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  • File : 1309040673.jpg-(170 KB, 843x913, exactlythesame32.jpg)
    170 KB Future of /v/ Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:24 No.100205518  
    If you have a spambot like Manly spam LoL general, Starcraft E-sports spam and other non vidya shit.

    Hopefully the cancer will finally go back to gamefags or retreat when winter comes.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:25 No.100205607
    Sometimes I wish that winters were like Game of Thrones winters.

    Winter is coming...
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205670
         File1309040765.jpg-(14 KB, 201x231, 1309671918956.jpg)
    14 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205671
         File1309040765.jpg-(14 KB, 196x225, 1309150488036.jpg)
    14 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205675
         File1309040769.jpg-(14 KB, 198x227, 1309296798266.jpg)
    14 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205677
         File1309040771.jpg-(13 KB, 192x220, 1308692866917.jpg)
    13 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205697
         File1309040784.jpg-(226 KB, 1569x781, nigga.jpg)
    226 KB
    Manly for mod?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205712
         File1309040790.jpg-(11 KB, 161x185, 1305493740528.jpg)
    11 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205725
         File1309040797.jpg-(14 KB, 200x230, 1304568722995.jpg)
    14 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205726
         File1309040797.jpg-(10 KB, 154x176, 1309274875471.jpg)
    10 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205746
         File1309040808.jpg-(14 KB, 199x228, 1304407882893.jpg)
    14 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:26 No.100205748
         File1309040808.jpg-(9 KB, 140x161, 1306118454033.jpg)
    9 KB
    Bump for agreement.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:27 No.100205848
         File1309040857.jpg-(7 KB, 138x193, 1301526225427.jpg)
    7 KB
    Mods = clods

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:27 No.100205885
    >Not Vidya

    This may truley be Manly, cause it's completely fucking retarded
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:27 No.100205886
         File1309040876.jpg-(13 KB, 222x310, 1304149920610.jpg)
    13 KB
    Mods = clods

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:27 No.100205889
    Mods = clods?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:29 No.100205999
    Nope starcraft is fine (you've used this excuse before my lil samefag)

    E SPORTS STREAMING 24/7 SPAM = cancer

    Go circle jerk with the LoL fags broham, nobody fucking cares about E-sports beta males.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:29 No.100206017
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:29 No.100206023
    I don't have a problem with people sagebombing Non-Vidya threads but LoL and Starcraft ARE vidya you god damned morons.

    And hey guess what, this isn't vidya either, get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:29 No.100206070
    Just report them and hope that mods start existing for a second, only for them to reset their routers and start spamming again.
    You could also try mailing moot telling him that he and his captcha system both suck.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:30 No.100206131
    Sorry to tell you this but nope.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:30 No.100206166
    It posts through proxies, reporting them is a fucking retarded idea
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:31 No.100206195
    Virus fuck off MT.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:31 No.100206279
         File1309041111.jpg-(150 KB, 705x747, modsequalcods.jpg)
    150 KB
    Mods are supporters of non vidya threads, they ban you for saging visual novel threads..
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:32 No.100206304
    If it's a virus then why isn't it a virus?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:33 No.100206448
    Keylogger detected on extraction.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206497
         File1309041255.jpg-(6 KB, 122x170, 1301016151597.jpg)
    6 KB
    Mods like CP
    Mods like Non Vidya
    Mods like Furry porn
    Mods break their own rules

    Mods = clods?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206498
         File1309041255.jpg-(20 KB, 308x430, 1306829856337.jpg)
    20 KB
    Mods like CP
    Mods like Non Vidya
    Mods like Furry porn
    Mods break their own rules

    Mods = clods?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206499
         File1309041255.jpg-(26 KB, 369x515, 1308721693584.jpg)
    26 KB
    Mods like CP
    Mods like Non Vidya
    Mods like Furry porn
    Mods break their own rules

    Mods = clods?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206518
         File1309041266.jpg-(23 KB, 339x473, 1307789525065.jpg)
    23 KB
    Mods like CP
    Mods like Non Vidya
    Mods like Furry porn
    Mods break their own rules

    Mods = clods?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206520
         File1309041267.jpg-(29 KB, 398x557, 1309653862031.jpg)
    29 KB
    Mods like CP
    Mods like Non Vidya
    Mods like Furry porn
    Mods break their own rules

    Mods = clods?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206528
    But if it's a keylogger why isn't it a keylogger?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206541
         File1309041273.jpg-(26 KB, 362x506, 1308520383067.jpg)
    26 KB
    Mods like CP
    Mods like Non Vidya
    Mods like Furry porn
    Mods break their own rules

    Mods = clods?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:34 No.100206557
    Manly you're fucking pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:35 No.100206619
    Did someone seriously write a fucking spam bot to stop VIDEO GAMES THREADS on /v/?

    That is utterly pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:35 No.100206656
         File1309041343.jpg-(7 KB, 200x119, 1301200314781.jpg)
    7 KB
    Mods = worthless?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:35 No.100206658
         File1309041343.jpg-(20 KB, 367x219, 1303878101500.jpg)
    20 KB
    Mods = worthless?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:35 No.100206670
         File1309041348.jpg-(14 KB, 304x181, 1302871458068.jpg)
    14 KB
    Mods = worthless?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:35 No.100206672
         File1309041349.jpg-(17 KB, 340x203, 1303448889174.jpg)
    17 KB
    Mods = worthless?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:35 No.100206675
         File1309041354.jpg-(10 KB, 235x140, 1301765479276.jpg)
    10 KB
    Mods = worthless?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:35 No.100206682
         File1309041355.jpg-(26 KB, 446x266, 1305130299173.jpg)
    26 KB
    Mods = worthless?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:36 No.100206713
    10/10 job mods.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:36 No.100206726
    .....Seriously? Multiple posts a minute for spam reasons?

    What is the fucking point of this
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:37 No.100206821
    Manly tears can still fuck off
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:37 No.100206862
    I think it's making the point of how the mods on /v/ are fucking worthless.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:38 No.100206901
    Manly is all powerful and the best tripfag of this generation.

    Keep being jealous he will rule you one day.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:39 No.100206999
    This tripfag surpasses even Kangoku in the pathetic scale, which is both surprising and very sad...
    >> M█a█n█l█y█t█e█a█r█s !!mogJwNPM+nu 06/25/11(Sat)18:40 No.100207077
         File1309041610.png-(149 KB, 751x448, umad.png)
    149 KB
    >sage a visual novel thread
    >sage an Esports spam thread (mod puts it on sticky)
    >Mod keeps giving me the most retarded bans i have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:40 No.100207158

    Dont care about visual novels, but Starcraft and LoL are video games. I still can't believe you pay for VPN's to just troll 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:42 No.100207287
    Because visual novels are games, you retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:42 No.100207290
         File1309041739.jpg-(4 KB, 139x85, 1301606931647.jpg)
    4 KB
    He warned you /v/

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:43 No.100207401

    Nope,,, streams are actually banable, mods don't follow the rules though.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:44 No.100207464

    All 3 of those are directly related to video games.

    If we had an esports board I'd leave /v/ pretty quickly though.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:44 No.100207476
    Moot said they are /jp/ only, get mad pls.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:44 No.100207541
    hey manly tears, are you like a real person? or kind of like a combat-ex of script kiddies?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:45 No.100207548
    No they aren't starfag.

    Bye :D
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:45 No.100207620

    Been here far longer than you champ, go back to buying VPN's to even post here.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:46 No.100207668

    Manly helped hack Sony and i am pretty sure hes a secret Lulzsec member.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:47 No.100207762

    He's a 20 something guy called Vanner that buys VPN's to even connect to 4chan, then he just spams vidya threads and esports threads because apparently that's pretty cool or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:47 No.100207792
    oh really? thanks that was really helpful
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:48 No.100207925
    >Buying VPNs
    Are you fucking retarded?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:49 No.100207957
    why you would want to "rule /v/" is beyond me, people on /v/ are the most boring docile people you'll find, is this like people who bully retards to get off or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:49 No.100207980
    Age: 23
    Name: Dominic Vanner
    Location: UK isle of wight
    Uses free Proxies to evade range bans and is currently the most wanted on mods shit list.

    Scammer, faggot, troll, hacker.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:49 No.100208014
         File1309042183.jpg-(3 KB, 186x87, 1304038085717.jpg)
    3 KB
    Manly the one true king of /v/

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:49 No.100208015
         File1309042183.jpg-(3 KB, 186x87, 1304038085717.jpg)
    3 KB
    Manly the one true king of /v/

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:49 No.100208023
         File1309042190.jpg-(47 KB, 1383x654, 1308310660974.jpg)
    47 KB
    Manly the one true king of /v/

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:51 No.100208162!!BC3VfEoLilP
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:52 No.100208249

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:52 No.100208250

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:52 No.100208253
    so do you use the term "troll" loosely or do you actually understand what it means and think it applies to what you do?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:52 No.100208292
         File1309042371.jpg-(47 KB, 638x515, 130884929706.jpg)
    47 KB
    why is manly tears still alive?
    shouldn't he have broken his own neck trying to brush his teeth by now?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:53 No.100208315
    great /v/ is now /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:53 No.100208363
    Anyone got a screencap of Manly posting a shit ton of emails and passwords from the sony media shit?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:53 No.100208400
    Go to bed Manlytears

    >saging vidya threads
    >"this will cure the cancer"
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:54 No.100208425
    so this means manly is a console gamer? does he like cod and indie games?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:54 No.100208450
         File1309042470.png-(71 KB, 946x797, 1308609305413.png)
    71 KB
    >implying anyone hates manly apart from autistic nerds and jealous virgins
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:55 No.100208491
    You're the most pathetic cunt on this board commit suicide manly.

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:55 No.100208555
    For the record, the images you spam doesn't actually bump the thread each time you use it, only actual posts bump threads.

    Effectively you just make us go through more threads, at most, you don't actually bump the threads etc. We just have to make a new one and ignore you.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:56 No.100208580
    No hes a richfag apparently who owns every console and the best PC or whatever the fuck he boasts about.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:56 No.100208598
         File1309042569.jpg-(41 KB, 627x470, 1308876186688.jpg)
    41 KB
    you fail at samefagging
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:56 No.100208621
    Seriously though, if you don't like e-sports, what games do you actually like? games like zelda and indie titles, TF2 and minecraft? i don't think any of those games are very good, there's not alot to be talked about on topic, unless it's for kids who are just getting into games.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:56 No.100208669
    He can't reach it bro

    Can't reach his eye patch either, thats why he does that shitty MSpaint thing.
    >> Panty !!gawwf91eZk/ 06/25/11(Sat)18:57 No.100208739
         File1309042660.png-(194 KB, 323x401, 1292533911849.png)
    194 KB
    So what videogames we playing?

    I just played some TF2 after a bit of a brake from it. What about you guys?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:58 No.100208772
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:58 No.100208787
    Stealth LoL fag detected, i'll let him know it was successful.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:58 No.100208807
    Yeah let us have the exact same thread every hour on the hour in peace come to think of it we haven't had a dreamhack/LoL/shit thread in the past 10 minutes brb
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:59 No.100208858
    that's real subtle there, buddy
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)18:59 No.100208878
    Reported for assuming Esports is vidya related when spammed 24/7 like LoL NEW THRED XD shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:00 No.100208956
    there's just 2 threads, manly tends to love spamming LoL so sc is mostly free of his attention whoring but, if LoL threads didn't exist he'd come for us instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:00 No.100208993
    Starting to like you more and more MT
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:01 No.100209043
         File1309042876.png-(1.74 MB, 1920x1080, 1308942853468.png)
    1.74 MB
    he also has a pretty mouth (used to have a pretty eye too until someone's cock missed the previously mention pretty mouth)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:01 No.100209052
    So, watching people playing video games are not video games related?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:01 No.100209057
    Are you serious? They're fucking video games. You don't see me spam botting Final Fantasy threads because I don't like the games. Grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:01 No.100209081
    Hey OP. I'm reporting you.

    Everyone report OP. After a number of reports the mods have to respond.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:01 No.100209083
    We dont spam SC spam because mods abuse on us retard you're not liked on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:02 No.100209146
    Oh Manly Tears-sama, you truly are the ruler of /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:02 No.100209157
         File1309042950.jpg-(86 KB, 600x520, 1174745955732.jpg)
    86 KB
    >saging and spamming vidya threads
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:02 No.100209177
    >vidya gaems not liked on /v/
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:02 No.100209189
    its not "spam" its one thread that's on 24/7, SC2 is the leading esport atm, when we get a esports board it wont matter, but a whole board for 2 threads is unreasonable.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:03 No.100209219
    ITT: Casual single-player faggots with no friends either on the Internet or IRL spam threads for games they don't like because you have to actually be good at video games to compete in them.

    Stay jelly of the Masters Leaguers and the LoLfags.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:03 No.100209226
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:04 No.100209330
    Reported for breaking the rules.

    Spamming doesn't actually do anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:04 No.100209333
         File1309043071.jpg-(162 KB, 822x904, manly tears dox.jpg)
    162 KB
    Five non-vidya threads on the front page. Five.

    Here, have Manly's dox, then I'm going to trigger a wordban and go to 7chan /vg/. Fuck this place.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:04 No.100209334
    Smells like LoL and SC fags in here..

    3 threads on the frontpage 24/7
    same people

    U mad because we notice you samefagging
    >> !scapesAhmE 06/25/11(Sat)19:04 No.100209354
         File1309043084.png-(156 KB, 288x339, cpon.png)
    156 KB
    You know it's not actually MT, just people using his name to get reactions, right?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:04 No.100209372
    So...what? You guys want your own board? Should we contact moot to set you guys up a /casual/?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:05 No.100209416
    at the end of the day, it's confirmed that manly tears only spams the least popular boards, bumps them up to page one and gets negative/positive attention, that's all you are, an attentionwhore who picks on anyone he can without getting immediately banned, loser.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:05 No.100209423
    SC fags are too dumb to realise tournament streams are cancer not SC.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:05 No.100209445
    >7chan's /vg/
    >Not 4chon's /v/

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:06 No.100209462
         File1309043169.gif-(2.64 MB, 280x185, 1302882832793.gif)
    2.64 MB

    but hey op

    but you are the cancer

    stop being so fucking retarded, that goes to the spammer as well, if you want to discuss vidya only without fun go to gamefaqs or reddit
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:06 No.100209471
    >tournament streams are cancer

    That's the most retarded thing I've read all day.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:06 No.100209498
    Esports = /sp/
    LoL general = feces and autoban
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:06 No.100209510
    what are you talking about? you seriously think all starcraft threads are bots for adverts?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:07 No.100209557
    some of us do, but MT is still a gigantic homosexual
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:07 No.100209603
    am I banned yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:08 No.100209654
    >everything i say is a fact
    Ha, enjoy acting like a 5 year old
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:08 No.100209661
    >implying /sp/ doesn't hate esports more than /v/ does
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:08 No.100209675

    >StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed and released by Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. A sequel to the award-winning 1998 video game StarCraft and its expansions, the game was released worldwide on July 27, 2010.[9] It is split into three installments: the base game with the subtitle Wings of Liberty, and two upcoming expansion packs, Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void.[10]

    >League of Legends (often abbreviated as LoL) is a video game inspired by the Defense of the Ancients (DotA) map for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne[2] developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows.[3] It was first announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009.[4] The game was in a closed beta from April 10, 2009, to October 22, 2009.[5] It then transitioned to open beta until release.[6]

    >video game
    >video game
    >video game
    >video game

    I don't even like LoL
    >> M█a█n█l█y█t█e█a█r█s !!mogJwNPM+nu 06/25/11(Sat)19:08 No.100209679
         File1309043310.jpg-(40 KB, 600x402, 1308696103829.jpg)
    40 KB
    >Twerps still can't handle the fact i rule more than the mods do.
    >Mods are fat ugly immature losers while i am a confident, handsome, intelligent person.
    >Mods = perma clods.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:08 No.100209680
    >non vidya
    >non vidya

    Can I spam this thread instead? Also, lolManly.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:08 No.100209707
    it doesn't matter, they might as well be the same person, they think exactly alike.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:09 No.100209725
         File1309043342.gif-(29 KB, 345x317, piccodic.gif)
    29 KB
    Fuck, all it's doing is warning me.

    This'll get me banned for sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:09 No.100209754
    I retract this statement after having read a bit more of this thread. I will be deleting that post.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:09 No.100209766
    why is this thread still up?
    I just had a new TF2 thread 404 on me while this shit is still going.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:09 No.100209818
         File1309043392.jpg-(6 KB, 252x260, 1281209713109.jpg)
    6 KB
    I can't wait for script kids to get hit by the range ban and we never see them again.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:09 No.100209828
    am I banned
    >> !scapesAhmE 06/25/11(Sat)19:10 No.100209873
         File1309043422.png-(101 KB, 521x254, cpmtr.png)
    101 KB

    Yes, but all people are doing is feeding the fire.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:10 No.100209878
    flattering yourself is not the same as trolling, contrary to popular belief, hitler's "tell it enough and everyone will believe ur inane bullshit" is not how people work, and it's not edgy either.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:10 No.100209886
    Thanks doc.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:10 No.100209909

    It's all Manly Tears, and he just uses VPN's and Proxies to come back, it isn't hard.

    Report him anyway ofcourse
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:10 No.100209937
         File1309043458.jpg-(213 KB, 1100x1100, 1308930222244.jpg)
    213 KB

    Oh look he shows up.

    So i herd u like traps
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:11 No.100209940

    Will you post a picture of yourself and a timestamp Manly-sama?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:11 No.100209965
    I don't see the issue with people wanting to discuss LoL filing themselves into one topic. Seriously, someone want to explain this to me?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:11 No.100209971
         File1309043480.jpg-(12 KB, 245x241, 1307521850428.jpg)
    12 KB
    >Implying SC2 thread goers aren't relatively well versed with the filter
    >Implying it's difficult to filter the spammers
    >Implying we wouldn't just get pissed and start prematurely making new threads all over the place
    >Implying you aren't ass devastated over other people enjoying games
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:11 No.100209973
    >clod clod clod clod clod clod clod
    you're a total bitch. and a poser.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:11 No.100210012
    >hitler's "tell it enough and everyone will believe ur inane bullshit"

    Pretty sure that was Göbbels.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:11 No.100210014
    Why not, people bitched about pokemon so much that it got its own board.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:12 No.100210049
    >Manly is 23 year old adult
    >Successful in life unlike most of /v/
    >implying MT didn't get ranged twice now and name banned 3 times and banned daily.
    >> !scapesAhmE 06/25/11(Sat)19:12 No.100210078
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    It's not him.

    But for some reason it's like people want to believe it is.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:13 No.100210185
    there just isn't enough SC2 threads on /v/, wish there were more but there's hardly one slow thread up at times when there's no tournaments going on.
    >> 極度のかわいい !9.9.InoueM 06/25/11(Sat)19:13 No.100210201
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    ewww what is that thing, its giving me the creeps!
    It reminds me of that dog girl from full metal alchemist for some raeson
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:13 No.100210207
    He's neither adult nor successful if he invests enough time and effort into evading a ban on an anonymous imageboard.

    Just saying.
    >> M█a█n█l█y█t█e█a█r█s !!mogJwNPM+nu 06/25/11(Sat)19:13 No.100210214
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    >Gay guy or girl compliments me
    >person replies to my thread

    Green eyed monster heh.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:14 No.100210255
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:14 No.100210257

    Because there were multiple Pokemon threads on page 0 at one time, covering a range of topics.

    At least we keep most SC2 shit in one thread at a time.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:14 No.100210266

    It was neither. From what I've read some time ago, and now looked up again, the "big lie" or "repeat it until they believe it" quotes are bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:14 No.100210284
    >guize if we keep saying it's not him it will kill him
    >1 year later

    Same trip bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:14 No.100210306
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:15 No.100210326

    Someone want to answer?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:15 No.100210350

    Post pic with timestamp please
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:15 No.100210408
    I was being sarcastic. People complained about there being too much video games on /v/ that they had to make another board to get rid of it.

    Its not like you cant just scroll past it and find another thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:16 No.100210432
    Report the following:

    -Off topic threads
    -Spam of any kind, be it in off topic or vidya
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:16 No.100210441
    if you were truly confident, you wouldn't need to zealously protect people who offer you shallow compliments like "you aren't fat" "you're not stupid" or "you have a girlfriend and aren't a virgin??" the least stupid kid in ur kinder-garden class does NOT make you a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:16 No.100210469
    I dunno about LoL but SC2 GSL threads are like that.

    One at a time.

    If some faggot tries to make another we all ignore them.

    We flame retards who make new threads before the autosage limit.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:16 No.100210487
    People get mad when they see a thread about a video game they don't like.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:16 No.100210488
    Where the hell did that shit start, then?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)19:16 No.100210490
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    Some people are angry that other people are enjoying things. It's as simple as that.

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