing it as your own

    >haha you can't fight me

    Again, I already said that's your racket: using the threat of litigation to steal the market for yourself
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:25 No.102413508
    He has a Trollface comic on his deviant art, and he goes around claiming that he is the originator of the meme. Since 4chan threads are deleted in hours and rarely archived externally, this provides him a perfect opportunity to perpetuate his lie, and he takes full advantage, forcing people to "license" the image from him even though it's not his
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:25 No.102413524

    I agree with her too, to an extent. You would have to be incredibly naive to think that the phrase "have my babies" is associated purely with gender - I've seen it used many times, in reference to both males and females. It's a bit like the word "fag" has taken on a new meaning in modernity - except that have my babies was never a sexist sort of thing.

    Honestly, I thought she was a dude for the longest time; I never noticed her name. Always been a fan, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:25 No.102413536
    We single Fuckley out because while there are many shitty comics made by huge egotistical fuckwads with massive, undeserved fanbases, CAD is by far the most notable video game related one.

    There's a huge laundry list of reasons to hate the guy.
    Some of the most notable non-comic reasons:
    Showing his penis to autistic children.
    Stealing from charities.
    Threatening to sue a fan for asking to use Ethan for something yet he steals characters/backgrounds/"jokes" himself all the time.
    Had people PAY MONEY for THIS:
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:26 No.102413601
         File1310610371.jpg-(74 KB, 500x485, whatheshit.jpg)
    74 KB
    >mfw i realize how much i've written about this shit
    I've got to stop doing this hurintellectual crap on /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:26 No.102413612
    >he's the legal owner

    No, idiot, he CLAIMS to be the legal owner. Get the distinction through your head
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:26 No.102413613
         File1310610376.png-(4 KB, 241x237, Derderder.png)
    4 KB
    >webcomic thread

    >everyone forgets about Super Mega Comics

    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:26 No.102413637
         File1310610386.gif-(20 KB, 545x1057, 16.gif)
    20 KB
    Everyone just got really mad in this thread.
    Have some eye-blinding Super Mega Comics.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:26 No.102413653
    I agree with her. I like Kate Beaton's comics, and I'd like to tell her as much sometime, but confessing love for someone over such a thing is a little creepy.
    >> Whynne !p5.Kb7535c 07/13/11(Wed)22:27 No.102413771
    Do you ever actually take time to think about where your notions of my fraud come from? Perhaps instead of resorting to undeserved ad hominem, you should instead ask questions and judge my words instead of being cynical and thinking that anyone who would dare to copyright something that appeared on an imageboard is just some opportunistic shit looking to make a quick buck.

    Just wondering.

    >no federal copyright registration

    Did you even look? It's. Right. Here.

    See above. Whether or not you think it's a valid copyright bears no significance. Someone needs to call me out on it first and have the copyright voided. Spoilers: that's not going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:28 No.102413808
    >9-19-2008, after the image first appeared on 4chan

    Oooh, a fraudulent registration. Nice. You're gonna be raped in court in due time
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:29 No.102413940
    >Perhaps instead of resorting to undeserved ad hominem

    Man, every time you show up you engage in this same pseudointellectualism. It's like your "guaranteed replies" signature
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)22:30 No.102413963

    Gonna sound like a raging retard, but how do you guys know this for sure? I mean the original thing was submitted anonymously, is there any way to tell?

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