dare you to skip through 30 times, and find 3 cute girlsIt's already hard enough to tell the females apart from the malespicture related, one of the specimen, I guess.Fuck you, I know it's an imageboard
She would be cute without the deliberately fucked up makeup.
>>101118214good find, but it won't heal the scars that burned into my soul while going through a couple of pages there
>>101118353derp playin mah guitar
If we were to make a thread with the losers, we had to make a couple more
Can't fucking decide.
>>101118532looks more like a bass...but yeah...
>>101118679oh yeah, didnt notice thatI could say I was too busy deciding which eye is facing the way she's looking guise am i part of your cool internet club now? xD
>oh it can't be that bad>open link>greeted by thisI really hate you sometimes, /v/.
>Implying you wouldn't
holy shit
The choice is obvious, but isn't it fucking hot in LA?That's insane.
>nigger ash>asian misty>gay pikachuwtf did you do to my childhood
>>101119530They made it hilarious.
>>101119530forget the cute girls, let's just document shit like this
>>101119723>Average yugioh fan
>>101119135I'd popi her po if you know what I'm saiyan.
>Looking through pictures of people having fun;_;
>/a/ material>/cgl/ materialWhy, oh why, was this posted on /v/?
I'm so hungry
because no vidya
>>101119135lol drills
>Anime con>Dresses up as a character from a comic of western origin