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Any Yuri/lesbian novels /u/ guys would recommend?
What's up with all the recommendation threads all of the sudden?
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>>1298898 (OP)
Annie on my Mind.

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Well, there was that "Yuri?" thread on /r/anime 3 days ago... maybe some guys want more.
I find that I don't really care about contemporary lesbian literature, but if there's a 19th century novel with a lesbian character, I'm immediately sold. Currently reading Dostoevsky's Netochka Nezvanova. I could totally see it as a shoujo anime.

this should help.
I sure hope you're read Fingersmith.

Though I've found it seems to be a love it or hate it book on /u/.
I saw the BBC version, along with Tipping the Velvet. I'll probably get around to reading them once I've forgotten the details.
If you know Spanish you should check out the books from Libertad Moran.


Warning: there's some bisexuals and gay men on the books.
>>1298898 (OP)
Anything by Karin Kallmaker. I've enjoyed every book she's published.
And here are most of the books on that list:
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Fuck I have so many I'm reading right now. Just finished Ash by Malinda Lo, it was pretty cute. I recommend it for being a YA novel. The price of salt by Patricia Highsmith looks good, it's getting a film adaption. Rubyfruit Jungle was hilarious but the mc is a really "don't give a fuck" kinda chick...she feels a bit detached to me. But I'm trying to get through the books already on my backlog: Landing by Emma Donohue, The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth, Something so grand by Lynn Galli, The Dark Wife by Sarah Diemer, But she's my student by Kiki Archer, On Azrael's wings by D. Jordan Redhawk, My soldier too by Bev Prescott, Goldenseal by Gill Mcknight, and A Month of Sundays by Yolanda Wallace.
Ones that i like are:
Annie on my Mind
Sword of the Gaurdian
Forever found
Celano series by Jane Fletcher

i have a few others that i can't remember the name of but they are at the house.
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>be Diane Ayres
>realize that my story's coming to the point where you'd normally start to wind things down
>realize I've already basically settled everything without ever having a climax
>gotta do SOMETHING

I was like, "Wow. This certainly got dramatic all of a sudden." In spite of it, I still basically enjoyed it.
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>>1298898 (OP)
>past thread
>Personal favorites
Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey
Elite Operatives Series by Baldwin and Alexiou.
Morning Rising by Samantha Boyette
Garoul Series by Gill McKnight
Return to Isis by Jean Steawart
I would second everything here as well, except I preferred the Lyremouth Chronicles by Fletcher. They're both good though.
Any decent fantasy novels with a lesbian protagonist? I already read the Lyremouth chronicles.
I liked When Women Were Warriors

Book 1 of the series is available for free on the authors website. Also the author is a big Xena fan.

Holy crap, read some summaries and a short excerpt of Santa Olivia, very hooked and interested now. Going to hunt down a copy somewhere.....
The Elemental Logic series (Fire Logic, Earth Logic, Water Logic) by Laurie Marks is excellent. Great fantasy adventure, and the setting has zero angst about non-hetero sexualities. I can't recommend it enough.

The Amazons of Aggar series (Shadows of Aggar and Fires of Aggar) by Chris Anne Wolfe is a bit odd, as its mostly fantasy with some sci-fi elements. There's space travel, but the books are set in a deliberately tech-poor world with some magic elements. The second books is less about the lesbian couple, plus its set way into the future of the planet than the first one. Still a solid series, though I liked the Logic ones better.
haha, I had about the same reaction first time I saw it. Has some het at the beginning, but don't worry its definitely a /u/ story. And heaven forbid we actually spend something, but this might be worth it. Even has an ebook version. Anyway, happy reading.
Another series I should mention is the Princess series by Jim Hines (The Stepsister's Scheme, The Mermaid's Madness, Red Hood's Revenge, and The Snow Queen's Shadow). It takes Disney Princesses (Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty), puts them in a more Grimm-esque format, then continues their stories past the end of the traditional tales. Sleeping Beauty becomes a warrior named Talia who is seriously badass, and, while she isn't really the protagonist, gets a lot of screen time and loves only ladies. I'd also argue she's the author's favorite character and the last book can almost be read as "Let's get Talia a happy ending.

Even beyond Talia, its an excellent fantasy series with that Grimm / Disney basis, and the character development, especially Cinderella's, is top notch. The shit she pulls in the last book, you could not see her doing in the first. So while the lesbian character isn't the main protagonist (Cinderella takes point most of the time), she's vitally important and appears in every scene.
books I highly recommend

Rubyfruit jungle by Rita Mae Brown
Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg
Huntress by Malinda Lo
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
Little Disquietude by C. E. Case
Riches of Mercy by C. E. Case
Pages for You by Slyvia Brownrigg
>Rubyfruit jungle by Rita Mae Brown
God, I love that book.
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Adeptus Major was okay, if you like modern romances with a princess. Was a little too idealistic for my tastes, but I thought the romance made it worth it.

I really liked annie on my mind, and Jim C Hines's princess series might be worth checking out.
> D Jordan Redhawk
I really enjoyed Tiopa Ki Lakota. Currently reading her Sanguire series.
I'm currently reading Santa Olivia and I freaking love it.

Before this I tried to get into Huntress and the elemental logic books and I dropped them after a while...
Not a fan of fantasy, I see.

I recommend A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner
Love fantasy, but there is just something very...uncool about those two series...I can't quite explain it, just me being picky I guess.

Don't like completely normal contemporary settings all that much either, but I'm a very big fan of supernatural/fantasy elements within a modern setting, which Santa Olivia nailed perfectly for me.
I love fantasy too, but not sci-fi, which is weird considering these two genre are quite...similar in a way. Frustrating too, since writers tend to mix them together into their stories.
Anyone read Eikasia?
It's a...serial novel, I guess? The lady that writes it puts chapters up online every week, and runs extra bits through donations.


That's the description page, so just read that I guess. Other than that... 'high fantasy' and 'lesbian werecat'.
So... not very contemporary if that's your thing.
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>I'm currently reading Santa Olivia and I freaking love it.
Glad to hear it. Just a word of warning, don't have your expectations too high for sequel. Personally, I didn't think it measured up to the originally, but I know there's another anon on here who did like it. I'll leave it to you to decide for yourself.

Another book I'd recommend, Crimson Dawn by Ronnie Massey.
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Seems interesting, will give it a shot when awake...
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This book is pretty sweet, just finished it a few days ago. About a girl who is discovering her love for women and falls in love with a "dreammaker", kind of a parallel universe sort of thing, pretty hot though.

Kind of off topic, but didn't know where else to post this question. When you read an ebook, what color (background, font) do you usually apply in your reader? Staring long hours at the screen isn't exactly healthy after all, would it help if I tinker with the colors and whatnot?

I use the Night setting on ipad's ibook, which is basically white text on black background
wrong mediafire link
>>1298898 (OP)
Am I the only one who didn't like either of these books? I read them when I was a teenager but I didn't like them at all.
Naw don't worry most published stuff is absolutely abysmal.
What didn't you like about them?
Sorry 'bout that, here's the right one:
Do they leave it open for another sequel? I'm gonna read Saints Astray anyways because her girl friend, I realize, is really freakin' cute. She says a lot of sweet things despite herself.
>Do they leave it open for another sequel?
Santa Olivia or Saints Astray? Santa Olivia ended such that a sequel was expected and in my case quite wanted. Saints Astray could have a sequel, though I haven't heard anything and I think it might be pushing it. At least I think that's what happened. Its been sometime since I've read them and my memory has never been the greatest.
To any anon reading Santa Olivia, if you enjoy Santa Olivia avoid the sequel at all costs. Santa Olivia is one of my favourite stories ever but Saints Astray is absolutely abysmal. I don't want to spoil anybody's experience or try to shove an opinion down your throat but I really wish I'd never read Saints Astray.
Keeping you a secret was bloody terrible, it felt so rushed, none of the characters were really fleshed out, and the MC made me mad so much.

Empress wasn't as bad, but fuck there is alot of internal monologues. maybe I liked it better because I read the two back to back.
Which of these don't end badly? I detest lesbian romance that does.
How did the MC make you mad? She was kicked out by her mom for being a lesbian.
It felt like her mum was kicking her out due to storyLOL. They never developed her as a god lover, or any other reason to hate homos. And it made it worse because she was kicked out at MCs age.
Worse still MC didn't call her on her bullshit. And MC was just illogical and silly, without me feeling any real empathy for her. I felt pitty but no empathy.
>>1303806 They never developed her as a god lover, or any other reason to hate homos.

that's how the real world works, though. action before thought. and, once done, dare not deviate from your view, because it would mean you did something wrong.
I guess I just felt that the characters weren't written well. They felt like stereotypes and not honest, fleshed out human beings. Though to be fair, a lot of fiction is guilty of this.
A bit off topic, but I was wondering if anyone here read Huntress' short story epilogue, 'The Fox'? Sadly, I only have the hardcover, so it doesn't include it. So I was wondering does it give any closure to their relationship?

please spoil me

The Fox:
Thank you!
I have this fetish-like thing--I like to read where the lesbian character loves another very much, that due to some issue, preferably age gap problems, that she feel insufficient/insecure etc, that she's willing to do anything for her love,including letting her date other people. Are there any stories like that? The condition being the object of her affection love her back just as much, and of course a good end.

Yes, I'm a masochist ;_;
First books that came to mind with your phrases
>letting her date other people
If I remember correctly, Santa Olivia had that.
Broken Wings by LJ Baker comes to mind.
>age gap problems
Third book in the elite operatives series, Missing Lynx, by Baldwin and Alexiou. It would certainly be more interesting, if you read the the first two books, but it's not necessary. They focused on different MCs.
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>dat cover art

Too butch
Not the same anon but
>Judging a book by its cover.

Is the Honor series by Radclyffe any good? I'm not much into modern setting/thriller, but they are sitting on my virtual shelf anyway. Does it worth my time?
seems generic radclyffe stuff. it's okay, but, to me, the end felt rushed
Do any of /u/ remember that one torrent tread with dozens of lesbian books, that was originally in /r/? I'd appreciate it if someone put up the link again
It was from demonoid, which doesn't exist anymore. I have a bunch of lesbian books (100+) but no idea how to upload them anywhere.

If someone links me a tutorial, I'll go about organizing the shit I have and try to upload.
I just uploaded the separate folders to mediafire. There might be a better way, but I don't have a clue.

Anyway, here's all the books I've gotten from /u/ in the same form I got them, not very organized at all. Probably should go through, organize, and add my stuff in if it's missing. This might take awhile...

Thanks for the upload. MF is far better than any torrent as far as I'm concerned. I wish some of them isn't in html though.
Do you have Calibre? It should be able to convert HTML, I think at least.
Yes, it could. But you can say I'm an organised freak. If I convert HTML into Epub (or any other ebook format), stuff like Table of Content will be missing. I know it isn't that big of a deal, but... ;_;
Ah, I see. Sorry anon. ;_;

Speaking of Epub, anyone know how to remove DRM from it? Google brought up some software, any recommendations?
Well, I'll live. I might end up converting them anyway...

There's a DRM removal tool called DeDRM--a Calibre plugin in fact. You can refer to this useful post:

Left this thread when it seemed like it was getting a bit spoilery....and phew, glad it's still being bumped here and there


YOU, yes YOU. You are awesome.

I finished Santa Olivia (literally just now) and the first Garoul book Goldenseal (last night at 2AM). Loved them both. I'm not entirely sure which one I liked more. I paused Santa Olivia with about a 100 or so (epub) pages left and started then finished Goldenseal ahead of SO...

Between Loup and Leone, I think they're equally likable, but I definitely liked Loup's girlfriend more than Leone's. Going to start on the second Garoul book but it seems like it'll be focused on different characters based on a quick look on Amazon summary. and of course Saints Astray as well.

I've looked over some of the other suggestions in the threads and the summaries didn't immediately interest me. It's going to suck when I finish all the sequels to these two...
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>You are awesome
Right back at you anon and I come baring good news. The Garoul series is ongoing with the next book, Silver Collar, set to release this December.
Ah, screw me. I meant bearing.

Absolutely wonderful news...and I just read seven freaking chapters of Ambereye instead of sleeping. Work will suck tomorrow.

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