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hey /u/, are there any webcomics that revolve around yuri couples or have a yuri couple in it that isn't some obscure background pairing? please enlighten me
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Thanks for the first one, didn't know it. Do know pawn, updates are kind of slow.

oh, and a new pic because op wasn't actually /u/ related.
Is that also a webcomic? care to link?

What? Gunnerkrigg Court?


I was under the impression that it wasn't /u/ though.
If it doesn't end up with at least Kat being a lesbian I will fucking kill someone.
People think that she is a lesbian, but she says herself that she isn't.
That being said, she wants the labia
>paying for chapters
Shit webcomic.
I feel like I'm not in the know here and everyone is just listing the obscure shit. OP which comics do you already know about? What is the well-known stuff?
>Gunnerkrigg Court

http://www.khaoskomix.com/ (all kinds of LGBT)

Other than that I'm drawing a blank.
Thanks based anon
Try Boobs Ahoy.
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>and then...
>she did something I would never forget...
The MC sleeps around in the initial pages and is what you would probably call a "pansexual" but her love interest is a girl she meets a bit later on. Maybe something to avoid if you're one of those pure waifu fags.

The art quality has improved quite dramatically since the first few strips, and the artist herself is a pretty cool person.

That URL is pretty hard to parse at least at 6am with no sleep

>Oh, that sounds a lot like G-...

Oh, right,
Gunnerkrigg Court is basically JUST FUCK ALREADY for million chapters. It's pretty good though.
the chapters are all side stories so It doesn't really affect the plot
>kind of

Although not the 'main' characters the entire webcomic gives most characters a very healthy amount of screentime which is not easy to do wwith a cast as large as that.
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my friend's recently new webcomic
im sure /u/ will love it
Moon Over June if you want a laugh. because the rest of it is terrible.
The only I like from suggested comics is spinneerette
Missing Monday
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Tell your friend I like it.
Are you able to live a normal life despite your inability to tell quality from shit?
It has some shitty stuff, mostly gag, but I like the story. I don't want overly dramatic fashion faggotry teen life stories.
the sad part is that you think all the other comics are shaite, Spinnerette is quite alright, but so are several of the others mentioned here.
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This comic is kinda tacky but ... pic related.

I will love it forever.
bit of an overreaction I made there, I'm not saying they are bad but they just don't interest me a lot.
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No mention of Simply Sarah?

I'm shocked.
im also shocked. That art is just terrible.
>>1307502 (OP)


>Two of the female main characters just got together after over 5000 pages
Tell her that I'm in love with that webcomic
Hm, not sure about revolve around, but... Red String, Questionable Content, and Menagé a 3 all have some f/f pairings. I don't know about it being obscure or not, though. Red String has a f/f pairing as one of the main plots. The others... *shrugs*

Though anything else I could think to mention has been posted already.

The art's good. Tell your friend to keep piling on the yuri.
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Go Get a Roomie! is the best lesbian genre webcomic I know of. The protagonist is this hippie called Roomie. The first chapter or two is just a bunch of her sexual hijinks, but look out for a character named Lillian. Once she's introduced, the actual plot starts.

Also, there's Shortpacked! Lesbianism isn't really a major theme, as the comic focuses more on pop culture gags about Batman and Transformers. Two of the main characters, Robin and Leslie, get together though and that relationship does get a few of its own story arcs. Expect it to take forever for Leslie to appear.
>Two of the female main characters just got together after over 5000 pages

Who with who?
> Menagé a 3 all have some f/f pairings

Nice try, troll. About as clever as trying to pass off Boku no Pico as a yuri anime.

Spoiler: There's no actual yuri in it. All female characters so far realize their love for men or that they are 100% not lesbian. Gisele is known for bait and switch lesbians.
Tell her that I still miss her cows.
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haha, aw, sorry anon...
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One of the first webcomics I got into was


The art style still isn't to my tastes though.

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