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so, who's your prison waifu? My vote goes to the lesbo bus driver.

But it really is a great show. Lots of feels, lots of characters. Feels like OZ with chicks.
sup viral
>viral to a bunch of downloaders

yeah ok
It's good, certainly better than anything Weeds ever amounted to.

A little too much feminist shit for my liking, but what should I expect?
Miss Claudette is the coolest.
Pablo Schreiber cracks me up with the pornstache
I fucking love Red, but Laura Prepon gives me at least 6 kinds of boners
the intro is awesome.

>dat Regina Spektor
>>34966121 (OP)
I like it so far.
this is all on Netflix Instant?
>dat crazy eyes chick

chocolate and vanillaaa swiiiiiiiirl

best new show
Favourite character is Red, although Morello is hot as fuck. Just finished the last episode, pretty mediocre but I enjoyed the season overall.
Pity the poor lesbians and trannies! This show is just overdone liberal propaganda.
Are you saying otherwise straight men and women don't fuck in prison?

Because I have some bad news for you
>A little too much feminist shit for my liking

The perfect amount of feminism for my taste.

>kinds of boners

Oh yeah.
Some might. Maybe if they fuck a female guard or something. But the whole gay thing is overblown.
>being this mad

are you experiencing a state of euphoria right now?
>Jodie Foster directs one episode of Orange is the New Black
>Episode is titled "Lesbian Request Denied"
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This show is HAPPENING.
braced myself for full force femenism and demasculinization of the american male and it was actually alright. ignoring those two themes its a decent show. Jason Biggs is a faggot though but hes not too irritating

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