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Chrono looks pissed off he has to be involved in this.

OK, where's the full-size image?
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Nowhere yet. All i could find are Samples.
Is Hayate copping a feel there?
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>sharing a chair, holding hands, and blushing
This image is slightly queer.
Sure, completely disregard the fact that Einhart is king and Vivio is her queen and go straight for the subtext.
>needing to ask
It is the way of /u/.
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And regardless of the actual yuri content of the manga, the author clearly ships them.
And considering the manga is never discussed here, I assume it has none or no one has checked lately.
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>implying that wasn't deliberate

Bet you think I said "slightly queer" without any kind of irony or reference, too.
I don't like it at all.
Compared to how Nanoha and Fate met, Vivio and Einhart's situation is incredibly dull.

The yuri is only part of the reason why I like the Nanoha franchise, and I don't think ViviD delivers on the other front.
From what I understand, it's just a bunch of girls in a magic fighting tournament. No stakes, no suspense, and it's hard to take Vivio seriously when her device is in a flying stuffed toy.
The small yuri bits are nice, but the rest of the manga is boring.
Yeah, I really expected some drama building up bound to that past Belkan War, and having Einhart, Vivio and that sleeping Ixy playing it out in modern times, but then Einhart got befriended in one chapter, and now that plot was removed and we got girls fighting tournament which I simply don't care for.

It's silly s hell,Foce is too awful with shitty male main character, and even worse shity villains which just make me laugh instead of being serious.

You can really see that Tsuzuki seems to dropped a level or two in seriousness and gone into infantile take similiar to DogDays in all of his series, which is a shame.

Also the promo arts from Vivid are great but that's all.
Maybe when this boring tournament will end in another 10-12 boing chapters maybe the real story will start(but I know it won't, it's like hopng for Force getting better and having proper villains too).
>You can really see that Tsuzuki seems to dropped a level or two in seriousness
This is unfortunate, because I thought his script for the first movie was actually very good. Well, aside from failing to develop Nanoha at all, but she's never been the most interesting character in the series.
Dunno, I assume that with movies and anime there were more people who worked with him on the script, while with mangas there's only him doing the plot and not letting the artist to improvise at all.

Sorry but a take throw as many new characters in(both in Vivid and Force) so you would not have to develop at all existing ones is kinda bad.

For old characters you get a page or few panels max with some standard action and that's all.

That is the biggest problem I have with Nanoha manga, it just don't make you care for the existing characters.

I have to admit that I really liked the Movie 1st manga which in comparison to Vivid and Force looked like was not written by the same person.
I think those problems are largely caused by the manga being mostly filler until the next anime series. He obviously isn't trying very hard.
I like Einhart, but it's probably because I like failure knights (such as Homura). Don't care about the rest of the cast, they don't have anything to put at stakes unlike Einhart. Life goes on if they fail in the tournament, but for Einhart, failing means she gets tortured even worse by the ghost of her ancestor.
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Even if the entire /u/ is filled with Nanoha and Fate it's still not enough....
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nanofate i'll post more later
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> sup
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Since I got curious myself; http://www.candied-dreams.com/curtain-of-gold-nanoha-and-fate
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i love this one :3
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saved :3
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happy family
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more family
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nanoha mama and vivio
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fate mama and vivio
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No solo images, please.s
This is one of those "needs a fanfic" moments, but how to approach it is beyond me at the moment.

There was a particular picture of VivioxEinhart that had the both of them in grown up bodies, could anyone post that?
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>There was a particular picture of VivioxEinhart that had the both of them in grown up bodies
No specific image comes to mind, but here's one.

(Sample due to high res, see https://yande.re/post/show/201662/ for original.)
Not what I was looking for, but MOST delicious!

I think the image was a poster for one of the games (on the PSP?)
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Even more

Damn these samples! Where are they coming from?
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Any smaller versions of this without the word SAMPLE?

http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/1003703/4girls-absurdres-ass-asteion-bath-bathtub-blonde_h The picture is 11.2 megs, dang.
>Size: 3500x2480 (3.4 MB)
>picture is 11.2 megs
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agree ......
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That Lezbot...
And then Fate spent the rest of the trip crying in her room.
THERE we go! Thanks!
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Who do you think is taking the photo?
That Nanoha face from feeling Subaru's metal ass-she masses about twice as much as a fully flesh and blood girl her size would.
Tea with that "hah, welcome to my life" expression
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Ahh the life- Fate has it
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>DAT look on Vivio's face
She just loves making Einheart flustered.
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Like mother like daughter. Nanoha did the same thing to Fate during their school years.
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>Implying Nanoha and Fate's D/s games don't involve Nanoha lending Fate to interested third parties
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Wow, it looks like all of them are gonna fuck...

Family foursome?

Oh Einhart entering a family with two devils as another dom, other is Fate...
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These four images seems to be chronicling the wedding, and then the after wedding.
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Last time it was posted in the TvTropes forum, it got nearly derailed into a Gunnerkrigg Court.discussion.

You will be missed, Hayate.
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Original size too large for upload.
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Original size too large for upload.
>Their devices are kissing
Oh come the fuck on, I don't think this can be called subtext anymore.
Was there any subtext?
Never with Vivio and Einhart. The whole "time lost lovers" makes it clear enough.
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there's no subtext you must be stupid if you think that
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Are there any continuations to this franchise, out of curiosity? I heard there was a manga after StrikerS but I never found it.

It's strange I haven't heard anything big, since I heard Nanoha was quite successful.
Force and Vivid.
Avoid Force if you don't like the idea of a male protagonist.
Two, Nanoha ViVid, a comic starring Vivio and her friends as Vivio carries on the family tradition of finding a bride and punching her (and getting punched) in kung fu battles until the age of majority.

And Nanoha Force, which seems to be trying to experiment with a male lead.
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Is there any official art where Nanoha and Fate looks each other instead of breaking the 4th wall?
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>breaking the 4th wall?
They're just looking at cameras.
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These two should be official ones.
I don't remember any where they are adults however.
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thanx fos this one
Just to clarify, these pictures of Nanoha and Fate staring longingly into each others' eyes are official art, right?
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Two new chapters of Vivid are out
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>>1289039 is from a Newtype article, >>1289038 was on the main page of www.nanoha.com and in some Nyantype article
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Might've been Nyantype
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Except we know she shares, all three sleep in the same bed when they're stationed together.
Also avoid Force if you don't like the idea of characters like Signum getting schooled like she was a two year old.
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Come on, Suzuki, make Fate and Nanoha have an open relationship in the StrikerS movie. Go out in a blaze of glory and purityfag tears.
I don't really get people's beef with characters getting beat up in force, though. I mean, really, A's started with Nanoha getting her arse handed to her by Vita.
Are you comparing Vita to the Huckbein?
I guess so?
>implying I even remember who the villains of force were
The difference is having a character either do well or even seem to win, then have a magic deus ex machina happen that completely invalidates everything before they curb stomped like they never had a chance in the first place.

For an example you may have seen, think about Asuka versus the mass produced Eva from Evangelion, and how she seemed to win, then they all regenerated and raped her so hard her kids will feel it.
Did my post even post?

Unlikely, 7Arcs seems to be having too much fun keeping the relationship "behind closed doors".
Well it's a correct thing to do, while keeping Nanoha an Fate pure in some pseudo Takamachi family relationship with each other and having Vivio, yuri fans get their dose that they are a canon and hot lesbian pair, while the typical waifu fans get two hot women being kept pure with a cute loli kid for them for the taking.

It was quite visible with that wedding pictures in that Type magazine, you could treat them as it's NanoFate wedding, but at the same time it could esily be just waiting for their Otaku husbando, like with most promo pictures.

Works in both cases, the most impotant part is to not alienate your fanbases.

Look at Vivid and Force, then GoD and also Innocent manga, and add Movies to that, they cover everything with them, but remain ambigious over relationships of main heroines.
>they cover everything with them, but remain ambigious over relationships of main heroines.
The NanoFate relationship have never been ambiguous, it's canon in the series and recognized as so by Japan. The only ambiguous thing is the reading comprehension capacity of some western fans and their constant homophobic-delusions.
>more homophobic than the japanese
>it's canon in the series and recognized as so by Japan
As Japan canon goes they are the best friends <3 officialy who raise Nanoha adopted daughter together, where the said daughter calls them both mamas, and all of them are the Takamachi family.

The official canon doesn't states anything about them being in romantic relationship/lovers stage, the same goes with all other important females in the franchise.

Even Caro and Erio relationship is nothing stated officialy.

Only official couple we got confirmed in canon during the timeline of this franchise is Chrono and Amy, and by Force Griffith and Lucino.

Of course it would be totally idiotic to dismiss Nanoha and Fate being a couple, but if it's that and they aren't together like that, they are two happy asexuals workaholics not interested in romance at all and happy being in a family.
And this is why America has been making Nanoha and other yuri or yaoi shows for years right?
Your country only knows how to make hamburgers.
>As Japan canon goes they are the best friends <3
No Japanese fans think that way, differently than us they have access to all the official media in their native language, and don't choose to ignore half of it because it makes reference to the relationship between two lesbian characters.
They have been a canon couple since 4 or 5 now, if you are still calling them "best friends" you must be still in A's or waiting for the second movie to come out in DVD to progress the series.
>The official canon doesn't states anything about them being in romantic relationship/lovers stage
Except, you know, in every installment of the franchise starting with Strikers and all the side material. Worth mentioning are both movie sound stages, Vivid, A la Care, all the regular numbered sound stages, or the latest Nanoha Party.
You must be living under a rock.
>>The official canon doesn't states anything about them being in romantic relationship/lovers stage
>Except, you know, in every installment of the franchise starting with Strikers and all the side material. Worth mentioning are both movie sound stages, Vivid, A la Care, all the regular numbered sound stages, or the latest Nanoha Party.
>You must be living under a rock.
Oh, so care to post any kind of official material which says that they are?
I'm quite curious cause I was following this series for years and I didn't saw anything like that.
You see this /u/? This is the same asshole troll who always claims het shit that isn't true about 2D yuri as well. Please to report this piece-of-shit on sight, every time for repeated banning.
But instead of writing some kiddy bullshit post, could you at least write what I posted was wrong and untrue?

I didn't claim anything, I just said what there is in official material, if indeed you know something more which brings NanoFate to official level in terms of romance, and which isn't jsut fans assumptions, please share with me with that knowledge in post.

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